Visual Lease | Visual Lease Lease Software By Lease Professionals Wed, 22 May 2024 18:14:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Article: Carbon accounting software, one piece of the disclosure puzzle Wed, 22 May 2024 18:11:42 +0000 The SEC is making it known that environmental statements should be the equivalent of financial disclosures.

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The SEC is making it known that environmental statements should be the equivalent of financial disclosures.

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Bridging the Gap: The Power of Collaboration in ESG Reporting Wed, 15 May 2024 13:00:11 +0000 In the ever-evolving landscape of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) reporting within real estate management, there has been a pivotal theme: the essential collaboration between real estate owners and occupiers,...

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In the ever-evolving landscape of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) reporting within real estate management, there has been a pivotal theme: the essential collaboration between real estate owners and occupiers, particularly in the context of ESG-related data exchange. This topic, enriched by the expertise of industry standards leaders and insights from Visual Lease’s strategic advisors, has unveiled the shifting dynamics of partnerships crucial for robust and effective ESG reporting.

The Mutual Dependency in ESG Reporting

Burdened with reporting responsibilities, each party often lacks the complete dataset necessary to fulfill comprehensive ESG reporting requirements. This gap underscores a natural yet challenging dependency that necessitates a collaborative approach to exchange critical data, such as energy usage, to meet each party’s reporting obligations.

  • Shared Responsibilities: Both real estate owners and occupiers have distinct reporting obligations yet lack complete data sets necessary for comprehensive ESG reporting.
  • Necessity for Data Exchange: A natural yet challenging dependency requires both parties to share crucial energy usage data, among other things, to meet their reporting needs.

Overcoming Traditional Barriers

Traditionally, fostering this collaboration has been fraught with barriers. Agreeing to share data and deciding on the method of exchange have posed significant hurdles rooted in a longstanding lack of mutual understanding and trust between owners and occupiers.

However, the evolving landscape of data standards is emerging as a bridge to facilitate this necessary exchange. Developing these standards, focusing on the technical and process aspects and incorporating business case elements, is breaking new ground in how data sharing should occur.

  • Challenges in Collaboration: Historically, agreeing on data sharing and determining the exchange method have been significant hurdles between owners and occupiers.
  • Role of Standards: The development of data standards is seen as a bridge to facilitate this necessary exchange, with projects focusing on technical aspects, processes, and business case elements to aid in breaking down traditional barriers.

The Lease as a Data Sharing Platform

One notable area of evolution is the potential modification of lease obligations to include specific data requirements for ESG reporting. This adjustment acknowledges that occupiers often need information from landlords, such as meter readings and building system usage data, which they would not have access to otherwise.

Conversely, tenants may directly deal with power companies in situations like net leases, holding data that the owner lacks. The exchange of this data set, facilitated by tenant and landlord systems capable of exporting or importing energy data consistently and accurately, underscores the critical role of technical solutions like APIs in this process.

  • Modifying Lease Obligations: There is a growing acknowledgment that future lease agreements may need to incorporate data requirements to ensure both parties can efficiently fulfill their ESG reporting responsibilities.
  • Technical Solutions for Data Integration: Adopting APIs and a focused approach to data exchange mechanisms are essential for enabling consistent and accurate data sharing between tenant and landlord systems.

The Broader Impact of Data Standards

Furthermore, the discussion shed light on the broader impact that implementing data standards could have on managing energy data within organizations. Many entities struggle with consistent internal energy data management. Introducing an energy data model provides both sides of the equation—owners and occupiers—with a foundation to manage their energy data effectively, suggesting how these standards can be intricately woven into an overarching data strategy.

  • Confusion around Energy Data Management: Many organizations grapple with how to manage energy data internally consistently, which is where the energy data model comes into play.
  • Incorporating Standards into Data Strategy: The energy data model provides a foundation for owners and occupiers to manage their energy data effectively, suggesting how standards can be woven into overall data strategies.

The Psychological Shift Towards Collaboration

Yet, beyond the technical solutions and standards development lies a more profound challenge – the psychological barrier to collaboration. Historically, adversarial relationships between owners and occupiers must evolve to acknowledge that achieving ESG goals is a collective effort, necessitating a paradigm shift towards more collaborative dynamics. Efforts to demystify standards and emphasize their practical value are underway, aiming to make these standards more approachable and understandable, fostering a culture of collaboration.

  • Moving Past Adversarial Relationships: Recognizing that achieving ESG goals is a collective effort requires a shift in mindset from traditional adversarial dynamics to a more collaborative stance.
  • Demystifying Standards: Efforts are underway to make standards more approachable and understandable, emphasizing their practical value in fostering owner-occupier collaboration.

Ian Cameron poignantly summarized this mission: “It’s deliberately multifaceted because all these various stakeholders do have a significant stake. But you’re absolutely right. There’s a cultural barrier to this. Sometimes standards are not always on the top of people’s minds, but we’re also doing a lot of work to demystify what standards are all about.”

This statement encapsulates the essence of our collective endeavor—to leverage and clarify standards to enhance collaboration and efficiency in ESG reporting across the real estate sector. Through innovative solutions provided by Visual Lease and the shared journey toward sustainability and transparency, we are paving the way for a future where collaborative efforts drive meaningful environmental impact.

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Pioneering ESG Reporting with Technology and Data Standards Mon, 13 May 2024 13:00:39 +0000 In the continuing exploration of the intersection between Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) reporting and the evolving landscape of real estate management, our series on ESG innovation dives deeper into...

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In the continuing exploration of the intersection between Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) reporting and the evolving landscape of real estate management, our series on ESG innovation dives deeper into the integral role of technology and comprehensive data management. Drawing on the expertise of OSCRE International and the forward-thinking approach of Visual Lease, we uncover how technological advancements and collaborative efforts are setting new benchmarks for ESG reporting.

The Fusion of Technology and Data Standards

The collaboration between Visual Lease and OSCRE International exemplifies a synergistic approach to marrying technology with the rigorous development of data standards, significantly enhancing ESG reporting capabilities. Ian Cameron from OSCRE International emphasized the critical contribution of technology-focused companies like Visual Lease:

“It makes a real difference to us to have a clear idea of what kinds of data requirements fit, let’s say, energy data management… You are very much aware of that, and you’re sharing that, and again, that’s extraordinarily valuable because frankly, the proof is in the pudding at the detail level in these standards.”

This insight illuminates the importance of granular, technical knowledge in crafting standards that align with industry needs and bolster the integrity and functionality of ESG data.

The Pillars of Effective ESG Reporting: Integration and Implementation

A standout theme from our discussion is the imperative of data integration and strategic implementation beyond mere management. Bill Harter of Visual Lease discussed how working with OSCRE has enriched the evolution of Visual Lease’s solutions, particularly the VL ESG Steward™ platform. This tool represents a pivotal step forward, leveraging the collaboration with OSCRE to ensure comprehensive analytics and actionable ESG insights.

Leveraging OSCRE’s Work with VL ESG Steward™

The VL ESG Steward™ platform is at the forefront of applying the insights and standards developed through Visual Lease’s collaboration with OSCRE, marking a leap from compliance to strategic advantage in ESG reporting. It underscores the importance of a seamless data flow and detailed analytics in providing organizations with the insights needed for impactful environmental stewardship.

Broadening ESG Reporting Horizons

The dialogue with OSCRE opens new avenues for expanding into scope three operations and beyond. This initiative is poised to offer more precise estimations for ESG reporting, aiding companies in the complex landscape of scope three emissions and broader ESG concerns.

A Comprehensive Approach to ESG Standards

The collaborative effort to develop ESG reporting standards is comprehensive. Ian Cameron’s work on process flows represents an all-encompassing strategy to ensure tools like VL ESG Steward™ meet users’ sophisticated needs, enabling organizations to exceed ESG reporting standards.

The partnership between Visual Lease and OSCRE is not just a collaborative effort; it’s a pioneering endeavor to redefine the future of ESG reporting. We’re establishing a foundation for a new era of sustainability and transparency in real estate and beyond through targeted technology, detailed data standards, and a focus on practical application.

Reflecting on the depth of the collaboration, Ian Cameron remarked, “You focus on the detail and the technical aspects of some of the stuff that probably passes by most people’s eyes… And that’s extraordinarily valuable because frankly, the proof is in the pudding at the detail level in these standards.” This encapsulates the essence of our mission – to empower organizations with the tools they need to demystify ESG reporting complexities and contribute to a sustainable future. This conversation highlights the transformative power of integrating robust data standards with cutting-edge technology.

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Article: AT Think SEC climate rule has wide implications Thu, 09 May 2024 19:55:45 +0000 Nearly two years after sharing its proposal for climate-related disclosures, the Securities Exchange Commission announced its final rule on March 6. According to the SEC’s official statement from chair Gary...

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Nearly two years after sharing its proposal for climate-related disclosures, the Securities Exchange Commission announced its final rule on March 6. According to the SEC’s official statement from chair Gary Gensler, the goal of these requirements is to provide “investors with consistent, comparable, decision-useful information and issuers with clear reporting requirements.”

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Pioneering Real Estate Data Standards and ESG Reporting Thu, 09 May 2024 13:00:13 +0000 In the rapidly evolving landscape of real estate and lease management, the convergence of data standards and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations marks a pivotal era of transformation. We...

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In the rapidly evolving landscape of real estate and lease management, the convergence of data standards and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations marks a pivotal era of transformation. We embark on a deep dive into these themes through the lens of industry leaders, Ian Cameron from OSCRE International, a beacon in the real estate data standards domain, and Bill Harter, Principal Solutions Advisor at Visual Lease.

Shaping the Future with Data Standards

OSCRE International, a non-profit dedicated to developing and implementing real estate data standards, plays a crucial role in facilitating digital transformation across the industry. With a focus on enhancing data strategy and management, OSCRE’s Industry Data Model spans leasing, space management, and, crucially, environmental data management. This broad and diverse model is designed around implementable use cases, such as lease data exchange, ensuring practical application in the real world.

“Our collaboration with industry leaders, including Visual Lease, is vital in developing standards that truly meet the industry’s needs,” shares Ian Cameron, Chief Innovation Officer at OSCRE. “By focusing on areas like energy data standardization, we’re addressing the immediate and future challenges organizations face in managing and reporting environmental data.”

Visual Lease and OSCRE: Collaborating on ESG

Visual Lease’s involvement in OSCRE’s initiatives, particularly around ESG, underlines our commitment to addressing the nuanced demands of lease management in the context of sustainability. As part of OSCRE’s Data Standards Committee, Bill Harter contributes insights and drives conversations on how best to integrate and implement these crucial standards within our solutions, including our newest product offering, VL ESG Steward.

“Working with OSCRE has been invaluable in enhancing our approach to data standardization and ESG,” notes Bill Harter. “This collaboration not only enriches our understanding but also ensures that our products, like VL ESG Steward, are equipped to provide actionable intelligence for companies looking to improve their operations and reduce their environmental impact.”

Beyond Compliance: The Vision for ESG Stewardship

The journey towards comprehensive ESG reporting is more than a compliance exercise; it’s about equipping organizations with the data they need to make informed decisions that benefit their bottom line and the planet. By integrating OSCRE’s standards and leveraging diverse industry perspectives, VL ESG Steward is designed to offer more than mere compliance. It aims to deliver actionable insights, enabling companies to track and analyze a wide range of ESG-related data and metrics effectively.

“The real goal of ESG stewardship is to provide companies with the tools they need to make a real difference,” explains Bill Harter. “As we look to the future, understanding the broader implications of ESG data, from energy management to water usage and beyond, will be key to driving meaningful change.”

A Unified Front for Data and ESG Standards

As Visual Lease continues collaborating with Ian Cameron, Bill Harter, and other industry leaders, our collective efforts are setting the stage for a new era of data-driven decision-making and sustainability in real estate lease management. Through initiatives like the Energy Standards Data project and beyond, we respond to current trends and anticipate our industry’s future needs, ensuring our clients are always one step ahead.

“In the realm of ESG and data standardization, collaboration is not just beneficial; it’s essential,” states Bill Harter. “Together, we are not only shaping the standards that will define our industry’s future but also ensuring that organizations have the tools they need to succeed in an increasingly complex world.”

At Visual Lease, we empower organizations to navigate these changes, leveraging our SaaS solutions to provide strategic, financial, and operational outcomes from their leased portfolios. As we move forward, integrating robust data standards and a deep commitment to ESG considerations will continue to be at the heart of Visual Lease’s work. By fostering collaboration and innovation, VL helps organizations navigate today’s challenges and build a more sustainable and efficient future.

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Transforming Lease Management for Global Operations: A Journey with Visual Lease Wed, 08 May 2024 13:00:59 +0000 Managing a complex lease portfolio across real estate and equipment in global business operations presents significant challenges. Today, we dive into an insightful transformation journey spearheaded by the Director of...

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Managing a complex lease portfolio across real estate and equipment in global business operations presents significant challenges. Today, we dive into an insightful transformation journey spearheaded by the Director of Real Estate and Business Continuity at a leading conglomerate, encompassing Toshiba America Business Solutions and Toshiba Global Commerce Solutions. This conglomerate, part of one of the world’s most extensive networks, has successfully transitioned from disparate systems to a streamlined lease management process using Visual Lease.

Before the adoption of Visual Lease, the organization faced sustainability issues in lease management, compounded by new accounting compliance standards. The Director’s team, responsible for overseeing approximately 150 real estate leases and an additional 1400 equipment and vehicle leases, found an innovative solution in Visual Lease, marking a significant shift in how they managed their global lease portfolio.

The Challenges of Pre-Visual Lease Management

The lease management process was quite a hassle, relying on Excel spreadsheets and Lotus Notes as a makeshift electronic filing system. This method proved inefficient, especially with a lean team focusing on lease negotiations and strategic business needs. Searching for a more robust system led to exploring various platforms. Visual Lease stood out for its user-friendly and intuitive interface, simplifying lease abstraction and management tasks.

Visual Lease: A Catalyst for Efficiency and Collaboration

Adopting Visual Lease transformed the lease management process, empowering the team with tools to abstract leases efficiently, even with a lean staff. The platform’s ability to grant read-only access to stakeholders significantly reduced the overload of queries, enabling the team to focus on critical tasks. This accessibility and ease of use made Visual Lease an indispensable tool for the organization.

“One of our most important things that we can do is to provide good, reliable information in a timely manner to our decision-makers. Honestly, I believe that Visual Lease helps us do that, and it’s really been transformative, honestly, through my career here,” shares the Director, underscoring the pivotal role of Visual Lease in enhancing operational efficiency and decision-making.

Navigating Lease Accounting and ESG Reporting with Visual Lease

The transition to Visual Lease streamlined lease management and positioned the organization to adapt seamlessly to evolving lease accounting standards. The collaboration between the real estate and finance teams has been exemplary, ensuring data integrity and compliance with financial reporting requirements. Furthermore, as sustainability and ESG reporting become increasingly critical, Visual Lease’s potential role in supporting environmental and sustainability goals highlights its value beyond lease management.

A Future-Ready Approach to Lease Management

Visual Lease has become an integral part of Toshiba America Business Solutions daily operations, significantly impacting the organization’s ability to effectively manage a vast and complex lease portfolio. The Director’s participation in Visual Lease’s Customer Advisory Board reflects a commitment to continuous improvement and customer-centric development, ensuring that the platform remains at the forefront of addressing the dynamic needs of global lease management.
The journey with Visual Lease illustrates a transformative shift from fragmented and manual lease management practices to a streamlined, efficient, and collaborative approach. As organizations navigate the complexities of global lease portfolios, accounting standards, and sustainability reporting, Visual Lease emerges as a critical partner in fostering operational excellence and strategic decision-making.

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The Great GASB 96: Insights with Zena Thomas Mon, 06 May 2024 13:00:01 +0000 In the ever-changing world of lease accounting, staying informed and compliant with the latest standards and regulations is crucial for all organizations. Zena Thomas, a distinguished Product Owner at Visual...

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In the ever-changing world of lease accounting, staying informed and compliant with the latest standards and regulations is crucial for all organizations. Zena Thomas, a distinguished Product Owner at Visual Lease with a rich background spanning over two decades in corporate accounting, recently spoke about these challenges during a Visual Lease podcast. Zena plays a significant part in various roles, from auditing within financial institutions and Boards of Education to leading notable projects on corporate inter-company automation and crafting corporate ERP education for company mergers. Zena plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of lease accounting products as she closely works with clients to ensure our software meets and exceeds their intricate accounting requirements, and she leads the charge in developing innovative accounting solutions.

Key Insights from Zena Thomas on GASB 96:

  • Expertise and Experience: With over 20 years in the field, Zena’s extensive accounting background enriches Visual Lease’s product development, ensuring our solutions are deeply aligned with accounting standards.
  • GASB 96 Overview: GASB 96 addresses the need for standardized accounting treatment for subscription-based IT arrangements, establishing a framework for capitalizing software costs.
  • Comparison to GASB 87: While similar to GASB 87 in creating a right-of-use asset and liability, GASB 96 distinguishes itself with unique implementation stages, including preliminary, initial implementation, and operation/additional implementation stages.

    Our conversation dives into the complexities of the GASB 96 lease accounting standard, a subject of interest among government entities and other organizations. This standard marked a pivotal shift in the accounting of subscription-based information technology arrangements, aiming to normalize the capitalization of software costs. GASB 96 is was designed to mirror its forerunner, GASB 87, by establishing a right-of-use asset and a corresponding liability for these software arrangements. Yet, it sets itself apart by introducing distinct implementation stages not present in GASB 87. Zena Thomas shares:

    “GASB 96 is the accounting treatment for subscription-based information technology arrangements. It’s GASB’s response to questions around accounting treatment for software. Many entities were already capitalizing these costs, and they were looking for GASB to justify that treatment.”

    This in-depth discussion with Zena illuminates the importance of adapting to and implementing the GASB 96 standard, highlighting the evolution of lease accounting practices.

    Understanding GASB 96

    GASB 96 addresses the accounting treatment for subscription-based information technology arrangements, essentially acknowledging the evolving software capitalization landscape. The standard aims to provide a clear justification for this treatment, drawing parallels to GASB 87 but with notable distinctions, particularly in its initial stages.

    The Distinction from GASB 87

    While GASB 96 shares similarities with GASB 87, especially in amortization schedules, the differentiation lies in the initial implementation stages outlined by GASB 96:

    • Preliminary Stage: Costs incurred in the conceptual framework development are typically expensed as incurred.
    • Initial Implementation Stage: Costs associated with placing the asset into service are, for the most part, capitalized.
    • Operation and Additional Implementation Stage: Ongoing troubleshooting and maintenance activities may see a mix of capitalization and expense costs.

    Leveraging Technology for Compliance

    The transition to or concurrent handling of GASB 87 and 96 poses unique challenges and opportunities for organizations. While it’s feasible to calculate GASB 96 using GASB 87 methodologies, organizations are advised to employ specific platforms designed for GASB 96 to ensure accurate reporting and compliance. Visual Lease, for instance, provides a robust framework that can initially accommodate both standards, with plans to transition calculations to a dedicated GASB 96 module.

    Preparing for GASB 96

    For entities that were well-versed in GASB 87, the introduction of GASB 96 presented an opportune moment to begin preparations for compliance. Gathering data concurrently for both standards could streamline processes, offering a comprehensive approach to lease accounting standards compliance. With many entities still in the early stages of GASB 96 material development, there was a window for thorough preparation and strategy formulation.

    The evolution of lease accounting standards, evidenced by the introduction of GASB 96, underscores the dynamic nature of financial regulations and the imperative need for organizations to stay informed and prepared. As we navigate these changes, leveraging tailored technology solutions like those offered by Visual Lease can provide a strategic advantage, ensuring seamless compliance and optimized lease accounting practices. Whether deep into GASB 87 or just beginning your journey, now is the time to consider the implications of GASB 96 and how it will shape your organization’s future of lease accounting.

    The post The Great GASB 96: Insights with Zena Thomas first appeared on Visual Lease.]]> Article: C-Suite Concerns: Kathryn Eskandarian Of Visual Lease On The Top 5 Issues That Keep Executives Up at Night Fri, 03 May 2024 15:42:41 +0000 When it comes to business leadership, challenges are omnipresent. From rapidly changing market dynamics to technological disruptions, executives today grapple with multifaceted issues that directly impact their decision-making and strategic...

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    When it comes to business leadership, challenges are omnipresent. From rapidly changing market dynamics to technological disruptions, executives today grapple with multifaceted issues that directly impact their decision-making and strategic orientations.

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    Uniting Lease Accounting and Lease Administration Fri, 03 May 2024 13:00:23 +0000 In the complex world of business, understanding the difference between lease accounting and lease administration is crucial. Although they might seem similar, they each have unique and important roles when...

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    In the complex world of business, understanding the difference between lease accounting and lease administration is crucial. Although they might seem similar, they each have unique and important roles when it comes to managing lease portfolio compliance, maintenance, and optimization effectively. Having a better grasp of these processes and using them strategically can significantly enhance an organization’s operational efficiency and compliance posture.

    The Essential Role of Lease Administration

    Lease administration provides essential support to the Office of the CFO by carefully managing crucial lease data needed for ASC 842 and IFRS calculations. This involves ensuring accurate and timely communication of data with accounting teams, and managing:

    • Lease Amendments
    • Lease Changes
    • Lease Terminations
    • This smooth coordination helps generate vital schedules and reports necessary for adjusting and meeting financial statements requirements.

    The Dynamic Nature of Leases

    Contrary to the one-and-done perception often associated with lease recording, leases are inherently dynamic. A lease portfolio is subject to frequent changes, influenced by variable expenses, one-time charges, escalation amounts, and indexation. This flux underscores the necessity for a robust lease administration process, emphasizing the importance of well-documented procedures and playbooks, particularly in managing the complexities of international leases.

    The Undervalued Effort of Lease Administration

    Often underestimated, the effort and time required to build and maintain effective lease administration processes are significant, especially in the context of mergers or decentralized operations. Organizing a global lease portfolio demands a considerable investment of time and a detailed understanding of the nuances involved in lease management.

    Strategic Planning and Lease Data

    Lease data holds immense strategic value, informing forecasting, impact analysis, and space planning. In a post-COVID world, with the shift towards flexible and remote work arrangements, up-to-the-minute lease administration and data are pivotal in supporting organizational strategy and operational flexibility.

    Critical Components of Daily Lease Administration

    Lease administration encompasses managing portfolio changes, variable expenses, and risk mitigation. This includes new leases, amendments, renewals, terminations, and acquisitions. A key aspect is managing common area maintenance and operating expense reconciliations, a significant area for potential savings and error minimization.

    Mitigating Risks through Process and Dual Controls

    A solid foundation of processes and procedures is essential for mitigating ongoing risks such as missed or delayed payments, manual errors, and fraud. Implementing dual controls, such as verification calls for changes in vendor information, can significantly reduce the incidence of fraud and cybersecurity threats.

    “Process, process, process. If you document your processes and follow through, you’ll mitigate most of your problems and be a proactive asset to your internal teams.” – Jamie Covert, President Scribcor Global Lease Administration

    The discourse on lease administration circles back to a singular, powerful theme: process. Documenting and adhering to well-defined processes mitigates most problems and positions lease administration as a proactive collaborator across internal teams, including strategy, transactions, and accounting. Looking ahead, the evolving landscape of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) requirements and the critical role of space planning underscores the growing significance of lease administration in strategic decision-making and portfolio optimization.

    In the realm of lease management, understanding and leveraging the distinct roles of lease accounting and administration can yield substantial benefits, from enhanced compliance and operational efficiency to strategic insights and optimization of lease portfolios. As the business world continues to evolve, the value of these functions will only increase, making their mastery essential for organizational success.

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    The Stevie Awards® Name VL ESG Steward™ a Leading Compliance Solution Mon, 29 Apr 2024 13:35:45 +0000 Visual Lease’s latest platform extension continues to gain industry recognition for helping organizations track and report on environmental impact data in accordance with all major frameworks and regulations Woodbridge, NJ...

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    Visual Lease’s latest platform extension continues to gain industry recognition for helping organizations track and report on environmental impact data in accordance with all major frameworks and regulations

    Woodbridge, NJ – April 25, 2024Visual Lease (VL), the #1 lease optimization software provider, today announced that VL ESG Steward was named the winner of a Bronze Stevie® Award in the Compliance Solution category in The 22nd Annual American Business Awards®.

    VL ESG Steward is the first tool of its kind within the lease management and accounting space. The software converts consumption data of greenhouse gas emissions (CO2, PFCs, CH4, SF6, N2O, HFCs) using calculations based on the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Protocol and EPA energy grid emissions factors. VL ESG Steward tracks a wide variety of environmental factors across an organization’s portfolio of leased and owned assets, including energy consumption, water usage, waste management and more, and automatically converts it into the standardized measurement of choice.

    “As regulations continue to evolve across the U.S. and abroad toward standardizing environmental reporting, companies are prioritizing their lease and owned asset portfolio to gain visibility into a key measurement – their current carbon footprint,” said Robert Michlewicz, CEO of Visual Lease. “VL ESG Steward extends the value of our industry-leading lease management platform, providing our customers with confidence in their lease data so that they can establish related benchmarks, reach corporate sustainability goals and ensure regulatory compliance.”

    The American Business Awards are the U.S.A.’s premier business awards program. All organizations operating in the U.S.A. are eligible to submit nominations – public and private, for-profit and non-profit, large and small.

    “We appreciate receiving this recognition from The 22nd Annual American Business Awards® for our innovative approach to a new and rapidly evolving business priority,” Michlewicz added. “VL remains committed to helping businesses successfully navigate the regulatory landscape while creating financial and operational value. VL ESG Steward is our next step in satisfying the growing demand for accurate environmental data among investors, consumers and employees alike.”

    In February 2024, VL ESG Steward was lauded as a Top New Product in 2024 by Accounting Today. In 2023, VL ESG Steward was recognized as a finalist for a Software as a Service (SaaS) award within the category of Best SaaS Product for CSR, Sustainability and ESG, and also named a Sustainability Product of the Year by the Business Intelligence Group.

    VL ESG Steward will also be part of the People’s Choice Stevie Awards for Favorite New Product in the Compliance Solution category. To vote for VL ESG Steward, visit  Public voting ends Friday, May 24.

    To learn more about VL ESG Steward, please visit this link.

    About the Stevie Awards

    Stevie Awards are conferred in nine programs: the Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards, the German Stevie Awards, the Middle East & North Africa Stevie Awards, The American Business Awards®, The International Business Awards®, the Stevie Awards for Women in Business, the Stevie Awards for Great Employers, the Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service, and the new Stevie Awards for Technology Excellence. Stevie Awards competitions receive more than 12,000 entries each year from organizations in more than 70 nations. Honoring organizations of all types and sizes and the people behind them, the Stevies recognize outstanding performances in the workplace worldwide. Learn more about the Stevie Awards at

    About Visual Lease

    Visual Lease is the #1 lease optimization solution provider, empowering organizations to leverage their lease portfolio for strategic financial and operational outcomes. Our powerful and secure platform serves as a centralized system of record for all lease financial, operational and legal data, and is purpose-built to support every team that interacts with a company’s lease portfolio. Informed by nearly three decades of experience, our solutions help companies easily sustain compliance with FASB, IFRS, GASB and ISSB reporting requirements, and mitigate the risks and maximize the value associated with their lease records. Our award-winning software is used by 1,500+ organizations to manage more than 1 million real estate, equipment and other leased asset records globally. For more information, visit


    Media Contact:

    Erica Bonavitacola
    Visual Lease
    T+1 732 860 4838

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    Article: Finance And Real Estate Departments Play Critical Role In ESG Reporting Mon, 22 Apr 2024 19:24:39 +0000 Sustainability continues to gain momentum as the United States moves to standardize related reporting efforts. Most notably, the Securities and Exchange Commission recently announced its official guidance, requiring publicly traded...

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    Sustainability continues to gain momentum as the United States moves to standardize related reporting efforts. Most notably, the Securities and Exchange Commission recently announced its official guidance, requiring publicly traded organizations to report climate-related disclosures.

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    Article: In an Uncertain Market, Owners and Occupiers Focus on Lease Management Mon, 15 Apr 2024 20:22:43 +0000 While commercial leasing activity is anticipated to increase in 2024, it is also expected to linger below pre-pandemic levels, according to a recent survey by CBRE.

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    While commercial leasing activity is anticipated to increase in 2024, it is also expected to linger below pre-pandemic levels, according to a recent survey by CBRE.

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    Visual Lease Reports Strong Q1 Results, Building Momentum for a Successful 2024 Thu, 11 Apr 2024 14:37:34 +0000 Woodbridge, N.J. –April 11, 2024 – Visual Lease (VL), the #1 lease optimization software provider, today announced its Q1 results, reporting sustained double-digit annual recurring revenue and customer percentage growth,...

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    Woodbridge, N.J. April 11, 2024Visual Lease (VL), the #1 lease optimization software provider, today announced its Q1 results, reporting sustained double-digit annual recurring revenue and customer percentage growth, year-over-year.

    “At Visual Lease, we are witnessing a transformative year where Operational and Finance leaders are aligning to achieve value beyond baseline compliance requirements,” said Robert Michlewicz, VL’s Chief Executive Officer. “Our continued commitment to collaborating with our customers and partners allows VL to serve as a newfound system of record, seamlessly managing the entire lease lifecycle. We are proud to empower our clients by making lease operations, reporting and compliance sustainable – all while integrating data across their business to drive strategic financial and operational outcomes.”

    In Q1 2024, Visual Lease:

    • Named a Leader in nine G2 Spring 2024 reports, focused on how the platform is a fit for larger, more complex organizations, including: The Enterprise Relationship Index for Lease Administration, Enterprise Relationship Index for Lease Accounting, Enterprise Grid® Report for Lease Accounting, Enterprise Grid® Report for Lease Administration, Grid® Report for Lease Accounting, Grid® Report for Lease Administration, Mid-Market Grid® Report for Lease Administration, Momentum Grid® Report for Lease Accounting and Momentum Grid® Report for Lease Administration. This recognition validates VL’s unique ability to help systems and stakeholders across any organization work together to maintain accuracy as leases and regulatory requirements evolve.
    • Enhanced key platform functionality, including asynchronous reporting, empowering users to request reports while continuing their work elsewhere in the platform. VL also enhanced its Roll Forward Report to ensure continued, quality year-end reporting for its users.
    • Received accolades from Accounting Today, recognizing VL ESG Steward™ as a Top New Product in 2024. This is the third industry award that VL has received for VL ESG Steward since its launch in 2023.
    • Continued to elevate VL ESG Steward’s capabilities, introducing support for international energy grids, as well as support for estimates in addition to actual measures for carbon accounting. VL also introduced import templates to establish organizational and operational boundaries, and upload data and supporting documentation at scale across energy, waste, water, emissions, and climate risk.
    • Shared its in-house ESG experts’ perspective on the Security Exchange Commission’s final climate disclosure rule announced in March 2024 by hosting a news briefing with VL partner, FORVIS, and engaging with multiple publications, including Daily Mail, Bisnow, Globe St., Fortune, Yahoo! Finance and others.
    • Hosted its first Customer Advisory Board (CAB) meeting of 2024 for select customer representatives across organizations’ Finance, IT and Real Estate teams, providing a platform for all key stakeholders to discuss industry trends and share feedback on upcoming integrations and user experience enhancements.
    • Held its annual Sales Kick Off in St. Petersburg, Florida, gathering teammates across its sales and go-to-market organizations for several days of presentations, collaboration, and workshops. Two of VL’s valued partners, RSM US LLP and Baker Tilly, presented at the event.

    To keep up with additional announcements from Visual Lease, visit the Visual Lease Newsroom.

    About Visual Lease

    Visual Lease is the #1 lease optimization solution provider, empowering organizations to leverage their lease portfolio for strategic financial and operational outcomes. Our powerful and secure platform serves as a centralized system of record for all lease financial, operational and legal data, and is purpose-built to support every team that interacts with a company’s lease portfolio. Informed by nearly three decades of experience, our solutions help companies easily sustain compliance with FASB, IFRS, GASB and ISSB reporting requirements, and mitigate the risks and maximize the value associated with their lease records. Our award-winning software is used by 1,500+ organizations to manage more than 1 million real estate, equipment and other leased asset records globally. For more information, visit

    Media Contact:

    Erica Bonavitacola
    Visual Lease
    T+1 732 860 4838

    The post Visual Lease Reports Strong Q1 Results, Building Momentum for a Successful 2024 first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
    ASC 842 Lease Accounting Thu, 21 Mar 2024 16:30:32 +0000

    What is ASC 842?

    ASC 842 is an accounting standard issued by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) that governs the accounting treatment for leases. It requires companies to recognize lease assets and liabilities on their balance sheets for almost all leases, including operating leases, previously only disclosed in footnotes.

    ASC 842 Lease Accounting

    The purpose of ASC 842 is to increase disclosure and visibility into the leasing obligations of both public and private organizations. Where previously most leases were not included on the balance sheet, the new ASC 842 lease accounting standard requires companies to report right-of-use (ROU) assets and liabilities for almost all leases.

    These changes to financial statements make it easier for investors, vendors, government agencies, and business stakeholders to (1) see a company’s exposure to risk and true financial position, and (2) make comparisons between organizations.

    ASC 842 Summary of Changes

    The lease accounting standard ASC 842, replaces the lease accounting standard ASC 840.

    Why was ASC 840 replaced with ASC 842?

    Given the high cost of leases and their historical lack of representation on the balance sheet, the introduction of ASC 842 provides transparency into organizations’ lease liabilities.

    Before ASC 842, operating leases were not included on the balance sheet, which neglected to provide a full picture of cash flows from leases. This meant companies and investors were unable to identify how much debt was carried within a business’ lease obligations.

    The new lease accounting standard requires organizations to include operating leases and financial leases on the balance sheet, which increases visibility into leasing costs and arrangements. This ensures an accurate depiction of company financials.

    In addition, ASC 842 closely aligns with the new international lease accounting standard IFRS 16, especially in the way a lease is defined. This makes financial reporting more consistent for organizations with both U.S. and international lease assets.

    For more differences between the new standards, take a look at our IFRS & FASB Lease Accounting Changes page for a quick reference to all of the improvements.

    Who Does ASC 842 affect?

    ASC 842 affects private and public companies of all industries and sizes within the U.S., including construction, business services, healthcare, manufacturing, retail, hospitality, transportation and more.

    ASC 842 Lease Accounting

    The purpose of ASC 842 is to increase disclosure and visibility into the leasing obligations of both public and private organizations. Where previously most leases were not included on the balance sheet, the new ASC 842 lease accounting standard requires companies to report right-of-use (ROU) assets and liabilities for almost all leases.

    These changes to financial statements make it easier for investors, vendors, government agencies, and business stakeholders to (1) see a company’s exposure to risk and true financial position, and (2) make comparisons between organizations.

    Lease Accounting Updates

    Since FASB was issued ASC 842 in 2016, there have been numerous updates, such as:

    •       ASU 2017-13: Amendments to SEC Paragraphs
    •       ASU 2018-01: Land Easement Practical Expedient for Transition
    •       ASU 2018-10: Codification Improvements
    •       ASU 2018-11: Targeted Improvements
    •       ASU 2018-20: Narrow-Scope Improvements for Lessors
    •       ASU 2019-01: Codification Improvements
    •       ASU 2019-10: Effective Dates
    •       ASU 2020-02: Amendments to SEC Section on Effective Date
    •       ASU 2020-05: Effective Dates for Certain Entities
    •       ASU 2021-05: Lessors – Certain Leases with Variable Lease Agreements
    •       ASU 2021-09: Discount Rate for Lessees That Are Not Public Business Entities


    Lease Accounting Subtopics under ASC 842

    ASC 842 Lessee accounting for finance and operating leases

    Lessee accounting for finance and operating leases

    Under the previous guidance, ASC 840, leases were labeled capital or operating leases. However, their labels were changed to finance and operating leases under ASC 842.

    The criteria defining a finance lease is as noted under the guidance in 842-10-25-2:

    •         The lease transfers ownership of the underlying asset to the lessee by the end of the lease term
    •         The lease grants the lessee an option to purchase the underlying asset that the lessee is reasonably certain to exercise
    •         The lease term is for the major part of the remaining economic life of the underlying asset. However, if the commencement date falls at or near the end of the economic life of the underlying asset, this criterion shall not be used for purposes of classifying the lease
    •         The present value of the sum of the lease payments and any residual value guaranteed by the lessee that is not already reflected in the lease payments in accordance with paragraph 842-10-30-5(f) equals or exceeds substantially all of the fair value of the underlying asset

    If none of the criteria applies, then the lease would be considered an operating lease.

    Accounting for both the finance lease and operating lease are similar under ASC 842, unlike ASC 840. The new standard now requires both leases to recognize both the lease liability and the right of use asset on the balance sheet unless the lease is considered a short-term lease (12 months or less).

    Lessor accounting under ASC 842

    Lessor accounting has not had any significant changes under ASC 842. Similar to ASC 840, lessors still need to determine the type of lease to record, which will be either an operating lease, sales type lease or a direct financing lease.

    Under a sales type lease, the lessor is assumed to be selling a product to the lessee, which calls for the recognition of a profit or loss on the sale. For the lessor to classify the lease as a sales back lease, the lease must meet any of the criteria, noted within 842-10-25-2 (provided above) at lease commencement.

    Further, when none of the criteria in 842-10-25-2 are met, a lessor shall classify the lease as either a direct financing lease or an operating lease as noted within 842-10-25-3. The following criteria within the standard are as such:

    If both of the following criteria are met, the lessor should classify the lease as an operating lease:

    •         The present value of the sum of the lease payments and any residual value guaranteed by the lessee that is not already reflected in the lease payments in accordance with paragraph 842-10-30-5(f) and/or any other third party unrelated to the lessor equals or exceeds substantially all of the fair value of the underlying asset.
    •         It is probable that the lessor will collect the lease payments plus any amount necessary to satisfy a residual value guarantee.

    Otherwise, the lessor is to classify the lease as a direct financing lease.

    ASC 842: Financial Statement & Calculation Impacts

    Under ASC 842, almost all leases must be represented on the balance sheet with a liability and an ROU asset. ASC 840 capital leases and ASC 842 finance leases are substantially the same. Both are capitalized on the balance sheet, and the method for doing so is similar under both standards. Discover how the new ASC 842 standard impacts the balance sheet.

    How are lease calculations impacted under ASC 842? How can ASC 842 Compliance Software assist with these changes?

    ASC 842 requires lease obligations to be captured on the balance sheet. The calculations that are involved to stay compliant are extremely susceptible to error – particularly if done without automation.

    Lease accounting software assists with ASC 842 compliance by automating calculations and financial reports. It enables you to ensure reliable data – and provides transparency into the math behind the calculations.

    Without automated calculations or processes around lease management, you may run into issues related to human error or lack the ability to back up your calculations.

    ASC 842 Practical Expedients

    Businesses can elect practical expedients to apply the accounting guidance more easily. Depending on the type of practical expedient, they can be elected by lease, class of asset or as an accounting policy. Examples of practical expedients include:

    •         Initial direct costs for leases that commenced before the effective date
    •         The ability to use hindsight in evaluating lessee options to extend or terminate a lease or to purchase the underlying asset
    •         Locking in a lease classification
    •         Combining lease and non-lease components
    •         Failing to restate the prior year’s financials

    ASC 842 Disclosure Requirements

    The disclosure requirements for ASC 842 are quantitative and qualitative. Under ASC 842, a lessee must disclose information about the nature of its leases and lease terms and conditions. This includes general descriptions of leases and various details regarding terms and conditions, such as the basis that variable lease payments are determined.


    ASC 842: additional reading

    How does ASC 842 change the balance sheet?

    Previously, only capital leases — leases that are essentially purchase agreements — needed to be recorded on the balance sheet. But under ASC 842, most leases except for short-term leases must also be included on the balance sheet.

    In addition, FASB has changed the treatment of all leases to be intangible assets. This changes the terminology for capital leases, or leases that represent a purchase agreement. These leases are now called finance leases.

    This means companies must report ROU assets and lease liabilities for operating leases as well as for finance (capital) leases under ASC 842. So now IT and office equipment, vehicles, construction equipment, and other leased assets must appear on the balance sheet along with real estate leases.

    All the leases recorded under ASC 842 will now be part of the total reported assets and liabilities on an organization’s balance sheet — significantly changing the company’s financial statements.

    What is considered a lease under ASC 842?

    A lease is defined as a contract or an element of a contract that conveys the right of use (ROU) of a physically distinct identified asset for a specified period of time in exchange for payment.

    The identified asset can be property, plant, equipment, or other tangible assets. The period of time can be described in terms of the amount of use for the identified asset, such as the number of production units a piece of equipment will be used to produce, rather than in terms of time per se.

    Note: ASC 842 does not include assets that are covered in other accounting standards:

    • Intangible assets (ASC 350)
    • Minerals and biological assets including timber (ASC 930, 932)
    • Inventory (ASC 330)
    • Assets under construction (Covered under ASC 360)

    How has lease classification changed under ASC 842?

    Besides renaming capital leases “finance leases”, ASC 842 added a fifth lease classification question (“Is the asset so specialized that it is only useful to the lessee?”) to the test that determines whether a lease is a finance lease or an operating lease.

    Essentially, this question says that after the asset is returned to the lessor, if the asset will have no value to anyone else without a major overhaul by the lessor, then the lease would be classified as a finance lease.

    In addition, ASC 842 removed the so-called bright lines for the lease classification test. Previously these percentages were used to indicate what constitutes a “major part” of economic life (75%) or “substantially all” of the fair market value (90%); now these percentages are considered guidelines and you can elect whatever percentage you choose to use.

    • Transfer of title test: By the end of the lease term, will ownership of the asset transfer from the lessor to the lessee?
    • Bargain purchase option test: Is there a purchase option in the lease that the lessee is reasonably certain to exercise?
    • Lease term test: Does the lease term encompass the major part of the remaining economic life of the underlying asset?
    • Present value test: Is the present value of lease payments plus RVG (residual value guaranteed by the lessee) greater than or equal to substantially all of the fair market value of the asset?
    • Alternative use test: Is the asset so specialized that it is only useful to the lessee?

    What does a lease classification test tell you?

    Although almost all leases must be capitalized on the balance sheet under ASC 842, it is still necessary to classify them as either a finance lease (previously capital) or an operating lease. That’s because finance leases and operating leases are measured differently.

    The lease classification test determines whether a leased asset is essentially an alternative method of financing the purchase of an asset, or if the majority of the life and/or value of the underlying asset is controlled by the lessee; if so, it must be classified as a finance lease. Otherwise, the lease must be classified as an operating lease.

    Is there a low-value lease threshold under ASC 842?

    IFRS 16 includes a threshold under which leases can be considered “low value” and do not have to be capitalized on the balance sheet. However, FASB has not specified a low-value threshold for excluding leases from the balance sheet under ASC 842. If this is an issue for your organization, you can discuss it with your auditors to determine if you can use a materiality threshold.


    How to calculate a lease liability under ASC 842

    Lease liability represents the current value of minimum future lease payments. To calculate it, you need to make assumptions about:

    • The likely amounts owed under residual value guarantee
    • Whether you are reasonably certain to exercise lease renewal options, termination options, or purchase options

    The discount rate to use for the calculation is either the rate implicit in the lease (if known) or your organization’s incremental borrowing rate (IBR). Privately-held firms also have the option to use a risk-free rate.

    Keep in mind that the assumptions you make about lease options at the beginning of the lease often change over time. If during the term of a lease you change your mind about whether you are likely to exercise any lease options, you will need to remeasure both your lease liability and your ROU asset.

    How is ROU calculated under ASC 842?

    The ROU asset is calculated as the lease liability, plus or minus these adjustments:

    • Plus initial direct costs and prepaid lease payments
    • Minus lessor incentives, accrued rent, and ASC 420 liability at transition date

    Over the life of the lease, the ROU is amortized linearly. All of the assets and liabilities that adjust the ROU asset are reclassed from the balance sheet and included as one number to show the total leased asset.

    Why do embedded leases have a bigger impact under ASC 842?

    Previously, because operating leases were not on the balance sheet, embedded leases had little impact on the income statement since the expense was usually being straight-lined. But now that all leases must be capitalized on the balance sheet, you need to:

    • Examine all contracts to find any embedded leases within them
    • Separate the lease components (for use of assets) from non-lease components (payments for the service) within the contract

    Identifying embedded leases and their components is a complex task that takes time, judgment, experience, and consistency. It is another area where you might want to enlist the help and guidance of an accounting advisor.

     How to Transition to ASC 842

    Preparing for ASC 842 is a time-consuming, comprehensive effort that expands further than the accounting and finance department. It requires cross-departmental collaboration between IT, legal, procurement, etc.

    In fact, since the introduction of the new standard, impacted private companies have been slow to make the transition. In July 2021, The Visual Lease Data Institute (VLDI) reported 75% of surveyed private companies were not yet fully compliant with ASC 842. In addition, 40% said they were underconfident in their ability to comply with the new lease accounting standard because they didn’t have all the necessary lease data gathered.

    As of August 2022, The VLDI reported that while nearly all private companies (98%) have started the transition to ASC 842, one-third (33%) are still not fully prepared to implement the new standard.

    Businesses are under massive pressure as they attempt to prepare for their initial reporting period under the new lease accounting standard.

    The steps and milestones to ensure a successful transition to the new accounting standard are:

    •         Planning and analysis

    o   Determine project stakeholders and project lead

    o   Determine and approve budget for solution

    o   Collect and prep leases across portfolio

    o   Conduct needs assessment for a solution

    •         Software evaluation

    o   Kickoff software vendor evaluation

    o   Attend solution demonstrations

    o   Sign preferred vendor contract

    •         Implementation

    o   Gather business requirements and build timeline

    o   Complete software configuration

    o   Lease review, data analysis and entry

    o   Validation and testing

    o   Journal entry and disclosure pilot

    •         Go-live and transition

    o   Go live with software

    o   User training

    o   Adopt platform internally

    o   Transition to new FASB accounting standard

    •         Operationalizing and sustaining

    o   Ongoing maintenance (remeasurements, data management, change management)

    o   Annual reporting

    Benefits of New Standards and Implementation

    According to data from The VLDI, 71% of private companies believe ASC 842 presents an opportunity for their business.

    The new lease accounting standards encourage organizations to adopt a centralized view of their lease portfolio, providing them with an opportunity to prioritize a proper lease management strategy. In turn, this provides them with much of the information they require to remain adaptable in a post-pandemic world.

    Using a centralized system of record for leases provides companies with the ability to quickly and easily access crucial terms and clauses, such as the ability to exit, extend or change a lease.

    With this newfound visibility, companies can respond to unforeseen circumstances strategically, such as a retailer needing to shutter brick-and-mortar locations or exercise an exclusivity or force majeure clause to protect the future of its business.

    While some organizations manage and report on their leases using Excel, research has repeatedly shown that 90% of spreadsheets contain errors with 50% of processes enabled through those spreadsheets having “material defects”.

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    Article: SEC chief Gary Gensler is getting hit from all sides on his new climate rule Fri, 15 Mar 2024 17:20:12 +0000 It took Gary Gensler’s SEC two years to get a rule requiring companies to disclose their climate impacts approved, but it’s only taken days for opponents to file legal challenges.

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    It took Gary Gensler’s SEC two years to get a rule requiring companies to disclose their climate impacts approved, but it’s only taken days for opponents to file legal challenges.

    The post Article: SEC chief Gary Gensler is getting hit from all sides on his new climate rule first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
    Unlocking Strategic Value from Lease Accounting Fri, 15 Mar 2024 13:00:53 +0000 It’s clear that the journey towards and beyond compliance with lease accounting standards (ASC 842, IFRS 16, & GASB 87) is fraught with challenges and opportunities. The strategic importance of...

    The post Unlocking Strategic Value from Lease Accounting first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
    It’s clear that the journey towards and beyond compliance with lease accounting standards (ASC 842, IFRS 16, & GASB 87) is fraught with challenges and opportunities. The strategic importance of effectively managing a lease portfolio becomes even more apparent in today’s economic climate.

    The Evolution of Lease Management:

    The initial wave of adopting new lease accounting standards such as ASC 842 was not merely a compliance exercise but a transformative process for organizations worldwide. This transition period illuminated the potential for lease portfolios to significantly reduce risks and unlock real business benefits when managed with intention and strategic foresight.

    Maintaining Momentum in Compliance and Control:

    With the foundational compliance phase behind us, the enduring challenge for organizations is maintaining this compliance dynamically. This necessitates an integrated effort across various functions—real estate, finance, operations, legal, and procurement—to ensure information is accurately managed and utilized, minimizing exposure to risk and enhancing strategic decision-making capabilities.

    Insights from the Audit Front Lines:

    Audit and accounting professionals underscore the importance of meeting compliance mandates and leveraging the audit process as a strategic tool for refining lease management practices. Audits offer a unique lens through which to view lease agreements, providing opportunities to strengthen internal controls and operational insights.

    Emerging Topics on the Horizon:

    The transition to ASC 842 opened up a series of emerging topics that continue to evolve. The complexity of lease agreements and the dynamic nature of today’s economic environment call for ongoing diligence in lease management. The optimization and strategic advantage opportunities that arose during the initial adoption phase are just as relevant today, if not more so.

    Leveraging Lease Data as a Strategic Asset:

    The detailed lease data organizations have worked hard to compile and maintain is a veritable gold mine of strategic value. This previously underutilized information now allows management to make more informed and agile business decisions, optimize operations, and achieve cost savings on a previously unattainable scale.

    As we look back on the insights shared in the past and their application in the present day, the journey through and beyond lease accounting compliance emerges as a pathway to significant operational and strategic benefits. The detailed work required to achieve compliance offers a foundation upon which companies can build to streamline operations, negotiate better terms, and foresee future costs more clearly, transforming their lease portfolios into strategic assets that drive efficiency and savings.

    If you’d like to learn more about reducing risk and leveraging your lease portfolio to drive better outcomes, watch a quick overview of VL’s platform.

    The post Unlocking Strategic Value from Lease Accounting first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
    The Strategic Asset of Lease Portfolios Wed, 13 Mar 2024 13:00:40 +0000 Businesses have encountered unique opportunities to transform their lease portfolios from mere contractual obligations into dynamic, strategic assets. This evolution, spurred by effective management and the integration of cutting-edge technology,...

    The post The Strategic Asset of Lease Portfolios first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
    Businesses have encountered unique opportunities to transform their lease portfolios from mere contractual obligations into dynamic, strategic assets. This evolution, spurred by effective management and the integration of cutting-edge technology, has allowed organizations to diminish risk and unlock extensive operational and financial benefits significantly.

    The Evergreen Nature of Lease Management:

    Historically, leases have represented one of the largest line items on the expense ledger for many companies, overshadowed only by payroll. This reality was often overlooked until the advent of new lease accounting standards (ASC 842, IFRS 16, & GASB 87), which prompted a paradigm shift towards more stringent lease accounting and lease administration processes to ensure continuous compliance.

    As we look back from our current vantage point, it becomes clear that for Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) and their teams, the initial push for compliance was just the beginning. The ongoing challenge has been to sustain these efforts, leveraging appropriate technology and establishing controls that span multiple departments. The absence of a unified approach to lease management exposes organizations to various risks, including financial inaccuracies and missed opportunities for savings.

    From Compliance to Strategic Advantage:

    The journey beyond compliance has revealed the untapped potential of lease portfolios as catalysts for greater financial agility and operational efficiency. Visual Lease has been at the forefront of this transformation, providing a robust platform tailored to meet the nuanced needs of all stakeholders involved in lease management. This centralized strategy mitigates risk and enhances compliance, ensuring that critical decisions can be made swiftly and confidently.

    The Ongoing Revolution in Financial Technology:

    Financial technologies, particularly those designed to streamline lease management and optimization, have proven indispensable. These tools have facilitated adaptability to the fluctuating economic landscape and supported the efficacy of virtual teams, proving essential for modern business operations.

    Conclusion: A Look Ahead:

    Reflecting on our journey through 2023, the importance of leveraging leases as strategic assets has never been more pronounced. The foresight and strategies implemented have paved the way for businesses to not only navigate the complexities of the present but also to lay a solid foundation for future growth and optimization. As we build on these insights, the potential for innovation and efficiency in lease portfolio management remains boundless, promising opportunities for those prepared to explore them.

    If you’d like to learn more about reducing risk and leveraging your lease portfolio to drive better outcomes, watch a quick overview of VL’s platform.

    The post The Strategic Asset of Lease Portfolios first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
    Tech Will Be Key for SEC Climate Disclosures Tue, 12 Mar 2024 16:47:53 +0000 The newly passed greenhouse gas disclosure rule from the Securities and Exchange Commission will have a significant impact on many industries, including commercial real estate.

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    The newly passed greenhouse gas disclosure rule from the Securities and Exchange Commission will have a significant impact on many industries, including commercial real estate.

    The post Tech Will Be Key for SEC Climate Disclosures first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
    Article: SEC waters down climate disclosure rules Tue, 12 Mar 2024 16:46:35 +0000 The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) approved its anticipated climate disclosure rules but watered down emission disclosure requirements under pressure from politicians and lobbying groups, making it less stringent...

    The post Article: SEC waters down climate disclosure rules first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
    The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) approved its anticipated climate disclosure rules but watered down emission disclosure requirements under pressure from politicians and lobbying groups, making it less stringent than other jurisdictions such as the EU and California.

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    Article: Uncertain future for adopted SEC climate risk disclosure rule Tue, 12 Mar 2024 16:38:49 +0000 The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has adopted its watered down climate risk disclosure rule in a disputed 3-2 vote, but its future remains uncertain in the face of...

    The post Article: Uncertain future for adopted SEC climate risk disclosure rule first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
    The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has adopted its watered down climate risk disclosure rule in a disputed 3-2 vote, but its future remains uncertain in the face of legal challenges and increasing polarisation around ESG topics.

    The post Article: Uncertain future for adopted SEC climate risk disclosure rule first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
    Article: SEC adopts weakened climate disclosure rule in the face of strong pushback Tue, 12 Mar 2024 16:33:15 +0000 The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has adopted the long-awaited rule to enhance and standardise climate-related disclosures, with multiple changes compared to the original draft – something that SEC...

    The post Article: SEC adopts weakened climate disclosure rule in the face of strong pushback first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
    The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has adopted the long-awaited rule to enhance and standardise climate-related disclosures, with multiple changes compared to the original draft – something that SEC commissioner, Caroline Abbey Crenshaw, said represented “the bare minimum”. However, there has been a U-turn on including Scope 3 emissions.

    The post Article: SEC adopts weakened climate disclosure rule in the face of strong pushback first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
    Article: How the SEC’s Climate Rule Impacts CRE Tue, 12 Mar 2024 16:29:59 +0000 After a long meeting, the SEC in a divided vote passed its long-expected greenhouse gas disclosure rule. While it changed “quite significantly” from the original more extensive form, as Anna...

    The post Article: How the SEC’s Climate Rule Impacts CRE first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
    After a long meeting, the SEC in a divided vote passed its long-expected greenhouse gas disclosure rule. While it changed “quite significantly” from the original more extensive form, as Anna Pinedo, a partner with law firm Mayer Brown, tells, there is still significant implications for CRE.

    The post Article: How the SEC’s Climate Rule Impacts CRE first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
    Article: SEC Unveils New Emission Standards, Much To The Relief Of CRE Tue, 12 Mar 2024 16:21:24 +0000 The Securities and Exchange Commission voted 3-2 Wednesday morning to approve rules that would initially require large corporations to report part of their carbon emissions, but not Scope 3 emissions.

    The post Article: SEC Unveils New Emission Standards, Much To The Relief Of CRE first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
    The Securities and Exchange Commission voted 3-2 Wednesday morning to approve rules that would initially require large corporations to report part of their carbon emissions, but not Scope 3 emissions.

    The post Article: SEC Unveils New Emission Standards, Much To The Relief Of CRE first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
    Get Equipped to Master Your Equipment Leases Tue, 12 Mar 2024 13:00:07 +0000 As businesses navigate the complexities of the post-pandemic landscape, the question of whether to lease or buy equipment is more pertinent than ever. The global health crisis, followed by economic...

    The post Get Equipped to Master Your Equipment Leases first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
    As businesses navigate the complexities of the post-pandemic landscape, the question of whether to lease or buy equipment is more pertinent than ever. The global health crisis, followed by economic fluctuations, has significantly impacted the equipment leasing market, prompting organizations to reevaluate their leasing strategies and financial planning.

    The Significance of Lease vs. Purchase Analysis

    A thorough lease versus purchase analysis is at the core of any equipment financing decision. This fundamental strategy supports organizations in determining the most cost-effective method for acquiring equipment, considering the net present value of after-tax cash flows, correcting residual assumptions, and setting appropriate discount rates. This analysis is crucial for boardroom-level decision support and auditing, ensuring businesses make informed decisions aligning with their financial goals.

    The Impact of the Pandemic on Equipment Leasing

    Despite the challenges posed by the labor market, supply chain issues, and inflationary pressures, we’ve seen record years for equipment financing. The Equipment Lease Financing Association projects the market to grow from $1.1 trillion in 2020 to $2.5 trillion by 2030. This surge underscores the shifting preference towards leasing as a strategy for cash preservation and financial flexibility.

    Navigating Lease Accounting Standards

    The relatively recent accounting standard (ASC 842, IFRS 16, & GASB 87) updates have spotlighted lease execution, contract terms, and management. These standards necessitate heightened transparency and control over leasing contracts, pushing organizations to adopt best practices for managing the life cycle of leases. Consequently, there’s an increasing demand for sophisticated lease accounting and advisory services to navigate these complexities and optimize contract savings.

    The Role of Visual Lease in Supporting Equipment Leasing

    In partnership with leading financial advisors, VL delivers comprehensive data and insights for managing equipment leases effectively. This collaboration ensures that organizations have access to the latest strategies and tools for lease analysis, contract management, and compliance with accounting standards, enabling them to realize significant savings and enhance their lease portfolio management.

    Preparing for Future Lease Transactions

    As companies adapt to economic uncertainties and evolving market conditions, the emphasis on strategic lease administration has never been more critical. Successful lease management goes beyond contract negotiation, encompassing a detailed understanding of lessor capabilities, contract terms, and overall portfolio strategy. Organizations that invest in developing baseline metrics for their leasing activities can measure improvement and achieve substantial savings over time.

    By embracing advanced lease versus purchase analysis and leveraging strategic partnerships, companies can confidently navigate this evolving market, ensuring their leasing decisions support long-term financial health and operational efficiency.

    If you’d like to learn more about reducing risk and leveraging your lease portfolio to drive better outcomes, watch a quick overview of VL’s platform.

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    Article: SEC approves watered-down climate disclosure rule Fri, 08 Mar 2024 14:46:49 +0000 A divided Securities and Exchange Commission voted three to two Wednesday to approve a new rule that would require companies to provide climate-related disclosures to investors, but scaled back the...

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    A divided Securities and Exchange Commission voted three to two Wednesday to approve a new rule that would require companies to provide climate-related disclosures to investors, but scaled back the original proposal to exclude disclosure of so-called Scope 3 emissions from their supply chains, and to exempt many smaller companies.

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    Fund Accounting for Leases Thu, 07 Mar 2024 15:34:35 +0000 In the complex accounting landscape, fund accounting is a specialized area that demands meticulous attention, especially for non-profits, universities, hospitals, and governmental entities. Fund accounting is essential for these organizations,...

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    In the complex accounting landscape, fund accounting is a specialized area that demands meticulous attention, especially for non-profits, universities, hospitals, and governmental entities. Fund accounting is essential for these organizations, as it helps track the allocation and usage of cash designated for specific purposes, ensuring that funds are not misappropriated.

    Understanding the intricacies of fund accounting is crucial for maintaining financial integrity and compliance, particularly when managing leases. Leases represent significant financial commitments and are subject to strict reporting requirements, making the accurate tracking and reporting of lease-related transactions a critical concern for accountants.

    The Challenge of Fund Accounting for Leases

    Fund accounting’s primary challenge is its need to precisely monitor cash flows and obligations within distinct funds, treating each fund as a standalone entity akin to a department. This approach is fundamentally different from traditional business accounting, focusing on ensuring that money designated for specific uses is spent accordingly.

    For governmental entities, this is further complicated by the need to satisfy the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR), a comprehensive government-wide report detailing all financial activities and fund statuses, including those related to leases.

    Visual Lease’s Role in Simplifying Fund Accounting

    Visual Lease, a leading provider of lease accounting software, addresses these challenges head-on by offering solutions tailored to the unique needs of fund accounting. By automating the creation of journal entries that align with government-wide reporting and providing detailed insights into fund-specific transactions, Visual Lease enables organizations to maintain accurate and compliant financial records.

    Visual Lease’s platform offers flexibility, allowing users to integrate lease-related fund journal entries directly into their existing ERP systems or maintain them within Visual Lease for specialized reporting. This adaptability is crucial for organizations that manage their funds through separate ledgers or need to report on fund activities comprehensively.

    Understanding Accruals in Fund Accounting

    A fundamental aspect of fund accounting for leases is navigating the differences between modified and full accrual accounting. Most organizations are familiar with cash-based accounting, where transactions are recorded when cash changes hands. However, the shift to full accrual accounting under standards like GASB 87 requires recognizing expenses and revenues when they are incurred, regardless of when the cash transaction occurs.

    Government entities often operate on a modified accrual basis, focusing on short-term assets and liabilities alongside cash balances to provide a clear picture of a fund’s financial health. This necessitates maintaining dual sets of journal entries to comply with full and modified accrual reporting requirements, a complex process that Visual Lease simplifies with its robust software solutions.

    Setting Up for Success in Fund Accounting

    Successfully implementing fund accounting practices, particularly for leases, requires a deep understanding of an organization’s financial structure and the ability to track and allocate cash accurately. Organizations must have a clear organizational map from the outset, allowing for the precise movement and allocation of funds as needed.

    Visual Lease has proven to be an invaluable partner for organizations navigating the transition to GASB 87 and beyond, providing the tools and support needed to manage lease accounting with confidence and compliance.
    As organizations strive to adapt to evolving accounting standards and complex fund accounting requirements, the importance of leveraging specialized tools and expertise cannot be overstated. Visual Lease stands at the forefront of this challenge, offering solutions that ensure accuracy, compliance, and financial integrity in fund accounting for leases.

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    A complete guide for lease negotiations Fri, 23 Feb 2024 15:00:13 +0000 This guide shares what you need to know to understand different components of a lease, and how to be better informed to negotiate ideal lease terms to create additional financial...

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    This guide shares what you need to know to understand different components of a lease, and how to be better informed to negotiate ideal lease terms to create additional financial opportunities.


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    How is GASB 87 different from previous standards? Thu, 22 Feb 2024 13:00:58 +0000 In this blog post, we will provide a comprehensive breakdown of GASB 87 and explain what you need to know. Revisiting the Introduction of GASB 87 The lease accounting standard,...

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    In this blog post, we will provide a comprehensive breakdown of GASB 87 and explain what you need to know.

    Revisiting the Introduction of GASB 87

    The lease accounting standard, GASB 87, brought about a significant shift in how leases are accounted for. Previously, operating leases were kept off the balance sheet, but now they must be included. This change meant that public sector organizations saw a substantial increase in assets and liabilities on their balance sheets.

    How has GASB 87 Changed Lease Accounting?

    1. Increased Transparency

      Similar to the standards set by FASB and IFRS, GASB 87 aimed to bring more transparency to financial statements. With the inclusion of operating leases, stakeholders can now have a clearer picture of an organization’s leasing obligations. This increased transparency is essential for making informed decisions and understanding the financial health of an organization.

    2. Impact on Government Entities

      Governmental funds, including proprietary and fiduciary funds, experienced changes due to GASB 87. While fund balance accounting didn’t see significant alterations, comprehensive annual financial reports needed to reconcile fund balances with full accrual balances on government-wide financial statements. This alignment ensured accurate and comprehensive reporting of lease obligations.

    3. The Role of Lease Accounting Technology

      To navigate the complexities of GASB 87, implementing lease accounting software is highly recommended. This technology simplifies the calculation, reporting, and compliance processes, especially for organizations with substantial lease portfolios. By leveraging lease accounting software, organizations can maintain accurate records and alleviate the burden of continuous remeasurement and reporting.

    4. Managing Data Integrity and Internal Controls

      Adopting GASB 87 is just the beginning. Organizations must also prioritize the day-to-day management of lease data integrity and internal controls. Lease accounting software serves as a critical tool in this process, facilitating budgeting, cash flow forecasting, and document management. Strong internal controls are crucial for ensuring compliance and accuracy in lease accounting processes.

    5. Integration with ERP Systems

      Organizations have different preferences for integrating lease software with their general ledger systems. Direct integration between lease software and ERP systems can help reduce manual errors and streamline processes. This integration ensures seamless communication and data synchronization between different financial systems, improving efficiency and accuracy in lease accounting.

    In conclusion, GASB 87 has brought significant changes to lease accounting standards. Organizations need to understand these changes and adapt accordingly. By embracing lease accounting technology, maintaining data integrity, and preparing for future standards, organizations can navigate the complexities of lease accounting and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.

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    Article: How To Recognize ESG Reporting Risks And Opportunities In 2024 Wed, 21 Feb 2024 18:01:10 +0000 ESG (environmental, social and governance) reporting has evolved into an essential cornerstone of corporate well-being due to its influence on critical stakeholders.

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    ESG (environmental, social and governance) reporting has evolved into an essential cornerstone of corporate well-being due to its influence on critical stakeholders.

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    A Complete Guide to Commercial Lease Negotiations Wed, 21 Feb 2024 13:00:04 +0000 Best Practices for Negotiating Ideal Lease Terms We’re diving into the intricacies of GASB 96, a significant standard that government entities need to adopt, especially following the implementation of GASB...

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    Best Practices for Negotiating Ideal Lease Terms

    We’re diving into the intricacies of GASB 96, a significant standard that government entities need to adopt, especially following the implementation of GASB 87.

    For most companies, leases and operating costs are usually the second largest expense behind payroll. Yet, after the initial negotiation, companies often don’t keep track of their lease terms or obligations — and that can mean missed opportunities, overbilling and wasted time.

    Because leases are such a big investment, the ability to negotiate or renegotiate a lease is a critical part of managing business expenses. Lease negotiation requires understanding lease components and their implications, and then using that information to negotiate the best lease terms for your business.

    A great way to prepare for negotiating a new contract or renegotiating with current lessors is to review your existing lease portfolio. It can help you get a good grasp of your obligations under different leases, which lease terms benefit you (or not) and how much flexibility there may be for negotiation.

    How to Negotiate a Commercial Lease

    In this guide, we’ll look at three ways you can prepare for and effectively manage your next lease negotiation:

    1. Identify Opportunities to Negotiate Within Leases
    2. Evaluate Your Existing Leases
    3. Seek Expert Advice

    Identify Opportunities to Negotiate Within Leases

    In general, negotiation plays a bigger role in commercial leases than in residential or consumer leases.

    That’s because:

    • Companies often have needs specific to their business, such as the way a space is configured or special requirements for utilities and other features
    • Lessors may be motivated to accommodate those needs to help seal the deal

    In addition, businesses are more likely to lease larger quantities of equipment, vehicles and other assets than a consumer would. Although these leases often require customized contracts based on individual companies’ needs, most commercial leases include some common terms and standard boilerplate language.

    These terms and language might be negotiated at the beginning of a lease and then automatically inserted each time the contract renews, with little or no changes over time. However, there are a few factors that can help determine the flexibility and ability to negotiate lease terms.

    Factors that Affect Negotiation Power

    The amount of flexibility you have to negotiate a commercial lease often depends on the circumstances. For instance, if it is close to the end of a lease term and your landlord wants you to renew, you may have an opportunity to renegotiate a lower cost or other favorable terms.

    Other things that may affect your ability to negotiate include the size and value of the leased assets. For example, you may have some leverage to negotiate with prospective landlords if you are looking for:

    • Prime locations for multiple retail stores
    • Significant square footage for warehousing, a showroom or manufacturing facilities
    • Multiple office spaces to accommodate doing business in different locations

    The ability to negotiate a lease also depends on the flexibility of the property owner or provider. A landlord who is anxious to fill a vacancy may be willing to negotiate an incentive for you to lease, such as a generous Tenant Improvement Allowance (TIA) for customizing an office space to your needs.

    Renegotiation of a lease in the middle of a lease term could be triggered by a hardship of some kind, such as a distressed market, a significant business disruption or even bankruptcy. In these cases, lessors may be more inclined to negotiate so that they get something rather than nothing.

    For example, if you lease a large amount of square footage or a highly visible location in a mall or office building, the landlord may work with you on desirable lease terms to avoid having the space sit empty.

    Lease Clauses in a Post-Pandemic, Hybrid Work World

    As the world recovered from Covid-19, corporate real estate planning became more complicated than ever. Businesses across all industries continue to be in cash-conservation mode, looking to cut costs and remain agile in response to economic uncertainties.

    Now, many leases directly consider and may include:

    • A pandemic clause, clarifying the rights and obligations of both parties in the event of unforeseen circumstances, such as future pandemics or other force majeure events
    • Health and safety protocols, specifying the measures each party must take to ensure a safe and healthy working environment, including sanitation, cleaning, and compliance with health guidelines
    • Dispute resolution for pandemic-related issues, establishing a clear process for resolving disputes related to pandemic-related matters, such as rent abatement due to government-mandated closures.
    • Government assistance coordination, describing how parties will cooperate in obtaining and managing government assistance programs that may be available during times of crisis.

    Even more so, there is now an emphasis on “hoteling” — an office arrangement where employees don’t have assigned workstations and instead reserve or use available workspaces temporarily — as well as spaces created with collaboration in mind, such as huddle rooms, team neighborhoods, and social zones.

    These may be incorporated through flexibility in space utilization clause, allowing for flexibility in the use of space, potentially permitting tenants to adjust the layout or configuration based on changing needs or social distancing requirements, or through a negotiated tenant improvement allowance to help offset the expenses associated with incorporating this new office needs.

    The widespread effects of the COVID-19 pandemic has had a strong impact on both lessees and lessors. On one hand, landlords whose properties have been affected want to recover as much rent as they can. At the same time, many tenants have been looking for some form of relief from their rent obligations had experienced some level of unoccupancy to their corporate real estate leased properties due to office closures. Still, nearly half (47%) of the companies paid full rent on unoccupied properties — and a small fraction (8%) paid no rent. Regardless, more than half the companies planned to ask landlords for some rent relief, such as application of their security deposit or a rent abatement, reduction or deferral.

    Tenants have looked to their leases for clauses like force majeure, casualty or business interruption to save money on rent.

    However, these clauses have not been commonly found to apply to COVID-19, given it was unusual to include specific language about a pandemic in lease clauses before the current climate. However, that is something that may change in the future through lease negotiations.

    Alternatively, some tenants and landlords have worked together during the pandemic on lease negotiations to ensure that both can stay in business during and after the crisis, and the landlord can continue to collect revenue from assets.

    Evaluate Your Existing Leases

    Your existing leases are a valuable source of information that can help your business negotiate new leases or renegotiate existing agreements.

    Any lease that has been customized to your business needs provides an opportunity for you to identify lease language that has worked in your favor. Moving forward, you can choose to establish that language as a standard to use in new leases or renewal negotiations.

    Conversely, if existing leases contain language that has not worked well for your business, you can try to avoid those terms in new contracts or renegotiate them at the time of lease renewal.

    What to Look for in Current Leases

    Naturally, you want to know what your rent and other lease payments are — but you also want a clear picture of what you are getting for the money. For example:

    • How many offices or how much space do you lease from the same landlord?
    • What is your cost per square foot?
    • Is the cost based on occupied space? Or on total square footage?
    • Is your rent comparable to what other lessees in the building are paying?
    • Is your monthly payment comparable to or better than the current market rates?
    • Are you paying for common area maintenance (CAM) and if so, how?
    • Are there other shared costs (such as water or other utilities) and if so, are you paying more than your fair share?

    In addition, you should look at your leases to determine whether your termination rights and renewal terms are favorable to your business. How easy is it for you to get in or out of leased spaces?

    • Is there a “lease kickout,” or a threshold that allows you to terminate a lease if the location is not operating profitably?
    • Is there a clause that allows you to terminate the lease on a retail location if there is a significant reduction in foot traffic or if an anchor store closes?
    • If you have multiple leases and critical dates with the same landlord, can you trade off and move locations to make the best use of all the leased spaces?

    Lastly, you should know where you are in your current lease terms, to be aware of automatic renewals, deadlines you must act on and possible opportunities to renegotiate before you renew.

    For instance:

    • If you have several leases with the same landlord — such as space in multiple offices or malls — how much of your portfolio is about to expire? If a large number of leases are involved, the upcoming expirations may give you significant leverage in negotiations.
    • Are your lease obligations short-term or long-term? If they are short term, you may soon have a chance to revisit lease language and make changes that will benefit your business.

    How to Search for Pertinent Lease Language
    With this kind of visibility into the details of your current leases, you are in a position to evaluate whether there is language you would like to renegotiate when a lease renews — or language you want to incorporate or avoid when entering into a new contract.

    Manually searching through every lease for specific clauses and language is an incredibly time-consuming and cumbersome task. (Just ask anyone who has implemented lease accounting standards — ASC 842, IFRS 16, GASB 87.)

    But by utilizing lease accounting and management technology, you can more clearly identify all your lease obligations and crucial lease language, which enables you to keep track of current financial obligations and critical dates, plus important details to help with future lease negotiations.

    For example, lease management software can help you identify if you paid for space you did not use — or overpaid for services such as cleaning or utilities. Armed with that information, you can look out for those issues in new leases or address them in current leases prior to renewal.

    With all your leases and important terms entered into a centralized system of record system, you can easily group information, generate reports and view a complete picture of your lease portfolio. You can also view individual lease details and cut data by region, landlord/lessor, expiration dates and other criteria.

    Creating a digital portfolio of abstracted leases lets you search for both ideal and low-performing lease language to:

    • Identify lease terms that previously worked well for your business and use them in new leases
    • Avoid under-performing language in new or renewing leases
    • Renegotiate where possible based on what works well and what does not

    The lease management system you choose should allow you to bookmark specific language and establish it as a standard that you want to repeat in the future, such as:

    • A previously negotiated, favorable holdover rent rate of 125%, versus the typical 150% or even 200%
    • CAM pro rata share language that bases the fee on the square footage of the space you occupy rather than the total square footage

    Further, a robust lease accounting and management system such as Visual Lease enables you to search for and identify automatic renewals on leases that you negotiated long ago, which gives you the opportunity to easily determine whether the terms are still favorable or if they need to be renegotiated.

    Seek Expert Advice

    Engaging with professionals, such as brokers or lawyers, can help you make smarter, more informed decisions about your leases. Lease experts can provide sound advice and help you better interpret and understand lease language, the current market conditions and your overall negotiation options.

    Consult a Broker

    Brokers are not experts in lease documents and legality. However, they can provide insights about the marketplace to help you decide whether to invest in a particular lease. For instance:

    • Does it make sense to sign a long-term lease at current prices — or are prices likely to come down further?
    • Do current lending rates make buying a better option than leasing in some markets?

    A broker can perform a market analysis, which includes the typical pricing in a given area. In addition, brokers often know the lessors and are familiar with their business and reputation — added information that can be helpful to you as a potential lessee.

    When you work with a real estate broker, they can help you better understand the current market and what is happening in neighboring communities.

    For example, in the aftermath of COVID-19, a broker can tell you if there are have been rising vacancies and falling rents in certain locations. Those are trends that may open the door to negotiating with owners who are eager to have their properties occupied and generating revenue.

    The same is true for equipment, vehicles and other frequently leased assets. There, brokers can tell you if prices are down or new stock is not moving — possibly giving you an opportunity to negotiate a price or opt to buy while the market is soft.

    Additionally, there are brokers who specialize in meeting different needs based on the health of a business and its goals. For instance, there are real estate brokers who help companies lease high-end spaces. There are also brokers who help companies during situations such as severe market downturns or bankruptcies.

    Still, remember that brokers are not experts in the legalities of lease language. Therefore, you should consult with an attorney regarding any lease.

    Work with an Attorney

    Before you commit to a lease — whether it is new, renewed or renegotiated — you should always work with an attorney. He or she can identify the high and low liability aspects of the lease and help make sure that you:

    • Get the best terms in legal protections
    • Limit your risks from a casualty and insurance standpoint
    • Understand the boilerplate language often included as standard in leases (such as waiving the right to a jury trial)
    • Know what all your obligations are according to the lease and agree with those terms

    In lease negotiations, an attorney can ensure that a lease includes ideal language to protect your interests. This adds a level of refinement and enforceability that only a legal expert can provide.

    Unlike a broker or other layperson, an attorney has the expertise to guide you through negotiations and manage complex lease language such as casualty and force majeure clauses. Just as you should always consult an attorney before signing a new contract, it is also important to have an attorney review the documents for lease renewals and renegotiations. Additionally, there may be times when it is appropriate to use an attorney to revisit previously negotiated boilerplate language.

    For instance, when you work with the same landlord for a long period of time or a multiple-lease portfolio, you tend to negotiate some standard language and then update the lease as needed in areas such as:

    • Business terms
    • Location-specific charges
    • Insurance language

    Ideally, you can work with the same attorney who was involved in negotiating the original lease, who can compare the documents and redline any changes or additions. At the very least, a new attorney can review the lease to make sure your interests are protected and there are no red flags.

    Get a head start on your negotiation power with a powerful lease accounting and management tool. More than 1500 companies have used Visual Lease as their system of record for all leased real estate and equipment assets. Through proper lease management within one easy-to-use tool, you can simplify and automate lease information that you can leverage for more successful lease negotiations.

    About Visual Lease:

    Visual Lease is the #1 lease optimization solution provider, empowering organizations to leverage their lease portfolio for strategic financial and operational outcomes. Our powerful and secure platform serves as a centralized system of record for all lease financial, operational and legal data, and is purpose-built to support every team that interacts with a company’s lease portfolio. Informed by nearly three decades of experience, our solutions help companies easily sustain compliance with FASB, IFRS, GASB and ISSB reporting requirements, and mitigate the risks and maximize the value associated with their lease records. Our award-winning software is used by 1,500+ organizations to manage more than 1 million real estate, equipment and other leased asset records globally. For more information, visit

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    A Breakdown of GASB 96: 6 Things You Need to Know Tue, 20 Feb 2024 13:00:03 +0000 We’re diving into the intricacies of GASB 96, a significant standard that government entities need to adopt, especially following the implementation of GASB 87. The Essence of GASB 96 GASB...

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    We’re diving into the intricacies of GASB 96, a significant standard that government entities need to adopt, especially following the implementation of GASB 87.

    1. The Essence of GASB 96

      GASB 96 deals with subscription-based information technology arrangements (SBITA), a new area of focus for government entities. This standard requires these entities to identify SaaS agreements and include them on their balance sheets for the first time, ensuring consistent treatment for state and local governments.

    2. Preparation and Comparison with GASB 87

      If your organization has already tackled GASB 87, you’re in an excellent position to handle GASB 96. The process and methodology are similar, aiming to bring uniformity in reporting. GASB 96, like its predecessor, necessitates identifying and consolidating relevant agreements into the balance sheet, creating both an asset and a liability.

    3. Timing and Challenges

      The GASB 96 regulation became effective as of June 15, 2022. Some entities were still grappling with GASB 87, hence the staggered approach to adopting GASB 96. The primary challenge lies in the capacity and bandwidth to implement these standards efficiently.

    4. Roles of IT and Accounting Departments

      The IT department and the accounting team play a pivotal role in this transition. GASB 96 will primarily impact IT, as it revolves around technology agreements. These departments must comb through contracts to classify and account for them appropriately under the new standard.

    5. Cost Considerations and Implementation

      Implementing GASB 96 involves identifying costs at different contract stages, such as preliminary, initial implementation, and operation stages. These need to be either capitalized or expensed, adding a layer of complexity to the process.

    6. Leveraging Technology

      Organizations implementing lease accounting technology for GASB 87 will find it beneficial to use similar technology for GASB 96. The similarity in concepts between the two standards means that adapting existing software solutions can streamline adoption.

    The transition to GASB 96 might be smoother than GASB 87 due to its specific focus on information technology agreements. However, the primary challenge remains the limited resources available to organizations to adopt these comprehensive standards concurrently.

    In conclusion, GASB 96 represents a significant shift in how subscription-based IT arrangements are reported and accounted for, mirroring the changes brought about by GASB 87 in lease accounting. As organizations adapt to these new standards, understanding and leveraging the right tools and strategies will be essential to successful implementation.

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    2024 Lease Accounting Trends and Solutions Fri, 16 Feb 2024 13:00:05 +0000 In our latest blog post, we delve into the findings of our Visual Lease Data Institute (VLDI) research that sheds light on the evolving terrain of lease accounting. About the...

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    In our latest blog post, we delve into the findings of our Visual Lease Data Institute (VLDI) research that sheds light on the evolving terrain of lease accounting.

    About the Research: We surveyed senior finance and accounting professionals alongside financial management experts in government sectors.

    The research offers a revealing look at the challenges and solutions in the realm of lease accounting. As we unpack the intricacies of standards ASC 842 and GASB 87, we discover the significant impact of talent shortages, the struggle for knowledge retention, and the pivotal role of innovative software solutions in streamlining lease accounting processes.

    Challenges in Lease Accounting

    A critical finding is the impact of talent shortages and retention issues on adopting lease accounting standards.

    • Both sectors report their teams being stretched thin, with significant concerns over employee burnout.
    • Knowledge maintenance is another major hurdle, with a substantial percentage of both sectors finding it challenging to maintain compliance.

    Overcoming Lease Accounting Challenges with Technology

    Successful companies have overcome talent shortages by leveraging centralized systems for lease accounting and administration.

    • Third-party lease accounting software has been instrumental in streamlining tasks, improving accuracy, and ensuring regulation compliance.
    • Such software saves significant hours for private and public entities and provides essential customer support.

    The journey toward lease accounting compliance is fraught with challenges, but organizations can navigate these complexities effectively with the right tools and support. Visual Lease’s insights and solutions provide a roadmap for businesses to turn these challenges into opportunities for growth and strategic advantage.

    For more insights, visit the VLDI section of our website.

    About The Visual Lease Data Institute

    The Visual Lease Data Institute is a hub for key data trends insights on lease accounting, management, and optimization. It’s a resource designed to equip businesses with the necessary knowledge for lease accounting compliance and to use leases as strategic assets. The institute’s expertise is recognized widely, with mentions in prominent publications like The Wall Street Journal and Forbes.

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    Tax Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic Thu, 15 Feb 2024 13:00:05 +0000 We’re delving into the complex world of lease accounting and its tax implications, particularly in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. We’ll share valuable insights into how businesses, especially retailers,...

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    We’re delving into the complex world of lease accounting and its tax implications, particularly in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. We’ll share valuable insights into how businesses, especially retailers, navigated the challenges posed by the pandemic using their lease agreements.

    During the pandemic, many businesses had to engage with landlords for financial concessions without fully considering these negotiations’ tax and cash implications. This lack of understanding led to unexpected tax consequences.

    Key Lessons for Retailers

    Retailers learned crucial lessons about leveraging their lease agreements during the early days of COVID-19. Educating clients on the tax implications of their lease decisions was vital.

    • One significant aspect was understanding the principles of code section 467, which ensures the matching of income and expenses in leasing transactions.
    • Without this knowledge, businesses risked incurring tax liabilities without the corresponding cash flow.

    E-Commerce Pivot and Tax Consequences

    While some retailers successfully pivoted to e-commerce, many were unprepared for this shift, leading to significant financial strains. Additionally, landlords forgoing rent presented another set of challenges, as the deferred payments still triggered tax liabilities under certain conditions. Businesses had to navigate these complexities without fully understanding the tax implications.

    Mitigating Negative Impacts with Better Understanding

    A firmer grasp of lease accounting and tax ramifications could have helped businesses mitigate the adverse effects of the pandemic. Structuring leases differently, for instance, could align cash flow with income recognition, providing much-needed relief.

    Broader Industry Implications

    These issues weren’t limited to retailers; other industries faced similar challenges. For example, manufacturers owning property had to consider sale and leaseback arrangements to survive, which required careful tax planning to avoid unintended consequences.

    The Role of Tax Professionals in Business Decisions

    Businesses need to involve tax professionals in their decision-making processes. While tax considerations shouldn’t drive business decisions, they are crucial in structuring transactions efficiently to avoid adverse tax implications.

    The pandemic underscored the importance of understanding the intersection of lease accounting and tax implications. Businesses that navigated this complex landscape effectively were able to turn challenges into opportunities, demonstrating the critical role of informed decision-making and expert guidance in the ever-evolving business environment.

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    Controls to Consider for Sustainable Lease Accounting Wed, 14 Feb 2024 21:42:43 +0000 Lease accounting compliance isn’t a one-and-done disclosure, it’s an entirely new approach to accounting and an ongoing process. To make ongoing operations, reporting and compliance sustainable, you need controls that...

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    Lease accounting compliance isn’t a one-and-done disclosure, it’s an entirely new approach to accounting and an ongoing process. To make ongoing operations, reporting and compliance sustainable, you need controls that address the entire lease workflow.

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    Closing the Books on 2023: Tips for a Smooth Year-End Close Wed, 14 Feb 2024 19:44:02 +0000 As the fiscal year ends, finance departments are undertaking the detailed process of year-end closing. This task demands intense focus on financial specifics and collaborative efforts across various functions to...

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    As the fiscal year ends, finance departments are undertaking the detailed process of year-end closing. This task demands intense focus on financial specifics and collaborative efforts across various functions to guarantee precise and accurate results.

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    6 Best Practices for ASC 842 Wed, 14 Feb 2024 13:00:23 +0000 Adopting the ASC 842 lease accounting standard has been one of the most impactful changes in accounting practices, particularly for private companies gearing up for compliance. Drawing from the experience...

    The post 6 Best Practices for ASC 842 first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
    Adopting the ASC 842 lease accounting standard has been one of the most impactful changes in accounting practices, particularly for private companies gearing up for compliance. Drawing from the experience of public companies that have already transitioned, here are some key insights and best practices:

    1. ASC 842 Is a Major Shift

      Auditing costs have been on the rise, driven by factors such as inflation, the impact of COVID-19, and company restructuring activities. According to a Gartner survey, a significant 62% of companies expect an increase in their audit fees. This upward trend in costs is directly linked to lease accounting.

    2. Preparation Beyond Technology

      Compliance with ASC 842 involves more than just implementing technology. It’s about thoroughly understanding and managing lease contracts, and ensuring cross-functional team involvement, particularly from finance personnel.

    3. Challenge of Lease Management

      Many companies struggle with lease management due to a lack of a centralized system or owner. This can lead to challenges in accurately accounting for leases.

    4. Day 1 Compliance and Beyond

      Achieving compliance starts by bringing all leases onto the balance sheet as a right of use asset and related liability. However, it also involves tracking and accounting for every lease change throughout the reporting period.

    5. Risks of Inaccuracy

      Without the proper tools and processes, there is a risk of inaccuracies in journal entries and disclosures, especially for companies with a large number of leases.

    6. The Burden of Volume

      The volume of leases can significantly complicate compliance. For instance, companies need to book an opening journal entry for all active leases at the start of the year, which can be a daunting task for those with numerous leases.

    In conclusion, transitioning to ASC 842 requires a comprehensive approach that goes beyond just adopting new software. It’s crucial for companies to act promptly, ensure thorough preparation, and involve cross-functional teams to navigate this change successfully.

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    The Importance of Lease Accounting Automation Tue, 13 Feb 2024 13:00:08 +0000 In today’s fast-paced business environment, lease accounting has become an increasingly complex task for organizations. Manual processes and outdated tools like Excel not only pose a high risk of errors...

    The post The Importance of Lease Accounting Automation first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
    In today’s fast-paced business environment, lease accounting has become an increasingly complex task for organizations. Manual processes and outdated tools like Excel not only pose a high risk of errors but also result in rising audit fees. To address these challenges, companies are turning to lease accounting automation. In this blog post, we will explore the main reasons why lease accounting automation is crucial for businesses.

    Rising Audit Fees

    Auditing costs have been on the rise, driven by factors such as inflation, the impact of COVID-19, and company restructuring activities. According to a Gartner survey, a significant 62% of companies expect an increase in their audit fees. This upward trend in costs is directly linked to lease accounting.

    Connection to Lease Accounting

    Achieving and maintaining compliance with lease accounting standards, such as ASC 842, GASB 87, and IFRS 16, is a complex task. However, automation can significantly reduce the costs associated with lease accounting. By leveraging the power of automation, organizations can streamline their lease accounting processes and ensure compliance, leading to potential cost savings.

    Impact on Audit Fees

    Companies that automate at least 25% of their internal controls reported paying nearly 30% less in audit fees. This substantial reduction in costs can offset the annual expenses of lease accounting software subscriptions. By investing in the right lease accounting technology, businesses can realize significant financial benefits.

    Risks of Manual Processes

    Lease accounting involves intricate calculations, making it highly susceptible to human error. Relying on manual processes, especially tools like Excel, increases the risk of inaccuracies in lease accounting. To mitigate this risk, organizations need to embrace automation.

    Consequences of Errors

    Errors in lease reporting can have serious repercussions for businesses. A survey conducted among senior finance and accounting professionals revealed widespread concern about the potential for misreporting lease information. The main worries include increased audit fees and fines, potential damage to the company’s reputation, risk of legal action, and harm to personal professional reputation.

    Benefits of Automation

    Implementing the right lease accounting technology can mitigate risks, enhance operational efficiency, and lead to significant savings on audit costs. By automating lease accounting processes, organizations can ensure compliance with accounting standards, streamline their operations, and eliminate the risk of errors.

    In conclusion, lease accounting automation is no longer just a luxury but a necessity for businesses in today’s complex financial landscape. By embracing automation, companies can reduce audit fees, mitigate risks, and ensure accurate and streamlined lease accounting. To stay ahead of the competition and navigate the challenges of lease accounting, organizations must invest in the right lease accounting technology.

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    4 Steps to Lease Accounting Compliance Mon, 12 Feb 2024 16:20:30 +0000 The management letter from auditors, typically received by CFOs after the annual audit, highlights key financial findings and suggests improvements for internal controls. It also informs about new accounting standards...

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    The management letter from auditors, typically received by CFOs after the annual audit, highlights key financial findings and suggests improvements for internal controls. It also informs about new accounting standards that need adoption.

    Steps for Lease Accounting Compliance

    To ensure compliance with lease accounting standards, companies should follow these steps:

    In lease accounting specifically, the completeness assertion claims that all leases have been captured and properly capitalized on the balance sheet.

      1. Familiarize with Deadlines

        Understand and allocate sufficient time for gathering lease documents and processing necessary data.

    Create a Plan and Identify Stakeholders

    Recognize major milestones and assign key players or teams to each initiative, understanding their roles and the importance of deadlines.

    Centralize Relevant Documents

    Use a centralized system for easy access, analysis, and updates of lease information. Invest in efficient technology for this purpose.

    Develop Business Requirements

    Before selecting technology or partners, consult with internal stakeholders for their input. This will aid in smooth adoption and ongoing compliance.

    Compliance with the latest lease accounting standards, (ASC 842, GASB 87, and IFRS 16), is not just a regulatory requirement but a strategic opportunity. The management letter serves as a vital roadmap in this process, pointing out critical areas that need attention. By understanding the importance of deadlines, creating a well-thought-out plan, centralizing documentation, and involving key stakeholders in the decision-making process, companies can turn what seems like a daunting task into a manageable and beneficial undertaking.

    Takeaway: Remember, compliance is not just about meeting standards; it’s about enhancing the overall financial health and transparency of your organization. By adopting a proactive approach and leveraging technology effectively, businesses can not only meet the necessary compliance requirements but also gain insights that drive better lease management and financial decisions. In the evolving landscape of financial reporting and management, staying ahead in compliance is not just good practice—it’s a competitive advantage.

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    Accounting Today Names VL ESG Steward™ a Top New Product in 2024 Thu, 08 Feb 2024 14:31:57 +0000 Carbon accounting and sustainability management solution recognized for empowering Enterprises with the data and visibility needed to progress toward their ESG goals Woodbridge, N.J. –February 8, 2024 – Visual Lease...

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    Carbon accounting and sustainability management solution recognized for empowering Enterprises with the data and visibility needed to progress toward their ESG goals

    Woodbridge, N.J. February 8, 2024Visual Lease (VL), the #1 lease optimization software provider, today announced that VL ESG Steward™ has been named a Top New Product in 2024 by Accounting Today.

    VL ESG Steward is the first carbon accounting and sustainability management solution for enterprise real estate and equipment portfolios. Built on decades of lease management best practices, it serves as a centralized system of record for contracts, workflows, financials, and climate risk, providing a complete operational, financial, and environmental view of the portfolio and real-time, asset-level data for sustainability calculations.

    “Nearly 70% of senior accounting and finance executives report that their organizations are not fully prepared in terms of their ability to track and measure the environmental impact of leased and owned asset portfolios to comply with the new and emerging environmental reporting requirements,” said Robert Michlewicz, CEO of Visual Lease. “After confirming this need mirrored with our customers and partners, we expanded our platform to include VL ESG Steward, which will not only aid in reporting efforts, but also, illuminate areas of opportunity to help companies create a more sustainable future.”

    VL ESG Steward automatically tracks portfolio changes and calculates asset-level emissions in accordance with the greenhouse gas protocol. It also tracks energy, water, waste, and biodiversity impact in compliance with global regulations, and offers configurable controls to ensure accurate data and complete documentation for attestation.

    “It is an honor to have been included in Accounting Today’s list of Top New Products for 2024 alongside other industry leaders,” added Michlewicz. “This recognition reinforces our team’s commitment to helping organizations across the globe leverage their portfolio for strategic financial and operational outcomes.”

    In 2023, VL ESG Steward was recognized as a finalist for a Software as a Service (SaaS) award within the category of Best SaaS Product for CSR, Sustainability and ESG, and also named a Sustainability Product of the Year by the Business Intelligence Group.

    To learn more about VL ESG Steward, please visit this link.

    About Visual Lease

    Visual Lease is the #1 lease optimization solution provider, empowering organizations to leverage their lease portfolio for strategic financial and operational outcomes. Our powerful and secure platform serves as a centralized system of record for all lease financial, operational and legal data, and is purpose-built to support every team that interacts with a company’s lease portfolio. Informed by nearly three decades of experience, our solutions help companies easily sustain compliance with FASB, IFRS, GASB and ISSB reporting requirements, and mitigate the risks and maximize the value associated with their lease records. Our award-winning software is used by 1,500+ organizations to manage more than 1 million real estate, equipment and other leased asset records globally. For more information, visit

    Media Contact:

    Erica Bonavitacola
    Visual Lease
    T+1 732 860 4838

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    Article: The 2024 Top New Products Wed, 07 Feb 2024 14:55:45 +0000 Artificial intelligence has been at the top of people’s minds for all of the past year, and the accounting profession is no exception…

    The post Article: The 2024 Top New Products first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
    Artificial intelligence has been at the top of people’s minds for all of the past year, and the accounting profession is no exception…

    The post Article: The 2024 Top New Products first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
    Article: Q&A: How lease accounting is aiding many property managers Fri, 19 Jan 2024 19:48:31 +0000 Leases are contracts in which the property owner allows another party to use the property or asset in exchange for some consideration, usually for money or other assets. This is...

    The post Article: Q&A: How lease accounting is aiding many property managers first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
    Leases are contracts in which the property owner allows another party to use the property or asset in exchange for some consideration, usually for money or other assets. This is an area that many firms become involved with.

    The post Article: Q&A: How lease accounting is aiding many property managers first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
    Visual Lease Solidifies Enterprise Market Leadership Position in 2023 Thu, 18 Jan 2024 15:24:20 +0000 Lease optimization software provider redefines excellence with a single system of record for lease accounting, management and sustainability tracking Woodbridge, N.J. – January 18, 2024 – Visual Lease (VL), the...

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    Lease optimization software provider redefines excellence with a single system of record
    for lease accounting, management and sustainability tracking

    Woodbridge, N.J. January 18, 2024Visual Lease (VL), the #1 lease optimization software provider, today announced its results from 2023, reporting sustained double-digit annual recurring revenue and customer percentage growth, year-over-year.

    “Visual Lease’s accomplishments in 2023 serve as a launchpad for our journey ahead,” said Robert Michlewicz, VL’s Chief Executive Officer. “Drawing upon our 25+ years of deep domain expertise and inspired by the strategic input we continue to seek and incorporate from our customers and partners; we’ve made focused investments in our platform and support offerings to increase the value to our users and partners. We also continue investing in our people to foster cross-departmental collaboration and support expanded growth and development opportunities for our team. As a result, VL has been consistently recognized for its unique ability to help enterprises leverage their lease portfolio to drive more strategic financial and operational outcomes.”

    In 2023, Visual Lease:

    Solutions and Services

    • Launched its newest offering, VL ESG Steward™, the first carbon accounting and sustainability management solution for enterprise real estate and equipment portfolios. Since its launch, VL has released several new capabilities, including managed emissions factors for International Energy Grids, intelligent imports to establish organizational boundaries and upload sustainability entries at scale, detailed reports and exports, advanced user permissions and flexible configurations.
    • Introduced product enhancements, including updating the user interface of its lease accounting solution, delivering a new Currency API to automatically update and synchronize foreign exchange rates, enhancing its GASB Roll Forward Report for lessees to gain visibility into asset and liability activity that occurred in the reporting period and elevating its Accumulated Amortization feature.
    • Expanded its network of consulting, reporting, technology and data partners, providing additional financial and operational benefits to mutual customers by strengthening its existing relationships with Cresa Lease Administration, Scribcor and others. VL also deepened its relationship with managed services partner RSM US LLP.
    • Hosted its second annual Customer Advisory Board (CAB) Summit in San Antonio, TX, a multi-day event where select customers and partners gathered to discuss industry trends, as well as review and provide feedback on VL’s roadmap.
    • Announced the winners of its annual Customer Excellence Awards, recognizing American Axle Manufacturing, Compass and Quanta Services for capitalizing on VL’s unique capabilities to streamline critical workflows, promote cross-departmental collaboration and ensure data accuracy. VL also recognized RSM US LLP as its Partner of the Year for the work it is doing to help organizations implement processes and technologies to recognize risks and opportunities across their lease portfolios.
    • Established Technical Account Managers (TAMs) to address enterprise clients’ evolving business needs, extending value to direct customers and supporting the company’s growing global partner network.

    Industry Recognition



    • Named a Best Place to Work in New Jersey by NJBIZ for the fourth consecutive year, recognized for its culture, strong leadership, high levels of employee satisfaction and the many growth and development opportunities provided to the team.
    • Held its Summer Innovation Days, gathering team members from across the organization to come together and share creative ideas for developing new platform capabilities to support customers’ needs and align with its corporate vision.
    • Hosted its inaugural VL Week, providing an opportunity for employees to learn, connect and apply key concepts that are critical to supporting its customers, collaborating with its global partners and achieving shared corporate goals.

    To keep up with the latest findings from The Visual Lease Data Institute and additional announcements from Visual Lease, visit the Visual Lease Newsroom.

    About Visual Lease

    Visual Lease is the #1 lease optimization solution provider, empowering organizations to leverage their lease portfolio for strategic financial and operational outcomes. Our powerful and secure platform serves as a centralized system of record for all lease financial, operational and legal data, and is purpose-built to support every team that interacts with a company’s lease portfolio. Informed by nearly three decades of experience, our solutions help companies easily sustain compliance with FASB, IFRS, GASB and ISSB reporting requirements, and mitigate the risks and maximize the value associated with their lease records. Our award-winning software is used by 1,500+ organizations to manage more than 1 million real estate, equipment and other leased asset records globally. For more information, visit

    Media Contact:

    Erica Bonavitacola
    Visual Lease
    T+1 732 860 4838

    The post Visual Lease Solidifies Enterprise Market Leadership Position in 2023 first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
    Article: ESG in 2024: Insight From ekko, Finfra, IBM Cloud, DivideBuy, Alteryx, Proxymity, Visual Lease Thu, 04 Jan 2024 12:00:35 +0000 We’re excited to share the thoughts of fintech CEOs and industry leaders from across the globe to 2023’s key takeaways and what we should expect to be top of the...

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    We’re excited to share the thoughts of fintech CEOs and industry leaders from across the globe to 2023’s key takeaways and what we should expect to be top of the agenda in 2024.

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    Article: What do tech vendors have in store for 2024? Thu, 04 Jan 2024 11:00:48 +0000 Technology developers who serve the accounting profession have planned a bevy of new products, features, capacities, integrations, partnerships, initiatives and other major developments for 2024 that are all aimed at...

    The post Article: What do tech vendors have in store for 2024? first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
    Technology developers who serve the accounting profession have planned a bevy of new products, features, capacities, integrations, partnerships, initiatives and other major developments for 2024 that are all aimed at helping practitioners be more efficient and produce more value.

    The post Article: What do tech vendors have in store for 2024? first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
    Visual Lease Recognized as Leading Lease Accounting and Lease Management Platform for Enterprise Organizations in G2’s 2024 Winter Reports Thu, 21 Dec 2023 13:00:48 +0000 Solution provider is recognized for empowering companies to leverage their lease portfolios for strategic financial and operational outcomes Woodbridge, N.J. – Dec. 21, 2023 – Visual Lease (VL), the #1...

    The post Visual Lease Recognized as Leading Lease Accounting and Lease Management Platform for Enterprise Organizations in G2’s 2024 Winter Reports first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

    Solution provider is recognized for empowering companies to leverage their lease portfolios for strategic financial and operational outcomes

    Woodbridge, N.J. Dec. 21, 2023Visual Lease (VL), the #1 lease optimization software provider, today announced it has been featured in 55 of G2’s 2024 Winter reports and received 17 badges for the winter season. VL has been named a leader in the Enterprise Grid® Report for Lease Accounting, Enterprise Americas Regional Grid® Report for Lease Accounting, Enterprise Relationship Index for Lease Accounting and Enterprise Relationship Index for Lease Administration.

    “The advancement – and value – of technology hinges on customer feedback,” said Robert Michlewicz, Chief Executive Officer at Visual Lease. “For 25+ years, we have expanded VL’s platform based on the evolving needs and interests of our customers to ensure that they continue to receive maximum value from our solutions. Inclusion in G2’s reports affirms that VL consistently provides organizations that have complex lease and asset portfolios with the ability to accurately manage, track and report on their leases and related records. This capability not only fuels their compliance efforts, but also provides them with the strategic advantage of being able to use their portfolio data to make better-informed operational decisions and prepare for emerging business needs, such as environmental reporting.”

    Visual Lease earned this status as a leading lease accounting and lease management platform based on customer feedback, such as:

    • Robust product features to support ongoing compliance and accurate reporting.
      “Visual Lease is built for both lease administration and lease accounting, which is especially great for teams that have a lease administration need that do not want to duplicate the work for ASC 842 management. Visual Lease is also great with reporting with several robust reports (including disclosure reports for financial statements), and awesome with bulk uploads of data if you have a number of leases that takes up a big amount of time fixing from month to month.”
    • Unparalleled lease management capabilities and customer support.
      “VL is a very intuitive tool, which makes training a global user base of hundreds of users easier. Integrating new plants post-acquisition is efficient with the various upload templates that allow you to create many new leases at once. The customer support team responds in a timely manner and the senior leadership of the company is focused on continued enhancements with the input of their customer base.”
    • Ability to facilitate audit-readiness.
      “Visual Lease provides us with the reports that we need for our annual audit. The reports are concise, clear and contain everything needed for footnote preparation.”
    • Full lease lifecycle support.
      “Visual Lease provides a clean, organized platform to both house my lease documents but also, stay organized with rent schedules, deferred rent, lease renewals and essentially everything lease related. The also offer easy-to-navigate tools via their cloud website that I can access anywhere.”
    • Commitment to continuous improvement.
      “Visual Lease has been quick to make improvements and updates after being provided feedback. I appreciate that they are very adaptable to changes and their customer support is very quick to respond. They’re very receptive to constructive feedback.”

    Learn more about what real users have to say (or leave your own review of Visual Lease) on G2’s VL review page.

    About G2

    G2 is the world’s largest and most trusted software marketplace. More than 90 million people annually — including employees at all Fortune 500 companies — use G2 to make smarter software decisions based on authentic peer reviews. Thousands of software and services companies of all sizes partner with G2 to build their reputation and grow their business — including Salesforce, HubSpot, Zoom, and Adobe. To learn more about where you go for software, visit and follow us on LinkedIn.

    About Visual Lease

    Visual Lease is the #1 lease optimization solution provider, empowering organizations to leverage their lease portfolio for strategic financial and operational outcomes. Our powerful and secure platform serves as a centralized system of record for all lease financial, operational and legal data, and is purpose-built to support every team that interacts with a company’s lease portfolio. Informed by nearly three decades of experience, our solutions help companies easily sustain compliance with FASB, IFRS, GASB and ISSB reporting requirements, and mitigate the risks and maximize the value associated with their lease records. Our award-winning software is used by 1,500+ organizations to manage more than 1 million real estate, equipment and other leased asset records globally. For more information, visit

    Media Contact:

    Erica Bonavitacola
    Visual Lease
    T+1 732 860 4838

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    Article: Predictions 2024! Global Fintech, Asset Management, AI, Tech, Crypto and Cybersecurity Experts on What to Expect…. Thu, 21 Dec 2023 12:00:27 +0000 It’s that time of year again for the annual EKMH Innovators’ predictions! As the saying goes, the past is prologue: click and read past predictions about 2017 marketplace lending, 2018...

    The post Article: Predictions 2024! Global Fintech, Asset Management, AI, Tech, Crypto and Cybersecurity Experts on What to Expect…. first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
    It’s that time of year again for the annual EKMH Innovators’ predictions! As the saying goes, the past is prologue: click and read past predictions about 2017 marketplace lending, 2018 crypto, 2018 blockchain, 2018 fintech, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023. Many thanks to the global experts who shared their insights and visions for 2024.

    The post Article: Predictions 2024! Global Fintech, Asset Management, AI, Tech, Crypto and Cybersecurity Experts on What to Expect…. first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
    4 Reasons to Stop Using Excel Spreadsheets for Lease Accounting Thu, 07 Dec 2023 16:00:58 +0000 Is Excel good for lease accounting? 1. Lease terms constantly change, and it’s hard to keep up 2. Lease accounting calculations are complex and time consuming 3. Excel spreadsheets are...

    The post 4 Reasons to Stop Using Excel Spreadsheets for Lease Accounting first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

    Your business already uses Excel for many accounting calculations, including for ASC 840 lease accounting, so it’s understandable that you may want to consider continuing to use it as an option for lease accounting under ASC 842. And although it’s inexpensive to use and there’s comfort in using it, it may only get you so far in ensuring accurate lease accounting reports and calculations.

    Is Excel good for lease accounting?

    The reality is Excel will create challenges supporting large lease portfolios and the complex calculations that are required to comply with the new lease accounting standards. Ideally, the lease accounting solution you select should make it easy to view every lease – and address any changes made during the lease term, something that will be more difficult using Excel. Improperly tracking your leases and performing manual calculations using Excel puts you at risk of inaccurate data and reports.

    In this blog, we will discuss why Excel is not a sustainable choice to accomplish lease accounting compliance, and why lease accounting software is critical to ensure accurate, confident compliance.

    1. Lease terms constantly change, and it’s hard to keep up

    As leases change (expire, terminate, etc.), it’s virtually impossible to keep track of each change using Excel. One of the main reasons this is so difficult to do manually is due to the large volume of leases held by organizations. Businesses often have hundreds, even thousands of leases, each with their own unique terms that regularly need to be tracked to ensure accurate lease accounting reports.

    Unlike Excel, a fully integrated lease management and accounting technology solution is designed to centralize lease data in one location and, therefore, support ongoing lease maintenance. This enables you to view and maintain lease clauses and options under one single source of truth – without having to manually sift through data. Lease management software simplifies and streamlines the process of updating lease data, which ensures always accurate, reliable lease financials required for compliance.

    For example, technology like Visual Lease provides automated critical date alerts so you can always know when leases require action. Excel lacks these built-in tools, which therefore puts you at risk of missing important options within your leases.

    2. Lease accounting calculations are complex and time consuming

    The calculations required to generate journal entries and disclosure reports for ASC 842 must be accurate to achieve and sustain compliance. Automated lease accounting technology is the only way to confidently create reliable, accurate reports.

    Excel doesn’t have the capability to support the unique nuances required for lease accounting calculations. Utilizing Excel for lease accounting will likely take a lot of time and resources to produce calculations, and you may not be able to rely on those calculations, as there isn’t an efficient, sustainable way to validate accuracy. Even if only one element of your Excel formula is off base, it can negatively impact your calculated numbers – and you may not even realize the error before it’s too late. Additionally, Excel has a limit on the number of transactions that can be tracked and reported.

    Lease accounting technology automates these otherwise complex reports and calculations, which saves you significant time that would be spent manually producing them in Excel, and also ensures the calculations are trustworthy. In fact, lease accounting software like Visual Lease provides proven calculations that are backed by a SOC I Type II audit.

    3. Excel spreadsheets are prone to human error

    Lease accounting is too important to risk manual errors. Just one mistake could lead to a failed audit, which is why lease accounting automation is so critical.

    Using Excel to produce disclosure reports will typically raise red flags during your audit. Your lease data is already subject to a much higher degree of scrutiny by your auditors due to the new lease accounting standards, especially for initial adoption, so when it’s time for your audit, auditors appreciate a defined, reliable process that eliminates the room for human error within calculations.

    An auditor knows if you utilize a lease accounting solution that is backed by a SOC I Type II report, your financial reporting and calculations should be reliable, and they won’t need to spend as much time testing the detailed transactions as they would with manual spreadsheets.

    If you use Excel, auditors will most likely need to take a different approach to their auditing process, which can be time-consuming and costly. For instance, they may need to select a larger sample size of transactions to reliably test the details of your Excel calculations.

    It begs the question, are you really saving money (and time) by using Excel instead of proven lease accounting technology? A failed audit can lead to increased fees and fines, along with damage to your business’ reputation. Why put yourself in a position where this can easily happen with Excel when you don’t have to?

    4. Excel lacks historical data required for audits

    Imagine inputting lease data into an Excel spreadsheet and the next day there are numerous changes to the data – you don’t know who made the changes and when. As leases change throughout the year, there needs to be an effective, reliable way for departments to capture any lease modifications to their portfolio, so that their lease data stays up to date. Doing this in Excel requires constant manual intervention and upkeep and can lead to a lot of questions raised by auditors and other stakeholders across your organization.

    Providing transparent updates – with a complete audit trail of which update was made and when – will be incredibly important at the time of your financial audit. In Excel, there isn’t a reliable way to track who’s making changes and when the edits take place. This puts your business at risk of producing inaccurate, outdated information.

    Lease accounting software provides full audit trail functionality that enables you and your auditors to see who, what, where and when every change to your lease data has been made. Having the history of every change to your leases is necessary to create a reliable lease accounting process.

    Benefits of lease accounting software

    Excel is one of the most accessible tools in an accountant’s arsenal. However, it wasn’t built to handle the thoroughness and accuracy required for lease accounting. To achieve and maintain lease accounting compliance, you’ll need to invest in a solution that was designed to set your business up for success.
    Lease accounting isn’t just a one-and-done disclosure, it demands consistent upkeep of your entire lease portfolio. Lease accounting software is an integral part of conducting complex calculations with confidence, ensuring all your leases are up-to-date and achieving (and maintaining) lease accounting compliance.

    Ensuring ASC 842 compliance

    Lease accounting standards and constantly changing. This means spreadsheets need to be constantly reformatted to ensure you are remaining compliant with the latest regulation changes, requiring a robust software solution.

    When it comes to ensuring your leases are compliant, don’t default to a spreadsheet. Make the move to a third-party verified, built-for-compliance lease accounting software solution.

    Get Started!

    Want to ditch the spreadsheets and learn how Visual Lease’s lease accounting software can help you sustain compliance? Click here to see our solution in action.

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    Should I Use Excel or Switch to Lease Accounting Software? Thu, 07 Dec 2023 13:50:31 +0000 3 Reasons to Stop Relying on Excel Spreadsheets 1. Leases are constantly changing 2. Excel can lead to non-compliance with accounting standards 3. The Office of Finance has evolved 3...

    The post Should I Use Excel or Switch to Lease Accounting Software? first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
    Why You Should Retire Excel in Lease Accounting

    • 3 Reasons to Stop Relying on Excel Spreadsheets
      1. 1. Leases are constantly changing
      2. 2. Excel can lead to non-compliance with accounting standards
      3. 3. The Office of Finance has evolved
    • 3 Reasons to Switch to Lease Accounting Software
      1. 1. Centralize your lease data in one place
      2. 2. Be efficient & save time with lease management software
      3. 3. Reduce your risk and stay compliant
    • Switch to Visual Lease Accounting Software
    • Does your business still use Excel for lease accounting? If so, you’re not alone — many other businesses do the same.

      But there’s a limit to what Excel can do for your organization’s lease portfolio. The reality is that leases are complex, dynamic documents that need a more comprehensive accounting option than Excel. Spreadsheets lack the ability to accurately and efficiently support large lease portfolios and the complex calculations required to comply with lease accounting standards.

      To stay compliant with accounting standards (ASC 842, IFRS 16, GASB 87) and avoid costly mistakes or fines, your business must move to a solution that is built to accommodate the dynamic nature of leases.

      Spreadsheets were never designed to handle processes as complicated as lease accounting. In fact, 100% of senior Real Estate executives believe it is impossible to sustain lease accounting compliance (e.g., ASC 842, IFRS 16, GASB 87) without proper lease administration practices in place.

      3 Reasons to Stop Relying on Excel Spreadsheets

      Here are three major reasons that businesses are unable to rely on Excel for sustained lease accounting compliance:

      1. Leases are constantly changing.

      Leases evolve over time — including expirations, terminations and renewals — making it almost impossible to manually keep track of every change within a spreadsheet. Without sufficient controls to track these ongoing changes, businesses are at risk of reporting on outdated lease data and missing important lease options. As organizations try to keep up with each changing lease, it won’t be long before accounting professionals leave Excel behind for good.

      2. Excel can lead to non-compliance with accounting standards.

      Lease accounting requires transparency in how businesses account for assets and liabilities. Auditors will check to ensure every lease is reliable and that your calculations are accurate. Just one mistake could lead to a failed audit, increased fees and fines, risk of legal action and more. There’s too much at risk to use Excel.

      3. The Office of Finance has evolved.

      For many organizations, the Office of Finance is now responsible for more strategic business initiatives and must accomplish more with less while navigating a weakening economy. Excel exacerbates this issue by requiring long hours of tedious, manual work that’s prone to human error.

      3 Reasons to Switch to Lease Accounting Software

      Lease accounting requires consistent upkeep of your entire lease portfolio. Investing in lease accounting software like Visual Lease helps ensure a seamless process and support ongoing compliance. Here’s why:

      1. Centralize your lease data in one place.

      Fully integrated lease management and accounting technology helps businesses closely maintain their lease data by organizing it in one location. As a result, teams can easily view lease clauses and options under a single source of truth without needing to manually sift through data. This, in turn, ensures accurate, reliable lease financials required for compliance.

      2. Be efficient & save time with lease management software

      As financial teams handle more responsibilities with increasingly limited resources, lease accounting software makes tracking leases easier and more efficient. In fact, according to Visual Lease’s 2022 Lease Market Analysis, private companies saved an average of 600 hours by using third-party lease accounting software.

      3. Reduce your risk and stay compliant.

      Lease accounting tools circumvent the human errors that often occur in Excel. In particular, Visual Lease automates otherwise complex reports and calculations and explains its calculations in every screen, leading to a more confident, reliable financial report. Additionally, when your business uses lease accounting software, auditors will have quick and easy access to your financial reporting and calculations.

      Excel wasn’t designed to handle the in-depth, complex work required for lease accounting. And since leases are often a company’s second-largest expense, relying on Excel isn’t worth the risk of costly audits and fines. Instead, investing in a lease accounting software solution like Visual Lease ensures your business can stay compliant, avoid costly fees, identify cost-saving opportunities and leverage leases as a more strategic business asset.

      Switch to Visual Lease Accounting Software

      Visual Lease makes the transition from Excel to lease accounting software easy, offering an intuitive platform with automated data input, standardized reporting, and compliance tracking. Our proven methodology will make the switch from spreadsheets to software quickly and efficiently.

      Request a demo today and make the switch!

      The post Should I Use Excel or Switch to Lease Accounting Software? first appeared on Visual Lease.]]> What Does Completeness Assertion Mean in Lease Accounting? Tue, 05 Dec 2023 13:00:49 +0000 What is completeness assertion in lease accounting? Auditing completeness under ASC 842 What is audited under completeness assertion? How to ensure accurate completeness assertions Getting started with lease compliance Inaccurate...

      The post What Does Completeness Assertion Mean in Lease Accounting? first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

      Inaccurate lease accounting can lead to a host of problems for an organization, such as wasting time and resources and a failed audit. In the final stages of the auditing process, accounting professionals will test the assertions in a company’s financial statements, including the completeness assertion. Let’s look at what completeness assertion is in lease accounting and how to ensure its accuracy when preparing for audits.

      What is completeness assertion in lease accounting?

      On a financial statement, completeness assertion affirms that the statement is thorough, includes and details all required items for a particular accounting period and that the organization’s entire inventory is included in the total inventory figure.

      In lease accounting specifically, the completeness assertion claims that all leases have been captured and properly capitalized on the balance sheet.


      Auditing completeness under ASC 842

      Completeness is a significant audit area for leases. With the ASC 842 standard, organizations must recognize assets and liabilities on the balance sheet for both operating and finance leases. It’s now crucial for companies—whether private or public—to have an accurate and thorough accounting of all leased assets to ensure completeness.

      What is audited under completeness assertion?

      When a business is audited under ASC 842, an auditor will assess completeness across several areas, including:

      • Lease calculations: Auditors make sure initial balances are calculated correctly and that lease expenses and ROU asset amortization are accurately recorded. They’ll also check to make sure all lease transactions are recorded within the stated period.
      • Quantitative and qualitative footnote disclosures: Auditors check footnote disclosures to ensure all information—including assets, liabilities, lease expenses, cash flow and more—are properly recorded. They also look at the qualitative information that explains what the numbers mean for the company.
      • Embedded leases: It’s easy to overlook or improperly record embedded leases, which are leases within a larger contract. Auditors make sure all embedded leases are clearly and correctly recognized in your company’s financial statements.


      How to ensure accurate completeness assertions

      With the new accounting standards, each lease under a business now directly impacts the balance sheet. Not having an accurate, complete representation of all leases could result in an understatement of assets and liabilities.

      As a result, businesses must identify all arrangements that meet the definition of a lease per ASC 842 to ensure completeness. Ignoring this step can lead to a waste of time, money and professional resources, especially during audits, along with costly fines or penalties if financial statements are misrepresenting leased assets.

      Identifying a complete population of leases can be a large undertaking, depending on how centralized a business’ operations are. Typically, this process involves inquiries with department heads along with a detailed review of accounts payable. Because of this, it’s important to maintain seamless and ongoing communication across departments.

      Getting started with lease compliance

      Companies that are in the process of adopting ASC 842 may also find they need new systems or protocols to preserve completeness on an ongoing basis. The right lease administration and accounting software can help save time and resources by enabling teams to regularly capture all details of leased assets as well as efficiently compile all completeness evidence before audits.

      Interested in lease accounting?

      Take the next step and schedule a demo with Visual Lease to ease your lease accounting needs today!

      The post What Does Completeness Assertion Mean in Lease Accounting? first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
      Article: Mastering ESG reporting in accounting and finance departments Fri, 01 Dec 2023 13:00:27 +0000 The pressure to establish an ESG reporting framework is mounting as various regulatory bodies issue guidance.

      The post Article: Mastering ESG reporting in accounting and finance departments first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
      The pressure to establish an ESG reporting framework is mounting as various regulatory bodies issue guidance.

      The post Article: Mastering ESG reporting in accounting and finance departments first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
      Article: More companies enter ‘discovery phase’ of ESG reporting in 2023 Thu, 30 Nov 2023 13:00:36 +0000 Climate-related disclosure efforts are amplifying year over year (YOY), despite persistent and persnickety pain points, as more organizations widen the scope of the “discovery phase” of their environmental, social, and...

      The post Article: More companies enter ‘discovery phase’ of ESG reporting in 2023 first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
      Climate-related disclosure efforts are amplifying year over year (YOY), despite persistent and persnickety pain points, as more organizations widen the scope of the “discovery phase” of their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) journeys.

      The post Article: More companies enter ‘discovery phase’ of ESG reporting in 2023 first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
      Article: 19 Tips For Companies To Forge Strategic Financial Partnerships Wed, 15 Nov 2023 13:00:39 +0000 Building strategic financial partnerships has become a crucial factor for a company’s success and growth. Collaborating with the right financial partners can provide businesses with the necessary capital, expertise and...

      The post Article: 19 Tips For Companies To Forge Strategic Financial Partnerships first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
      Building strategic financial partnerships has become a crucial factor for a company’s success and growth. Collaborating with the right financial partners can provide businesses with the necessary capital, expertise and resources to propel their operations forward.

      The post Article: 19 Tips For Companies To Forge Strategic Financial Partnerships first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
      Article: Most organizations lack a fully established ESG reporting framework: report Tue, 07 Nov 2023 13:00:36 +0000 Heightened scrutiny around environmental, social and governance issues is impacting a company’s operations on every front, including its lease management, according to a study from Visual Lease.

      The post Article: Most organizations lack a fully established ESG reporting framework: report first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
      Heightened scrutiny around environmental, social and governance issues is impacting a company’s operations on every front, including its lease management, according to a study from Visual Lease.

      The post Article: Most organizations lack a fully established ESG reporting framework: report first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
      Article: Companies brace for new sustainability rules Thu, 02 Nov 2023 13:00:39 +0000 Companies are bracing for the Securities and Exchange Commission’s climate-related disclosure rule, according to a new survey.

      The post Article: Companies brace for new sustainability rules first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
      Companies are bracing for the Securities and Exchange Commission’s climate-related disclosure rule, according to a new survey.

      The post Article: Companies brace for new sustainability rules first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
      ASC 842 Lease Accounting Excel Templates Wed, 01 Nov 2023 13:00:32 +0000 Using ASC 842 Excel Templates How to Create Customized ASC 842 Excel Templates Best Practices for Data Entry and Formula Setup Best Practices for Document Organization Common Challenges with ASC...

      The post ASC 842 Lease Accounting Excel Templates first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

      The ASC 842 lease accounting standard represents a significant shift in how organizations report their leases. Before ASC 842, operating leases were not included on the balance sheet, which neglected to provide a full picture of cash flows from leases. This meant companies and investors were unable to identify how much debt was carried within a business’ lease obligations.

      The new lease accounting standard requires organizations to include operating leases and financial leases on the balance sheet, which increases visibility into leasing costs and arrangements. This ensures an accurate depiction of company financials. Compliance with ASC 842 is essential for transparency, accuracy, and financial accountability.

      The calculations that are involved in staying compliant are extremely susceptible to error – particularly if done without automation.  However, many individuals and organizations initially turn to Excel templates for managing their lease accounting needs. In this blog post, we will explore both Excel templates and technology options for ASC 842 compliance.

      Using ASC 842 Excel Templates

      Excel templates can seem like a convenient and cost-effective solution for ASC 842 lease accounting. They offer flexibility in customization and can be tailored to an organization’s specific needs. However, setting up and managing Excel templates for ASC 842 compliance comes with its own set of challenges.

      How to Create Customized ASC 842 Excel Templates

      Setting up Excel templates for ASC 842 can be a time-consuming process. You’ll need to design templates that accurately capture all lease data, including lease terms, payments, and commitments. Creating these templates from scratch can be complex, and errors in template design can lead to inaccuracies down the line. That said, here are some tips to get you started:

      Step 1: Define Your Lease Data Categories

      Before you start building the template, it’s crucial to identify the data categories you need to track to comply with ASC 842. Common categories include:

      • Lease Details: Lease ID, lease term, commencement date, termination date, etc.
      • Payment Information: Monthly/quarterly/yearly lease payments, initial direct costs, etc.
      • Lease Modifications: Any changes or modifications to the lease terms.
      • Discount Rate: The rate used to calculate the present value of lease payments.
      • Lease Liability and Right-of-Use (ROU) Asset: Calculations of these values over time.
      • Lease Classification: Operating or finance lease classification criteria.
      • Lease Documents: Attachments for lease agreements, amendments, disclosures, etc.

      Step 2: Create a New Excel Spreadsheet

      Open Excel and create a new blank spreadsheet. You can start with a clean sheet or use Excel’s pre-designed templates as a starting point.

      Step 3: Set Up Columns and Headers

      In your spreadsheet, create columns for each data category identified in Step 1. Label each column with appropriate headers, such as “Lease ID,” “Commencement Date,” “Lease Term (Years),” “Monthly Payments,” and so on. You can also add headers for any additional information, such as lessor details, lease modifications, and classification criteria.

      Step 4: Format and Customize the Template

      Format the columns to ensure that data is displayed correctly. You may want to adjust column widths, apply cell formatting (e.g., date format, currency format), and add borders for clarity.

      Customize the template further by adding dropdown lists, data validation, or conditional formatting to enforce data consistency and accuracy. For example, you can create dropdown lists for lease classification options or lease modification types.

      Step 5: Add Formulas

      Incorporate Excel formulas to calculate values automatically. For ASC 842 compliance, you’ll need to calculate the present value of lease payments, lease liability, and ROU asset. These calculations involve using the discount rate and the lease payment schedule.

      For instance, you can use the NPV (Net Present Value) function to calculate the present value of lease payments over time.

      Step 6: Set Up Tabs and Document Management

      Create separate tabs or sheets within the Excel file for lease documents and attachments. Each document should be appropriately labeled and organized for easy reference.

      Step 7: Testing and Validation

      Before using the template for actual lease accounting, thoroughly test it with sample data to ensure that calculations and formulas work correctly. Validate the template’s accuracy against known lease scenarios.

      Step 8: User Training

      Provide training to the relevant personnel on how to use the template effectively and input data accurately.

      Remember that while this basic Excel template can help you get started with ASC 842 lease accounting, as your organization’s lease portfolio grows, and complexity increases, you may want to consider transitioning to specialized lease accounting software to streamline the process and ensure compliance more efficiently. Such software offers automation, audit trails, and advanced reporting capabilities, reducing the risk of errors and enhancing accuracy.

      Best Practices for Data Entry and Formula Setup

      When using Excel for ASC 842 lease accounting, implementing best practices for data entry and formula setup is crucial to ensure accuracy, compliance, and efficient lease management. Here are some best practices to consider:

      • Consistent Data Input: Ensure that lease data is entered consistently and uniformly throughout the spreadsheet. Use standardized naming conventions and units (e.g., dollars, square feet, months).
      • Data Validation: Implement data validation rules to prevent incorrect or inconsistent data entry. Use dropdown lists, date validation, and other data validation features to guide users.
      • Data Review: Periodically review and audit the data entered into the spreadsheet for accuracy and completeness. Regularly check for errors, missing information, or discrepancies.
      • User Training: Provide training to the individuals responsible for data entry. Ensure they understand the ASC 842 requirements and how to accurately input lease data into the spreadsheet.
      • Documentation: Document data sources, assumptions, and any changes made to lease agreements or data. This documentation is crucial for audit purposes and maintaining a clear audit trail.

      Formula Setup Best Practices:

      Excel templates require meticulous data entry to ensure accuracy. Formula setup can also be prone to human error. Mistakes in data entry or formulae can lead to incorrect calculations, potentially resulting in non-compliance with ASC 842. Keep these tips in mind:

      • Consistent Formulas: Use consistent formulas throughout the spreadsheet to calculate values like the present value of lease payments, lease liability, and ROU asset. Avoid mixing different formulas or calculation methods.
      • Cell References: Use cell references (e.g., cell names or structured references) instead of hardcoding values within formulas. This makes it easier to update data without having to modify the formulas manually.
      • Check Formulas for Accuracy: Double-check all formulas for accuracy and ensure that they are correctly referencing the appropriate cells and ranges.
      • Use Named Ranges: Define named ranges for critical data ranges or input cells. Named ranges make formulas more readable and easier to manage.
      • Separate Calculations: If your spreadsheet includes complex calculations, consider separating them into different worksheets or sections. This enhances the clarity of the workbook and makes it easier to troubleshoot issues.
      • Formula Auditing Tools: Excel offers built-in auditing tools such as the “Trace Precedents” and “Trace Dependents” functions. Use these tools to trace the flow of data and formulas within your spreadsheet.
      • Error Handling: Implement error handling in your formulas, such as IFERROR or IF statements, to provide meaningful error messages or alternative calculations in case of errors.
      • Documentation: Document complex formulas and calculations for reference and troubleshooting. Include explanations of how the formulas work and any assumptions made.
      • Regular Review: Regularly review and validate the accuracy of your formulas, especially if there are changes to lease agreements or data inputs. Ensure that formulas remain up-to-date and compliant with ASC 842 requirements.
      • Version Control: Implement version control practices to keep track of changes made to formulas. Clearly document when and why changes were made.

      Best Practices for Document Organization

      Keeping track of lease documents within Excel templates can be challenging. Without a centralized repository, it becomes easy to misplace or lose critical documents, which can create audit complications and compliance issues. Here are some best practices for document organization for ASC 842 excel sheets:

      1. Use Separate Tabs or Worksheets: Create separate tabs or worksheets within your Excel workbook to store different types of lease documents. For example:
      • One tab for lease agreements
      • Another for lease amendments
      • A tab for disclosures and correspondence
      • A separate tab for audit documentation
      1. Clear and Consistent Naming Conventions: Develop a clear and consistent naming convention for your documents. Include relevant information such as the lease ID, document type, and date. For example: “LeaseID_Agreement_2023-10-24.pdf.”
      2. Folder Structure: Consider creating a folder structure outside of Excel to complement your organization. Store actual documents in folders based on lease ID or categories (e.g., active leases, terminated leases, amendments). Excel can reference these documents using hyperlinks or file paths.
      3. Hyperlinks: Use hyperlinks within your Excel spreadsheet to directly link to the corresponding documents stored in your folder structure. This allows easy access to documents with a single click.
      4. Document Tracker: Create a document tracking table or list within Excel that includes columns for document name, document type, lease ID, location (file path or hyperlink), and any additional notes or comments.
      5. Version Control: If you have multiple versions of lease documents (e.g., lease agreements with amendments), clearly indicate the version number or date in the document name. Keep the most recent version easily accessible.
      6. Document Index: Consider creating an index sheet within your Excel workbook that lists all lease documents with their associated lease IDs and types. This can serve as a quick reference guide to locate documents.
      7. Color Coding and Formatting: Use color coding or formatting to highlight critical information or identify document status. For example, you could use different colors to distinguish between active leases and terminated leases.
      8. Document Metadata: Include metadata in your Excel spreadsheet, such as lease start and end dates, lessor information, and lease classification. This allows you to quickly filter and sort documents based on key criteria.
      9. Regular Auditing: Periodically review your document organization system to ensure that it remains up-to-date and compliant with ASC 842 requirements. Remove obsolete documents and update document links if necessary.
      10. Backup and Security: Ensure that you have appropriate backup and security measures in place for your document storage system, especially if it contains sensitive lease information.
      11. Training: Train your team members on the document organization system to ensure everyone understands how to access and manage lease documents effectively.

      Common Challenges with ASC 842 Excel Templates

      While Excel templates offer a degree of flexibility, they come with several inherent disadvantages. This is especially important when documenting lease agreements because it can cause financial metrics to be incorrect, leading to penalties. Here are some of the common challenges when using excel templates:

      1. Data Accuracy

      Human errors in data entry and formula setup can lead to inaccuracies in financial reporting, potentially resulting in compliance violations and financial penalties.

      1. Security Risks

      Excel files are susceptible to security breaches. Sensitive lease data may be at risk if proper security measures are not in place, jeopardizing data privacy and compliance.

      1. Version Control

      Managing multiple versions of Excel templates can be confusing and prone to errors. Ensuring that everyone is working on the latest version can be challenging, leading to data inconsistencies.

      1. Audit Complications

      During audits, Excel templates can complicate the process. Auditors may spend significant time verifying data accuracy and formulae, which can lead to additional audit costs and delays.

      Excel Templates vs Lease Accounting Software for ASC 842

      Transitioning to specialized lease accounting software like Visual Lease offers several advantages over Excel templates:

      1. Data Accuracy and Automation

      Lease accounting software automates data entry and calculations, reducing the risk of errors and ensuring compliance with ASC 842.

      1. Enhanced Security

      Lease accounting software typically comes with robust security measures, safeguarding sensitive lease data from potential breaches.

      1. Version Control and Collaboration

      Software solutions facilitate version control and collaboration among team members, ensuring that everyone is working with the latest, most accurate data.

      1. Audit Readiness

      Lease accounting software streamlines audit processes by providing auditors with easy access to accurate, well-organized lease data.

      Leaving cumbersome spreadsheets for a purpose-built platform

      While Excel templates may initially seem like a cost-effective solution for ASC 842 lease accounting, their limitations and potential pitfalls can lead to compliance issues, security risks, and inaccuracies. To ensure compliance with ASC 842 and streamline lease accounting processes, organizations should consider transitioning to specialized lease accounting software like Visual Lease. Making this transition can save time, reduce errors, enhance security, and ultimately contribute to more accurate and efficient lease accounting practices. Learn more about switching from Excel to Visual Lease.

      • Verified User in Transportation/Trucking/Railroad
        Enterprise (> 1000 emp.)
        May 10, 2023
        Visual lease allows us to move away from manually tracking hundreds of lease in excel and does all the heavy lifting for us.
        Posted on G2 Reviews
      • Randy O.
        Enterprise (> 1000 emp.)
        May 17, 2023
        Before Visual Lease we tracked everything in Excel. With over 70 leases now, it was a win win situation!
        Posted onG2 Reviews
      • Sungmo Y.
        Enterprise (> 1000 emp.)
        Nov 4, 2022
        ASC 842 reporting. This was a huge project for us in 2019 as we prepared for the transition from ASC 840 to ASC 842 and the annual audit. We were tracking everything using Excel before and, without Visual Lease, it would have been really difficult.
        Posted onG2 Reviews
      • Verified User in Government Administration
        Enterprise (> 1000 emp.)
        Oct 26, 2022
        “We initially used Excel to track key data and journal entries. Now we use VL to perform all calculations and report on our financials, saving us time and less human error in our calcs.”
        Posted on G2 Reviews
      • Adam B.
        Mid-Market (51-1000 emp.)
        May 17, 2022
        This software streamlines our Accounting for leases and completely replaces our existing Excel solution (for both GAAP and IFRS)
        Posted onG2 Reviews
      • Ryan B.
        Enterprise (> 1000 emp.)
        Oct 20, 2022
        The ease of use and the lease accounting function which allows you to run multiple lease calculations and scenarios for a lease. It has allowed us to move away from excel based spreadsheets and calculations and automate the calculations. Additionally we have realized great benefit from the centralized tracking and administration. We set up system alerts which send out emails to allow us to stay on top of upcoming term renewal windows so we can assure we make the best strategic decision.
        Posted onG2 Reviews
      • Andrew G.
        Mid-Market (51-1000 emp.)
        Oct 22, 2020
        The biggest problems we have solved with Visual Lease are the ASC 842 accounting entries and having a great way to store and calculate hundreds of leases. These calculations are far more accurate than anything an excel could do.
        Posted onG2 Reviews
      • Verified User in Hospital & Health Care
        Enterprise (> 1000 emp.)
        Oct 22, 2020
        I can easily make modifications to a lease (extension, renewal, payment amount change) and the system will accurately calculate the updated lease schedule and generate the appropriate accounting entries. This is so much better than our previous Excel system which was very manual.
        Posted onG2 Reviews

      The post ASC 842 Lease Accounting Excel Templates first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
      What are the roles of lessors and lessees in lease accounting? Wed, 01 Nov 2023 13:00:17 +0000 Table of Contents What is a lessee? What is a lessor? Who is the lessor and lessee in a contract? Benefits for a Lessor vs Lessee How to approach accounting...

      The post What are the roles of lessors and lessees in lease accounting? first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

      Lease contracts play an important role in the day-to-day of most organizations. But does your business thoroughly understand each party’s responsibilities? What about the benefits? These answers are critical to maintaining accurate and healthy lease accounting.

      What is a lessee?

      A lessee is an individual or entity that rents or leases property, equipment, or other assets from another party, known as the lessor. In a lease agreement, the lessee is granted the right to use the leased asset for a specified period of time in exchange for regular payments, typically referred to as rent or lease payments.

      What is a lessor

      A lessor is an individual or entity that owns an asset and leases or rents it out to another party, known as the lessee, in exchange for regular payments, usually called rent or lease payments.

      Who is a Lessor vs. Lessee in a Lease Agreement?

      Under a contractual lease obligation — be it commercial real estate, equipment or vehicles — there is always a lessor and a lessee. A lease is generally defined as a contractual arrangement in which one party, the lessor, provides an asset for use by the other party, the lessee. This arrangement is based on periodic payments for an agreed amount of time.

      Benefits for a Lessor vs Lessee

      Lease contracts offer distinct advantages for both lessors and lessees, contributing to their respective financial strategies and operational efficiencies.

      Benefits for a Lessor:

      1. Income Generation: By leasing out assets, lessors can generate consistent income through periodic lease payments, providing a steady revenue stream.
      2. Asset Utilization: Lessor can maximize the utilization of their assets by leasing them out to lessees, ensuring that the assets are not idle and generating returns.
      3. Risk Mitigation: Lessor retains ownership of the asset, allowing them to mitigate certain risks associated with ownership, such as maintenance and depreciation.
      4. Portfolio Diversification: By leasing out multiple assets across various industries or sectors, lessors can diversify their investment portfolio and reduce overall risk.

      Benefits for a Lessee

      1. Cost-Efficiency: Lessees can access and use high-value assets without the need for significant upfront capital investment, preserving their cash flow for other business operations.
      2. Flexibility: Leasing offers flexibility in terms of asset usage, allowing lessees to adapt to changing business needs without being tied down by long-term ownership commitments.
      3. Up-to-Date Technology: Leasing enables lessees to access the latest technology and equipment without the burden of owning outdated or obsolete assets, ensuring they remain competitive in their respective industries.
      4. Asset Management: Lessees can benefit from simplified asset management, as maintenance and upkeep responsibilities often fall on the lessor, reducing operational burdens.

      How to approach accounting for lease agreements for lessor or lessee

      Although different types of leases exist — such as finance and operating leases — the obligations have one thing in common. When it comes to lease accounting, leases must be reported accurately to meet regulatory compliance standards.

      Lessor accounting obligations

      Accurate accounting is vital to the health of any organization. As a lessor, accounting accuracy requires correctly classifying your leases—whether as sales-type, direct financing or operating.

      Under lease accounting standard ASC 842, ownership transfers to the lessee for accounting purposes for sales-type and direct financing leases. Sales-type leases require lessors to derecognize the underlying asset and instead recognize the lease’s net investment, selling profit or loss arising from the lease, and track the balance and interest income over time. Lessors record direct financing leases in a similar manner but defer the asset’s profit or loss.

      Operating leases give the lessee the right to use the asset but not ownership of it. Therefore, lessors record the asset, its related depreciation and lease payments in the books.

      Lessee accounting obligations

      Lessees must classify their leases as either finance or operating under the ASC 842 lease accounting standard. Both types of leases must appear in the organization’s balance sheet unless the term is 12 months or less, which is considered a short-term lease. For operating leases, lessees are expected to record payments as operating costs on the organization’s income statement.

      Impact of ASC 842

      How lease agreements are presented on balance sheets has changed for both lessors and lessees under ASC 842. Lessees now need to list all leasing obligations, including operating leases, on the balance sheet, categorizing them as either operating or finance leases. Lessors, who were already classifying leases, are less affected. Accurate classification and accounting are essential, and lease management software can assist in meeting these new requirements.

      Whether you are a lessor or a lessee, using a robust software solution like Visual Lease can help maintain accurate lease accounting — and protect the financial health of your business.

      The post What are the roles of lessors and lessees in lease accounting? first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
      Visual Lease Data Institute Forecasts Lease Management as a Leading 2024 Business Priority for the Office of Finance Tue, 31 Oct 2023 13:07:05 +0000 Survey reveals 84% of enterprise organizations are prioritizing lease management due to lease accounting standards and emerging regulatory requirements around environmental impact reporting Woodbridge, N.J. – Oct. 31, 2023 –...

      The post Visual Lease Data Institute Forecasts Lease Management as a Leading 2024 Business Priority for the Office of Finance first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

      Survey reveals 84% of enterprise organizations are prioritizing lease management due to lease accounting standards and emerging regulatory requirements around environmental impact reporting

      Woodbridge, N.J. Oct. 31, 2023Visual Lease (VL), the #1 lease optimization software provider, today released the newest report from the Visual Lease Data Institute (VLDI), “The 2024 Office of Finance Outlook: Environmental Impact Reporting.” Findings from this report uncover how the heightened global focus on environmental, social and governance (ESG) programs is affecting how the Office of Finance must evolve to leverage lease portfolios to meet regulatory requirements and achieve more strategic financial and operational outcomes.

      VL reports that nearly 70% of surveyed senior finance executives say that their organizations are not fully prepared to track and measure the environmental impact of their leased and owned asset portfolios in order to comply with new and emerging requirements. In 2023 alone, various regulatory bodies have committed to introducing standardization to the environmental reporting process, including the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB), The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and most recently, California’s state government, further highlighting the importance of strong lease management.

      “Considering that 40% of global carbon dioxide emissions stem from real estate-related assets, effective lease management serves as an organization’s gateway to not only quantifying and disclosing its environmental impact but, also to tracking its progress against internal and external sustainability goals,” said Robert Michlewicz, CEO of Visual Lease. “Without a strong level of control over your leased and owned assets, you risk inaccurate financial reporting and as a result, damaged relationships with crucial stakeholders, including consumers, investors and employees.”

      Investing in dedicated technology can also address concerns that 99% of surveyed senior finance executives have with maintaining control over their organization’s lease portfolio, including concerns about data accuracy and completeness (48%), sustaining lease accounting compliance (44%) and compliance with ESG requirements and policies (44%).

      “Despite how critical data collection and management is in the reporting process, our study found that 51% of enterprise organizations are either relying on Excel or a third party to help them manage their lease administration processes,” said Michlewicz. “However, it is imperative that the Office of Finance leverages a centralized system of record with a strong controls framework to ensure complete and accurate asset data and emissions inventory.”

      The new VLDI report found that prioritizing ESG initiatives remains top-of-mind for most senior finance and accounting executives at companies with more than 1,000 employees, with 90% looking to enact new sustainability goals within the next 2-5 years, and 97% saying they are currently involved with ESG reporting decisions within their organization.

      Additional findings on organizations’ commitments to ESG program development and reporting include:

      • 88% of surveyed senior finance executives say that sustainability factors are a high priority when entering into new lease agreements, such as increasing the number of LEED-certified buildings in their lease portfolios or increasing the number of energy-efficient vehicles in their fleets.
      • Less than one-third of senior finance executives report that their ESG reporting framework is fully established and includes a variety of environmental factors, with 30% disclosing that their framework is limited to specific organization initiatives.
      • While the majority of surveyed senior finance executives reported that they’ve collected key environmental data, less than 40% have analyzed or used the data to establish benchmarks.

      To download the report and view the full data findings, click here.

      Visual Lease conducted a national survey of 200 U.S. senior finance executives at private, public and government organizations with more than 1,000 employees.

      About Visual Lease

      Visual Lease is the #1 lease optimization solution provider, empowering organizations to leverage their lease portfolio for strategic financial and operational outcomes. Our powerful and secure platform serves as a centralized system of record for all lease financial, operational and legal data, and is purpose-built to support every team that interacts with a company’s lease portfolio. Informed by nearly three decades of experience, our solutions help companies easily sustain compliance with FASB, IFRS, GASB and ISSB reporting requirements, and mitigate the risks and maximize the value associated with their lease records. Our award-winning software is used by 1,500+ organizations to manage more than 1 million real estate, equipment and other leased asset records globally. For more information, visit

      About the Visual Lease Data Institute

      The Visual Lease Data Institute is a collection of market-leading data, trends and insights on lease accounting, management, sustainability reporting and optimization created and curated by Visual Lease, provider of the #1 lease optimization software. The Institute was founded on 35+ years of experience managing lease data and financials, and was created to empower organizations with the market data required to leverage their lease portfolio for strategic financial and operational outcomes.

      Media Contact:

      Erica Bonavitacola
      Visual Lease
      T+1 732 860 4838

      The post Visual Lease Data Institute Forecasts Lease Management as a Leading 2024 Business Priority for the Office of Finance first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
      Calculating Present Value of Lease Payments Mon, 30 Oct 2023 13:00:40 +0000 Table of Contents How to Calculate the Present Value of Lease Payments in Excel Step 1: Organize Data Step 2: Use the PV Function Step 3: Repeat as Needed Cons...

      The post Calculating Present Value of Lease Payments first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

      Table of Contents

    • How to Calculate the Present Value of Lease Payments in Excel
    • Step 1: Organize Data
    • Step 2: Use the PV Function
    • Step 3: Repeat as Needed
    • Cons of Using Excel: Changes in Lease Payment Schedule
    • The Importance of Lease Calculations in Compliance
    • Calculating the Present Value of Lease Payments with Visual Lease Accounting Software
    • Improving your Lease Management Process
    • Make the Switch from Excel to Visual Lease Software
    • Leasing is a common practice for businesses of all sizes, offering flexibility and financial advantages. However, to accurately account for leases and comply with accounting standards like ASC 842, calculating the Present Value of Lease Payments (PV) is essential. While Excel is a commonly used tool for this task, there are better technologies to ensure compliance. In this article, we’ll walk you through the steps to calculate the Present Value of Lease Payments in Excel and highlight the importance of accuracy in lease calculations. We’ll also explore why switching to an established provider is a smart move for lease accounting.

      How to Calculate the Present Value of Lease Payments in Excel

      Excel is a versatile tool for various financial calculations, including determining the present value of lease payments. Follow these steps to perform the calculation:

      Step 1: Organize Data

      Before diving into calculations, ensure that you have all the necessary lease data organized. This should include:

      • Interest rate per period (rate)
      • Total number of payment periods (nper)
      • Payment amount for each period (pmt)

      Having this information at your fingertips will make the calculation process much smoother.

      Step 2: Use the PV Function

      In an empty cell, use the Excel formula for calculating the present value. The formula typically used is:

      =PV(rate, nper, pmt)

      • Rate: Enter the interest rate per period. Ensure that the rate is consistent with the payment frequency (e.g., annual rate for annual payments).
      • NPER: Input the total number of payment periods over the lease term.
      • PMT: Enter the payment amount for each period. Make sure to include any relevant negative sign (for outflows).

      After inputting these values, Excel will calculate the present value of lease payments, which represents the total value of future lease payments in today’s dollars.

      Step 3: Repeat as Needed

      If you have multiple lease agreements or different payment schedules, you can repeat the above steps for each lease to calculate their respective present values.

      Cons of Using Excel: Changes in Lease Payment Schedule

      The PV function in Excel is easy to use, but it is very limited in function. It cannot accommodate changes in the payment schedule during the lease term. That is why most users will utilize the NPV function instead. While it accommodates changes, each payment must be entered individually, even if the payments are unchanged, as well as periods where the payment amount is zero.

      Both PV and NPV only deal with full periods (usually based on a month, although other periods can be selected).  Sometimes, though, a partial period is required in the calculation of NPV, for example when the payment is not at the beginning or end of the calendar month. That can be done with Excel, but this requires creating a complex model.  Also, the payment methodology (beginning or end of period, see below) is important for making PV work with lease accounting schedules. This is an extra step in the PV or NPV functions, one not often used. This can create errors which are difficult to reconcile.

      The Importance of Lease Calculations in Maintaining Compliance

      Accurate lease calculations are crucial for several reasons, ranging from financial transparency and regulatory compliance to effective decision-making and risk management. Here are some of the most common reasons why having accurate lease calculations is important:

      • Financial Transparency: Accurate calculations ensure that your financial statements accurately represent your organization’s financial position, helping stakeholders make informed decisions.
      • Compliance: Regulatory standards like ASC 842 demand accuracy in lease calculations. Errors can lead to compliance violations and regulatory penalties.
      • Audit Preparedness: Accurate calculations make audit processes smoother, reducing the risk of audit issues and delays.
      • Budgeting and Planning: Precise lease calculations aid in budgeting and financial planning, helping organizations allocate resources effectively.
      • Contract Negotiations: Accurate calculations provide a strong foundation for lease negotiations, allowing organizations to make informed decisions about lease terms.

      Each of the lease accounting standards (ASC 842, IFRS 16, GASB 87) specifies methodology for calculating interest, straight-line rent, ROU Asset amortization, and Liability reduction.  If the present value calculation does not perfectly align with the schedule, the ROU Asset and Liability will not amortize to zero at the end of the lease term.  This is a red flag for auditors.

      Calculating the Present Value of Lease Payments with Visual Lease Accounting Software

      While Excel is a useful tool, it has limitations, and managing complex lease portfolios can be challenging. That’s where Visual Lease software comes in.

      Visual Lease can calculate the Net Present Value of a lease accounting schedule in one of two ways. The following describes these ways in terms of the Excel function NPV, and B1 through BN are the individual payments:

      • Beginning of the Period: This method deducts the payment amount from the principal, then calculates the periodic interest. The formula is NPV(Annual Rate/12, B2:Bn) + B1 .
      • End of the Period: This method calculates the periodic interest, then deducts the payment amount from the principal. The formula is NPV(Annual Rate, B1:Bn).

      If the initial period is partial (begins any day other than first of a month), the methods are as follows, referencing the Excel function PV. The platform creates individual present values for each period i as PV(Annual Rate/12,Period,,-Bi) where Bi is the payment for the ith period, and sums the values for the initial liability value, according to one of these methods:

      • Beginning of the Period: This method uses the full face value of the first payment. It then discounts the second payment by the fractional initial month. For each subsequent payment, it increases each subsequent period by adding 1 to the prior period value.
      • End of the Period: This method discounts the first payment by the fractional initial month. For each subsequent payment, it increases each subsequent period by adding 1 to the prior period value.

      The Net Present Value of payments affects the Right of Use Asset Starting Balance, Total Ending Liability Starting Balance, and Interest for all schedules affecting the balance sheet.

      Users can easily select their preference in the Net Present Value Calculation Method drop-down within VL. This can

      Visual Lease simplifies the process of calculating PV and offers numerous advantages:

      • Automation: Visual Lease automates lease calculations, reducing the risk of errors and saving you time.
      • Accuracy: With a dedicated platform for lease accounting, Visual Lease ensures accuracy in all calculations, helping you stay compliant with accounting standards.
      • Comprehensive Reporting: Generate detailed and customizable reports for better insights into your lease portfolio.
      • Centralized Document Management: Store and manage all lease documents in one secure location.
      • Audit Trail: Visual Lease maintains an audit trail, making it easier to track changes and ensure transparency.
      • Compliance: Visual Lease is designed to keep you compliant with the latest accounting standards, reducing the risk of regulatory issues.

      Improving your Lease Management Process

      Calculating the present value of lease payments is a critical aspect of lease accounting. While Excel can handle these calculations, it comes with limitations and potential risks. Transitioning to Visual Lease software not only simplifies the process but also offers enhanced automation, accuracy, compliance, and reporting capabilities. If you’re serious about lease accounting, Visual Lease is the smart choice to ensure accuracy and efficiency in your lease management processes.

      Making the Switch from Excel to Visual Lease Software

      When Excel can’t keep up with multiple leases and running reports is an extremely manual process, it’s time to consider a better option. Switching from Excel to Visual Lease is a straightforward process. Visual Lease’s proven migration methodology ensures completeness, consistency and sustainable workflows.

      Visual Lease offers an easy transition, and like our customers, your organization can quickly realize the benefits of using specialized lease management software:

      • Efficiency: Visual Lease streamlines lease management, saving you time and reducing manual data entry.
      • Accuracy: With automated calculations, you can trust that your lease data is accurate.
      • Compliance: Visual Lease ensures compliance with ASC 842 and other accounting standards.
      • Advanced Reporting: Access advanced reporting and analytics to gain valuable insights into your lease portfolio.
      • Document Management: Store and organize all lease-related documents within the platform.
      • Audit Readiness: Visual Lease prepares you for audits with accurate and well-documented lease data.

      Switch to Visual Lease today to experience the difference.

      The post Calculating Present Value of Lease Payments first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
      Leasehold improvements: What you need to know for ASC 842 Wed, 25 Oct 2023 14:00:12 +0000

      Table of contents: 

      As you navigate the complexities of ASC 842 compliance, you may be wondering how and when to account for leasehold improvements.

      What are leasehold improvements?

      From an accounting standpoint, leasehold improvements are any modifications, enhancements or additions made by a tenant to their leased space (or the “leasehold interest”) that add business value.

      Tenants often make these improvements to their leased spaces to:

      • Customize the layout and design of their leased space
      • Improve ergonomics and make the space more employee- or customer-friendly
      • Brand the leased space with a company’s look and feel

      Examples of leasehold improvements

      Leasehold improvements can be any update or change to a leased property’s interior finishes beyond what the landlord provides as standard.

      They may include upgrades to drywall, electrical, flooring, carpentry and similar features, as well as permanently affixed displays, shelving, partitions, lighting, signage and other enhancements that help customize the space.

      Leasehold improvements may be made at any time during the term of a lease — or before moving into a space.

      For instance, in a new shopping mall, a landlord typically provides a “vanilla box” that a retailer will want to customize with improvements — adding dressing rooms, sales counters and other features that will make the leasehold interest more valuable as a business location.

      Furthermore, enhancements that are not considered a leasehold improvement include modifications to exterior or shared spaces, as well as interior features such as data cabling, furniture, non-permanent fixtures or equipment that can be removed when the tenant moves out.

      Are Leasehold Improvements Considered Lease Incentives?

      Leasehold improvements and lease incentives are distinct concepts in the realm of leasing agreements. Leasehold improvements refer to modifications or enhancements made to a leased property by the tenant to better suit their specific needs or business operations. These improvements typically remain with the property at the end of the lease term. On the other hand, lease incentives are concessions offered by landlords to attract tenants, such as rent-free periods, cash allowances, or assistance with moving costs. While both leasehold improvements and lease incentives can enhance the overall leasing experience, they serve different purposes: the former focuses on customizing the space, while the latter aims to make the lease agreement more appealing to potential tenants.

      How do leasehold improvements impact ASC 842?

      Leasehold improvements are reported as property, plant and equipment (PP&E) assets on the balance sheet. ASC 842 does not change the way they are handled, unless a tenant uses a tenant improvement allowance to make their improvements.

      When a tenant makes leasehold improvements using a tenant improvement allowance, ASC 842 requires a different treatment than the previous accounting under ASC 840. Under ASC 842, a tenant improvement allowance is treated as a lease incentive that reduces the ROU asset. If the tenant improvement allowance is not yet received, the lease liability is also reduced in future minimum lease payments.

      Here are the basics you need to know about leasehold improvements relating to ASC 842 compliance:

      What is a tenant improvement allowance?

      A tenant improvement allowance (also called a TI allowance or TIA) may be offered to a tenant by a landlord, which the tenant may choose to use to pay for leasehold improvements. It is one of several types of lease incentives that a landlord may offer to attract tenants and is often part of lease negotiations.

      The TI allowance amount will be included in the lease, along with how it will be paid. For example, it may be offered as a rent discount, paid directly to contractors or provided as a reimbursement to the tenant after the work is complete. The lease may also stipulate what leasehold improvements the allowance may cover.

      Reporting a TI allowance for leasehold improvements

      Under ASC 840, a TI allowance (or other lease incentive) was generally reported as a separate liability. The liability would have been reduced on a straight-line basis and reduced rent expense.

      Now, under ASC 842, if a TI allowance is paid to a tenant up front, it reduces the tenant’s ROU asset, but adds a leasehold improvement asset in the amount that was paid. In other words, the tenant now has a lower lease cost and a separate monthly expense related to the leasehold improvement.

      For example, suppose an ROU asset is calculated at $1 million and the landlord offers a lease incentive of $100,000 in a TI allowance. The result would be a $100,000 reduction in the ROU asset and $100,000 in leasehold improvement (PP&E) assets:

      ROU asset $1,000,000 – TI allowance $100,000 = Total assets $900,000 lease + $100,000 PP&E

      Tracking and managing lease details

      Although leasehold improvements themselves are not affected by ASC 842, there are implications in the context of lease incentives and TI allowances as part of new lease negotiations.

      Understanding leasehold improvements, lease incentives and the latest accounting treatments is critical to compliance with ASC 842. At the very least, tenants should keep track of all leasehold improvement costs, since they are assets that can be amortized or depreciated.

      Leasehold improvements and lease incentives are just some of the critical details that need to be tracked for effective lease accounting and management. A technology solution like Visual Lease makes it easy for you to track these and other crucial aspects of your lease portfolio.

      To learn more, contact us at (888) 876-6500 — or to see Visual Lease in action, request a demo. 

      The post Leasehold improvements: What you need to know for ASC 842 first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
      Is Your Lease Accounting in Need of a Digital Transformation? Mon, 23 Oct 2023 21:10:57 +0000 Lease accounting and management have evolved into intricate processes, posing fresh challenges for financial leaders. From grappling with an accountant shortage to seeking enhanced lease flexibility during economic uncertainty and...

      The post Is Your Lease Accounting in Need of a Digital Transformation?  first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
      Lease accounting and management have evolved into intricate processes, posing fresh challenges for financial leaders. From grappling with an accountant shortage to seeking enhanced lease flexibility during economic uncertainty and preparing for imminent ESG reporting obligations, the office of finance has never been in more need of a robust system of record and process automation. 

      Digital transformation necessitates a robust technology-driven framework, underpinned by effective controls, to navigate (and automate) the complexities of lease accounting and meet eventual ESG reporting standards.  

      To achieve digital transformation in lease accounting, organizations can consider these best practices: 

      Digitize your leases and centralize them in a dedicated system of record 

      Leases are complex and dynamic documents –  it’s critical that organizations understand and digitize the terms of their lease. Misunderstandings about financial obligations often result in delayed payments, overpayments, and missed opportunities for cost savings. By tracking leases systematically, organizations can optimize their portfolios and even identify opportunities for value creation.   

      For example: A company has 20 forklifts, split 10 each at 2 warehouses. One warehouse is 50% idle, while the other is overcapacity and oftentimes has forklifts down for service. Reallocating some of the assets to the overcapacity facility (portfolio optimization) saves money from excessive wear and tear and increases capacity.   

      A lease management system allows organizations to view and track key clauses, obligations and other lease information including master leases, subleases, lease options, critical dates and special scenarios in real estate, equipment, operating or any other leased asset. 

      Take Preemptive Action on ESG Reporting 

      With numerous ESG regulations already in place and more on the horizon, organizations must proactively prepare to meet these reporting requirements. Investors, employees, and customers are closely monitoring ESG disclosures, demanding greater transparency. Without the ability to report on environmental aspects of their leased and owned assets, such as water consumption and carbon emissions, property owners risk alienating key stakeholders. They may also find themselves ill-prepared to comply with forthcoming climate change regulations and reporting standards.  

      Providing organizations with environmental transparency aligns with their internal ESG objectives, making it an attractive proposition. By implementing robust lease controls and leveraging a carbon accounting tool, organizations can position themselves as pioneers in this space. 

      Lease accounting was never a walk in the park, and its complexities have only deepened with the introduction of ESG reporting standards. As these standards continue to expand, organizations and their accounting teams must adapt. Digitizing and implementing the right technology is the key to successful reporting and upkeep in this evolving landscape, ensuring teams can meet an expanding array of business requirements. 

      Discover more about the VL ESG Steward here. 

      The post Is Your Lease Accounting in Need of a Digital Transformation?  first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
      Article: ESG 101: Practical Approaches for Navigating Compliance, Controls, and Sustainability Reporting – Webinar Highlights Mon, 23 Oct 2023 14:01:03 +0000 Controllers Council recently held a panel discussion on ESG 101: Practical Approaches for Navigating Compliance, Controls, and Sustainability Reporting, sponsored by Visual Lease.

      The post Article: ESG 101: Practical Approaches for Navigating Compliance, Controls, and Sustainability Reporting – Webinar Highlights first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
      Controllers Council recently held a panel discussion on ESG 101: Practical Approaches for Navigating Compliance, Controls, and Sustainability Reporting, sponsored by Visual Lease.

      The post Article: ESG 101: Practical Approaches for Navigating Compliance, Controls, and Sustainability Reporting – Webinar Highlights first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
      Top 3 Best Practices for Lease Management Mon, 23 Oct 2023 14:00:04 +0000 Lease management is more complicated than ever before. Tenants and landlords are navigating a lot of hurdles, including organizations’ need for greater flexibility – according to the Visual Lease Data...

      The post Top 3 Best Practices for Lease Management first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
      Lease management is more complicated than ever before. Tenants and landlords are navigating a lot of hurdles, including organizations’ need for greater flexibility – according to the Visual Lease Data Institute companies are prioritizing agility within their leases, with 88% of senior Real Estate Executives reporting that companies are planning for physical space needs just one year or less in advance – and now ESG reporting requirements on the horizon. The standards released by the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) are expected to be followed soon by guidelines from the SEC, adding another layer of complexity specifically for landlords who will be responsible for this reporting.

      All of these changes require the right technology-backed controls framework to successfully meet both lease accounting and ESG reporting standards. Here are three ways the right lease management can help organizations stay on top of these changes. 

      1. Ensure clear communication and documentation

      Leases are complex and dynamic documents –  it’s critical that tenants understand and can track the terms of their lease. Misunderstandings about expenses and what’s owed can often lead to late payments and negatively impact a tenant-owner relationship. This also helps property owners track tenant payments to identify more financially stable and accountable tenants who pay rent and other expenses on time. The right lease controls ultimately benefit both parties through improved communication and a better understanding of the lease agreements.

      2. Increase lease agility and flexibility

      Tenants increasingly want the flexibility to react to changing circumstances, whether that is a dynamic work schedule or an uncertain economy. The ability to track a tenant’s performance or occupancy through lease management will help inform property owners on how to structure future agreements and establish more individualized terms for each tenant. Lease management can also improve communication between both parties by allowing them to quickly convey messages like important dates about the building and potentially dangerous weather.

      3. Staying ahead of ESG reporting requirements

      ESG regulations are here and more are around the corner, so company leaders need to be planning ahead to stay in front of reporting requirements. This reporting is also likely to be closely watched by investors, employees and customers who all have indicated they expect to see greater transparency from companies when it comes to where things stand with ESG.

      Owners run several risks if they do not have the ability to report on their leased and owned asset portfolios’ environmental output – from water usage to carbon emissions and on. These risks include falling out of favor with key stakeholders, including employees, tenants and investors, and being wildly unprepared for climate change regulations and reporting standards. Having the ability to provide this level of environmental transparency to tenants will only gain in appeal as it allows them to use these metrics toward their own internal ESG goals as well. Implementing strong lease controls and the right tracking technology, like the VL ESG Steward, now will position these owners ahead of the rest. 

      The bottom line: The right lease controls will enable successful reporting within a complex system.

      Lease accounting has never been easy, and it’s only become more complicated with the introduction of new ESG reporting standards, which will ultimately fall to organizations and their accounting teams to manage and maintain. ESG standards are only expected to expand, which means companies will have to further adapt their accounting to suit regulations. The right controls in place will enable successful reporting and maintenance for teams that must meet a growing range of business needs. 

      Learn more about the VL ESG Steward here.

      The post Top 3 Best Practices for Lease Management first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
      Visual Lease Reports Robust Third Quarter Mon, 16 Oct 2023 14:17:26 +0000 Longstanding pioneer in lease management and accounting continues to advance its platform capabilities to address evolving environmental reporting requirements Woodbridge, NJ – October 16, 2023 — Visual Lease (VL), the...

      The post Visual Lease Reports Robust Third Quarter first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

      Longstanding pioneer in lease management and accounting continues to advance its platform capabilities to address evolving environmental reporting requirements

      Woodbridge, NJ – October 16, 2023Visual Lease (VL), the #1 lease optimization software provider, today announced its results from Q3 2023, reporting sustained double-digit annual recurring revenue and customer percentage growth, year-over-year.

      “A forthcoming analysis from The Visual Lease Data Institute indicates that 99% of senior accounting and finance executives from companies with more than 1,000 employees have made lease management a higher priority in light of the new lease accounting standards and rising, widespread interest in sustainability,” said Robert Michlewicz, CEO of Visual Lease. “Our continued growth and industry recognition reflects our unique ability to address this pivotal shift in the Office of Finance, which is rooted in VL’s 25+ years of experience maximizing the value organizations receive from their lease portfolio. We continue to invest in our people, platform and the services we provide to empower our growing community of 1,500+ customers to leverage their lease portfolio for strategic financial and operational outcomes.”

      In Q3, Visual Lease:

      Solutions & Services

      • Enhanced its GASB Roll Forward Report for lessees, which provides detail of the asset and liability activity that occurred in the reporting period. This report makes it easy for organizations that need to comply with the GASB standards 87 and 96 to manage and reconcile period-over-period changes to their balance sheet accounts, and can also be used to help in preparing statements of cash flows.

      • Hosted its second annual Customer Advisory Board (CAB) Summit in San Antonio, TX, a multi-day event where select customers and partners gathered to discuss industry trends, as well as review and provide feedback on VL’s roadmap. During the summit, VL unveiled the winners of its annual Customer Excellence Awards, recognizing American Axle Manufacturing, Compass, Quanta Services and RSM US LLP for capitalizing on VL’s unique capabilities to streamline critical workflows, promote cross-departmental collaboration and ensure data accuracy.
      • Welcomed Gene Cook as Vice President of Global Partners, responsible for helping the company expand the value it provides to its growing network of Global Partners across leading accounting firms, professional services organizations, commercial real estate firms and solution providers.

      Industry Recognition

      • Received two awards for its newest offering, VL ESG Steward™, recognized as a finalist for a Software as a Service (SaaS) award within the category of Best SaaS Product for CSR, Sustainability and ESG, and also named a Sustainability Product of the Year by the Business Intelligence Group. VL ESG Steward is the first solution of its kind within the lease accounting and administration space designed to empower users to report on the environmental impact of their owned and leased assets in accordance with the sustainability disclosure requirements from the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB), IFRS S1 and IFRS S2.
      • Recognized by G2 as a Leader and High Performer for Enterprise businesses in both the Lease Administration and Lease Accounting categories, as well as Leader and High Performer status in both categories for businesses of all sizes.

      Company Culture

      • Hosted its inaugural VL Week, providing an opportunity for employees to learn, connect with one another and apply key concepts that are critical to supporting its customers, collaborating with its global partners and achieving shared corporate goals. The week consisted of informative sessions, workshops and volunteer opportunities with local organizations Elijah’s Promise and Clean Ocean Action. .

      To keep up with the latest findings from The Visual Lease Data Institute and additional announcements from Visual Lease, visit the Visual Lease Newsroom.

      About Visual Lease

      Visual Lease is the #1 lease optimization solution provider, empowering organizations to leverage their lease portfolio for strategic financial and operational outcomes. Our powerful and secure platform serves as a centralized system of record for all lease financial, operational and legal data, and is purpose-built to support every team that interacts with a company’s lease portfolio. Informed by nearly three decades of experience, our solutions help companies easily sustain compliance with FASB, IFRS, GASB and ISSB reporting requirements, and mitigate the risks and maximize the value associated with their lease records. Our award-winning software is used by 1,500+ organizations to manage more than 1 million real estate, equipment and other leased asset records globally. For more information, visit


      Media Contacts 

      Erica Bonavitacola
      Visual Lease
      T+1 732 770 2270     

      The post Visual Lease Reports Robust Third Quarter first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
      Article: Getting Ahead: A Guide To Complying With New ESG Regulations Mon, 16 Oct 2023 13:00:28 +0000 In the last few years, environmental, social and governance (ESG) planning has become ubiquitous. No matter the industry or company size, businesses have made tremendous investments to advance ESG policies—and...

      The post Article: Getting Ahead: A Guide To Complying With New ESG Regulations first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
      In the last few years, environmental, social and governance (ESG) planning has become ubiquitous. No matter the industry or company size, businesses have made tremendous investments to advance ESG policies—and for good reason, as we’ve seen firsthand that brand reputation, revenue, investor sentiment and employee retention can be impacted by a company’s approach to ESG.

      The post Article: Getting Ahead: A Guide To Complying With New ESG Regulations first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
      Understanding California’s New Climate Disclosure Laws – SB 253 and SB 261 Wed, 11 Oct 2023 13:00:03 +0000 California has taken a significant step toward addressing climate change by enacting the ground-breaking California Climate Accountability Package. This legislation not only sets the stage for comprehensive reporting of carbon...

      The post Understanding California’s New Climate Disclosure Laws – SB 253 and SB 261 first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

      California has taken a significant step toward addressing climate change by enacting the ground-breaking California Climate Accountability Package. This legislation not only sets the stage for comprehensive reporting of carbon emissions but also expands the scope of companies impacted, going beyond publicly traded entities. 

      In this post, we’ll delve mainly into the details of SB 253, its implications, and the broader landscape of environmental disclosure.

      What is the California Climate Accountability Package?

      The California Climate Accountability Package comprises two bills, Senate Bill 253 (SB 253) and Senate Bill 261 (SB 261), which mandate both public and private companies operating in California to disclose their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions as well as climate-related financial risk. These bills were signed into law by Governor Newsom on October 9, 2023.

      What is SB-253? Who does it impact?

      SB-253, at its core, establishes a robust reporting framework for carbon emissions. Unlike other environmental disclosure laws, SB-253 primarily focuses on carbon emissions and does not encompass additional factors like water waste or biodiversity standards. However, it goes further than future federal SEC guidelines, as it applies to both public and private companies with a revenue threshold of at least $1 billion, doing business in California – expanding the potential scope to a wide range of entities.

      What’s Included in SB-253:

      • Expanded Coverage: While the SEC regulations will apply primarily to publicly traded companies, SB-253 extends its reach to private companies that meet the revenue threshold, making it applicable to a more extensive group of businesses. The mandated Scope 3 disclosure brings many additional companies under coverage (regardless of their revenue).
      • Mandated Scope 3 Disclosures: One significant feature of SB-253 is the requirement for reporting on scope 3 emissions. Although it leaves room for interpretation, this expands the responsibility of businesses to account for indirect emissions, such as employee commutes and business travel.
      • Financial Risk Disclosure: SB-253 introduces the Climate-Related Financial Risks Act (SB-261), applicable to companies with a lower revenue threshold of $500 million. This aspect focuses on financial risk disclosure, emphasizing the need for companies to understand and report on the environmental impact of their operations.
      • Incremental Reporting: Companies will need to start gathering data for scope 1 and scope 2 emissions from January 2025, with the first reporting year set for 2026. For scope 3, data collection begins in January 2026. This gradual approach allows companies time to prepare for the reporting requirements.
      • Increasing Assurance Levels: The law outlines a transition from limited assurance to reasonable assurance for reporting by 2030. This progression emphasizes the importance of accurate and reliable reporting, requiring businesses to prove their emissions data through a full audit trail.

      SB-253 represents a significant shift in the landscape of climate disclosure, not only in California but potentially influencing environmental reporting practices nationwide. Its broader coverage, scope 3 requirements, and increasing assurance levels place a premium on accurate data collection and reporting.

      The Impact of SB-253:

      The California Climate Accountability Package is set to transform climate disclosure practices and emissions reporting for more than ~10,000 companies. Advocates argue that this enhanced accountability will drive large corporations, major greenhouse gas emitters, to reduce their carbon footprint. It also empowers consumers and regulators to identify laggard companies and push them toward climate action, while revealing firms with significant climate-related financial risks. Forward-thinking companies already measuring and disclosing their greenhouse gas emissions will benefit from the proposed reporting framework, which emphasizes their initiatives. 

      Businesses are gearing up for upcoming disclosures, like the SEC Climate Proposal, reflecting investors’ demand for consistent, reliable climate-related financial information. Many organizations are committed to achieving net-zero emissions, and transparency will enable investors to assess their progress. The new reporting requirements will also help identify value-creation opportunities through accurate carbon accounting, offering insights into emissions profiles and hotspots. These insights can lead to cost-of-capital reductions for sustainability-oriented firms and cater to consumers willing to pay premiums for eco-conscious brands or adjust their buying habits to reduce their carbon footprint.

      California’s SB-253 is a significant step toward comprehensive climate disclosure. It not only expands the reporting scope but also emphasizes the need for accurate data and reasonable assurance. Whether driven by compliance or operating in self-interests, businesses should recognize the importance of environmental reporting in a world increasingly focused on sustainability and climate action. SB-253 sets the stage for a more transparent and accountable future, where businesses must take responsibility for their carbon emissions.

      What is SB-261?

      SB 261, also referred to as the Climate-Related Financial Risk Act, is a California statute designed to enhance transparency regarding climate-related financial risks confronting certain businesses. This legislation mandates that companies with annual revenues exceeding $500 million must:

      • Compile biennial reports detailing their climate-related financial risks and strategies for risk mitigation.
      • Commence reporting by no later than January 1, 2026.
      • Adhere to the guidelines outlined in the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) framework.

      In essence, SB 261 strives to shed light on the financial vulnerabilities businesses encounter due to climate change, promoting greater awareness and preparedness.

      How Can VL ESG Steward Help?

      For businesses affected by SB-253 and SB-261, tracking and reporting emissions accurately is paramount. VL ESG Steward provides a platform for capturing, tracking, and reporting on direct and indirect emissions, offering a full audit trail to ensure data accuracy. As regulations evolve, VL continues to enhance its capabilities to meet the specific reporting needs of businesses.

      The post Understanding California’s New Climate Disclosure Laws – SB 253 and SB 261 first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
      ASC 842 Practical Expedients Tue, 10 Oct 2023 13:00:10 +0000

      Table of Contents:

      1. What are Practical Expedients?
        1. Introduction to practical expedients in ASC 842 and IFRS 16 adoption.
      2. ASC 842 Transition Methods
        1. An overview of transition methods in ASC 842 designed to facilitate the shift from the previous lease accounting method to the new standard.
      3. Three ASC 842 Practical Expedients in One Package
        1. Understanding the all-or-nothing approach of the three expedients package.
      4. What does the ASC 842 Practical Expedients Package Mean for Lease Accounting and Compliance?
        1. Addressing implications like lease reclassification, embedded leases, and initial direct costs.
      5. Hindsight Expedient Applied to ASC 842 Transition Requirements
        1. Exploring the use of the hindsight expedient for lease classifications.
      6. Practical Expedient Combining Lease and Non-Lease Components
        1. Understanding an expedient for allocating fixed consideration across lease and non-lease components.
      7. Practical Expedient for Restating Prior Year Financials
        1. Explaining the expedient for restating financials under ASC 842.
      8. Practical Expedient for Short-Term Leases
        1. Details on the expedient for handling short-term leases under GAAP.
      9. Practical Expedient for Private Company Discount Rates
        1. Insights into using risk-free interest rates as an alternative to incremental borrowing rates.
      10. Practical Expedient for Land Easements
        1. Addressing the expedient related to land easements existing before the effective date of the new standard.
      11. Accounting Standards Update (ASU) 2023-01, Leases (Topic 842): Common Control Arrangements
        1. Overview of the ASU and its impact on accounting for common control leases.
      12. Practical Expedient for Related Party Leases
        1. Exploring the expedient for handling related party leases.
      13. IFRS 16 Practical Expedients
        1. An overview of practical expedients available under IFRS 16.

      What are Practical Expedients?

      Practical expedients are considerations, or shortcuts companies can elect to lessen their burden in the adoption of ASC 842 and IFRS 16. They were designed to provide relief for companies during the transition to the new standards.

      Why Practical Expedients Matter: Early Decision-Making

      In the time since FASB passed the new accounting standard ASC 842 in 2016, the organization has issued periodic updates to the codification for generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). These Accounting Standards Updates (ASUs) include practical expedients that have been created to simplify ASC 842 transition requirements.

      As we mentioned in our blog on lease data collection tips, strategic accounting decisions need to be made early on, before data collection for FASB ASC 842 compliance begins. That includes choosing which practical expedients to use.

      ASC 842 Transition Methods

      Transition methods in ASC 842 are practical expedients designed to facilitate the transition from the previous lease accounting method to the new standard.

      Discount Package:

      The discount package allows lessees to apply a single discount rate to a group of leases with reasonably similar characteristics. This simplifies the process and saves time during the transition.

      Hindsight Package:

      The hindsight practical expedient permits lessees to use hindsight for lease renewals and purchase options when determining the lease term. However, this option is rarely chosen due to its complexity and potential accounting implications.

      Package of 3:

      The package of 3 expedient primarily benefits organizations during the transition phase. It allows lessees to avoid reassessing whether expired or existing contracts are or contain leases, reclassifying leases, and reevaluating initial direct costs for existing leases. This streamlines the transition process and reduces the burden of reassessing multiple lease aspects.

      Three ASC 842 practical expedients in one package

      Among the practical expedients created to ease the ASC 842 transition requirements is a package deal — three expedients that must be elected all together or not at all.

      When you elect this package of practical expedients, it must be applied consistently to all leases. In addition, you need to disclose that the three expedients have been used.

      Basically, these all-or-nothing practical expedients say that:

      1. You don’t need to reassess the lease classification for any expired or existing leases
      2. You don’t need to reevaluate whether any existing or expired contracts contain leases
      3. You don’t need to reassess previously recorded initial direct costs for any existing leases

      What does the ASC 842 practical expedients package mean for lease accounting and compliance?

      • No lease reclassification: Any lease that is classified as an operating lease under ASC 840 can remain an operating lease under ASC 842. Likewise, a lease classified as a capital lease under ASC 840 can remain a capital lease — though its name under ASC 842 is now “finance lease.” Keep in mind that this practical expedient only applies if there are no errors with the initial classification.

      If you want to reassess the classification of a lease, you certainly can — BUT that means reassessing all your leases, because this expedient cannot be applied selectively to only some leases and not others.

      • No reevaluation of embedded leases: As long as you have been correctly accounting for leases embedded in existing service and outsourcing contracts under ASC 840, you don’t have to reevaluate them. However, even if you elect the ASC 842 practical expedients package, you might want to look at your existing service and outsourcing agreements to be sure your embedded lease records are complete.
      • No reassessment of initial direct costs: For any existing leases, the initial direct costs that are capitalized under ASC 840 also qualify to be capitalized under ASC 842. For instance, ASC 840 says you could allocate a portion of your internal expenses — such as salaries for internal real estate staff — to initial direct costs. But ASC 842 defines initial direct costs as costs you incurred only because you signed a lease, such as broker fees or external legal costs.

      However, with this expedient, you don’t need to reassess those previously allocated internal costs according to the definition of initial direct costs under ASC 842. So, it saves you from reassessing initial direct costs and the resulting equity adjustments.

      Why elect the ASC 842 practical expedients package?

      This package of three expedients significantly reduces the time and effort you’ll need to spend going back to reevaluate lease accounting decisions made under the previous standards. It also helps to reduce the time and cost of preparing financial statements to meet ASC 842 transition requirements.

      However, you might not want to elect the package if you will benefit from lease reassessments. For example, if most of your operating leases would qualify as finance leases under ASC 842 and that reclassification would have an impact on EBITDA, you might decide not to elect the practical expedients package.

      Hindsight expedient applied to ASC 842 transition requirements

      Another of the ASC 842 practical expedients — hindsight — can be used either with the package of expedients described above or alone.

      The hindsight practical expedient says that when determining lease classifications, a company can consider the actual outcome of lease renewals, termination options, and purchase options that were previously evaluated. Specifically, for the periods that are being compared and restated, you can use hindsight to:

      • Determine the lease term based on the likelihood of exercising lessee options to extend or terminate a lease or to purchase the underlying asset
      • Assess any impairment of right-of-use assets

      The hindsight expedient must be applied to all leases during the comparative period. For a company with a large lease portfolio, that could be labor intensive and should also be considered when deciding whether to apply this expedient.

      Practical expedient combining lease and non-lease components

      Under ASC 842, a company needs to identify its fixed consideration and allocate it across both lease and non-lease components. This requires performing an analysis to determine a method of allocation for every contract.

      The problem is, it can be very difficult to determine the value of lease and non-lease components of a contract separately. In addition, the fixed consideration doesn’t include anything with variable costs, such as CAM, insurance, and taxes under most real estate leases.

      In response, this practical expedient spares you from having to perform analyses to determine allocation methods. Instead, you can simply calculate the present value of the fixed payments without having to perform an allocation to the lease and non-lease components.

      The advantage of this practical expedient is, once again, time savings. You don’t have to determine a method for allocating your fixed consideration, document that method for your auditors, and repeat the process for every lease.

      In addition, there is some flexibility to apply the expedient according to class of asset. For instance, you might choose to apply it to all your real estate leases but not your equipment leases, where the fair values for lease and non-lease components (such as maintenance) are easier to determine.

      However, keep in mind that if you elect this expedient, it must be applied consistently to all eligible non-lease components.

      Practical expedient for restating prior year financials

      Under ASC 842, lessees are required to recognize and measure their leases at the beginning of the earliest period presented in their financial statements. So, for example, a company adopting the new standard on January 1, 2020, would need to recognize and measure its leases as of January 1, 2018, in its comparative financial statements.

      To remove the burden of going back so far, this practical expedient provides the option to apply the new guidance at its effective date (in the example above, January 1, 2020) without having to adjust the comparative financial statements (in the example, 2019 and 2018). Instead, in this example, the company would recognize a cumulative adjustment in equity as of January 1, 2020.

      This practical expedient simplifies ASC 842 transition requirements, eliminating the need to record leases that expired prior to the effective date or consider the effects of lease modifications during the comparative periods.

      Practical expedient for short-term leases

      Under GAAP, a short-term lease is defined as a lease that is 12 months or less without a purchase option that the lessee is likely to exercise.

      The short-term lease exemption says you don’t have to capitalize those short-term leases and record them on your balance sheet for ASC 842. You can simply continue to treat them as operating leases under ASC 840.

      Electing this practical expedient will save you time in capitalizing your leases. However, while short-term leases may not be going on your balance sheet, you will still need to disclose them, and their value, in the notes of your financial statements.

      Practical expedient for private company discount rates

      This practical expedient offers a straightforward alternative to one of the more difficult components of the new standards: discount rates. The expedient says that private companies can use their risk-free interest rate in one of two circumstances:

      • Instead of calculating their incremental borrowing rate (IBR)
      • When there is no discount rate implicit in a lease contract

      If you don’t already know what your IBR is, applying this expedient offers an alternative to performing the complex IBR calculation. The downside is that the risk-free interest rate is typically very low, resulting in a higher liability on your books.

      Practical expedient for land easements

      Some companies have multiple land easements going back many years and may have accounted for those easements as leases. Other companies may have accounted for land easements as intangible assets.

      To simplify efforts to account for land easements, this practical expedient allows companies to choose to not apply the new leases guidance to land easements that existed before the effective date of the new standard.

      However, this may be done only if the easements were not previously accounted for as leases. In addition, companies must apply the new leases guidance for easements entered into or modified on or after the effective date.

      Accounting Standards Update (ASU) 2023-01, Leases (Topic 842): Common Control Arrangements

      The Common Control Arrangements, was issued by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) on March 27, 2023. The ASU addresses how private companies and not-for-profit entities that are not conduit bond obligors should account for leases between entities under common control.

      The ASU provides two main changes to the accounting for common control leases:

      1. A practical expedient that allows private companies to use the written terms of a lease, even if those terms are not legally enforceable, to determine the classification and accounting for the lease.
      2. A requirement that leasehold improvements between entities under common control be amortized over the useful life of the improvements, regardless of the lease term.

      The practical expedient is intended to simplify the accounting for common control leases and reduce the cost of compliance. The requirement to amortize leasehold improvements over the useful life of the improvements is intended to better reflect the economics of these arrangements.

      The ASU is effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2023, including interim periods within those fiscal years. Early adoption is permitted.

      Key provisions of ASU 2023-01:

      • Practical expedient: Private companies and not-for-profit entities that are not conduit bond obligors may elect to use the written terms of a lease, even if those terms are not legally enforceable, to determine the classification and accounting for the lease. This practical expedient is intended to simplify the accounting for common control leases and reduce the cost of compliance.
      • Leasehold improvements: Leasehold improvements between entities under common control must be amortized over the useful life of the improvements, regardless of the lease term. This requirement is intended to better reflect the economics of these arrangements.
      • Effective date: The ASU is effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2023, including interim periods within those fiscal years. Early adoption is permitted.

      Practical expedient for related party leases

      In the case of related party leases, a practical expedient allows private companies to use the written terms of a lease, even if those terms are not legally enforceable, to determine the classification and accounting for the lease.

      This practical expedient was introduced in Accounting Standards Update (ASU) 2023-01, Leases (Topic 842): Common Control Arrangements. The ASU was issued in response to concerns from private company stakeholders that they would need to seek legal counsel or extensively analyze their lease contracts to determine the legally enforceable terms of the arrangement. The practical expedient allows these companies to avoid this costly analysis and instead rely on the written terms of the lease.

      IFRS 16 Practical Expedients

      Policy Election for Short-Term Leases:

      Lessees can choose not to apply the lease standard to leases with a duration of 12 months or less. Instead, they can follow the previous lease accounting guidelines, recognizing lease payments as profit or loss on a straight-line basis over the lease term. This expedient can be applied on a lease-by-lease basis.

      • Advantage: Time-saving for accounting short-term leases.
      • Disadvantage: Different lease accounting procedures for short-term and long-term leases.

      Policy Election for Low-Value Assets:

      Lessees are not required to apply the new standard to leases of low-value assets. They can use the previous accounting guidelines and recognize lease payments on a straight-line basis.

      • Advantage: Time-saving for accounting low-value asset leases.
      • Disadvantage: Using two different lease accounting methods.

      Policy Election for Non lease Components:

      Lessees can combine lease and non lease components as a single, combined lease component. Non lease components are elements that transfer goods or services, such as parking expenses or annual maintenance.

      Alternatively, lessees can allocate the consideration in the contract on a relative standalone price basis if they choose not to combine lease and non lease components. Estimations may be required if standalone prices are unavailable.

      This policy election can be applied to all, some, or none of the underlying assets.

      • Benefit: Time-saving in accounting for lease and nonlease components together.
      • Impact: Larger liability and ROU asset, affecting debt ratios and bank covenants.

      Policy Election for Footnote Disclosures:

      By choosing this policy election, the lessee must present ROU assets separately from other assets and lease liabilities separately from other liabilities, either in the statement of financial position or footnotes.

      • Advantage: Simpler footnote presentation in financial statements.
      • Consideration: If leases are not significant, adding line items may dilute the reader’s understanding.

      Policy Election for Hindsight:

      Lessees can elect to apply the new lease standard to all or only the most recent reporting periods without restating prior periods. The cumulative impact should be reported in retained earnings.

      • Advantage: No restatement of prior periods required.
      • Disadvantage: Inconsistent reporting of leases for each period, as prior periods remain unchanged.





      Learn about expedients now, choose your options early!

      The ASC 842 practical expedients you elect to use will have a huge impact on:

      • What lease data you need to collect
      • How you need to break the data down
      • How you will configure your lease accounting system
      Learn More

      While a practical expedient might save you time, your decision must also consider its potential impact on your financial reporting. So, although FASB has extended the compliance deadline — giving private companies until 2021 to report their leased assets on balance sheets — it’s important to understand the implications and make your decisions about ASC 842 practical expedients as soon as possible.

      If you are unsure what to do, speak with your accounting advisory partner, who can help to guide you through the ASC 842 transition requirements and your practical expedient decisions.

      You can also visit the FASB website to see the latest practical expedients and other ASUs that have been issued.

      The post ASC 842 Practical Expedients first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
      Unraveling Common Area Maintenance (CAM) Charges: A Comprehensive Guide Mon, 09 Oct 2023 13:00:49 +0000 In the world of commercial real estate leasing, Common Area Maintenance (CAM) charges play a pivotal role, impacting both landlords and tenants. CAM rent, often referred to as CAM fees,...

      The post Unraveling Common Area Maintenance (CAM) Charges: A Comprehensive Guide first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
      In the world of commercial real estate leasing, Common Area Maintenance (CAM) charges play a pivotal role, impacting both landlords and tenants. CAM rent, often referred to as CAM fees, can significantly influence a tenant’s overall occupancy costs. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the intricate details of CAM charges, demystifying what CAM encompasses, the intricacies of CAM fees in leases, how it differs from operating expenses and implications for lease accounting.

      What is Common Area Maintenance (CAM)?

      Common Area Maintenance, or CAM for short, refers to the costs associated with maintaining and operating common areas within a commercial property or complex. These common areas typically include lobbies, hallways, elevators, parking lots, landscaping, and shared facilities like restrooms or fitness centers. CAM charges are an additional expense that tenants may incur beyond their base rent.

      CAM Fees in Leases

      CAM fees are often a point of negotiation in commercial lease agreements. When tenants lease space in a commercial property, they may be required to pay a share of the CAM expenses. The specific terms and calculations for CAM fees can vary widely depending on the lease agreement.

      The calculation of Common Area Maintenance (CAM) fees can vary depending on the terms outlined in the lease agreement. While there is no one-size-fits-all formula, here’s a general overview of how CAM fees are typically calculated:

      • Pro-Rata Share: CAM fees are often allocated based on a tenant’s pro-rata share of the total leasable space within the commercial property. This means that the larger the space a tenant occupies, the greater their CAM fee responsibility.
      • Expense Pool: Landlords accumulate all eligible CAM expenses incurred during a specified period, usually a fiscal year. These expenses include property management fees, landscaping costs, utilities for common areas, janitorial services, repairs, and other qualifying expenditures.
      • Calculating Tenant’s Share: To determine a tenant’s CAM fee for the period, landlords divide the tenant’s leasable square footage by the total leasable square footage in the property. This ratio is then applied to the total CAM expenses for that period. The formula may look like this:

      (Tenant’s Leasable Square Footage / Total Leasable Square Footage) x Total CAM Expenses = Tenant’s CAM Fee

      • Annual Reconciliation: Typically, CAM fees are estimated at the beginning of the lease term based on expected expenses. After the fiscal year ends, landlords perform an annual reconciliation. They compare the estimated CAM fees paid by tenants with the actual expenses incurred during that period. Depending on the lease terms, tenants may be required to pay any shortfall or receive a credit for overpayment.
      • Caps and Limits: Some lease agreements may include caps or limits on the annual increase in CAM fees to protect tenants from steep cost escalations. This helps tenants maintain cost predictability.

      What Does Common Area Maintenance Include?

      Common Area Maintenance charges encompass a wide range of expenses associated with the upkeep and operation of shared spaces. These expenses can include:

      • Property Management: Costs related to property management services, such as salaries, administrative costs, and management fees.
      • Utilities: Expenses for common area utilities like electricity, water, gas, and sewer.
      • Landscaping and Grounds Maintenance: Costs for maintaining outdoor spaces, including lawn care, tree trimming, and landscaping.
      • Janitorial Services: Expenses for cleaning and maintaining common areas like hallways, restrooms, and lobbies.
      • Repairs and Maintenance: The cost of repairing and maintaining common elements, including HVAC systems, elevators, parking lots, and structural repairs.
      • Security: Costs associated with security services and systems that protect the property and its tenants.
      • Insurance: Common area insurance, which covers liability and property insurance for shared spaces.
      • Taxes: Some leases include property tax expenses as part of CAM charges.

      Review Your Lease Agreement Carefully

      When leasing commercial space, it’s crucial for tenants to carefully review the lease agreement, especially the sections related to CAM fees. Tenants should understand how CAM charges are calculated, what expenses are included, and the frequency of CAM reconciliations.

      Negotiating CAM Charges

      During lease negotiations, tenants can often seek to limit the scope of CAM charges or cap the annual increase in CAM expenses. These negotiations can help provide cost predictability and protect tenants from unexpected cost escalations.

      CAM vs. Operating Expenses

      While CAM charges and operating expenses share similarities in that they both involve the upkeep of a commercial property, it’s essential to distinguish between the two:

      • CAM Charges: CAM charges are specifically associated with maintaining and operating common areas shared by multiple tenants within a commercial property. These expenses are typically billed separately from the base rent and are allocated among tenants based on their pro-rata share of the property’s total leasable space. CAM charges often cover items like property management, landscaping, janitorial services, utilities for common areas, and common area repairs.
      • Operating Expenses: Operating expenses, on the other hand, encompass the broader costs associated with running the entire commercial property, including both common areas and tenant-occupied spaces. These expenses may include property taxes, insurance premiums, building-wide utilities, structural repairs, and administrative costs related to the property’s overall operation. Unlike CAM charges, which are usually billed separately, operating expenses are often incorporated into the base rent or charged as a separate line item in the lease agreement.

      CAM Considerations in Lease Accounting:

      CAM charges play a significant role in lease accounting, particularly under ASC 842, which governs lease accounting for both lessees and lessors. CAM charges are a common component of commercial lease agreements and have specific accounting implications:

      • Lessee Recognition of CAM Expenses: Under ASC 842, lessees are required to recognize the total lease expense over the lease term on their balance sheet. This expense includes not only the base rent but also any additional payments, such as CAM charges.
      • Separate Identification of CAM Charges: Lessees must account for CAM charges separately from the base rent. They should record CAM charges as an expense when incurred, just like rent payments. This requires keeping a clear record of CAM expenses as they are invoiced or reconciled throughout the lease term.
      • Initial Recognition and Annual Reconciliation: Initially, CAM charges are estimated based on the lease agreement’s terms, and this estimate is included in the lessee’s total lease liability. However, CAM charges are subject to annual reconciliation. Lessees must adjust their liability and recognize any under- or overpayment of CAM charges in their financial statements based on actual expenses incurred.
      • Balance Sheet Impact: Including CAM charges on the balance sheet as part of the total lease liability affects a lessee’s financial ratios and metrics, such as leverage ratios and asset-to-liability ratios. This transparency provides a more accurate representation of the lessee’s financial obligations.
      • Income Statement Impact: CAM charges are recognized as expenses on the lessee’s income statement, impacting the lessee’s net income and other financial metrics.

      Armed with this knowledge, both landlords and tenants can navigate the realm of CAM charges with greater clarity and confidence. Whether you’re a property owner or a tenant, understanding CAM is paramount for making informed decisions and ensuring a harmonious and transparent landlord-tenant relationship in the world of commercial real estate leasing.

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      Lease Clause Ideas for Landlords: Creating the Best Lease Agreement Wed, 04 Oct 2023 13:00:35 +0000 As a landlord, one of the most critical aspects of your rental property business is the lease agreement. A well-crafted lease agreement not only protects your interests but also provides...

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      As a landlord, one of the most critical aspects of your rental property business is the lease agreement. A well-crafted lease agreement not only protects your interests but also provides clarity for both you and your tenants. In this blog post, we’ll explore essential lease clause ideas for landlords, aiming to help you create the best lease agreement possible. We’ll also discuss the key elements that should be included in your lease agreement to ensure a smooth and harmonious landlord-tenant relationship.

      1. Clearly Defined Lease Term Specify the lease term clearly in your agreement. Whether it’s a year-long lease or a month-to-month arrangement, outlining the duration of the lease provides both parties with a clear understanding of their commitment.
      2. Rent Amount and Due Date Clearly state the monthly rent amount and the due date. Make sure to include information about late fees and acceptable methods of payment.
      3. Security Deposit Details Outline the amount of the security deposit required, the conditions under which it may be withheld, and the timeline for returning the deposit after the lease ends.
      4. Maintenance and Repairs Specify the responsibilities of both the landlord and tenant when it comes to property maintenance and repairs. Define what constitutes normal wear and tear and what falls under the tenant’s responsibility.
      5. Property Access and Inspections Detail how and when you, as the landlord, can access the property for inspections, repairs, or other legitimate reasons. Ensure you adhere to local laws regarding notice periods for entry.
      6. Subletting and Assignment Determine whether subletting or assigning the lease is allowed. If not, make it clear that the tenant cannot transfer the lease to another party without your written consent.
      7. House Rules and Policies Include any specific house rules and policies, such as restrictions on smoking, pet policies, or noise regulations. Be sure to communicate any consequences for violating these rules.
      8. Utilities and Services Specify which utilities and services are included in the rent, and which are the tenant’s responsibility. This prevents confusion and disputes over utility payments.
      9. Maintenance of Landscaping If your property has a yard or landscaping, define whether the tenant is responsible for its upkeep or if you, as the landlord, will handle it.
      10. Notice Period for Lease Termination Clearly state the notice period required for either party to terminate the lease agreement. This helps prevent misunderstandings and ensures a smoother transition.
      11. Dispute Resolution Include a section on how disputes will be resolved, whether through mediation, arbitration, or the legal system. A clear dispute-resolution process can save both parties time and money.
      12. Renewal Procedures If you offer lease renewal options, outline the process for renewal, including any changes to rent or terms.
      13. Insurance Requirements Specify whether the tenant is required to maintain renters’ insurance and provide details on the coverage required.
      14. Guest Clauses Define rules regarding guests, such as the maximum length of time guests can stay, and whether overnight guests must be registered with the landlord.
      15. Fee Protection Clarify any fees associated with the lease, such as application fees or fees for bounced checks. State the purpose of these fees and the circumstances under which they may apply.
      16. Exit Inspection Include a provision for an exit inspection and walk-through when the lease ends. This helps document the condition of the property and any potential deductions from the security deposit.

      Creating the best lease agreement for landlords involves careful consideration of these essential lease clause ideas. A well-crafted lease agreement not only safeguards your interests but also promotes a positive landlord-tenant relationship. Remember that local laws and regulations may impact the specific language and clauses in your lease agreement. By prioritizing clarity and transparency in your lease agreements, you can set the stage for a successful and hassle-free rental experience for both you and your tenants.

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      Navigating Nonprofits & ASC 842 Regulations: What You Need to Know Mon, 02 Oct 2023 13:00:50 +0000 Much like their for-profit counterparts, nonprofits must also follow specific financial reporting standards, including Accounting Standards Codification (ASC) 842. This blog post will delve into the essential aspects of ASC...

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      Much like their for-profit counterparts, nonprofits must also follow specific financial reporting standards, including Accounting Standards Codification (ASC) 842. This blog post will delve into the essential aspects of ASC 842 regulations and answer common queries like whether ASC 842 applies to nonprofits and when it becomes effective for compliance. Additionally, we will explore the world of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) applied in nonprofit accounting.

      Understanding ASC 842

      ASC 842 is a set of accounting standards developed by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB). These standards specifically pertain to leases and were introduced to enhance transparency in lease accounting, providing a more accurate representation of an organization’s financial position. While ASC 842 is primarily associated with for-profit entities, it is important for nonprofits to understand its relevance as well.

      Does ASC 842 Apply to Nonprofit Organizations?

      The short answer is yes, ASC 842 does apply to nonprofit organizations. The FASB’s guidance on lease accounting, including ASC 842, is generally applicable to all entities that follow GAAP accounting standards. Therefore, nonprofits are not exempt from complying with ASC 842 when they enter into lease agreements.

      Nonprofit organizations often enter into leases for various assets, such as office spaces, vehicles, or equipment. These lease agreements can have a significant financial impact and should be accounted for in accordance with ASC 842.

      ASC 842 Effective Date for Nonprofit Organizations

      Understanding the effective date of ASC 842 compliance is crucial for nonprofit organizations. The FASB initially issued ASC 842 with staggered effective dates based on entity types. For public companies, the standard was effective starting in fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2018, including interim periods within those fiscal years. Private companies and nonprofit organizations were granted more time to implement the standard.

      For nonprofit organizations, ASC 842 became effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2019, and for interim periods within fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2020. It’s essential to note that the effective dates might differ for certain nonprofit organizations based on their specific circumstances.

      GAAP Accounting for Nonprofits

      Nonprofit organizations, like for-profit entities, must adhere to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) when preparing their financial statements. ASC 842, being a part of GAAP, falls under these principles.

      GAAP accounting for nonprofits is designed to provide transparency and accuracy in financial reporting, ensuring that donors, grantors, and other stakeholders have a clear understanding of the organization’s financial health. Compliance with ASC 842 is crucial not only for meeting regulatory requirements but also for maintaining the trust of donors and supporters.

      H2: How to Nonprofits Can Prepare for ASC 842

      Nonprofit organizations can prepare for ASC 842 compliance by taking several proactive steps. Here are some key actions to consider:

      • Educate Your Team: Start by ensuring that your finance and accounting teams are well-informed about ASC 842 and its requirements. This may involve providing training or bringing in external experts to explain the nuances of the standard.
      • Identify Lease Agreements: Begin by identifying all lease agreements within your organization. This includes leases for office spaces, equipment, vehicles, or any other assets. It’s crucial to have a comprehensive list of all leases.
      • Gather Lease Data: Collect all relevant data related to your lease agreements. This includes lease terms, payment schedules, renewal options, and any other lease-specific information.
      • Assess Lease Classification: Determine whether each lease should be classified as an operating lease or a finance lease. ASC 842 requires different accounting treatments for each category.
      • Implement New Accounting Systems: You might need to update or implement new accounting systems to ensure they can handle the additional reporting requirements of ASC 842. Consider whether your existing software is capable of tracking and reporting lease data accurately.
      • Review Documentation: Ensure that your lease agreements and contracts are well-documented and readily accessible. Proper documentation is essential for compliance and financial reporting.
      • Engage Legal and Accounting Experts: Seek advice from legal and accounting professionals who are well-versed in ASC 842. They can help you interpret the standard and make informed decisions.
      • Develop New Policies and Procedures (Controls): Create policies and procedures that outline how your organization will handle lease accounting under ASC 842. This includes processes for initial recognition, subsequent measurement, and financial statement disclosure.
      • Consider Technology Solutions: Explore lease accounting software or technology solutions that can streamline the process of tracking and reporting lease data.
      • Perform Impact Assessment: Assess the financial impact of ASC 842 on your organization’s financial statements. This will help you understand how the standard will affect your balance sheet and income statement.
      • Communicate Changes: Ensure that relevant stakeholders, including board members, donors, and grantors, are aware of the changes brought about by ASC 842. Transparency is crucial in maintaining trust and support.
      • Testing and Validation: Before the compliance deadline, perform testing and validation of your lease accounting processes to identify any potential issues or discrepancies.
      • Stay Informed: Stay up-to-date with any updates or amendments to ASC 842. Accounting standards can evolve, so it’s essential to remain informed about changes that may affect your nonprofit.

      By proactively preparing for ASC 842 compliance, nonprofit organizations can ensure accurate financial reporting, maintain transparency, and meet regulatory requirements, ultimately safeguarding their financial stability and reputation.

      The post Navigating Nonprofits & ASC 842 Regulations: What You Need to Know first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
      Visual Lease Announces 2023 VL Customer Excellence Award Winners Wed, 27 Sep 2023 13:00:40 +0000 Woodbridge, NJ – September 27, 2023 — Visual Lease (VL), the #1 lease optimization software provider, today announced the winners of its annual Customer Excellence Awards, recognizing organizations that are...

      The post Visual Lease Announces 2023 VL Customer Excellence Award Winners first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

      Woodbridge, NJ – September 27, 2023Visual Lease (VL), the #1 lease optimization software provider, today announced the winners of its annual Customer Excellence Awards, recognizing organizations that are using VL’s platform to achieve optimal strategic financial and operational outcomes. The winners were unveiled at the company’s annual Customer Advisory Board (CAB) Summit, a multi-day event in San Antonio, TX, for select customers and partners.

      “This year’s recipients reflect how best-in-class companies are capitalizing on VL’s unique capabilities to streamline critical workflows, promote cross-departmental collaboration and ensure data accuracy,” said Robert Michlewicz, Visual Lease’s Chief Executive Officer. “With more than 1,500 global organizations leveraging VL’s platform to mitigate risks, create value and minimize costs associated with their lease records, these companies represent a valuable guidepost for our evolving industry.”

      This year’s VL Customer Excellence Award winners were recognized for:

      • Enhanced Controls: American Axle Manufacturing. A two-time VL Customer Excellence Award winner, American Axle Manufacturing extended its controls framework and audit-preparedness, resulting in an 85% reduction in its controls deficiencies.
      • Data-Driven Decisions: Compass. By merging its lease portfolio and business data into a proprietary visualization tool using the VL platform, the company now makes more strategic, data-driven decisions.
      • Unified Teams & Data: Quanta Services. By automating cross-departmental workflows, Quanta Services saved an impactful amount of time and money, allowing for a more collaborative and efficient workflow.
      • Driving Shared Success: RSM US LLP. VL’s partnership and shared mission with RSM assists a diverse and complex field of organizations seeking to implement processes and technologies which recognize risks and opportunities across a client’s lease portfolio.

      For other updates from VL, visit this link.

      About Visual Lease

      Visual Lease is the #1 lease optimization solution provider, empowering organizations to leverage their lease portfolio for strategic financial and operational outcomes. Our powerful and secure platform serves as a centralized system of record for all lease financial, operational and legal data, and is purpose-built to support every team that interacts with a company’s lease portfolio. Informed by nearly three decades of experience, our solutions help companies easily sustain compliance with FASB, IFRS, GASB and ISSB reporting requirements, and mitigate the risks and maximize the value associated with their lease records. Our award-winning software is used by 1,500+ organizations to manage more than 1 million real estate, equipment and other leased asset records globally. For more information, visit


      Media Contacts 

      Erica Bonavitacola
      Visual Lease
      T+1 732 770 2270     

      The post Visual Lease Announces 2023 VL Customer Excellence Award Winners first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
      VL ESG Steward™ Named a Sustainability Product of the Year by the Business Intelligence Group Tue, 19 Sep 2023 13:00:13 +0000 Woodbridge, NJ – September 19, 2023 — Visual Lease (VL), the #1 lease optimization software provider, today announced the company’s newest offering, VL ESG Steward™, has been recognized by the Business...

      The post VL ESG Steward™ Named a Sustainability Product of the Year by the Business Intelligence Group first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

      Woodbridge, NJ – September 19, 2023 — Visual Lease (VL), the #1 lease optimization software provider, today announced the company’s newest offering, VL ESG Steward™, has been recognized by the Business Intelligence Group as a winner of a 2023 Sustainability Award under the category of Sustainability Product of the Year. This recognition comes on the heels of VL being named a Leader in the IDC MarketScape: Worldwide SaaS and Cloud-Enabled Lease Accounting and Administration Applications 2023 Vendor Assessment (doc # US48562222, August 2023).

      “It is an honor to continue to receive industry recognition that not only celebrates VL’s foundation as a centralized system of record for all lease financial, operational and legal data, but also acknowledges our commitment to help organizations harness their portfolio to prepare for emerging business needs and compliance requirements,” said Robert Michlewicz, Visual Lease’s Chief Executive Officer. “VL ESG Steward is uniquely designed to help companies track and report on the environmental impact of their owned and leased assets in accordance with the sustainability disclosure requirements from The International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB), IFRS S1 and IFRS S2.”

      The Visual Lease Data Institute (VLDI) has uncovered that 90% of organizations in the U.S. with more than 1,000 employees are looking to implement new sustainability goals over the next two to five years. VL ESG Steward is the first ESG reporting tool of its kind within the lease accounting and administration space specifically created to help organizations consolidate the records needed to track their environmental impact across their commercial real estate, fleet, equipment and more. With these insights in hand, businesses will be empowered to make better-informed decisions regarding how to reduce their carbon footprint in line with corporate goals and emerging global regulatory guidance.

      “Recent research from The VLDI has also shown that with the new lease accounting standards in effect and a rising interest in sustainability, 84% of companies have prioritized lease management,” said Amie Durr, Visual Lease’s Chief Product Officer. “While the majority of organizations are just now realizing how critical their lease portfolio is to their financial and operational success, this is not a new concept for VL. Our entire platform is built on 25+ years of experience maximizing the value customers receive from their lease portfolio.”

      The Sustainability Awards honor those who have made sustainability an integral part of their business practice. For-profit and not-for-profit organizations of all sizes submitted nominations, which were evaluated by business executives using the organization’s proprietary and unique scoring system. Other solutions recognized under the category of Sustainability Product of the Year include IBM Environmental Intelligence Suite: Renewables Forecasting, S&P Global Sustainable1 Nature & Biodiversity Risk Solution, and Honeywell Emissions Management Suite.

      To learn more about VL ESG Steward, please visit this link.

      For other updates from VL, visit this link.

      About Visual Lease

      Visual Lease is the #1 lease optimization solution provider, empowering organizations to leverage their lease portfolio for strategic financial and operational outcomes. Our powerful and secure platform serves as a centralized system of record for all lease financial, operational and legal data, and is purpose-built to support every team that interacts with a company’s lease portfolio. Informed by nearly three decades of experience, our solutions help companies easily sustain compliance with FASB, IFRS, GASB and ISSB reporting requirements, and mitigate the risks and maximize the value associated with their lease records.


      Media Contacts 

      Erica Bonavitacola
      Visual Lease
      T+1 732 770 2270     

      The post VL ESG Steward™ Named a Sustainability Product of the Year by the Business Intelligence Group first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
      Article: Navigating ESG Reporting Pitfalls: A Guide to Mitigating Potential Failures Mon, 18 Sep 2023 14:00:49 +0000 When properly managed and prioritized, financial, operational and legal data has the potential to contribute significant strategic value to a business that extends far beyond meeting compliance requirements.

      The post Article: Navigating ESG Reporting Pitfalls: A Guide to Mitigating Potential Failures first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
      When properly managed and prioritized, financial, operational and legal data has the potential to contribute significant strategic value to a business that extends far beyond meeting compliance requirements.

      The post Article: Navigating ESG Reporting Pitfalls: A Guide to Mitigating Potential Failures first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
      Article: What Does Lease Accounting Have to Do With ESG? Mon, 18 Sep 2023 13:00:10 +0000 Getting clear insight into sustainability metrics means understanding your company’s real estate footprint

      The post Article: What Does Lease Accounting Have to Do With ESG? first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
      Getting clear insight into sustainability metrics means understanding your company’s real estate footprint

      The post Article: What Does Lease Accounting Have to Do With ESG? first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
      Demystifying Non-Lease Components in ASC 842 Tue, 12 Sep 2023 13:00:25 +0000 Leasing arrangements are a common aspect of business operations, allowing companies to secure assets and facilities without the commitment of ownership. However, within the realm of lease accounting, there’s a...

      The post Demystifying Non-Lease Components in ASC 842 first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
      Leasing arrangements are a common aspect of business operations, allowing companies to secure assets and facilities without the commitment of ownership. However, within the realm of lease accounting, there’s a concept that often adds complexity to the equation: non-lease components. In this article, we’ll delve into what non-lease components are, their significance under ASC 842, and how they impact lease accounting.

      Understanding Non-Lease Components

      When discussing lease payments, we encounter three distinct categories that play a role in determining financial obligations:

      1. Lease Payments: These are relatively straightforward. Lease payments encompass the base rent or any other charges that contribute to calculating the ending liability. This liability, in turn, plays a pivotal role in the calculation of the right-of-use asset.
      2. Excluded Payments: Excluded payments, as the name suggests, are those that do not factor into accounting schedules. They have no bearing on the lease accounting process. Examples include real estate taxes, utility payments, and direct payments to other vendors that are unrelated to the lease.
      3. Non-Lease Components: Non-lease components are the focus of our discussion. These payments are intricately tied to the lease but are excluded from the definition and calculation of the right-of-use liability. These components arise from the lease agreement but are not integrated into the accounting framework in the same manner as lease payments.

      What are Non-Lease Components in ASC 842?

      Under the guidelines of ASC 842, non-lease components hold a unique position. They are payments made to the lessor that stem from the lease agreement but are treated differently in the accounting process. Examples of non-lease components commonly encountered include Common Area Maintenance (CAM) charges, operating expenses, and other variable expenses that are linked to the occupancy of the premises.

      Importantly, non-lease components are disclosed in financial statements and IASB disclosure reports, adding transparency to the financial picture. However, their treatment differs from lease payments. Unlike lease payments, non-lease components are expensed in the period they are paid. This distinction is crucial, as it means they do not contribute to the amortization schedule or impact the calculation of the right-of-use asset.

      Non-Lease Components Significance and Implications

      Understanding non-lease components is essential for accurate financial reporting and compliance with lease accounting standards. By recognizing these components and differentiating them from lease payments, companies can ensure that their financial statements are transparent, accurate, and compliant with ASC 842.

      In the complex landscape of lease accounting, grasping the intricacies of non-lease components is crucial. These components, distinct from lease payments and excluded payments, contribute to a comprehensive understanding of a company’s financial obligations. As outlined by ASC 842, non-lease components are payments tied to the lease but treated separately in accounting processes. Their disclosure is mandatory, but their treatment as expenses in the period paid sets them apart from lease payments.

      By familiarizing yourself with non-lease components, you can navigate the world of lease accounting more confidently.  If you’re looking to streamline lease management, ensure compliance with accounting standards, and gain full visibility into your lease portfolio, check out VL’s Lease Accounting platform.

      The post Demystifying Non-Lease Components in ASC 842 first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
      How to Calculate a Lease Amortization Schedule: A Comprehensive Guide Thu, 07 Sep 2023 13:00:58 +0000 When it comes to managing leases and financial obligations, understanding how to calculate a lease amortization schedule is crucial. This schedule not only helps you keep track of payment timing...

      The post How to Calculate a Lease Amortization Schedule: A Comprehensive Guide first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
      When it comes to managing leases and financial obligations, understanding how to calculate a lease amortization schedule is crucial. This schedule not only helps you keep track of payment timing but also ensures accurate financial reporting and compliance. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of creating a lease amortization schedule step by step, using Excel as a powerful tool. Whether you’re a business owner, accountant, or financial analyst, mastering this skill can greatly enhance your financial management capabilities.

      Understanding Lease Amortization Schedule

      A lease amortization schedule is designed to outline the timing of lease payments and allocate them between principal and interest components. This schedule reflects the gradual reduction of the lease liability balance over time. The fundamental idea is to break down the net present value of all future lease payments into manageable installments. By doing so, you gain clarity into the distribution of costs and can make informed financial decisions.

      Creating a Lease Amortization Schedule

      To begin, let’s explore how to construct a lease amortization schedule:

      1. Gather Information: Collect essential lease details, including the number of payments, payment amounts, lease term, and discount rate.
      2. Choose Payment Timing: Determine whether payments are made at the beginning or end of each period. This choice will influence your calculation methodology.
      3. Calculate Beginning Liability Balance: Calculate the net present value of all remaining future payments. This value serves as your beginning liability balance.
      4. Set Up Amortization Schedule: Create a table with columns for Period, Beginning Balance, Interest Expense, Principal Payment, Cash Payment, and Ending Balance.
      5. Fill in Period Numbers: Start with period 1 and proceed to the lease term’s final period.
      6. Calculate Interest Expense: Based on your chosen payment timing, calculate the interest expense for each period. For beginning-of-period payments, apply the interest rate to the previous period’s ending balance. For end-of-period payments, apply the interest rate to the beginning balance.
      7. Calculate Principal Payment: Subtract the interest expense from the cash payment to determine the principal payment.
      8. Calculate Ending Balance: Deduct the principal payment from the beginning balance to get the ending balance for the current period.
      9. Repeat the Process: Continue these calculations for each period until the lease term is complete.
      10. Visualize the Data: Create a line chart to visualize the gradual reduction of the lease liability balance over time.

      Benefits of Using a Lease Amortization Schedule

      Creating a lease amortization schedule offers several benefits for businesses and individuals alike:

      • Financial Planning: The schedule provides a clear overview of payment distribution, helping you plan your finances effectively.
      • Accurate Reporting: An accurate schedule aids in preparing financial statements and adhering to accounting standards such as ASC 842 and IFRS 16.
      • Compliance: For businesses, compliance with lease accounting standards is essential. A well-constructed schedule ensures you stay compliant with regulations.
      • Informed Decisions: By understanding how payments are allocated between interest and principal, you can make informed decisions about leasing arrangements.

      Using Lease Amortization Schedule Calculators and Templates

      For those looking to simplify the process, various online lease amortization schedule calculators are available. These tools allow you to input lease details and receive a ready-made schedule.

      In conclusion, understanding how to calculate a lease amortization schedule is a valuable skill that enhances financial management and decision-making. By leveraging tools, you can create accurate schedules that provide insights into lease payment timing and distribution. Whether you’re a business professional or an individual managing personal leases, this knowledge empowers you to take control of your financial obligations.

      Remember, consistency in methodology is key, regardless of whether you choose beginning-of-period or end-of-period calculations. By mastering lease amortization schedules, you’ll be well-equipped to navigate the complexities of lease accounting and financial management.

      Looking for a tool to manage your lease accounting needs? Easily manage every modification and maintain compliance as your leases – and the regulatory requirements – evolve with VL’s Lease Accounting platform.

      The post How to Calculate a Lease Amortization Schedule: A Comprehensive Guide first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
      Unveiling the Net Advantage to Leasing: Understanding the Lease vs. Buy Analysis Tue, 05 Sep 2023 13:00:41 +0000 In the realm of business decisions, the choice between leasing and buying assets has significant financial implications. To help evaluate these options, the concept of “Net Advantage to Leasing” comes...

      The post Unveiling the Net Advantage to Leasing: Understanding the Lease vs. Buy Analysis first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
      In the realm of business decisions, the choice between leasing and buying assets has significant financial implications. To help evaluate these options, the concept of “Net Advantage to Leasing” comes into play. In this article, we’ll delve into what the net advantage to leasing entails, how to calculate it, and why it’s an integral part of informed decision-making.

      Defining Net Advantage to Leasing

      The term “Net Advantage to Leasing” might seem like a mouthful, but it essentially encapsulates the financial evaluation of the advantages associated with leasing as opposed to buying an asset outright. While the terminology leans towards leasing, the concept is often referred to as a “lease vs. buy analysis.” This analysis seeks to determine whether leasing or purchasing is the more financially advantageous option based on various factors.

      The Complexity of Lease vs. Buy Analysis

      A universal formula for a lease vs. buy analysis doesn’t exist due to the diverse factors that come into play. The analysis involves weighing the cumulative payments required for leasing an asset against the total expenses involved in purchasing and owning it. The result of this analysis provides insight into which option aligns better with a company’s financial goals.

      Calculating the Net Advantage to Leasing

      To calculate the net advantage to leasing, consider the following steps:

      1. Identify Costs: Sum up all the payments expected for leasing an asset, including any maintenance or operating expenses. Similarly, calculate the costs associated with purchasing and owning the asset, such as the purchase price, maintenance, and disposal costs.
      2. Time Value of Money: Recognize the importance of the time value of money. Money available today holds more value than the same amount in the future. This means that upfront costs have a different impact compared to future costs.
      3. Duration Matters: Consider the duration for which you’re analyzing the lease vs. buy decision. The financial picture can change significantly depending on the period you’re evaluating.
      4. Present Value: Apply the concept of present value to both leasing and buying costs. This involves discounting future cash flows back to their present value to account for the time value of money.
      5. Compare: Compare the present value of total expenses for leasing and buying. This analysis helps you understand the financial advantages or disadvantages of each option.

      Grasping the Concept Through an Example

      Let’s consider an example involving a vehicle. If you’re looking to acquire a car, the lease option might appear attractive due to lower upfront costs and the absence of a significant down payment. However, the lease might come with a lump sum payment at the end. Analyzing the total expenditures and applying the time value of money clarifies the financial implications of both options.

      The net advantage to leasing, or the lease vs. buy analysis, is an indispensable tool for making informed financial decisions. While there’s no one-size-fits-all formula, understanding the components involved—total expenses, time value of money, and present value—can guide you toward choosing the option that aligns best with your company’s financial strategy.

      If you’re looking for a platform that can aid your organization in finding insights across your leases, check out VL’s Lease Accounting solution.

      The post Unveiling the Net Advantage to Leasing: Understanding the Lease vs. Buy Analysis first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
      Episode 15 “Part 3: The Call for Greater Collaboration Between Owners and Occupiers” Thu, 31 Aug 2023 16:18:46 +0000

      In the finale of our special 3-part series with experts from VL and OSCRE, we break down how important it is that commercial landlords and tenants work together to create a more mutually beneficial partnership between both parties 


      Read Transcript

      VLDI Podcast Episode 15 Part 3: Transcript


      Welcome to the final installment of our special series of the VLDI Podcast episodes with Ian Cameron, Chief Innovation Officer of OSCRE, a Real Estate Data Industry Data Standards organization alongside Bill Harter, Principal Solution Advisor at VL. In this episode, Ian and Bill talk about the need for real estate owners and occupiers to collaborate when it comes to ESG related data.

      Guys, I will say listening to you both speak, it does sound like there’s a mutually beneficial partnership that’s evolving here, which is great to hear. So before I let you go, Ian, one topic that has come up a few times is the need for owners and occupiers to collaborate and share data related to items such as energy usage so that both can report as accurately as practical. Can you elaborate more on that?


      Picture a situation of a corporate tenant in a building owned by an investment manager, let’s say run by an investment manager. Each of them has reporting responsibilities, but neither of them has 100% of what they need. So, there’s a dependency that’s just a natural dependency that’s not so easy to implement, but it’s necessary between owners and occupiers to exchange the kind of data that each needs to fulfill their own reporting requirements.

      But traditionally, that’s very difficult to get both parties, one to agree to do it, and the second as to how to exchange that data. So, we’re breaking some new ground on how that sharing should take place. But I also think that the standards project that we’re working on together has obviously a technical piece and a process piece inside that also has a business case element and a lot of messaging around the way that we announce the standards and explain how it’s going to be used.

      A large part of the ability to start to break down the kind of traditional barriers between those two stakeholders is the communications of it. So, vlogs like this are helpful to continue to help break down that barrier. And I hope there are both owners and occupiers online and listening to this. I would really encourage you to start to think about the use of a standard to help bridge that gap.

      Thinking about your world at Visual Lease… Very much focused on the lease and therefore lease obligations. We have a sense that lease obligations are going to start to be modified to include data requirements for reporting, and that’s something on both sides because frankly, the occupiers need some information from the landlords because they have the meters, and they have a lot of the building system usage data that a tenant would never have.

      And then at the same time, if take a situation like a net lease, then it may be that tenants may be paying for years directly to a power company, let’s say. So, they have information that the owner doesn’t have. So, both could be looking at that data set to say, okay, how do we stack up? And if we want to be able to communicate data in and out, even if it’s just between an owner and occupier, that data set will help.

      What it also means then is that that implies that a tenant system and a landlord system would need to be able to either export or import energy data in a way that’s consistent and accurate. You are thinking about accuracy as well. That in part comes from using the same data structure and the same definitions, etc. but that’s also where the likes of an API came in.


      And that’s why we’ve also focused on a data exchange mechanism. And I was listening to you, Bill, and there’s something that’s kind of characteristic of the OSCRE industry data model and this particular set of use cases in particular. I think many organizations have been kind of confused about what they have to do internally to manage energy data itself in a consistent way.

      And that’s why the energy data set the energy data model that we’re producing gives both sides of that equation a chance to start to get it right. And what that also means that internally in those organizations, it allows the standard to be kind of brought in and incorporated into a data strategy, is also going to be very useful when it comes to things like master data or reference data in those organizations.

      And one of the reasons I’m mentioning this is that this is something we do, a lot of which is to try to explain how you can get started with a data standard like this, how it can be incorporated into the things I just mentioned, strategy, you know, schema is a data architecture, those good things. We also published an implementation business case that will help people in both those kinds of organizations sell it internally, meaning selling the adoption of an energy data standard.

      So, we’ve definitely tried to think about an owner’s perspective as a stakeholder and an occupiers perspective as a stakeholder, and also to help them both understand the value of picking up the standard, but also how to approach it and so Bill, I really appreciated your comments. It just made me realize that you probably have plenty of conversations going on with your customers about how you interact with their systems.

      If you’re in fact pushing anything over or how you then pull data in from other sources. So, it seemed to me that this owner-occupier collaboration, an aspect, is a very important part of your world. And I’ve learned a lot just listening to you. And thank you for that.


      My pleasure. And I have to say, there’s a technical aspect to the owner occupier collaboration, but there’s also a psychological aspect to it as well. They’ve been adversarial for so long; they really have to learn that we’re all in this together.


      Yeah, absolutely. And that’s a feature of the way we develop standards. And you mentioned some of the organizations, Bill, who have been participating. It’s deliberately multifaceted because all these various stakeholders do have a significant stake. But you’re absolutely right. There’s a cultural barrier to this. Sometimes standards are not always on the top of people’s minds, but we’re also doing a lot of work to demystify what standards are all about.

      And we’ve seen so many projects, data projects, where an internal focus forgets to look externally to what kind of industry standards might be available. And we are very specifically pointing to the OSCRE industry data model as a starting point for that.


      And I absolutely agree, and that’s why I am very eager to be involved with OSCRE to help develop the standards. Been great work.


      That will conclude our special series of the VLDI Podcast with Ian Cameron and Bill Harter. Ian, Bill, thank you so much for coming on the show and sharing your wealth of expert insights with us on all things ESG and data management. For those listening, if you enjoyed this episode and want to catch up with other resources from the Visual Lease Data Institute, to be sure to follow our LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook pages @visuallease, as well as our new LinkedIn community page. Links to all our pages will be in the YouTube description box. And don’t forget to tune into the next episode of the Visual Lease Data Institute Podcast, where our focus is on helping you leverage your lease portfolio to stay ahead of what’s next.

      The post Episode 15 “Part 3: The Call for Greater Collaboration Between Owners and Occupiers” first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
      Lessee vs. Tenant: Demystifying the Difference Thu, 31 Aug 2023 13:00:10 +0000 When it comes to real estate and leasing agreements, terms can sometimes get a bit muddled. One such pair of terms that often find themselves used interchangeably are “lessee” and...

      The post Lessee vs. Tenant: Demystifying the Difference first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
      When it comes to real estate and leasing agreements, terms can sometimes get a bit muddled. One such pair of terms that often find themselves used interchangeably are “lessee” and “tenant.” However, there’s a subtle distinction between the two, and understanding this difference can help clarify legal and financial matters. In this article, we’ll break down the nuances of lessee vs. tenant and shed light on their implications.

      Defining Lessee vs. Tenant

      At first glance, “lessee” and “tenant” might seem like synonyms, and in many cases, they are used that way. But when we dig deeper, a distinction becomes evident.

      • Lessee: A lessee is a term that refers to an individual or entity that has entered into a formal lease agreement. This agreement outlines the terms and conditions under which the lessee gains the right to use and occupy a property. The lessee pays a specified amount of money at predetermined intervals for the privilege of utilizing the premises.
      • Tenant: A tenant, on the other hand, is someone who occupies a property, regardless of whether there is a formal lease agreement in place. This occupancy can be under various arrangements, such as month-to-month agreements or even informal arrangements. While a tenant might have a lease, they can also be occupying the space without a legally binding lease.

      Understanding the Role of Lease Agreements

      The crux of the difference between a lessee and a tenant lies in the presence of a lease agreement. A lease agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms, rights, and obligations of both parties—the lessor (property owner) and the lessee. The agreement specifies the duration of the lease, rent payment details, and any additional clauses that govern the arrangement.

      In contrast, a tenant might occupy a property without a formal lease agreement. This could be due to a short-term arrangement, an informal understanding, or even a month-to-month occupancy.

      Accounting and Business Perspective

      From an accounting standpoint, the distinction between a lessee and a tenant might not carry as much weight. The financial responsibilities and considerations for both parties, especially in a business context, can be quite similar. The primary difference in treatment often depends on the presence or absence of a formal lease agreement.

      Interchangeability in Everyday Language

      In everyday conversations, “lessee” and “tenant” are often used interchangeably, and in many scenarios, this casual usage is perfectly acceptable. However, when it comes to legal and financial matters, understanding the precise terms can help prevent misunderstandings and ensure that the proper legal protections are in place.

      In the world of real estate and leasing, language matters. While “lessee” and “tenant” might be used interchangeably in everyday language, they carry subtle distinctions in the legal and financial realms. A lessee is someone who enters into a formal lease agreement, while a tenant refers to someone occupying a property, regardless of the presence of a lease. By grasping these nuances, you can navigate lease-related matters with confidence and clarity.

      Are you ready to simplify your lease management and ensure accurate documentation of lease agreements? Explore Visual Lease’s comprehensive platform that empowers businesses to streamline lease tracking, stay compliant, and make informed financial decisions. Request a demo today.

      The post Lessee vs. Tenant: Demystifying the Difference first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
      Visual Lease Named a Leader in IDC MarketScape Report on Lease Accounting & Administration Software Tue, 29 Aug 2023 13:15:49 +0000 Company’s proven SaaS solutions are recognized in first analyst report dedicated to full lease portfolio management Woodbridge, NJ – August 29, 2023 — Visual Lease (VL), the #1 lease optimization...

      The post Visual Lease Named a Leader in IDC MarketScape Report on Lease Accounting & Administration Software first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
      Company’s proven SaaS solutions are recognized in first analyst report
      dedicated to full lease portfolio management

      Woodbridge, NJ – August 29, 2023Visual Lease (VL), the #1 lease optimization software provider, today announced that it has been named a Leader in the IDC MarketScape: Worldwide SaaS and Cloud-Enabled Lease Accounting and Administration Applications 2023 Vendor Assessment (doc # US48562222, August 2023). 

      The IDC MarketScape is the first analyst report to provide a comprehensive evaluation of the combined lease accounting and lease administration capabilities of more than a dozen software providers. Over the last two years, IDC cross-compared the product strategies and capabilities of the vendors in this space through multiple system demos, customer references and surveys designed to collect details on platform functionality, roadmap, integrations, security and global use.

      “Being named a Leader in this inaugural report reinforces our belief that when prioritized, lease record data has the potential to contribute significant strategic value to a business that extends far beyond meeting compliance requirements,” said Visual Lease’s CEO, Robert Michlewicz. “Informed by more than two decades of lease portfolio management experience, Visual Lease is the only solution that provides organizations with the visibility and controls needed to mitigate risk, optimize value and minimize cost – all critical capabilities in today’s market.”

      The IDC MarketScape: Worldwide SaaS and Cloud-Enabled Lease Accounting and Administration Applications 2023 Vendor Assessment notes, “Consider Visual Lease if you are looking for an end-to-end solution that leverages 25+ years of experience maximizing the value customers receive from their lease portfolio by ensuring they have strong, sustainable financial and operational controls and comprehensive reporting capabilities.”

      “Serving as a centralized system of record for all lease financial, operational and legal data, Visual Lease provides organizations the opportunity to sustain lease accounting compliance and simultaneously leverage their leases for strategic financial and operational outcomes,” said Kevin Permenter, Research Director at IDC. “Based on our analysis, VL offers substantial platform extension capabilities around tracking and reporting on the environmental impact of leased and owned assets to support their clients’ ESG initiatives. The platform is well positioned to help organizations harness the power of their portfolio to enhance business resiliency.”

      To date, in 2023, Visual Lease has earned 12 Leader badges on G2, including Leader status for Enterprise businesses in both the Lease Administration and Lease Accounting categories for every consecutive quarter, as well as Leader status in both categories for businesses of all sizes. VL was also named a High-Performing Solution for Asset Management and Lease Management for small businesses. Most recently, Visual Lease was recognized as a finalist in the category of Best SaaS Product in CSR, Sustainability and ESG by the Software as a Service Awards.

      To access a copy of the report, visit this page.

      To keep up with announcements from Visual Lease, visit the Visual Lease Newsroom.

      About IDC MarketScape
      IDC MarketScape vendor assessment model is designed to provide an overview of the competitive fitness of ICT (information and communications technology) suppliers in a given market. The research methodology utilizes a rigorous scoring methodology based on both qualitative and quantitative criteria that results in a single graphical illustration of each vendor’s position within a given market. IDC MarketScape provides a clear framework in which the product and service offerings, capabilities and strategies, and current and future market success factors of IT and telecommunications vendors can be meaningfully compared. The framework also provides technology buyers with a 360-degree assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of current and prospective vendors.

      About Visual Lease
      Visual Lease is the #1 lease optimization solution provider, empowering organizations to leverage their lease portfolio for strategic financial and operational outcomes. Our powerful and secure platform serves as a centralized system of record for all lease financial, operational and legal data, and is purpose-built to support every team that interacts with a company’s lease portfolio. Informed by nearly three decades of experience, our solutions help companies easily sustain compliance with FASB, IFRS, GASB and ISSB reporting requirements, and mitigate the risks and maximize the value associated with their lease records. Our award-winning software is used by 1,500+ organizations to manage 500,000+ real estate, equipment and other leased assets globally. For more information, visit


      Media Contacts 

      Erica Bonavitacola
      Visual Lease
      T+1 732 770 2270     

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      Understanding Lease Purchase: Accounting and Implications Thu, 24 Aug 2023 13:00:07 +0000 Leasing is a common practice in business, allowing companies to acquire assets without a hefty upfront cost. However, situations arise where a lessee wants to transition from leasing to outright...

      The post Understanding Lease Purchase: Accounting and Implications first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
      Leasing is a common practice in business, allowing companies to acquire assets without a hefty upfront cost. However, situations arise where a lessee wants to transition from leasing to outright ownership, leading to a “lease purchase” scenario. 

      In this blog post, we’ll delve into what a lease purchase option entails, its accounting nuances, and the tax implications that come with it.

      What is a Lease Purchase Option?

      Before diving into the accounting and tax considerations, let’s clarify what a lease purchase option is. A lease purchase option gives a lessee the right, but not the obligation, to buy the leased asset from the lessor. This option can be exercised at a predetermined price, often referred to as the “purchase option price,” which could be a nominal amount or a percentage of the asset’s market value.

      Accounting for Lease Purchase:

      1. Lease Purchase Out of a Lease: If a lessee decides to purchase an asset they were previously leasing, and the lessor agrees, it’s a straightforward transition. There’s no need for advanced accounting; the asset shifts from being a leased asset to a fixed asset on the books. The accumulated amortization shifts to fixed asset depreciation, and any associated taxes are factored in. Essentially, it’s treated like any other purchase.
      2. Lease Purchase Option: When the lessee holds a purchase option, the accounting approach hinges on their intent to exercise it. If the lessee doesn’t anticipate exercising the option, the lease is accounted for as a regular lease. However, if the lessee intends to exercise the option, a different accounting schedule is crafted based on that impending purchase.

      Lease Classification Test:

      For the lease classification test, the timing of asset ownership transfer becomes vital. If it’s likely that ownership will transfer at the option’s exercise, the underlying asset isn’t amortized over the lease term but over the asset’s useful life.

      Lease Purchase Tax Implications:

      The tax implications can be substantial when considering a lease purchase option. If you account for the asset as likely to be purchased at the lease term’s midpoint or end, you amortize the asset value over its useful life. For example, if the leased asset is a vehicle with an 8-year useful life, your amortization occurs over 8 years, impacting expense profiles.

      Bargain Purchase Option:

      A “bargain purchase option” presents another dimension. This means there’s a compelling economic incentive to exercise the option due to a nominal or low purchase price. Even if the lessee initially doesn’t intend to exercise the option, accounting assumes that they will due to the economic incentive.

      Changing Intent and Remeasuring:

      If intent changes—say, from planning to exercise the option to not exercising it—the lease is remeasured. This might change the lease classification, switching from finance to operating lease treatment.

      In conclusion, a lease purchase option introduces complexities to accounting and tax implications. Your approach depends on your intent to exercise the option, the asset’s useful life, and potential bargain purchase incentives. Consulting with accounting professionals can provide clarity and ensure compliance with accounting standards and tax regulations. Understanding the intricacies of lease purchase options empowers businesses to make informed decisions about their assets and financial strategy.

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      Preparing for Lease Accounting Audits: Your Comprehensive Checklist Wed, 23 Aug 2023 13:00:06 +0000 As a company navigating the intricacies of lease accounting, you’re no stranger to the importance of maintaining accuracy and compliance. Part of this process involves undergoing lease audits, a task...

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      As a company navigating the intricacies of lease accounting, you’re no stranger to the importance of maintaining accuracy and compliance. Part of this process involves undergoing lease audits, a task that might seem daunting but is an integral part of your financial health. In this blog post, we’ll guide you through preparing for a lease accounting audit using a detailed checklist to streamline the process and ensure a smooth audit experience.

      Understanding the Significance of Lease Audits:

      Before diving into the checklist, let’s briefly discuss why lease audits are crucial. A lease audit is not just about verifying numerical accuracy; it’s a comprehensive evaluation of your lease agreements, expenditures, controls, and compliance measures. Auditors assess whether your financial transactions align with the terms of your leases and identify any potential risks of fraud or mismanagement.

      Lease Audit Checklist:

      1. Set Clear Boundaries: Determine which leases are subject to the audit. This ensures that your audit scope is defined and complete.
      2. Gather Complete Information: Compile all relevant information, including lease abstracts and underlying lease documents. Auditors need to verify that you’re adhering to lease terms and performing as required.
      3. Ensure Up-to-Date Lease Data: Leases evolve over time, so ensure your data is current. Auditors will review your most recent lease information to verify accuracy.
      4. Review Payment Processes and Controls: Examine your payment processes and controls. This involves ensuring that your payment methods align with lease terms and that you’re accurately disbursing funds.
      5. Document Expenditures: Document and maintain supporting documentation for all expenditures. This documentation might include lease schedules, invoices, and any variable payment calculations.
      6. Validate CAM Charges: If you’re responsible for common area maintenance (CAM) charges, ensure that these charges are reconciled against actual expenses. Validate supporting documentation to prevent overcharges.
      7. Track Capital Expenditures: Properly depreciate capital expenditures as per lease requirements. Ensure that these expenditures are accounted for accurately.
      8. Verify CPI Increases: If your lease involves Consumer Price Index (CPI) increases, verify that these calculations are accurate and performed at the appropriate times.
      9. Check Percentage-Based Payments: If your payments are based on a percentage of sales, validate reported sales numbers, exclusions, and calculations.
      10. Ensure Compliance for Financial Statements: Review your compliance procedures for submitting financial statements and any contingent obligations outlined in your lease. Ensure all documentation aligns.
      11. Review Contingent Payments: Scrutinize any contingent payments mentioned in the lease agreement. Verify that these contingencies are appropriately met before payments are made.
      12. Validate Controls: Assess your internal controls for their effectiveness in preventing fraud and ensuring accurate financial reporting.
      13. Audit the Full Scope: Remember that an audit goes beyond mathematical accuracy. It involves validating documentation, controls, and compliance measures.

      Benefits of Lease Accounting Audit Preparation:

      A well-prepared audit expedites the process and instills confidence in auditors and stakeholders. Properly documenting your lease transactions, ensuring compliance, and validating payments demonstrate your commitment to transparency and accuracy.

      While lease audits might seem like a complex ordeal, proper preparation simplifies the process. Use our comprehensive lease audit checklist as a guide to ensure that your lease accounting audit is efficient, effective, and successful. By proactively addressing potential issues and maintaining impeccable records, you’re well on your way to navigating lease audits with confidence and ease.

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      Navigating Commercial Lease Lifecycles: A Holistic Perspective Mon, 21 Aug 2023 13:00:40 +0000 The realm of commercial leases encompasses a complex lifecycle that spans far beyond the mere agreement itself. While it’s a subject that often invites surface-level discussions, grasping the full scope...

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      The realm of commercial leases encompasses a complex lifecycle that spans far beyond the mere agreement itself. While it’s a subject that often invites surface-level discussions, grasping the full scope of a commercial lease lifecycle is essential for businesses and professionals to make informed decisions. In this article, we’ll unveil the multifaceted stages of a commercial lease lifecycle, debunking myths and providing valuable insights.

      Seeing the Whole Elephant: A Holistic Approach to Commercial Lease Lifecycles

      The tale of the blind men describing an elephant aptly mirrors the way various stakeholders perceive commercial leases. Administrators, accountants, brokers, and tenants all interact with leases from their vantage points, often missing the broader picture. To truly understand the commercial lease lifecycle, we need to step back and observe its phases cohesively.

      1. Acquisition Phase: Finding the Right Fit The lifecycle commences with the acquisition phase. This is where the organization identifies the need for a leased asset. Whether it’s real estate or equipment, the acquisition phase involves sourcing the asset, potentially through brokers or procurement departments. The asset is brought into the organization, setting the stage for the next phase.
      2. Preparation Phase: Ready for Action Once the asset is acquired, the preparation phase begins. In the context of real estate leases, this phase includes tenant improvements and fitting out the premises for operational use. Accounting teams get involved to set up proper accounting structures and recognize tenant improvement work. Preparing the asset is essential before actual occupancy.
      3. Operational Phase: Utilizing the Asset As operations commence, the lease enters the operational phase. The asset is used for business activities, with facilities management teams handling maintenance and upkeep. The accounting team oversees accurate expense recognition, aligning with lease terms. Periodic reviews ensure the asset’s continued value to the organization.
      4. Transition Phase: Assessing the Need Transitioning towards the end of the lease term, companies reassess the asset’s value and necessity. This phase isn’t solely reserved for lease-end. Companies may review their asset needs at various points throughout the lease term, deciding whether to continue or relocate.
      5. Disposition Phase: Wrapping Up As the lease term nears its end, the disposition phase comes into play. Operations wind down, equipment is relocated, and furniture is dismantled. If required, restoration work is performed on the premises before returning them to the lessor. Ultimately, the keys are handed back, concluding the operational phase.

      Accounting for the Complete Picture

      Throughout the entire lifecycle, accounting plays a crucial role. From setting up proper accounting structures for leases and tenant improvement expenses to tracking operating expenses and reconciling financials, the accounting team ensures accurate financial reporting.

      Why Understanding the Lifecycle Matters

      Understanding the comprehensive lifecycle of commercial leases empowers businesses to make strategic decisions. Whether it’s renewing a lease, reevaluating the asset’s value, or orchestrating a smooth transition, each phase informs a company’s trajectory.

      Conclusion: Embracing the Full Journey

      Beyond the lease agreement lies a dynamic and multifaceted lifecycle. Embracing the entire journey ensures that businesses operate efficiently, accounting accurately reflects transactions, and decision-making remains informed. By understanding the stages from acquisition to disposition, professionals can navigate commercial lease lifecycles with a holistic perspective, reaping the benefits of well-informed choices and optimal financial management.

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      Asset Capitalization in Lease Accounting: What You Need to Know Thu, 17 Aug 2023 13:00:20 +0000 Navigating the world of lease accounting can sometimes feel like deciphering a complex code. The terms, regulations, and methodologies can leave even the savviest professionals scratching their heads. One such...

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      Navigating the world of lease accounting can sometimes feel like deciphering a complex code. The terms, regulations, and methodologies can leave even the savviest professionals scratching their heads. One such topic that often raises questions is asset capitalization in leases. In this article, we’ll delve into the intricacies of this concept, clarifying what it means to capitalize an asset, and shedding light on the impact it has on your balance sheet.

      The Evolution of Lease Accounting

      Before we dive into the details of asset capitalization, let’s address an important shift in lease accounting. The term “capital lease” under the old ASC 840 standard has become a relic of the past. With the advent of ASC 842 guidelines, leases are now classified into two categories: operating leases and finance leases. While the term “capital lease” has been retired, the concept of capitalizing assets remains a fundamental aspect of lease accounting.

      What Does It Mean to Capitalize an Asset?

      To capitalize an asset means to recognize it on your balance sheet as both an asset and a corresponding liability. In the context of lease accounting, this occurs when a lease, whether an operating or finance lease, is brought onto the balance sheet. The asset value represents the right to use the leased asset over the lease term, while the liability reflects the future payment obligations associated with the lease.

      Capitalized Assets Based on the Lease Classification

      Regardless of lease type, all leased assets are capitalized under ASC 842 guidelines. However, the treatment of these capitalized assets varies based on the lease classification.

      1. Operating Leases: In an operating lease, the expense recognition is characterized by straight-line rent expense. This means that the total lease payments are divided equally over the lease term. The amortization of the right-of-use asset is calculated based on an interest component derived from the remaining liability balance.
      2. Finance Leases: Finance leases, on the other hand, are recognized with a front-loaded expense recognition. The amortization of the right-of-use asset follows a straight-line method, while the interest component varies as the liability balance decreases over time.

      Calculating Asset Capitalization

      As the intricacies of calculating asset capitalization and amortization become evident, it’s clear that the assistance of specialized software is invaluable. Solutions like Visual Lease offer the functionality to streamline these calculations, ensuring accuracy and compliance. With pre-set formulas and automation capabilities, lease management software simplifies the process, allowing you to focus on strategic decision-making rather than complex calculations.

      A Clearer Path to Lease Accounting Clarity

      While the terminology of lease accounting may have evolved, the concept of asset capitalization remains at its core. Recognizing leased assets on the balance sheet, along with the corresponding liabilities, is a critical step in achieving accurate financial reporting and compliance. Whether dealing with operating or finance leases, understanding the nuances of asset capitalization ensures that your organization remains on the path of accurate and transparent lease accounting practices. And with the support of advanced lease management software, you can navigate these complexities with confidence and clarity.

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      Episode 15 “Part 1: Exploring the Partnership Between VL & OSCRE” Wed, 16 Aug 2023 15:24:37 +0000

      Without visibility into their performance history, how can companies successfully determine reporting benchmarks and accomplish their sustainability goals? In our special 3-part series from The VLDI Podcast, experts from VL and OSCRE break down why data management is critical to the environmental reporting process.


      Read Transcript

      VLDI Podcast Episode 15 Transcript


      Hi, I’m your host, Joe Fitzgerald. Welcome back to the Visual Lease Data Institute Podcast. Here at VL, we provide proven SaaS solutions that empower organizations to leverage their leased portfolio for strategic, financial and operational outcomes. Our solutions enable clients to achieve a clear understanding of their lease records, including associated obligations, risks and responsibilities to address their ever-changing needs.

      With VL, organizations have the ability they need to mitigate risk, optimize value and minimize cost. This episode is part one of a special three-part series of the VLDI Podcast. Joining me for this special series is Ian Cameron, Chief Innovation Officer at OSCRE, a Real Estate Data Industry Data Standards Organization, alongside Bill Harter, Principal Solutions Advisor at VL. OSCRE International is a nonprofit corporate member organization focused on the development and implementation of real estate data standards that form the foundation of a powerful strategy for digital transformation.

      Ian is one of the founders of OSCRE. As the Chief Innovation Officer, Ian drives OSCRE standards, development, pipeline and training in how to implement OSCRE standards at global corporations and investment organizations, their service providers and software firms. Bill has been with VL for over six years and represents VL on OSCRE’s data standards committee, delivering insights and facilitating conversation around the current hot topic of ESG.

      With that, let’s dive in. So Ian, I know we opened up with a brief introduction for you and OSCRE, but it would be great for our listeners if you could provide a deeper dive into your organization and more specifically, what OSCRE is doing related to ESG.


      Thank you very much, Joe, and it’s a pleasure to be here. OSCRE has been around for about 20 years at this point, and we’ve hit an amazing stride, in part because the technology has evolved. The understanding of data strategy and data management needs has become much more broadly endorsed and accommodated. Whether you’re a major corporation or investment firm, all these companies from a real estate standpoint, are figuring out how to manage this complex sourcing and aggregating and using and reporting of data.

      OSCRE’s primary product is referred to as the OSCRE Industry Data Model which covers a variety of functions, including leasing, space management and currently we’re very focused, as you mentioned, Joe, on environmental data management. I’ll mention a couple of these cases on that in a moment. To develop these standards, we collaborate with industry leaders like Visual Lease, and we’re very happy that both Bill and Joe up in joining us in some of the workshops for that.

      But that’s how these standards come about. They start with the main stakeholders on a topic, and that’s exactly what’s happening around an energy data standard we’re working on right now. The kinds of organizations participating in that are typical of those that participate in developing the OSCRE data model to begin with. The other thing that we’re doing is we’re very conscious that there are skills missing and the high demand, low supply of some of the skills around data management and real estate.

      One of the reasons we’re providing the education is to help folks who are coming in from other industries understand our industry, understand the data challenges, understand the data strategies and data modeling, for example. So we’re very motivated to continue to help educate and train people about this whole standards discussion and also to improve their ability to implement standards as part of their whole approach to data internally.

      But ultimately, what we need to do is to present standards in a way that are implementable. So, while we have a large, diverse and broad industry data model, it’s structured around a set of use cases. And for example, a use case might be sending lease data. And that’s something I know that Joe and Bill, is near to your heart. exchanging lease information, especially when you have one application that might need information from another on behalf of a client.

      So, we’ve developed a data standard, the schema associated with that, and we’ve also seen some organizations picking up OSCRE and embedding them in OSCRE based APIs. And the reason I’m mentioning that is this is not just about getting the data right, the right data model, but also being able to handle data integration. And that also comes to the scope of what Visual Lease is able to do.

      We’re thrilled, first of all, that you’re participating with us in that Energy Standards Data project, and it means a lot for us to be able to get your perspective, especially focusing on lease implications when it comes to ESG and vice versa. So that’s fairly common for us to seek, which is we want to get your perspective. We need to build that into the way that standards are developed.

      We also want to understand your perspective on how to actually implement them. And integration is a key piece of that.


      No question Ian, OSCRE has a very comprehensive mission, and you referenced a couple of things that I want to turn to Bill and say Bill, I know you represent VL on OSCRE’s Data Standards Committee. Can you tell us how this has been going and how it may be influencing some of what VL is doing related to its newest product offering, VL ESG Steward?


      Sure, Joe. First off, let me just say it’s been great working with Ian and the rest of the OSCRE crew. It’s great to collaborate with them because to me, the important thing is we’re not just leveraging the work that OSCRE has been doing on ESG and, you know, energy management. But OSCRE’s been at this data management data standardization game for many years, and so they bring a lot of knowledge and wisdom to the table, definitely more inputs from a broad range of people as well as people with a great history and experience at developing these standards, is going to help us lead to a better product.

      I appreciate that OSCRE has a broad range of representatives who have very different perspectives. We have owners, we have occupiers, service providers, investors and others, all with varied needs. And these needs are informing us on how all of these various different parties are using the ESG data. This is not just the ESG specific data, but also, we’re looking at the non ESG data that these users need.

      They have to provide intensity metrics for reporting purposes, and they also need to see how the ESG information fits in with their other tracking metrics so that they can perform the proper analytics that they need in order to manage their portfolios. And that’s very helpful to us in building out the tool. We’re viewing this, obviously as more than just a mere compliance exercise.

      The real goal of ESG is to provide companies with actionable intelligence that they can utilize to enhance their operations and have less of an impact on our planet. This is also allowing us to get out in front of other associated issues. You know, right now, energy and greenhouse gas emissions are getting all the publicity everyone’s talking about that the new ISSB standards are dealing with specifically with these climate issues in the first year.

      But we know that there are other e-components that are coming behind it: water, waste management, biodiversity issues, as well as the S and G pillars of ESG. Talking with this larger group is going to allow us to get out in front of these further developments as they are established and become part of the reporting requirements.


      That will conclude part one of our special series from the VLDI Podcast with Ian Cameron, Chief Innovation Officer from OSCRE, a Real Estate Data Industry Data Standards organization alongside Bill Harter, Principal Solutions Advisor at VL. Stay tuned for Part II, available on our website and social media platforms @visuallease on August 23rd.


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      ​​Financial Restatements: The Impact to Newly Public Companies Tue, 15 Aug 2023 13:00:43 +0000 Navigating the Transition: Understanding Challenges Faced by Newly Public Companies and Strategies for Success In the dynamic landscape of public offerings, the surge in initial public offerings (IPOs) during 2020...

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      Navigating the Transition: Understanding Challenges Faced by Newly Public Companies and Strategies for Success

      In the dynamic landscape of public offerings, the surge in initial public offerings (IPOs) during 2020 and 2021 led to a record number of companies going public through traditional IPOs or SPAC mergers. However, the parallel rise in IPOs and accounting restatements offers a significant insight into the challenges new public companies face. These companies, while transitioning to public status, are often still fine-tuning their internal controls, accounting policies, team structure, and technology integration. This leaves them susceptible to internal control weaknesses, restatements, and the need for remediations.

      What Is a Restatement?

      A restatement is the rectification of previously released financial statements, prompted by errors or misinterpretations. This commonly happens during the transition of newly public firms. Such revisions entail correcting mistakes, including significant inaccuracies, stemming from sources like accounting errors, noncompliance with GAAP, fraud, or clerical blunders. Accountants assess materiality, and if flawed data could result in misleading interpretations, restatements become obligatory under FASB rules. 

      A Deeper Dive into Restatements

      A survey conducted in 2022 by Deloitte highlighted that approximately 59.1% of public companies revised or remediated their financial processes within the past 12 months, with 51.6% anticipating the same within the next year. Delving deeper into newly public companies that encountered restatements, Deloitte’s discussions with CFOs revealed three recurring themes contributing to these events:

      • Complex Accounting Standards: The transition to newly applicable accounting standards often requires more judgment and estimates. These intricate standards can challenge companies, leading to restatements.
      • Manual Processes and Controls: The process of refining internal controls, often through manual processes and multiple spreadsheets, can create an environment prone to errors.
      • Lack of Specialized Skills: New public companies might lack staff with deep technical expertise in these evolving standards, increasing the likelihood of misinterpretations and errors.

      Areas of Common Restatements

      Based on Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filings, one of the most common areas for restatements in newly public companies since is leases (ASC 842). The nuances and complexities within ASC 842 often require technical accounting expertise and pose challenges for newly public entities.

      Responding to Restatements

      Responding to restatements requires a methodical approach:

      1. Create a Plan: Establish a project management office (PMO) with clear protocols, resources, and communication channels to address the issue.
      2. Assess Resources: Enlist resources with deep technical knowledge to address the complexities causing restatements.
      3. Evaluate Misstatements: Investigate the cause of the misstatement and adjust financials accordingly.
      4. Identify Control Failures: Understand the root cause of internal control deficiencies and prepare a remediation plan.
      5. Communication: Keep stakeholders informed, including auditors, board of directors, investors, regulators, and banks.
      6. Complete Reporting: Prepare restated financials and disclosures to explain the misstatement’s cause and impact.
      7. Repair and Improve: Use the lessons learned to enhance controls and processes, minimizing the risk of future restatements.

      Preventing Future Restatements

      Preventing future restatements involves building a resilient accounting organization:

      • Continuous Controls Assessment: Regularly assess internal controls to adapt to changing business conditions and technology.
      • Stay Current: Monitor regulatory changes that might affect accounting and financial reporting.
      • Leverage External Advisers: Engage accounting and reporting advisers with specialized skills to analyze complex issues and offer solutions.

      With the intricate landscape of accounting standards and the unique challenges that newly public companies face, establishing a knowledgeable team, strong controls framework, and proactive remediation strategy can significantly reduce the risk of restatements and ensure a smooth transition into the public market. 

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      Visual Lease Appoints Gene Cook as Vice President of Global Partners Tue, 08 Aug 2023 13:20:39 +0000 Company invests in its Partner network in preparation for the next stage of growth Woodbridge, NJ – August 8, 2023 — Visual Lease (VL), the #1 lease optimization software provider,...

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      Company invests in its Partner network in preparation for the next stage of growth

      Woodbridge, NJ – August 8, 2023Visual Lease (VL), the #1 lease optimization software provider, today announced the appointment of Gene Cook as its first Vice President of Global Partners. In his new role, Cook will help VL expand the value it provides to its growing network of Global Partners across leading accounting firms, professional services organizations, commercial real estate firms and solution providers.

      “It’s a pleasure to welcome Gene to our leadership team as we take the VL Global Partner program into the next phase of its evolution,” said Visual Lease CEO, Robert Michlewicz. “VL has an active and growing partner network because the platform makes it easy for cross-functional teams to track and report on dynamic datasets, ensuring accuracy and timely access to critical information while also reducing risk and improving business agility. With Gene’s background and experience, we look forward to collaborating with new and existing partners to offer mutual clients best-in-class software and services, empowering them to deliver better strategic financial and operational outcomes to their businesses.”

      Before joining Visual Lease, Cook was Senior Director of Global Bank Alliances at Coupa Software, the cloud platform for business spend management (BSM). Prior to Coupa Software, Cook served as FSI Partner Business Director at Concur Technologies, an SAP Company, where he was responsible for the organization’s top six banking partners.

      “I am honored to join the VL team in support of its mission to help organizations across the globe mitigate the risks and maximize the associated with their lease portfolio,” said Cook. “By joining forces with other industry leaders, we will collectively expand our reach and empower more businesses to gain complete control over their financial, operational and legal data with our platform.”

      To keep up with announcements from Visual Lease, visit the Visual Lease Newsroom. 

      About Visual Lease  

      Visual Lease is the #1 lease optimization solution provider, empowering organizations to leverage their lease portfolio for strategic financial and operational outcomes. Our powerful and secure platform serves as a centralized system of record for all lease financial, operational and legal data, and is purpose-built to support every team that interacts with a company’s lease portfolio. Informed by nearly three decades of experience, our solutions help companies easily sustain compliance with FASB, IFRS, GASB and ISSB reporting requirements, and mitigate the risks and maximize the value associated with their lease records. Our award-winning software is used by 1,500+ organizations to manage 500,000+ real estate, equipment and other leased assets globally. For more information, visit

      Media Contacts 

      Erica Bonavitacola
      Visual Lease
      T+1 732 770 2270     

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      Article: Vendor Spotlight: Visual Lease Tue, 08 Aug 2023 12:16:19 +0000 The management and administration of leases is a complex challenge for organizations of any size, from a landlord renting out a room to a corporation renting out airplanes. With a...

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      The management and administration of leases is a complex challenge for organizations of any size, from a landlord renting out a room to a corporation renting out airplanes. With a landscape characterized by multifaceted compliance requirements, diverse lease portfolios and fast-moving regulatory environment, it can be a struggle to track, analyze and report lease activities accurately.

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      Streamline Your Finances: Six Reasons Why Small and Mid-Sized Businesses Need Accounting Software Thu, 27 Jul 2023 13:00:01 +0000 In today’s fast-paced business landscape, small and mid-sized businesses (SMBs) face numerous challenges in managing their financial operations efficiently. As a business owner, you may be wondering “Do I need...

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      In today’s fast-paced business landscape, small and mid-sized businesses (SMBs) face numerous challenges in managing their financial operations efficiently. As a business owner, you may be wondering “Do I need accounting software for my small business?” The answer is a resounding yes. Accounting software offers numerous benefits that can significantly impact the success and efficiency of your small business. 

      Here are six compelling reasons why accounting software is essential for your small or medium-sized business:

      1. Enhanced Financial Organization:

        Accounting software provides a comprehensive platform for organizing and managing financial data. By automating repetitive tasks like data entry, invoicing, and expense tracking, SMBs can streamline their financial processes, saving time and reducing the likelihood of errors. With a centralized system, businesses can easily access and retrieve critical financial information, facilitating accurate and timely decision-making.

      2. Simplified Bookkeeping:

        Manual bookkeeping can be time-consuming and error-prone, especially for SMBs with limited resources. Accounting software automates essential bookkeeping tasks, such as recording transactions, reconciling accounts, and generating financial statements. By eliminating manual entry and calculations, the software minimizes the risk of human error and ensures accurate financial records.

      3. Efficient Invoicing and Payment Management:

        For SMBs, maintaining a healthy cash flow is vital. Accounting software enables businesses to generate professional invoices, track payment statuses, and send reminders for overdue payments. With automated payment processing capabilities, businesses can expedite cash inflows, reducing the time spent on chasing payments and improving overall cash flow management.

      4. Financial Analysis and Reporting:

        Understanding the financial health of your business is crucial for making informed decisions and setting strategic goals. Accounting software provides robust reporting tools that generate real-time financial statements, profit and loss reports, balance sheets, and cash flow statements. These insights help SMBs identify trends, pinpoint areas of improvement, and make data-driven decisions to drive growth.

      5. Compliance with Accounting Standards:

        Adhering to accounting standards is essential for accurate financial reporting and maintaining regulatory compliance. Accounting software is designed to stay up-to-date with the latest accounting regulations, ensuring that your business meets the necessary standards. For instance, lease accounting software specifically caters to the complexities of lease accounting, helping SMBs comply with ASC 842 or IFRS 16 guidelines.

      6. Time and Cost Savings:

        By automating financial tasks and reducing manual effort, accounting software saves SMBs valuable time and resources. This allows business owners and finance teams to focus on core operations, customer relationships, and strategic planning. Additionally, minimizing errors and improving financial efficiency can result in cost savings and contribute to overall business profitability.

      In today’s digital era, small and mid-sized businesses can significantly benefit from utilizing accounting software. With features tailored to their unique needs, such software enhances financial organization, simplifies bookkeeping, streamlines invoicing and payment management, provides valuable financial insights, ensures compliance, and ultimately saves time and costs. Whether you require general small business accounting software or specialized lease accounting software, investing in the right solution will empower your business to thrive and make informed financial decisions that drive growth and success.

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      Understanding the Meaning of Your Lease Commencement Date Fri, 21 Jul 2023 13:12:13 +0000 In the world of leasing agreements, there can be some confusion when it comes to the terminology used by attorneys and accountants. One such term is the “lease commencement date.”...

      The post Understanding the Meaning of Your Lease Commencement Date first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
      In the world of leasing agreements, there can be some confusion when it comes to the terminology used by attorneys and accountants. One such term is the “lease commencement date.” While attorneys may interpret it as a specified date within the contract, accountants view it differently. In this blog post, we will explore the disparity in meaning between the lease commencement date for attorneys and accountants. Additionally, we will discuss the distinction between the lease start date and the move-in date, as well as the significance of the lease accounting effective date.

      What Is a Lease Commencement Date? 

      A lease commencement date is the specific date on which a lease agreement becomes effective, and the tenant takes possession of the leased property. It marks the beginning of the lease term during which the tenant has the right to occupy and use the property, while the landlord is obligated to provide possession of the premises as agreed upon in the lease.

      Lease Commencement Date Definitions

      • Lease Term: The period during which the tenant has the right to occupy the leased property. It starts on the lease commencement date and ends on the lease expiration date.
      • Lease Commencement Date: The specific date on which the lease agreement becomes effective, and the tenant takes possession of the leased property.
      • Rent Commencement Date: The date from which the tenant becomes liable to pay rent to the landlord. It is typically the same as the lease commencement date, but there may be situations where the rent commencement date differs from the lease commencement date.
      • Occupancy Date: It refers to the date when the tenant physically occupies the leased property. It is often the same as the lease commencement date, but it can sometimes be earlier or later, depending on the terms of the lease agreement.
      • Effective Date: The date on which the lease agreement is signed by both parties and becomes legally binding. It may or may not be the same as the lease commencement date.
      • Commencement Certificate: A document issued by the landlord or an authorized representative confirming the lease commencement date and the tenant’s possession of the premises.
      • Rent Abatement: A provision in the lease agreement that allows for a temporary reduction or suspension of rent payments during specific circumstances, such as when the premises are undergoing renovations or repairs before the tenant moves in.
      • Holdover Period: A period that occurs when a tenant continues to occupy the leased premises after the lease term has expired without signing a new lease or terminating the tenancy. The terms regarding the holdover period are usually outlined in the original lease agreement.

      How Do You Determine A Lease Commencement Date? 

      Attorney’s Perspective on Lease Commencement Date

      For attorneys, the lease commencement date is a date defined within the leasing contract. It could be the date on which the contract was signed, or some other predetermined effective date specified in the agreement. This date holds legal significance and serves as a reference point for various contractual obligations and rights.

      Accountants’ Perspective on Lease Commencement Date

      In contrast, accountants perceive the lease commencement date as the point at which the lessee gains possession and control of the leased asset. This date could be when the lessee moves into the property or when they receive access to initiate specific construction work. Essentially, it is the actual start date of the lease from an accounting standpoint.

      Can the lease commencement date vary depending on the circumstances?

      The commencement date from an accounting perspective can vary depending on the circumstances. It might coincide with the lease start date, the move-in date, or even the date when the keys are delivered. Whichever event occurs first will be considered the lease commencement date for accounting purposes.

      Importance of Lease Commencement Date for Accounting

      Understanding the lease commencement date is crucial for accurate lease accounting. It determines when the lessee should begin recording the leased asset and the associated liability. It also marks the starting point for expensing the lease. In the case of an operating lease, the expense is typically recognized on a straight-line basis. Conversely, for a finance lease, the amortization of the asset is straight-lined. Regardless, both the asset recording and expense recognition commence from the accounting commencement date, rather than the date of the first rent payment or the effective date specified in the contract.

      Although the lease commencement date may seem straightforward, its interpretation differs between attorneys and accountants. Attorneys focus on the contractual definition, while accountants emphasize the actual possession and control of the leased asset. Understanding this discrepancy is vital for accurate lease accounting, as it determines when to record the asset, liability, and associated expenses. By clarifying the distinction between the lease start date, move-in date, and the lease accounting effective date, both lessors and lessees can ensure compliance with accounting standards and avoid any potential misunderstandings in lease agreements.

      Lease Commencement Date FAQ’s

      What is the difference between the lease commencement date and the effective date?

      The lease commencement date and the effective date are related but distinct terms in the context of a lease agreement. Here’s how they differ:

      •  Lease Commencement Date: The lease commencement date refers to the specific date when the lease term begins, and the tenant takes possession of the leased property. It marks the start of the tenant’s occupancy and the landlord’s obligation to provide possession. On this date, the tenant assumes responsibility for paying rent and adhering to the terms and conditions outlined in the lease.
      •  Effective Date: The effective date, on the other hand, refers to the date when the lease agreement becomes legally binding and enforceable. It is the date when the lease contract is signed by both the landlord and the tenant, indicating their agreement to the terms and conditions of the lease. The effective date may or may not be the same as the lease commencement date.

       In some cases, the effective date and the lease commencement date coincide, meaning the lease becomes effective and the tenant takes possession of the property on the same day. However, there can be instances where the effective date precedes the lease commencement date. For example, if a lease agreement is signed in advance but the tenant’s occupancy doesn’t begin until a later date, the effective date remains the date of signing while the lease commencement date is the actual start of tenancy.

      What is the difference between the lease commencement date and the inception date?

      The lease commencement date and the inception date are related to the start of a lease agreement, but they have slightly different meanings. While the Lease Commencement date refers to the specific date when the lease term begins, and the tenant takes possession of the leased property, the inception date, generally refers to the date when the lease agreement is formed or comes into existence. It is the date when the initial terms and conditions of the lease are agreed upon and documented in the lease agreement, regardless of when the tenant actually takes possession of the property. The inception date is essentially the starting point of the contractual relationship between the landlord and the tenant.

      In simpler terms, the lease commencement date is the date when the tenant begins occupying the premises and the lease term starts, whereas the inception date is the date when the lease agreement itself is formed.

      Is the lease commencement date the same as the date of the first rent payment or the effective date specified in the contract?

      The lease commencement date may or may not be the same as the date of the first rent payment or the effective date specified in the contract.

      In some cases, the lease commencement date, the date of the first rent payment, and the effective date may all align, meaning they occur on the same day. However, it’s also common for these dates to be different, depending on the specific terms negotiated between the landlord and the tenant.

      To determine the relationship between these dates, it is necessary to refer to the lease agreement itself, as it will explicitly state when the lease commencement date, the first rent payment, and the effective date occur in the specific context of that agreement.

      How does understanding the lease commencement date prevent misunderstandings in lease agreements?

      Understanding the lease commencement date is crucial in lease agreements to prevent misunderstandings and ensure clarity between the parties involved. Here are 6 ways it helps:

      1. Clear start of occupancy: The lease commencement date specifies the exact date when the tenant can legally occupy the leased property. This clarity prevents any confusion or disputes about when the tenant can take possession of the premises.
      2. Rent calculation: Lease agreements typically outline the rent payment terms, which often include a monthly or annual basis. The lease commencement date allows both parties to determine the accurate start date for calculating the rental amount, avoiding disagreements over when the rent obligation begins.
      3. Term of the lease: The lease commencement date establishes the duration of the lease agreement. It defines the start and end points of the lease term, ensuring that both parties are aware of the specific time period covered by the agreement. This prevents misunderstandings about the lease’s duration and avoids premature termination or extensions.
      4. Maintenance and repairs: The lease commencement date serves as a reference point for maintenance and repairs. It establishes when the tenant becomes responsible for the upkeep of the property, and any pre-existing damages or repairs needed before the tenant’s occupancy can be determined. This clarity minimizes disputes over maintenance responsibilities and the condition of the property at the start of the lease.
      5. Legal obligations: Certain legal obligations, such as providing notice to terminate the lease, may be tied to the lease commencement date. Understanding this date ensures that both parties comply with their respective legal obligations and prevents misunderstandings or violations of the lease agreement.
      6. Timeline for negotiations: The lease commencement date provides a timeline for negotiations and preparations between the landlord and tenant. It allows both parties to plan and coordinate activities related to move-in logistics, such as inspections, renovations, or obtaining permits. Clarity regarding the lease commencement date facilitates effective communication and minimizes misunderstandings during the preparation phase.

      Overall, understanding the lease commencement date in lease agreements promotes transparency, reduces disputes, and provides a common reference point for both parties involved. It ensures that the terms, obligations, and responsibilities within the lease agreement are clearly defined, preventing misunderstandings that can lead to conflicts or legal issues.

      What are the implications of not accurately determining the lease commencement date?

      Failing to accurately determine the lease commencement date can have several implications and consequences for both the landlord and the tenant. Here are 6 potential issues that may arise:

      1. Ambiguity and disputes: Without a clear lease commencement date, there is room for ambiguity and confusion about when the tenant’s occupancy rights and rent obligations begin. This can lead to disputes between the parties, as each may have a different understanding of when the lease officially starts.
      2. Rent calculation discrepancies: The lease commencement date is crucial for calculating rent amounts accurately. If the date is not properly determined, it can result in disagreements about the rental amount and the duration for which it applies. This can lead to financial disputes and potential financial losses for both parties.
      3. Legal compliance issues: The lease commencement date often has legal implications tied to it, such as notice periods for termination or other legal obligations. Failing to determine the date accurately can result in non-compliance with these legal requirements, which may have legal consequences or negatively impact the rights and responsibilities of both parties.
      4. Delayed occupancy or premature termination: Inaccurately determining the lease commencement date can cause delays in the tenant’s occupancy, particularly if the date is later than expected. Conversely, if the date is earlier, it may result in premature termination of the previous tenant’s lease or inadequate time for necessary preparations. These situations can disrupt the tenant’s plans and lead to financial losses or legal complications.
      5. Inadequate time for preparations: The lease commencement date is an essential reference point for various activities such as property inspections, repairs, renovations, and obtaining necessary permits. If the date is not accurately determined, it can lead to insufficient time for these preparations, affecting the condition of the property or the tenant’s ability to move in smoothly.
      6. Misalignment with other agreements: In some cases, the lease commencement date may need to align with other agreements or contracts, such as utility connections, insurance coverage, or leasehold improvements. Failing to accurately determine the date can result in a mismatch between these agreements, leading to logistical complications or contractual breaches.

      It is important for both landlords and tenants to ensure that the lease commencement date is accurately determined and clearly documented in the lease agreement. Doing so minimizes the potential for misunderstandings, disputes, and legal complications, promoting a smooth and mutually beneficial leasing experience for all parties involved.

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      Unlocking Efficiency and Sustainability: Exploring Contract Management Systems Thu, 20 Jul 2023 13:00:44 +0000 Contract management plays a crucial role in modern business operations, ensuring effective collaboration, risk mitigation, and regulatory compliance. With the growing importance of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations, contract...

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      Contract management plays a crucial role in modern business operations, ensuring effective collaboration, risk mitigation, and regulatory compliance. With the growing importance of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations, contract management systems have evolved to encompass sustainability factors. In this blog post, we delve into the world of contract management, highlighting its key functions the integration of ESG elements. By understanding the fundamentals of contract management and its alignment with ESG requirements, businesses can enhance efficiency and sustainability across their value chains.

      What is Contract Management System?

      A contract management system refers to the structured approach and technology utilized to oversee the complete lifecycle of contracts. It goes beyond simply accounting for legal terms and conditions and extends to managing relationships, obligations, and performance throughout the contract’s duration. A contract management system streamlines processes, centralizes information, and provides organizations with the tools to effectively create, negotiate, execute, and monitor contracts.

      Contract Management Functions:

      Contract management systems encompass several key functions that contribute to effective contract administration and performance:

      • Document Management: Efficiently store, organize, and retrieve contract documents, including agreements, amendments, and related correspondence.
      • Workflow Automation: Streamline contract-related processes, automate notifications, approvals, and tasks, ensuring timely execution and adherence to deadlines.
      • Compliance and Risk Management: Monitor contractual compliance, identify potential risks, and implement risk mitigation strategies to safeguard the organization’s interests.
      • Performance Tracking: Monitor and measure contract performance against established metrics, enabling proactive management and facilitating data-driven decision-making.
      • Reporting and Analytics: Generate reports and analytics to gain insights into contract performance, identify trends, and support strategic decision-making.

      Integration of ESG Considerations:

      In the era of ESG awareness, contract management systems have expanded their scope to incorporate sustainability factors. This includes tracking and reporting on carbon emissions across the value chain, considering the environmental impact of contracted goods and services, and ensuring compliance with ESG goals. Organizations are increasingly leveraging contract management systems to capture ESG data, monitor supplier sustainability practices, and align contract terms with sustainability objectives.

      Contract management systems have become essential tools for organizations seeking operational efficiency, risk mitigation, and ESG integration. By implementing robust contract management systems, businesses can optimize contract lifecycle management, foster transparency, and align contractual relationships with sustainability goals. Embracing the phases of contract management and leveraging technology-driven solutions, organizations can navigate the complexities of contract administration while addressing ESG considerations, fostering responsible business practices, and driving sustainable value creation.

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      ESG Reporting Simplified: Your Top Questions Answered Mon, 17 Jul 2023 14:00:51 +0000 VL experts break down the recently announced sustainability reporting standards from the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) The first-ever set of standards recently unveiled by the International Sustainability Standards Board...

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      VL experts break down the recently announced sustainability reporting standards from the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB)

      The first-ever set of standards recently unveiled by the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) are a big step forward for global ESG and sustainability reporting standards. These new standards, S1 and S2, will have long-standing implications for sustainability regulation, data collection and reporting. Visual Lease has helped clients adapt to new regulations and track complicated metrics for nearly three decades, and recently launched the VL ESG Steward in anticipation of ESG reporting becoming the next great challenge for finance and real estate teams.

      Today, we’re answered the top questions our ESG clients have about how to best prepare for these new regulations. 

      What are the S1 and S2 standards announced by the ISSB?

      The S1 and S2 standards are the ISSB’s new guidelines for sustainability disclosure. The S1 standard (titled “General Requirements for Disclosure of Sustainability-related Financial Information) aims to identify sustainability risks and opportunities, then assess their impact on the value of the enterprise. The S1 standard considers all sustainability risks and opportunities.

      The S2 standard is focused specifically on climate-related issues, including the disclosure of greenhouse gas emissions along with other industry-specific topics.

      When are these standards expected to go into effect?

      The ISSB published the S1 and S2 standards in late June. The standards will be effective with corporate fiscal years starting January 1, 2024. 

      What do these standards mean for U.S. organizations?

      Though the ISSB develops sustainability disclosure standards, it does not have regulatory authority. This means the implication on U.S. organizations will depend on the discretion of authorities in different jurisdictions.

      U.S. organizations may be required to report under ISSB guidelines directly, under guidelines like those adopted for the European Union by the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG). 

      Although no nation has yet adopted the ISSB standards, many have indicated their intent to do so. It’s reasonable to assume that if a U.S. organization must report accounting under the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), it is likely ISSB reporting will also require ESG accounting.

      What are some of the anticipated benefits of these standards to organizations? What are the risks of not meeting them?

      Apart from environmental benefits, maintaining a positive relationship with your customers is perhaps the most significant benefit, particularly in the B2B world. Organizations that must report for regulatory reasons require this information and are likely to cut ties with companies that don’t meet their ESG goals. 

      The same goes for direct-to-consumer businesses. A recent statistic from PwC noted that 76% of consumers say they will stop buying from companies that treat the environment, employees, or the community in which they operate poorly.

      Access to capital can also suffer from poor or non-existent ESG reporting. Moody’s Investor Services reports one of five organizations suffered a credit rating setback after an assessment of their adherence to ESG best practices. 

      Robust ESG reporting can even make an organization more efficient, eliminating or reducing unnecessary travel, and reducing excessive waste — there are countless potential benefits. 

      What data should organizations start tracking to prepare for this new level of reporting?

      The ISSB understands the enormous scope of sustainability reporting. To address this, in April 2023, the board decided to introduce a transition relief in IFRS S1 that allows an entity to report on only climate-related risks and opportunities. These can be broken down into three pillars: energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, water usage, waste generation, and biodiversity. 

      How else can organizations set themselves up for ESG reporting success?

      At Visual Lease, we define ESG reporting success as generating reports that clearly present understandable and verifiable metrics. 

      We recommend three steps to make this possible. First, establish a task force responsible for handling everything ESG requires. Next, you’ll want to establish your inventory. ISSB is prioritizing energy and greenhouse gas emissions, but these are also the most complex to track. Any fuel expenditure should be tracked. Gas-fired HVAC and water heaters, diesel-powered emergency generators and propane-powered forklifts are all sources of energy and emissions. Lastly, establish controls around the data flow and ensure an audit trail is available for the necessary attestation.  

      Keep in mind that the goal is not to grasp as much data as possible. We recommend capturing what is consistently obtainable with controls to ensure the data is accurate. This will serve as a baseline to complete additional ESG requirements as they are phased in.  

      Where should organizations look for the latest news on ESG regulations?

      Going directly to the source for information is the best way to get news on ESG regulations, but the reports from the ISSB, SEC, and EFRAG can be very difficult to follow and understand. Regulators are required to speak and write in very precise, technical language, which is often too complex for non-experts to follow. Even non-regulatory bodies often use very technical language or push agendas to promote certain outcomes.

      At Visual Lease, we believe a mix of advisory firms is the best way to stay on top of the latest ESG developments. Given the ISSB requirements, all of the large accounting firms are developing a strong ESG advisory practice. Most are supporting regular webcasts, publications, and continuing education on the topic. These resources do an excellent job of aggregating the technical information and presenting it in a manner that is easy to understand.

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      Visual Lease Continues Significant Growth in Second Quarter Thu, 13 Jul 2023 14:16:12 +0000 Dedicated investments in its solutions, services and leadership expand company value Woodbridge, NJ – July 13, 2023— Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software provider, today announced its results from...

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      Dedicated investments in its solutions, services and leadership expand company value

      Woodbridge, NJ – July 13, 2023Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software provider, today announced its results from Q2 2023, reporting double-digit annual recurring revenue and customer percentage growth, year-over-year.

      “Today, finance and operational leaders are working together in shaping and realizing their organization’s growth strategies,” said Robert Michlewicz, CEO of Visual Lease. “Their ability to make informed and effective decisions around critical areas, such as budget and resource allocation, as well as ESG program development and reporting, hinges on the integrity of their organization’s data. By 2025, 50% of FP&A leaders will have enterprise-wide data strategy as a core responsibility, furthering the need for technology-backed data management processes. At Visual Lease, our proven solutions make it easy for cross-functional teams to accurately track and report on dynamic financial and operational datasets.”

      In Q2 2023, Visual Lease:

      • Expanded its platform value.
        With its 23.6 release, Visual Lease launched a new Currency API to automatically update and synchronize foreign exchange rates to maintain consistency and comparability across Visual Lease, the ERP and the customer’s entire finance ecosystem. Visual Lease facilitates unlimited currencies and allocations for lease accounting to support multinational organizations.
      • Enhanced its customer support offerings.
        Visual Lease established Technical Account Managers (TAMs) to address enterprise clients’ evolving business needs. This offering extends value to direct customers and supports the company’s growing partner network.
      • Recognized as an industry leader.
        G2 named Visual Lease a Leader in Enterprise Lease Administration and Enterprise Lease Accounting, as well an overall Leader in the Lease Accounting and Lease Administration categories. Visual Lease was also named a High Performer in the Small-Business Lease Administration category.
      • Held its quarterly Customer Advisory Board (CAB) meeting.
        Visual Lease’s executive leadership team invited a select group of customers to discuss and provide feedback on upcoming expanded reporting features, product roadmap prioritization and Visual Lease’s strategic vision. Visual Lease will hold its annual on-site CAB meeting in Q3 2023.
      • Held Summer Innovation Days.
        Visual Lease empowered team members from across the organization to come together and share creative ideas for developing new platform capabilities to support customers’ needs and align to its corporate vision. The result – several platform extensions now included in our roadmap for review and consideration with our clients and partners.

      To keep up with announcements from Visual Lease, visit the Visual Lease Newsroom.

      About Visual Lease

      Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software provider, empowers organizations to leverage their lease portfolio as a strategic asset. Our platform is uniquely designed to meet the needs of every team that interacts with a company’s lease portfolio to reduce risk, drive confident and sustained lease accounting compliance and provide the visibility required to make agile business decisions. Informed by nearly three decades of experience, our solutions help companies easily sustain compliance with FASB, IFRS and GASB lease accounting standards and implement proper lease controls to improve the financial, legal and operational performance of their leases. Our award-winning software is used by 1,000+ organizations to manage 500,000+ real estate, equipment and other leased assets globally. For more information, visit

      Media Contact

      Erica Bonavitacola
      Visual Lease
      T+1 732 860 4838

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      Article: Embracing ESG: Why The Office Of Finance Needs To Adapt For The Future Thu, 13 Jul 2023 13:51:29 +0000 Joe Fitzgerald is Senior Vice President of Lease Management Strategy at Visual Lease. Over the past three years, environmental, social and governance adoption has become more ubiquitous, sweeping across industries.

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      Joe Fitzgerald is Senior Vice President of Lease Management Strategy at Visual Lease. Over the past three years, environmental, social and governance adoption has become more ubiquitous, sweeping across industries.

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      Understanding Lease Incentives: Why They’re Important and Accounting Considerations under ASC 842 Thu, 13 Jul 2023 13:00:39 +0000 Lease incentives play a crucial role in lease agreements, representing payments made by the lessor either to the lessee or on behalf of the lessee. These incentives are an integral...

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      Lease incentives play a crucial role in lease agreements, representing payments made by the lessor either to the lessee or on behalf of the lessee. These incentives are an integral part of the total consideration of the lease contract, and it is essential to account for them along with other payment streams in the associated cash flows. In this blog post, we will explore lease incentives in more detail, their importance, and how they impact the financial aspects of a lease, specifically under ASC 842.

      Lease Incentives: Importance and Purpose

      Lease incentives hold significant importance in lease agreements for several reasons. Firstly, they enable lessees to make improvements to a property, customizing it to meet their specific needs. This flexibility is particularly valuable when lessees require modifications or alterations to align the space with their business operations. By offering financial support, lessors encourage lessees to lease their properties and foster long-term relationships.

      Accounting Considerations under ASC 842

      ASC 842, the Financial Accounting Standards Board’s lease accounting standard, provides guidelines for the recognition, measurement, and presentation of lease incentives. It mandates that lease incentives should be accounted for in a manner that accurately reflects the economic substance of the lease transaction.

      When applying ASC 842, companies must carefully evaluate their approach to lease incentives. The standard requires the proper identification and classification of lease incentives within the lease agreement. Lease incentives should be measured and recognized separately from other components of the lease, ensuring transparency and compliance with the accounting standard.

      Lease Incentive Programs

      Some lessors may implement lease incentive programs to attract and retain lessees. These programs offer various incentives, such as rent abatements, tenant improvement allowances, or rent holidays. Lease incentive programs can be structured differently, and their accounting treatment may vary based on the specific terms and conditions outlined in the lease agreement.

      By participating in a lease incentive program, lessees can benefit from reduced costs associated with leasehold improvements, making the space more suitable for their operations. However, it is essential for lessees to understand the implications of these incentives, including potential obligations or adjustments to lease terms in exchange for the offered benefits.

      Lease incentives are integral components of lease agreements, serving to facilitate lessees’ ability to customize properties and meet their specific requirements. Proper accounting for lease incentives, in accordance with ASC 842, is essential for accurate financial reporting and compliance. By recognizing the importance of lease incentives and adhering to the guidelines set forth in accounting standards, companies can ensure transparency, enhance decision-making processes, and establish a solid foundation for lease transactions.

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      ESG Accounting: Integrating Sustainability into Financial Reporting Wed, 12 Jul 2023 13:00:40 +0000 As businesses increasingly recognize the importance of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors, the concept of ESG accounting has gained prominence. This blog post aims to shed light on ESG...

      The post ESG Accounting: Integrating Sustainability into Financial Reporting first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
      As businesses increasingly recognize the importance of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors, the concept of ESG accounting has gained prominence. This blog post aims to shed light on ESG accounting and its role in financial reporting. From carbon accounting to capturing the financial impact of environmental events, ESG accounting encompasses a wide range of considerations that companies must address. 

      What is ESG Accounting?

      ESG accounting is the incorporation of ESG factors into financial reporting processes. It goes beyond traditional financial metrics by considering the environmental, social, and governance aspects of a company’s operations. The recently released ISSB standards, including the S1 and S2 standards, underscore the significance of ESG accounting by requiring companies to report on climate-related disclosures and their financial implications. This comprehensive approach ensures that companies transparently disclose their environmental impact and address the repercussions on financial statements.

      Carbon Accounting and Climate Disclosures:

      A crucial component of ESG accounting is carbon accounting. With the growing concern over climate change, companies are now required to report on their actual or projected emissions of greenhouse gases and carbon, along with other environmental impacts. This information allows stakeholders to gain a comprehensive understanding of a company’s carbon footprint. By quantifying and disclosing carbon-related data, businesses can demonstrate their commitment to mitigating climate risks and reducing their environmental impact.

      Financial Impact of Environmental Events:

      ESG accounting goes beyond carbon accounting and encompasses the financial impact of environmental events. As climate-related incidents become more prevalent, businesses must recognize and report on the effects of such events on their financial statements. For instance, if a company experiences a decline in attendance or cancels outdoor events due to poor air quality resulting from natural disasters or wildfires, these climate-related impacts must be isolated and reported as changes to the financial position. This level of reporting ensures that stakeholders have a holistic view of the financial implications associated with environmental events.

      ESG Reporting and FASB:

      The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), while not directly involved in ESG standard setting, acknowledges the growing relevance of ESG factors in financial reporting. FASB encourages companies to consider the impact of ESG matters on their financial statements, emphasizing the need for transparent and accurate reporting. While the ISSB standards do not have the legal authority of FASB, they serve as a globally applicable framework for ESG reporting, with nations adopting and aligning their reporting practices accordingly.

      Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD): 

      The Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD) is a European Union (EU) directive that sets out requirements for certain large companies to disclose non-financial information, including environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors. The directive aims to improve transparency and accountability in corporate reporting, ensuring that companies provide relevant and consistent information about their ESG performance. Under the NFRD, companies that meet specific criteria, such as being listed on EU regulated markets and having more than 500 employees, are required to include non-financial information in their management reports. The information should cover environmental, social, and employee matters, human rights, anti-corruption, and diversity.

      ESG accounting represents a paradigm shift in financial reporting, enabling companies to demonstrate their commitment to sustainable practices and long-term value creation. By integrating ESG factors into financial statements, businesses provide stakeholders with a comprehensive view of their environmental impact and the financial implications associated with it. Carbon accounting and reporting on the financial impact of environmental events are crucial elements of ESG accounting, ensuring transparent disclosures and informed decision-making. As ESG reporting gains momentum, businesses must embrace the evolving landscape and seize the opportunity to become catalysts for positive change.

      The post ESG Accounting: Integrating Sustainability into Financial Reporting first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
      Tech News: Taxfyle releases AI tax prep bot Tue, 11 Jul 2023 17:41:33 +0000 Taxfyle releases generative AI tax prep bot; Carbon accounting firm Greenly launches app store; and other accounting tech news.

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      Taxfyle releases generative AI tax prep bot; Carbon accounting firm Greenly launches app store; and other accounting tech news.

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      Introducing the New ISSB Standards: A Game-Changer for Sustainability Reporting Tue, 11 Jul 2023 13:00:26 +0000 In recent times, the importance of sustainability in financial reporting has gained significant traction. To address this growing need, the newly formed International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) has released two...

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      In recent times, the importance of sustainability in financial reporting has gained significant traction. To address this growing need, the newly formed International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) has released two exposure drafts of sustainability standards called S1 and S2. After careful consideration of user feedback and extensive internal deliberations, the ISSB has recently unveiled the finalized S1 and S2 standards. This blog post delves into the key aspects of these standards and their impact on the future of sustainability reporting.

      A Closer Look at the ISSB Standards:

      The S1 standard, titled “General Requirements for Disclosure of Sustainability-related Financial Information,” encompasses broad-based sustainability reporting. It covers a wide range of aspects related to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) pillars. On the other hand, the S2 standard is specifically focused on climate-related disclosures, highlighting the increasing importance of addressing climate change within financial reporting.

      Phased Implementation Approach:

      Recognizing the significant undertaking required for companies to comply with these new standards, the ISSB recommends a phased implementation approach. The initial focus will be on reporting climate-related disclosures, given their paramount importance. This allows companies to gradually acclimate themselves to the requirements before incorporating additional ESG topics outlined in the S1 standard. It is worth noting that both standards become active simultaneously, with climate issues taking center stage.

      Effective Date and Global Adoption:

      The ISSB has set the effective date for the S1 and S2 standards as the beginning of 2024. However, it is crucial to understand that the ISSB, being an arm of the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), does not possess legal authority in any specific country. Instead, the ISSB develops globally applicable standards, and individual nations have the choice to adopt them. Similar to accounting rules governed by the IASB, which have been largely adopted worldwide, the ISSB standards are expected to follow a similar path of implementation, albeit with some possible fine-tuning.

      Several nations have already expressed their intention to adopt the ISSB standards, emphasizing their commitment to transparent and comprehensive sustainability reporting. While the exact details of implementation may vary slightly, the overall goal remains aligned – to foster consistent and reliable reporting of sustainability-related financial information. The first reports adhering to the new standards are expected to surface in 2025, marking a significant milestone in the evolution of sustainability reporting.

      The ISSB’s release of the S1 and S2 standards represents a major step forward in enhancing sustainability reporting practices worldwide. These standards provide a structured framework for companies to disclose sustainability-related financial information, with a particular emphasis on climate-related disclosures. As organizations gear up for the phased implementation, it is imperative to embrace these new standards as an opportunity to promote transparency, accountability, and responsible business practices. By adhering to the ISSB standards, companies can proactively contribute to a more sustainable future and gain the trust and confidence of stakeholders across the globe.

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      Article: CFOs On the Move: Week Ending July 7 Fri, 07 Jul 2023 16:46:33 +0000 Cboe Global Markets, Salvatore Ferragamo, Bolt, MarketWise, GoGuardian, Visual Lease, InnovAge, MiMedx Group, MedMen

      The post Article: CFOs On the Move: Week Ending July 7 first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
      Cboe Global Markets, Salvatore Ferragamo, Bolt, MarketWise, GoGuardian, Visual Lease, InnovAge, MiMedx Group, MedMen

      The post Article: CFOs On the Move: Week Ending July 7 first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
      ESG Made Easy: A Beginner’s Guide to Environmental Reporting Fri, 07 Jul 2023 16:26:07 +0000 In today’s ever-evolving world, Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) has emerged as the ultimate framework for evaluating sustainability and ethical impact.

      The post ESG Made Easy: A Beginner’s Guide to Environmental Reporting first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
      In today’s ever-evolving world, Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) has emerged as the ultimate framework for evaluating sustainability and ethical impact.

      The post ESG Made Easy: A Beginner’s Guide to Environmental Reporting first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
      Carbon Accounting Fri, 07 Jul 2023 16:09:51 +0000 In today’s world, where environmental sustainability is a top priority, understanding carbon accounting has become crucial for businesses. But what exactly is carbon accounting? This article dives deep into the...

      The post Carbon Accounting first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
      In today’s world, where environmental sustainability is a top priority, understanding carbon accounting has become crucial for businesses. But what exactly is carbon accounting? This article dives deep into the subject, exploring its significance, the methodology behind it, the challenges involved, the accuracy and reliability of data, as well as the emerging opportunities in carbon accounting software. Additionally, we’ll touch on the evolving carbon accounting standards that organizations need to be aware of.

      What is Carbon Accounting?

      Carbon accounting is the process of measuring and quantifying greenhouse gas emissions, particularly carbon dioxide (CO2), produced by an organization, product, or activity. It provides a systematic approach to tracking and reporting these emissions, allowing businesses to understand and manage their carbon footprint. In simple terms, carbon accounting is the practice of calculating and monitoring the amount of CO2 and other greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere because of human activities.

      The Importance of Carbon Accounting

      Carbon accounting is instrumental in driving environmental stewardship, meeting investor expectations, complying with regulations, and gaining a competitive advantage. It is a vital tool for organizations seeking to address climate change, reduce their environmental impact, and contribute to a sustainable future. Here are 5 key reasons why it holds significant importance:

      1. Investor and Stakeholder Expectations: Investors and stakeholders increasingly expect organizations to disclose their carbon emissions and demonstrate a commitment to environmental sustainability. Carbon accounting and ESG reporting have become crucial in building trust, attracting investments, and maintaining positive relationships with stakeholders who prioritize sustainable and responsible practices.
      2. Regulatory Compliance: Governments worldwide are introducing carbon-related regulations and reporting requirements. Carbon accounting ensures organizations stay compliant with these regulations, avoiding potential penalties and reputational risks associated with non-compliance.
      3. Reputation and Competitive Advantage: Embracing carbon accounting demonstrates an organization’s commitment to environmental responsibility and sustainability. It enhances brand reputation, attracts environmentally conscious customers, and provides a competitive edge in a market increasingly focused on sustainable practices.
      4. Environmental Impact: Carbon accounting enables organizations to understand and measure their greenhouse gas emissions, which directly contribute to climate change. By quantifying these emissions, businesses can identify areas of high impact and implement strategies to reduce their carbon footprint, thus mitigating environmental harm.
      5. Climate Change Mitigation: Carbon accounting is essential for effective climate change mitigation strategies. It provides a basis for setting emission reduction targets, implementing energy-efficient practices, transitioning to renewable energy sources, and adopting sustainable business practices. It empowers organizations to take proactive measures to combat climate change.

      Carbon Accounting Methodology

      Carbon accounting methodology encompasses various processes that enable accurate measurement, reporting, and management of carbon emissions. Here’s an overview of the key components:

      • Data Collection: The first step involves gathering relevant data on energy consumption, fuel usage, transportation, waste management, and other activities that generate carbon emissions. This data is collected from internal records, utility bills, supplier data, and emission factors specific to each emission source.
      • Measurement and Calculation: Once the data is collected, emissions are calculated using established emission factors and conversion formulas. These factors consider the carbon intensity of energy sources, such as electricity grids or specific fuels. The calculated emissions are often measured in metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e).
      • Scopes of Carbon Emissions: Carbon emissions are categorized into three scopes:

        • Scope 1: Direct emissions from sources owned or controlled by the organization, such as on-site combustion of fossil fuels or company-owned vehicles.
        • Scope 2: Indirect emissions associated with purchased electricity, heating, or cooling consumed by the organization.
        • Scope 3: Indirect emissions resulting from activities outside the organization’s control, such as supply chain emissions, employee commuting, business travel, or waste disposal.
      • Accuracy and Reliability: Accurate data collection is crucial for reliable carbon accounting. Organizations should ensure data integrity, establish quality control processes, and use standardized calculation methods. Independent verification by third parties further enhances the credibility of reported emissions.

      VL’s ESG Steward™ streamlines data collection automates calculations and provides comprehensive sustainability reporting capabilities. With intuitive data entry interfaces and integration capabilities, Visual Lease simplifies the process of capturing emissions data from various sources, ensuring accuracy and consistency.

      With ESG Steward, organizations can enhance their environmental reporting, monitor emission trends, set reduction targets, and make informed decisions to drive sustainability initiatives effectively.

      Carbon Accounting Challenges

      Carbon accounting presents several challenges that organizations need to navigate to ensure accurate reporting and disclosure of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Common challenges include:

      • Data Complexity: Gathering comprehensive and reliable data across diverse operational areas can be challenging. Organizations often face difficulties in collecting data from multiple sources, ensuring its accuracy, and managing data consistency over time.
      • Scope 3 Emissions: Accounting for scope 3 emissions, which encompass indirect emissions from the value chain, can be particularly complex. This involves collecting data from suppliers, calculating emissions from activities like transportation and waste management, and addressing data gaps and inconsistencies.
      • Calculation Methodologies: Choosing appropriate calculation methodologies and emission factors for different emission sources is complex. These methodologies evolve, and organizations must stay updated with the latest guidelines and standards to ensure accuracy in emission calculations.
      • Reporting and Disclosure: Reporting GHG emissions requires adherence to various frameworks and standards, such as the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, CDP (formerly Carbon Disclosure Project), and industry-specific guidelines. Ensuring compliance with these frameworks while providing transparent and accurate disclosures can be challenging.

      Manual processes and spreadsheets may not be sufficient to handle the complexities of carbon accounting. Specialized software tools are essential for streamlining data collection, calculation, and reporting. These tools provide automated workflows, data validation, and real-time reporting capabilities, enabling organizations to effectively manage the carbon accounting process.

      Ensuring the Accuracy and Reliability of Carbon Accounting Data

      Accurate and reliable carbon accounting data is essential for organizations to demonstrate their commitment to environmental sustainability. Accurate data instills trust, enhances reputation, and establishes credibility, making it an essential aspect of demonstrating a genuine dedication to sustainability practices.

      Investors and stakeholders increasingly prioritize environmental sustainability when making decisions and assessing the long-term viability of organizations. Accurate carbon accounting data serves as evidence of an organization’s commitment to managing its environmental impact. Investors seek reliable data to evaluate the risks and opportunities associated with climate change and to make informed investment decisions aligned with their sustainability goals. Likewise, stakeholders, including customers, employees, and regulatory bodies, expect transparency and credible information to assess an organization’s environmental performance and hold them accountable for their actions.

      With VL’s ESG Steward, organizations gain peace of mind with data validation checks, ensuring the accuracy and integrity of the collected data. By leveraging VL’s analytical capabilities, organizations have gained valuable insights; identifying emission hotspots, tracking trends, and making data-driven decisions.

      Designed to align with reporting frameworks and standards such as the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, CDP, and industry-specific guidelines, ESG Steward ensures that organizations not only collect accurate data but also report in accordance with established frameworks, further enhancing the credibility of their sustainability reporting.

      Carbon Accounting Software

      Carbon accounting software offers a range of features and functionalities that streamline the process of collecting, analyzing, and reporting carbon emissions data. Here are key aspects of effective carbon accounting software:

      • Calculation and Reporting: The software provides calculation tools based on recognized emission factors and methodologies, enabling accurate measurement of carbon emissions. It generates comprehensive reports, customizable dashboards, and visualizations that facilitate data analysis and disclosure.
      • Compliance and Standards: Carbon accounting software aligns with established reporting frameworks and standards, such as the Greenhouse Gas Protocol and CDP. It ensures compliance with regulatory requirements and industry-specific guidelines, providing organizations with confidence in their reporting accuracy and integrity.
      • Data Collection and Integration: Carbon accounting software simplifies data collection by integrating with various data sources, such as utility bills, financial systems, and supplier information. It automates the data capture process, reducing manual errors and ensuring data consistency.
      • Goal Setting: Advanced carbon accounting software allows organizations to set emission reduction targets. It enables them to assess the impact of different strategies, evaluate the feasibility of targets, and track progress over time.

      By utilizing a comprehensive platform for carbon accounting and ESG reporting, organizations can benefit in various ways:

      • Enhanced Efficiency: Integrated software streamlines data collection, calculation, and reporting processes, saving time and reducing manual errors associated with manual data entry and spreadsheet-based approaches.
      • Improved Accuracy and Reliability: Carbon accounting software incorporates data validation checks and standardized calculation methodologies, ensuring accurate and reliable reporting. It minimizes the risk of data inconsistencies and enhances the credibility of reported emissions.
      • Stakeholder Engagement: Utilizing sophisticated software showcases an organization’s commitment to environmental responsibility, attracting environmentally conscious investors, customers, and employees. It improves stakeholder engagement and enhances an organization’s reputation as a sustainability leader.

      Visual Lease’s ESG Steward is an example of a comprehensive software solution that streamlines the data collection process, provides accurate calculations, and offers robust reporting tools. By leveraging VL’s ESG Steward, organizations can simplify their carbon accounting and ESG reporting efforts, gain insights into their sustainability performance, and meet the expectations of investors and stakeholders.

      The Opportunities of Carbon Accounting

      Implementing carbon accounting practices presents organizations with numerous opportunities and benefits that extend beyond environmental responsibility. Here are some key advantages:

      • Operational Efficiency: Carbon accounting provides insights into an organization’s energy consumption and emissions profile. By identifying energy-intensive processes or areas with high emissions, businesses can implement efficiency measures and optimize their operations. This can lead to reduced energy usage, streamlined processes, and cost savings.
      • Cost Savings: Carbon accounting helps identify inefficiencies and wasteful practices that contribute to higher energy consumption and emissions. By implementing energy-saving measures, organizations can reduce their carbon footprint and realize significant cost savings in energy bills. Energy efficiency measures often pay for themselves over time and contribute to long-term financial sustainability.
      • Improved Sustainability Performance: Carbon accounting allows organizations to set measurable sustainability targets and track their progress. By actively managing and reducing their carbon emissions, businesses can demonstrate their commitment to environmental stewardship and sustainability. This, in turn, can enhance their reputation, attract environmentally conscious customers and investors, and create a competitive advantage.
      • Regulatory Compliance: As governments worldwide strengthen environmental regulations, carbon accounting helps organizations stay ahead of compliance requirements. By accurately measuring and reporting emissions, businesses can ensure compliance with environmental standards and avoid penalties or reputational risks associated with non-compliance.
      • Risk Management: Carbon accounting helps organizations identify and manage climate-related risks. By assessing the potential impact of climate change on their operations and supply chains, businesses can develop strategies to mitigate risks, build resilience, and adapt to a changing business landscape.
      • Stakeholder Engagement: Carbon accounting practices demonstrate an organization’s commitment to sustainability and environmental transparency. This can enhance stakeholder engagement and relationships with investors, customers, employees, and communities. Investors increasingly consider environmental factors when making investment decisions, and customers prefer businesses with strong sustainability practices.

      Carbon Accounting Standards

      When it comes to carbon accounting, adherence to industry standards and frameworks is essential for ensuring consistency, comparability, and credibility of reported data. Here are some prominent standards and frameworks that govern carbon accounting practices:

      Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG Protocol): Developed by the World Resources Institute (WRI) and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), the GHG Protocol is widely recognized as the global standard for measuring and managing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. It provides comprehensive guidelines for organizations to quantify and report emissions from various sources, including direct and indirect emissions (Scope 1, 2, and 3).

      CDP (formerly Carbon Disclosure Project): CDP is a global disclosure platform that helps companies and cities measure, manage, and disclose environmental data, including carbon emissions. CDP’s climate change questionnaire is widely used by investors and stakeholders to evaluate an organization’s environmental performance and risks associated with climate change.

      International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB): The ISSB is an independent standard-setting body under the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Foundation. It was established in response to the growing demand for globally recognized sustainability reporting standards. The ISSB’s primary objective is to develop a comprehensive set of sustainability reporting standards that provide consistent, comparable, and reliable information on organizations’ environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance.

      European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG): EFRAG is an organization based in Europe that provides technical expertise and advice to the European Commission on financial reporting matters. In recent years, EFRAG has been actively involved in advancing sustainability reporting within the European Union. The European sustainability reporting standards developed by EFRAG will complement existing financial reporting requirements and contribute to the EU’s goal of a sustainable and resilient economy. EFRAG aims to ensure that these standards align with global developments, including the work of the ISSB, to promote international consistency in sustainability reporting.

      • With VL’s ESG Steward, customers benefit from transparent calculations, comprehensive controls, and complete audit trails for compliance with GRI, EFRAG, ISSB, TCFD, Greenhouse Gas Protocol, and other disclosures required by regulators and stakeholders.

      Carbon Accounting with Visual Lease

      In conclusion, carbon accounting and sustainability reporting have become integral components of corporate responsibility and transparency. Adhering to industry standards, such as the GHG Protocol are crucial for accurate and reliable carbon accounting. The emergence of organizations like the ISSB and EFRAG further underscores the global push for standardized sustainability reporting.

      VL’s ESG Steward stands out as the ideal choice for businesses navigating the complexities of carbon accounting and ESG reporting. Our carbon accounting software encompasses key features required for efficient data collection, accurate calculations, and comprehensive reporting. By utilizing Visual Lease’s solution, organizations can streamline their carbon accounting practices, meet industry standards, and enhance the credibility of their reporting.

      To take advantage of ESG Steward and unlock the benefits of accurate and reliable carbon accounting, schedule a demo, today.

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      Understanding Different Types of Commercial Leases: Exploring Triple Net and Pass-Through Leases Fri, 07 Jul 2023 13:28:03 +0000 When it comes to commercial leases, there are various types and terms that can be confusing for both lessors and lessees. Among these terms are “triple net leases,” “pass-through leases,”...

      The post Understanding Different Types of Commercial Leases: Exploring Triple Net and Pass-Through Leases first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
      When it comes to commercial leases, there are various types and terms that can be confusing for both lessors and lessees. Among these terms are “triple net leases,” “pass-through leases,” and “bondable leases,” which may vary in naming conventions depending on the region. Understanding the different commercial lease types is essential for both parties involved. In this blog post, we will delve into the meaning of triple net leases and explore various types of commercial leases to shed light on their characteristics and implications.

      Types of Commercial Leases

      In broad terms, commercial leases can be categorized based on what is being paid for and how it is paid. Unlike residential leases, commercial leases typically involve more than just a base rent. Let’s explore the primary lease types:

      1. Gross Lease: A gross lease is similar to renting an apartment for personal use. In this type of lease, the lessor includes all expenses, such as snow removal, lawn maintenance, and hallway lighting, in the rent payment. This is the simplest form of a commercial lease, but it is relatively uncommon in the commercial real estate market.
      2. Triple Net Lease: Triple net leases (NNN leases) are frequently seen in retail leases. In this type of lease, the lessee assumes responsibility for additional expenses beyond the base rent. These expenses typically include common area maintenance (CAM), property taxes, and property insurance. The lessee pays the base rent “net” of these three expense categories. Hence, it is called a triple net lease.
      3. Pass-Through Lease: Pass-through leases, also known as bondable leases, differ slightly from triple net leases. In a pass-through lease, the tenant directly assumes the costs of expenses such as snow removal, landscaping, and property taxes. The tenant reimburses the landlord for these expenses separately from the rent payment. This type of lease is commonly found in freestanding buildings like banks or fast-food restaurants.
      4. Modified Gross Lease: A modified gross lease is often seen in office buildings, combining elements of both gross and net leases. Under this type of lease, operating expenses, property taxes, and insurance are typically included in the initial base year rent. However, any increases in these expenses over the base year are charged to the tenant based on their pro-rata share. The exact terms may vary, specifying either the actual expenses or an increase over a base amount.

      Implications for Lease Accounting

      Understanding the nature of the commercial lease type is essential for proper lease accounting, as it affects how expenses are treated under accounting standards such as FASB, ASC 842, and IFRS 16. While the lease payment represents the amount paid for asset usage, common area maintenance expenses are typically considered variable expenses, separate from the lease component. Taxes are treated similarly, and considered excluded from the lease expense. Lessors should carefully allocate these expenses based on the lease type to accurately report their assets and liabilities.

      Navigating the world of commercial leases involves understanding the various lease types available. Triple net leases, pass-through leases, gross leases, and modified gross leases each have distinct characteristics and implications for both lessors and lessees. Familiarity with these lease types is crucial for making informed decisions and ensuring accurate lease accounting. By grasping the meaning of triple net leases and comprehending the differences between commercial lease types, individuals and businesses can navigate lease agreements more effectively and mitigate potential challenges.

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      Visual Lease Appoints Kathryn Eskandarian as Chief Financial Officer Thu, 06 Jul 2023 13:22:01 +0000 Company continues to demonstrate its commitment to strategic growth and operational excellence Woodbridge, NJ – July 6, 2023 — Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software provider, today announced the...

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      Company continues to demonstrate its commitment to strategic growth and operational excellence

      Woodbridge, NJ – July 6, 2023Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software provider, today announced the appointment of its first Chief Financial Officer, Kathryn Eskandarian. Having most recently served as the organization’s SVP of Finance and Accounting, Eskandarian has extensive experience building out accounting and finance functions within high-growth SaaS companies. With the introduction of this role to the business, Visual Lease continues to invest in its senior leadership team, having announced the addition of a Chief Customer Officer, Chief Revenue Officer and Chief Product Officer to its C-Suite within the last year.  

      “Working alongside Kathryn, I’ve witnessed her unwavering passion for our company and relentless pursuit of operational excellence in critical functional areas, including Finance, Human Resources, Legal and Information Technology,” said Visual Lease CEO, Robert Michlewicz. “During her time with VL, Kathryn has been instrumental in evolving these pillars of our business on pace with the company’s growth. Her leadership will continue to help drive VL’s success as we further expand our platform and the value that we provide to our growing community of customers and partners.” 

      Eskandarian joined Visual Lease in August 2017 as Director of Finance and Accounting. During her tenure, Visual Lease has experienced double-digit, year-over-year percentage growth in both revenue and customer count. Prior to joining the company, Eskandarian served as the Controller at iCIMS, where she was heavily involved in building the financial infrastructure to scale and support the business, as well as facilitating various equity raises. 

      “Today, finance leaders are relied on to help their organizations prepare for emerging needs and challenges, such as the global sustainability disclosure standards that were recently announced by the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB),” said Eskandarian. “I’ve experienced firsthand how critical the ability to adapt to changing market conditions is to business health and success. This knowledge fuels my passion for the work we do to help our customers stay ahead of what’s ahead.” 

      To keep up with announcements from Visual Lease, visit the Visual Lease Newsroom. 

      About Visual Lease  

      Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software provider, empowers organizations to leverage their lease portfolio as a strategic asset. Our platform is uniquely designed to meet the needs of every team that interacts with a company’s lease portfolio to reduce risk, drive confident and sustained lease accounting compliance and provide the visibility required to make agile business decisions. Informed by nearly three decades of experience, our solutions help companies easily sustain compliance with FASB, IFRS and GASB lease accounting standards and implement proper lease controls to improve the financial, legal and operational performance of their leases. Our award-winning software is used by 1,000+ organizations to manage 500,000+ real estate, equipment and other leased assets globally. For more information, visit  

      Media Contacts 

      Erica Bonavitacola
      Visual Lease
      T+1 732 860 4838     

      The post Visual Lease Appoints Kathryn Eskandarian as Chief Financial Officer first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
      VL ESG Steward™ Shortlisted by The SaaS Awards as Best Product for CSR, Sustainability and ESG Wed, 05 Jul 2023 14:16:24 +0000 Carbon accounting, sustainability management and ESG reporting tool receives global recognition on the heels of newly announced international sustainability standards (IFRS S1 and IFRS S2) Woodbridge, NJ – July 5,...

      The post VL ESG Steward™ Shortlisted by The SaaS Awards as Best Product for CSR, Sustainability and ESG first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

      Carbon accounting, sustainability management and ESG reporting tool receives global recognition on the heels of newly announced international sustainability standards (IFRS S1 and IFRS S2)

      Woodbridge, NJ – July 5, 2023Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software provider, today announced the company’s newest offering, VL ESG Steward™, has been shortlisted for a Software as a Service (SaaS) award within the category of Best SaaS Product for CSR, Sustainability and ESG.

      VL ESG Steward is an ESG reporting tool, and the first of its kind within the lease accounting and administration space, specifically created to help organizations consolidate the records needed to track their carbon footprint across commercial real estate, fleet, equipment and more. The tool empowers users to be able to report on the environmental impact of these assets in accordance with the newly announced sustainability disclosure requirements from The International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB), IFRS S1 and IFRS S2.

      “ESG reporting remains a top priority for organizations across the globe,” said Visual Lease CEO, Robert Michlewicz. “With Visual Lease’s history of serving as a leading lease record management solution for more than two decades, we are in a unique position to be able to help businesses use this data to go beyond lease accounting compliance to track and report on the environmental impact of their owned and leased assets. Our team is at the forefront of these evolving business needs, and provided guidance on the new international sustainability disclosure standards from the ISSB. We are proud to provide Visual Lease customers with the advantage of being able to confidently report on this data in accordance with the latest requirements.”

      Hundreds of entries were received for The SaaS Awards 2023, the organization’s 8th awards ceremony. VL ESG Steward was evaluated against worldwide submissions from organizations across North America, Canada, Europe, the Middle East, and Australia. The software is recognized alongside solutions from industry leaders such as IBM, IBM Cloud, LineLeader by ChildcareCRM, Submittable, ECM PCB Stator Technology, Diligent Corporation, Wolters Kluwer Enablon, Coats Digital and Avetta.

      Given that nearly 40% of global carbon dioxide emissions originate from real-estate-related assets, Visual Lease extended its platform to help its customers access their lease record data to not only achieve compliance with the evolving requirements, but also to understand – and ultimately transform – the environmental impact of their owned and leased assets.

      “The true power of technology lies in its ability to effectively meet current needs while preparing to address emerging needs, which is a guiding principle for our product development efforts here at Visual Lease,” said Amie Durr, Visual Lease’s Chief Product Officer. “Visual Lease is uniquely positioned to be able to track and report on dynamic financial and operational datasets, which is a core capability to support a carbon accounting program. With these insights readily available, organizations can successfully pave the way for a more sustainable future,” Durr added.

      To learn more about VL ESG Steward, please visit this link.

      About the SaaS Awards

      The SaaS Awards is a sister program to the Cloud Awards, which was founded in 2011. The SaaS Awards focus on recognizing excellence and innovation in software solutions. Categories range from Best Enterprise-Level SaaS to Best UX or UI Design in a SaaS Product.

      About Visual Lease

      Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software provider, empowers organizations to leverage their lease portfolio as a strategic asset. Our platform is uniquely designed to meet the needs of every team that interacts with a company’s lease portfolio to reduce risk, drive confident and sustained lease accounting compliance and provide the visibility required to make agile business decisions. Informed by nearly three decades of experience, our solutions help companies easily sustain compliance with FASB, IFRS and GASB lease accounting standards and implement proper lease controls to improve the financial, legal and operational performance of their leases. Our award-winning software is used by 1,000+ organizations to manage 500,000+ real estate, equipment and other leased assets globally. For more information, visit

      Media Contacts

      Erica Bonavitacola
      Visual Lease
      T+1 732 860 4838

      The post VL ESG Steward™ Shortlisted by The SaaS Awards as Best Product for CSR, Sustainability and ESG first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
      Understanding Capital Budgeting Decisions and Audited Financial Statements Wed, 05 Jul 2023 13:20:17 +0000 In the realm of financial management, companies are faced with critical decisions regarding capital budgeting. These decisions involve allocating funds to various investment opportunities.  Additionally, companies often seek the assurance...

      The post Understanding Capital Budgeting Decisions and Audited Financial Statements first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
      In the realm of financial management, companies are faced with critical decisions regarding capital budgeting. These decisions involve allocating funds to various investment opportunities. 

      Additionally, companies often seek the assurance of accurate financial information through audited financial statements. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of capital budgeting decisions using accounting software and delve into the significance of audited financial statements.

      Capital Budgeting Decisions and Accounting Software:

      Capital budgeting decisions refer to the process companies undertake to determine where to invest their capital. These decisions involve evaluating the financial implications, both short-term and long-term, of investing in different assets. One common choice is the lease versus buy decision, where companies analyze the total cost of owning or leasing an asset over its life.

      To make informed decisions, companies can leverage accounting software to model and analyze capital budgeting examples. By incorporating various variables and comparing the costs of different options, companies can identify the most suitable investment opportunities. Accounting software enables companies to consider factors such as cash expenditures, loan interest, sales tax, and the impact of leases on the balance sheet and profit-loss statements.

      Audited Financial Statements:

      Financial statements serve as essential tools for communicating a company’s financial performance. While companies can choose to present any form of financial statement, the highest level of confidence comes from audited financial statements. Audited financial statements undergo a thorough review by Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) who assess the accuracy and completeness of the financial information.

      Audits involve not only examining the financial numbers but also evaluating the company’s internal processes and controls. CPAs verify that appropriate steps are taken to prevent errors, fraud, and theft. Through testing and analysis, auditors ensure that finances flow accurately within the company and that the financial reports present a true and fair view of the company’s financial position.

      The Importance of Audited Financial Statements:

      Audited financial statements carry immense significance, particularly for publicly traded companies and larger private enterprises. They provide stakeholders, including investors, creditors, and regulators, with a higher level of assurance regarding the reliability and accuracy of the financial information presented. Audited financial statements include an opinion letter from the CPA firm, which states that, in the opinion of the CPA, the information is properly prepared and presented.

      Capital budgeting decisions and audited financial statements play crucial roles in financial management. Accounting software assists companies in making informed capital budgeting decisions by analyzing costs, modeling scenarios, and comparing alternatives. 

      On the other hand, audited financial statements instill confidence in the accuracy and reliability of a company’s financial information. By subjecting financial statements to rigorous scrutiny, companies demonstrate their commitment to transparency and sound financial management.

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      Lease Purchase Options: Transforming Leases into Fixed Assets Mon, 03 Jul 2023 13:00:38 +0000 Lease purchase options provide companies with the opportunity to convert a lease into a fixed asset. These options allow lessees to exercise their right to purchase the leased asset during...

      The post Lease Purchase Options: Transforming Leases into Fixed Assets first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
      Lease purchase options provide companies with the opportunity to convert a lease into a fixed asset. These options allow lessees to exercise their right to purchase the leased asset during or at the end of the lease term. In this blog post, we will explore how lease purchase options work and the accounting implications they entail, specifically under ASC 842 regulations. Understanding these options is essential for businesses seeking to effectively manage their lease agreements and financial statements.

      The Mechanics of Lease Purchase Options:

      When a company leases an asset, it gains the right to utilize the asset for a specified period. However, there may come a point when the lessee decides to acquire ownership of the asset. While this can be achieved through negotiation with the lessor, many lease agreements incorporate a lease purchase option. This embedded option allows the lessee to purchase the underlying asset under predetermined conditions.

      How Does a Lease Purchase Option Work?

      The lessee can exercise a lease purchase option by notifying the lessor. Typically, the lease agreement specifies a purchase price and a specific time frame during which the option becomes available. While the details may vary from lease to lease, the fundamental principle remains constant—the decision to exercise the option lies solely with the lessee. This option to purchase introduces specific accounting considerations under ASC 842.

      Lease Purchase Options Accounting Implications under ASC 842:

      When a lease includes a purchase option, it must be properly recognized and accounted for according to ASC 842 guidelines. The accounting treatment depends on whether the lessee is likely or not likely to exercise the option. The threshold for “likely to exercise” is relatively high, requiring more than just a higher probability. If deemed likely to exercise, the asset is amortized over its useful life instead of the lease term, which is typically a longer period.

      Bargain Purchase Options:

      A special case of a lease purchase option is a bargain purchase option. This option is structured to give the lessee a strong economic incentive to purchase the asset. Often referred to as a “dollar purchase option,” it allows the lessee to buy the asset for a nominal price at the end of the lease term. However, a bargain purchase option is not limited to a dollar value. If the purchase price is significantly below the asset’s fair value, it is classified as a bargain purchase.

      In the case of a bargain purchase option, accounting rules dictate that it must be accounted for as if the lessee will exercise the option. Regardless of the likelihood of exercise, the asset is amortized over its useful life rather than just the lease term. This accounting treatment ensures that failing to exercise a bargain purchase option would be against the lessee’s economic interests.

      Purchase Election without a Purchase Option:

      In situations where a lease does not have a purchase option, but the lessee elects to purchase the asset at a later stage through an agreement with the lessor, there is a methodology for exercising the purchase price. This includes adjusting the value of the consideration paid and automatically updating the fixed asset register by replacing the intangible right-of-use asset with the value of the asset and accumulated depreciation.

      Lease purchase options offer companies the flexibility to convert leases into fixed assets by exercising their right to purchase the leased asset. Understanding the intricacies of lease purchase options and their accounting implications under ASC 842 is crucial for accurate financial reporting. By effectively managing lease agreements and accounting for lease purchase options, businesses can streamline their lease administration and maintain compliance with accounting standards while making informed decisions regarding asset acquisition.

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      Guide to right-of-use assets (ROU) and lease liabilities under ASC 842 Thu, 29 Jun 2023 16:30:43 +0000

      The old lease standard, ASC 840, did not require all kinds of leases to be recorded on the balance sheet, which in turn provided the opportunity for many to use off-balance-sheet financing. This all changed with the release of the new lease standard, ASC 842, requiring all leases to be reflected on the balance sheet.

      The change raises different questions such as the amount to be recorded as a lease liability and lease asset. Different factors affect the amount of liability and discount rate. There are also various factors such as prepayment, initial direct costs, and prepayments that impact the right-of-use cash flow statement.

      Below are the concepts you need to better understand right-of-use asset rules under ASC 842. (This is especially critical for private companies that are new to ASC 842 and must transition to the standard by their organization’s effective date as of December 15, 2021)

      How do you determine lease liability?

      Recording the lease liability on a company’s balance sheet requires you to determine the lease term and lease payment. You must also know the rate to be used in discounting the lease liability.

      The lease liability pertains to the obligation to make the rental payments using the present value of the future rental payment. Once the company has determined all the information needed such as the lease payment, lease term, and discount rate, then the liability can be discounted over the lease period using the discount rate.

      The resulting amount becomes the lease liability and is recorded on the balance sheet. Now, the company has to proceed with recording the leased asset.

      What is a right-of-use asset?

      The right-of-use asset pertains to the lessee’s right to occupy, operate, or hold a leased asset during the rental period. In the old lease standard, an asset – for example, a cargo truck – would be recorded straight to the balance sheet.

      Right-of-use asset under ASC 842

      ASC 842 Lease Accounting Standard requires the recording of the actual right-to-use of the asset (such as the cargo truck) rather than the actual asset. This means that the right-of-use asset is an intangible asset.

      What is Included in a Right of Use Asset?

      A right-of-use asset, also known as an ROU asset, is a key component of lease accounting under accounting standards such as ASC 842 and IFRS 16. It represents the lessee’s right to use a leased asset over the lease term. The right-of-use asset encompasses several components, including:

      • Lease Liability: The lease liability represents the present value of the lessee’s future lease payments. It is recognized on the balance sheet as a liability associated with the lease agreement.
      • Initial Direct Costs: Initial direct costs incurred by the lessee in obtaining a lease are included in the right-of-use asset. These costs may include fees for legal services, commissions, and other directly attributable costs incurred to secure the lease.
      • Lease Payments: The right-of-use asset incorporates the total lease payments over the lease term, including fixed payments, variable payments based on an index or rate, and any residual value guarantees.
      • Lease Modifications: If there are any modifications to the lease agreement, such as changes in lease terms or lease extensions, the right-of-use asset is adjusted accordingly to reflect the revised lease terms.
      • Impairment Losses: If there is an indication that the right of use asset is impaired, such as a decline in the asset’s value or changes in the expected lease term, impairment losses may be recognized to adjust the carrying amount of the asset.

      How to calculate right-of-use assets under ASC 842

      Calculating right-of-use assets under ASC 842 involves several steps. Here’s a general overview of the process:

      1. Identify Lease Contracts: Determine which lease contracts fall under the scope of ASC 842. Leases with a term of 12 months or less and leases of low-value assets may have specific exemptions.
      2. Record Lease Liability: Calculate the present value of future lease payments and record the lease liability on the balance sheet. This requires determining the lease term, discount rate, and lease payments (including any variable payments, residual value guarantees, and lease term options).
      3. Determine the Initial Right-of-Use Asset: The initial right-of-use asset is typically equal to the lease liability, adjusted for any lease payments made before or at the lease commencement date, initial direct costs, and any lease incentives received.
      4. Account for Lease Payments: Recognize and allocate lease payments between reducing the lease liability and accounting for interest expense. This involves applying the effective interest method to calculate interest expense over the lease term.
      5. Adjust for Lease Modifications: If there are any modifications to the lease contract during its term, such as lease extensions or changes in lease terms, reassess the lease liability and right-of-use asset based on the updated terms.
      6. Assess Impairment: Periodically review the right-of-use asset for impairment, considering factors such as changes in the expected lease term, the occurrence of triggering events, or a decline in the asset’s value.

      It’s important to note that the specific calculations and considerations may vary depending on the complexity of lease agreements and individual circumstances.

      Right-of-Use Asset & Lease Liability on the Balance Sheet

      Calculating the right-of-use amortization requires examining three items closely:

      • The incurred initial direct cost by the lessee
      • The lease payment made by the lessee

      What is an initial direct cost?

      Initial direct cost is defined as the “incremental costs of a lease that would not have been incurred had the lease not been obtained.”

      For example, a broker’s commission paid by the business would be an initial direct cost since this payment was only made because the lease has been obtained. Similarly, a payment made to the current tenant as an incentive to end the present lease contract would likely be classified as an initial direct cost because this cost was incurred since the new lease contract was signed.

      On the other hand, payment for a lawyer’s fees for obtaining legal or tax advice may not be considered as an initial direct cost because the services of the lawyer were not the result of having obtained the lease.

      What is a Lease Incentive & Lease Prepayment?

      A lease incentive is an incentive provided by the lessor to attract the tenant to secure a lease contract. This incentive may be provided in different forms such as payment of the lessee’s costs, an up-front cash payment, or the assumption of the lessee’s current lease.

      A lease prepayment, as its name suggests, is a payment given in advance.

      Calculating a Right-of-Use Asset Example

      Following the explanation above, here’s a right-of-use asset calculation example. The assumption are as follows:

      • Six-year rental period without renewal options
      • $40,000 lease payment required at the end of each year
      • The right-of-use asset is increased by 9% (the incremental borrowing rate)
      • Initial direct cost is at $2,000

      To get the lease liability:

      • The lease liability is equal to the present value of the six payments that are discounted at 9%.
      • The resulting amount will be $179,437.

      To get the right-of-use asset:

      • The right of use asset will be equal and recorded as the initial direct cost plus lease liability plus prepayments less any lease incentives provided by the lessor.
      • Thus, the right-of-use asset is the sum of the lease liability of $179,437 + lease incentives of $2,000, which is $181,437. There were no lease incentives or prepayments in our example, so there’s nothing to subtract.

      Therefore, the journal entry would be as follows:

      • Right of use asset: $181,437
      • Lease liability: $179,437
      • Cash: $1,000

      Simplify Your ROU & Lease Liability Calculations

      In the end, computing for the lease liability and the right-of-use asset isn’t that complicated, but one has to deal with the tricky task of gathering data.

      Thus, businesses must ensure that they obtain reliable data to ensure the correct figures of the lease payments, lease term, and discount rate. It also helps to have reliable lease accounting software for proper accounting and record entry of right-of-use assets. Contact Visual Lease today for a simplified lease accounting process.

      Form more information on how Visual Lease can help your business evaluate your leases, reach out to us today

      Learn More

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      Fixed Asset Accounting: Managing Assets and Leasehold Improvements Wed, 28 Jun 2023 13:00:34 +0000 In the realm of financial accounting, fixed asset accounting holds significant importance for companies. It involves the meticulous tracking and management of owned assets, ensuring their existence, location, and allocation...

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      In the realm of financial accounting, fixed asset accounting holds significant importance for companies. It involves the meticulous tracking and management of owned assets, ensuring their existence, location, and allocation within the organization. Additionally, fixed asset accounting intersects with lease accounting, particularly concerning leasehold improvements. This blog post delves into the intricacies of fixed asset accounting, highlighting its role in lease administration and the need for distinct yet integrated systems.

      What is Fixed Asset Accounting?

      Fixed asset accounting revolves around the systematic recording and monitoring of a company’s tangible assets, such as buildings, machinery, equipment, and vehicles. These assets often represent substantial investments and have long-term value for the organization. To efficiently handle fixed asset accounting, companies employ a fixed asset register—a solution that works in tandem with accounting platforms like Visual Lease.

      What are Leasehold Improvements?

      One aspect where fixed asset accounting and lease administration intersect is leasehold improvements. When companies lease premises, they may need to undertake custom work to adapt the space to their specific requirements. These leasehold improvements can range from structural modifications to interior design alterations. The costs incurred in making these improvements, both reimbursed and self-funded, must be accounted for accurately.

      Accounting for Fixed Assets:

      The accurate handling of leasehold improvements becomes crucial when adhering to lease accounting standards such as ASC 842 or IFRS 16. These standards outline the guidelines for recognizing, measuring, and disclosing leases and lease-related expenses. To ensure compliance, the expenses related to leasehold improvements must be appropriately categorized within the lease accounting framework.

      The Role of the Fixed Asset Register:

      Within the fixed asset register, companies need to account for the materials and labor costs associated with leasehold improvements. This allows them to maintain a comprehensive overview of their fixed assets and their respective values. The fixed asset register serves as a repository for recording the financial impact of leasehold improvements, ensuring accurate reporting and compliance with accounting regulations.

      Fixed asset accounting plays a vital role in accurately tracking, managing, and reporting a company’s tangible assets. When combined with lease administration, it becomes even more crucial to accurately account for leasehold improvements and comply with relevant lease accounting standards. By leveraging dedicated fixed asset registers and integrating them with lease accounting platforms, companies can effectively manage their assets, ensure compliance, and streamline financial reporting processes.

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      Understanding Prepaid Rent for ASC 842: What You Need to Know Mon, 26 Jun 2023 13:00:30 +0000 What is Prepaid Rent?  Prepaid rent refers to lease payments made in advance for a future period. It represents an asset on the company’s balance sheet, as the prepayment can...

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      What is Prepaid Rent? 

      Prepaid rent refers to lease payments made in advance for a future period. It represents an asset on the company’s balance sheet, as the prepayment can be utilized to offset rent expenses in the future when it is incurred. By recording prepaid rent, companies ensure accurate accounting of their lease obligations and optimize the allocation of expenses over time.

      Is prepaid rent an asset? 

      Yes, prepaid rent is considered an asset in accounting. When a company pays rent in advance for a future period, it has a prepaid rent amount that represents the right to use the leased property in the future. This prepaid amount is recorded as an asset on the balance sheet. As time passes and the rent expense is incurred, the prepaid rent is gradually recognized as an expense, resulting in a reduction of the prepaid rent asset over time.

      Prepaid Rent under ASC 842

      When it comes to accounting for leases under ASC 842, one area that can be confusing is prepaid rent. Under the previous accounting standard, ASC 840, prepaid rent was recognized as an asset on the balance sheet and expensed over time. However, under ASC 842, there are some key differences to keep in mind.

      1. Prepaid rent is not recognized as such under ASC 842. While you can prepay rent ahead of time, the only time this will be recognized is prior to the commencement of the lease term. In other words, if you prepay rent for a future period, that amount will not be recognized as a prepaid asset on the balance sheet under ASC 842.
      2. Under ASC 842, you will have a right-of-use asset and a lease liability on the balance sheet. The lease liability reflects all of the future payments that you owe under the lease agreement, and the right of use asset represents the right to use the leased asset over the term of the lease. 
      3. If you have prepaid rent under ASC 842, the amount of that prepayment will not be included in the lease liability. However, it will be reflected in the right-of-use asset side. This is because the prepayment has already been made and is considered a reduction of the future lease payments owed.

      Straight-Line Rent Calculations Under ASC 842

      It is important to note that prepaid rent will not impact the straight-line rent calculation. Straight-line rent is an even amount that is applied to every single month, regardless of whether a cash rent payment is made or not. Therefore, when the prepaid rent is applied, there will be no reduction in the lease liability for that month. However, the right-of-use asset will be amortized, which will be recognized as an expense on the income statement.

      It is essential to understand the differences related to prepaid rent under ASC 842 for accurate lease accounting. Properly recognizing prepaid rent can help ensure that your financial statements comply with the new standard and provide an accurate depiction of your company’s financial position. 

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      Lease Purchasing Options and Fixed Assets: Understanding Lease-to-Own Accounting Fri, 23 Jun 2023 13:00:32 +0000 Leasing an asset with the intention to eventually purchase it is a common practice among businesses. Whether it’s an optional purchase at the end of the lease or a bargain...

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      Leasing an asset with the intention to eventually purchase it is a common practice among businesses. Whether it’s an optional purchase at the end of the lease or a bargain purchase price, companies often utilize lease purchasing options to acquire fixed assets. However, understanding the accounting treatment for these lease-to-own scenarios is crucial. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of lease-to-own accounting, highlighting the considerations and implications of fixed asset lease accounting.

      What are the key considerations for lease purchasing options and fixed assets?

      1. Economic Incentives and Intent

      When a lessee intends to exercise an optional purchase or there is a bargain purchase price, it creates an economic incentive for acquiring ownership. Referred to as lease-to-own accounting, this approach assumes eventual ownership at the end of the lease term.

      2. Finance Lease Treatment

      In cases where the lessee intends to exercise an option or there is a bargain purchase price, the lease must be treated as a finance lease. This classification affects the accounting treatment and financial reporting.

      3. Amortization and Useful Life

      Instead of amortizing the right-of-use assets solely over the lease term, lease-to-own accounting involves amortizing the asset’s value over its useful life. The expectation of ownership at the end of the lease justifies a longer amortization period.

      4. Operating Lease Possibility

      If there is an option to purchase, but it is deemed unlikely to be exercised, the lease may still qualify as an operating lease based on specific circumstances. This determination depends on various factors and should be carefully assessed.

      5. Remeasurement and Finance Lease Conversion

      Once the lessee decides to exercise or intends to exercise the purchase option, the lease requires remeasurement. This results in the lease being reclassified as a finance lease, with a longer amortization period.

      6. Fixed Asset Accounting

      After the lease is purchased, the right-of-use asset and any accumulated amortization are reversed from the books. The asset is then transferred to the fixed asset register and accounted for in accordance with established fixed asset accounting practices.

      Make Informed Decisions with Lease-to-Own Accounting

      Understanding lease purchasing options and the associated lease-to-own accounting is vital for businesses considering acquiring fixed assets through leasing arrangements. By correctly accounting for these transactions, companies can ensure accurate financial reporting and align their accounting practices with regulatory requirements. 

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      How to Prepare for ESG Disclosure Requirements: Getting Ready for ISSB, EFRAG, SASB, and SEC Standards Thu, 22 Jun 2023 13:15:50 +0000 Update: On June 26, 2023, The International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) announced their first two global sustainability-related disclosure standards in response to widespread demand for better transparency, consistency and reliability...

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      Update: On June 26, 2023, The International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) announced their first two global sustainability-related disclosure standards in response to widespread demand for better transparency, consistency and reliability into sustainability plans and performance. IFRS S1 provides a set of disclosure requirements designed to enable companies to communicate to investors about the sustainability-related risks and opportunities they face over the short, medium and long term. IFRS S2 establishes the specific requirements for climate-related disclosures.

      While the Standards will ensure that organizations are reporting on robust sustainability data that is both verifiable and comparable, many companies are not yet prepared for the required effort. This blog post details three steps organizations can take to establish a baseline for reporting.


      ESG reporting requirements are standards for how a company tracks and reports its Environmental, Social and Governance behavior. Although U.S. requirements have not yet been finalized, it is clear that these requirements will have a significant impact on organizations with the potential to mitigate environmental risk and improve sales through positive brand recognition. 

      Socially conscious investors are the best-known driving force behind an organization’s adoption of ESG reporting, but the practice has been gaining more momentum among regulators in recent years. Recently, The International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB), a branch of IFRS, announced that businesses should start prioritizing climate-related disclosures. Further ESG regulations from the ISSB, SASB and SEC are also expected to go into effect. Even though Europe is further along on the ESG journey than the U.S. is, many U.S.-based companies are likely already impacted by EU regulations, and there are widespread efforts to implement global regulations.

      However, many organizations are not yet prepared for what’s ahead as it relates to ESG reporting and goal setting. In fact, only 5% of Senior Real Estate executives said their company’s ESG program is fully established. By waiting for regulations to be fully finalized, organizations are placing themselves at a disadvantage. One of the main factors holding companies back is not knowing what their current environmental impact is and how they can make the changes required to get on track. However, finance teams are in a unique position to be able to help their organizations proactively get a handle on their owned and leased assets, providing them with a strong understanding of their environmental impact. 

      This blog post will highlight three ways to get ahead of ESG reporting requirements: 

      Three Ways Finance Teams Can Prepare for ESG Reporting Requirements 

      1. Create an ESG task force

      In order to effectively manage owned and leased assets throughout their entire lifecycle, it is essential for organizations to establish a task force dedicated to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) initiatives. This task force will involve multiple stakeholders, such as finance, real estate, procurement, accounts payable, legal, and others. By clearly defining roles and responsibilities within the task force, organizations can streamline decision-making processes and ensure that the right individuals are involved at each stage.

      One crucial responsibility of the ESG task force is to stay informed about ESG reporting guidance, emerging regulations, and relevant laws. It is important to designate at least one member of the task force to monitor additional updates from regulatory bodies like the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the ISSB. This individual should possess a comprehensive understanding of key concepts, such as differentiating between scope 1 and 2 emissions. By staying up to date with evolving requirements, the task force can proactively address any necessary changes and maintain compliance.

      Establishing an ESG task force will ensure that your company has a dedicated team focused on tracking, reporting, and fulfilling ESG requirements. This team will play a crucial role in gathering and analyzing data, monitoring progress, and making informed decisions regarding ESG initiatives. By centralizing these efforts, your organization can effectively engage stakeholders and demonstrate its commitment to sustainability and responsible business practices.

      2. Decide how to track and report data long-term

      Implementing a centralized system of record not only empowers organizations to gain insights into their portfolio of owned and leased assets and optimize financial expenditures but also, enables them to track and assess the environmental impact of these assets. By leveraging such a system, organizations can make informed decisions based on real-time data and begin taking steps to mitigate their carbon footprint related to their real estate and equipment leases, as well as owned properties.

      For instance, as a company’s lease approaches its end, they can use the centralized system to compare the carbon emissions of their current leased office space with alternative options. This analysis can help them determine if relocating to a different space could lead to a significant reduction in their carbon footprint. By identifying and selecting environmentally friendly alternatives, organizations can align their operational practices with their sustainability goals and contribute to a more eco-friendly future.

      3. Establish a strong lease controls framework 

      To empower the cross-departmental collaboration required to effectively manage, track, report and analyze owned and leased asset data, organizations must implement dedicated technology. A solution that provides a strong lease controls framework will mitigate the risk of reporting errors, ensure that the right people have the right access to the right information at the right time, and also, provide access to meaningful insights. 

      Virtual Lease recently launched VL ESG Steward™ to do all this and more. It is the first solution to push real estate, procurement, facilities and finance teams to go beyond portfolio optimization, accounting and compliance to focus on the environmental impact of their assets, projects and processes. 

      ESG Steward is built in accordance with GRI, CSRD, and the Greenhouse Gas Protocol – the global gold standard for ESG and Emissions reporting guidance, ensuring accuracy, consistency and compliance with regulations and enabling organizations to tie hard data to their environmental disclosures with supporting evidence to substantiate claims of progress with confidence.

      For more information on how Visual Lease can help your business get ahead of ESG regulation requirements, schedule time with our team

      The post How to Prepare for ESG Disclosure Requirements: Getting Ready for ISSB, EFRAG, SASB, and SEC Standards first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
      Finance Leases vs. Operating Leases: Understanding the Differences and ASC 842 Tue, 20 Jun 2023 13:00:00 +0000 Table of contents: What is a finance lease? What is an operating lease? Key Characteristics of an Operating Lease Finance Leases vs. Operating Leases Understanding finance leases and operating leases...

      The post Finance Leases vs. Operating Leases: Understanding the Differences and ASC 842 first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
      Table of contents:

      Finance leases and operating leases are two common types of lease arrangements that businesses encounter. With the introduction of the ASC 842 accounting standard, the classification and treatment of leases have evolved. In this blog post, we will delve into the distinctions between finance leases and operating leases and discuss how ASC 842 impacts the accounting for these lease types.

      What is a finance lease?

      A finance lease, also known as a capital lease, is a type of lease agreement in which one party, typically a lessor, allows another party, the lessee, to use and control a specific asset for an extended period of time in exchange for lease payments. A finance lease is structured so that the lessee essentially assumes many of the economic benefits and risks associated with owning the leased asset.

      Key Characteristics of a Finance Lease

      1. Ownership Transfer: Finance leases often include an option for the lessee to purchase the asset at the end of the lease term for a nominal amount, commonly referred to as the “bargain purchase option.”
      2. Long-Term Commitment: : Finance leases are generally long-term agreements, often spanning a substantial portion of the asset’s useful life. They are typically structured to match the asset’s economic life.
      3. Risk and Rewards: In a finance lease, the lessee usually takes on the risks and rewards associated with the leased asset. This includes responsibilities like maintenance, insurance, and any potential residual value.
      4. Accounting Treatment: In financial accounting, finance leases are recorded on the lessee’s balance sheet as both an asset and a liability. This is because the lessee is considered to have acquired a significant portion of the economic ownership of the asset.

      Finance Leases vs. Operating Leases

      Finance leases and operating leases differ significantly in their characteristics and accounting treatment. In a finance lease, the lessee often has the option to purchase the asset at the end of the lease term through a “bargain purchase option,” and they take on the risks and rewards of ownership. These leases are typically long-term and are recorded on the lessee’s balance sheet as both assets and liabilities. On the other hand, operating leases are short-term, with the lessor retaining ownership of the asset throughout the lease term. Lease payments for operating leases are generally treated as operating expenses and do not appear on the lessee’s balance sheet. The choice between these two lease types can have a significant impact on a company’s financial statements and decision-making processes.

      Defining Operating Leases

      An operating lease is a type of lease agreement in which one party, known as the lessor (the owner of the asset), allows another party, the lessee, to use and control a specific asset for a defined period of time without transferring ownership of the asset. Operating leases are often used for short-term or non-core assets and typically have more flexibility compared to finance leases.

      What is an operating lease?

      Short-Term: Operating leases are generally short-term agreements, covering a fraction of the asset’s total economic life. They do not typically extend for the entire useful life of the asset.

      Ownership Retained: In an operating lease, the lessor retains ownership of the leased asset throughout the lease term. The lessee does not usually have the option to purchase the asset at the end of the lease period.

      Maintenance and Risk: The lessor is typically responsible for maintaining the asset and bearing the risks associated with ownership, such as changes in the asset’s value.

      Accounting Treatment: From an accounting perspective, operating leases are generally not recognized as assets and liabilities on the lessee’s balance sheet. Instead, lease payments are typically recorded as operating expenses.

      Finance Leases vs. Operating Leases

      Finance leases and operating leases differ significantly in their characteristics and accounting treatment. In a finance lease, the lessee often has the option to purchase the asset at the end of the lease term through a “bargain purchase option,” and they take on the risks and rewards of ownership. These leases are typically long-term and are recorded on the lessee’s balance sheet as both assets and liabilities. On the other hand, operating leases are short-term, with the lessor retaining ownership of the asset throughout the lease term. Lease payments for operating leases are generally treated as operating expenses and do not appear on the lessee’s balance sheet. The choice between these two lease types can have a significant impact on a company’s financial statements and decision-making processes.

      Understanding finance leases and operating leases.

      Under the previous ASC 840 standard, capital leases were categorized as financing arrangements and were recorded on the balance sheet, while operating leases were treated as a right to use the asset and remained off-balance sheet. However, this off-balance sheet accounting approach led to concerns, prompting the transition to the ASC 842 standard.

      How does ASC 842 impact lease classification?

      ASC 842 mandates that both finance leases and operating leases be recognized on the balance sheet. This change ensures greater transparency in lease accounting.

      • In ASC 842, finance leases are now considered right-of-use assets, categorized as intangible assets. Instead of being expensed, these assets are amortized over their useful life. Finance leases also entail the recognition of separate interest expenses, which decline over time as the lease liability decreases.
      • Similar to finance leases, operating leases under ASC 842 involve the recognition of right-of-use assets as intangible assets. However, the key distinction lies in expense recognition. Operating leases are expensed using a straight-line method, where lease payments are evenly distributed over the lease term. This results in a consistent lease expense throughout the lease duration.

      What is the Expense Profile for Operating vs. Finance Leases?

      The expense profile for finance leases differs from that of operating leases. Finance leases have higher expenses in the initial months and progressively decrease as the lease term progresses. On the other hand, operating leases maintain a constant expense level throughout the lease duration.

      Understanding the differences between finance leases and operating leases is essential for businesses navigating lease accounting under ASC 842. With both types of leases now recognized on the balance sheet, organizations can provide more transparent financial reporting. By grasping the nuances of these lease classifications and their respective expense profiles, businesses can comply with accounting standards and make informed decisions regarding lease arrangements.

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      Unraveling Off-Balance Sheet Financing: Understanding Its Impact and ASC 842 Fri, 16 Jun 2023 13:56:34 +0000 Table of Contents What is Off-Balance Sheet Financing? ASC 842 Impact on Reporting Leases Importance of On-Balance Sheet Reporting Legal Regulations: The SEC’s Strict Stance Off-balance sheet financing refers to...

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      Table of Contents

      • What is Off-Balance Sheet Financing?
      • ASC 842 Impact on Reporting Leases
      • Importance of On-Balance Sheet Reporting
      • Legal Regulations: The SEC’s Strict Stance
      • Off-balance sheet financing refers to financial arrangements that are not reflected on a company’s balance sheet. Historically, operating leases were a prime example of off-balance sheet financing, where lease obligations were footnoted rather than recorded as liabilities. However, due to concerns surrounding transparency and misleading financial reporting, regulatory bodies like the FASB and the SEC have introduced measures to bring off-balance sheet items onto the balance sheet. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of off-balance sheet financing, its implications, and the influence of ASC 842 on lease accounting.

        What is Off-Balance Sheet Financing?

        Off-balance sheet financing encompasses financing arrangements that do not appear as liabilities or assets on a company’s balance sheet. This practice can create challenges in accurately assessing a company’s financial health and obligations. While some companies used off-balance sheet financing to manage their debt coverage ratios or ease their reporting workload, prominent cases of abuse and fraud, such as Enron, prompted regulatory actions to address these concerns.

        ASC 842 and On-Balance Sheet Leases.

        Under ASC 842, both operating leases and finance leases are now required to be recorded on the balance sheet, with limited exceptions for leases. The goal is to enhance transparency and provide investors with a comprehensive view of a company’s financial obligations. Companies are expected to comply with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and disclose any non-GAAP financing, even if it is not reflected on the balance sheet.

        Importance of On-Balance Sheet Reporting.

        Bringing leases onto the balance sheet enables stakeholders to assess a company’s financial position more accurately. It eliminates potential distortions caused by off-balance sheet financing, allowing investors, creditors, and analysts to make informed decisions based on reliable financial information. The increased disclosure requirements ensure that companies are transparent about their financial commitments and avoid misleading practices.

        Legal Regulations: The SEC’s Strict Stance.

        The SEC has taken a stringent approach to off-balance sheet financing. Recent comments on company financial statements indicate a heightened focus on non-GAAP transactions. Companies are advised to exercise caution and maintain compliance with accounting standards to avoid repercussions and maintain investor trust. Non-compliance may lead to increased scrutiny and potential legal consequences.

        Off-balance sheet financing, once prevalent in operating leases, has undergone significant changes with the introduction of ASC 842. By requiring companies to include lease obligations on the balance sheet, transparency and accuracy in financial reporting have improved. While there are limited exceptions for short-term leases, the overall trend is toward greater disclosure and accountability. Companies should adhere to GAAP guidelines, disclose non-GAAP transactions, and stay updated with regulatory requirements to foster trust and provide stakeholders with a comprehensive understanding of their financial position.

        Ready to Streamline Your Lease Accounting under ASC 842?

        The transition from off-balance sheet financing to on-balance sheet reporting under ASC 842 represents a significant shift in lease accounting. Companies should prioritize adherence to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and stay vigilant about regulatory requirements to avoid legal consequences and maintain investor confidence. With tools like Visual Lease, you can simplify the process and ensure that your lease data is managed efficiently and accurately.

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        Unraveling Off-Balance Sheet Financing: Understanding Its Impact and ASC 842 first appeared on Visual Lease.]]> Lease Controls for Business Success | Visual Lease Thu, 15 Jun 2023 15:08:41 +0000 From Compliance to Optimization: Harnessing Lease Controls for Business Success Lease accounting standards implemented over the last few years (ASC 842, IFRS 16, GASB 87) require all organizations, whether they...

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        From Compliance to Optimization: Harnessing Lease Controls for Business Success

        Lease accounting standards implemented over the last few years (ASC 842, IFRS 16, GASB 87) require all organizations, whether they be private, public or government entities, to account for their leases on the balance sheet. This paradigm shift has ushered in a more comprehensive reporting process, demanding greater attention to detail from finance teams across industries.

        While for many, the path toward achieving lease accounting compliance was a challenging one, it has also put organizations in a position to take advantage of their lease management practices and implement a strong lease controls framework. In doing so, they will recognize substantial business benefits, including:

        Maximized Value and Reduced Costs

        Real estate leases are an expensive portfolio of holdings for any business. On average, retailers spend about 11% of their annual gross sales on rent, according to data from NewMark Merrill, and office users can spend up to 20% of their business revenue on rent. Rent fees are just part of the cost structure of a lease. Most businesses will spend $2.14 per square foot on energy consumption, $2.15 per square foot on maintenance and $1.68 on cleaning – as real estate costs increase, business operating costs increase in step. 

        Although real estate equates to significant cost expenditures, businesses rarely know the true extent. Research from the Visual Lease Data Institute (VLDI) found that 71% of organizations are not confident they know the full cost of their leases. Technology-backed lease controls – defined as policies and procedures designed to prevent or detect unauthorized acquisition, use or disposition of these assets – can change that. 

        When organizations have proper systems and processes designed to safeguard and manage their leases, they will gain insight into the full value and cost of each lease, allowing them to be proactive in responding to lease obligations, like maintenance responsibilities, rate increases and CAM charges, as well as understanding termination rights if a lease isn’t working for or benefiting the business. In addition, proper lease control systems can help businesses save money. Data from Accenture shows that proper real estate optimization, which can only be achieved with strong lease controls in place, results in annual real estate operating expense reductions in the 12 – 20% range.

        Streamlined Processes and Reallocated Resources

        Sustained lease accounting compliance takes an enormous effort for finance and compliance teams as they attempt to keep track of all the moving parts and pieces of their organization’s lease portfolio. By implementing dedicated lease management technology that provides a customizable lease controls framework, organizations will greatly simplify their lease management and reporting processes.  

        In fact, a 2022 VLDI survey shows private companies save an average of 600 hours when utilizing lease accounting software to manage lease controls. This is particularly valuable in light of the severe shortage of accounting professionals. 

        A 2021 report from The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants found that fewer people are entering the accounting field with bachelor’s degree candidates down 2.8% and master’s degree candidates down 8.4%. Still, three-quarters of companies plan to continue to hire new graduates at the same rate each year. Implementing technology that facilitates strong lease controls can lessen the time spent on manual tasks and empower accounting and finance teams to tackle more strategic work, helping businesses address the talent shortage by better utilizing their existing resources.

        Increased Focus on Business Objectives and Growth

        The Visual Lease Data Institute found that 45% of companies have overpaid rent or expenses due to inadequate lease controls, meaning they’re not properly managing, tracking and analyzing these agreements. In many cases, this cavalier approach can compromise an organizations’ ability to grow in what are already challenging economic times. 

        Businesses with technology that supports proper lease controls can better respond to market real estate availability, create a real estate strategy that reflects their needs and gain an upper hand in negotiations without the pressure of time constraints. With a functional and targeted real estate strategy, companies and government entities will improve operations, minimize capital expenditures and realize organizational growth. 

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        Article: How can CFOs prepare for increased ESG requirements? Wed, 14 Jun 2023 14:11:57 +0000 Chief financial officers are playing an important role in helping businesses navigate corporate ESG issues. We explore three key area

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        Chief financial officers are playing an important role in helping businesses navigate corporate ESG issues. We explore three key area

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        Article: CFO Journal Corporate ESG Requirements Are About to Ramp Up. Here’s How CFOs Can Prepare. Fri, 02 Jun 2023 15:40:51 +0000 Finance chiefs should focus on three areas when building climate-reporting systems—collecting data, tracking regulation and coordinating with ESG raters

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        Finance chiefs should focus on three areas when building climate-reporting systems—collecting data, tracking regulation and coordinating with ESG raters

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        Article: Applying New Techniques and Tools in Regtech With Kyckr, Visual Lease, Rise by Barclays and Remitly Wed, 31 May 2023 20:02:33 +0000 The regtech space is in for a major shake-up, with the FCA‘s new Consumer Duty regulations coming into effect in two months. This presents an opportunity for financial institutions to adopt...

        The post Article: Applying New Techniques and Tools in Regtech With Kyckr, Visual Lease, Rise by Barclays and Remitly first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        The regtech space is in for a major shake-up, with the FCA‘s new Consumer Duty regulations coming into effect in two months. This presents an opportunity for financial institutions to adopt a new approach to compliance and regulation.

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        Fixed Asset Accounting: Leasehold Improvements Tue, 30 May 2023 15:48:17 +0000 Fixed Asset Accounting: Managing Assets and Leasehold Improvements In the realm of financial accounting, fixed asset accounting holds significant importance for companies. It involves the meticulous tracking and management of...

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        Fixed Asset Accounting: Managing Assets and Leasehold Improvements

        In the realm of financial accounting, fixed asset accounting holds significant importance for companies. It involves the meticulous tracking and management of owned assets, ensuring their existence, location, and allocation within the organization. Additionally, fixed asset accounting intersects with lease accounting, particularly concerning leasehold improvements. This blog post delves into the intricacies of fixed asset accounting, highlighting its role in lease administration and the need for distinct yet integrated systems.

        What is Fixed Asset Accounting?

        Fixed asset accounting revolves around the systematic recording and monitoring of a company’s tangible assets, such as buildings, machinery, equipment, and vehicles. These assets often represent substantial investments and have long-term value for the organization. To efficiently handle fixed asset accounting, companies employ a fixed asset register—a solution that works in tandem with accounting platforms like Visual Lease.

        What are Leasehold Improvements?

        One aspect where fixed asset accounting and lease administration intersect is leasehold improvements. When companies lease premises, they may need to undertake custom work to adapt the space to their specific requirements. These leasehold improvements can range from structural modifications to interior design alterations. The costs incurred in making these improvements, both reimbursed and self-funded, must be accounted for accurately.

        Accounting for Fixed Assets:

        The accurate handling of leasehold improvements becomes crucial when adhering to lease accounting standards such as ASC 842 or IFRS 16. These standards outline the guidelines for recognizing, measuring, and disclosing leases and lease-related expenses. To ensure compliance, the expenses related to leasehold improvements must be appropriately categorized within the lease accounting framework.

        The Role of the Fixed Asset Register:

        Within the fixed asset register, companies need to account for the materials and labor costs associated with leasehold improvements. This allows them to maintain a comprehensive overview of their fixed assets and their respective values. The fixed asset register serves as a repository for recording the financial impact of leasehold improvements, ensuring accurate reporting and compliance with accounting regulations.

        Fixed asset accounting plays a vital role in accurately tracking, managing, and reporting a company’s tangible assets. When combined with lease administration, it becomes even more crucial to accurately account for leasehold improvements and comply with relevant lease accounting standards. By leveraging dedicated fixed asset registers and integrating them with lease accounting platforms, companies can effectively manage their assets, ensure compliance, and streamline financial reporting processes.

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        ESG in Real Estate & Industry Changes Mon, 15 May 2023 13:13:31 +0000 ESG and the Future of Real Estate: How Sustainability is Changing the Industry The real estate industry is undergoing a significant transformation as sustainability becomes a top priority for investors...

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        ESG and the Future of Real Estate: How Sustainability is Changing the Industry

        The real estate industry is undergoing a significant transformation as sustainability becomes a top priority for investors and stakeholders. Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors are now being considered in real estate valuation, and investors are using ESG data to make informed decisions about asset performance. In this blog post, we will explore how sustainability is changing the real estate industry and what investors need to know about ESG.

        What ESG Factors are being considered in real estate valuation?

        ESG is gaining importance among capital providers, and investors are using ESG data to evaluate the sustainability of real estate assets. ESG factors such as energy efficiency, water conservation, and waste reduction are now being considered in real estate valuation, and buildings that meet sustainability standards are more attractive to investors.

        1. Energy efficiency: Investors are looking for energy-efficient buildings with low carbon footprints. This includes buildings with efficient HVAC systems, LED lighting, and renewable energy sources.
        2. Water conservation: Investors are also looking for buildings that conserve water and have efficient water management systems. This includes buildings with low-flow fixtures, rainwater harvesting systems, and water-efficient landscaping.
        3. Waste reduction: Investors are looking for buildings that have effective waste management systems and reduce waste through recycling and composting.
        4. Social impact: Investors are looking for buildings that have a positive social impact on the community. This includes buildings that provide affordable housing, support local businesses, and promote diversity and inclusion.
        5. Governance: Investors are looking for buildings that have strong governance structures and ethical leadership. This includes buildings that have transparent reporting, strong risk management, and effective stakeholder engagement.

        ESG is becoming a material risk and opportunity for real estate investors and other stakeholders. As climate change and other sustainability issues become more pressing, investors are looking for ways to future-proof their assets against shocks and disruptions. This means that real estate managers must take a proactive approach to sustainability and change their assets to meet ESG standards.

        How is ESG driving innovation in the real estate industry?

        Developers and investors are exploring new technologies and strategies to reduce the environmental impact of buildings and improve their sustainability. Here are the top 5 ESG-related technologies becoming more common in new real estate developments.

        1. Solar panels: Solar panels are a popular way to generate renewable energy and reduce a building’s carbon footprint. They can be installed on rooftops or as standalone structures and can provide a significant portion of a building’s energy needs.
        2. Efficient lighting: LED lighting is becoming more common in real estate developments as it is more energy-efficient than traditional lighting. Smart lighting systems can also be used to optimize energy use and reduce waste.
        3. Insulation: Proper insulation is essential for reducing energy consumption and improving a building’s energy efficiency. Insulation materials such as spray foam, cellulose, and fiberglass can be used to reduce heat loss and improve indoor air quality.
        4. Smart technology: Smart technology can be used to optimize energy use and reduce waste. For example, smart thermostats can be used to regulate heating and cooling systems, while smart sensors can be used to monitor energy use and identify areas for improvement.
        5. Tankless water heaters: Tankless water heaters are becoming more common in real estate developments as they are more energy-efficient than traditional water heaters. They can provide hot water on demand and reduce energy consumption by up to 30%.

        What are the benefits of embracing ESG in real estate? 

        According to the US Green Building Council, green buildings cost 2% more to build on average, but they save 14% to 19% in operational expenditures. This means that while the upfront costs of green technology may be higher, the lifetime savings can be significant.

        Energy-efficient systems can help reduce utility bills, while sustainable features can increase a building’s resale value. In fact, building owners are seeing a 10% or greater increase in property value after investing in green buildings. Additionally, sustainable real estate investments have been shown to outperform traditional real estate investments in terms of risk-adjusted returns.

        If you’re looking for a solution to track ESG reporting across your real estate portfolio, check out VL’s ESG Steward.


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        Related Party Leases under ASC 842 Wed, 10 May 2023 12:42:44 +0000 Related Party Leases under ASC 842 Recently, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) introduced new rules and clarifications regarding the treatment of related party leases under ASC 842. Although these...

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        Related Party Leases under ASC 842

        Recently, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) introduced new rules and clarifications regarding the treatment of related party leases under ASC 842. Although these rules apply to all related party leases, their impact is most significant for private business entities. This blog post aims to provide an overview of these developments and highlight the key considerations for companies navigating related party leases under ASC 842.

        Related Party Leases: Key Considerations

        1. Putting Agreements in Writing: FASB has introduced a crucial change requiring companies to document related party leases explicitly. Previously, private businesses often treated these leases informally to cut costs. The original rule required examining legally enforceable terms, leading to expensive attorney opinion letters. FASB’s amendment allows companies to account for related party leases based on the terms written in a simple agreement, simplifying compliance.
        2. Accounting for Leasehold Improvements: Under ASC 842, related party leases involving leasehold improvements face important considerations. Previously, if the improvements had a longer lifespan than the lease term, it could result in accelerated write-offs and unusual expenses. The current standard allows companies to amortize leasehold improvements over their useful life. If the related party lease ends before the improvements’ useful life, adjusting entries are made to align the books properly. This prevents excessive burden on the subleasing company’s financial statements.

        3 Considerations for Related Party Leases Under ASC 842

        When considering related party leases under ASC 842, here are the top three things to keep in mind:

        1. Document the Agreement: Regardless of the complexity or length, it is essential to put related party lease agreements in writing. This documentation should cover the majority of the terms agreed upon by the related parties. By formalizing the lease agreement, companies can ensure compliance with the accounting standards and avoid unnecessary complications.
        2. Accounting for Leasehold Improvements: If the related party lease involves leasehold improvements with a longer lifespan than the lease term, companies should amortize the costs of these improvements over their useful life. This approach prevents accelerated write-offs and unusual expense patterns. In case the lease terminates before the completion of the improvements’ useful life, adjusting entries should be made to align the books accordingly.
        3. Seek Professional Guidance: Given the complexity of accounting standards and the potential impact on financial statements, it is advisable to consult with accounting professionals or experts familiar with ASC 842. They can provide valuable insights and guidance tailored to the specific circumstances of related party leases.

        Implications of Related Party Leases for Private Businesses

        The recent developments introduced by FASB regarding related party leases under ASC 842 have significant implications, particularly for private business entities. By ensuring that related party leases are properly documented and by accounting for leasehold improvements in line with the rules, companies can comply with the standards while maintaining accurate and transparent financial reporting. Seeking professional guidance is crucial to navigating these accounting complexities effectively. By staying informed and adhering to the updated rules, businesses can mitigate risks and make sound financial decisions in the context of related party leases.

        If your organization is struggling with sustainable ASC 842 compliance, you’re not alone.  Join the thousands of companies that have switched to Visual Lease to confidently maintain compliance.


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        Episode 14 “A Talk with Toshiba’s Leasing Team Leader” Mon, 08 May 2023 18:08:06 +0000

        In the newest latest episode of The VLDI Podcast, Lee Ebaugh, Director of Real Estate & Business Continuity at Toshiba, breaks down how Visual Lease has transformed his team’s ability to provide accurate and reliable data to their decisionmakers. Tune in to learn more.


        Read Transcript

        VLDI Podcast Episode 14 Transcript


        Hi. I’m your host, Joe Fitzgerald. Welcome back to the Visual Lease Data Institute Podcast. Here at VL, we empower organizations to leverage their lease portfolio as a strategic asset. Our platform is uniquely designed to meet the needs of every team that interacts with a company’s lease portfolio and associated environmental data to reduce risk, drive confident and sustain lease accounting compliance, and provide the visibility required to make agile business decisions.

        Today we are joined by Lee Ebaugh, Director of Real Estate and Business Continuity at Toshiba, America Business Solutions and Toshiba Global Commerce Solutions, both of which are a part of one of the world’s largest conglomerates with a complex global lease portfolio of real estate and equipment, all of which, prior to Visual Lease, was managed through disparate systems and processes.

        To Lee, as head of the organization’s leasing team, that was not sustainable even before the new accounting compliance standards came into play. Today, Lee’s team has about 150 real estate leases, including office, industrial and lab spaces, plus an additional 1400 equipment and vehicle leases, all of which are managed in Visual Lease.

        So Lee, let’s take a trip down memory lane. What was your experience before implementing Visual Lease and what ultimately led you to consider using Visual Lease?



        Hi Joe, it’s great to be on here with you. So, when I first joined Toshiba in 2013, all of our leases were being tracked through Excel and even using Lotus Notes as basically an electronic file cabinet. I had experience working on various platforms during my career handling lease administration and both representing landlords and tenants. I knew that there was a better system out there.

        Also, at that time I was just a team of one, so I really needed something better so I could focus on negotiating the leases and being able to drive what mattered to the businesses. I started evaluating a number of options to help manage our portfolio and with looking at all the different options that were out there at that time, Visual Lease just really, right off the bat, seemed like it was the best one. It was user-friendly and intuitive. I mean, I don’t want to sound like I’m a sales pitch here, but it was really good for what I was looking for. On top of it, since I was a team of one, it also meant that I had to implement the system all by myself and I had to abstract every lease into the portfolio all throughout my background.

        This was probably the easiest abstracting that I’ve ever done in my entire career. Another thing that I liked about the system was that I could provide read-only access to the system, to all our stakeholders out in the field. Because I was starting to get inundated with, with questions on the various leases. And since I was a team of one, I couldn’t focus on what was really important.

        So it was great being able to provide all of that lease information in one spot and point them to where they could get all the answers, and once again, it was user friendly. They could easily access all the information that they needed, including a copy of the lease, you know, so when we abstract all the clauses, we point directly to the page on the lease and all they have to do is click on it if they want more information based upon that abstract. So it was extremely helpful with that.


        Now it’s a little different. I do have a small team and we still abstract everything in house. In fact, I was just talking to our corporate real estate specialist and she was saying how easy it is, honestly to be able to abstract. And she’s abstracted quite a bit as well. And then, you know, later when we were evaluating different platforms for lease accounting, Visual Lease really remained at the top of our list. So, you know, we’ve remained a customer of Visual Lease all this time.



        So in listening to you talk, I mean, first off, in your early days, you were clearly wearing a lot of hats, right? A team of one, doing a lot of jobs. You mentioned, you know, Lotus Notes, haven’t heard that in a while, Excel, which we know is a fairly popular tool a lot of folks like to use and other manual approaches before going to Visual Lease.

        Is there anything else, particularly as the accounting folks came on, that you’d want to walk us through in terms of how you use Visual Lease day to day? You mentioned read only access versus, you know, the ability to make changes and whatnot. Is there anything else about that that is different now in the process with Visual Lease.



        We try and control what’s in Visual Lease as much as possible because the less amount of people that have access to change things also helps the integrity of all of that data. And that data is is extremely important not only to us, it’s important to finance. They also control who has that access. And we work really well together. I know I’ve heard some, I guess, horror stories between real estate and finance that they don’t always communicate really well. I think we really collaborate tremendously well with finance. I mean, my wife’s a CPA, so I kind of understand the importance of constant communication with finance teams and what they’re looking for. Our team is really process-oriented, so we don’t miss any critical steps with all the various transactions we’re working on.

        You know, as you mentioned, we have 150 real estate leases. We don’t typically enter into leases over a three year term. On top of that, we also start our transactions eighteen months prior to the lease expiration. So we’re basically as soon as a lease has started 18 months later where we’re starting to work on it again. And as of this morning, we have 66 active real estate transactions we’re negotiating, along with 25 relocation projects my team is working on.

        With all of the transactions that we have going on, we have to be really process-oriented so we don’t miss any important steps. And one of our important steps that we have is to ensure finance has the information they need to do their jobs. And we look at our relationship as kind of a team effort.



        Let me pivot to another issue. The International Sustainability Standards Board recently announced a phased approach to ESG reporting allowing organizations to first focus on climate related disclosures. Curious as to your thoughts as to how this will impact how companies manage and track their leased assets?



        Yeah, that’s a good question. So at this time, there aren’t any formal requirements from our parent company relating to ESG. Now, that being said, me personally, I’m a well accredited professional and our senior leadership, you know, we’ve always been focused on sustainability and how our buildings and offices can help the overall health and wellness of our employees.



        And that always has been important to us, and it always will continue to be important to us whether or not there’s any sort of ESG reporting requirements.



        So I’m just curious, as you think about it, do you see Visual Lease playing a role as you find yourselves needing to accumulate this data and provide some carbon calculations and reporting as these standards evolve?



        We could in the future. On a personal level, I think having ESG is good to force those companies to start thinking about sustainability. Start thinking about all of these things that that they, I think, should have been doing all along anyway. But that being said, whether or not we have to do any sort of formal reporting or anything like that, that’s still one of our priorities.



        So Lee, as a member of the Customer Advisory Board at Visual Lease, tell us your thoughts about how you feel about being a member.



        I think this is a great thing that you guys are doing. Visual Lease is seriously the second thing I open every day behind my email. So I usually get emails, questions on leases or whatever negotiations that are going on. I immediately open up Visual Lease to be able to get a lot of the answers.

        It’s really important to what we do, and I have to say that the CAB… I think that right there what you guys are doing is a big thing where you’re purposefully listening to us as customers and are doing something about it. You know, because I remember we talked about reporting and I know a lot of us were saying the reporting features aren’t necessarily where we want it to be. Okay, that’s good news. Our to-do is we’re going to help improve some of it and that was great.



        Is there anything else you’d like to touch on before we wrap up?



        Honestly, I appreciate this opportunity to discuss these things with you. You know, as I said previously, I don’t want to sound like I’m a sales pitch for Visual Lease, but it really has helped my team to be able to provide good, reliable information. So that’s usually what I tell my team, one of our most important things that we can do is to provide good, reliable information in a timely manner to our decision makers.

        Honestly, I believe that Visual Lease helps us do that, and it’s really been transformative honestly, through my career here at Toshiba, being able to use this platform has been really helpful.



        So that’s going to conclude today’s episode of the VLDI Podcast. Hey, Lee, really appreciate you doing this, thank you so much. If you enjoyed this episode and want to catch up with other resources from the Visual Lease Data Institute, be sure to follow our LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook pages @visuallease, as well as our new LinkedIn community page.

        Links to all our pages will be in the YouTube description box. And don’t forget to tune in to the next episode of the Visual Lease Data Institute Podcast, where our focus is on helping you leverage your lease portfolio to stay ahead of what’s next.

        The post Episode 14 “A Talk with Toshiba’s Leasing Team Leader” first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        GAAP vs. Tax Accounting: Financial Reporting Tue, 02 May 2023 20:49:55 +0000 GAAP vs. Tax Accounting: Navigating the Complexities of Financial Reporting With the introduction of ASC 842, some private companies are struggling with the requirement to record the vast majority of...

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        GAAP vs. Tax Accounting: Navigating the Complexities of Financial Reporting

        With the introduction of ASC 842, some private companies are struggling with the requirement to record the vast majority of their leases to the balance sheet. As a result, some organizations are turning to tax basis to file statements instead of following the new lease accounting rules.

        GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) and tax accounting are two different sets of accounting standards that companies are required to follow. While both are used to report financial information, they have different purposes and requirements.

        What is GAAP?

        GAAP is the set of rules and guidelines that publicly traded companies in the United States must follow when preparing financial statements for external stakeholders, such as investors, creditors, and regulators. GAAP principles are designed to ensure that financial statements are accurate, complete, and comparable across companies.

        What is Tax Accounting?

        On the other hand, tax accounting is used to calculate a company’s tax liability to the government. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requires companies to report their taxable income based on the tax code and regulations, which can differ significantly from GAAP principles.

        GAAP vs. Tax Accounting

        The main difference between GAAP and tax accounting is their objectives. While GAAP is focused on providing accurate financial information to external stakeholders, tax accounting is focused on complying with tax laws and regulations. This difference in objectives can lead to discrepancies between the two accounting methods, making it difficult to reconcile financial information.

        What are some examples of discrepancies between GAAP and tax accounting?

        • Timing of revenue: GAAP requires revenue to be recognized when it is earned, regardless of when it is received. On the other hand, tax accounting requires revenue to be recognized when it is received, regardless of when it is earned. This can create discrepancies in revenue recognition between the two methods, leading to different reported profits.
        • Treatment of depreciation: GAAP allows for different depreciation methods, such as straight-line or accelerated depreciation, based on the useful life of the asset. Tax accounting, however, requires companies to use specific depreciation methods, such as the Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System (MACRS), which can differ from GAAP methods.

        These differences between GAAP and tax accounting can create challenges for companies when reconciling financial information. Companies must ensure that their financial statements are accurate and complete, while also complying with tax laws and regulations. This can require significant resources and expertise, as well as the use of specialized software and tools to manage the complexity of the reconciliation process.

        Additionally, tax basis financial statements may not be accepted by all users, such as lenders and investors, who may require GAAP financial statements. Private companies that use tax basis financial statements may need to provide additional disclosures to explain the differences between tax basis and GAAP financial statements.

        Finding The Right Technology:  GAAP Accounting Software

        The biggest challenge in accounting, regardless of whether it is GAAP vs. tax accounting, is tracking down data, managing changes, and maintaining controls.  Managing leases, for example, can be a challenging and complex process, regardless of the accounting basis used.

        • For example, if a company is using GAAP accounting, they need a lease management system that can track and manage lease data in accordance with GAAP principles.
        • Similarly, if a company is using tax accounting, they need a system that can handle the specific tax regulations and requirements related to lease transactions.

        Companies must have strong controls and processes in place to ensure that their lease accounting and management data is accurate and up to date. Companies may need to invest in specialized software and tools to manage the complexity of lease accounting and ensure compliance with accounting methods.



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        Accrued Rent and Deferred Rent in ASC 842 Fri, 28 Apr 2023 18:32:59 +0000 Table of Contents What is Accrued Rent? What is Deferred Rent? Accrued Rent vs. Deferred Rent: What’s the difference? Accrued Rent Example Deferred Rent Example Key Considerations for Rent Accounting...

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        Understanding Accrued Rent and Deferred Rent in ASC 842 Accounting

        Rent is one of the largest expenses that companies face, and it’s critical to properly account for it. Under the new accounting standard ASC 842, there are some changes to how rent is accounted for. Two important concepts to understand in rent accounting are 1. accrued rent and 2. deferred rent. In this post, we will explore what these terms mean, the difference between them, and what to keep in mind when it comes to rent accounting under ASC 842.

        What is Accrued Rent?

        Accrued rent is a type of rent expense that has been recognized but not yet paid. It represents the difference in timing between paying rent and the actual cash payment of rent. In a traditional straight-line application, rent is expensed equally across the lease’s entire term. However, the actual rent payments made may vary depending on the lease agreement. In some cases, the rent may be expensed when no rent is paid, resulting in accrued rent.

        Accrued rent is a liability under the ASC 840 methodology, but under ASC 842, there is no accrued rent. This is because there is already an asset and a liability recorded for the lease under the new standard.

        What is Deferred Rent?

        Deferred rent is the difference between the amount of rent paid and the rent expense. In a straight-line rent application, the rent paid in the early months of the lease is less than the rent paid in later months. This results in deferred rent, which is recorded as a liability on the balance sheet.

        Accrued Rent vs. Deferred Rent: What’s the difference? 

        Accrued rent and deferred rent are both accounting concepts that relate to the timing of rent payments and rent expense recognition, but they represent different scenarios.  Accrued Rent represents a difference in timing, whereas Deferred Rent represents a difference of amount in the period.

        Under the new lease accounting standard, ASC 842, accrued rent is not recognized separately as a liability because the right-of-use asset recognized on the balance sheet already reflects the straight-line rent expense. The difference between the right-of-use asset and lease liability represents the deferred rent or prepaid rent.

        Accrued Rent Example

        Consider a scenario where a company enters into a lease agreement for office space at $10,000 per month. The lease agreement requires payment at the end of each quarter. At the end of the first month, the company accrues $10,000 as rent expense because it has utilized the office space for that period. However, the actual payment of rent doesn’t occur until the end of the quarter. Therefore, at the end of each month, the accrued rent increases by $10,000 until the payment is made at the end of the quarter.

        Deferred Rent Example

        Imagine a company signs a lease for equipment with a total lease term of five years. The lease agreement stipulates that the monthly rent for the first year is $1,000, but it gradually increases by $100 each year thereafter. In this case, the company pays $1,000 per month in rent, but the rent expense recognized in the early years is lower than the actual rent paid due to the gradual increase. Consequently, the difference between the rent paid and the rent expense recognized constitutes deferred rent, which accumulates over the lease term.

        These examples illustrate the distinction between accrued and deferred rent and how they manifest in real-world lease agreements. Understanding these concepts is crucial for accurate financial reporting under ASC 842 accounting standards. For further insights into accrued and deferred expenses, refer to the article here.

        Key Considerations for Rent Accounting under ASC 842

        Rent accounting under ASC 842 can be complex and requires careful consideration. Here are some key things to keep in mind:

        1. Identify lease arrangements: The first step is to identify all lease arrangements, including embedded leases, and determine if they meet the criteria for recognition under ASC 842.
        2. Determine lease term: The lease term is the period during which the lessee has the right to use the leased asset. It includes the non-cancellable period of the lease plus any periods covered by options to extend or terminate the lease if they are likely to be exercised.
        3. Determine lease payments: Lease payments include fixed payments, variable payments based on an index or rate, and any other amounts the lessee is required to pay under the lease.  Not all are included in the calculation of the Lease Liability and Right of Use Asset.  The details of the lease agreement and your accounting elections will determine the proper payments to include.
        4. Calculate lease liability: The lease liability is the present value of lease payments, discounted using the lessee’s incremental borrowing rate. Private business entities have the option to use a risk-free rate in place of the incremental borrowing rate.  This represents the obligation to make lease payments over the lease term.
        5. Calculate right-of-use asset: The right-of-use asset is the lease liability plus any initial direct costs and lease payments made before the lease commencement date. Lease incentives, deferred, and accrued rent can also impact the right-of-use asset value.  It represents the lessee’s right to use the leased asset over the lease term.
        6. Recognize lease expense: If the lease is an operating lease, the lease expense is recognized on a straight-line basis over the lease term, unless there is a more appropriate basis for allocation.   If the lease is a finance lease, the lease expense is recognized as straight-line amortization of the right-of-use asset plus the period interest expense.

        Overall, rent accounting under ASC 842 requires a detailed analysis of lease arrangements, lease terms, and lease payments, as well as careful consideration of transition requirements. It is important for entities to have robust processes and systems in place to ensure compliance with the standard.



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        Why Lease Management Shouldn’t Be Ignored Wed, 26 Apr 2023 12:51:42 +0000 “Why Lease Management Shouldn’t Be Ignored: The High Cost of Underestimating Your Lease Portfolio and How to Optimize It for Your Business Needs” Many companies are underestimating the total cost...

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        “Why Lease Management Shouldn’t Be Ignored: The High Cost of Underestimating Your Lease Portfolio and How to Optimize It for Your Business Needs”

        Many companies are underestimating the total cost of their lease portfolio when in reality, leases are often the second largest expense for organizations with most businesses spending 5% to 10% of total revenue per square foot on rent. And in accordance with lease accounting standards (ASC 842, IFRS 16 and GASB 87), companies must now account for these expensive assets on the balance sheet, further emphasizing just how critical it is for business leaders to keep close tabs on these complex agreements.

        While it’s undeniable that leases are a critical part of businesses’ operations and financial reporting, many organizations wrongly assume that once executed, their work on these agreements is done. However, failing to invest in ongoing lease management and controls typically results in excess costs and overutilization of leased assets, such as real estate. For example, a recent survey from Accenture found that companies today could reduce spatial needs by as much as 40% – which could free up funds that could be allocated elsewhere.

        3 Steps to Optimize the Value of Your Lease Portfolio

        There are 3 key steps that companies can take to optimize the value of their lease portfolio to best serve their organization’s needs: 

        1. Gather & Evaluate Your Leases

        Corporate leases have a lot of components, from the basics like rental rate and lease terms to maintenance obligations, utilities, and employee utilization rates. With so many components to keep track of, 71% of companies have reported that they are not confident about the complete cost of their lease, and a startling 90% of senior real estate executives feel they do not have access to all the data they need to make informed decisions about their company’s lease portfolio. These statistics are alarming when you consider that leases are typically the  second-largest expense for most businesses.

        To get full control over your portfolio, first take stock of all real estate and equipment leases within your organization, which are likely scattered in various locations and departments within your company. Thoroughly review each component, including terms and responsibilities, like common-area maintenance fees, insurance minimums, and deferred maintenance.

        2. Utilize Technology

        While businesses successfully utilize Excel to tackle many different needs, the fact of the matter is  those spreadsheets simply can’t accommodate how intricate and dynamic leases are, which inevitably leads to major reporting errors.  Once you’ve gathered all your leases, consider investing in dedicated technology that is  purpose-built to help you manage all the moving parts and pieces of your leases throughout their entire lifetime.

        The Visual Lease Data Institute found that currently, 83% of companies are not prioritizing investments in the dedicated technology, people, and processes needed to successfully manage their lease-related expenses despite the fact that in a 2022 report, 45% of companies reported that using lease accounting software decreased associated costs. A similar survey from EY found that a technology-paired lease management program unlocked constrained resources and helped employees focus on high-value tasks, a major benefit when today, many organizations are being asked to do more with fewer resources.

        Technology is permeating throughout organizations because of its benefits in streamlining processes and driving efficiency, and the same benefits can be gained by infusing technology into lease management and accounting practices.

        3. Implement Strong Lease Controls

        Research from Deloitte found that companies utilizing cross-departmental collaboration could better respond to a broad range of challenges and were more likely to achieve digital maturity. Given how collaborative lease management is, an internal cross-functional task force should lead the efforts to evaluate solutions and ensure the technology is a good fit across departments that commonly interact with a lease portfolio, including real estate, legal, procurement, IT, and finance and accounting.

        Once the right technology has been identified, you should work with your internal teams and solution provider to implement lease controls and align them to your existing systems. Doing so will ensure that the right people have the right access to your lease data at the right time, which will decrease your organization’s chances of missing deadlines or options, miscalculating lease costs, overpaying, overlooking important deadlines and missing the opportunity to exercise options. Amid the changing economic environment, businesses are focused on improving operational performance to weather the storm. An optimized lease portfolio gives companies the opportunity to respond and adapt to market changes and stay ahead of competitors – a vital asset during a bear run. To learn more about lease management, click here.


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        The Evolution of Leasing: 4 Trends to Expect in 2023 Tue, 25 Apr 2023 15:49:42 +0000 The ongoing effects of the pandemic, evolving workplace trends and unique economic circumstances have driven businesses to reconsider how and why they enter into new leases.  But how exactly are...

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        The ongoing effects of the pandemic, evolving workplace trends and unique economic circumstances have driven businesses to reconsider how and why they enter into new leases.  But how exactly are companies adapting? Better yet, what are the implications of these new behaviors?

        A recent study from The Visual Lease Data Institute (VLDI) answers all these questions and more:

        1. Organizations are prioritizing lease terms that enable adaptability.

        The pandemic has changed how companies operate, and as a result, many have found themselves locked into leases for space that they no longer require.

        To combat this challenge, nearly 88% of companies report that they are planning for physical space needs only one year or less in advance, which is a 151% increase from 2022. The majority of real estate executives have also reported that their businesses were planning to add space as a part of their 2023 real estate strategy – but more than half (52%) of these companies are planning for some or all of this space to be in the form of new satellite locations.

        What does this all mean? Organizations value the ability to revisit lease agreements, negotiate flexible terms and explore alternative real estate options that align with their evolving business strategies.

        2. Business leaders are focused on new workforce needs.

        Business leaders are also looking for leases that support their ability to accommodate remote or hybrid work arrangements – something that has become a “must-have” for many when considering job opportunities. In fact, a 2022 survey by McKinsey found that the third-most-popular reason employees looked for a new job was to find a flexible working arrangement.

        To remain competitive in the job market, companies are reimagining how they utilize their available space. Forty-six percent of surveyed senior real estate executives say that shared desks or offices that can be booked as needed by workers provide the best office environment for their companies. The ability to sublease, communal building amenities and flexible lease termination were also identified as top priorities for companies, ideally providing business leaders with options when it comes to how and where they occupy physical space.

        By entering into lease agreements that provide these various possibilities, companies are more likely to be able to pivot to appeal to existing and potential employees.

        3. Poor lease management continues to cost companies… big time.

        It’s no secret that mismanaged leases can lead to expensive mistakes. In fact, 45% of senior real estate executives admit that their companies have overpaid rent or expenses due to inadequate lease controls. Further underscoring the need for strong lease management practices is the reality that lease accounting standards (ASC 842, GASB 87 and IFRS 16) require companies to accurately represent their leases on the balance sheet. Without controls in place, businesses open themselves up to the very real risk of regulatory scrutiny and costly fines or audits.

        Despite how high the stakes are, 83% of companies aren’t investing in the technology, people and processes required to properly manage lease-related expenses.

        To stay ahead of costly errors, organizations must prioritize implementing strong controls to safeguard their lease portfolio, which is often their second largest expense just after people-related costs.

        4. Organizations can leverage their leases in their ESG program development and reporting.

        Although 99% of senior real estate executives believe it’s important for their company’s future leases to help reduce its carbon footprint, 95% of companies still don’t have a fully established ESG program in place and 41% report they haven’t begun any ESG initiatives yet.

        But regardless of where organizations stand in their ESG journey, they need to be able to accurately track and record where the bulk of their carbon emissions occur, which is across its lease portfolio. Investing in the right technology that offers carbon measurement and reporting features will give leaders a clear line of sight into their environmental impact, allowing them to meet reporting requirements.

        For more information on how Visual Lease can help your business take control of its leases and take charge of what’s next, schedule time with our team.


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        Mastering Lease Accounting Internal Controls [Part 2]: Top 7 Control Activities and How Technology Can Help Mon, 24 Apr 2023 12:49:12 +0000 This is part II of our Mastering Lease Accounting Compliance series. If you missed part I, you can read it here. Adopting a lease accounting standard can have a significant...

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        This is part II of our Mastering Lease Accounting Compliance series. If you missed part I, you can read it here.

        Adopting a lease accounting standard can have a significant impact on your organization’s balance sheet and financial statement footnotes. Moreover, it also expands lease disclosures and comes with the added burden of complying with lease accounting standards. In this post, we’ll share insights on controls and how technology can help organizations meet the challenges of lease accounting compliance.

        What are some of the top lease accounting control activities?

        Today we’re highlighting 7 of the top control activities that can help organizations with lease accounting compliance.

        These activities can be classified into two buckets: control activities and monitoring activities.

        The control activities include standardization of documentation, separation of duties, authorization and approvals, system access controls, and safeguarding of assets. The monitoring activities are audit trail and reconciliation.

        What are the Control Activities?

        • Standardization of Data and Documentation

        Every lease agreement is different, and the concept of standardization helps control both documents as well as the data they contain. Standardization helps control chronology such as original lease, amendments, renewals, etc. Also, completeness of both the document and package as well as any missing data elements and consistency that everything shows up in the same place within the platform. It also provides for ease of auditability through input templates defined, data fields, a contract repository, and the ability to set up fields for clauses, this is truly the concept of a single source of truth.

        • Separation of Duties

        Separation of duties is a critical control activity in lease accounting compliance. Organizations should ensure that folks in accounting should not be allowed to make changes to the system for things that can be operationally critical, such as term dates, and other aspects of the lease that are critical to the operations of that lease. User-defined roles can be set up in a system to ensure that lease admins have a certain level of activity within the system, while lease accountants can perform other activities, but never the two shall meet, so to speak.

        • Authorization and Approvals

        Authorization or approvals is another control activity that intersects with system access controls. Someone who is not in the system daily making changes, updates, etc. should be the one that approves the change log right these changes and reviews the log. They shouldn’t be making it the same way that someone who is inputting data daily is.

        • System Access Controls

        System access controls are vital in ensuring the security and integrity of lease data. Setting up user profiles that grant specific access levels is a good way to restrict access to sensitive data. For example, you can set up different profiles for admins, accountants, supervisors, reviewers, and auditors. Additionally, security features like SSL and two-factor authentication provide extra security not just for internal users but also for external users accessing the system.

        • Safeguarding of Assets

        Lease agreements often involve valuable assets that are critical to a company’s operations. Thus, it’s important to safeguard these assets by ensuring that you have a system in place that alerts you to critical dates and events related to lease agreements. For instance, if a lease agreement is coming to an end, you should be notified in advance, giving you enough time to renew the lease or negotiate favorable rates. Failure to safeguard these assets can result in a loss of critical business locations or unfavorable rates, which could be detrimental to the business.

        What are the Monitoring Activities?

        • Reconciliation

        Reconciliation is a vital process in lease accounting that ensures the accuracy and completeness of lease data. It involves comparing lease data across different periods to identify any discrepancies or errors. However, reconciliation is not 100% satisfied by the system, and compensating user controls are necessary to complete the process properly. Fortunately, lease accounting software provides a variety of role reports that enable the reconciliation of different activities within the lease accounting process.

        • Audit Trail

        Auditing is a critical part of lease accounting that ensures compliance with lease accounting standards and regulations. In addition to compliance, audit trails are also essential in establishing the accuracy and completeness of lease data. In Visual Lease, for example, there’s a quantitative disclosure report that provides a summary of all the information needed to pop into your footnote. The report also allows users to drill down into each of those summary numbers to see how they were built up. This feature provides an audit trail that users can use to establish the detail behind those numbers. Furthermore, the audit trail can be handed off to auditors to test the report and the audit trail that has that drilled-down feature.

        How can I implement better controls?

        Adopting a lease accounting standard can have a significant impact on an organization’s balance sheet and financial statement footnotes. To comply with these standards, organizations need to implement controls around accounting and reporting, which must be audited and continuously monitored. Collaboration between departments is necessary to ensure compliance, and auditors may need to engage with folks outside of accounting to test the controls in place. Fortunately, technology like Visual Lease can help organizations meet the challenges of lease accounting compliance. To learn more about Visual Lease’s Lease Accounting solutions, click here.



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        Mastering Lease Accounting Internal Controls [Part 1]: Unveiling the Key Categories for Compliance Mon, 24 Apr 2023 12:44:59 +0000 This is part I of our Mastering Lease Accounting Compliance series. If you’re looking for part II, you can read it here. Lease accounting standards such as ASC842 and IFRS16...

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        This is part I of our Mastering Lease Accounting Compliance series. If you’re looking for part II, you can read it here.

        Lease accounting standards such as ASC842 and IFRS16 have significantly changed companies’ financial reporting requirements. These standards require companies to be more diligent in their financial reporting and lease management processes. The implementation of these standards requires a series of controls to ensure accuracy and compliance.

        What are some of the key categories for Lease Accounting Internal Controls?

        Lease accounting internal controls fall into four main categories: Transition-related Controls, Financial Reporting Controls, Activity-related Controls, and IT General Controls.

        1. Transition-related controls are short-term controls that focus on the transition period when implementing the new lease accounting standards. These controls include ensuring accurate lease listings during the transition, appropriate documentation, and other related processes. It is important not to lose track of these controls, as some of them have ongoing relevance even after the transition period. Some of these controls may become relevant again when companies move across the technology maturity spectrum.
        2. Financial Reporting Controls are critical to ensuring that companies comply with the new lease accounting standards. These controls include familiar checklists for disclosure and IFRS16 reporting and existing internal controls for financial reporting. In addition, lease-specific controls such as reconciling lease disclosures with related system reports are essential to ensure accuracy in financial reporting.
        3. Activity-related controls refer to controls around lease management processes such as lease modifications, lease terminations, and lease renewals. These controls include ensuring that there are appropriate approvals in place for these processes and that lease modifications and renewals are reflected accurately in the company’s financial statements. Activity-related controls also include lease classification reviews, which ensure that leases are classified correctly as operating or finance leases. This is important because it affects the way leases are recorded in the company’s financial statements.
        4. IT General Controls are controls that ensure the integrity of the company’s IT systems, data, and processes. These controls include ensuring appropriate access controls, data backups, and data security. IT General Controls are particularly important for lease accounting standards as they involve significant data and calculations.

        To learn more about lease accounting internal controls – including the top seven control activities and how technology can help with lease accounting, check out part II of this blog. If you’re looking for reliable lease controls and audit-ready financial reports, learn more about Visual Lease’s Lease Accounting Solution.



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        Episode 13 “The Great GASB 96” Thu, 20 Apr 2023 13:29:05 +0000

        What are the nuances of GASB 96? And how does the accounting standard compare to GASB 87? Zena Thomas, Lease Accounting Product Owner at Visual Lease, breaks it down in just five minutes on the newest episode of The VLDI Podcast. Don’t miss this opportunity to stay informed and stay ahead of what’s ahead.


        Read Transcript

        VLDI Podcast Episode 13 Transcript


        Hi. I’m your host, Joe Fitzgerald. Welcome back to the Visual Lease Data Institute podcast. Here at VL, we empower organizations to leverage your lease portfolio as a strategic asset. Our platform is uniquely designed to meet the needs of every team that interacts with a company’s lease portfolio to reduce risk, drive confidence and sustain lease accounting compliance, and provide the visibility required to make agile business decisions.

        Today we are joined by Zena Thomas, Product Owner at VL. With over 20 years of accounting experience, Zena has worked in corporate accounting and as an auditor within financial institutions and BOEs. Zena has led projects on corporate inter-company automations and developed corporate ERP education for company mergers. As a Lease Accounting Product Owner at Visual Lease, Zena is responsible for creating models for new products, user acceptance testing and research of accounting guidance.

        Today, Zena is here to discuss key information regarding the GASB 96 lease accounting standard. Hello Zena. Thanks for joining me today.



        Hi, Joe. Thank you for having me.



        Could we open up the conversation with you describing your role at VL in a bit more detail?



        Sure. I’m the Product Owner of Lease Accounting, which means that I assist in prioritizing our features for development. So I speak with clients to ensure that our software is satisfying their accounting requirements and I assist in developing new accounting products.



        Very much on the front end. So what exactly is GASB 96?



        GASB 96 is the accounting treatment for subscription-based information technology arrangements. It’s GASB’s response to questions around accounting treatment for software. Many entities were already capitalizing on these costs, and they were looking for GASB to justify that treatment. Similarly, to GASB 87, it creates a right of use asset and a liability for the lease term of these software arrangements.


        So many of the government entities that will be complying with GASB 96 are just coming off what sounds like a similar accounting standard, GASB 87. Could you give us a bit more of a compare and contrast between the two standards?



        Sure. GASB 96 is very similar to GASB 87. Our amortization schedules will almost be identical. The difference comes in when we are in the beginning stages of these software agreements. GASB defined three implementation stages for 96, whereas we won’t have those for 87. The first being a preliminary stage which costs are associated with the conceptual framework of the subscription asset.

        These are usually expenses as they incurred. The second is the initial implementation stage, which is all the cost associated in placing the asset into service. These costs, for the most part, are capitalized and the final stage is the operation and additional implementation stage. These are for troubleshooting, maintaining the software and other ongoing activities. In this stage you may have a mix of capitalization and expense cost.



        Assuming an entity decided to leverage a technology solution for GASB 87, Could that technology also be used to enable adoption of GASB 96?



        They could, but it would be. They have to be careful around the terminology and around reporting. GASB 96 has to be separate from 87 disclosures. So, currently if you’re using 87 calculations to predict 96 measurements, that’s fine. But you really want to use a specific GASB 96 platform.



        So VL as its designed, how would it handle it?



        So currently, if the customers are eager and want to calculate 96 on 87, they would do that, but they would then have to transition over to our 96 module.



        So it’s a good way to kind of handle both standards almost simultaneously you’re saying.






        With that in mind, any closing thoughts?



        I would say if an entity is already prepared for GASB 87, they should start thinking about their 96, it’s approaching quickly. If they are just beginning GASB 87, they should gather data for 96 at the same time. Just so it’s a kind of a one shop stop. Currently, a lot of GASB clients are a little delayed in developing their GASB 96 material, so they have time.



        That will conclude today’s episode of the VLDI podcast. Zena, thank you so much for coming on to the show and sharing your expert knowledge on GASB 96. If you have enjoyed this episode and want to catch up with other resources from the Visual Lease Data Institute, be sure to follow our LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook pages @Visual Lease, as well as our new LinkedIn community page.

        Links to all our pages will be in the YouTube description box. And don’t forget to tune in to the next episode of the Visual Lease Data Institute Podcast, where our focus is on helping you leverage your lease portfolio as a strategic asset.

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        Visual Lease Announces Strong Results and Extended Value in First Quarter Wed, 19 Apr 2023 13:26:37 +0000 Company’s innovative solutions and customer-centric approach drive accelerated growth Woodbridge, NJ – April 19, 2023 — Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software provider, today announced its results from Q1...

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        Company’s innovative solutions and customer-centric approach drive accelerated growth

        Woodbridge, NJ – April 19, 2023Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software provider, today announced its results from Q1 2023, reporting double-digit annual recurring revenue and customer percentage growth year-over-year. The company continues to invest in its platform and services to provide extended value to its growing customer base.

        “This quarter, our customers used Visual Lease to demonstrate the strategic value of their leases, resulting in accelerated growth for our organization,” said Robert Michlewicz, CEO of Visual Lease. “Furthermore, we welcomed an impressive class of new customers who are using recent regulatory changes to enhance their business operations while simultaneously maintaining compliance. In March, we launched VL ESG Steward™, deepening Visual Lease’s commitment to being a strategic provider positioned to assist companies’ sustainability efforts across their portfolio of leased and owned assets. We are grateful to our loyal customers, industry experts and the hardworking VL team for their valuable contributions to our successful growth and platform expansion.”

        In Q1 2023, Visual Lease:

        • Announced the Launch of VL ESG Steward™A carbon accounting and ESG reporting solution designed to track and report on the environmental impact of an organization’s owned and leased asset portfolio, including energy consumption, water, biodiversity and greenhouse gas emissions. VL ESG Steward™ is the first tool of its kind within the lease management and accounting solution space and will help businesses and governments establish their ESG baseline, manage and report on emissions at an asset level and establish auditable controls to help teams work together, efficiently and reliably.
        • Appointed Amie Durr as VL’s First Chief Product Officer
          With nearly 15 years’ experience in product management, Durr is responsible for overseeing the organization’s product and engineering teams to ensure continued product innovation with even greater speed to market. Durr’s team lead the development of VL ESG Steward™.
        • Launched Product Enhancements
          Visual Lease enhanced existing product functionality and provided an updated user interface to its lease accounting system to effectively reduce load times and create efficiencies during a critical time of year for accounting and finance teams.
        • Unveiled a New Report from The VL Data Institute (VLDI)
          The 2023 Commercial Real Estate and Leasing Trend report from The VLDI reveals how businesses are changing and why they enter into new leases in response to the evolving workplace and economy. Highlighted in this recent analysis are lease term priorities, post-pandemic economy lease impact, ESG priorities and more. Findings from the research have been featured in Accounting Today, Yahoo! Finance, Benzinga, Globe St. and more.

        To keep up with announcements from Visual Lease, visit the Visual Lease Newsroom.

        About Visual Lease

        Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software provider, empowers organizations to leverage their lease portfolio as a strategic asset. Our platform is uniquely designed to meet the needs of every team that interacts with a company’s lease portfolio to reduce risk, drive confident and sustained lease accounting compliance and provide the visibility required to make agile business decisions. Informed by nearly three decades of experience, our solutions help companies easily sustain compliance with FASB, IFRS and GASB lease accounting standards and implement proper lease controls to improve the financial, legal and operational performance of their leases. Our award-winning software is used by 1,000+ organizations to manage 500,000+ real estate, equipment and other leased assets globally. For more information, visit

        Media Contact

        Erica Bonavitacola
        Visual Lease
        T+1 732 860 4838

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        Article: Erinn Tarpey of Visual Lease: 5 Things You Need To Create A Highly Successful Career As A CMO Wed, 19 Apr 2023 13:19:14 +0000 Asuccessful CMO has many roles, including leading an organization’s marketing department, establishing marketing strategies, and tracking successes and failures.

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        Asuccessful CMO has many roles, including leading an organization’s marketing department, establishing marketing strategies, and tracking successes and failures.

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        Article: Special Report Lease accounting: Lessons learned Wed, 19 Apr 2023 13:17:09 +0000 When it comes to adopting the new ASC 842 lease accounting standards, initial implementation — as difficult as it may be — is only the first step in a long...

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        When it comes to adopting the new ASC 842 lease accounting standards, initial implementation — as difficult as it may be — is only the first step in a long journey.

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        Article: Visual Lease Adds ESG Tracking for Owned and Leased Asset Portfolios Tue, 04 Apr 2023 14:26:03 +0000 Visual Lease, a vendor of lease optimization software, announced VL ESG Steward, “a solution designed to track and report on the environmental impact of an organization’s owned and leased asset...

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        Visual Lease, a vendor of lease optimization software, announced VL ESG Steward, “a solution designed to track and report on the environmental impact of an organization’s owned and leased asset portfolio,” according to a company release.

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        Article: Visual Lease Launches ESG Tool for Asset Portfolios Tue, 04 Apr 2023 13:11:48 +0000 Lease software provider Visual Lease announced it has launched a new product, VL ESG Steward, designed to help organizations track and report on the environmental impact of their owned and...

        The post Article: Visual Lease Launches ESG Tool for Asset Portfolios first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Lease software provider Visual Lease announced it has launched a new product, VL ESG Steward, designed to help organizations track and report on the environmental impact of their owned and leased asset portfolio.

        The post Article: Visual Lease Launches ESG Tool for Asset Portfolios first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Article: Tech News: Visual Lease launches ESG solution Tue, 04 Apr 2023 13:09:08 +0000 Visual Lease launches ESG solution; GBS Tax and Bookkeeping rebrands as Cleer Tax and Bookkeeping; the ITA is looking for new president; and other news…

        The post Article: Tech News: Visual Lease launches ESG solution first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Visual Lease launches ESG solution; GBS Tax and Bookkeeping rebrands as Cleer Tax and Bookkeeping; the ITA is looking for new president; and other news…

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        ESG 101: An Introduction to Environmental, Social and Governance Wed, 29 Mar 2023 15:00:06 +0000 With more and more organizations focusing on ESG initiatives, we’ll use this blog to demystify what ESG is, why organizations choose to focus efforts on ESG related initiatives, and how...

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        An Introduction to Environmental, Social, and Governance

        With more and more organizations focusing on ESG initiatives, we’ll use this blog to demystify what ESG is, why organizations choose to focus efforts on ESG related initiatives, and how your organization can get started on ESG reporting.

        What is ESG

        ESG stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance. These three factors are used to evaluate the sustainability and ethical impact of a company’s operations.

        • Environmental: Environmental factors refer to a company’s direct or indirect impact on the environment, and may include carbon emissions, energy consumption, climate change effects, pollution, waste disposal, renewable energy, and resource depletion.
        • Social: Social factors refer to a company’s impact on society including how a company treats its employees, customers, and the communities in which it operates. Social factors include discrimination, diversity, equity and inclusion, human rights, community relations, and animal rights.
        • Governance: Governance factors refer to a company’s internal management and decision-making processes that help ensure that a company’s leadership is accountable to its shareholders, investors and employees; abides by government regulations, and that the business operates with integrity. Governance factors include executive compensation, shareholder rights, takeover defense, staggered boards, independent directors, board elections, and political contributions.

        For the purposes of this blog post, we’ll be focusing on the Environmental factors.

        Why Focus on ESG?

        There are 4 main reasons why an organization may choose to focus on ESG initiatives:

        1. Financial performance: In the past decade, studies have confirmed a link between ESG policy performance and financial performance. One of the largest studies conducted by the Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment, analyzed over 2,000 empirical datasets, with 90% of them indicating either positive or neutral correlations between ESG factors and financial performance.
        2. Regulatory risks: While ESG reporting in the United States is currently largely voluntary, companies that ignore ESG factors may face regulatory and legal risks in the future. Many state and local governments are implementing ESG-related regulations, with fines and penalties for organizations that do not comply. The European Union (EU) is leading the way in requiring compliance to sustainable business practice; they currently have the world’s most advanced ESG regulations. For example, the ‘European Green New Deal’ is a comprehensive plan that aims to make Europe climate-neutral by 2050 through an array of measures to combat climate change and promote sustainable innovation.
        3. Reputation: Consumers and investors are increasingly looking to do business with companies that prioritize ESG, and companies that don’t prioritize ESG may risk damaging their reputation. According to PwC, 76% of consumers say they will stop buying from companies that treat the environment, employees, or the community in which they operate poorly.
        4. Environmental impact: Companies that prioritize ESG are more likely to operate sustainably, reduce their carbon footprint, and engage in ethical business practices.

        It’s becoming increasingly essential for organizations to determine where the risks and opportunities lie in a company’s ESG profile and whether they will have a material impact on its strategy, messaging, risk assessment, and reporting. This is especially true as companies compete for capital and stakeholders demand more transparency around a company’s environmental impact.

        Where to Get Started?

        While having your organization prioritize ESG initiatives can seem like a daunting task, there are some clear steps you can take to start navigating this complex landscape.

        1. Gather the right team members in the business to discuss your ESG priorities and set goals. Examples of ESG goals may include:
          1. Partnering with non-profits to identify, fund, and scale proven environmental impact solutions
          2. Reducing scope 1, 2, 3 GHG emissions
          3. Reducing energy and using renewable energy sources to become a net zero organization.
          4. You can also look towards standards (i.e. ISSB) or frameworks (CDP) for guidance on relevant goals.
        2. Establish an internal task force. If your organization doesn’t have a head of sustainability or similar role, consider bring together folks from:
          1. C Suite – consider asking your CFO to serve the role as executive sponsor
          2. Reporting & Finance – like your Controller, and/or Director of Reporting
          3. Data Gathering & Execution – like Facilities Manager, Procurement lead, Real Estate executive and/or Supply Chain manager
        3. Develop an understanding of scope 1 and scope 2 emissions and requirements. Keep in mind, requirements for ESG reporting may vary depending on the specific standard being used.:
          1. Scope 1 emissions are a type of greenhouse gas emissions that come directly from the sources owned or controlled by your organization. You can think of this in terms of “I burned it,” Examples include your organization’s facilities and company vehicles.
          2. Scope 2 emissions are also a type of greenhouse gas emissions, but these come from the generation of purchased electricity, steam, heating & cooling of a company. You can think of this in terms of “I paid someone else to burn it.”
        4. Start taking practical steps for gathering your data so you can establish baselines. This may vary depending on where and how information is stored, but energy bills, for example, are a great source of information for gathering energy consumption.
        5. Ensure your team considers best practices in reporting. You’ll likely want to track energy and water consumption, waste and biodiversity activity data, and calculate greenhouse gas emissions based on the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Protocol and EPA Energy grid emissions factors. Alternatively, leverage a tool with automatic and transparent calculations complete with audit trail.

        While the ESG compliance requirements are still evolving, one thing is certain: ESG compliance isn’t a one-and done disclosure, it’s a mindset shift across an organization and an ongoing, iterative journey towards sustainability. For more information on how to begin your journey and to learn about Visual Lease’s carbon accounting tool, visit ESG Steward

        The post ESG 101: An Introduction to Environmental, Social and Governance first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Visual Lease Launches VL ESG Steward™ Wed, 29 Mar 2023 14:00:36 +0000 The first sustainability-focused lease tracking and reporting software designed to help companies meet their environmental policy goals Woodbridge, N.J. – March 29, 2023 — Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization...

        The post Visual Lease Launches VL ESG Steward™ first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

        The first sustainability-focused lease tracking and reporting software designed to help companies meet their environmental policy goals

        Woodbridge, N.J. – March 29, 2023 — Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software provider, today launched VL ESG Steward™, a solution designed to track and report on the environmental impact of an organization’s owned and leased asset portfolio. This is the first tool of its kind within the lease management and accounting solution space. The solution will enable businesses around the globe to consolidate the data needed to track their carbon footprints across assets like commercial real estate, fleet, equipment and more, and make the necessary changes to address their environmental, social and governance (ESG) goals.

        As companies move forward with internal ESG initiatives and keep an eye on the future where there may be set policies and standards in place that require compliance, clearly tracked and detailed energy consumption insights across leased and owned assets will be critical. However, the process of collecting and organizing this data is anything but straightforward. Much like the lease accounting process, the datapoints required to track environmental impact are dynamic and complex. To streamline the process, VL ESG Steward converts consumption data of greenhouse gas emissions (CO2, PFCs, CH4, SF6, N2O, HFCs) using calculations based on the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Protocol and EPA Energy grid emissions factors. The result is an up-to-date and ongoing greenhouse gas inventory as it relates to leased, owned and other intangible assets across an organization’s portfolio.

        “VL ESG Steward is a natural extension of the capabilities we have provided to our customers for more than two decades. As we look ahead, the businesses that have a clear understanding of their greenhouse gas inventory will be in the unique position to easily identify areas where shifts can be made to meet internal and external goals,” said Robert Michlewicz CEO of Visual Lease. “It is a perfect complement to VL’s long standing partnership with our clients as they access dynamic lease data to maintain compliance, ensure accurate accounting practices and leverage their portfolios to their fullest potential.”

        In addition to greenhouse gas emissions, VL ESG Steward tracks a wide variety of environmental factors, including energy consumption, water usage, waste management and more. It collects data from a range of sources and automatically converts it into the standardized measurement of choice.

        Continues Michlewicz, “We’re seeing ESG reporting become an increasingly crucial part of asset management for our clients. In fact, our recent research revealed that 99% of senior real estate executives at companies with more than 1,000 employees believe it is important to reduce the carbon footprint of their future leases. And yet, there hasn’t been a solution to support the accurate tracking and management of this critical data – until now.”

        “As MISTRAS recognizes our responsibility to serve as an agent for positive change and advancement of the company’s ESG initiatives, we’re thrilled to become a pilot customer for VL ESG Steward. We’ve used Visual Lease as our system of record for our portfolio of facility, automobile and equipment leases – and feel that they are well positioned to expand and provide meaningful value into the complex landscape of ESG reporting,” said Thomas Tobolski, Treasurer, MISTRAS Group, Inc.

        VL ESG Steward will provide leaders at both new and existing customers with the clarity needed to further leverage their lease portfolio as a strategic business asset. The launch of VL ESG Steward sets a new precedent in the lease management and accounting space, offering a long-term solution for tracking and reporting ESG commitments that are complex and constantly evolving.

        To learn more about VL ESG Steward and see it in action, visit the Visual Lease website and register for the solution overview webinar on Wednesday, April 19th at 1:00 PM ET.

        About Visual Lease
        Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software provider, empowers organizations to leverage their lease portfolio as a strategic asset. Our platform is uniquely designed to meet the needs of every team that interacts with a company’s lease portfolio to reduce risk, drive confident and sustained lease accounting compliance and provide the visibility required to make agile business decisions. Informed by nearly three decades of experience, our solutions help companies easily sustain compliance with FASB, IFRS and GASB lease accounting standards and implement proper lease controls to improve the financial, legal and operational performance of their leases. Our award-winning software is used by 1,000+ organizations to manage 500,000+ real estate, equipment and other leased assets globally. For more information, visit


        Media Contact:

        Holland Eichorn
        Visual Lease
        T+1 301 873 9653

        The post Visual Lease Launches VL ESG Steward™ first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Episode 12 “Uniting Lease Accounting & Lease Administration” Tue, 21 Mar 2023 14:47:32 +0000

        In this episode of The VLDI Podcast, Jamie Covert, a leader in the lease administration industry as the President & CEO of Scribcor Global Lease Administration speaks with our host Joe Fitzgerald on the worlds of lease accounting and lease administration and how they operate alongside each other.


        Read Transcript

        VLDI Podcast Episode 12 Transcript


        Hi, I’m your host, Joe Fitzgerald, and welcome back to the Visual Data Institute Podcast. Here at VL, we empower organizations to turn their lease portfolio into a strategic asset. Our solutions help companies easily sustain compliance with FASB, IFRS and GASB lease accounting standards and implement proper lease controls to improve the financial and operational performance of their leases.

        Today, I’m joined by Jamie Covert, President of Scribcor Global Lease Administration, a valued partner of Visual Lease. Jamie is here today to discuss a very important distinction between two mission critical business functions: lease accounting and lease administration. While the two may sound similar, they’re actually quite different. Utilizing both processes in the right way can really make a big impact when it comes to compliance, maintenance and future lease portfolio optimization.

        So let’s dive right in. Welcome, Jamie. Thanks for coming on today.



        Thanks, Joe. It’s a pleasure to be with you.



        Jamie, first question, how do you see lease administrators supporting the Office of the CFO?



        So today, lease administration is supporting the Office of the CFO by maintaining the critical lease data and the components that are supporting their ASC 842 and IFRS calculations. Those are anything from amendments to, you know, any changes in the leases, terminations, all that data has to be maintained and and lease administration plays a critical role in making sure that that that data is accurate and that they’re communicating to the accounting teams so that before they go into a month end and quarter end close they know all the leases that have been updated and that need to be amended on the financial statement.

        So lease administration really, they’re holding the keys to the data and they need to be pretty seamlessly integrated with the with the Office of the CFO and the controller so that they’re generating those schedules.



        Some people view leases as a one and done when they are first recorded. Is that really the right way to view leases?



        No, leases are dynamic. A lease portfolio changes on a daily, weekly, monthly basis. Leases have variable expenses, one time charges… Leases contain escalation amounts. There’s a lot of leases, especially international leases, are tied to indexation and indexes. And so there is always something changing in the lease portfolio. The larger the portfolio, the more the changes.

        So really consistent with everything that we’ll probably cover today. Having a solid and sound process for lease administration is really critical. The process here in the U.S. and Canada is really different than in an international lease administration. So really, having clearly documented processes and playbooks is is something that we advise all of our clients and that when we’re operating and taking over that function, we absolutely have those and it brings benefits, you know, whether you’re using a third party or whether you have a team of internal experts, having qualified lease administrators is going to improve your internal controls. It’s going to improve the speed that you’re able to access data and report. It’s going to be vital for internal and external audit support. So as companies are going through audit processes, having all these things managed in a sound way is going to improve that process and speed up that process.

        And then the biggest component, leases contain so much valuable data for organizations that go into strategic planning. They’re supporting, forecasting, impact analysis, lots of various financial data space planning is become huge now with our post-COVID world and a lot of companies moving to, flex and remote work.

        So in order to adequately space plan, you need up to the minute lease administration and data and data on and all those lease obligations. So, these are really important components to being able to deliver and execute on all those things.



        So given all the activities you just described, do you find that companies are underestimating the time it needs they need to administer leases?



        Not all companies. I think where there’s a lot of challenges and where companies underestimate, it’s the effort and the time that goes into building those processes, especially for companies that have gone through mergers or have decentralized situations. It takes an enormous amount of time to organize a global portfolio.

        And so if there’s anything that’s overlooked, I think it’s the speed and the time and just the manual process and the hours that it takes to get that portfolio organized. But as far as the day to day, I mean, really there’s three real kind of critical components that we manage as lease administrators on a day to day basis.

        And you break them down into categories to: changes to the portfolio, your variable expenses and then your risk mitigation. Changes to the portfolio would be any new leases or amendments that are executed. Renewal letters, any terminations and then acquisitions. Companies are always acquiring other companies, so you really need to have the appropriate resources in place to handle an acquisition, whether that’s an internal resource or whether you have a third party that you may lean on during an acquisition.

        But it really comes down to handling all of these things. It’s a documented process. The most critical step is you really want to build a lease abstraction, a scope of work. Sometimes people refer to that as data attributes. You want to be as consistent as possible across your portfolio with abstracting the same amount of data in the same fashion for each location.

        But the second category I would describe is variable and other expenses. The most common and I think the most important is common area maintenance, also referred to as operating expenses, camera reconciliations, operating expense reconciliations. This is one of the most important functions that the lease administration team performs because it’s a really significant generator of savings.

        Unfortunately, errors in these reconciliations can be common. And, you know, having a process and a documented process of exactly what you’re going to cover and what’s called the desktop audit coupled with some type of a formal full audit program, is the best possible solution in terms of making sure you know that your company is maximizing that savings component.

        You should really be building on a process where during your desktop audit, you’re flagging and identifying leases that should be moved on to the full audit team. Most of the time it does need to be handled by a different team because it’s a different skill. I guess the last category that I would bring up are your ongoing risks.

        And I really think the ongoing risks are most efficiently mitigated and almost completely resolved when you put in a solid process and procedures from the start with the well-documented playbook. But some of those things that can come up or you missed or delayed payments, these are frequent when you have a landlord change or a vendor change or a bank change that isn’t communicated to the lease administration team.

        Sometimes that’s from the property manager’s office. Other times that could be, you know, internally if things are decentralized, if invoices are received at the local level, sometimes there’s failures to forward those. So having processes in place to mitigate that makes a lot of sense. As long as you’re using a database, usually you don’t have to deal with any kind of manual errors or formula errors. But, for companies that are still working in Excel spreadsheets, this can be something that can can occur and can present challenges. One of the things that we’re seeing, unfortunately, that is increasing is fraud, cybersecurity and email fraud. I mean, it’s becoming much more common.

        So having dual controls in place for certain things, like when you’re changing in information or when you’re changing a vendor, putting something like that in place is going to mitigate any instances of fraud, having callbacks where you’re actually verifying something over the phone with somebody versus just taking their email because we’ve seen some pretty sophisticated spoofs from time to time where it looks like an email is coming from a person you’ve been working with for months or years. But you know, that’s not always the case. So those are really some of the ongoing risks that that companies face, that if they put processes together, you can pretty much mitigate those.



        So, Jamie, you’ve covered up a lot of topics for us. As we wrap up, any closing thoughts or key takeaways for the listener?



        Yeah, just, you know, really, again, hammering home the same point of process, process, process. You know, if you document your processes and you follow through, then I think you’re going to mitigate most of your problems and you’re going to be very proactive and you’re going to be an asset to your the rest of your internal teams on the strategy side, on the transaction side, and in the accounting office. Just having lease administration as a significant collaborator within those other internal departments. There are a few new things coming down the road, and it’ll be interesting to see what role these administration plays. I know everyone’s trying to figure out ESG right now, Europe is obviously a lot further down the road than we are in the US. We’ll know the requirements at some point in the U.S. And once we know what the requirements are and how those calculations are going to work and what exactly we’re going to be calculating and measuring, I think what’s clear is that real estate is going to be a big component.

        What’s unclear is who’s going to be responsible for what. But I do think that some of that is going to be within the real estate group and lease administration will probably play a part of that. And then as I mentioned before, everyone’s really trying to figure out, what’s the right size of our portfolio now.

        So space planning is critical and lease administration data that lease administration is responsible for is really a critical component so that companies can effectively make proactive decisions as they have leases coming up for renewal.


        That will conclude today’s episode of the VLDI Podcast. Jamie, thank you so much for coming on the show and providing your expert knowledge and insights. If you enjoyed this episode and want to catch up on other resources from the Visual Lease Data Institute, be sure to follow our LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook pages @visuallease, as well as our new LinkedIn community page, which you can join by using the link in the YouTube description below.

        And don’t forget to tune in to the next episode of the Visual Lease Data Institute Podcast, where our focus is on helping you leverage your lease portfolio as a strategic asset.

        The post Episode 12 “Uniting Lease Accounting & Lease Administration” first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Article: Companies Still Want Office Space, But They Also Want To Stay Nimble Wed, 01 Mar 2023 20:45:24 +0000 U.S. businesses are looking to add office space this year, but their planning is more short-term than it used to be, according to a new survey by software specialist Visual...

        The post Article: Companies Still Want Office Space, But They Also Want To Stay Nimble first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        U.S. businesses are looking to add office space this year, but their planning is more short-term than it used to be, according to a new survey by software specialist Visual Lease of 200 senior corporate real estate executives at companies with more than 1,000 workers.

        The post Article: Companies Still Want Office Space, But They Also Want To Stay Nimble first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Article: More Companies Are Adding Space Than Removing, But Only a Year Out Wed, 01 Mar 2023 15:10:07 +0000 A new report from proptech company Visual Lease digs into what corporate CRE executives are planning.

        The post Article: More Companies Are Adding Space Than Removing, But Only a Year Out first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        A new report from proptech company Visual Lease digs into what corporate CRE executives are planning.

        The post Article: More Companies Are Adding Space Than Removing, But Only a Year Out first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Article: Don’t Want To Go Back To The Office? Some Companies May Be Bringing The Office To You Wed, 01 Mar 2023 15:08:18 +0000 A study released this week by lease accounting software company Visual Lease found that 70% of the senior real estate executives polled say their clients are looking for more office...

        The post Article: Don’t Want To Go Back To The Office? Some Companies May Be Bringing The Office To You first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        A study released this week by lease accounting software company Visual Lease found that 70% of the senior real estate executives polled say their clients are looking for more office space as a part of their real estate strategy for 2023.

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        Article: Companies are Prioritizing Agility and Risk Reduction in 2023 Real Estate Portfolios Wed, 01 Mar 2023 15:06:22 +0000 The report also found more than half (52%) of senior real estate executives report that their companies are planning to add new satellite locations and 28% are looking to downsize...

        The post Article: Companies are Prioritizing Agility and Risk Reduction in 2023 Real Estate Portfolios first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        The report also found more than half (52%) of senior real estate executives report that their companies are planning to add new satellite locations and 28% are looking to downsize existing spaces.

        The post Article: Companies are Prioritizing Agility and Risk Reduction in 2023 Real Estate Portfolios first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Article: Companies Plan to Pick Up Offices in 2023 But Stay Flexible With Leasing Mon, 27 Feb 2023 18:59:15 +0000 Most firms still plan to grow their real estate footprints in 2023 despite the looming threat of an economic recession, according to a report from lease software provider Visual Lease...

        The post Article: Companies Plan to Pick Up Offices in 2023 But Stay Flexible With Leasing first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Most firms still plan to grow their real estate footprints in 2023 despite the looming threat of an economic recession, according to a report from lease software provider Visual Lease this week.

        The post Article: Companies Plan to Pick Up Offices in 2023 But Stay Flexible With Leasing first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Article: The Role Of Technology In The Evolution Of The Office Of Finance Mon, 27 Feb 2023 18:53:48 +0000 For the last decade, the role of corporate finance professionals has increasingly expanded.

        The post Article: The Role Of Technology In The Evolution Of The Office Of Finance first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        For the last decade, the role of corporate finance professionals has increasingly expanded.

        The post Article: The Role Of Technology In The Evolution Of The Office Of Finance first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        The Visual Lease Data Institute Finds Companies are Prioritizing Agility and Risk Reduction in 2023 Real Estate Portfolios Wed, 22 Feb 2023 13:05:33 +0000 88% of businesses are planning for physical space needs just one year or less in advance Woodbridge, N.J. – February 22,2023 — Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software provider,...

        The post The Visual Lease Data Institute Finds Companies are Prioritizing Agility and Risk Reduction in 2023 Real Estate Portfolios first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

        88% of businesses are planning for physical space needs just one year or less in advance

        Woodbridge, N.J. – February 22,2023 — Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software provider, today unveiled its 2023 Commercial Real Estate & Leasing Trend Report, which reveals that businesses are changing how and why they enter into new leases in response to the evolving workplace and economy.

        Visual Lease found that while 70% of senior real estate executives reported that their businesses are looking to add space as a part of their 2023 real estate strategy, 88% are planning for physical space needs just one year or less in advance – a significant increase from 2022, when only 35% of companies reported planning physical space needs with the same timeline in mind. This change illustrates organizations’ desire to protect their ability to pivot should any unforeseen circumstances arise – a lesson learned from the COVID-19 pandemic. In fact, senior real estate executives identified the ability to sublease and flexible lease termination as top factors to negotiate into future leases.

        This study also found more than half (52%) of senior real estate executives report that their companies are planning to add new satellite locations and 28% are looking to downsize existing spaces. The growing interest in satellite locations and alternate spaces is indicative of how businesses are working to meet the needs of a reimagined workplace – one with flexibility as a core component, embracing hybrid work arrangements, fully remote hires and shared workspaces. In fact, this year 46% of senior real estate executives report that shared desks or offices (booked as needed by workers) provide the best office working environment for their companies.

        “In today’s macro-economic environment, business leaders have to be even more strategic with resource allocation,” said Robert Michlewicz, Visual Lease’s CEO. “As a result, companies are changing how they view their real estate and equipment leases. Once a widely overlooked area of the business, lease portfolios are now helping companies remain agile by providing opportunities for significant hard- and soft-dollar savings. The key, however, to accessing these many benefits is first implementing a strong lease controls framework.”

        Further highlighting the power of proper lease management, 45% of surveyed senior real estate executives report their companies have overpaid rent or expenses due to inadequate lease controls. These costly errors can be attributed to the fact that 83% of real estate executives also share that their companies are not prioritizing an investment in the dedicated technology, people and processes required to successfully manage their lease-related expenses, which is typically the second largest line item for businesses.

        “Without the right technology and processes in place, leases can very quickly turn into substantial liabilities, exposing businesses to compliance risks, failed audits, fees, damaged credibility and wasted resources,” continues Mr. Michlewicz. “There is a major opportunity available to companies across all industries to safeguard themselves against these risks, and also, use their lease data to make better-informed decisions and successfully anticipate future needs.”

        The report also revealed a clear correlation between leases and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) programs and reporting:

        • There is a lot of progress to be made in developing ESG initiatives – 95% of companies do not have a fully established ESG program with 41% reporting they have not begun any ESG initiatives yet.
        • Leasing decisions can support – or undermine – an organization’s environmental sustainability efforts – 99% of those surveyed believe it is important for their company’s future leases to reduce its carbon footprint.
        • Real estate teams need a seat at the table – Despite having access to all the details within a company’s lease portfolio, 55% of senior real estate executives have little to no involvement currently in ESG reporting at their organization.

        Visual Lease surveyed 200 U.S. senior real estate executives at companies with more than 1,000 employees. For full study results, download here.

        About the Visual Lease Data Institute

        The Visual Lease Data Institute is a collection of market-leading data, trends and insights on lease accounting, management and optimization created and curated by Visual Lease, provider of the #1 lease optimization software. The Institute was founded on 35 years’ experience managing lease data and financials and was created to arm organizations with the knowledge required to achieve and maintain lease accounting compliance and leverage their leases as strategic business assets.

        About Visual Lease

        Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software provider, empowers organizations to leverage their lease portfolio as a strategic asset. Our platform is uniquely designed to meet the needs of every team that interacts with a company’s lease portfolio to reduce risk, drive confident and sustained lease accounting compliance and provide the visibility required to make agile business decisions. Informed by nearly three decades of experience, our solutions help companies easily sustain compliance with FASB, IFRS and GASB lease accounting standards and implement proper lease controls to improve the financial, legal and operational performance of their leases. Our award-winning software is used by 1,000+ organizations to manage 500,000+ real estate, equipment and other leased assets globally. For more information, visit


        Media Contact:

        Erica Bonavitacola
        Visual Lease
        T+1 732 860 4838

        The post The Visual Lease Data Institute Finds Companies are Prioritizing Agility and Risk Reduction in 2023 Real Estate Portfolios first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        What Lease Accounting Compliance Can Do for Your Business Next Wed, 08 Feb 2023 13:49:46 +0000 In response to lease accounting standards, your business may have already set in place certain lease accounting systems and technology to achieve compliance. But did you know these solutions can...

        The post What Lease Accounting Compliance Can Do for Your Business Next first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        What Lease Accounting Compliance Can Do for Your Business Next

        In response to lease accounting standards, your business may have already set in place certain lease accounting systems and technology to achieve compliance. But did you know these solutions can do more than help your company stay audit-ready?

        With today’s shortage of finance workers, higher workloads and increasing compliance regulations, companies need to find more efficient ways to manage their lease portfolios. By implementing the right technology, people and systems, your business can leverage its expensive lease portfolio as a more strategic asset. Here’s a closer look at how lease accounting compliance can help your business improve the financial, legal and operational performance of its leases.

        1. Identify cost-saving opportunities

        Financial leaders can use their technology to implement controls that help identify areas where they can reduce costs. This can be done through visibility into options and exercise windows, using insights into actual costs to guard against inflation and securing earned incentives by tracking requirements and timing.

        2. Reduce legal risk

        Lease mismanagement exposes businesses to serious risks, including legal action and, as a result, damaged credibility. However, business leaders can reduce these risks by firmly establishing control of lease terms. As a result, they can rest easier knowing that:

        • They now have visibility into rights and obligations.
        • They’ve limited their exposure to indemnification and other serious obligations.
        • The business is less likely to default by failing to comply with lease terms.
        • They’ve eliminated confusion and wasted time over repair and maintenance responsibility.

        3. Save employee time

        In the current economic conditions, it’s pertinent that businesses save time wherever they can. A Visual Lease report showed that private companies were able to save an average of 600 hours with lease accounting software.

        With the right technology solution, your business can easily integrate, manage and automate lease data between systems to generate detailed disclosure reports, compliance checks, automatic remeasurements and customized data options.

        This means your employees can focus on tasks that drive your business forward instead of rigorous, time-consuming reporting. Reliable, complete data—along with better cross-departmental collaboration—eliminates time spent on redoing accounting work or lengthy audits, and even increases confidence in year-end reporting.

        4. Support agile business decisions

        Businesses with the systems and technology in place for lease accounting compliance are also now equipped with greater visibility into their leases, which leads to making more informed business decisions.

        This is necessary as many organizations are currently spending less time to make plans for their space needs. According to a , 88% of senior real estate executives say their companies are planning for their physical space needs just one year or less in advance.

        Having the right technology and systems already in place also protects your business’ ability to pivot should any unforeseen circumstances arise. And as we learned from the COVID-19 pandemic, these types of predicaments can happen at any time. Yet your organization can quickly react to changing circumstances by reducing footprints, subleasing where needed or opting for shared workspaces.

        With the right lease controls and management solutions established, your business can move past lease accounting compliance and look forward as you leverage this technology to create even greater financial, legal and operational outcomes for your business.



        The post What Lease Accounting Compliance Can Do for Your Business Next first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Episode 11 “Lease Accounting and Audit Insights from Leaders at Grant Thornton” Wed, 01 Feb 2023 15:40:48 +0000

        In the newest episode of The VLDI Podcast, you’ll gain access to Grant Thornton’s invaluable lease accounting and audit insights. Tune in to hear directly to hear from their in-house experts, Lisa Kaestle, Director of Accounting Advisory Service, and Claire Esten, Partner of Audit Services.


        Read Transcript

        VLDI Podcast Episode 11 Transcript


        Hi, I’m your host, Joe Fitzgerald. Welcome back to the Visual Lease Data Institute podcast. Here at VL, we help organizations become compliant with FASB, IFRS and GASB accounting standards while simultaneously improving the financial, legal and operational performance of their leases. Today we have two special guests from one of these Visual Lease’s valued partners Grant Thornton. Please welcome Lisa Kaestle, Director of Accounting Advisory Services and Claire Esten, partner in Audit Services. In 2012, Lisa joined FASB and worked as a project manager on ASC’s implementation project for Topic 842. She currently leads Grant Thornton’s National Leasing Center of Excellence. She has consulted on over 400 ASC 842 adoptions and also joined me in a webinar hosted by VL earlier this year. Clare has over 25 years working with private companies and not for profit organizations serving their audit needs.

        She has also assisted many organizations with their lease adoption efforts, overseeing the adoption of the FASB and GASB standard for entities that have between 50 up to 2000 leases. She also leads training for her clients on the lease accounting standards, including sharing best practices and common pitfalls. Hello, Lisa and Claire, thank you both for joining me today.

        To get started first, Lisa and then Claire, could you each explain how your service line engages with your clients around lease accounting?



        Absolutely. And thanks, Joe, for having us today. Our role within Accounting Advisory services is to really help from a consulting perspective. This will include assisting clients with our adoption process, which can be educating or training our clients on the technical guidance, assisting them with lease extraction and validation procedures, helping them review and identify potential unknown or embedded leases and ultimately documenting their adoption approach in their ongoing policy considerations.

        It also includes helping our clients with ongoing lease considerations and technical questions when they arise, whether it’s a complicated modification, a potential impairment, sale leaseback transactions, you name it. We’ve likely seen that and we can be there to help and ensure that the guidance is applied appropriately. Claire, do you want to provide your typical engagement with clients?



        Thanks, Lisa. And also thank you, Joe, for having us today. So as an auditor, we support our clients with technical accounting guidance, as well as understanding how the gap rules apply to the unique circumstances of their operations to support them as they work through the adoption process. We work with our clients to anticipate how accounting changes might impact their financial statements and how the new requirements might require changes in processes and internal controls as a result of the new accounting rules such as the lease accounting.

        We’ll provide training. We provide advice on how to approach the project, and we provide input along the way. Another important element of our support is sharing examples, whether through disclosure examples, lease evaluation templates, among other tools, to assist our clients. And finally, we also bring in our subject matter experts like my friend here, Lisa. When the rules are very complex and there are complex agreements that require expertise in the technical application of those rules.



        So, Claire, continuing that theme, let’s talk about some reporting challenges companies currently face. From your experience, what are these types of challenges and how can the client work through them?



        Great question, Joe. I would say completeness and accuracy in two words is how I would describe the challenges that companies face with lease accounting, the adoption process. So with respect to completeness, you want to make sure that your list of leases is a complete list. And often the leasing process can be decentralized and very time consuming, particularly understanding and getting input from multiple departments.

        For example, legal. You know, it’s not just an accounting and finance exercise. This involves Legal, I.T., Supply Chain, Procurement, Facilities, the list goes on. You know, in terms of a solution for that, it’s common for organizations to have check ins, whether it’s quarterly, semiannually, etc., and perform accounts payable sweeps to make sure that it’s not just new agreements, but also includes modifications, renewals, terminations that are all being appropriately considered of whether they need to be accounted for as a lease.

        You know, when you miss a contract that has a lease contained in it, it’s possible that the financial statements could be materially misstated. So that’s obviously the first area, again, completeness. The second challenge, I would say, relates to accuracy. Every organization is different with the lease contracts that they have. There’s no vanilla. Most companies don’t have consistent agreements and there are nuances, particularly around subjective aspects of the accounting, such as whether to include option periods that are reasonably certain to be exercised.

        And that can all result in different accounting conclusions. So I would say the key solution is attention to detail in reading those lease contracts, making sure that you’re picking up the right information, whether you’re looking at payments to see are they monthly, are they annual, are they semiannual? You know, each lease could be different. And then determining what should be included for lease payments versus items that, you know, expenses that may be are period costs.

        All that attention to detail is going to be key to making sure that the accounting is accurate.



        Lisa, in your role as a subject matter expert, I’m sure you stay current on everything that’s happening. What are some of the emerging topics that companies should keep in mind while adopting the lease accounting standard?



        Absolutely. And great point. So first, I’d note that the challenges that Claire just discussed, they’re not going to go away post-adoption. Contracts are going to remain complex. They’re going to remain different. It’s not all the same and cannot be treated the same. So I think attention to detail is key. During adoption, it’s also going to be key going forward.

        I’m also finding that a lot of companies are so heavily focused on their adoption data that they’re kind of forgetting about how are they going to remain compliant going into the following year. And so 842 it does significantly reduce complexity in many areas. But there’s still going to be subjectivity in judgment and considerations that management’s going to need to think through on an ongoing basis.

        And this can include things like determining your lease term and considering renewal options, whether or not you’re reasonably certain. It also can include thinking about tenant improvement allowances in determining who the asset owner is or thinking about modifications. Again, do you treat it as a new separate contract or do you treat it as a modification to the existing contract?

        These and many other areas are going to still involve significant judgment and technical considerations to come to the right and appropriate accounting conclusion. So I think while companies need to ensure that they understand what to do during adoption, I want to make sure that they don’t lose sight of some of these nuances and that they continue to educate their team members on how to handle these facts and circumstances and the facts and circumstances that are coming up in their business.



        Claire, if you think about the audit as the final exam around this adoption, what are some of the common audit requests that you would make of your clients related to their adoption of 842?



        Good question, Joe. Hopefully it’s not as painful as a final exam, but you know, in the year of adoption, there’s a big lift from an audit standpoint to help ensure that the reporting is again, complete and accurate. And that’s kind of the theme around where we focus our audit procedures, completeness and accuracy. So, we’ll typically look to understand the procedures that the organization perform to ensure that the population is complete.

        And this is really an assessment of what’s the internal control, environment and procedures when adopting a new accounting pronouncement, is did they have a good process in place? So looking at what they did to ensure the population is complete would be a start and we would do testing around that population to ensure that it is complete, which is a challenge because you’re looking for things that aren’t there, frankly, when you’re testing for completeness.

        We also would need to test that the data within the population of leases that is identified that that data is accurate. So picking a sample of agreements that have been identified as leases under capacity, you know, 842 or GASB 87 going back to the source document testing that again, things like the payment inputs and the term of the lease are all accurately input into the lease calculation on a sample basis.

        We generally would expect that our clients would document their adoption approach that covers the considerations in the assumptions made, as well as the process to transition from the old accounting to the new accounting standard. It’s not only an assessment of the the accounting entry itself, but the process under which the company went through to to get to the end point.

        We often focus our attention more on the material or significant changes, you know, whether it’s a lease modification that’s significant or a new lease or potentially terminations in leases. So that’s really what we would that would be what we would typically do in the audit as far as audit requests for adoption of 842 or GASB 87.



        Lisa, I’m curious. Most companies will have adopted. Are there any opportunities you see in 2023 and beyond coming from these accounting changes?



        We don’t get asked that question enough, in my opinion. So I do think that there are there are a lot of opportunities that come from adopting 842. The biggest being you have better data. So first I think that that’s going to benefit external stakeholders, for instance, lenders, investors, boards, etc., individuals that are going to use the financial statements.

        I think the data that’s being compiled and presented within the financial statements under 842 is undoubtedly an improvement over what was there under 840 for leasing data, right? It’s more accurate, it’s more complete than it’s ever been. And that’s again, because there wasn’t this historical scrutiny on leasing. It didn’t need to be recognized on the balance sheet, it was spread over time.

        This change from 842, we’re now seeing that additional scrutiny and we’re seeing companies go through a very detailed adoption process to make sure that they are truly compiling all of these contracts and reflecting their future obligations accurately and completely. So I think that financial data for external reporters will or external stakeholders will certainly be improved. Equally, or perhaps more importantly, I think it’s going to also benefit management, and that’s because they’re going to have greater insights from an operational decision standpoint, again, resulting from this better dat. In addition to all the data that they used to have before,

        What we’ve typically seen as clients is to have that in Excel spreadsheets in a very decentralized process. Most of our clients are utilizing software solutions such as Visual Lease, where they can easily go and track, hey, this is where this lease is, this is how much longer we have on it. these are the payments we have, oh yeah, and we have an option to terminate.

        And there’s just a lot of data that’s now being centralized in that really allows them to cut costs, potentially to streamline their operations. This could go in the form of rethinking or revisiting your real estate footprint, consolidating amongst many, you know, a high volume number of individual contracts. And for instance, if you have a number of different individually negotiated copier leases or printers, maybe you go back and you get an MSA set up so you can consolidate them and get a better rate.

        The increased transparency that the data is bringing, it will really help management better predict future costs, and it’s going to allow them to remain more agile in this kind of ever changing economic environment that we are seeing.



        You’ve both really packed some great insights into the last 10 minutes. Any closing thoughts, Claire?



        Sure. I would say ask your auditors for their help. You know, at this point in the effective date time frame, we’ve seen lease accounting adoption over and over many times. Whereas for you, this might be your first time going through it. We’re here to provide assistance and insights so you can get through to the other side, not only compliant with the standard, but hopefully in a better spot in terms of policies and controls over the lease process.

        And like Lisa said, you know, better insight into future expenses and other operating factors that you consider when you’re going into a lease transaction. So just ask your auditors for help. I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that we need to maintain our independence so we can’t do the calculations for you. But there’s a lot that your auditors can do to help you get through this process.



        Lisa, how about from you?



        I think that the closing thought I would have is just don’t underestimate leasing, whether it be during the adoption process, which can be extensive or kind of the ongoing technical considerations. Again, this historically under 840 was one of the most highly consulted areas of gap. I don’t think that’s going to change just because 842 came in.

        It increases the level of scrutiny. And so, I continue to think that this is going to be an area where, as Claire pointed out, it’s okay to say, I need some help, I have some questions. We’re here to help and we’ve seen it with a number of different clients. So, you know, we’re happy to always take those calls and try to help as best as we possibly can.



        That will conclude today’s episode of the Visual Lease Data Institute podcast. Lisa, Claire, thank you so much for being here and sharing your wealth of knowledge in advisory and audit with us. If you enjoyed this episode and want to catch up with all things VLDI, be sure to follow our LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook pages @visuallease.

        And don’t forget to tune in to the next episode of the Visual Lease Data Institute podcast, where our focus is on helping you leverage your lease portfolio as a strategic asset.

        The post Episode 11 “Lease Accounting and Audit Insights from Leaders at Grant Thornton” first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Visual Lease Announces a Record-Breaking 2022 Thu, 19 Jan 2023 21:15:58 +0000      Company achieves its fifth consecutive year of double-digit annual recurring revenue and customer growth Woodbridge, NJ – January 19, 2023 — Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software provider,...

        The post Visual Lease Announces a Record-Breaking 2022 first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

             Company achieves its fifth consecutive year of double-digit annual recurring revenue and customer growth

        Woodbridge, NJ – January 19, 2023 Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software provider, today announced its results from 2022, reporting double-digit annual recurring revenue and customer percentage growth for five consecutive years. The organization now empowers more than 1,000 companies worldwide to sustain compliance with FASB, IFRS and GASB lease accounting standards, while simultaneously improving the financial and operational performance of their leases.

        “In 2022, we expanded our mission to help businesses leverage their lease portfolios as strategic assets,” said Visual Lease’s CEO, Robert Michlewicz. “By investing in key areas of our product and team, we further enhanced our solutions and services to best support companies during the next leg of their leasing journey. In partnering with Visual Lease, companies across all industries have the ability to easily sustain lease accounting compliance while establishing key controls to leverage their lease data in making strategic business decisions.”

        “In today’s economic environment, it is critical companies tap into the power of strong lease management and accounting solutions to remain agile,” said Visual Lease’s CPO, Amie Durr. “This can only be achieved when they partner with a solution provider that truly understands the different needs of all the teams that interact with lease data – Real Estate, Finance, Accounts Payable, Legal, Procurement, etc. – something that only Visual Lease is built to facilitate.”

        Visual Lease’s key accomplishments from 2022 include:

        Software & Service:

        • Introduced variable period calendars, including 4-4-5, 4-5-4, 5-4-4, 13-period and daily period calculations to better support organizations in retail and other sectors with lease accounting, controls and reporting under ASC 842 and IFRS 16.
        • Released enhanced Fund Accounting functionality, providing Visual Lease users in the government sector with the ability to easily track and record lease transactions on a modified accrual basis for fund accounting and a full accrual basis for government-wide reporting.
        • Provided an updated user interface to its robust yet intuitive platform.
        • Named a winner of a Bronze Stevie® Award in the Customer Service Department of the Year category in The 20th Annual American Business Awards.
        • Earned industry recognition as the leading provider of lease administration and lease accounting software:
          • Received a 2022 PropTech Breakthrough Award for Overall Lease Management Company of the Year.
          • Named a finalist of The 2022 SaaS Awards for the Best SaaS Product for Business Accounting or Finance.
          • Maintained its position as a Leader in both the Lease Administration and Lease Accounting categories on G2 throughout 2022.


        • Hosted its first in-person Customer Advisory Board Summit, a two-day event, where customers gathered to discuss the future of lease accounting, administration and optimization and how Visual Lease is uniquely supporting this evolution. During the event, the company announced the winners of its annual Visual Lease Customer Excellence Awards: American Axle & Manufacturing, CURO Financial, Hearst Communications, Huntington National Bank, Indeed, MDU Construction and Penn State Health.
        • Included in the 5000 list of fastest-growing private companies in America for the third consecutive year, named among the top 100 fastest-growing private companies in New Jersey and the 259th fastest-growing private company in the New York City area.
        • Established an AWS data center in Frankfurt, Germany, enabling EU-based clients to benefit from stronger performance, newer services and features, as well as automatic compliance with residency and regulatory laws regarding their data.

        Strategic Hires:

        Brand Recognition:

        • Named a Best Place to Work in New Jersey by NJBIZ for the third consecutive year and ranked among the top third of medium-sized companies (50 – 249 employees), moving up 15 positions in its ranking on the list, year-over-year.
        • Received a Silver Stevie Award for Great Employers in the Employer of the Year in the Computer Software category.
        • Unveiled a new report from The Visual Lease Data Institute, The 2022 Lease Market Analysis: Lease Accounting Readiness, which explores common lease accounting challenges and roadblocks experienced by private companies and government entities. Findings from the research have been featured in Wall Street Journal’s CFO Journal newsletter, CPA Practice Advisor, Globe St., Accounting Today and more.

        Alliance Partners:

        • Launched the Visual Lease Partner Marketplace, a section of its corporate website dedicated to connecting current and potential customers with its trusted network of Alliance Partners for access to top-tier support, including assistance with lease abstraction, consulting, data management, lease audit prep, portfolio reporting and analytics and more.
        • Announced its Premium Implementation Partner program to help companies master their lease administration and accounting software implementation by providing access to leading accounting and advisory firms when implementing Visual Lease’s solutions.
        • Further expanded its Alliance Partner program with premium accounting firms and services companies including Barre & Company LLC, Blue Sky Capital Strategies, LLC, Brady Ware & Company, Embark With Us, ERE, F.H. Black & Company, Vaco and Withum.
        • Co-presented ASC 842 educational webinar sessions with Grant Thornton: ASC 842 Adoption: Avoiding the Pitfalls and How to Prepare for ASC 842 Adoption.

        To keep up with announcements from Visual Lease, visit the Visual Lease Newsroom

        About Visual Lease

        Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software provider, empowers organizations to leverage their lease portfolio as a strategic asset. Our platform is uniquely designed to meet the needs of every team that interacts with a company’s lease portfolio to reduce risk, drive confident and sustained lease accounting compliance and provide the visibility required to make agile business decisions. Informed by nearly three decades of experience, our solutions help companies easily sustain compliance with FASB, IFRS and GASB lease accounting standards and implement proper lease controls to improve the financial, legal and operational performance of their leases. Our award-winning software is used by 1,000+ organizations to manage 500,000+ real estate, equipment and other leased assets globally. For more information, visit


        Media Contacts

        Erica Bonavitacola
        Visual Lease
        T+1 732 770 2270

        The post Visual Lease Announces a Record-Breaking 2022 first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        American Axel & Manufacturing Wed, 18 Jan 2023 14:44:54 +0000 A leading global automotive supply manufacturer manages its global lease portfolio and financial controls framework with the help of Visual Lease.

        The post American Axel & Manufacturing first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        A leading global automotive supply manufacturer manages its global lease portfolio and financial controls framework with the help of Visual Lease.

        The post American Axel & Manufacturing first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        MISTRAS Sun, 15 Jan 2023 14:26:43 +0000 MISTRAS manages its global lease portfolio and ASC 842 compliance with Visual Lease, leading to less risk and productivity gains.

        The post MISTRAS first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        MISTRAS manages its global lease portfolio and ASC 842 compliance with Visual Lease, leading to less risk and productivity gains.

        The post MISTRAS first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Article: Tech News: Forvis releases climate risk dashboard Sat, 14 Jan 2023 19:16:05 +0000 Lease optimization solutions provider Visual Lease has promoted Amie Durr to chief product officer; she will be the company’s first CPO. … AbacusNext, a software solutions provider specializing in the...

        The post Article: Tech News: Forvis releases climate risk dashboard first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Lease optimization solutions provider Visual Lease has promoted Amie Durr to chief product officer; she will be the company’s first CPO. … AbacusNext, a software solutions provider specializing in the accounting and legal professions, added Greg Reynolds as chief technology officer, Arik Moav as chief financial officer and James O’Connell-Cooper as senior vice president of marketing.

        The post Article: Tech News: Forvis releases climate risk dashboard first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Episode 10 “2023 Accounting Predictions with VL’s CEO, Robert Michlewicz” Thu, 12 Jan 2023 14:33:34 +0000

        When properly managed, an organization’s lease portfolio has the ability to not only reduce substantial risk, but also, introduce real business benefits. Visual Lease’s CEO, Robert Michlewicz, returns to The VLDI Podcast to discuss opportunities for transforming lease portfolios into strategic assets in 2023!

        Read Transcript

        VLDI Podcast Episode 10 Transcript


        Hi. I’m your host, Joe Fitzgerald. Happy New Year and welcome back to the Visual Lease Data Institute Podcast. Here at VL, we empower organizations to turn their lease portfolio into a strategic asset. Our solutions help companies easily sustain compliance with FASB, IFRS and GASB lease accounting standards, as well as implement proper lease controls to improve the financial and operational performance of their leases.

        Today, I’m joined by Visual Lease’s CEO, Robert Michlewicz. With 2022 now pretty much behind us, there are many things we’ve learned when it comes to lease portfolio management and optimization. So, let’s dive right in. Welcome back, Robert, and thanks for joining us.



        Thank you, Joe. Great to be back here with you.



        So let’s talk about what’s on the horizon for 2023. Most companies have now addressed their lease accounting compliance requirements. Is it true that maintaining this compliance is just as important as achieving it in the first place?



        Absolutely. In today’s economic climate, companies can’t afford to neglect one of their largest expense items, which for many is their lease portfolio. Many companies we talked to are stunned to find out that after headcount related expenses, leases are typically the second largest expense. To further complicate matters, leases are very dynamic agreements, and the economic market in recent years means companies are often subject to changes that need to be documented, tracked and reported over time to ensure proper and ongoing compliance with the lease accounting standards.

        When considering it from that perspective, you assume companies are keeping close tabs on their leases. But before the introduction of the new lease accounting standards, public and private companies as well as government agencies, tend to neglect their lease agreements. Thankfully, the new lease accounting standards have given businesses a time sensitive reason to maintain strong lease accounting and administration processes.



        With initial compliance in the rearview mirror, what should be top of mind for CFOs this year?



        Well, if they haven’t already, CFOs should focus on ensuring they have the right technology to help their company sustain compliance while implementing proper lease controls. This is critical given the number of teams that are typically involved in these processes. Just to name a few: real estate groups, operations, finance, legal and procurement are typically involved.

        By taking these steps, a company can ensure the right people have access to the right information at the right time. Otherwise, they’ll unnecessarily expose their organizations to risks. These can include the inability to respond to changing circumstances, missing deadlines and options, miscalculating lease costs, missing an incentive or reimbursement, or even overpaying and assuming responsibilities that belonged with their lessor. With leases now being represented on the balance sheet, these agreements are priorities to CFOs.

        This critical shift has provided businesses with an opportunity to really get a handle on their leases. In fact, when prioritized, are properly managed, an organization’s lease portfolio has the ability to not only reduce substantial risk, but also introduce real business benefits, including cost savings opportunities, stronger internal controls, access to capital via a more transparent evaluation criteria, easier audit prep, and the ability to make more strategic operational decisions in the future.



        So, Robert, when I opened up our conversation, I said that VL can help companies transform their lease portfolios into a strategic asset. What exactly does that mean?



        Yes, Visual Lease is uniquely designed to meet the needs of every team that interacts with a company’s lease portfolio, to reduce risk, drive confident and sustain lease accounting compliance, and provide the visibility required to make agile business decisions. The only way that companies can access the unique insights within a lease portfolio is to first align and implement a robust set of lease controls, which is something Visual Lease is uniquely positioned to do based on over 25 years and helping businesses across all industries get maximum value out of their leases.

        We offer control structures that bring finance, administrative and operational stakeholders, the ability to work together in a way that they’ve never been able to before by empowering finance and their counterparts across the business to better understand their leases and access the insights within. We empower them to bring even more strategic value to their companies.



        So Robert, I don’t know if you get your crystal ball sitting next to you… But any predictions for the fintech world in 2023?



        Oh, it’s going to be an amazing year! In our current economic climate, you know, companies are going to just continue to be hard pressed to do more with less and really focus in on their overall cash. This year, businesses are more likely to prioritize financial technology that can really address the multiple business needs to create an even greater return on investment as they continue to evolve with their virtual teams.



        Would you care to leave our audience with a parting thought?



        Well, you know, I’m really excited to say that we’re going to have a new survey report coming out from the Visual Lease Data Institute that’s currently in the works right now. It’s going to dive into hot topics like lease management, lease optimization, ESG and several other things that are impacting organizations. We had this report in 2022, and it provided a tremendous amount of value to not only our customers, but our partners.

        So be on the lookout for this as we go into 2023.



        That will conclude today’s episode of the VLDI Podcast. Robert, thank you so much for joining us again and sharing your valuable knowledge. If you enjoyed this episode and want to catch up with other resources from the Visual Lease Data Institute, be sure to follow our LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook pages @visuallease, as well as our new LinkedIn community page, which you can join by using the link in the YouTube description below.

        And don’t forget to tune in to the next episode of the Visual Lease Data Institute Podcast, where our focus is on helping you leverage your lease portfolio as a strategic asset.

        The post Episode 10 “2023 Accounting Predictions with VL’s CEO, Robert Michlewicz” first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        4 Common Risk Areas Found in a Lease Portfolio: What to Know and How to Avoid Them Tue, 10 Jan 2023 21:25:45 +0000 Today, many organizations lack control over their leases, which increases the risk of making costly errors, such as overpaying or missing a date for termination or renewal. (90% of senior...

        The post 4 Common Risk Areas Found in a Lease Portfolio: What to Know and How to Avoid Them first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

        Today, many organizations lack control over their leases, which increases the risk of making costly errors, such as overpaying or missing a date for termination or renewal. (90% of senior Real Estate Executives do not believe they have access to the data they need to make an informed decision about their company’s lease portfolio.)

        With leases usually serving as a business’ second-largest expense, they are far too valuable to overlook and undermanage.

        Here are four common risks areas found in your lease portfolio and how to avoid them.

        1. Inaccurate, unreliable lease data

        Leases contain hundreds of unique terms and options that evolve over time. To remain aware of each liability and option, you’ll need to have visibility into the details within your leases.

        As leases change, it’s important to keep track of every update or modification that has been made to your leases. By doing so, you will ensure that your data – and as a result, your financial reporting – is always accurate.

        To get a firm grasp on your lease data, first identify all lease contracts within your organization and then, centralize your lease data within a reliable lease accounting solution that enables you to view and maintain your leases as they change, and also, know what updates were made and when.

        2. Lease misclassification

        To comply with the lease accounting standards, companies are required to classify leases as operating or finance leases at their inception. The distinction is important since misclassification can impact:

        • The balance sheet
        • Expenses related to operating and finance leases
        • Understanding of credit agreements and covenants that may limit the number of finance leases
        • Company metrics, bonuses or incentive plans due to misclassified “geography” of the respective accounts in the balance sheet

        To ensure accurate classification of leases, it’s important to implement processes that support the criteria for reporting on operating and finance leases. Utilize your lease accounting solution to help your team properly classify leases and record them on the balance sheet.

        3. A lengthy, expensive audit process

        Your audit will likely take more time without a view into the lease accounting calculations and adjustments made to your lease data. To reduce time (and money), provide auditors with a complete view into your lease data, along with a full audit trail of every change – both of which can be accomplished by utilizing a strong lease accounting and administration platform.

        Further, automated calculations backed by a SOC 1 Type 2 certification ensure everything is by the book for a seamless audit process. This added layer of necessary verification ultimately reduces the time auditors spend verifying accuracy and decreases the risk of any miscalculations.

        4. Lease overpayments

        Leases are complex, expensive contracts with many different terms, options and important dates. However, nearly three-quarters (71%) of private companies say they are not confident about the complete cost of their leases.

        This lack of visibility into your leases can put you at risk of making significant overpayments and costly mistakes. Luckily, this can be addressed by implementing technology and processes that make it easy to keep track of your lease terms.

        By keeping close tabs on your leases through technology, you can identify opportunities to save money within your lease portfolio, be aware of options and exercise windows and avoid confusion regarding repair and maintenance costs.

        Protect your business from risks with end-to-end lease administration and lease accounting.

        To avoid the risks associated with not having complete visibility into your lease portfolio, it’s important to maintain automation, lease controls and strong collaboration across all departments that touch the leasing process.

        Choosing software like Visual Lease can help you reduce risk, drive confident and sustained lease accounting compliance and provide the visibility required to make agile business decisions. We can help you implement robust lease controls that support continued compliance with FASB, IFRS and GASB lease accounting standards, while empowering you to maximize the financial and operational performance of your leases.

        The post 4 Common Risk Areas Found in a Lease Portfolio: What to Know and How to Avoid Them first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Visual Lease Appoints Amie Durr as First Chief Product Officer Mon, 09 Jan 2023 14:00:44 +0000 Company continues to strengthen senior leadership team and invest in product innovation Woodbridge, NJ – January 9, 2023 — Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software provider, today announced its...

        The post Visual Lease Appoints Amie Durr as First Chief Product Officer first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

        Company continues to strengthen senior leadership team and invest in product innovation

        Woodbridge, NJ – January 9, 2023Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software provider, today announced its first Chief Product Officer, Amie Durr. Having most recently served as the company’s SVP of Product, Durr brings nearly 15 years of product management experience to Visual Lease. With the introduction of this C-level office, Durr will oversee the organization’s Product and Engineering teams to ensure continued product innovation with even greater speed to market.

        “For more than 26 years, Visual Lease has helped companies maximize the value of their leases,” said Visual Lease CEO, Robert Michlewicz. “We remain committed to delivering a platform that empowers organizations to leverage their lease portfolios as strategic assets. With Amie’s expert guidance and direction, our Product and Engineering teams will work seamlessly together while introducing new platform features and functionality that enable our customers to fully control and leverage their portfolios to make stronger business decisions.”

        Durr joined Visual Lease in August 2022 as SVP of Product. Prior to joining the company, Durr was the Vice President of Product Management at SparkPost, where she was responsible for products delivering nearly 40% of all commercial emails. Amie’s contributions were a driving force behind MessageBird’s acquisition of SparkPost for $600M in 2021.

        “Our most recent survey under The Visual Lease Data Institute found that 83% of companies are not prioritizing dedicated technology, people and processes to successfully manage their lease-related expenses,” said Durr. “In my new role, I am excited to champion continued product innovation to help these organizations use Visual Lease to not only sustain lease accounting compliance, but also, optimize their leases for a range of tangible business benefits.”

        To keep up with announcements from Visual Lease, visit the Visual Lease Newsroom.

        About Visual Lease

        Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software provider, empowers organizations to leverage their lease portfolio as a strategic asset. Our platform is uniquely designed to meet the needs of every team that interacts with a company’s lease portfolio to reduce risk, drive confident and sustained lease accounting compliance and provide the visibility required to make agile business decisions. Informed by nearly three decades of experience, our solutions help companies easily sustain compliance with FASB, IFRS and GASB lease accounting standards and implement proper lease controls to improve the financial, legal and operational performance of their leases. Our award-winning software is used by 1,000+ organizations to manage 500,000+ real estate, equipment and other leased assets globally. For more information, visit


        Media Contacts

        Erica Bonavitacola
        Visual Lease
        T+1 732 860 4838


        The post Visual Lease Appoints Amie Durr as First Chief Product Officer first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Episode 9 “Get Equipped to Master Your Equipment Leases” Wed, 28 Dec 2022 14:55:09 +0000

        Should we lease or should we buy? How has the pandemic impacted the equipment leasing market? What does my company need to know in order to confidently enter new lease agreements? All these questions answered and more in the newest episode of The VLDI Podcast!

        Tune in to hear host Joe Fitzgerald sit down with Jim Cross, Co-CEO of Blue Sky Capital Strategies (a valued partner of Visual Lease), to discuss the evolution of equipment leasing.

        Read Transcript

        VLDI Podcast Episode 9 Transcript


        Hello and welcome to the next episode of the Visual Lease Data Institute Podcast. Here at VL, we help organizations become compliant with FASB, IFRS and GASB lease accounting standards while simultaneously improving the financial, legal and operational performance of their leases. I’m your host, Joe Fitzgerald. Today’s special guest is Jim Cross, co-CEO at Blue Sky Capital Strategies, a valued partner of Visual Lease.

        Over the past 20 years, Jim has been instrumental in developing managed lease advisory programs, best practices and leasing strategies that deliver significant savings for clients ranging from Fortune 50 to Fortune 500 to several smaller public and private companies with credit profiles ranging from Double-A to early venture backed startups. Jim is trained and certified in lease versus purchase analysis, as well as various linear pricing optimization methodologies, which has enabled him to provide boardroom level after tax cash flow analysis and decision support for lease versus purchase decisions on all kinds of assets.

        Jim has been responsible for advising corporate clientele as well as debt and equity investors in structured lease transactions for variety of assets. Jim’s specialties lie in lease negotiations, lease versus purchase analysis and lease syndications. In today’s episode, we’ll focus on what you need to know about equipment leases. Welcome, Jim. Thanks for joining us. We’re very happy to have you on the show today.



        Thanks, Joe. Looking forward to this.



        So, Jim, in your bio, I introduced you as being trained and certified in lease versus purchase analysis, as well as various linear pricing optimization methodologies. Now, I know that’s a mouthful. Would you mind explaining what each of these are?



        Sure. Thanks for the introduction, Joe. We really appreciate our partnership with Visual Lease and it’s great to have the opportunity to talk through a few of these leasing topics that procurement professionals, treasurers, controllers and CFOs are looking for guidance on. This is a really good question to start today’s conversation with, because an accurate lease versus purchase analysis should be the foundation for decision support on what to lease, how to structure and negotiate the contracts, as well as how to model the timing of the lease payments and the buyout options.

        The most accurate form of lease versus purchase analysis really is the net present value of the after tax cash flows when it’s combined with the correct residual assumptions, using the correct discount rates for an equipment financing versus the borrowing rate for the company’s most secured over collateralized credit agreements. We review and provide feedback on lease versus purchase analysis really on a weekly basis.

        Most often these models are built in Microsoft Excel and several of the input variables for the analysis are flawed. For about 25 years now, we’ve been using the most sophisticated software available for lease versus purchase analysis. We use a combination of credit markets data collected from our Bloomberg Terminal to feed software from every consulting for the lease versus purchase.

        We frequently update our training. We participate in workshops for using these software tools for the lease versus purchase models that we produce for our clients, so they’re technically accurate for board level decision support and auditing. As far as the linear pricing optimization, this is really just an optional structuring and pricing approach that’s typically reserved for big ticket complex transactions.

        The linear pricing optimization creates an uneven payment stream for the timing of the lease payments, as well as the timing for multiple early buyout options. This pricing optimization calculation, it delivers the absolute lowest net present value of after tax cash flows for the borrowers. The lease versus purchase models really need to be updated on a regular basis so that they can produce an accurate analysis that helps companies to realize the many benefits of leasing and to optimize the savings.



        Jim, let me ask in what ways has the pandemic followed on closely by the current economy affected equipment leasing?



        Even with the headwinds of the Labor market, the ongoing supply chain issues, inflationary pressures and big swings in monetary policy, 2022 has been a record year for equipment financing. A recent study from the Equipment Lease Financing Association shows over a 5% increase in year to date compared to 2021. Equipment financing is being used now more than ever. The market is expected to grow from 1.1 trillion in 2020 to 1.8 trillion in 2025.

        The equipment financing market is then expected to grow at a record pace to reach two and a half trillion by 2030. So anytime we have a bear market and a downturn in the economy, every treasurer and CFO wants to preserve cash. So in addition to a record year of new equipment financing volumes, we’re looking at a lot of sale leaseback opportunities to bring cash back onto the balance sheet while the banks are still getting the full advantage of the bonus depreciation that starts sunsetting this year.

        As the Fed has been tightening credit, there’s huge swings in how credit committees are approving and pricing these transactions. The regulated banks are the very first lenders that get alligator arms on extending credit during difficult times, especially for the middle market credits. So these specialties and independent lessors that are not regulated and they’re quick to step in and fill this gap.

        There are so many companies that have been recently declined on credit approvals, so they’re quick to accept these term sheets from the specialty and the independent lessors that are filling these gaps. We’re now seeing rates, terms and conditions similar to what we saw when the financial markets imploded in 2008. So this is when you could really use an advisor to help you navigate through these cleverly written term sheets and use some real time market intelligence, as well as leverage to negotiate with these lessors for immediate and long term savings.

        Another significant change that we’ve seen are the residual positions that the lessors are taking in the different equipment categories. Since the pandemic, we’re seeing record swings in residuals in several different categories, ranging from materials handling to multifunction copier devices. I can’t stress enough how important it is to understand where the residuals have been, where they are today, and where they’ll be next year.

        Then most importantly is how to use that market intelligence that develops strategies to save money on your equipment lease contracts.



        So, Jim, next question. Given the numbers in terms of the growth that you just mentioned over the next several years, it sounds like you expect these trends that you’ve been talking about and we’ve been experiencing to last well into next year and beyond. Is that true?



        Yeah, it really is. You know, the number one trend that we’ve seen is preservation of cash. Without a doubt, we’re seeing more companies than ever convert from buying their CapEx assets to some form of equipment leasing. In parallel with this desire to preserve cash, there’s really an unprecedented interest in the development of best practices and strategies for managing the life cycle of the leasing contracts to deliver savings.

        Another trend that we’re seeing is a focus on the lease accounting reporting. The new lease accounting standards have put a spotlight on how these leases are executed, the terms and conditions in the contracts, as well as how the contracts are managed. So we’re very fortunate to have this partnership alliance in place with Visual Lease to deliver this data for our clients.

        Another trend is companies have always negotiated for savings. There seems to be a heightened sense of urgency for significant savings and these equipment lease contracts. There’s really never been a better time to be at the forefront of lease accounting and lease advisory services because the financial planning and analysis that feeds the strategy as well as the reporting that we produce for our clients typically delivers savings of about 20%.



        Jim, For the next one, I’m going to go off script a little bit here just based upon some of the stuff you’ve been saying. So where we sit in Visual Lease, when we find that we brought customers on for the lease accounting standard, it was interesting that a lot of companies really didn’t do much to manage the end of term around their non-real estate assets, their equipment leases.

        And so I’m just curious, given where things are headed, do you see an increase in the need for outsourced managed services, the administration of equipment lease portfolios, particularly as it relates to the end of term?



        Yeah, for sure. The the new lease accounting standards have been extremely helpful in pushing the topic of lease administration to the top of the priority list for CFO and controllers. Over the past 25 years that we’ve provided lease advisory services. I’ve never seen so much attention and resources allocated to the oversight of the equipment lease portfolio as we’ve seen today.

        I’m not suggesting that there’s been a complete void of oversight for the last 25 years. I’m just saying we’re now seeing a level of senior management involvement that we’ve never seen in the past. The new lease accounting standards have been beneficial in so many ways. One, for instance, it has forced the coordination and the consolidation of the business units, leasing activities that often went unnoticed and not properly reported.

        It has also forced those responsible for lease administration to expose and improve upon the terms and conditions such as interim rents, mandatory extensions and the end of term options that have historically been used as some of the most significant yield enhancers for these leasing companies. Lease administration has really evolved simply from negotiating, managing and controlling the contract terms and conditions to the development of portfolio strategies that deliver millions of dollars in savings.

        From our perspective, lease administration is finally viewed as a strategic role that has a positive influence on the company’s bottom line.



        So, Jim, let me get one final question here. Kind of your closing thoughts on how a company can best set themselves up for success and properly evaluating lease transactions as they go out into the future.



        To successfully evaluate your leasing transactions… It’s not just about the contracts. I would suggest that properly evaluating these transactions include an evaluation of things like Are your lessors capable of supporting your internal processes for purchase orders to the vendors and even understanding the lessors invoicing capabilities. You really need to focus on every detail, including the term sheet proposal in every word in the contracts.

        You need to understand what goes in to your lease rate factor. You might not ever know exactly for sure how the lender priced the debt and the equity for the transaction, but there are several ways that you can get really close. And this will help for the better understanding the lessors residual position on the equipment and their overall yield expectations.

        You don’t agree to move forward on any of your leasing transactions until you’ve had a chance to review all of the terms and conditions in the master lease agreement, the schedule, the equipment, return writer provisions, even the step loss tables. All of these are open for negotiation. That lease rate factor is really just the tip of the iceberg for the total cost of ownership on these contracts.

        And third, make certain that you have complete clarity on the lessors verbage for how things like base rate commencement and firm term commencement are executed to really ensure that you aren’t paying any unnecessary interim rents. And if you do have fair market value contracts for your equipment, make absolutely certain that you aren’t limited to things like 12 month extension options.

        Make certain that you also have any or all versus all or none extensions or return provisions. The last thing that I can think of is evaluating your equipment leasing at a portfolio level by developing baselines for your current pricing terms and conditions, and then using those baselines to measure improvements in savings on an annual basis.



        That will conclude today’s episode of The Visual Lease Data Institute Podcast. Jim, thanks so much for being here and sharing your perspective on all things equipment leases. If you enjoyed this episode and want to catch up with other resources from The Visual Lease Data Institute, be sure to follow our LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook pages at Visual Lease, as well as our new LinkedIn community page.

        Join using the link at the YouTube description below. And don’t forget to tune in to the next episode of The Visual Lease Data Institute Podcast, where our focus is on helping you leverage your lease portfolio as a strategic asset.

        The post Episode 9 “Get Equipped to Master Your Equipment Leases” first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        How to Prepare for the Perfect Year-End Close Wed, 28 Dec 2022 13:59:43 +0000 Accounting teams are often left scrambling to find lease information needed to wrap up the year and prepare for their audit. As businesses approach year-end, how can they ensure an...

        The post How to Prepare for the Perfect Year-End Close first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

        Accounting teams are often left scrambling to find lease information needed to wrap up the year and prepare for their audit.

        As businesses approach year-end, how can they ensure an easier closing of the books? It starts by having visibility and control of lease information, maintaining strong lease accounting procedures and open communication between accounting and real estate teams throughout the year. Let’s take a closer look at these strategies.

        The role lease accounting plays in a year-end close

        Closing the books for the year is an annual process that most companies have to perform. Although this process can be tedious and time consuming, it’s vital to make sure all financial information about your business is accurate.

        To be as efficient as possible, companies should work throughout the year to ensure processes are in place each month for a straightforward monthly close. A regular, clean month-end close sets businesses up to successfully and seamlessly execute a final closing of the books at the end of the year.

        No year-end close checklist is complete without making sure all leases and related financial documents are up to date and correct. After all, for most businesses, the cost and value of their leases are second only to the cost of their people. As a result, if a company’s lease accounting information isn’t complete and accurate, it can lead to expensive errors (such as findings, like a material weakness, significant deficiency or control weakness) and waste time during the year-end closing process.

        Monthly procedures to maintain accurate lease accounting

        Without accurate lease accounting, businesses risk making costly mistakes. According to the Visual Lease 2021 Lease Accounting Readiness report, 99% of senior finance and accounting professionals surveyed at private companies expressed concern regarding several pitfalls of misreporting company lease information, including:

        • Increased audit fees and fines (51%)
        • Risk of legal action (48%)

        To avoid these expensive risks and stay on top of monthly lease accounting, accounting teams should implement the following procedures.

        1. Centralize financial information for leases: A lease accounting software like Visual Lease can help keep track of this critical information for the company.
        2. Set a clear timeline: Ensure teams are on the same page and are on track to deliver all necessary information.
        3. Standardize all processes: Having a system for your lease accounting procedures allows your accounting teams to easily repeat them each month.
        4. Communicate regularly with the real estate team: Make sure your business’ real estate team knows what information they must relay to the accounting team and by when. It’s important to work with lease accounting software that can create a system audit trail and show what changes are made to which leases, who made the changes, and when.

        If your accounting teams use the right lease accounting software, maintain clear expectations and processes, and collaborate with the real estate team, your business will have an easier and more accurate closing of the books each year. These steps also set up your company for financial success for years to come.


        The post How to Prepare for the Perfect Year-End Close first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        How to Use the 4 Methods of Calculating Depreciation Under US GAAP Thu, 22 Dec 2022 20:20:03 +0000 What is depreciation in accounting? The 4 depreciation methods in accounting Can you change depreciation methods from year to year? Straight line method Declining balance method Units of production depreciation...

        The post How to Use the 4 Methods of Calculating Depreciation Under US GAAP first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

        To maintain accurate accounting, many companies must follow generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP or US GAAP), which work on the assumption that almost every type of business asset loses value over time.

        What is depreciation in accounting?

        Depreciation allows organizations to account for this lost value and allocate the cost of a tangible asset over its useful life – the estimated lifespan of a depreciable fixed asset, during which it can be expected to contribute to company operations. In accounting, useful life is an important concept since a fixed asset is depreciated over this period of time.

        GAAP introduced a set of accounting procedures for asset depreciation to ensure consistency and accuracy among organizations.

        The 4 depreciation methods in accounting

        To properly depreciate an asset under GAAP, accounting professionals must calculate the total cost of the asset, how long the asset will last before it must be replaced and how much an asset can sell for at the end of its useful life.

        There are four methods for calculating depreciation:

        • Straight line method
        • Declining balance method
        • Units of production method
        • Sum-of-the-years’ digits method

        Can you change depreciation methods from year to year?

        The depreciation method can change from year to year, however it’s best to remain consistent to ensure compliance with the US GAAP standards. Proper documentation to demonstrate the change and justification must be provided.

        Accountants are responsible for figuring out the correct GAAP depreciation method to use based on which method will achieve the most satisfactory allocation of cost. Let’s look more closely at these methods and how businesses can apply them.

        Accountants are responsible for figuring out the correct GAAP depreciation method to use based on which method will achieve the most satisfactory allocation of cost. Let’s look more closely at these methods and how businesses can apply them.

        1. Straight line method

        The simplest and most popular method of depreciation is the straight line method. This involves deducting the salvage value from the cost of the asset and dividing the resulting number by the asset’s useful life.

        To illustrate this formula, let’s say a company buys a $15,000 machine with a salvage value of $4,000 and a useful life of 10 years. If the company in this example used the straight line method of depreciation, the annual depreciation cost would be $1,100. 

        2. Declining balance method

        The declining balance method — a form of accelerated depreciation — allows an organization to depreciate an asset more heavily during its earlier years using a fixed percentage rate. The double declining method is a subset of the declining balance method, but as the name implies, it doubles the rate of depreciation.

        These methods are most useful for assets that lose value quickly, such as vehicles, computers, cellphones or other technology.

        3. Units of production depreciation method

        The formula for the units of production method is similar to that of the straight line method. But instead of using time to define the useful life of an asset, this method uses the number of units produced or hours of operation.

        The units of production method allows organizations to deduct higher depreciation costs during years when an asset is used more or produces more units. For example, this may be utilized by a manufacturing company that used a specific piece of machinery to produce X units in 2022 but that will be phased out in 2023 so they will have a lower rate of depreciation next year.

        4. Sum-of-the-years’ digits method

        The most complex method is the sum of the years’ digits, which is another form of accelerated depreciation. This method provides a better indication of value for fast-depreciating assets. Because the depreciation formula for the sum of the years’ digits is difficult to calculate, it can present a cumbersome challenge for asset-heavy businesses.

        Knowing when and how to apply these various depreciation methods in compliance with GAAP can be complicated. Leveraging an innovative software solution such as Visual Lease can help your organization streamline the process, eliminate risk exposure and save more on taxes.

        Interested in lease accounting?

        Take the next step and schedule a demo with Visual Lease to ease your lease accounting needs today!

        The post How to Use the 4 Methods of Calculating Depreciation Under US GAAP first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Why Sustained Lease Accounting Compliance Depends on Automation Tue, 20 Dec 2022 19:19:12 +0000

        On-demand webinar summary

        How do you maintain confident, ongoing lease accounting compliance as your leases evolve?

        In our recent webinar, Why Sustained Lease Accounting Compliance Depends on Automation, lease accounting experts from Visual Lease shared:

        • The post-adoption lease accounting landscape
        • The difficulties and risks of using spreadsheets
        • Why auditors prefer software for reliability



        Joe Fitzgerald

        SVP of Lease Market Strategy
        Visual Lease

        Jason Lucas

        Manager, Sales Engineering Visual Lease

        Track changing lease terms

        As leases change, it’s virtually impossible to track them manually or using a spreadsheet. This is often because businesses typically have a large volume of leases – and each one contains its own unique, complex lease terms that must be interpreted.

        Lease accounting technology is the only way to update lease clauses and options without having to manually sift through contracts. This saves a lot of time – and headache – when maintaining compliance.

        Further, having easily-accessible lease data also enables you to leverage your lease data beyond compliance and make smarter business decisions, such as identifying gaps and savings opportunities.


        Provide historical lease data for audits

        Without technology that offers a complete audit trail of every update made to your leases, you, internal stakeholders and your auditors will be left wondering if your lease data is fully reliable or up-to-date.

        Unlike spreadsheets, lease accounting technology also ensures you can track who, what, where and when updates were made, so you can be fully confident in the accuracy of the data at the time of an audit.


        Accurate calculations and reports

        Just one error within your lease accounting calculation can lead to a failed audit.

        Technology, like Visual Lease, ensures precise calculations and reports – and reduces time and resources needed to do so. Additionally, if you use a spreadsheet, you are also going to be limited to the number of transactions that can be tracked and reported. This will create issues that can be avoided from using automated technology that offers calculations that are explained in every screen and backed by SOC I Type II audits that ensure consistency.


        Want to see more? View the on-demand webinar for a closer look at how Visual Lease supports Day 2 lease accounting compliance: Why Sustained Lease Accounting Compliance Depends on Automation.


        The post Why Sustained Lease Accounting Compliance Depends on Automation first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        5 Questions That Should Be on Every Financial Leader’s Mind Mon, 19 Dec 2022 15:27:38 +0000 When considering the financial impact of your lease portfolio, there are five questions to keep in mind. Detailed below, answering these questions can help you better understand: Your readiness for...

        The post 5 Questions That Should Be on Every Financial Leader’s Mind first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

        When considering the financial impact of your lease portfolio, there are five questions to keep in mind.

        Detailed below, answering these questions can help you better understand:

        • Your readiness for sustained lease accounting compliance
        • How to reduce risks within your leases
        • Your preparedness for the next compliance task
        • Whether your organization has enough resources
        • How to ensure efficiency and accuracy

        Here’s how each of these critical points can affect your business’ success in 2023.


        1. Is your business set up to sustain lease accounting compliance?

        After initial adoption of the lease accounting standards, you will have to stay on top of evolving lease data to stay compliant. Every change made to your leases (such as terminations, expirations, etc.) will need to be tracked.

        Without the right tools, this is a complicated process due to the intricacies of the lease terms and the high volume of leases an organization holds. Your business can’t sustain confident, ongoing compliance without proper lease controls.

        Software solutions that provide lease administration and lease controls help organizations maintain accurate, up-to-date lease data and confident lease accounting. But not all lease accounting lease accounting technology supports ongoing lease administration required for ongoing lease accounting compliance. Unlike many other software solutions, Visual Lease has built-in lease administration capabilities required to keep businesses compliant.

        2. How can your company reduce risk within its leases?

        Leases are costly, complex contracts. Having the right controls in place ensures that businesses are equipped with full visibility into these dynamic documents which allows financial leaders to avoid costly risks associated with their lease portfolios.

        Without the right lease controls in place, businesses run the risk of making overpayments and missing lease options – both which cost the company and hurt the bottom line. In addition, lacking full visibility into your business’s lease portfolio could result in inaccurate financial reporting which then brings the risk of falling into non-compliance along with being subject to costly audits and fines.

        3. Is your company prepared for the next compliance task (ESG)?

        As ESG (environmental, social and governance) garners increasing attention and ESG reporting regulations continue to evolve, financial leaders must evaluate their preparedness. In fact, according to a 2021 survey from PwC, 79% of investors identified ESG risk as an important factor in investment decisions.

        When it comes to corporate leases, accurate and efficient portfolio management — along with lease optimization — can help companies comply with ESG priorities. For example, businesses can evaluate leases and lessors to show they are good ESG partners with greener building or equipment initiatives in place.

        Setting up the right data-gathering methods and technology also allows companies to constantly evaluate their leased asset portfolio for areas that can be consolidated and reduced, creating a more sustainable portfolio.

        4. Do you have enough resources to support lease accounting compliance and optimization?

        With the current shortage of finance workers (exacerbated by the Great Resignation), increasing compliance regulations and higher workloads, your business must prepare to enable teams for lease accounting and management success. Now more than ever, it’s important to invest in streamlined communication processes among departments as well as the right technology.

        5. How can your organization increase efficiency and ensure accuracy?

        Automation can help save businesses both time and money. Lease accounting involves complicated calculations that, if handled incorrectly, can lead to expensive mistakes. Automation serves to reduce the risk of costly human errors, avoid additional audit fees and streamline operations. In this way, integrations with the right lease accounting and management partners, such as Visual Lease, can help set up your company for lease portfolio success in 2023.

        Whether your lease accounting goals for 2023 involve saving money on audits or increasing efficiency while maintaining compliance, it’s important to have a plan regarding how you will attain them. And at the end of the day, it’s the right combination of people and technology that will best help you achieve your lease accounting and optimization goals.


        The post 5 Questions That Should Be on Every Financial Leader’s Mind first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        How to Prepare for Day 2 Lease Accounting Thu, 15 Dec 2022 21:25:00 +0000

        On-demand webinar summary

        Your lease portfolio requires consistent upkeep to remain compliant with ASC 842. As your leases change, how will you stay audit-ready?

        In our recent webinar, How to Prepare for Day 2 Lease Accounting, experts from Visual Lease and BDO shared insight into:

        • What’s required to remain compliant throughout Day 2
        • When to reassess and remeasure
        • Processes to implement now for success later

        Joe Fitzgerald

        SVP of Lease Market Strategy
        Visual Lease

        Matthew Coker

        Managing Director, Accounting & Reporting Advisory Services BDO USA, LLP

        Key Elements to Sustain Lease Accounting Compliance


        When identifying a process to ensure ongoing lease accounting compliance, ask yourself:

        1. Have leases been added, terminated, shortened, extended or impaired?​
        2. Have there been changes to service agreements (embedded leases)?​
        3. Have assumptions changed related to extensions or purchase options?​
        4. Have leasehold improvements been made?​
        5. Do you have a process in place to maintain completeness and accuracy?


        When to Reassess Leases

        As leases evolve, you will need to continuously review them. In particular, it’s important to be aware of the following:

        • A significant event or change within the lessee’s control directly affects whether the lessee is reasonably certain to exercise (or not to exercise) an option​
        • An event occurs that contractually obliges the lessee to exercise (or not to exercise) an option to extend or terminate the lease​
        • The lessee elects to exercise an option even though the entity had previously determined that the lessee was not reasonably certain to do so​
        • The lessee elects not to exercise an option even though the entity had previously determined that the lessee was reasonably certain to do so​


        When to Remeasure

        There are numerous conditions that impact when to remeasure a lease.

        To learn more about what is required to maintain ongoing lease accounting compliance, view the on-demand webinar: How to Prepare for Day 2 Lease Accounting.



        The post How to Prepare for Day 2 Lease Accounting first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Episode 8 “Fund Accounting for Leases” Tue, 01 Nov 2022 17:58:47 +0000

        SVP of Lease Market Strategy and Host, Joe Fitzgerald, sat down with Manager of Technical Accounting, Rosemary Courtney, to discuss how companies can tackle their fund accounting for leases.

        Read Transcript

        VLDI Podcast Episode 8 Transcript


        Hi, I’m your host, Joe Fitzgerald. Welcome back to the Visual Lease Data Institute podcast. Today’s guest is none other than Rosemary Courtney, Manager of Technical Accounting on the Product team at Visual Lease. For those of you who missed Rosemary’s previous episode with us when we discussed GASB 96. Rosemary has extensive experience in the financial space, particularly general accounting, financial close and reporting. She brings financial insight, strategic focus and business sense to all aspects of operations within the business. So let’s jump right in. Hello and welcome back, Rosemary. Thanks for joining us. 


        Thanks, Joe. Happy to be here. 


        So to start off, Rosemary, can you tell us about how you and your team support the development of Visual Lease? 


        Sure. My team and I work closely with the rest of the product team and the developers. We help them to design and model new product features. And whenever there’s a new regulatory standard or a change in a previous standard or just in general, the platform needs some enhancement in some way, we’ll help test accounting scenarios before the output is given to the customers. And that’s called user acceptance testing. So we step in and act like the customers react when using the platform. With the outside world, we also meet with third parties like technical accounting consultants and our alliance partners and even the folks at the Accounting Standards Boards. We like to check in once in a while just to make sure we’re interpreting things correctly. 


        So, Rosemary, with all the government customers, that Visual Lease has been onboarding of late. A concept that keeps coming up is fund accounting. Could you explain kind of broadly what fund accounting is? 


        So fund accountings been around for a very long time. And fund accounting is the way accountants in non-profits like universities, hospitals and then all governments use fund accounting. It helps literally track the amount of cash assigned to different purposes. And the usage of that cash, the accountant is trying to make sure that money is not misappropriated for the wrong type of expenditure. 

        The money that comes in and out of that fund is restricted to be only for that specific purpose in non-profits. A good example is an endowment. So someone passes away and then donates as part of their will. Then within governments they’re given money or they raise money through taxes or municipal bonds, and that money gets budgeted for a specific purpose. 

        So the government fund accounting really have to keep a close eye on the cash balances and also the liabilities for that fund and also the vendor payments. The fund is a standalone organizational structure. It’s kind of like a department. 


        How is Visual Lease helping companies tackle fund accounting for their leases? 


        So what Visual Lease is doing is we’re giving the customer all of those journal entries that align with the government wide reporting. But then we’re also slicing and dicing those journal entries into the fund information that they need so they can satisfy what’s called their Annual Comprehensive Financial Report, which is the big government wide report that they do. 

        But at any given time, they can also explain to management or outsiders what the balances are in each of the funds, including lease related transactions. As the customer can take these fund journal entries, these additional fund journal entries, and they can automatically put them into their ERP if that’s where they belong. Or we leave them available in the event that they have a separate ledger for their fund transfer actions. 

        So we give them the flexibility there. 


        Can you walk us through the differences between modified accrual and full accrual for us accountants? 


        Sure. So we probably should start with what I think everybody recognizes, which is cash basis accounting. The cash comes and goes into the funds. But when we graduate to this full accrual accounting, which is what GASB 87 is based on, the expenses and the revenues are recognized when incurred, meaning that although the entity may not have received the income, the cash in or pay the vendors as of yet, the services have been contracted. 

        So there’s a liability. Somebody owes somebody else money. So when those services are rendered, there’s these obligations. And under full accrual, the entity has to record either a receivable money coming in in the future or a payable money going out in the future. Its saying at some point in the future, I owe this amount based on the services that happened today. 

        So funds in government exist on what’s called a modified accrual basis where the cash is there, but also government funds modify that a bit to show short term assets and liabilities. Things that you know or they know will be coming due. They focus on the cash available and the short term obligations because they need to know kind of the financial health of that fund, what they’ve been given in the way of cash in and what they know that project will owe. 

        So that’s what’s modified about it. So the government entity has to do both this GASB 87 full blown, full accrual reporting and simultaneously it has to do modified accrual. So that’s why it needs the two different sets of journal entries. And in between they cross walk one to the other in a reconciliation that they do. 

        So it’s pretty complicated. 


        Any closing thoughts and how organizations you know, can successfully set up for their fund accounting? 


        I guess you can tell there’s so many moving parts. And what we’ve experienced in helping the implementations organizations, those that are going on to 87 is just really a precursor, is just making sure that you really understand those different buckets that full accrual and then again what’s on the horizon on a short term basis from the liabilities and the assets. 

        And then they also need to have granularity on that cash because that cash has to be split in many ways. So it’s up front, you knowing how your organization flows is what I would advise because all of those will in the future move in various directions. So it’s having a really clearly drawn organizational map in the beginning so that things can be moved and allocated in the future cleanly. 


        That will conclude today’s episode of the VLDI Podcast. Rosemary, thank you so much for being here and sharing your expert knowledge with us. If you enjoyed this episode and want to catch up on all things VLDI, be sure to follow our LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook pages @visuallease. And don’t forget to tune in to the next episode of the Visual Lease Data Institute podcast, where our focus is on helping you and your company transform your lease accounting compliance requirements into financial opportunities. 

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        ASC 842 Roundtable Discussion: How to Ensure Compliance Throughout Day 2 Tue, 01 Nov 2022 17:05:56 +0000

        On-demand webinar summary

        Without a firm grip on your leases, you will likely have trouble sustaining accurate lease data. This puts your business at risk of misreporting company lease information to comply with ASC 842, which can lead to increased audit fees and fines, legal action and more. 

        In our recent webinar, ASC 842 Roundtable Discussion: How to Ensure Compliance Throughout Day 2, experts from Visual Lease and Embark discussed how to instill confidence in your lease data through: 

        • Data Management: Keeping up with lease modifications and terminations, as well as data abstraction and validation 
        • Change Management: Understanding new requirements and educating staff, as well as maintaining processes, policies and controls 
        • Audit Prep: Ensuring you’re ready for your year-end audit

        Joe Fitzgerald

        SVP of Lease Market Strategy
        Visual Lease

        Matt Watson

        Director, Implementation Services
        Visual Lease

        Matt Fisser, CPA, ABV

        Managing Director, Financial Accounting A

        Rosemary Courtney, CPA

        Manager, Technical Accounting
        Visual Lease

        To learn more, read the summary below or view the on-demand webinar. 

        The importance of data management

        You can’t manage your leases (stay on top of critical dates and options) without entering your lease data into a digitized solution. Often known as lease abstraction, this process is considerably one of the most time-consuming, risky parts of preparing for lease management and accounting.  

        Entering your leases incorrectly could lead to some big mistakes within your financial reports. In this webinar presentation, Matt Watson, Director of Implementation at Visual Lease, shared how businesses can validate their data right from the start for reliable results. 

        In addition, once your lease data is accurately abstracted within a dependable solution, that is when true data management comes in. Leases are fluid contracts – they are always changing. Whether your organization modifies, terminates or takes on new leases, each of these changes will need to be accounted for.  

        This can be incredibly cumbersome without technology that makes your lease data easily accessible. 

        Understanding new requirements and educating staff 

        To stay audit-ready, your business must plan for how its going to maintain policies and lease controls – and keep staff up-to-date on any changes. This includes changes to the accounting standards and the leases.  

        Because leases reside within different departments (such as supply chain, IT, etc.), you’ll need to make sure there’s a way for the departments to communicate any updates to leases they’re responsible for. This onerous process requires more collaboration than just between finance, accounting and real estate.  

        What to do to be audit-ready 

        Lastly, the presentation shared insights on documentation that businesses should have ready for their auditors. Businesses should provide both a PDF and Excel version of the disclosure report that includes the accounting calculations. This provides auditors with a view into your process, so they can see how your reports were calculated.  

        Besides disclosure reports, you may also want to produce a journal entry summary report, adoption memo, other testing scenarios and SOC reports if you used a software solution to prepare your lease financials. 

        For more details about how to stay audit-ready, view the on-demand webinar: ASC 842 Roundtable Discussion: How to Ensure Compliance Throughout Day 2. 


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        Visual Lease Appoints Dan VanVeelen as Chief Revenue Officer Tue, 01 Nov 2022 14:00:32 +0000 Organization continues to invest in its leadership team to drive its next stage of growth Woodbridge, N.J. – November 1, 2022 — Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software provider,...

        The post Visual Lease Appoints Dan VanVeelen as Chief Revenue Officer first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

        Organization continues to invest in its leadership team to drive its next stage of growth

        Woodbridge, N.J. – November 1, 2022 — Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software provider, today announced the appointment of Dan VanVeelen as the organization’s Chief Revenue Officer. In his role, Dan will lead the organization’s sales, account management and alliance partner teams, and will be responsible for executing corporate strategic plans that drive continued, accelerated growth and market-leading client satisfaction.

        “We recently had a record number of new customers join Visual Lease in a single month,” said Visual Lease’s CEO, Robert Michlewicz. “This milestone is not only a reflection of our unparalleled technology and service, but also, of how we support our customers from their very first interaction with Visual Lease. With Dan’s breadth of experience driving revenue growth at technology companies, he is the perfect addition to our team, and will ensure that we continue to scale at a healthy rate while providing maximum value to our expanding community of customers.”

        Prior to joining Visual Lease, Dan was Senior Vice President of Americas Sales at Precisely, the global leader in integrity data, providing accuracy, consistency, and context in data for 12,000 customers in more than 100 countries, including 99 of the Fortune 100. Under his leadership, Precisely’s Americas Sales team led the company in new business growth and client satisfaction. During Dan’s tenure, Precisely was recognized by Gartner in the Market Share Analysis for Data Management Software as the fifth-highest-ranked vendor by revenue in 2021.

        “VL has the ability to completely transform how businesses view and make more strategic decisions about their lease portfolios,” said Dan. “I am grateful for the opportunity to work with a leadership team that is dedicated to providing the solutions and services organizations need to achieve lease accounting compliance, and also, improve the overall financial controls and benefits they receive from their investments.”

        This addition to Visual Lease’s leadership team comes shortly after Alex Betesh was announced as Visual Lease’s first Chief Customer Officer and Amie Durr was appointed Senior Vice President of Product.

        To keep up with announcements from Visual Lease, visit the Visual Lease Newsroom.

        To learn more about careers at Visual Lease, visit the Visual Lease Career Site.

        About Visual Lease

        Visual Lease is the #1 lease optimization software provider. We help organizations become compliant with FASB, IFRS and GASB lease accounting standards, while simultaneously improving the financial, legal and operational performance of their leases. Our easy-to-use SaaS platform is embedded with more than three decades of best practices from major corporations and leading industry professionals. Our award-winning solutions are used by 1,000+ organizations to manage 500,000+ real estate, equipment and other leased assets. Committed to ongoing innovation and unparalleled customer service, Visual Lease helps organizations transform their lease compliance requirements into financial opportunities. For more information, visit

        Media Contacts

        Erica Bonavitacola
        Visual Lease
        T+1 732 860 4838


        The post Visual Lease Appoints Dan VanVeelen as Chief Revenue Officer first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Visual Lease Hosts Customer Advisory Board Summit, Announces VL Customer Excellence Award Winners Fri, 28 Oct 2022 13:59:52 +0000 Company welcomes Visual Lease customers and partners to two-day event to network, discuss the future of lease accounting and recognize award-winning accounts Woodbridge, NJ – October 28, 2022 — Visual...

        The post Visual Lease Hosts Customer Advisory Board Summit, Announces VL Customer Excellence Award Winners first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

        Company welcomes Visual Lease customers and partners to two-day event
        to network, discuss the future of lease accounting and recognize award-winning accounts

        Woodbridge, NJ – October 28, 2022 Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software provider, hosted its Customer Advisory Board Summit, a two-day event (October 19 – October 20th, 2022) in Nashville, TN, for select customers. Attendees connected with peers to discuss the future of lease accounting, administration and optimization and how Visual Lease is uniquely supporting this evolution for private and public companies, as well as government entities.

        Visual Lease invited senior accounting, finance and real estate executives from leading organizations across all industries, including Huntington National Bank, HomeServices of America Inc., American Axle & Manufacturing Inc., Central National Gottesman, Inc. (Spicer’s Paper), Avis Budget Group, On Q Financial, MDU Construction, Bacardi Limited, Toshiba America Business Solutions + Toshiba Global Commerce, CURO Financial Services, Hearst Communications and Simpson Manufacturing.

        “As we continue to make strategic investments in our technology, services and team, we are committed to keeping an open line of communication with our customers,” said Visual Lease CEO, Robert Michlewicz. “During this event, we were able to hear their perspectives on industry trends that align with our current and future-state platform. We also celebrated several VL customers who have excelled in utilizing our platform to gain stronger internal controls, streamline critical processes and unlock many of the benefits that lease accounting and administration provide when supported by the right technology.”

        The summit’s sessions were hosted by Visual Lease’s leadership team and included a guest speaker from RSM US LLP, a member of VL’s Alliance Partner network. During the event, Visual Lease announced the winners of its annual VL Customer Excellence Awards, recognizing organizations that leveraged VL solutions and services to drive real business results, including:

        • American Axle & Manufacturing 
        • CURO Financial
        • Hearst Communications
        • Huntington National Bank
        • Indeed
        • MDU Construction
        • Penn State Health

        To keep up with announcements from Visual Lease, visit the Visual Lease Newsroom.

        About Visual Lease

        Visual Lease is the #1 lease optimization software provider. We help organizations become compliant with FASB, IFRS and GASB lease accounting standards, while simultaneously improving the financial, legal and operational performance of their leases. Our easy-to-use SaaS platform is embedded with more than three decades of best practices from major corporations and leading industry professionals. Our award-winning solutions are used by 1,000+ organizations to manage 500,000+ real estate, equipment and other leased assets. Committed to ongoing innovation and unparalleled customer service, Visual Lease helps organizations transform their lease compliance requirements into financial opportunities. For more information, visit

        Media Contacts

        Karen Lee
        Caliber Public Relations
        T+1 929 269 4436

        The post Visual Lease Hosts Customer Advisory Board Summit, Announces VL Customer Excellence Award Winners first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Visual Lease Launches Premium Implementation Partner Program Thu, 27 Oct 2022 14:00:19 +0000 Leading technology provider joins forces with top accounting advisors to help companies master their lease administration and accounting software implementation Woodbridge, N.J. – October 27, 2022 — Visual Lease, a...

        The post Visual Lease Launches Premium Implementation Partner Program first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

        Leading technology provider joins forces with top accounting advisors to
        help companies master their lease administration and accounting software implementation

        Woodbridge, N.J. – October 27, 2022 — Visual Lease, a leading lease optimization software provider, today announced its Premium Implementation Partner program to help companies master their lease administration and accounting software implementation. Through this new program, companies will gain access to leading accounting and advisory firms when implementing Visual Lease’s solutions.  

        “When given the opportunity to harness new technology under the guidance of true industry experts, companies can expect to see an even bigger return on their investment,” said Robert Michlewicz, CEO of Visual Lease. “We’ve aligned with top-tier accounting and advisory firms, such as RSM, Grant Thornton and Baker Tilly to provide organizations with additional support, insights and intel to help them relieve internal resources and simultaneously recognize every benefit associated with choosing Visual Lease. The result? Confident, easy and sustained lease accounting compliance and reduced risk.” 

        Under Visual Lease’s Premium Implementation Partner program, companies will have the opportunity to leverage lease administration, technical accounting and Visual Lease platform expertise to successfully meet adoption requirements and deadlines. 

        “When it comes to transitioning to the new lease accounting standards – ASC 842, GASB 87 and IFRS 16 – there is no time to waste,” added Joseph Fitzgerald, SVP of Lease Market Strategy at Visual Lease. “If companies fail to properly achieve ongoing compliance with the standards, they risk having inaccurate financial statements, increased audit fees and damaged credibility. Under the guidance of seasoned lease administration and lease accounting professionals, organizations will greatly reduce those risks while also streamlining and accelerating their processes for years to come.” 

        By engaging a Premium Implementation Partner’s service, companies can reduce the time and resources needed to gather the necessary lease information required to meet the new lease accounting standards, a process that private companies who are not using third-party software expect to spend an average of nearly 1,600 hours on. Premium Implementation Partners can also assist with other necessary and time-consuming lease accounting tasks, including journal entries and report generation. 

        For more information on the benefits of Visual Lease’s Premium Implementation Partner program, visit RSM, Grant Thornton and Baker Tilly and The VL Partner Marketplace.

        About Visual Lease  

        Visual Lease is a leading lease optimization software provider. We help organizations become compliant with FASB, IFRS and GASB lease accounting standards, while simultaneously improving the financial, legal and operational performance of their leases. Our easy-to-use SaaS platform is embedded with more than three decades of best practices from major corporations and leading industry professionals. Our award-winning solutions are used by 1,000+ organizations to manage 500,000+ real estate, equipment and other leased assets. Committed to ongoing innovation and unparalleled customer service, Visual Lease helps organizations transform their lease compliance requirements into financial opportunities. For more information, visit   

        Media Contacts 

        Erica Bonavitacola
        Visual Lease
        T+1 732 860 4838     

        The post Visual Lease Launches Premium Implementation Partner Program first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Lease Audit Procedures: Why Do They Matter? Thu, 27 Oct 2022 13:58:48 +0000

        Lease audit procedures are necessary for an efficient, successful audit. At their core, lease audit procedures ensure your organization has controlled processes in place to support its financial reports.  

        Having such procedures enable auditors to get their job done quickly due to reliable, clearly stated and followed controls. The more organized and prepared you are, the more likely you will avoid running into issues within your audit.  

        Not only do lease audit procedures better prepare you for an upcoming audit, but lease audit procedures can also provide additional business benefits through supporting optimization of your lease portfolio. Below, we dive into how lease audit procedures can help your business. 

        6 Lease Audit Assertions

        1. Completeness: All leases and lease-related transactions have been identified, recorded, and reported accurately in the financial statements.
        2. Existence/Occurrence: The assets and liabilities related to leases actually exist and have occurred.
        3. Valuation/Allocation: The assets and liabilities related to leases have been valued and allocated correctly.
        4. Cut-off: All lease transactions have been recorded in the correct accounting period.
        5. Rights/Obligations: The company has the right to use the leased asset and the obligation to make lease payments.
        6. Presentation and Disclosure: Lease information has been presented and disclosed in the financial statements in accordance with applicable accounting standards.

        These assertions are used by auditors to assess the accuracy and completeness of a company’s lease accounting. By testing these assertions, auditors can help to ensure that the company’s financial statements are accurate and that they comply with applicable accounting standards.

        How to Better Prepare for the Audit Process for Lease Accounts

        Anticipate Audit Needs 

        Lease audits focus on providing an independent evaluation of asset control and risk. This evaluation is designed to drive continuous improvement to an organization’s processes and system.  

        The Journal of Accountancy outlines a number of challenges for auditors when approaching the leases section of the audit. Gaining a broader understanding of these challenges is an excellent first step in preparing for lease audit procedures under ASC 842.  

        When preparing for an audit, the goal for accounting and finance professionals is to ensure their books are in order for when the auditors come around. A significant component of this preparation is completeness assertion, which translates to ensuring all transactions that were supposed to be recorded have been recognized in the financial statements.  

        Nearly all (99%) senior finance and accounting professionals have concerns about misreporting company lease information. 

        Avoid Costly Mistakes 

        The absence of lease audit procedures can present a challenge when leased asset information is not readily available or in a central database. 

        To comply with the new lease accounting standards, all lease arrangements and amendments need to be identified, reviewed and abstracted. Financial statements are impacted with lease-related assets, receivables, liabilities and deferred inflows of resources coming on to the statement of net position.  

        Essentially, preparing for an audit means looking at an organization’s leased asset portfolio and ensuring all relevant stakeholders are assessed and addressed.  

        New lease accounting standards, like ASC 842, are likely to get more attention than usual from the auditors. Delays or missteps can put your business’ audit at risk of costly mistakes, such as increased audit fees, fines or damage to company and personal reputation. But having everything ready for the auditors puts the liability on them to get their job done accurately and efficiently.  

        Ensure Accurate Compliance 

        As mentioned earlier, the key to successfully completing lease audits is being prepared and organized. 

        The end goal of lease audit procedures is to ultimately eliminate the need to worry by ensuring procedures are identifiable and support compliance under the new lease accounting standards. 

        By having a centralized database and lease accounting system in place, finance and accounting professionals will not only be able to get the information they need quickly and easily, they will also subconsciously adopt time-tested lease audit procedures as a science.

        The post Lease Audit Procedures: Why Do They Matter? first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        What is GASB 87 & What Do I Need to Know Wed, 26 Oct 2022 15:43:08 +0000

        GASB 87 effective date

        Deadline for companies Fiscal years beginning after June15, 2021

        GASB 87 Summary

        Issued by the Governmental Accounting Standard’s Board, GASB 87 is the new lease accounting standard for US government entities. All entities that prepare financial statements in accordance with GASB standards must comply with GASB 87 for fiscal years beginning after June 15, 2021.

        Who is subject to GASB 87?

        State, local and municipal governments

        Public benefit corporations and authorities

        Public employee retirement systems

        Public utilities, hospitals and other healthcare providers

        Public colleges and

        GASB 87 impacts lease accounting and reporting for both lessees and lessors as follows:

        Lessees must recognize lease liabilities and intangible right of use (ROU) lease assets on their statements

        Lessors must recognize lease receivables and deferred inflows of resources on their financial statements

        Was GASB 87 postponed?

        The Governmental Accounting Standards Board postponed the implementation date for GASB 87 back in May of 2020. The extension was implemented in order to give CPA firms and entities an opportunity to prepare to implement the new standard after disruptions during the COVID-19 pandemic.

        What does GASB 87 do?

        In 2017, the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) published the lease accounting standard GASB 87. The organization is the source of the accounting principles (GAAP) used by state and local governments in the United States.

        GASB 87 was created to increase visibility into lease obligations and remove ambiguity around lease obligations in financial disclosures, particularly balance sheets and income statements.

        What did GASB 87 replace?

        GASB 87 replaces the current operating and capital lease categories with a single model for lease accounting based on a definition of leases as contracts that convey control of the right to use a non-financial asset. The new rules require lessees to recognize a lease liability and an intangible asset while lessors are required to recognize lease receivables and a deferred inflow of resources on their financial statements.

        How Does GASB 87 Change the Balance Sheet?

        GASB 87 requires organizations to now record most leases on the balance sheet.

        For most organizations, this is a massive administrative lift. Leases are complex legal documents, sometimes hundreds of pages, which require trained professionals to negotiate and interpret; with countless obligations, clauses and critical dates to keep track of.

        Leases are also dynamic. Terms change all the time as organizations take on new spaces, scale back or renegotiate, and you must account for every change under GASB 87.

        To produce accurate lease accounting reports, the following information needs to be collected and tracked:

        Lease terms

        Discount rate

        Rent payment amounts and dates

        Lease option terms

        Variable or percentage rent terms

        Residual value guarantee terms

        Definition of a Lease Under GASB 87

        Under GASB 87, a lease is defined as a contract that conveys the right to use another entity’s nonfinancial asset for a period of time, including:

        • The ability to obtain the present use of the asset as specified in the contract

        • The right to control how the underlying asset is used

        Common examples of leased assets recorded under GASB 87 are:

        • Equipment for day-to-day operations (office equipment, medical equipment, telecommunications equipment, IT equipment)

        • Vehicles (automobiles, vans, trucks)

        • Real estate (property, buildings, offices, warehouses)

        In addition, some leases are exempt under GASB 87, such as:

        • Leases of certain types of intangible assets (e.g., patents, software licenses, the rights to explore for or exploit natural resources such as oil, gas, minerals and similar nonrenewable resources)

        • Leases of biological assets, including timber, living plants and living animals

        • Leases of inventory

        • Service concession agreements

        GASB 87 Compliance Software

        Visual Lease’s GASB 87 lease accounting software is the perfect tool to keep all of your leases in one single location, while making sure you stay completely GASB 87 compliant.

        GASB 87 Software Checklist

        When planning and preparing for GASB 87 and evaluating lease accounting software, naturally you’ll want to look for a solution that specifically supports GASB 87, which requires all contracts that meet the definition of a lease to be recognized in financial statements and classified as a finance lease.

        In addition, to ease the transition to GASB 87 and streamline the lease accounting process, you’ll want to look for a solution with the following capabilities and benefits.

        Intuitive and easy to use

        • Streamline lease data collection with other business applications, such as ERPs and accounts receivable

        • Enable automated calculations and financial reports

        • Support configurable data fields and reports to match your compliance requirements and organizational needs

        • Centralize all your lease information within one system

        Intuitive and easy to use

        • Incorporate years of lease financial management experience built within each feature and functionality

        • Prioritize future-readiness with ongoing investments in R&D

        • Focus on data security and privacy

        Intuitive and easy to use

        • Provide data visualization for visibility into lease details and costs, enabling more informed business decisions

        • Streamline lease detail management via system alerts for lease events and changes that could impact your ongoing financial reporting

        Lease Accounting Calculations

        Lease Accounting for Lessees

        Under GASB 87, lessees must recognize a lease liability and a right to use asset for all qualified leases.

        • The lease liability is generally calculated as the present value of payments the lessee expects to make during the lease term, including any contract renewal options the lessee is reasonably certain to exercise.

        • The lease asset is calculated as the lease liability plus any prepayments or initial direct costs, minus any lease incentives at or before commencement of the lease.

        As payments are made on the lease, the liability amount is reduced and interest expenses are recognized. The asset is amortized over the length of the lease term or over the life of the asset (whichever is shorter), unless the lease contains a purchase option that the lessee has determined is reasonably certain to be exercised, in which case, the lease asset should be amortized over the useful life of the underlying asset.

        Lease Accounting for Lessors

        Under GASB 87, lessors must recognize a lease receivable and a deferred inflow of resources on the financial statements. Just as with lessee schedules, the calculations can be complex.

        • At the start of the contract, the lease receivable is generally calculated as the present value of lease payments the lessor expects to receive over the term of the lease, minus any provision for estimated uncollectible amounts.

        • The deferred inflow is calculated as the lease receivable plus any payments made at or prior to the commencement of the lease.

        As the lessor receives payments, the lease receivable amount is reduced and interest revenue is recognized. The deferred inflow continues to be recognized as revenue over the life of a lease.

        Lease Accounting Remeasurements

        Organizations remeasure the value of lease assets and liabilities when there is some significant event or material change in circumstances, including:

        • Modification of a lease term, size or payment obligations — for example, the extension or expansion of a lease or the exercising of a lease option

        • Lease contraction due to full or partial lease termination or abandonment — for example, when an abandoned space is sublet, causing the abandonment of the primary asset

        • The full or partial impairment of a lease

        Remeasurements type Description
        Modification Any modification of lease term (i.e., change in payment term, extension of lease term, etc.)
        Full Impairment Due to some event, the asset no longer has any value, but the organization still has obligation under the lease.
        Partial Impairment Due to some event, the asset still has a value, but the value has been reduced by some amount or percentage.
        Full Termination A lessee has ended the lease contract and no longer has the lease liability or asset on the books.
        Partial Termination A lessee reduces the use of some portion of the asset (e.g., reduces total square footage of lease by terminating some portion), which reduces the amount of liability or asset on the books.
        Full Abandonment A lessee decides to no longer use the entire asset as of some specific date; the lease contract is still in place and the asset remains as a liability on the financial statement.
        Partial Abandonment A lessee decides to no longer use a portion of the asset as of some specific date; the asset remains as a liability on the financial statement.

        Disclosure Reporting

        For both lessees and lessors, GASB 87 now requires disclosure reports that provide aggregated totals and detailed supporting data such as:

        • Qualitative and quantitative information about leases, including variable payments not included in measurement of liability

        • Significant assumptions and judgments made when measuring leases

        • The amounts recognized in financial statements

        Lessee disclosure reports must provide:

        • Fully detailed lease descriptions

        • Amount of total leased assets — both gross and net figures

        • Future lease payment schedules, including interest payments

        Lessor disclosure reports must provide:

        • General descriptions of all lease arrangements

        • Inflows of resources, including lease and interest revenue recognized in the reporting period

        • Revenue from variable payment components not included in the lease receivable

        These new standards require organizations to gather and manage substantial amounts of data to generate disclosure reports related to real estate, equipment, vehicles, land and any other leases an organization holds.

        What To Look For in Lease Accounting Software

        Spreadsheets aren’t designed to handle the dynamics and complexity that impact the accounting calculations — lease transactions can result in hundreds of permutations and calculations. Most likely your current lease process has gaps that will need to be addressed when moving to adopt GASB 87. Many of these gaps can be addressed through the use of technology. Lease accounting software can help you meet GASB 87 requirements and maintain compliance beyond the initial reporting period.

        Evaluating lease accounting technology

        The right lease accounting software solution provides you with the proper tools to manage lease data and changes, perform the necessary calculations and generate reports according to GASB standards. In addition, choosing lease accounting and management software that has the capabilities described below will help to further streamline the accounting process and ensure ongoing GASB compliance.

        Lessee and lessor accounting
        Disclosure reporting capabilities
        Automated calculations
        Journal entries

        Lease amortization schedule
        Roll-forward reporting
        Handling for regulated leases
        Handling for short-term leases

        Ongoing compliance via
        modification, impairment,
        termination capabilities

        Compliance starts with a lease subledger

        GASB 87 introduces a much higher level of scrutiny. Now, organizations have significantly more lease information to track, update, calculate and report on. Given the cross-functional, complex and evolving nature of lease language, any lease accounting solution should start with a strong lease management software to act as a single system of record for all lease data and lease financials.

        Any sustainable solution should offer:

        Configurable tools to handle any lease scenario across any asset type to maintain a reliable, up-to-date source for qualitative lease details such as terms, changes and dates

        Integration capabilities to other cross-functional systems to maintain a single source of truth

        A comprehensive audit trail to track and reconcile any changes

        Defined user roles for anyone that touches leases and integrated guardrails to ensure any changes are in accordance with internal accounting procedures

        A lease software solution helps to streamlines this very complex process by providing automated calculations and workflows to:

        • Ensure that leases and the related assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses are accounted for consistently

        • Eliminate human error and reliance on formulas and cumbersome spreadsheets • Ensure accuracy by having all data and calculations in one system

        • Integrate leases and their pertinent data, such as liabilities, lease assets, interest expenses and revenue inflows, to the financial statements

        • Automatically generate journal entries and lease amortization schedules using the system data

        Lease reassessments and remeasurements

        With the enhanced level of lease visibility that GASB 87 requires, an organization’s lease accounting must explain all lease changes on the financial statements. This includes additions or subtractions due to new leases, modifications, impairments and terminations, as well as regular amortization.

        Accounting for lease remeasurement and reassessments is a common roadblock to sustainable compliance as accounting teams must rely on cross-functional stakeholders adhering to internal procedures as they manage lease modifications.

        Using lease technology to organize, update and manage lease data allows you to integrate lease renewals and other modifications into your accounting process, ensuring they are captured accurately and reported in a timely manner.

        Roll-forward reports are a valuable tool for meeting this requirement, providing a detailed disclosure of lease financials including period over period changes to lease assets and liabilities.

        By choosing a technology platform that automates roll-forward reporting, your organization can streamline data gathering, calculations and reporting while ensuring that the process meets compliance and disclosure requirements.

        Alerts, approvals, internal controls and audit trails

        Given the cross-functional nature of lease management, defined user roles and alerts and comprehensive approvals hierarchies are critical to maintaining a single source of truth.

        Look for systems that can streamline cross-functional workflows both internally and externally, with project management systems that can notify appropriate stakeholders when upcoming critical dates are near.

        Auditability cannot be compromised. Approvals hierarchies are important to make sure that mistakes – or intentional malfeasance – are identified. Audit trails must be maintained to track every change.

        The post What is GASB 87 & What Do I Need to Know first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Episode 7 “Tax Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic ft. Christian Wood” Wed, 19 Oct 2022 02:05:24 +0000

        SVP of Lease Market Strategy and Host Joe Fitzgerald sat down with Principal of RSM (a valued partner of Visual Lease) Christian Wood and discussed tax lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic for retail tenants and landlords.


        Read Transcript

        VLDI Podcast Episode 7 Transcript


        Welcome back to the Visual Lease Data Institute podcast. I’m your host, Joe Fitzgerald. Today’s guest is Christian Wood, a Principal at RSM, one of Visual Lease’s valued partners. Christian leads RSM National Tax Practice in Washington for accounting credits, incentives and methods. He specializes in helping clients navigate complex tax environments to make informed business decisions, while championing cross communication and collaboration to achieve the best possible outcomes. 

        Welcome, Christian. It’s great to have you on the podcast. 


        Thank you. I’m excited to be here. 


        Now, several months ago, Christian and I collaborated on an article for Reuters Tax Journals. And in that article, we discussed tax lessons that retail tenants and landlords learned following the pandemic. You know, it’s been our perspective here at VL that as companies grappled with the pandemic, they may have benefitted from an unforeseen advantage of having to comply with the new lease accounting standards, which is that maybe for the first time, companies had all of their leases in a central location with ready access to the terms and lease clauses that companies would need readily available if they plan to engage with their landlords as they sought certain financial accommodations and or concessions brought on by the pandemic. With that said, many tenants then went into those conversations without necessarily considering the less obvious tax and cash implications of those negotiations. So with that thought in mind, let’s dive in and get your thoughts on the matter. So first question for you, Christian. What were some of the main lessons that retailers learned about how they could utilize their lease agreements to combat the challenges they experienced during the early days of COVID 19? 


        So a lot of our clients are rental markets, and they’re good at what they do, but they may not be tax experts. So a lot of the sort of lessons learned in the first step is educating the client on what are the tax implications of some of the decisions. There’s a code section 467 that when it applies, it can either make things really easy or really difficult to account for leases under a federal tax principle. 

        And so a lot of it was just sort of educating them on how a 467 lease works and what are the implications of changes. One of the basic premises behind 467 is that income and expenses inside of a transaction occur at the same time between lessor and lessee. So when a lessee has to pay income and has an expense, I mean not income, but rent and it has an expense, then the lessor has income in the same time. 

        And so there’s sort of that matching principle that not everybody realizes. And then 467 leases also apply equally to those people. And the cash method of accounting and the accrual method of accounting like I got sometimes with Well, what do you mean I have income I didn’t receive any cash? Well, that’s when it was due and the other side got an expense. 

        So you’re going to have income without the cash. And that was one of the problems that presented. 


        Christian, one thing, you know, we’re talking about retailers. And early on, we also saw retailers that tried turning to e-commerce to drive additional revenue. Is it true that this pivot to e-commerce didn’t necessarily help keep a number of companies from going out of business? 


        True. Now, while some companies were innovative and succeeded online, a lot of companies weren’t necessarily prepared for it. And so online wasn’t the savior. And so they were kind of hemorrhaging cash. And that’s where we tried to come in and sort of help them sort of staunch the hemorrhages and not have to sort of go through all of their resources when they had certain things, they could have done to somewhat reduce the strain on the resources. 


        So, you know, we did see a lot of landlords forgo rent for a period of time. What are the potential tax consequences when they did things like that? 


        Sure. So, sort of one of three things happens, right? First is the rent was still due. We just said, you know, pay it a month, a year, whatever. The lessee would still have a rental expense under 467 if it applied. And the landlord would still have income even though they didn’t have cash. And so can you imagine having to pay taxes without the cash necessary to pay the taxes because you had to pick something up that you weren’t anticipating. 

        There’s another example where you had a renegotiation of the lease and changed the economic terms, and so that there was perhaps a rent abatement in the first few months or year, and then you had an increase in rent over time, and that would have sort of changed the recognition in of income and expense on both side as it was sort of in essence a new 467 lease. 

        So those are kind of some of the examples of without the proper knowledge and how it sort of was treated and the tax implications that we sort of struggled with with some of our clients. 


        So, if I was going to turn what I’m hearing from you into a statement, I’d be curious whether you agree or disagree. If businesses had a stronger understanding of the lease accounting and tax implications of the pandemic, could they have mitigated some of the negative impacts they experienced? 


        Yes, I think so. And the example where, hey, rent is still due, we’ll just defer you paying rent, right? Landlords had to pick up income, whereas if they knew if we restructured the lease and had a rent abatement in the earlier years and then sort of had a rent increase in the latter years, they could match the cash with the income pickup. 

        And then on the lessee side, right, if they needed a deduction, they say, okay, I’ll pay you back. They still get a deduction, but they wouldn’t have to do part with the cash necessarily. While there were some extensions of allowing in also not to be limited to 80% of revenue. If you had an annual income in the following year, you may not get the full benefit of that deduction until a year or two down the road. 

        So, sort of planning out where you were at tax wise and whether a deduction would be good in the current year or in the future year. So, for example, let’s say it’s not going to do me any good this year. We’re going to have a loss. But next year it’s going to be giving me good because I expect to come out of it and start making money then. 

        So, I would be better off renegotiating the lease then simply deferring payments under the lease. 


        You know, we were focusing on retailers, but I’m assuming there had to be issues that extend to other types of businesses and any unique issues for other industries that you want to call out. 


        Yeah, I don’t know about unique, but for like retailers, even manufacturers that own their own property with the pandemic hitting, they kind of blew through and had to use up their assets to sort of survive. And so often some of our clients were left with the only asset that was worth any money was the land with which their manufacturing plant was on. 

        And so, they didn’t really want to necessarily get rid of it because they still need to manufacture their products. And so, what they do is they sell the land and lease it back. And depending upon if there was gain built in or where people’s positions were, you know, whether you had needed income or not, there were ways to structure a sale and leaseback under 467 that allowed you to sort of better plan the income and the expense side of those transactions. 


        That could see them needing to monetize what they could to get through. Any closing thoughts? 


        Yes. So one of the reasons I got into tax was when I was in undergrad, I was in a tax class and they were telling me that, hey, someone made this business decision that made sense at the time, but they didn’t really talk to the tax person. And so all these horrible implications of what happened that they didn’t intend. 

        I’m a firm believer that tax should never drive business decisions, that you shouldn’t make decisions simply based on tax results, but that once you make a business decision, I’m a big believer, and once you sort of decide what you want to do business wise, bring a tax person and let them sort of tell you what traps to avoid so that you don’t end up with any surprises 

        Because tax could end up being a significant chunk of a transaction. And if that goes wrong, it could really change the economics. So again, I’m just a big proponent of why don’t you make the business decision, bring someone in who knows tax so they can make sure it’s structured in an efficient way. 


        I would agree. Christian, thanks so much for being here and sharing your expert knowledge on taxes in the retail space and beyond. As we talked about, impacts maybe on other industries. So folks, that concludes today’s episode of the VLDI podcast. If you enjoyed this episode and want to catch up with all things VLDI, be sure to follow our LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook pages @VisualLease. 

        And don’t forget to tune into our next episode of The Visual Lease Data Institute Podcast, where our focus is on helping you and your company transform your lease accounting compliance requirements into financial opportunities. 

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        HomeServices of America Mon, 17 Oct 2022 14:36:32 +0000 The $5 billion real estate company deals with a decentralized structure makes compliance and data tracking easy through Visual Lease.

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        The $5 billion real estate company deals with a decentralized structure makes compliance and data tracking easy through Visual Lease.

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        Visual Lease Reports Continued, Accelerated Growth in Third Quarter Thu, 13 Oct 2022 13:30:47 +0000 Leading provider of lease accounting, administration and optimization software continues to make strategic investments to elevate its technology, services and team Woodbridge, NJ – October 13, 2022 — Visual Lease,...

        The post Visual Lease Reports Continued, Accelerated Growth in Third Quarter first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

        Leading provider of lease accounting, administration and optimization software continues to make strategic investments to elevate its technology, services and team

        Woodbridge, NJ – October 13, 2022 Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software provider, today announced strong third quarter results, achieving sustained, double-digit growth in annual recurring revenue year over year and a record number of new customers acquired. Visual Lease is currently used by more than 1,000 public and private companies, as well as government entities, to become compliant with FASB, IFRS and GASB lease accounting standards, while simultaneously improving the financial, legal and operational performance of their leases.

        “As companies set their strategies for 2023, many are laser-focused on finding ways to reduce risk, cut costs and improve internal controls,” said Visual Lease CEO, Robert Michlewicz. “We’re committed to being the solution provider that uniquely helps organizations accomplish those mission-critical goals through their lease accounting and administration processes while setting them up for long-term success.”

        In Q3 2022, Visual Lease:

        Software, Service & Growth

        • Provided early access for select clients to a modernized user interface to validate the performance and usability enhancements made to its robust yet intuitive platform. The updated UI release will be available to all users later this month.
        • Released Enhanced Fund Accounting functionality, providing VL users in the government sector the ability to easily track and record lease transactions on a modified accrual basis for fund accounting and a full accrual basis for government-wide reporting.
        • Earned additional industry recognition as the leading provider of lease administration and lease accounting software:
          • Received a 2022 PropTech Breakthrough Award for Overall Lease Management Company of the Year.
          • Named a finalist of The 2022 SaaS Awardsfor the Best SaaS Product for Business Accounting or Finance.
          • Maintained its position as a Leader in both the Lease Administration and Lease Accounting categories on G2.
        • Included in the Inc. 5000 list of fastest-growing private companies in America for the third consecutive year, named among the top 100 fastest-growing private companies in New Jersey and the 259th fastest-growing private company in the New York City area.

        Strategic Hires

        • Announced Robert Michlewicz as CEO, and Marc Betesh, the founder and former CEO, as Executive Chairman – a transition in management structure that will further accelerate the organization’s growth.
        • Appointed Amie Durr as Senior Vice President of Product, responsible for ensuring that Visual Lease continues to support organizations’ evolving business needs by strengthening their lease accounting and administration processes while expanding its integration capabilities.

        Brand Recognition

        • Unveiled its newest report from The Visual Lease Data Institute, The 2022 Lease Market Analysis: Lease Accounting Readiness, which explores common lease accounting challenges and roadblocks experienced by the two largest markets that are moving to adopt the new accounting standards: private companies and government entities. Findings from the research have been featured in Wall Street Journal’s CFO Journal newsletter, CPA Practice Advisor, Globe St., Accounting Today and more.
        • Received a Silver Stevie Award for Great Employers in the Employer of the Year in the Computer Software category.
        • Named a Best Place to Work in NJ by NJBIZ for the third consecutive year and ranked amidst the top third of medium-sized companies (50 – 249 employees), moving up 15 positions in its ranking on the list, year-over-year.

        Alliance Partners

        • Achieved double-digit, year-over-year growth in Alliance-driven annual recurring revenue through key initiatives, including:
          • Expanded Alliance Partner program by welcoming ERE and others to its network of partners.
          • Further strengthened its existing relationship with Blue Sky to include a managed services agreement.
          • Hosted thought leadership webinars with partners Grant Thornton and RSM US LLP.
        • Launched the Visual Lease Partner Marketplace, a section of its corporate website dedicated to connecting current and potential customers with its trusted network of Alliance Partners for access to top-tier support, including assistance with lease abstraction, data management, lease audit prep, portfolio reporting and analytics and more.

        To keep up with announcements from Visual Lease, visit the Visual Lease Newsroom.

        To learn more about a career at Visual Lease, visit the
        Career Site.

        About Visual Lease

        Visual Lease is the #1 lease optimization software provider. We help organizations become compliant with FASB, IFRS and GASB lease accounting standards, while simultaneously improving the financial, legal and operational performance of their leases. Our easy-to-use SaaS platform is embedded with more than three decades of best practices from major corporations and leading industry professionals. Our award-winning solutions are used by 1,000+ organizations to manage 500,000+ real estate, equipment and other leased assets. Committed to ongoing innovation and unparalleled customer service, Visual Lease helps organizations transform their lease compliance requirements into financial opportunities. For more information, visit

        Media Contacts

        Karen Lee
        Caliber Public Relations
        T+1 929 269 4436


        The post Visual Lease Reports Continued, Accelerated Growth in Third Quarter first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Lease Accounting: How to Ensure Reliable, Effective Implementation and Adoption Thu, 06 Oct 2022 15:38:56 +0000

        On-demand webinar summary

        Businesses commonly struggle to adapt the new methodologies and technology to achieve lease accounting compliance. In fact, one-third (33%) of private companies are still not fully prepared to transition to ASC 842.

        Our recent webinar, Lease Accounting: How to Ensure Reliable, Effective Implementation and Adoption, lease accounting experts from Visual Lease and RSM shared insight into:

        • Proven processes and tools to accelerate your progress
        • How to get started now and reduce the risk of error
        • Necessary, critical tips to ensure accurate lease accounting data

        Joe Fitzgerald

        SVP of Lease Market Strategy
        Visual Lease

        Matt Watson

        Director, Implementation Services
        Visual Lease

        Troy Sheehan, CPA

        Director, Consulting
        RSM US LLC

        Laura Adams

        Business Applications Manager, Consulting
        RSM US LLC

        To learn more, read the summary below or view the on-demand webinar. 

        What’s required to adopt ASC 842 

        To be successful in your lease accounting project, you must dedicate enough time, effort and resources.    

        “There are a lot of details that go into having a successful implementation. The key one is project management of all the different work streams that go into your Day 1 activities,” said Joe Fitzgerald. 

        The main activities you’ll need to track are lease data collection and lease technology implementation. Doing this right ensures your business has a comprehensive lease portfolio, reliable lease data and accurate reports.  

        Lease data collection and abstraction is particularly time-consuming, but essential to have a full picture of your leased assets. You will need to inquire with identified departments that utilize leased assets, enter into lease transactions and/or house lease agreements. These departments typically include corporate IT, G&A, legal, procurement and tax. 

        • Corporate IT
          • Responsible for: Leased computer and telephone equipment
        • General and Administration (G&A)
          • Responsible for: Leased copiers, cars, remote office locations, break room equipment
        • Legal
          • Responsible for: Reviewing leases and maintaining lists of executed leases
        • Procurement
          • Responsible for: Sourcing lease transactions
        • Tax
          • Responsible for: Overseeing preparation of personal property returns, which typically requires reporting leased assets

        Considerations to maintain ASC 842 compliance 

        Organizations often experience similar concerns related to sustaining lease accounting compliance post-initial adoption (Day 2). These commonly include: 

        • Resource constraints,  
        • Ongoing lease maintenance (reassessment, modifications and remeasurements), 
        • Ongoing collection and abstraction of new leases, 
        • Review of service contracts and embedded leases, 
        • And more. 

        To address these concerns, organizations may choose to outsource their Day 2 lease accounting efforts, rather than keeping the work in-house. Both options present pros and cons related to effort, cost, risk and organizational impact.  

        For a detailed breakdown relating to the pros and cons of outsourcing vs. insourcing your lease accounting, view the on-demand webinar: Lease Accounting: How to Ensure Reliable, Effective Implementation and Adoption. 

        The post Lease Accounting: How to Ensure Reliable, Effective Implementation and Adoption first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        How Do the Lease Accounting Standards Impact Your Footnote Disclosures? Wed, 05 Oct 2022 17:18:35 +0000 Do your lease footnote disclosures comply with the new lease accounting standards?   The footnotes of your financial statements must include certain information from your lease contracts. And with the newly...

        The post How Do the Lease Accounting Standards Impact Your Footnote Disclosures? first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

        Do your lease footnote disclosures comply with the new lease accounting standards?  

        The footnotes of your financial statements must include certain information from your lease contracts. And with the newly implemented FASB, GASB and IFRS lease accounting standards, disclosure requirements have become more complicated. 

        What are footnote disclosures? 

        Footnote disclosures explain how an organization determined the numbers in their financial statements, such as their balance sheet (or statement of financial position), cash flow statements and income statement (or statement of activities). They highlight any differences the organization has made to its accounting methodologies from previous years and give an overall sense of its current and projected financial well-being. 

        Organizations must also fully disclose future contingencies, commitments and contractual obligations in their financial statements. Often, they use footnotes to provide this information.  

        How footnote disclosure requirements changed under ASC 842 

        Before ASC 842, footnote disclosure requirements were less detailed, and many organizations could easily manage their leases through spreadsheets. But the new lease disclosure requirements are much more complicated, making it nearly impossible to use spreadsheets to manage leases and track updates anymore. 

        For example, under ASC 840, finance leases (formerly called capital leases) had to be recorded on an organization’s balance sheet, but operating leases didn’t. Instead, they were listed in the footnote disclosures. 

        Under ASC 842, operating lease assets and liabilities must be “on the books” and recorded on the balance sheet, which can impact the ratios used to measure the organization’s financial health. To avoid confusion, it’s important to explain these differences in the operating lease footnote disclosures in a clear and organized way. 

        Disorganized footnote disclosures waste time and money 

        Leases are complex contracts that come in many shapes and sizes. Moreover, they can often be overlooked if not itemized and managed properly, resulting in increased financial risk for an organization. 

        Proper lease accounting management hinges on accurate footnote disclosures. Inaccurate disclosures can waste accounting professionals’ time and undermine an organization’s operability and reputation. 

        Furthermore, footnotes that are unclear or disorganized can easily bury important information. This can lead to mistakes and additional costs when preparing the annual financial statements both internally and externally. 

        The right tool can simplify footnote disclosures 

        Although footnote disclosures under the new lease standard can be overwhelming and complex, the right tool can vastly simplify the process. 

        To stay compliant, you’ll want to use a software solution that meticulously tracks lease accounting updates. It should also be easy to use yet robust enough to organize data from various sources. 

        A comprehensive tool like Visual Lease can generate audit-ready journal entries, disclosures and reports to help you comply with ASC 842, IFRS 16 and GASB 87 lease accounting standards. 

        The right lease management software should also keep all your lease accounting data in one place so you can easily generate statements and find the insights you need. After all, lease accounting shouldn’t just keep your organization compliant — it should also uncover new strategies to help you save money and time. 

        The post How Do the Lease Accounting Standards Impact Your Footnote Disclosures? first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Visual Lease Appoints First Chief Customer Officer Wed, 05 Oct 2022 14:00:58 +0000 Alexandra Betesh to amplify the voice of the customer in the company’s solutions, services and strategic partnerships Woodbridge, NJ – October 5, 2022 — Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization...

        The post Visual Lease Appoints First Chief Customer Officer first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Alexandra Betesh to amplify the voice of the customer in the company’s solutions, services and strategic partnerships

        Woodbridge, NJ – October 5, 2022Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software provider, today announced its first Chief Customer Officer, Alexandra Betesh. Having most recently served as the company’s SVP of Corporate Strategy, Betesh brings nearly a decade of customer service experience to this new position. The introduction of this C-level office will accelerate and deepen Visual Lease’s ability to translate customer feedback into meaningful enhancements to its products, services and strategic alliances.

        “Visual Lease is on a strong growth trajectory. As we continue to expand our customer base, we need to devote extra effort to listening to our customers and making sure their voice is heard and articulated across our business,” said Visual Lease CEO, Robert Michlewicz. “Alex is the ideal candidate for this important new leadership role. She has deep domain experience designing and delivering customer-facing services, a wealth of product knowledge and is extremely passionate about the Visual Lease customer experience. Most importantly, our customers will benefit by having a C-level leader dedicated to increasing the value they get from their partnership with Visual Lease.”

        In this new role, Betesh will draw upon her experience having built and scaled Visual Lease’s Client Services department to ensure that VL customers are effectively represented across all areas of the company. With this transition, Visual Lease’s Customer Success teams will report to Betesh to ensure they are working together to represent and support VL users.

        “Visual Lease has a very diverse and expansive customer base. In this new role, I will drive deeper engagements with them so they can ideate and evolve with us. With changing market conditions, there is a great need for customers to reduce risk, cut costs, improve operational efficiency and better align their leases with their corporate goals—while maintaining lease accounting compliance. My team and I will amplify their needs and perspectives throughout our organization to ensure customers get the greatest value from Visual Lease.” Betesh stated.

        To keep up with announcements from Visual Lease, visit the Visual Lease Newsroom.

        About Visual Lease

        Visual Lease is the #1 lease optimization software provider. We help organizations become compliant with FASB, IFRS and GASB lease accounting standards, while simultaneously improving the financial, legal and operational performance of their leases. Our easy-to-use SaaS platform is embedded with more than three decades of best practices from major corporations and leading industry professionals. Our award-winning solutions are used by 1,000+ organizations to manage 500,000+ real estate, equipment and other leased assets. Committed to ongoing innovation and unparalleled customer service, Visual Lease helps organizations transform their lease compliance requirements into financial opportunities. For more information, visit

        Media Contact

        Karen Lee
        Caliber Public Relations
        T+1 929 269 4436


        The post Visual Lease Appoints First Chief Customer Officer first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Episode 6 “New Research from The VL Data Institute ft. Robert Michlewicz” Tue, 04 Oct 2022 13:11:42 +0000

        Visual Lease CEO, Robert Michlewicz, sat down with Joe Fitzgerald, SVP of Lease Market Strategy at VL, to share his thoughts and takeaways on the newest report from The Visual Lease Data Institute, 2022 Lease Market Analysis: Lease Accounting Readiness. 

        Read Transcript

        VLDI Podcast Episode 6 Transcript


        Hi. Welcome back to the Visual Lease Data Institute podcast. I’m your host, Joe Fitzgerald. We have a very special guest with us today. Please welcome none other than Visual Lease’s newly appointed CEO, Robert Michlewicz. As CEO of Visual Lease, Robert is responsible for ensuring operational excellence and sustained company growth. He oversees our corporate strategy, product engineering, marketing, sales, customer service and G.A. functions. 

        Robert brings over two decades of experience in the financial technology sector to Visual Lease. I’ve asked Robert to join us here today to discuss the newest research from the Visual Lease Data Institute, which was published in July 2022. So let’s jump right in. Hello and welcome, Robert. Thanks for joining us. So, Robert, can you first explain what the Visual Lease Data institute is? 


        Sure, Joe. The Visual Lease Data Institute is a collection of market leading data trends and insights on lease accounting, management and optimization, created and curated by our team. It was created to arm the business with the knowledge required to achieve and maintain lease accounting compliance and leverage their leases at strategic business assets. Given this level of expertise, it’s been cited in some of your favorite publications, including The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Reuters, Accounting Today, Globe Street and others. 


        That’s great. Now, tell me about the newest report from the VLDI. 


        Sure. To compile the findings of the report, we surveyed 200 senior finance and accounting professionals at companies with more than 1000 employees, as well as 100 financial management professionals at local, state and federal government entities. Within the research, industry leaders from Visual Lease and other organizations such as RSM, On Q Financial and Indeed, breakdown common challenges and roadblocks experienced by the private company and government markets. 

        As well as the many benefits of strong lease controls in accounting and how organizations can leverage lease accounting to make faster, smarter decisions. 


        That’s interesting. What are some of the common lease accounting challenges that were highlighted in the findings? 


        There is actually several competing business concerns that are impacting the adoption of the lease accounting standards for both private companies and government entities, including talent shortages and retention issues. In fact, 93% of private companies say their team is already stretched thin, making the transition to compliance with ASC 842 even more overwhelming. Also, nearly 40% cite concerns over employee burnout as they face the work required to achieve proper lease controls and accounting across the portfolio. 

        Similarly, 86% of government entities say their team is already stretched thin, making the transition to compliance with GASB 87 even more overwhelming. Once compliant, there’s the issue of keeping up with sustained compliance. 33% of private companies ranked knowledge maintenance as a top obstacle to overcome throughout their lease accounting process. Similarly, 31% of government entities ranked knowledge maintenance as a top obstacle that they, too had to overcome throughout their lease accounting process. 

        Among other concerns and obstacles are the ongoing effects of the pandemic, facilitating interdepartmental collaboration and coordination and the development of new processes, policies and controls. 


        So how can organizations overcome these challenges? 


        Well, because there’s so many moving parts and pieces when it comes to proper lease accounting and administration, having a centralized system of record greatly changes the way a firm organizes and maintains control over their leases while creating many efficiencies along the way. In fact, both private companies and government entities have reported that third party lease accounting software has helped them do several things, including the following first, replace and streamline essential manual tasks and improve accuracy through automation. 

        Also keeping employees aware of rules and regulations. And introducing a new level of customer service and support available to their internal teams while reducing the risk of misreporting company lease information. Because of these many advantages, private companies were able to save an average of 600 hours. And public sector entities were able to save 765 hours by using third party lease accounting software. 

        It’s important to note that when picking a solution, you should prioritize one that has strong customer support. Because we also found that 30% of private companies and nearly 40% of government entities reported adopting new technologies as a leading obstacle in their lease accounting projects. This is why at Visual Lease we’re dedicated to helping our customers throughout the entire implementation process and beyond to ensure they’re getting the maximum value out of our software and services. 


        Robert, these are great insights. Any closing thoughts? 


        Yes, really appreciate you having me today, Joe. It was great to share just a few snippets from our newest report. And if you’re interested in checking out all that Visual Lease Data Institute has to offer, you can find it under the Insights tab on the Visual Lease website. 


        That will conclude today’s episode of the VLDI podcast. If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to follow our LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook pages @visuallease. And don’t forget to tune into the next episode of the Visual Lease Data Institute podcast, where our focus is on helping you and your company transform your lease accounting compliance requirements into financial opportunities. 

        The post Episode 6 “New Research from The VL Data Institute ft. Robert Michlewicz” first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        How to prepare for ASC 842 adoption Mon, 03 Oct 2022 15:06:32 +0000

        On-demand webinar summary

        Are you confident that you have the resources you need to prepare your business for ASC 842 adoption? It’s important to anticipate and plan on meeting important milestones throughout your lease accounting project tTo ensure a smooth transition and achieve compliance, it’s important to be aware of the important milestones ahead of you 

        In our recent webinar, How to prepare for ASC 842 adoption, lease accounting experts Joe Fitzgerald, SVP of Lease Market Strategy at Visual Lease, and Lisa Kaestle, Director of Accounting Advisory Services at Grant Thornton, shared insights and lessons learned from public companies, along with useful tips and insights private companies can use to successfully adopt ASC 842.  

        Joe Fitzgerald

        SVP of Lease Market Strategy
        Visual Lease

        Lisa Kaestle

        Director, Accounting Advisory Services
        Grant Thornton

        About Visual Lease 

        Visual Lease makes easy-to-use software to help organizations manage and account for their leases, and stay compliant with US-GAAP, IFRS and GASB lease accounting standards. 

        About Grant Thornton 

        With over 400 successful lease adoptions, Grant Thornton has seen it all. Between inefficiencies, errors, and restatement concerns, leasing will be at the center of discussions during your year-end audit. Find out more about our partnership and their self-service kit. 

        Here are some key takeaways from the webinar: 

        Lessons learned from public companies 

        Public companies have been reporting under ASC 842 for three years now. As a result, there have been many lessons learned in both initial adoption and ongoing compliance (typically referred to as Day 2) that private companies can use to their advantage.  

        • Adoption takes longer than expected 

        Preparing for ASC 842 compliance can certainly be time-consuming, but many companies don’t realize just how long it could take.  

        In the webinar, Lisa Kaestle described how initial adoption could easily take anywhere from 3-6 months. “It’s a long process and a lot of times, companies really need outside help. They need to make sure they collect all of their lease data – and that they work with the right vendor. There are a lot of obstacles to think about, including how to compile proper documentation for auditors,” said Lisa.  

        It’s important to get started on your lease accounting project as soon as possible to give your cross-functional teams the time they need to prepare for adoption. It’s never too early to start this process. 

        • Ensure you remain compliant for Day 2 

        Once you’ve achieved ASC 842 compliance, it’s equally important to remain compliant. As lease terms change over time, it’s critical to have the right processes and procedures in place to ensure your lease data is up-to-date.   

        The most effective way to do this is by getting all your lease data in one centralized location, so your teams can easily access and update your lease portfolio as needed. 

        “Day 1 is a major lift for any business, but if you don’t have those processes put in place for Day 2, it’s going to be the same big lift each time you go through an audit to prove your statements are materially correct and accurate,” stated Lisa. 

        • Identify the appropriate software solution

        Much of your business’ lease accounting success hinges on what software you choose to implement. It’s important to evaluate different solutions and find which one best fits your business needs.  

        It’s also important to understand that Excel is rarely the right approach, even for smaller portfolios. Further, Excel is not a strong software choice for Day 2 lease accounting.  

        At minimum, you’ll want to make sure the software provides: 

        • Automated calculations and reports backed by a SOC I Type II certification 
        • Centralized lease data that enables cross-departmental teams to have complete visibility 
        • Easily accessible, transparent historical data and audit trail functionality 

        Six steps private companies can take for the adoption process 

        Visual Lease and Grant Thornton are very experienced in helping clients with ASC 842 adoption. Together, they have assisted roughly 1,500 companies achieve compliance with the new lease accounting standards. 

        Based on their strong understanding of what it takes to be successful, they shared six steps to achieve lease accounting compliance.  

        • Kickoff

          • Learn the standards – and identify milestones up-front how to get started. Also, , identify a project lead and introduce potential cross-departmental stakeholders to ASC 842.  
        • Identify All Leases

          • Assess your business’ lease population and define your approach to identifying known (and unknown) leases.  
        • Implement Technology

          • Import your lease data and utilize configurable software, like Visual Lease, to streamline your work and ensure completeness, consistency and ease of use.  
        • Analyze Lease Data

          • Develop an efficient adoption strategy to make practical expedient and policy elections. Use third-party resources, trainings and checklists to ensure you extract lease data correctly. 
        • Design and Document

          • Utilize draft memo templates to document your compliance from adoption and going forward, and consider Day 2 plans.  
        • Complete Adoption and Go-Live

          • Finalize and test your reporting ahead of your audit, and take advantage of third-party advisors, like Grant Thornton, for disclosure guidance to be confident and prepared for your audit. 


        To learn more, view our on-demand webinar: How to prepare for ASC 842 adoption. 

        Visual Lease and Grant Thornton teamed up to provide you with a proven playbook for an easy transition to ASC 842. Learn how Grant Thornton can simplify the transition to the new lease accounting standard, and how Visual Lease software can provide you with confident, ongoing compliance. 



        The post How to prepare for ASC 842 adoption first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Episode 5 “A Breakdown of GASB 96: What You Need to Know” Tue, 27 Sep 2022 18:11:50 +0000

        GASB 96 is the latest standard government entities need to follow to accurately report its subscription-based IT arrangements (SBITAs). In this episode, our host, Joe Fitzgerald, sits down with lease accounting experts Mike Vanscoy, Managing Director at Solomon Edwards, and Rosemary Courtney, Technical Accounting Director at Visual Lease, and breaks down the differences between GASB 87 and GASB 96, along with what you need to know about subscription assets.

        Read Transcript

        VLDI Podcast Episode 5 Transcript


        Hi everyone, Joe Fitzgerald here, your host of the Visual Lease Data Institute Podcast. I’m the SVP of Lease Market Strategy at Visual Lease and we have an exciting topic to cover in this episode.

        This time we’ll be discussing GASB 96 with my colleague Rosemary Courtney, our Technical Accounting Director here at Visual Lease. I’ll also be welcoming back Mike Vanscoy, Managing Director at Solomon Edwards Group.

        Rosemary is a CPA with over 30 years of experience in financial leadership roles. She has worked as both a senior executive and CFO at public, private and not-for-profit companies, with a proven track record in growth strategies and profit margin improvements.

        She also has extensive global experience in general accounting policy, financial closing and reporting under US GAAP, IFRS and SEC, along with technical expertise in complex non-recurring transactions and SOC controls.

        Mike has more than 25 years of national and international experience in various aspects of technical accounting and financial reporting, financial accounting management, audit compliance, financial management standards and international policies, controls and procedures in IFRS, FASB and GASB environments. He has extensive experience in accounting and reporting for public offerings, mergers and acquisitions, debt and equity transactions and complex consolidation topics.

        I’ve asked both Rosemary and Mike to join us here today to address a recent GASB standard that organizations will need to adopt: GASB 96.

        So, let’s jump right in. What exactly is GASB 96 and why is it so important? Give us the 101 breakdown.


        GASB 96 has to do with subscription-based information technology arrangements. It’s about going through your contracts and identifying, as a government entity, SaaS agreements and putting them on balance sheet for the first time. Essentially, they’re trying to make consistent treatment of these types of contracts for state and local governments.


        With that background, last time I spoke with Mike, we discussed GASB 87. I’m curious – what do organizations need to do to prepare for GASB 96? And how does it compare to how they’re preparing for GASB 87?


        The good news is if your organization has gone through GASB 87, GASB 96 is going to look a lot like GASB 87. What GASB 96 is doing, like what GASB 87 was doing, is providing some uniformity to reporting over a specific area.

        What GASB 87 did for leases and putting all of the leases on the balance sheet and providing a solid set of guidelines for entities to follow, GASB 96 is doing the same thing for these subscription-based technology arrangements.

        Just like under the lease standards, you’re going to now have an asset and a corresponding liability related to all of these agreements that you didn’t have before. If you haven’t gone through the adoption process on the new lease standard, you’re going to have to do a lot of digging through your agreements.

        You’ll be reading agreements and understanding what qualifies under the guidelines of GASB 96 for these subscription-based agreements that need to be put on the balance sheets. Once you pull those all together and consolidate them, you can then start doing the same work that you did for GASB 87.

        So, there are a lot of similarities and there are a lot of leveraging efficiencies, if you will, from what you’ve done or will do for GASB 87.


        With that in mind, I know a lot of public entities are adopting GASB 87 right now. What’s the timing on GASB 96, and why do you think it is that entities are not doing both at the same time?


        The consensus is that folks are still really kind of wrestling with their GASB 87 implementation, so they just really don’t have the people power right now to pivot. However, GASB 96 follows on the heels of GASB 87 and GASB 96 is effective after June 15, 2022, and for all reporting periods thereafter. Basically, it’s just (an issue of) capacity to get it implemented.


        Are there other groups that are going to be more prominent in the cross-functional activities around GASB 96 that maybe not as involved in the GASB 87 transition?


        I think so. GASB 96 is going to be mostly an IT function because we’re talking about subscription-based information technology agreements. For the folks who work in IT and in governmental entities, they’re getting a double whammy, if you will, because under GASB 87, part of the work to adopt GASB 87 was looking for embedded leases and looking through all theircontracts to find elements of a lease.

        We’ve asked that group, along with other groups, to go through all of their contracts and try to scope in or scope out leases. Now, that same group is going to have to go through even more work and go through all of their contracts to determine whether their arrangements with software providers meet the guidelines under GASB 96.

        So, it’s the IT group in particular, along with accounting, because accounting has been involved in both of these in terms of collecting data, consolidating it and coming up with new mechanisms for reporting. That can refer to new accounts, reconciliations and all the things that come with financial reporting. I would say that IT and accounting are going to take the brunt of GASB 96, and IT will feel it more than they did with GASB 87.


        I was looking through the GASB 96 standard and noticed there’s discussion about certain costs and implementation costs around these contracts both before, during and after implementation. What do those costs entail?


        As Mike was describing, digging through contracts to look for embedded leases, with these SBITA agreements, there’s a deep dive required to find the different cost stages of a contract. There are preliminary project stage costs and then there are initial implementation stage and then operation and additional implementation stage.

        Those are the three buckets, and each of those has to be identified because some are expenses incurred and some are capitalized. There’s a nuance and I think you were with me, Joe, a while ago, when we called GASB to walk through some of that.

        Our initial instinct was that these are going to be hard to find. Often when you’re negotiating, they’re not always carved out. For example, sometimes your training costs are buried in the same contract. It goes to accounts payable, it’s all one.

        It’s hard to identify the discrete cost items for the different accounting treatments. So, there’s a complexity there in finding the costs.


        As we know, these are not leases, but there’s obviously similarities.

        Many entities have implemented some form of lease accounting technology for GASB 87. How do you see them leveraging that technology as they move into adopting GASB 96?


        I think the technology needs are just as great as they were under GASB 87. What people have found is that, just like anyone who’s adopted the lease accounting standards, whether in the private or the governmental area, is that Day 1, you can calculate everything. However, with Day 2, software does all the necessary work, from reporting to consolidation, that makes your life easier.

        Luckily, GASB 87 and GASB 96 are similar. In fact, many of the terms are similar: we have a right-to-use asset under both, we have a lease liability under GASB 87 and we have a subscription liability under GASB 96.

        We’re talking about, conceptually, two standards that are very much alike, one’s for leases and one’s very specific for information technology agreements. If you’re using software and you’ve gotten used to the software that you use for GASB 87, stick with that for GASB 96. If you’re looking at software for GASB 87, I would recommend that while you’re looking at software for GASB 87, consider that same software provider for GASB 96.

        I’m sure providers, such as Visual Lease, have options for GASB 96. Once you’ve gotten used to the GASB 87 accounting and the GASB 87 reporting, GASB 96 is going to be so much easier. You’ll be able to leverage everything that you’ve learned from using the software for GASB 87.


        That certainly makes a lot of sense. You might as well leverage existing software rather than go out and get another solution. Rosemary and Mike, do you have any closing thoughts on GASB 96?


        My hunch is, and you might be able to clarify this for me, but observing with the GASB 87 implementation is a little bit more of a difficult transition, whereas GASB 96 should be more discrete because it’s new.

        There’s not as much of a look back and find for an opening balance restatement. I think it won’t be as heavy of a lift, that’s my hunch.


        Agreed. I think what the heavy lift is, or the issue for most entities, is the same record you hear played over and over again everywhere. There’s just not enough bandwidth for most of these organizations to do their current day jobs and turn around and adopt a couple of significant standards, like GASB 87 and GASB 96.

        I also agree with Rosemary that GASB 96, in theory, should be easier because it’s very much focused on information technology agreements, whereas GASB 87 was broad. It was about looking at all your agreements, particularly service agreements of any type, and try to make sure that there’s not a lease in there, or if there is a lease, that you account for it properly.

        I think bandwidth is going to be the biggest issue. The other big issue, in terms of both standards, represents a significant change in the way we approach recording these items. Leases were always one of those things that were always off balance sheet, and were mainly an operating expense, unless they were capital leases.

        These subscription agreements with technology, we’re using software, we’re using assets and we’re paying a monthly fee. Those have been viewed as mainly expenses because we didn’t think we bought anything, we weren’t buying assets that we were using.

        Both standards represent a wholesale change in the way we think and approach these items. I think that’s the biggest lift: asking people to turn around their reporting processes and the way they use their internal controls, over these items.


        Rosemary, Mike, great insights. Thanks again, I really enjoyed chatting with you both and taking the time to discuss GASB 96.

        The post Episode 5 “A Breakdown of GASB 96: What You Need to Know” first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Lease Management: Unlocking ROI Opportunities within Your Lease Portfolio Mon, 19 Sep 2022 19:01:07 +0000

        On-demand webinar summary

        Lease management is integral to achieve and maintain lease accounting compliance. But that’s not the only opportunity it presents.  

        In fact, 100% of recently surveyed senior finance and accounting professionals acknowledge that lease management, which is required to sustain accounting compliance, comes with real business benefits. But how do you identify – and benefit from – your lease information? 

        In our recent webinar, Lease Management: Unlocking ROI Opportunities within Your Lease Portfolio, experts in lease optimization and real estate shared: 

        • An overview of the lease management landscape
        • The impact of integrated lease management (reduced risk, reduced costs)
        • How to increase ROI from centralized lease data 

        Marc Betesh

        Founder & Executive Chairman
        Visual Lease

        Jason Aster

        Managing Director, Growth KBA Lease Services

        Tiffany Martin

        Real Estate Analyst Gartner

        To learn more, read the summary below or view the on-demand webinar. 

        Leases are incredibly expensive – and undermanaged by organizations

        Did you know that businesses often lack financial controls for their lease portfolio-related expenses, despite leases’ high cost and liability? This lack of control can put your organization at risk of losing a lot of time and money. 

        This is why lease management is important. Lease management enables you to: 

        • Reduce risk
          • Gain visibility into rights and obligations
          • Limit exposure to indemnification and other serious obligations
          • Control exposure to loss not covered by insurance required by the lease
          • Eliminate confusion and wasted time over repair and maintenance responsibility
          • Avoid damage to landlord-tenant relationship over misunderstood rights and obligations 
        • Reduce costs
          • Avoid overpayments by knowing what your leases say
            • Monitor OpEx, CAM, RE tax, utilities, sundry charges, supplemental services
          • Avoid missing the right to correct errors by managing audit windows
          • Take advantage of market opportunities by allowing cross-functional access to lease data
          • Secure proactive, effective and responsive use of your leased assets

        Lease management is two-fold

        A reliable lease management process consists of two things: 

        • Using dedicated technology to centralize and organize lease data 
          • Create a single source of truth by using a robust lease management system
        • Working with dedicated professionals to evaluate your lease portfolio 
          • Engage a third-party partner to guide or handle leases

        “It’s so important to have your leases organized. Having our leases all in one place has been a tremendous time-saver for us at Gartner,” said Tiffany Martin, Real Estate Analyst at Gartner. 


        For more information about lease management, view the on-demand webinar: Lease Management: Unlocking ROI Opportunities within Your Lease Portfolio. 

        The post Lease Management: Unlocking ROI Opportunities within Your Lease Portfolio first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        2022 Lease Market Analysis: Lease Accounting Readiness Fri, 16 Sep 2022 17:20:37 +0000

        On-demand webinar summary

        The latest report from The Visual Lease Data Institute (VLDI) features key findings and insights into market readiness for private companies and government entities. In our recent webinar, 2022 Lease Market Analysis: Lease Accounting Readiness, we dove into the latest insights from The VLDI Report, including: 

        • Common lease accounting challenges for private companies and the public sector market
        • Benefits of strong lease controls and accounting
        • How to leverage your lease data to make smarter, faster decisions

        Marc Betesh

        Founder & Executive Chairman
        Visual Lease

        Joe Fitzgerald

        SVP of Lease Market Strategy
        Visual Lease

        Read the summary below for a quick synopsis of the presentation, view the webinar on-demand, or view the report. 

        Common lease accounting challenges for private companies and the public sector

        Today, one-third (33%) of private companies are still not fully prepared to transition to ASC 842.

        And despite the GASB 87 effective date being six months earlier (June 15, 2021), an even larger portion of the public sector (44%) is not fully prepared to transition to GASB 87.

        Why? The reasons for delayed implementation and maintenance of the standards are due to:

        • Potential talent shortages & retention issues
          • Ninety-three percent (93%) of private companies say their team is already stretched thin, making the transition to compliance with ASC 842 even more overwhelming.
          • Similarly, (86%) of public sector entities say their team is already stretched thin, making the transition to compliance with GASB 87 even more overwhelming.
        • Demands of ongoing education
          • Knowledge maintenance was ranked as a top obstacle that private companies (33%) had to overcome throughout their lease accounting processes.
          • One-third (31%) of public sector entities ranked knowledge maintenance as a top obstacle they had to overcome throughout their lease accounting process.
        • Digital transformation challenges
          • Thirty percent (30%) of private companies reported adopting new technologies as a leading obstacle in their lease accounting projects.
          • Nearly forty percent (38%) of public sector entities cited challenges in adopting new technologies into the lease accounting process as a top concern.

        How to take control of your lease data

        The time commitment of gathering and managing lease data is another reason why organizations are not fully prepared for ASC 842 and/or GASB 87. It’s an incredibly large team effort that requires automation and cross-departmental team effort. In fact, private companies that are not using third-party software expect to spend 1,582 hours gathering all necessary lease information. 

        However, private companies who used third-party lease accounting software were able to save an average of 600 hours and public sector entities were able to save an average of 765 hours in this effort.  

        For more information about lease management, view the on-demand webinar: 2022 Lease Market Analysis: Lease Accounting Readiness.

        The post 2022 Lease Market Analysis: Lease Accounting Readiness first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        ASC 842 Adoption: Avoiding the Pitfalls Thu, 08 Sep 2022 17:36:57 +0000

        On-demand webinar summary

        How do you avoid the risks of improper ASC 842 adoption? Inaccurate lease accounting financials can result in a failed audit, additional fees and fines, so you need to ensure you do it right the first time.

        To do so, you’ll want to make sure you have a reliable and complete lease portfolio, lease data, system and processes. But this isn’t easy to accomplish, and many companies still struggle with ensuring their lease data is reliable.

        In our recent webinar, ASC 842 Adoption: Avoiding the Pitfalls, lease accounting experts from Visual Lease and Grant Thornton shared:

        • Answers to common lease accounting FAQs
        • How to circumvent common roadblocks during lease accounting adoption
        • Ways to avoid putting your business at risk and feel confident in your financial reports

        Joe Fitzgerald

        SVP of Lease Market Strategy
        Visual Lease

        Lisa Kaestle

        Director, Accounting Advisory Services
        Grant Thornton

        To learn more, read the summary below or view the on-demand webinar.

        Answers to Accounting, Operational and Software FAQs

        Did you know that today, nearly all private companies (98%) have started the transition to ASC 842, but one-third (33%) are still not fully prepared to transition to the new standard? This points to the massive pressure businesses are under as they attempt to retroactively learn and organize the details of their leases in advance of their initial reporting period under the new lease accounting standard.

        In this presentation, Lisa Kaestle of Grant Thornton answered some common FAQs related to the new lease accounting standard, such as:

        • Do I really have to gather all lease information, or can I estimate? Is there a materiality threshold?
        • What is an embedded lease? How do I know if I have an embedded lease?
        • What departments in my company will be affected? Can finance manage this transition alone? Who should be part of the team for this initiative?

        How to Mitigate Operational and Accounting Risks

        The new lease accounting standards open your business up to a much higher degree of scrutiny. There are major risks, including but not limited to:

        Operational Risks

        • Staff, workflow and system requirements and expenses
        • Lease review, approval and classification across the company
          • Database of record, lease administration and accounting
          • Lease data/process workflows/calculations/reporting
        • Lease data management across the company
        • Lease-buy decisions (short-term leases, fixed-versus-variable payments, lease incentives)

        Accounting Risks

        • Monitoring leasing activities
        • Accounting close cycle timeline and processes
        • Internal controls (systems, validation, lease portfolio changes, discount rates, lease re-assessment, disclosures)
        • Lease accounting calculations
        • Qualitative vs quantitative disclosures
        • Financial ratios and metrics (creditor and banking decisions)
        • Tax-to-book reconciliations
        • External and internal audits and reviews

        For more information about lease management, view the on-demand webinar: ASC 842 Adoption: Avoiding the Pitfalls.

        The post ASC 842 Adoption: Avoiding the Pitfalls first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Visual Lease Receives Industry Recognition for Leading Lease Administration and Lease Accounting Software Solutions Thu, 25 Aug 2022 13:47:48 +0000 Organization included on The Inc. 5000 List for third consecutive year, also receiving a 2022 PropTech Breakthrough Award, 2022 SaaS Award and 2022 Stevie Award for Employer of the Year...

        The post Visual Lease Receives Industry Recognition for Leading Lease Administration and Lease Accounting Software Solutions first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

        Organization included on The Inc. 5000 List for third consecutive year, also receiving a 2022 PropTech Breakthrough Award, 2022 SaaS Award and 2022 Stevie Award for Employer of the Year

        Woodbridge, N.J. – August 25, 2022 — Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software provider, today announced several high-profile recognitions that underscore its position as a unique and innovative financial technology solution provider and employer. Shortly after being the only software provider named a Leader in Lease Accounting and Lease Administration by G2, Visual Lease received a 2022 PropTech Breakthrough Award for Overall Lease Management Company of the Year and was also named a finalist by The 2022 SaaS Awards for the Best SaaS Product for Business Accounting or Finance.

        “There are solutions that specifically cater to initial compliance needs and then there’s Visual Lease,” said Visual Lease’s CEO, Robert Michlewicz. “We supply a unique and proven technology that combines the power of proper lease administration with precise lease accounting to empower easy and sustained compliance, while simultaneously enabling companies to minimize the risks and maximize the benefits associated with their lease portfolios. We’re honored to continue to receive recognition that highlights why more than 1,000 companies across the globe have partnered with Visual Lease.”

        Visual Lease was also included in the Inc. 5000 list of fastest-growing private companies in America for the third consecutive year, named among the top 100 fastest-growing private companies in New Jersey and the 259th fastest-growing private company in the New York City area.

        The organization also received a Silver Stevie Award for Great Employers in the Employer of the Year in the Computer Software category. Other leading organizations in this category included Lever, The Trade Desk, ValueLabs LLP and Rocket Software.

        “Our ability to continuously enhance our product and services is fueled by our best-in-class team,” said Pamela Cosmillo, Director of Human Resources at Visual Lease. “As we continue to advance in our journey as a remote-first company, we are dedicated to maintaining our strong and inclusive work environment through robust benefits, unique programs and a focus on career development and advancement across all of our departments.”

        To keep up with announcements from Visual Lease, visit the Visual Lease Newsroom.

        To learn more about open positions at Visual Lease, visit the Visual Lease Career Site.

        About Visual Lease

        Visual Lease is the #1 lease optimization software provider. We help organizations become compliant with FASB, IFRS and GASB lease accounting standards, while simultaneously improving the financial, legal and operational performance of their leases. Our easy-to-use SaaS platform is embedded with more than three decades of best practices from major corporations and leading industry professionals. Our award-winning solutions are used by 1,000+ organizations to manage 500,000+ real estate, equipment and other leased assets. Committed to ongoing innovation and unparalleled customer service, Visual Lease helps organizations transform their lease compliance requirements into financial opportunities. For more information, visit

        Media Contacts

        Erica Bonavitacola
        Visual Lease
        T+1 732 860 4838






        The post Visual Lease Receives Industry Recognition for Leading Lease Administration and Lease Accounting Software Solutions first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Visual Lease Announces Amie Durr as SVP of Product Mon, 08 Aug 2022 14:02:20 +0000 New CEO makes first strategic hire to empower organization to further expand its offerings Woodbridge, N.J. – August 8, 2022 — Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software provider, today...

        The post Visual Lease Announces Amie Durr as SVP of Product first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        New CEO makes first strategic hire to empower organization to further expand its offerings

        Woodbridge, N.J. – August 8, 2022 — Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software provider, today announced the appointment of Amie Durr as Senior Vice President of Product. In her role, Amie will lead and enable product innovation, ensuring that Visual Lease continues to support organizations’ evolving business needs by strengthening their lease accounting and administration processes while expanding its integration capabilities. This addition to Visual Lease’s executive team marks the first strategic leadership hire made by newly appointed CEO, Robert Michlewicz.

        “At Visual Lease, we are committed to providing organizations with the most comprehensive platform, expert services and robust partner community to master lease accounting compliance while achieving visibility, insights and expanded controls over their lease portfolios,” said Visual Lease’s CEO, Robert Michlewicz. “Amie has the experience, customer-first approach, passion and innovative outlook that will ensure we continue to deliver against our commitment, while simultaneously scaling with our growing customer base.”

        Prior to joining Visual Lease, Amie was the Vice President of Product Management at SparkPost, where she was responsible for products delivering nearly 40% of all commercial email. Her leadership in product innovation, strategic planning, team development and execution was integral to SparkPost’s success and ability to integrate into its customers’ complex environments. Amie’s contributions were a driving force behind MessageBird’s acquisition of SparkPost for $600M in 2021.

        “I am thrilled to join the Visual Lease team,” said Amie. “I believe tech companies should champion the voice of both the customer and the market, which is a big reason why I decided to join VL. This company does a tremendous job of helping organizations address today’s business needs while anticipating future demands. I look forward to working alongside Robert and the rest of the leadership team to further elevate the value that we are bringing to our customers and strategic partners.”

        This addition to Visual Lease’s leadership team comes on the heels of a strong second quarter for the organization, during which it achieved nearly 30% growth in annual recurring revenue and 40% growth in customer count, year-over-year.

        To keep up with announcements from Visual Lease, visit the Visual Lease Newsroom.

        About Visual Lease

        Visual Lease is the #1 lease optimization software provider. We help organizations become compliant with FASB, IFRS and GASB lease accounting standards, while simultaneously improving the financial, legal and operational performance of their leases. Our easy-to-use SaaS platform is embedded with more than three decades of best practices from major corporations and leading industry professionals. Our award-winning solutions are used by 1,000+ organizations to manage 500,000+ real estate, equipment and other leased assets. Committed to ongoing innovation and unparalleled customer service, Visual Lease helps organizations transform their lease compliance requirements into financial opportunities. For more information, visit

        Media Contacts

        Erica Bonavitacola
        Visual Lease
        T+1 732 860 4838

        The post Visual Lease Announces Amie Durr as SVP of Product first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        How to Ensure Complete and Accurate Lease Data for Lease Accounting Compliance Sat, 06 Aug 2022 00:38:28 +0000

        On-demand webinar summary

        Before the new lease accounting standards, many companies lacked visibility into their lease portfolio. This cost many businesses millions of dollars in overpaid rent, missed lease options and more.

        But now, leases are in the forefront as companies prepare for and maintain compliance with the new standards. However, many businesses struggle to ensure their lease data is comprehensive and up-to-date.

        In our recent webinar, How to Ensure Complete and Accurate Lease Data for Lease Accounting Compliance, experts shared best practice tips to ensure a thorough lease portfolio.

        Joe Fitzgerald

        SVP of Lease Market Strategy
        Visual Lease

        Rosemary Courtney

        Technical Accounting Director
        Visual Lease

        High-level key takeaways from the webinar include:

        • Common challenges and solutions for gathering and auditing lease data
        • Key advantages of using dedicated lease accounting technology

        To learn more, view the on-demand webinar or read the summary below.

        Common challenges and solutions when gathering and auditing lease data


        1. Ensuring a comprehensive lease portfolio is time-consuming 

        Many businesses have hundreds, if not thousands, of leases. To achieve and sustain lease accounting compliance, you need to have complete visibility into all your leases.

        However, gathering all your leases is time-consuming and laborious, and involves various departments.

        The sooner you begin, the better, to give your team enough time to identify and locate every lease across your business. If needed, you may want to hire third-party advisors experienced in lease accounting preparation to assist in this effort.

        2. Gathering lease data requires cross-departmental resources

        Because leases are typically scattered throughout various departments, you should identify all key stakeholders responsible for identifying leases up-front, including real estate, procurement, legal, IT and more.

        From there, this cross-functional team can work together to develop a reliable and sustainable process for data collection and maintenance to ensure your lease portfolio is complete and always up-to-date.

        3. Lease information is often not located in one location

        Prior to the new lease accounting standards, leases weren’t commonly tracked. And any leases that were tracked were likely inconsistent across the business.

        Once you’ve gathered all your leases for lease accounting compliance, it’s best to enter them in one single source of truth.

        A centralized lease portfolio enables you to track lease data in real time – and result in much faster, efficient lease accounting.

        4. Leases change often and must be maintained

        Maintaining compliance is a continuous effort, given leases’ dynamic nature. Staying compliant requires ongoing attention and a reliable process to identify and capture any financial changes to your lease portfolio.

        Without the right lease management software or tools, this can be extremely difficult to do.

        Robust technology, like Visual Lease, enables businesses to maintain one single source of truth for their lease portfolio and set internal controls for ongoing lease data maintenance, therefore supporting data integrity and accurate, up-to-date information.

        For more information, view the on-demand webinar, How to Ensure Complete and Accurate Lease Data for Lease Accounting Compliance.

        The post How to Ensure Complete and Accurate Lease Data for Lease Accounting Compliance first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Visual Lease Appoints Robert Michlewicz as CEO Mon, 01 Aug 2022 14:00:00 +0000 Founder and current CEO, Marc Betesh, transitions to Executive Chairman as company continues to expand and evolve Woodbridge, NJ – August 1, 2022 — Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization...

        The post Visual Lease Appoints Robert Michlewicz as CEO first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Founder and current CEO, Marc Betesh, transitions to Executive Chairman as company continues to expand and evolve

        Woodbridge, NJ – August 1, 2022 Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software provider, today announced that Robert Michlewicz has been named CEO. Marc Betesh, the founder and current CEO, will now serve as Executive Chairman. The transition in management structure will accelerate Visual Lease’s growth and ensure it remains the premier solution provider for lease accounting, administration and optimization.

        “Robert has demonstrated that he has the experience, insight and market knowledge to scale our business to new heights,” said Visual Lease’s founder and CEO, Marc Betesh. “I started Visual Lease in 1996 to provide an easy way for companies to have visibility into their leases, because I saw firsthand how even the slightest misstep in managing a lease can disrupt operations and cost millions.  The lack of controls around the second-largest expense always baffled me. Now that the new lease accounting standards have brought leases onto the balance sheet, they are under intense scrutiny by finance and accounting departments everywhere.  I am thrilled to pass the torch to a leader that has extensive experience in the financial accounting software space. Robert will help us innovate, expand and grow our offering to provide even more value to our customers.”

        New accounting standards and complex business priorities, including inflation, talent shortages and the ongoing struggle to adjust in a newly post-pandemic world have brought lease management and accounting to the forefront for businesses, but there is still much to accomplish in the space. According to the most recent report from The Visual Lease Data Institute, The 2022 Lease Market Analysis: Lease Accounting Readiness, despite leases typically making up a large portion of an organization’s budget, nearly three-quarters (71%) of private companies cannot say with confidence how much their leases cost their business.

        “It’s an exciting time to be at Visual Lease, which was recently recognized as the market leader for both lease administration and accounting software,” said Robert Michlewicz. “I am energized to expand Visual Lease’s value to our global customers by empowering them in meeting their needs within the office of finance while optimizing the operational effectiveness of their lease portfolios.”

        Michlewicz, who recently joined Visual Lease as President, has more than two decades of experience in the financial technology sector, driving operational excellence in several high-growth companies. Most recently, he was Chief Strategy Officer at Trintech, a leading provider of global Financial Corporate Performance Management (FCPM) software. During his nearly 11 years there, the company maintained double-digital annual recurring revenue (ARR) growth, year-over-year. Prior to Trintech, Michlewicz was the Regional President for Bowne & Co. (former NYSE), the largest global disclosure management firm and was President of Chas. P. Young Co., where his company played a vital role in newly expanded SEC regulatory compliance reporting.

        To keep up with announcements from Visual Lease, visit the Visual Lease Newsroom.

        About Visual Lease

        Visual Lease is the #1 lease optimization software provider. We help organizations become compliant with FASB, IFRS and GASB lease accounting standards, while simultaneously improving the financial, legal and operational performance of their leases. Our easy-to-use SaaS platform is embedded with more than three decades of best practices from major corporations and leading industry professionals. Our award-winning solutions are used by 1,000+ organizations to manage 500,000+ real estate, equipment and other leased assets. Committed to ongoing innovation and unparalleled customer service, Visual Lease helps organizations transform their lease compliance requirements into financial opportunities. For more information, visit

        Media Contact

        Karen Lee
        Caliber Public Relations
        T+1 929 269 4436

        The post Visual Lease Appoints Robert Michlewicz as CEO first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        The Visual Lease Data Institute Finds 71% Of Private Organizations Are Unsure How Much Their Leases Cost Mon, 25 Jul 2022 13:06:26 +0000 Private companies and government entities continue to face challenges around properly managing and reporting their leases in accordance with the new lease accounting standards Woodbridge, N.J. – July 25, 2022...

        The post The Visual Lease Data Institute Finds 71% Of Private Organizations Are Unsure How Much Their Leases Cost first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

        Private companies and government entities continue to face challenges around properly managing and reporting their leases in accordance with the new lease accounting standards

        Woodbridge, N.J. – July 25, 2022 — Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software provider, today unveiled its newest report from The Visual Lease Data Institute, The 2022 Lease Market Analysis: Lease Accounting Readiness. The study found that despite leases typically making up a large portion of an organization’s budget, nearly three-quarters (71%) of private companies are not entirely confident they know how much their leases cost their business. This lack of awareness and visibility is one reason companies are slow to transition to the new lease accounting standards. Notably, a third (33%) of private companies are still not fully prepared to transition to ASC 842, which is effective for all 2022 and 2023 financial statements and beyond.

        Despite the GASB 87 effective date being six months earlier (June 15, 2021), a delay appears to be emerging in the implementation of the standard. Forty-four percent of the government market is not fully prepared to transition to GASB 87 and only 18% of government institutions are at a point where they are considering lease accounting maintenance beyond initial compliance. In addition, nearly one-fourth of government entities are not aware of GASB 96, a looming standard that will impact how governmental organizations report on their Subscription-Based Information Technology Agreements (SBITAs) for fiscal years beginning after June 15, 2022.

        “For years, companies may have been able to get away with loosely managing and tracking their leases, but that is no longer the case with new lease accounting standards, which require leased assets to be reflected on the balance sheet,” said Visual Lease’s founder and CEO, Marc Betesh. “In addition to these new standards, the global economic climate is creating additional concerns around implementing proper internal controls and lease management processes.”

        Workforce shortages and retention issues are also contributing to private companies and government entities delaying their transition to the new standards. A staggering 93% of private companies and 86% of government organizations say their teams are already stretched thin, making lease accounting even more overwhelming. And nearly 40% of private companies report that avoiding employee burnout is a top concern associated with maintaining proper control over their lease portfolio.

        “The silver lining is that the new standards are providing companies with the opportunity to prioritize lease management to not only achieve lease accounting compliance, but also, to make stronger business decisions and better manage risk,” added Betesh.

        Risks associated with not implementing a proper lease management strategy include:

          • An unnecessarily complex lease accounting process that relies on manual efforts.
          • A failed annual audit due to incomplete and inaccurate lease data, potentially resulting in increased fees, damaged credibility and diminished credit.
          • The inability to pivot and address new business needs due to a lack of visibility into important lease details.

        By implementing a centralized system of record, private companies and government entities have been able to recognize a range of benefits, including automation, reduction of risk, more cost-saving opportunities and a new level of customer service and support. Because of these many advantages, private companies were able to save an average of 600 hours and government entities were able to save an average of 765 hours by using third-party lease accounting software.

        To compile the findings in the report, Visual Lease surveyed 200 senior finance and accounting professionals at companies with more than 1,000 employees and 100 U.S. financial management professionals at local, state and federal governmental organizations. Within the research, industry leaders from Visual Lease and other organizations such as RSM, On Q Financial and Indeed, break down common challenges and roadblocks experienced by the private and government markets; how organizations can leverage lease accounting to make faster, smarter decisions; and best practices for accelerating and maintaining lease accounting compliance, while preparing for new guidance, such as GASB 96.

        For additional insights, visit The Visual Lease Data Institute.

        To access insights on lease accounting and strategic lease portfolio management, subscribe to The Visual Lease Data Institute Podcast.

        About The Visual Lease Data Institute

        The Visual Lease Data Institute is a collection of market-leading data, trends and insights on lease accounting, management and optimization created and curated by Visual Lease, provider of the #1 lease optimization software. The Institute was founded on 35 years’ experience managing lease data and financials and was created to arm organizations with the knowledge required to achieve and maintain lease accounting compliance and leverage their leases as strategic business assets.

        About Visual Lease

        Visual Lease is the #1 lease optimization software provider. We help organizations become compliant with FASB, IFRS and GASB lease accounting standards, while simultaneously improving the financial, legal and operational performance of their leases. Our easy-to-use SaaS platform is embedded with more than three decades of best practices from major corporations and leading industry professionals. Our award-winning solutions are used by 1,000+ organizations to manage 500,000+ real estate, equipment and other leased assets. Committed to ongoing innovation and unparalleled customer service, Visual Lease helps organizations transform their lease compliance requirements into financial opportunities. For more information, visit

        Media Contact:

        Erica Bonavitacola
        Visual Lease
        T+1 732 860 4838

        The post The Visual Lease Data Institute Finds 71% Of Private Organizations Are Unsure How Much Their Leases Cost first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Episode 4 “Annual Audit Management Letters” Sat, 23 Jul 2022 19:36:13 +0000

        In this podcast episode, our host, Joe Fitzgerald, describes what annual audit management letters are and provides four steps you should take to get ahead of a prominent, rising concern. 

        Read Transcript

        VLDI Podcast Episode 4 Transcript


        Hi there, Joe Fitzgerald here, your host of The VLDI Podcast – welcome back!

        Today, I wanted to discuss the management letter you receive as part of your annual audit. 

        For companies that report on a calendar year and have completed their 2021 audit, the CFO should have received a management letter from their auditors.  

        The management letter highlights key financial findings and provides recommendations for improvements to internal controls. It also raises awareness of new accounting pronouncements that the company will need to adopt. 

        One topic we have seen in annual management letters for a couple of years now is regarding the need to comply with the new lease accounting standards – ASC 842, GASB 87 and IRFS 16. With that in mind, it’s time to take action – if your company hasn’t already – to avoid being flagged for not meeting these standards in your next annual audit. 

        Here’s four steps you should take to successfully achieve and maintain lease accounting compliance, and reduce the risk to your business:

        1. Familiarize yourself with key deadlinesTypically, this is a heavier lift than many companies expect, so ensure you have enough time to gather all your lease documents, and develop and execute a strategy to extract, transform and load all the necessary data elements before getting started.
        2. Create a plan and identify the principal stakeholders who will be involved in the process
          Once aware of major milestones, it’s important to map key players/teams to each initiative to get a handle on what resources will be needed. 
          This also creates an opportunity to generate awareness around the lease accounting deadlines so that all parties understand the importance and their role within the process.
        3. Gather all relevant documents in one centralized system This will ensure that you have all the information you need in one place and it can be easily accessed, analyzed and updated on an ongoing basis. This is also where investing in technology comes into play to ensure your process is efficient.
        4. Develop business requirementsIf you decide to move forward with investing in supporting technology or partners, consult with all internal stakeholders and factor their feedback in before selecting a provider. This pre-work will translate into easy adoption, which can greatly impact your ability to remain compliant.   

        I hope this information helps you in your lease accounting journey! See you next time. 

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        Episode 3 “The Importance of Lease Accounting Automation” Sat, 23 Jul 2022 19:34:22 +0000

        Lease accounting and automation simply go hand-in-hand. In fact, it’s difficult to achieve lease accounting compliance without the help of automation. In this episode of The VLDI Podcast, our host, Joe Fitzgerald, discusses some of the reasons why automation is so crucial in achieving and maintaining lease accounting compliance. 

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        VLDI Podcast Episode 3 Transcript


        Hi there, Joe Fitzgerald here, your host of The VLDI Podcast.  

        For this episode, I will discuss the importance of automation in lease accounting. Let me provide you with a bit of context. 

        According to a recent Gartner survey, finance professionals anticipate audit fees will increase this year due to the impact of inflation, ongoing COVID-19 effects, as well as acquisition and divestiture activities.  

        In fact, 62% of the companies polled expected their audit fees to increase. Why the connection to lease accounting? 

        Finding the right solution to automate your lease accounting process to achieve and sustain compliance with ASC 842, GASB 87 and/or IFRS 16 can ultimately save your company a lot of money in audit fees. 

        The same Gartner survey found that organizations that automate at least 25% of their internal controls paid on average almost 30% less for their audit fees. 

        That’s significant! In fact, for some companies, this level of savings clearly outweighs the annual cost of lease accounting software solution subscription(s). 

        Lease accounting involves complex calculations that, if done manually, are prone to human error. As an expert in the industry, it’s my opinion that using a spreadsheet such as Excel puts you at risk for inaccurate lease accounting. 

        The reality is – errors come at a significant cost. In fact, just last year, we surveyed senior finance and accounting professionals from private companies and a staggering 99% acknowledged real fears of potentially misreporting company lease information. And here were some of their top concerns: 

        • 51% noted increased audit fees and fines 
        • 49% said there’s potential damage to a company’s reputation 
        • 48% pointed out the risk of legal action 
        • 44% were concerned about damage to their own professional reputation 

        To avoid risks, automation is crucial to that success. Trust me, your auditors will thank you for implementing the right technology. And when you do, you can reduce risk, improve operational efficiencies and save money on your audit. That’s a winning combination.  

        I hope this information serves you well. Hope you tune in for the next episode! 

        The post Episode 3 “The Importance of Lease Accounting Automation” first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Episode 2 “ASC 842: Why You Need To Act Now” Sat, 23 Jul 2022 19:32:05 +0000

        ASC 842 is here – it’s time to take action. In this episode, our host, Joe Fitzgerald, breaks down how to get your business up to speed on the standard and prepared for some of the challenges you may face.  

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        VLDI Podcast Episode 2 Transcript


        Hi there, Joe Fitzgerald here, your host of Tthe VLDI Podcast.  

        I have been in the accounting profession for many years, both as a CPA at a global accounting firm, as well as a senior finance executive in industry. During my career, one of the most impactful changes to accounting that I have experienced firsthand is adopting the new lease accounting standard, ASC 842. 

        Most publicly traded companies transitioned to the new lease accounting standard back in 2019 so while they have effectively had three years of reporting under their belts, it is still very much here and now for private companies.  

        Having had a front row seat when public companies adopted the standard, we thought it might be helpful to those companies that have yet to adopt it to share insights of lessons learned and best practices. 

        ASC 842 is not just another end of the year footnote disclosure.  

        This is an entirely new approach to accounting for leases, and companies need to realize that much of the work that goes into compliance happens outside of the technology implementation — namely, centralizing your lease contracts and abstracting the data they contain, as well as establishing the proper accounting policies and procedures. 

        So, you’re probably thinking: what’s the most efficient way for a business to get up to speed on ASC 842? 

        Well, I’ve found that the folks who are responsible for the standard, namely the finance folks, need to do a really good job at socializing and educating across the organization to all the other cross-functional people who are going to be involved in helping them implement the standard.  

        Most companies don’t have a good handle on how many leases they have because there is not really a single owner or system of record to store them. 

        Yes, achieving lease accounting compliance starts with Day 1, by bringing all your leases onto the balance sheet in the form of a right of use asset and related lease liability, but it doesn’t end there. 

        It’s also about tracking and accounting for every change made to each lease throughout the period you are reporting on. 

        If you don’t have the tools in place to record adjustments to your leases, you will face significant challenges when it comes time to produce the journal entries to record those changes and the relevant disclosures. 

        Some of the potential risks include, quite honestly, the simple one is, the lack of accuracy. Or just getting the journal entries wrong because you didn’t have the proper process and systems in place to make sure you got your calculations correct.  

        If your organization only has a few leases, that’s one thing. But what if you have dozens, or hundreds, or even thousands like many of our customers do? That becomes another problem entirely. 

        For example, if your company has a December 31st year end, you need to be able to book an opening journal entry on January 1, 2022, for all of your company’s leases that are active as of December 31, 2021. 

        You heard me right. Now that we are well into 2022, you still need to be able to record an opening balance Right-of-Use Lease Asset and related Lease Liability as of January 1, 2022. 

        The longer you wait, the trickier this can become, as you may find yourself having to recast many of your lease accounting entries that have occurred so far this year to get back to that opening balance. 

        So don’t delay and risk being flagged for a deficiency during your next audit. I hope these insights were helpful, see you on the next episode! 

        The post Episode 2 “ASC 842: Why You Need To Act Now” first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Episode 1 “A Breakdown of GASB 87: What You Need To Know” Sat, 23 Jul 2022 19:12:27 +0000

        Our first VLDI Podcast episode reviews what’s on the horizon for government entities and how they’ll be impacted by GASB 87. 

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        VLDI Podcast Episode 1 Transcript

        Hi everyone, and welcome to the first official episode of the Visual Lease Data Institute Podcast. My name is Joe Fitzgerald, I’m the SVP of Lease Market Strategy here at Visual Lease, and I’m your host.

        So, without further ado, allow me to introduce our guest, Michael Vanscoy. Michael is a Managing Director at the Solomon Edwards Group, with more than 25 years of experience in various aspects of technical accounting and financial reporting. His knowledge spans both FASB and IFRS, as well as GASB. Michael has extensive experience supporting his clients with accounting and reporting for public offerings, mergers and acquisitions, debt and equity transactions and complex consolidation topics.

        He also brings deep, hands-on experience in all aspects of public reporting for SEC registrants, from registration statements to the preparation of periodic filings. I’ve invited Michael to join us here today to address two big questions that are top of mind for our customers, and that’s:

        • What’s on the horizon for public sector entities with respect to the new GASB lease accounting standard, and…
        • How can companies ease into their annual audit stress through the lease accounting process?

        So, let’s jump right in. Hello, and welcome, Michael. Thanks for joining us.


        Thank you. Thanks for inviting me today.


        So, now that we’ve set the stage, what exactly is GASB 87? And what does it entail? I’d love to get your thoughts on what’s just around the corner for those impacted public sector organizations.


        Right, so GASB 87 follows the same sort of projects that the FASB and IFRS have followed. Leases that used to be off the balance sheet – what we refer to as operating leases – are now going to be on the balance sheet. So, what’s on the horizon for all governmental entities is a lot of contracts they had previously reported through their income statement or through disclosures in the financial statements, are now going to be on their balance sheet in the form of assets and liabilities. Before, they didn’t have to record them.

        So, now you’re going to see balance sheets become a bit more bloated with assets and liabilities. And there’s going to be a lot more rigor around that and some expanded disclosures that come with that. So, it really is a huge structural change in terms of how you report leases.


        And I’ve got to imagine the stakeholders are going to provide a lot more scrutiny around that as well, right?


        Yeah, and that’s what we’ve seen in the private sector. So, with FASB and IFRS, sort of as a precedent to this, what you’veseen is how everything is more transparent than it had been in the past, where financial statement users, whether they’re looking at private or public sector financial statements, often had to guess what level of assets were being leased by any organization.

        I mean, sure, you could look at the disclosures, and you could see the minimum lease payments – you could see all those things – but it was hard to quantify, in your mind, without guessing and making a lot of assumptions about how much that represented in the form of a liability on a statement of net position, for instance, and a governmental entity.


        So, Mike, let me ask a question around that for government entities : this concept of reporting on a fund basis… can you talk a little bit about the impact the reconciliation of fund balances has on government wide financial statements?


        Yeah, so anyone who’s worked in governmental accounting is familiar. There are a few types of funds: governmental funds, proprietary funds and fiduciary funds. For instance, governmental funds are a special category where everything is reported as a fund balance, and it’s not on an accrual basis. So, what’s required in sort of a comprehensive annual financial report that governmental entities have to prepare every year is a reconciliation between those fund balances and the full accrual balances that you see on the government-wide financial statements.

        For instance, if we use GASB 87 as an example here for fund balance accounting, under governmental funds, the accounting is not really going to change. If they’re going to have cash outflows on a regular basis, say on a monthly basis for lease payment, but they’re not going to be recording assets and liabilities at the fund level.

        And so, at the government-wide level, in the Annual Financial Report, you’re going to see all these new lease assets and new lease liabilities. In addition to doing all the new accounting and disclosure work, preparers of government financial statements are now going to have additional items to add to this reconciliation that shows financial statement users how you get from these individual governmental finance fund balances to the government-wide financial statements on an accrual basis.


        Michael, that sounds burdensome and complex. Can lease accounting technology help in this area?


        Oh, absolutely. We’ve recommended every client that we’ve worked with –  whether it’s private or public sector – if you have leases of any substance, you’re not doing yourself a favor if you don’t find a lease accounting software solution that works for you, for a multitude of reasons. At a very tactical level, being able to throw all your lease data into a software that’s been built by professionals and experts it can do all the recording, all the reporting, all the calculations for you and can generate all the disclosures that you need for financial statements.

        If you try to go without software, and you have any lease population of any substance, you may be able to get to Day One, do all the valuation and come up with what your quote opening balances are for right to use assets and lease liabilities. But all that subsequent remeasurement – when you have lease modifications (adjustments, the addition of new leases), and the reporting is difficult; you’re going to end up spending a lot more resources and time just doing something that’s basically a compliance issue.


        So, Mike, let’s get under the covers a little bit. What can an organization do to ensure that the system that they’ve set up is properly configured so they can accurately report – and what’s the required data that you’d recommend?


        So, if you’re considering whether to go with lease software or if you’re trying to do it in Excel (but we recommend lease software, obviously), what you’re looking for are tools that will help you get the right values for the right to use assets and lease liabilities. There are a lot of assumptions, a lot of judgment that goes into determining these that we won’t get into today, but with discount rate assumptions, with lease term assumptions, all these sorts of things that you can build into, that you can put into the tool to help you evaluate, the impact is going to be on the balance sheet.

        But beyond that, every month, or whatever your recording requirements may be – processing all of the payments, the interest calculations, the amortization of these new lease assets and all the disclosure requirements that are going to be required – every time you issue financial statements, what you’re looking for is a tool that can do all of these things, essentially, so you can push a button every reporting period, rather than stopping and starting.

        If you’re trying to use an Excel-based model, or something other than a piece of software, you’re going to run into all sorts of version control and accuracy issues. So, we do recommend looking for the tool that fits you and your organization, given the population of leases that you have.


        So, Michael, you know, we’re talking about the tool, and a lot of folks that are going into the project, think of it as a one and done, right? They think, “I’m going to transition from the current standard to GASB 87, and then we’re kind of done.” But that’s not the case, right? I mean, that’s what I call Day 2. What are some of the things they need to think about in terms of managing the data? For instance, the integrity of the data going forward or that they need to put in place so that when they get to their annual audit that the auditors are happy with what they see?


        Right. What we find is that if we’re looking at, for instance, what Visual Lease will do… if you have this software tool, not only does it do all the calculating, all the reporting, and spitting out the disclosures that you need, because these are things that the auditor is going to review and go through each year. These are things that are required to be a part of your financial statements, but you can also use the tool to manage your lease portfolio.

        And what I mean by that is the tool allows you to generate the kind of data and reports that you need to do cash flow forecasting, for budgetary reasons, to do expense projections, all those sorts of things.

        And it also provides another tool for you to use as part of your internal controls to control that data integrity that you talked about. To adopt GASB 87, you can get to Day One doing calculations in Excel if you want to. But Day 2-forward is where the problem and the work lies. Using a tool is a critical part of your internal control procedures to act as a gateway for approvals, for signing off on leases…

        And not only that, the lease software tool itself also serves as the document repository because one of the most frustrating things during an audit, for auditors and clients alike, is when the auditors want to review copies of agreements or documents. If you’re decentralized or if you haven’t paid enough attention to this or done enough rigor around it, trying to find all the original documents to support what you put in your financial statements can prove to be difficult and time consuming and lead to internal control deficiencies being identified.


        Michael, in terms of the control environment, one other thing I want to ask you is… think of Visual Lease, as we call it: a point solution. What do you want to have to say that, like integrating with the ERP environment, what are some of your recommendations there?


        So, we have clients that I’ve worked with that have multiple preferences. Some of them prefer to have a standalone lease system. They say, “this is something that generates what I need for this particular item”. They don’t want to integrate with their general ledger because maybe they don’t have the controls built in, or they don’t want something that feeds into their system that’s not already part of their current system. You can do that if you want to, but it just adds an extra step to it.

        What’s great about a tool like Visual Lease is – once you’ve established all the parameters and all the controls around what gets input into Visual Lease, including how those controls are managed, who’s doing the approvals, that you’re comfortable with the data and particularly, if you’ve gotten comfortable with the data… also, after your auditors have been through it a time or two, and they’re comfortable with the outputs from the lease software – entering that into a system takes another manual step out of the equation, and every manual step that you can take out the equation is one less chance for error.


        Mike – great insights. Any parting thoughts?


        What I would say to those who haven’t adopted it yet, is that you have a lot of work to do in front of you. You brought up the point earlier that there’s a tendency to think this is a one-time transaction. – I just have to get to adoption date, and then I’m fine. – Adoption is the easy part of it. It’s Day 2 and beyond where there’s a lot of work. And so, if you haven’t gotten that far – haven’t done the planning – get out and start doing that now. Start looking at lease software, start talking to people like Visual Lease and determining what do you need to do to get ready for the standard.

        And, although it’s not the topic of discussion today, you know that GASB 96 is coming down the road – and GASB 96 looks a lot like GASB 87, except for software contracts, not leases. But if you can get leases (GASB 87) right, you’re setting yourself up for success with GASB 96. And this is not going to be the end as we know of standards that are coming out to increase transparency and disclosure of these sorts of items. So, get started if you haven’t gotten started yet. If you’ve gotten started, you’re running out of time to adopt the standard. I would just suggest moving as quickly as possible.


        Great call out on GASB 96, Mike! I have a sense that you and I will be back on the line in the not-too-distant future talking about 96. I really appreciate your time today, Mike, and thanks so much.


        Thank you.

        Listen to other episodes

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        Visual Lease Announces Strong Second Quarter Results Wed, 20 Jul 2022 15:20:22 +0000 The only software provider recognized as a Leader by G2 in Lease Administration and Lease Accounting continues to achieve double-digit annual recurring revenue, customer and employee growth YoY Woodbridge, NJ...

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        The only software provider recognized as a Leader by G2 in Lease Administration and Lease Accounting continues to achieve double-digit annual recurring revenue, customer and employee growth YoY

        Woodbridge, NJ – July 20, 2022Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software provider, today announced strong second quarter results, achieving nearly 30% growth in annual recurring revenue and 40% growth in customer count, year-over-year. Visual Lease is currently used by more than 1,000 organizations to achieve and sustain compliance with FASB, IFRS and GASB lease accounting standards, and simultaneously improve the financial, legal and operational performance of their leases.

        “Now more than ever before, organizations of all industries must pay very close attention to their leases,” said Visual Lease President, Robert Michlewicz. “If companies fail to gain control and visibility across their lease portfolios, they could lose significant time, money and credibility – a risk no business is willing to take in today’s climate. The reason that Visual Lease continues to be the partner of choice for private and public companies, as well as government entities, is because our software and services are grounded in 25+ years of experience helping organizations manage, track and report on their leases. As we move into the second half of the year, we’re continuing to make investments to serve our growing community of customers and team members.”

        In Q2 2022, Visual Lease:

        Software & Services


        Alliance Partners

        To keep up with announcements from Visual Lease, visit the Visual Lease Newsroom.

        About Visual Lease
        Visual Lease is the #1 lease optimization software provider. We help organizations become compliant with FASB, IFRS and GASB lease accounting standards, while simultaneously improving the financial, legal and operational performance of their leases. Our easy-to-use SaaS platform is embedded with more than three decades of best practices from major corporations and leading industry professionals. Our award-winning solutions are used by 1,000+ organizations to manage 500,000+ real estate, equipment and other leased assets. Committed to ongoing innovation and unparalleled customer service, Visual Lease helps organizations transform their lease compliance requirements into financial opportunities. For more information, visit

        Media Contacts
        Erica Bonavitacola
        Visual Lease
        T+1 732 860 4838

        The post Visual Lease Announces Strong Second Quarter Results first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        The Impact of FASAB’s 2022 Proposed Lease Accounting Reporting Changes Wed, 06 Jul 2022 13:22:28 +0000 Have you ever wondered how the public can participate in the development of accounting standards? Do you have opinions you would like to share? Many accounting standards governing bodies, such...

        The post The Impact of FASAB’s 2022 Proposed Lease Accounting Reporting Changes first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

        Have you ever wondered how the public can participate in the development of accounting standards? Do you have opinions you would like to share? Many accounting standards governing bodies, such as the Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board (FASAB or the “Board”), provide some opportunities to do just that.

        Why Exposure Drafts? 

        Whenever an accounting governing body considers new standards, or changes to existing standards, they release exposure drafts for public comment. The FASAB’s exposure drafts, which affect hundreds of federal agencies and the associated public, are posted publicly for commentary. You can find these exposure drafts and the template to submit comments on their website. The FASAB usually offers between 45 and 90 days to submit comments. Visual Lease contributes opinions to many standards, including these recently proposed changes. 

        The Board considers these comments when deciding whether to move forward with the proposed changes. If interested, you can access the FASAB’s list of active projects and drill into any associated drafts on the FASAB website.

        Anyone can submit comments, and the FASAB appreciates all views but particularly looks for comments that include the reasoning behind an opinion (pdf). The Board also appreciates it when the reasoning/concerns include the expected benefits and/or perceived costs of implementing a proposal.

        2022 FASAB proposed lease disclosure and reporting changes

        As a lease administration and accounting platform, Visual Lease proactively tracks FASAB projects that impact lease reporting and meeting the standards. An exposure draft to provide clarification and amend SSFAS 54, Leases and SSFAS 60 Omnibus Amendments 2021, was published May 9, 2022 with a comment period that ends Jul 8, 2022. The background includes:

        • In November 2021, SFFAS 60 was published
        • SFFAS 60 did not address all concerns related to leases and the implementation of the SFFAS 54 and other standards
        • Clarification was needed relating to the discount rate for lease liabilities and receivables
        • Clarification was needed to add intragovernmental sale-leasebacks and disclosure requirements in specific paragraphs and footnotes
        • This proposal would amend SFFAS 54 paragraphs 42, 47, 48 and 59, and add new paragraphs 42 A-C and 59 A-C
        • The effective date for the proposed changes is for reporting periods beginning after September 30, 2023

        Below is a summary of Visual Lease’s response to this FASAB exposure draft: 

        Discounting lease liabilities and receivables 

        For leases without a stated interest rate, originally paragraph 42 of SFFAS 54 and the issued amendment in SFFAS 60, par. 19, required lessees to use the discounted rate from the “lessee’s estimated incremental borrowing rate.” This proposal would require the lessee to use an interest rate “based on marketable Treasury securities with similar maturity to the end of the lease term.”

        The added paragraphs 42B and 59B allow for rounding up or down when selecting a marketable Treasury rate term as follows:

        “[…] round down to the nearest maturity term with a published rate, interpolate the rate for the period between two published rates, or round up to the nearest maturity term with a published rate. The methodology for selecting marketable Treasury rate terms and related rates, interpolating, and/or rounding up or down should be consistent from period to period.”

        The added paragraphs 42C and 59C clarify what to do if the lease goes beyond the longest-published Treasury security term. In this case, the entity should select the longest-published Treasury security term rate.

        Using rates based on marketable Treasury securities would help reduce complexity and inconsistencies versus using the estimated incremental borrowing rate. It may also reduce the cost of determining the incremental borrowing rate, which can be costly to ascertain per our experience with private clients adopting the ASC 842 standard. Although we believe using rates based on marketable Treasury securities would make it easier to meet compliance requirements, we also recognize that it may, in certain circumstances, overstate or understate asset values.

        We also believe paragraphs 42A (lessee) and 59A (lessor) may need clarification. Under the proposed amendments, the reporting agency has two options to determine its rate. The rate can be either based on a recent Treasury rate or historical average rate if the Treasury security has a similar maturity as the lease term “on the date of initial liability recognition (or the date the liability is updated).” If it is meant that to approximate a rate if a date-specific rate is not available, we believe that in today’s internet environment, detailed historical information is easily available so there likely would not be a need for this.

        Intragovernmental sale-leasebacks disclosure requirements

        This proposal also amends SFFAS 54 footnote 11 to paragraph 89 and paragraph 92. The purpose of the amendment clarifies that intragovernmental sale leasebacks are included and must follow the lessee and lessor requirements. Added are references to SFFAS 7 paragraphs 314-315 (intragovernmental) in footnote 11 and the reference to SFFAS 54 paragraphs 37-38 to paragraph 92.

        What are your thoughts on these changes?  

        Although we think these suggested changes should add consistency and reduce the complexity of meeting compliance, while avoiding costly estimations of the incremental borrowing rate, we also believe it may overstate or understate the value of some assets. What is your opinion?

        FASAB’s Questions & Visual Lease’s Responses

        QFR* 1 

        Do you agree or disagree with the proposed amendments to address discounting lease liabilities and receivables, as reflected in paragraphs 3-7 (amending par. 42, 47-48, and 59 of SFFAS 54), and the Board’s basis for such proposals? Please provide the rationale for your answer.

        AFR* 1

        Visual Lease, LLC supports the proposed amendments to address discounting lease liabilities and receivables. SFFAS 54’s requirement to use an explicit rate is unchanged; if no explicit rate is stated, an equivalent risk-free rate is expected to be utilized.  The terminology provided in the proposed amendments is “based on marketable Treasury securities with similar maturity to the end of the lease term,” in essence the definition of a risk-free rate.

        Visual Lease, LLC has observed that in the current private sector implementation of ASC 842, Leases, the new lease accounting standard issued by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), the use of a risk-free rate rather than a higher incremental borrowing rate (IBR) may have resulted in higher liability values (and therefore asset values) on organizations’ financial position. Additionally, Visual Lease, LLC has observed that this effect could trigger debt service covenants and otherwise cause inconsistency in analytical comparability. However, Visual Lease, LLC believes that, while organizations may have to caveat their financing reporting requirements to lenders to highlight these factors in that QFR 1 may result in less accurate and consistent valuation of liabilities, the suggested methodology does reduce complexity and provides user prescriptiveness in ease of use and availability of input data, thereby facilitating compliance.

        Additionally, Visual Lease, LLC observes two impacts regarding the valuation of the lease liabilities and assets in practice: the applicability and accuracy of a specific rate to the entity in question, and the timeliness of the application of that rate. Namely:

        • The discount rate applied could result in less accurate valuations if the entity has a higher cost of borrowing than the federal government rate.
        • Private-sector administration of ASC 842, Leases, has shown that reassessments of incremental borrowing costs can be costly to ascertain and therefore are not necessarily “kept current”.  In a stable interest rate environment that is not a significant matter, but in an evolving rate environment (such as 2022 is turning out to be), lack of updates can result in more frequent and severe errors that may not consider or sufficiently identify entity-specific risk.

        Visual Lease, LLC notes that the original wording in SFFAS 54 authorizing entities to use rates based on their own borrowing authority is expressly deleted in this exposure draft, removing calculations from actual costs, and resulting in less accurate valuations. Given the transparency of the Treasury Securities market and rate, and its availability to those entities subject to the FASAB (Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board) standards, Visual Lease, LLC believes that the suggested changes enhance the process of calculation and result in an” always having up to date information available” situation when creating new or remeasurement calculations for lease accounting.  Therefore, Visual Lease, LLC supports the use of risk-free rates.

        Additionally, and as a practical matter regarding application of the risk-free rate, the revised guidance allows rounding up or rounding down to the nearest maturity date, or to interpolate between two dates.  Extrapolating from the longest term (30 years) would not be permitted.  Paragraph 42A references “historical average rates” and appears broad in context and may require further clarification.  If it is meant that to approximate a rate if a date-specific rate is not available, we believe that in today’s internet environment, detailed historical information is easily available so there likely would not be need for this.

        QFR 2

        Do you agree or disagree with the proposed amendments to clarify the applicability of paragraphs 89-92 of SFFAS 54 to intragovernmental sale-leasebacks and the disclosure requirements applicable to them, as reflected in paragraphs 8-9, and the Board’s basis for such proposals? Please provide the rationale for your answer.

        AFR 2

        Initially, SFFAS 54 was silent regarding sale-leaseback transactions intragovernmental in nature.   Visual Lease, LLC agrees with the proposed amendments to clarify the applicability of paragraphs 89-92 of SFFAS 54 to intragovernmental sale-leasebacks and the disclosure requirements applicable to them, as reflected in paragraphs 8-9, and the Board’s basis for such proposals as it clarifies the requirements apply both to public sale-leasebacks and intragovernmental sale-leasebacks for disclosure purpose.  Visual Lease, LLC supports this provision because, while not prescribing accounting treatment, it does add clarity and transparency to the amount of intragovernmental sale-leaseback for each reporting entity through disclosure.

        As a result of our analysis, Visual Lease, LLC is supportive of both clarifications provided in this exposure draft.

        * QFR = Questions for Respondents

        *AFR = Answer from Respondents

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        The cross-functional power of centralized lease data Thu, 30 Jun 2022 19:14:48 +0000

        On-demand webinar summary

        Having accurate, reliable lease data is a necessary part of achieving lease accounting compliance. But beyond lease accounting, having visibility into lease data also supports businesses manage lease-related expenses and avoid potential overpayment.

        In our recent webinar, The cross-functional power of centralized lease data, lease accounting experts (Joe Fitzgerald, SVP of Lease Market Strategy at Visual Lease, Zachary Forrest, Executive Director at Jackson Cross Partners, and Lou Battagliese, SIOR and Founding Partner at Jackson Cross Partners), covered how centralized lease data can unlock cross-functional business opportunities.

        Joe Fitzgerald

        SVP of Lease Market Strategy

        Visual Lease

        Zachary Forrest

        Executive Director

        Jackson Cross Partners

        Lou Battagliese

        SIOR and Founding Partner

        Jackson Cross Partners

        About Visual Lease

        Visual Lease makes easy-to-use software to help organizations manage and account for their leases, and stay compliant with US-GAAP, IFRS and GASB lease accounting standards.

        About Jackson Cross Partners

        Jackson Cross Partners is a full-service corporate real estate company, providing services to support companies in every stage of their real estate maturity.

        Here are some key takeaways from the webinar:

        Today, businesses have more visibility into their leases

        The new lease accounting standards require businesses to pay closer attention to their leases. To comply, they have developed cross-departmental processes to identify and keep track of each lease within their portfolio.

        “It’s really important to be able to know what your rights and obligations are within your lease portfolio. Do you have an option to renew a contract or expand? Is there a termination option? If you’re forced to read leases while doing this analysis, you’re going to be behind the curve.” – Lou Battagliese, SIOR & Founding Partner, Jackson Cross Partners

        Centralizing lease data in one location is an effective way to ensure each lease is represented – and provides businesses with a useful view of their leases. In turn, businesses can use this data to make better informed decisions, saving them time and money that may be otherwise left on the table.

        How did we get here?

        When businesses began preparing for the new lease accounting standards, they quickly realized how time-consuming it was to gather leases. It required accounting teams to work cross-functionally with departments such as legal, real estate, procurement and human resources. However, as the transition date loomed, accounting teams panicked and took over the project.

        “It became a phase one project just to get the lease accounting in. Some companies also found alternative solutions and now these companies have multiple systems of truth [for their leases].” – Lou Battagliese, SIOR & Founding Partner, Jackson Cross Partners

        Then, once the pandemic hit, businesses were forced to adapt to hybrid or work-from-home arrangements, which created even more challenges for how cross-departmental teams worked together to gather and organize lease data.

        The ongoing effects of the pandemic also impacted office space utilization, industrial supply chain demands and retail storefront footprints. Now more than ever, businesses rely on having their lease data in a centralized location, so they can make better, more informed decisions about their leases.

        How centralized lease data impacts businesses

        Having centralized lease data enables your business to easily lean into lease terms and uncover opportunities to potentially reduce lease costs.

        Lease data is incredibly powerful to use within:

          • Cross-functional workflows that encourage collaboration
          • Operational efficiencies with complete and accurate lease data
          • Timely, strategic decisions to efficiently react to economic changes
          • Cost-saving opportunities with Day 2 and beyond

        To learn how to empower your business with centralized lease data, view our on-demand webinar: The cross-functional power of centralized lease data.

        Visual Lease and Jackson Cross Partners provide a full end-to-end solution for ASC 842, IFRS 16, GASB 87 and GASB 96. Click here to download our one-pager for more information.

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        What are the three main steps in effectively conducting your lease inventory? Tue, 28 Jun 2022 17:09:12 +0000 Do you know where all your leases are? If you don’t, chances are you haven’t conducted a lease inventory for your business. Conducting a lease inventory is a standard practice...

        The post What are the three main steps in effectively conducting your lease inventory? first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

        Do you know where all your leases are? If you don’t, chances are you haven’t conducted a lease inventory for your business. Conducting a lease inventory is a standard practice in lease accounting and a very important step in achieving ASC 842 compliance. This process involves finding all your lease data from various departments, which is often a time-consuming cross-functional effort.  

        What is considered a lease under ASC 842? FASB defines a lease as a contract or an element of a contract that conveys the right-of-use (ROU) of a physically distinct identified asset for a specified period of time in exchange for payment. This includes embedded leases which are typically leases that are part of larger contracts. These contracts need to be identified and accounted for on the balance sheet in order to achieve compliance.  

        However, there is an exemption for short-term leases. These contracts have a lease term of 12 months or less and will not appear on the balance sheet. Additionally, they do not include options to purchase the asset from the lessor.  

        When it comes time for your audit, auditors want thorough, reliable and accurate data to examine. Completeness is key here, meaning that you’ve properly captured and identified all lease arrangements to be included in your calculations (including embedded leases). This will always be one of the items auditors test, which is why it’s important to conduct a thorough lease inventory.  

        In this blog, we will share three essential tips to ensure you conduct a thorough lease inventory to support accurate lease accounting. By taking these steps, you will set your business up for lease accounting success and feel confident that you have every lease represented in your lease portfolio.  

        1. Engage stakeholders from cross-functional departments 

        To begin the process of conducting a lease inventory, you’ll need to identify what departments have lease contracts. Under ASC 842, leases can range anywhere from property, plant, equipment and even IT assets. Typically, we’ll see Real Estate and Legal departments heavily involved in leases, but there are also departments like IT that have unique lease contracts.  

        Below are 5 recommended departments you should engage with and the types of leases they most likely handle.    

        • Accounting/Finance
          • This department is a great starting point for conducting a lease inventory as they are the gatekeepers of the prior year’s lease information.
        • Real Estate
          • The real estate department naturally handles all real estate and property leases, which may include things like office buildings and commercial real estate.
        • Procurement
          • The procurement department handles all non-real estate leases which can range from vehicles, equipment, furniture and even fixtures.
        • Legal
          • The legal department reviews all lease arrangements and is a great source of detailed information for embedded leases.
        • IT
          • This department handles all IT procurement and procures IT assets. This can range anywhere from computers, networks and servers.

        2. Organize your leases in one location 

        Once you’ve gathered all your leases, it’s important to centralize them in one location. The most effective way to do this is by utilizing lease accounting technology. This will allow your cross-functional team to work under the same system and have a comprehensive audit trail for all lease changes. It will also help your team analyze lease data more thoroughly – which can help reduce the risk of overpaying for leases and ultimately help your business save money.  

        3. Thoroughly check for accuracy and completeness 

        As your business prepares for ASC 842 compliance, it’s important to examine (and re-examine) your lease contracts thoroughly for accuracy and completeness. Auditors will want to make sure that all transactions have been recorded properly on the balance sheet. It never hurts to double and triple check your work.  

        In fact, make sure you’ve also cross-referenced all lease contracts with the Accounts Payable department. You could be paying bills for other leases from other departments, which can lead to misreporting.  

        The outlined steps above should help your business create a smooth process in conducting a lease inventory. Remember, the more accurate your lease portfolio is, the better chance you’ll have in successfully achieving ASC 842 compliance. It will also help significantly decrease the risks of misreporting lease data, which can result in fines, increased audit fees and potential legal action. That’s why conducting a thorough lease inventory is not only important but can also be highly beneficial for your business. Successful lease accounting isn’t just compliance, it’s saving money and creating opportunities to improve business operations, and that all begins with your lease inventory.   

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        Visual Lease & Grant Thornton to Co-Present ASC 842 Educational Webinar Series Tue, 14 Jun 2022 13:30:34 +0000 Technical accounting expert from leading independent audit, tax and advisory firm will join the VL team to share exclusive insights on lease accounting compliance Woodbridge, NJ – June 14, 2022...

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        Technical accounting expert from leading independent audit, tax and advisory firm will join
        the VL team to share exclusive insights on lease accounting compliance

        Woodbridge, NJ – June 14, 2022 Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software provider, today announced that Lisa Kaestle, Director, Accounting Advisory Services at Grant Thornton, will join its lease accounting experts to co-present two upcoming ASC 842 Planning Sessions. These monthly, virtual events, which Visual Lease has offered since 2021, are designed to help public and private companies understand how to easily achieve and sustain compliance with lease accounting standard ASC 842.

        “We are committed to being more than just a technology solution,” said Visual Lease’s founder and CEO, Marc Betesh. “In addition to continuously elevating our software’s capabilities, we are always working to expand our Alliance Partner network to bring increased value to our shared customers. Simultaneously, we offer a regular cadence of complementary, virtual events to provide public and private companies, as well as government entities with the intel they need to master lease accounting compliance. In welcoming Grant Thornton to co-present our upcoming ASC 842 Planning Sessions, we’re merging insights of our Alliance Partner network with our in-house experts to deliver a new level of knowledge-sharing.”

        Visual Lease’s monthly ASC 842 Planning Sessions provide attendees with expert tips and industry best practices to accelerate and maintain compliance with ASC 842. Visual Lease and Grant Thornton have partnered together for over 5 years, working to help their shared customers achieve confident lease accounting compliance. To support this ongoing effort, Kaestle will join Joe Fitzgerald, SVP of Lease Market Strategy at Visual Lease, and Matthew Watson, Director of Implementation Services at Visual Lease, for the next two sessions: July 26th and August 24th.

        “I’m looking forward to co-presenting these upcoming sessions with the Visual Lease team,” said Kaestle. “At Grant Thornton, we have a very similar mission, which is to help businesses across all industries make stronger financial decisions. Today, many companies do not yet realize how much risk and opportunity are associated with their leases – and that’s just one of the important points we’ll cover in the ASC 842 Planning Sessions.”

        For additional details, registration information and updates on opportunities to earn CPE credits, please visit Visual Lease’s events page.

        For information on how to work with the Visual Lease and Grant Thornton teams, visit the partnership page.

        About Grant Thornton LLP

        Grant Thornton LLP (Grant Thornton) is one of America’s largest audit, tax and advisory firms — and the U.S. member firm of the Grant Thornton International Ltd global network. We go beyond the expected to make business more personal and build trust into every result. With revenues of $1.97 billion and 51 offices nationwide, Grant Thornton is a community of more than 9,000 problem solvers who value relationships and are ready to help public and private organizations of all sizes and industries create more confident futures. Because, for us, how we serve matters as much as what we do.

        “Grant Thornton” refers to Grant Thornton LLP, the U.S. member firm of Grant Thornton International Ltd (GTIL). GTIL and the member firms are not a worldwide partnership. Services are delivered by the member firms. GTIL and its member firms are not agents of, and do not obligate, one another and are not liable for one another’s acts or omissions.

        About Visual Lease

        Visual Lease is the #1 lease optimization software provider. We help organizations become compliant with FASB, IFRS and GASB lease accounting standards, while simultaneously improving the financial, legal and operational performance of their leases. Our easy-to-use SaaS platform is embedded with more than three decades of best practices from major corporations and leading industry professionals. Our award-winning solutions are used by 1,000+ organizations to manage 500,000+ real estate, equipment and other leased assets. Committed to ongoing innovation and unparalleled customer service, Visual Lease helps organizations transform their lease compliance requirements into financial opportunities. For more information, visit

        Media Contact
        Erica Bonavitacola
        Visual Lease
        T+1 732 860 4838

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        GASB Statement No. 99: The Impact on GASB 87 and GASB 96 Compliance Tue, 07 Jun 2022 20:04:19 +0000

        Suppose you’re an accountant who manages leases or a lease administrator working for a state, country or local government. You may even work for a public entity such as a public university, college, hospital, utility or airport. In either case, you are affected by this new Statement No. 99 and we’ve provided this summary to help you to quickly understand the impact on lease accounting under GASB 87 and accounting for SBITAs under GASB 96.

        Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Statement No. 99, Omnibus 2022 was released in April 2022. It started as an Omnibus project which GASB creates when enough issues and technical inconsistencies are identified across the existing body of Statements.

        Statement No. 99 responds to practice issues raised as the statements were adopted and to address accounting and financial reporting for financial guarantees. The following covers the practice issues impacting lease accounting (GASB 87) and accounting for SBITAs (GASB 96).

        Practice Issues

        1. Determining the lease term, also applies to the term of an SBITA (Statement 96)
        2. Classification of short-term leases, also applies to short-term SBITA (Statement 96)
        3. Recognition and measurement of lease liabilities and receivables, also applies to recognition and measurement of a subscription liability (Statement 96)
        4. Identification of lease incentives

        Effective Dates

        The requirements related to leases and SBITAs are effective for fiscal years beginning after June 15, 2022.

        1. Lease Term: Clarification of Lease Termination and Purchase Options

        GASB Statement 87 Paragraph 12

        The issue was raised to the Board that in certain situations, a purchase option could result in a lease liability that includes the present value of payments that would never be realized due to exercising the purchase option. The result would be an overstated present value. The Board believed the purchase option should be considered as an option to terminate and used when considering the lease term. GASB 99 clarifies the lease term should exclude the period, if any, after the option is estimated to be exercised.

        The Board also addressed the prescriptive nature of the last sentence in paragraph 12 of Statement 87. They believed it could lead accountants to view a lease termination due to the violation of contract terms and conditions as a termination option. GASB 99 clarifies what constitutes a lease termination option as an unconditional right in the lease contract. GASB 99 also clarified that this should only be applied to contracts that transfer ownership (paragraph 19 of GASB 87).

        2. Short Term Leases: Clarification of Cancellable Periods and Lease Extensions

        GASB Statement 87 Paragraph 16

        Cancellable periods in Statement 87 differed from Statement 96 and Implementation Guide 2019-3. Clarification provided by this Statement 99 aligns 87 and 96 with the same definition which includes that both parties to the lease have an option to terminate the lease without the need for permission, and/or both parties must agree to extend the lease term.

        Another issue the Board responds to in this Statement is how to assess a short-term lease when an extension is created. The concern was that only considering the remaining term may influence entities to structure their leases to avoid recognition. The clarification is that the extension of a lease requires the lease to be reassessed and if the term (original lease term plus the modified term) is greater than 12 months, the lease needs to be reclassified. For a lease that is reclassified from a short-term lease, the measurement of the lease receivable or liability should be from the modification’s start date. This Statement also applies to paragraph 13 of Statement 96 for SBITAs.

        3. Lessee and Lessor: Clarification of Variable Payments and Lease Remeasurements

        Other Than Short-Term Leases and Contracts That Transfer Ownership
        Lessee GASB Statement 87 Paragraphs 21, 22, 26 & 28
        Lessor GASB Statement 87 Paragraphs 44, 45 & 50

        Accountants raised concern over what variable payments should be included in the lease liability or receivable. To clarify, variable payments, per paragraphs 21, 22, 44 and 45 of GASB 87, that are calculated using an index or rate (such as the Consumer Price Index or a market interest rate) or that are fixed in substance should be included as part of the lease liability and receivable. All other variable payments, including those based on usage of the asset by the lessee, should not be included.

        The Board also addressed a lease remeasurement issue. They noted that by including language that a lease is “not required” to be remeasured, the lease accountant believed this meant they had the option to remeasure. To clarify, GASB 99 states that a lease liability or receivable remeasurement should not be carried out solely due to a change in an index or the variable payment rate nor, for lessees, should the discount rate be reassessed solely due to a change in the incremental borrowing rate. This also applies to the remeasurement of a subscription liability in Statement 96.

        4. Clarification of Lease Incentives

        Paragraph 61 of GASB 87

        The Board believes the original language in this paragraph needed to be adjusted given lease incentives paid to or on behalf of a lessee does not imply the lessor has legally assumed the preexisting lease obligation. To clarify GASB 99 adjusted the language to read:

        “a lease incentive is equivalent to a rebate or discount and includes an assumption of, or an agreement to pay, a lessee’s preexisting lease obligations to a third party, other reimbursements of lessee costs, rent holidays, and reductions of interest or principal charges by the lessor.”

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        Visual Lease Appoints Robert Michlewicz as President Wed, 01 Jun 2022 12:55:38 +0000 Fin-tech veteran to oversee strategic business operations at the leading lease accounting and management solution provider Woodbridge, NJ – June 1, 2022 — Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software...

        The post Visual Lease Appoints Robert Michlewicz as President first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Fin-tech veteran to oversee strategic business operations at the leading lease accounting
        and management solution provider

        Woodbridge, NJ – June 1, 2022 Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software provider, today announced that Robert Michlewicz has been named President. In his role, Michlewicz will oversee the company’s Corporate Strategy, Product, Engineering, Marketing, Sales and Customer Service functions.

        Michlewicz has more than two decades of experience in the financial technology sector, driving operational excellence in several high-growth companies. Most recently, he was Chief Strategy Officer at Trintech, a leading provider of global Financial Corporate Performance Management (FCPM) software. During his nearly 11 years there, the company maintained double-digital annual recurring revenue (ARR) growth, year-over-year. Prior to Trintech, Michlewicz was the Regional President for Bowne & Co. (former NYSE) the largest global disclosure management firm and was President of Chas. P. Young Co., where his company played a vital role in newly expanded SEC regulatory compliance reporting.

        “We are thrilled to welcome Robert to our business,” said Visual Lease’s founder and CEO, Marc Betesh. “In Q1, we reported an increase of nearly 40% in both customer and employee count, year-over-year. We know that with Robert’s expertise and experience, we can expect to continue on this growth trajectory, while providing our growing community of customers with the software and services they need to achieve and sustain confident lease accounting compliance.”

        “Given just how important leases have become to organizations across all sizes and industries, Visual Lease has an abundant opportunity for growth,” said Michlewicz. “I’m confident in our product and our team and that Visual Lease will continue its upward path as the premier option for lease accounting, management and optimization.”

        “As Visual Lease continues to drive significant growth, it is the perfect time for Robert to join the organization,” said Paul Byrne, CEO and President at Zai and a current member of Visual Lease’s Board of Directors. “I have worked alongside Robert and am acutely familiar with his ability to successfully grow and scale businesses by building and leading high-performing teams that consistently exceed company objectives.”

        About Visual Lease

        Visual Lease is the #1 lease optimization software provider. We help organizations become compliant with FASB, IFRS and GASB lease accounting standards, while simultaneously improving the financial, legal and operational performance of their leases. Our easy-to-use SaaS platform is embedded with more than three decades of best practices from major corporations and leading industry professionals. Our award-winning solutions are used by 1,000+ organizations to manage 500,000+ real estate, equipment and other leased assets. Committed to ongoing innovation and unparalleled customer service, Visual Lease helps organizations transform their lease compliance requirements into financial opportunities. For more information, visit

        Media Contact

        Karen Lee
        Caliber Public Relations
        T+1 929 269 4436

        The post Visual Lease Appoints Robert Michlewicz as President first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Buyer’s Guide to GASB 87 Lease Accounting Software Tue, 31 May 2022 22:46:02 +0000

        How to make an informed decision on your lease accounting solution 

        Investing in a dedicated lease accounting solution is the best way to achieve GASB 87 compliance. The lease accounting standard requires operating leases to be recorded on the balance sheet in the form of right of use (ROU) assets with corresponding lease liabilities. Doing this well – and with accuracy – means choosing technology that can automate required reports and calculations, and support ongoing management of your leases.  

        However, it’s not always clear which solution is best for your organization. While tools like Excel have certainly been useful for accounting purposes in the past, it’s not the ideal choice for something as complex as achieving and maintaining lease accounting compliance.  

        Just like your leases, lease accounting requirements may change and evolve over time. It’s critical to stay on top of these changes to stay compliant, and with the right lease accounting software, you’ll be able to do so effectively. 

        In this blog, we will share a summary of the information that can be found within our Buyer’s Guide to Lease Accounting Software for GASB Compliance, so you can feel confident about your selected lease accounting solution.  

        Who should be involved?

        To get (and stay) compliant, it’s important to involve key personnel that represent various functional areas across your business. This often includes departments like accounting, procurement, contracting and more.  

        Including cross-departmental stakeholders ensures you have visibility into every lease held by your organization, and enables you to easily track any lease changes over time.  

        In the Buyer’s Guide, we share questions for you to consider when identifying which stakeholders should be involved, such as: 

        • How does your organization acquire leases? 
        • How does your accounting team receive notification when other teams add new leases, or make lease changes? 
        • How does your organization make strategic decisions about renewals and asset use? 

        Risks that arise without lease accounting software

        In a recent VLDI report, a staggering 99% of surveyed senior finance and accounting professionals acknowledged real fears in potentially misreporting their lease information. This points to a critical need for automation, as manual solutions (e.g. Excel) put you at higher risk of error.  

        Under GASB 87, inaccurate lease accounting financials can result in increased audit fees and fines, damage to your organization’s reputation and potential legal action.  

        In addition to providing automation, dedicated lease accounting technology should solve your existing (and future) pain points, such as:  

        • Pain Point
        • Solution

        Pain Point


      • Organizations often have time constraints and lack of resources dedicated to lease accounting.
      • Save time by selecting lease accounting software with flexible, intuitive tools that enable you to easily control your leases and run financial reports. The software should also have accessible training for every user and various accounting partnerships, including managed services.
      • Organizations often lack control and visibility into their leases and lease data.
      • Lease accounting software should make it easy to account for and view every lease at-a-glance, including unique clauses and options. Further, it should include lease administration capabilities to track key clauses, obligations, options and critical dates that might be buried in a 200-500 page document.
      • Organizations may lack confidence producing accurate accounting calculations and reports.
        • Gain confidence by selecting a lease accounting software that provides:
        • Automated, reliable calculations

          Transparency into the math backing the calculations

          Comprehensive remeasurement calculations to keep you compliant through Day 2

          Third-party auditing to ensure data security and calculation accuracy

        • This ensures your data is safe -- and your disclosures are accurate.

        Lease accounting need-to-knows

        Preparing for lease accounting is time-consuming. It requires a lot of time and effort to identify, gather and organize lease data. In particular, embedded leases (lease components within a contract) are more difficult to locate and often require more time to pinpoint. And, regardless of how many leases you have, gathering leases is a tedious and lengthy process, which is why organizations should get started as early as possible. 

        Also, remember that lease accounting compliance isn’t a one and done disclosure; it’s ongoing. Therefore, your solution should support ongoing maintenance of your lease portfolio.  

        Don’t delay invest in the right solution

        Selecting the right lease accounting solution isn’t easy, but it’s critical to ensure you are set up for success with GASB 87.  

        With our Buyer’s Guide to Lease Accounting Software for GASB Compliance, you will be able to make an informed decision about which lease accounting technology is right for your organization.

        You will get insight into:

        The non-negotiable capabilities you need to get and maintain compliance with GASB 87

        How to identify and align internal stakeholders on a strategy and solution

        Potential roadblocks and what you need to know to get around them

        The post Buyer’s Guide to GASB 87 Lease Accounting Software first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Lease Accounting: Building confidence in compliance efforts Tue, 24 May 2022 18:29:41 +0000 On-demand webinar summary  Lease accounting is an incredibly time-consuming, complex endeavor that involves a lot of initial preparation, cross-departmental collaboration and ongoing maintenance. So, how can businesses ensure their lease...

        The post Lease Accounting: Building confidence in compliance efforts first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        On-demand webinar summary 

        Lease accounting is an incredibly time-consuming, complex endeavor that involves a lot of initial preparation, cross-departmental collaboration and ongoing maintenance. So, how can businesses ensure their lease accounting remains reliable and accurate?  

        In our recent webinar, Lease Accounting: Building confidence in compliance efforts, Joe Fitzgerald, SVP of Lease Market Strategy at Visual Lease, and Denise Hinkle, Principal of Business Development at Scribcor Global, covered how businesses can successfully prepare for lease accounting and offered tips about how to feel confident about compliance Many companies struggle to feel confident in their lease accounting compliance efforts with the new standards (ASC 842, IFRS 16 and GASB 87). 

        High-level takeaways from the webinar include: 

        What makes lease accounting so complex?

        There are multiple factors that make lease accounting difficult to both achieve and maintain. Besides the complex calculations required, leases themselves are lengthy and intricate. Typically, lease contracts are detailed documents with critical information such as obligations, clauses, options and dates. If your lease contracts are in different offices or handled by different departments, they may be difficult to locate and identify. 

        Further, any changes within your leases must be represented on the balance sheet, or you risk misreporting your company’s lease information.  

        Misreporting lease financials can result in increased audit fees and fines, along with damage to your company’s reputation and the risk of legal action. It’s important to keep this in mind as you prepare for lease accounting.

        How to prepare for lease accounting success

        There are steps you can take that have been proven to set you up for success. In this webinar, you will learn about each one, including but not limited to: 

        • Establishing a dedicated team 
          • Who needs to be involved? 
          • What are they responsible for?  
          • Which departments need to be consulted? 
        • Identifying your leases 
          • What are best practices to do this? 
          • Where do you begin? 
        • Determining a reliable process 
          • What will it take to adopt and maintain the lease accounting standard? 
          • What are the risks of your identified solution? 
          • What should you (and should you not) do? 
        • Creating a post-adoption plan 
          • How will you account for ongoing lease data maintenance? 
          • Who will be responsible, and for what? 
          • What will your processes look like? 

        For more information about how to be confident in your lease accounting compliance efforts, view our on-demand webinar, Lease Accounting: Building confidence in compliance efforts.  

        The post Lease Accounting: Building confidence in compliance efforts first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        How to optimize your equipment leases while accomplishing lease accounting compliance Tue, 17 May 2022 17:40:29 +0000 On-demand webinar summary  Do you know if you are overpaying for your leases? Unfortunately, many businesses are, but are not aware of it until after they begin tracking their lease...

        The post How to optimize your equipment leases while accomplishing lease accounting compliance first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        On-demand webinar summary 

        Do you know if you are overpaying for your leases? Unfortunately, many businesses are, but are not aware of it until after they begin tracking their lease data to comply with the new lease accounting standards (ASC 842 and IFRS 16). This is often due to the lack of visibility into lease terms, such as expiration dates, options and more. 

        In particular, businesses in the manufacturing industry often have a large volume (hundreds and thousands) of equipment leases that they lack visibility into. This lack of control often costs them a significant amount of money.  

        In our recent webinar, How to optimize your equipment leases while accomplishing lease accounting compliance, Joe Fitzgerald, SVP of Lease Market Strategy at Visual Lease, and Jon Hunke, VP of Accounting and EIT at MDU Construction Services Group, shared why and how businesses should optimize their lease portfolios while accomplishing lease accounting.  

        Some key takeaways from the webinar include: 

        Lease optimization is the next logical step after lease accounting 

        Although lease accounting is an elaborate and complex process, when done right, it can also provide additional advantages beyond compliance. In fact, in a recent VLDI report, 100% of surveyed senior finance and accounting professionals acknowledged that lease accounting compliance comes with real business benefits.   

        This is because once all your lease data is in an easily accessible, reliable location, you’ll be in a better position to analyze your leases and identify new opportunities for savings. This is where lease optimization comes into play.  

        Lease optimization will help you make strategic leasing decisions 

        The process of lease optimization enables you to revisit existing leases and bridge gaps to make better informed business decisions, such as identifying an opportunity to purchase an existing lease rather than continuing to lease a particular asset or property. Optimizing your equipment leases also empowers your business to: 

        • Level-set lease rates across your lease portfolio, 
        • Improve vendor management, 
        • And more (further defined further in the webinar). 

        Lease optimization leads to significant cost savings

        Having visibility into your leases also enables you to identify areas where you may be overpaying for leases. Before businesses optimized their lease portfolio, many have found that they significantly overpaid for existing leases due to lack of awareness into the contract terms.  

        In example, a large manufacturing company lost $105k because they did not realize that their lessor was continuing to bill expenses for surrendered property. 

        For more insight about the steps you can take to optimize your lease portfolio, view our on-demand webinar, How to optimize your equipment leases while accomplishing lease accounting compliance 

        The post How to optimize your equipment leases while accomplishing lease accounting compliance first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        The impact of ASC 842 on lessees and lessors Fri, 06 May 2022 17:51:37 +0000 The new lease accounting standards have radically changed the way private and public companies record leases on the balance sheet. Naturally, this had a direct impact on lessees, lessors and...

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        The new lease accounting standards have radically changed the way private and public companies record leases on the balance sheet. Naturally, this had a direct impact on lessees, lessors and how they classify lease agreements.

        Under ASC 842, lease agreements are defined as “a contract, or part of a contract, between a lessor and a lessee that conveys the right to control the use of identified property, plant, or equipment (an identified asset) to the lessee for a period of time in exchange for consideration.

        Both the lessee and lessor are signatories to the agreement and must abide by its rules. Additionally, both parties will need to classify what kind of lease the agreement is, either finance or operating as defined under ASC 842.

        What’s the difference between a lessor and a lessee?

        Before we review how both parties classify a lease under ASC 842, let’s take a look at the definitions of a lessor and lessee.

        The lessor is the party that either owns or leases and subleases the asset – which can range from property, vehicles or equipment.

        The lessee is the party receiving the right to use the asset for a specified period of time, per the lease agreement.

        Under ASC 842, the definitions of a lessor and lessee haven’t necessarily changed, however, both parties must change how they present leases in their financial statements.

        For the first time, lessees must show all leasing obligations, including operating leases, on the balance sheet – and classify them either as operating or finance leases.

        Before ASC 842, operating leases were not included in the balance sheet. This is one of the larger changes lessees must address under ASC 842. Luckily for lessors, this change isn’t as significant because they already had to make these classifications prior to the new lease accounting standard.

        What’s the difference between an operating lease and a finance lease?

        ASC 842 requires the classification of a lease at the commencement of the lease agreement, based on specified economic criteria. It’s important for both parties to understand these criteria as they determine differences between and classification of an operating lease and a finance lease.

        Operating leases are contracts that permit the use of a certain asset without transferring the ownership of that asset for any less than a major part of the asset’s life. For example, the lessee uses the asset, while the lessor provides the maintenance or upkeep of the asset. Expenses related to operating leases were not previously recorded on a company’s balance sheet until ASC 842. The leased asset, along with the corresponding liabilities, are now presented on the balance sheet.

        A finance lease is a contract that does not qualify as an operating lease; the risks and rewards associated with the leased asset get transferred to the lessee. In other words, they have full control of the asset. Under ASC 842, finance leases continue to be recorded on the lessee’s balance sheet as an asset with a corresponding liability.

        The impact of ASC 842 and the importance of lease accounting software

        Although lessees and lessors have not fundamentally changed under ASC 842, the impact of the new lease accounting standard has required both parties (especially lessees) to classify their leases with a higher degree of scrutiny.

        Given the transparent nature of ASC 842, whether it’s a finance or operating lease, both parties need to ensure they are properly accounting for them on the balance sheet.

        Lease classification is just one of the many complexities of ASC 842. To ensure your lease data and financial reports remain accurate, you’ll want to make sure your lease data is always up-to-date and organized in one centralized location. By utilizing lease management and lease accounting software such as Visual Lease, you’ll be able to leverage the platform as your single source of truth to manage and track your lease data.

        Visit our blog to stay up to date on the latest news, trends and tips in lease accounting.

        Looking for more information or have a lease accounting question? Get in touch with one of our lease accounting experts. Click here to schedule time with one now.


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        GASB 87 Roundtable Discussion Recap: Anticipating Common Lease Accounting Challenges Fri, 06 May 2022 17:29:56 +0000

        On-demand webinar summary 

        The GASB 87 Roundtable Discussion is a webinar series hosted by Visual Lease. Each webinar provides insights by our panelists regarding specific topics around GASB 87. Previously, our panelists discussed how to maximize the value of your lease accounting software.

        In our latest episode, Anticipating Common Lease Accounting Challenges, host Joseph Fitzgerald, SVP of Lease Market Strategy at Visual Lease, discussed how organizations can anticipate and prepare for Day 2 challenges. Our panelists, Michael Luff, CPA & Technical Leader at CLA, Rosemary Courtney, Manager of Technical Accounting at Visual Lease, Todd Worms, Senior Manager of Customer Support at Visual Lease and Bill Harter, Principal Solution Advisor at Visual Lease provided expert tips and advice to help attendees get ahead of these potential roadblocks.

        You should feel empowered to help ensure your organization is ready for what’s ahead. Let’s dive in.

        The importance of ongoing data management

        The quality of your lease data impacts the accuracy of your lease accounting calculations and reporting. As changes occur to a lease contract, complex components such as remeasurements and modifications must be accounted for under GASB 87. If these calculations are done manually by your organization, it’s typically a red flag for auditors, as this approach is more prone to human error.

        Top considerations for continued compliance

        Staying educated on GASB 87 is critical for your continued compliance. Maintaining and updating internal controls over contracts and agreements are also crucial to ensure the integrity of the process. Further, collaboration and communication between administration, accounting and any departments handling leases are necessary to ensure continued compliance.

        What to expect from your support team

        Once software implementation is complete, VL’s support team becomes the main point of contact for our clients. Typically, the support team will help clients understand how to use Visual Lease and are there to help troubleshoot any potential technical issues. Visual Lease prides itself in its unparalleled support and collaboration with its customers, and has invested heavily in creating the best support staff possible, which is why we have a 99% customer retention rate!

        Tips to ensure audit-readiness

        Working through extensive data validation to ensure your subledger details are consistent with your source documents should yield positive results for your organization’s audit. Documenting all input assumptions is also key to a smooth audit process, along with timely updates through process enhancements.

        Data integrity challenges

        Leveraging your lease accounting software is key to addressing common Day 2 challenges. Organizations can use software to maintain control over some of the lease accounting requirements, such as processing additions, terminations, modifications, etc. It’s also important to stay on top of deadlines and be proactive on the platform post-adoption.

        For more insight into common Day 2 GASB 87 lease accounting challenges, view our on-demand webinar “GASB 87 Roundtable Discussion: Anticipating Common Lease Accounting Challenges”.

        Visual Lease is the #1 lease optimization software provider. We help organizations become compliant with FASB, IFRS and GASB lease accounting standards, while simultaneously improving the financial, legal and operational performance of their leases. Our easy-to-use SaaS solution has been used by over 1,000 companies with a 99% retention rate. 

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        How to avoid lease accounting compliance risks Tue, 26 Apr 2022 20:59:13 +0000 On-demand webinar summary  According to a recent VLDI survey, 35% of private companies were less than halfway through or had not yet started the process of gathering information needed to...

        The post How to avoid lease accounting compliance risks first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        On-demand webinar summary 

        According to a recent VLDI survey, 35% of private companies were less than halfway through or had not yet started the process of gathering information needed to adopt ASC 842. This puts businesses in danger of misreporting lease financials, which exposes them to serious consequences, such as increased audit fees.  

        In our recent webinar, How to Avoid Lease Accounting Compliance Risks, Rosemary CourtneyManager of Technical Accounting at Visual Lease, and Bill HarterPrincipal Solution Advisor at Visual Lease, discussed common challenges and risks associated with lease accounting compliance. They also provided tips to ensure you are set up for a successful audit post-adoption.  

        As a result, you should have a better understanding of the risks of inaccurate lease financials and how to avoid these mistakes. Let’s take a closer look.  

        Lack of processes

        The new lease accounting standards require cross-functional collaboration in order to stay on top of any updates made to leases. Without clear responsibilities and defined processes, some critical lease updates may slip through the cracks – and put you at risk of inaccurate lease information. That’s why it’s important to develop defined, reliable processes that involve the right personnel while clearly identifying internal controls.  

        Manual accounting calculations

        Manual accounting calculations are not only time-consuming given the complexity of ASC 842, but they are also prone to human error. Automated technology significantly reduces both the risk of miscalculation and time spent on reporting

        Lack of dedicated resources

        It’s rare for companies to have a dedicated resource for lease accounting. So, how do you ensure you stay compliant amidst employee turnover? Our experts agree that naming a project lead in each functional area that contributes to the lease portfolio is the best approach, such as finance, real estate and legal.  

        Lack of visibility into maintaining lease information

        Leases change all of the time (i.e. extend, terminate) and each change needs to be accounted for on the balance sheet. It can be difficult to ensure your lease data is up to date if your leases are not in an accessible, centralized location.  

        For more insight into how to prepare for lease accounting success, view our on-demand webinar “How to Avoid Lease Accounting Compliance Risks.   

        Related Resources: 

        Visual Lease is the #1 lease optimization software provider. We help organizations become compliant with FASB, IFRS and GASB lease accounting standards, while simultaneously improving the financial, legal and operational performance of their leases. Our easy-to-use SaaS solution has been used by over 1,000 companies with a 99% retention rate.   


        The post How to avoid lease accounting compliance risks first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Visual Lease Reports First Quarter 2022 Results Mon, 18 Apr 2022 15:41:12 +0000 Company achieves double-digit YoY annual recurring revenue, customer and employee growth Woodbridge, NJ – April 18, 2022 — Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software provider, today announced results from...

        The post Visual Lease Reports First Quarter 2022 Results first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

        Company achieves double-digit YoY annual recurring revenue, customer and employee growth

        Woodbridge, NJ – April 18, 2022 Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software provider, today announced results from Q1 2022, reporting an increase of nearly 40% in both customer and employee count, year-over-year. The company also announced an increase of nearly 30% in annual recurring revenue year-over-year, continuing its path of sustained double-digit growth. Today, Visual Lease helps more than 1,000 public and private companies, as well as government entities, with lease accounting compliance and the financial, legal and operational performance of their leased assets.

        “With the introduction of the new lease accounting standards – IFRS 16, ASC 842 and GASB 87 – the stakes are much higher for organizations that do not have a sustainable way to effectively manage and track their leases,” said founder and CEO, Marc Betesh. “Because we’ve spent more than three decades helping companies manage their lease portfolios, we know exactly what is required to avoid the consequences of misrepresenting lease data during an audit. We provide the software, services and subject matter expertise that make achieving and maintaining lease accounting compliance one less thing that accountants and financial managers have to worry about. With Visual Lease, organizations will also benefit from a friction-free annual audit, in addition to greater visibility across their portfolios as their leases continue to evolve.”

        Here are a few of the milestones Visual Lease achieved in Q1 2022:

        • Expanded its Alliance Partner network across premium accounting firms and services companies, including F.H. Black & Company and Withum, to offer mutual clients best-in-class software and services.
        • Hired across all departments and expanded its commitment to ongoing innovation by scaling the Product & Engineering teams by 35% year-over-year.
        • Was named a Momentum Leader and a High Performer in the Lease Administration category in the G2 Spring Grid Report.
        • Continued investments to further enhance the Visual Lease user interface (UI), building on its reputation of having an intuitive and easy-to-use platform.
        • Held its Q1 Customer Advisory Board (CAB) meeting, gathering select financial management and real estate executives from its network of customers spanning the retail, hospitality, telecommunications, construction, financial services and manufacturing industries, to share insights and solicit input into the company’s solutions, services and strategic investments.
        • Established an AWS data center in Frankfurt, Germany, enabling EU-based clients to benefit from stronger performance, newer services and features, as well as automatic compliance with residency and regulatory laws regarding their data.

        To keep up with announcements from Visual Lease, visit the Visual Lease Newsroom.

        About Visual Lease

        Visual Lease is the #1 lease optimization software provider. We help organizations become compliant with FASB, IFRS and GASB lease accounting standards, while simultaneously improving the financial, legal and operational performance of their leases. Our easy-to-use SaaS platform is embedded with more than three decades of best practices from major corporations and leading industry professionals. Our award-winning solutions are used by 1,000+ organizations to manage 500,000+ real estate, equipment and other leased assets. Committed to ongoing innovation and unparalleled customer service, Visual Lease helps organizations transform their lease compliance requirements into financial opportunities. For more information, visit

        Media Contacts
        Erica Bonavitacola
        Visual Lease
        T+1 732 860 4838


        The post Visual Lease Reports First Quarter 2022 Results first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Visual Lease Announces Educational Webinar Lineup for Q2 Tue, 12 Apr 2022 20:26:25 +0000 Industry leader continues to host virtual events to help companies master lease accounting compliance Woodbridge, NJ – April 12, 2022 —Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software provider, announced its...

        The post Visual Lease Announces Educational Webinar Lineup for Q2 first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

        Industry leader continues to host virtual events to help companies master lease accounting compliance

        Woodbridge, NJ – April 12, 2022 Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software provider, announced its schedule for complimentary educational webinars for the second quarter of 2022. The company will continue to share industry best practices informed by more than three decades of helping businesses properly track, manage and now report on their leases under the new lease accounting standards, ASC 842, GASB 87 and IFRS 16.

        “Companies continue to underestimate what it takes to achieve and maintain lease accounting compliance,” said Visual Lease’s founder and CEO, Marc Betesh. “We know that having the right technology in place and committing to ongoing education can empower organizations to get ahead of common challenges. Our webinar series – much like our software – is designed to help businesses across all industries alleviate any stress that is associated with their lease accounting process.”

        Visual Lease’s Q2 webinar schedule covers the following topics:

        • Achieving Compliance
          • How to Avoid Lease Accounting Compliance Risks (April 21st) – Get ahead of common risks associated with misreporting company information, such as increased audit fees, fines and potential legal ramifications.
          • GASB Monthly Planning Sessions (May 18th and June 16th) – Learn how to prepare for and execute the transition to GASB 87 and GASB 96 with supporting automated accounting technology.
          • How to Achieve Confident Lease Accounting Compliance (May 24th) – Receive guidance from lease accounting experts to ensure that your organization is equipped to succeed in its compliance efforts.
        • Sustaining Compliance
          • ASC 842 Monthly Planning Sessions (April 13th, May 11th and June 14th) – Benefit from expert tips and industry best practices to accelerate and maintain compliance with ASC 842.
          • GASB 87 Roundtable Discussion: Anticipating Day 2 Lease Accounting Challenges (April 27th) – Hear directly from experienced technology and accounting experts about different Day 2 lease accounting considerations, including how to keep up with frequent lease modifications and how to ensure long-term compliance and audit readiness.
          • The Cross-Functional Power of Centralized Lease Data (June 23rd) – Learn about the wide-ranging business benefits of maintaining lease data in one central location.

        For additional details, registration information and updates on opportunities to earn CPE credits, please visit Visual Lease’s events page, which will be regularly updated.

        About Visual Lease

        Visual Lease is the #1 lease optimization software provider. We help organizations become compliant with FASB, IFRS and GASB lease accounting standards, while simultaneously improving the financial, legal and operational performance of their leases. Our easy-to-use SaaS platform is embedded with more than three decades of best practices from major corporations and leading industry professionals. Our award-winning solutions are used by 1,000+ organizations to manage 500,000+ real estate, equipment and other leased assets. Committed to ongoing innovation and unparalleled customer service, Visual Lease helps organizations transform their lease compliance requirements into financial opportunities. For more information, visit

        Media Contact
        Erica Bonavitacola
        Visual Lease
        T+1 732 860 4838

        The post Visual Lease Announces Educational Webinar Lineup for Q2 first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        What is IFRS 16 & What Do I Need to Know? Tue, 29 Mar 2022 18:24:20 +0000 What is IFRS 16? What changed under IFRS 16? What is considered a lease under IFRS 16? Exceptions to the IFRS 16 Lease Accounting Standard IFRS 16 Impact on Financial...

        The post What is IFRS 16 & What Do I Need to Know? first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

        What is IFRS 16?

        IFRS 16 Summary: What is IFRS 16?

        The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) published the new IFRS 16 lease accounting standard, which replaces IAS 17. For the global community, IASB is responsible for developing and promoting the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) for accounting.

        What changed under IFRS 16?

        IFRS 16 changes the way companies account for leases in their financial disclosures, including balance sheets and income statements. Under IFRS 16, a lessee applies a single lease accounting model where leases are considered finance leases.  A lessor classifies a lease as either a finance lease or an operating lease.

        Here’s what Ernst & Young (EY) says about the changes: “Whether you report under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) or U.S. GAAP, you are likely to be facing significant changes in reporting requirements as you assess the impact of new standards for revenue recognition, financial instruments, and lease accounting. And these changes are not just impacting organizations reporting under IFRS and US GAAP — many national accounting standard setters are also aligning local standards to IFRS.” Read more here: IFRS Compliance Software & New IFRS Lease Accounting Changes

        IFRS Compliance Software

        What is considered a lease under IFRS 16?

        Under IFRS 16, a lease is defined as a contract that enables international businesses to use another entity’s identified asset for a specified period of time in exchange for consideration. Common leased assets include:

        • Real estate property, buildings, offices and warehouses
        • Office equipment
        • Medical equipment
        • IT equipment
        • Vehicles (automobiles, trucks, vans)

        These contracts must specify a timeline in which the right-of-use of the asset is established (or an identified amount of use). It should also include all the potential economic benefits from using said asset. Simply put, some contracts that may not have been considered a lease with the original IAS 17 compliance standard, may now be a lease under IFRS 16 – and must be added to the balance sheet.

        Exceptions to the IFRS 16 Lease Accounting Standard

        Under the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) 16, the lease accounting standard, there are a few exceptions or specific scenarios where certain leases may be excluded or treated differently. Here are some exceptions to IFRS 16:

        • Short-term leases: Leases with a lease term of 12 months or less and that do not contain a purchase option are considered short-term leases. Entities can choose to exclude short-term leases from recognizing lease assets and liabilities on the balance sheet. Instead, they can expense the lease payments on a straight-line basis over the lease term.
        • Low-value leases: Leases of assets with a low value (i.e. under $5,000) when new, such as small office equipment or computer peripherals, can be excluded from the balance sheet. While there is no specific threshold defined in IFRS 16, it suggests that a materiality-based approach can be adopted for such leases.
        • Leases of biological assets: Leases of biological assets within the scope of IAS 41, Agriculture, are exempted from the requirements of IFRS 16. These leases are accounted for under the applicable provisions of IAS 41.
        • Leases of minerals, oil, natural gas, and similar assets: Exploration and evaluation assets, as defined in IFRS 6, Exploration for and Evaluation of Mineral Resources, are excluded from the scope of IFRS 16. Therefore, leases of minerals, oil, natural gas, and similar assets are not subject to the requirements of IFRS 16.
        • It’s important to note that the specific application of these exceptions may vary depending on the circumstances and professional judgment exercised by the reporting entity. It is recommended to consult the full text of IFRS 16 and seek guidance from accounting professionals or standard-setting bodies for specific situations.

        IFRS 16 Impact on Financial Reporting

        IFRS 16 has a significant impact on financial reporting, affecting the balance sheets, profit and loss statements, and cash flow statements of companies. It’s important to note that the impact of IFRS 16 on financial reporting can vary depending on the specific lease arrangements and the nature of the business. Companies should carefully assess the implications and ensure accurate and transparent reporting in accordance with the standard.

        IFRS 16 Impact on the Balance Sheet

        Recognition of lease assets: Under IFRS 16, lessees are required to recognize lease assets, representing the right to use the leased asset, on the balance sheet. This increases the total assets of the company.

        Recognition of lease liabilities: In addition to lease assets, lessees must recognize lease liabilities, representing their obligation to make lease payments, on the balance sheet. This increases the total liabilities of the company.

        Change in presentation: The classification of leases as operating leases or finance leases, which was previously used under IAS 17, is eliminated. Instead, the balance sheet shows a single category of lease assets and lease liabilities.

        However, if a lease’s terms happen to be under 12 months or low value under $5,000, they will typically be exempt from this new rule (assuming the asset itself isn’t recognized as high value or has purchase options).

        IFRS 16 Impact on Profits and Loss Statement

        Changes in expense recognition: Under IFRS 16, lessees are required to recognize both interest expense on the lease liability and depreciation of the right-of-use asset. This replaces the straight-line operating lease expense recognition under IAS 17. As a result, the profit and loss statement shows higher expenses in the earlier years of the lease and lower expenses in the later years.

        Impact on EBITDA and operating profit: The changes in lease expense recognition affect EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization) and operating profit. EBITDA increases as lease expenses previously classified as operating expenses are replaced by depreciation and interest expenses. Operating profit may also be affected due to changes in lease-related costs.

        IFRS 16 Impact on Cashflow Statement

        Changes in cash flow presentation: Under IFRS 16, lease payments are classified differently in the cash flow statement compared to IAS 17. The operating lease payments, previously presented as operating cash outflows, are now divided into a principal portion classified as financing activities and an interest portion classified as operating or financing activities.

        Impact on operating cash flow: The classification of lease payments and the inclusion of interest and principal portions affect the operating cash flow. In the earlier years of the lease, operating cash outflows decrease as a portion of lease payments is classified as financing activities. Conversely, financing cash flows increase as the principal portion is classified as such.

        Who Does IFRS 16 Impact?

        Lessees who follow the International Financial Reporting Standards are affected by the new lease accounting standard. Over 160 countries all over the world will need to adhere to IFRS 16, including Spain, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Russia, Norway, Brazil, Japan, France and more.

        History of IFRS 16

        The International Accounting Standards Board introduced IFRS 16 in 2016. It is one of the most significant changes to their lease accounting policies in over 25 years. The goal of the new standard was to create transparency in representing leases on the balance sheet for all international businesses. IFRS 16 replaces IAS 17 as the new standard that all companies who operate under IFRS must adhere by and went into effect on January 1st, 2019.

        Transition with IFRS 16 Software

        Visual Lease provides international businesses with the tools to achieve and maintain IFRS 16 compliance while unlocking financial opportunities within their lease portfolios. Visual Lease’s powerful and easy-to-use cloud-based solution automates lease accounting, all in one centralized location.

        Looking for a reliable lease accounting software? Click here to schedule a demo and see how Visual Lease can help you with IFRS 16.

        The post What is IFRS 16 & What Do I Need to Know? first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Article: Is a Reverse Build-to-Suit Lease Right for You? Wed, 02 Mar 2022 14:02:37 +0000 When discussing commercial real estate, you’ll often hear about build-to-suit (BTS) leases, in which the landowner agrees to construct a property according to the requirements of the lessee, and the lessee...

        The post Article: Is a Reverse Build-to-Suit Lease Right for You? first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        When discussing commercial real estate, you’ll often hear about build-to-suit (BTS) leases, in which the landowner agrees to construct a property according to the requirements of the lessee, and the lessee leases the property once construction is complete. With a BTS lease, the landowner is in charge of construction and financing.

        The post Article: Is a Reverse Build-to-Suit Lease Right for You? first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        GASB 96: What You Need to Know Tue, 15 Feb 2022 21:35:31 +0000

        What is GASB 96?

        In May of 2020, the Governmental Accounting Standards Board, or GASB, finalized how SBITAs are recorded on financial statements through the issuance of GASB Statement No. 96.

        GASB 96 requires all covered organizations or governmental entities to record a right-to-use subscription intangible asset and corresponding subscription liability. The standard also provides guidance in accounting for cash outlays such as implementation fees, related to SBITAs to prevent future disparities in how government entities report on non-subscription costs.

        Who does GASB 96 apply to?

        GASB 96 applies to all public sector entities that follow Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) in filing their annual financial statements, including state and local governments, school districts and public higher ed institutions.

        What is a Subscription-Based Information Technology Arrangement (SBITA) under GASB 96?

        Issued by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board, GASB 96 defines Subscription-Based Information Technology Arrangements (SBITAs) and provides guidance on accounting and financial reporting for government entities. The statement was created to regulate the accounting and disclosure around subscription-based payments for cloud-based software agreements.

        Under GASB 96, a SBITA is a contract that conveys control of the right to use another party’s (a SBITA vendor’s) IT software, alone or in combination with tangible capital assets (the underlying IT assets), as specified in the contract for a period of time in an exchange or exchange-like transaction.

        For GASB 96 to be directly applicable, the organization must first determine that the contract is a SBITA. A crucial component in defining the subscription terms is the element of control over the underlying IT assets. An assessment must be made, and specific stipulations are required in understanding what rights your organization has regarding the present service capacity. Once this distinction is made, excluding certain exemptions, the subscription term is the noncancellable period of time that the government has the right to use the underlying IT asset.

        What is an Example of a SBITA?

        An example of a SBITA is a subscription-based software service, such as Software as a Service (SaaS) platforms. Some specific examples include Salesforce, Microsoft Teams, and Dropbox. These arrangements involve a contract between a government entity and another party, granting the right to use IT software for a period of time in exchange for a fee.

        What contracts are exempt under GASB 96?

        GASB 96 excludes contracts that only provide IT support services, but includes contracts providing IT support services in conjunction with the right to use a related IT asset. The following are also exempt from the scope of GASB 96:

        • Standalone IT services contracts that do not include the right to use an underlying IT asset
        • Agreements providing outside entities the right to use their own IT software and associated assets through an SBITA
        • Contracts that meet the definition of a lease under GASB 87, Leases
        • Contracts that fall under the scope of GASB 94, Public-Private and Public-Public Partnerships and availability Payment Arrangements
        • Contracts that fall under the scope of GASB 51, Accounting and Financial Reporting for Intangible Assets
        • Short-term SBITA contracts

        What are short-term SBITAs?

        GASB 96 provides exemptions for short-term SBITAs. Under GASB 96, a short-term SBITA has a maximum possible term of 12 months at the commencement of the subscription term. This includes any renewal or extension options regardless of whether the government is reasonably certain to exercise these options. The governmental entity is not required to recognize a subscription asset and liability for any short-term SBITA.

        How to recognize and measure an SBITA?

        If an SBITA is identified, government entities recognize a subscription liability and a subscription asset at the beginning of the subscription term of the SBITA, which occurs when the government entity obtains control of the right to use the underlying IT asset.

        The subscription term is the period that the government has the noncancellable right to use the underlying IT assets, plus the following periods, if applicable:

        • Periods covered by a government’s extension option if it is reasonably certain that the government will exercise that option
        • Periods covered by a government’s termination option if it is reasonably certain that the government will not exercise that option
        • Periods covered by a vendor’s extension option if it is reasonably certain that the SBITA vendor will exercise that option
        • Periods covered by a vendor’s termination option if it is reasonably certain that the vendor will not exercise that option

        What Are the Footnote Disclosure Requirements for a SBITA?

        • Description of the SBITA: This should include the basis, terms, and conditions on which variable payments are not included in the measurement of the subscription liability.
        • Sum of subscription-based assets and related accumulated amortization: This should be disclosed separately from other capital assets.
        • Outflow of resources recognized in the reporting period: This should include variable payments not previously included in the measurement of the subscription liability, as well as other payments such as termination penalties.
        • Principal and interest requirements to maturity: This should be presented separately for the subscription liability for each of the five subsequent fiscal years and in five-year increments thereafter.
        • Details of SBITAs that have been committed but not yet commenced: This should include the basis, terms, and conditions of the arrangement, as well as the estimated amount of the subscription liability.
        • Components of any loss associated with an impairment: This should include the amount of the loss, as well as the factors that contributed to the impairment.
        • Balance restatement details for the fiscal year 2023 only: This should include the reason for the restatement, as well as the impact on the financial statements.

        What are the stages of SBITA?

        The amortization of the subscription asset should be recognized as an outflow of resources over the term of the subscription. Activities associated with a SBITA are grouped into stages:

        Preliminary project
        Initial implementation
        Operation and additional implementation

        The decision to obtain technology
        Design, configure, code, test, and install
        Maintenance, troubleshooting, ongoing access

        Cost treatment
        Expensed as incurred
        Capitalized or expensed as incurred

        • Preliminary project stage: This stage includes activities associated with an entity’s decision to obtain the technology provided by the SBITA. Any cost incurred in the preliminary project stage will be expensed as incurred.
        • Initial implementation stage: This stage includes activities related to designing, configuring, coding, testing, and installing the subscription assets. These charges are capitalized as part of the subscription asset.
        • Operation and additional implementation stage: This stage includes activities that relate to maintenance, troubleshooting, and other activities associated with ongoing access to the underlying IT assets. Activities in this stage may be capitalized as part of the subscription asset.

        What is a subscription asset?

        In addition to the subscription liability, the government must recognize a subscription under GASB 96. The subscription asset is measured as the initial value of the subscription liability plus:

        • Payments made to the vendor at the commencement of the subscription term
        • Capitalizable initial implementation costs
        • Minus any vendor incentives received at the commencement of the subscription term

        The government entity will need to amortize the subscription asset systematically and rationally over the shorter of the subscription term or the useful life of the underlying IT asset. Amortization of the subscription asset begins at the commencement of the subscription term and is reported as an outflow of resources by the governmental entity.

        What is a subscription liability?

        The initial subscription liability is measured as the present value of the total subscription payments expected to be made to the vendor during the subscription term. The total future payments are discounted using the interest rate the vendor charges the government, which may be the interest rate implicit in the SBITA. If the implicit interest rate is not readily determinable, the government may use an estimated incremental borrowing rate for the present value calculation.

        GASB 96 outlines that the payments included in the present value calculation of the subscription liability should include the following:

        • Fixed payments
        • Variable payments based on an index or a rate, measured using the index or rate as of the commencement of the subscription term
        • Variable payments that are fixed in substance
        • Termination penalties, if the subscription term reflects the government exercising either an option to terminate the agreement or a fiscal funding or cancellation clause
        • Incentives receivable from the vendor
        • Other payments the government is reasonably certain will be required to be made to the vendor

        In subsequent periods, the government will accrue interest on the remaining subscription liability at the applicable discount rate. The subscription payments will be allocated first to the accrued interest, and then to reduce the outstanding subscription liability.

        What are the outlays under GASB 96?

        There may be cash outlays for other activities associated with SBITAs under GASB 96. The type and timing of the activity dictates the accounting treatment of these cash outlays; other activities associated with SBITAs are grouped into three stages:

        1.Preliminary project stage

        The preliminary project stage includes costs associated with activities such as evaluating alternatives, determining needed technology, and selecting an SBITA vendor. Outlays in this stage should be expensed as incurred.

        2.Initial implementation stage

        The initial implementation stage includes all ancillary charges necessary to place the subscription asset into service. Outlays in this stage generally should be capitalized as an addition to the subscription asset.

        3.Operation and additional implementation stage

        The operation and additional implementation stage, includes activities such as subsequent implementation activities, maintenance, and other activities for ongoing operations related to a SBITA. Outlays in this stage should be expensed as incurred unless they meet specific capitalization criteria.

        What are the disclosure requirements under GASB 96?

        A government entity should disclose the following information about its SBITAs (which may be grouped for purposes of disclosure) in notes to financial statements:

        1. A general description of its SBITAs, including the basis, terms, and conditions on which variable payments not included in the measurement of the subscription liability are determined
        2. The total amount of subscription assets, and the related accumulated amortization, disclosed separately from other capital assets
        3. The amount of outflows of resources recognized in the reporting period for variable payments not previously included in the measurement of the subscription liability
        4. The amount of outflows of resources recognized in the reporting period for other payments, such as termination penalties, not previously included in the measurement of the subscription liability
        5. Principal and interest requirements to maturity, presented separately, for the subscription liability for each of the five subsequent fiscal years and in five-year increments thereafter
        6. Commitments under SBITAs before the commencement of the subscription term
        7. The components of any loss associated with an impairment

        Ready for GASB 96

        Meeting the compliance standards for GASB 96 requires consistency, accuracy and the collection of your portfolio data — specifically information surrounding SBITAs. At the same time, evaluating accounting software solutions will allow you to implement a solution that will allow you to meet the standards outlined in GASB 96.

        The post GASB 96: What You Need to Know first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        How to Apply the ASC 842 Discount Rate Update for Private Companies and Nonprofits Tue, 25 Jan 2022 15:48:10 +0000 The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) recently issued an update to ASC 842 that addresses complexities associated with discount rate calculations. In this blog, we share how this update affects private...

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        Private Companies and Nonprofits
        first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

        The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) recently issued an update to ASC 842 that addresses complexities associated with discount rate calculations. In this blog, we share how this update affects private companies and nonprofits.       

        What does the discount rate update mean for private companies? 

        The update to ASC 842 simplifies the way private companies, nonprofit organizations and employee benefit plans are required to determine the present value of lease payments. Under the new update, these businesses can elect risk-free rates by class of underlying asset, rather than at the entity wide level.  

        This update replaces the previous rules within ASC 842 for how private companies and nonprofits handled discount rates to comply with the lease accounting standard.  

         Why was the discount rate update proposed? 

        Prior to the update, companies ran into similar challenges when determining the discount rate and present value of lease payments. They had to use the rate implicit in the lease to calculate the right of use (ROU) asset and lease liability. However, the rate implicit in the lease isn’t always accessible. 

        Given the difficulties private companies were experiencing, FASB recognized a need to streamline calculation guidance – and in response, proposed and issued this discount rate update.  

         How do private companies apply the new discount rate guidance? 

        Organizations may now make a policy election to use a risk-free rate as the discount rate for all leases. This calculation is much easier to run, which helps businesses save time and lowers the impact on the balance sheet.  

         Are you set up to account for lease accounting guidance updates? 

        The discount rate update issued by FASB to ASC 842 is just one example of why private companies and nonprofit organizations can benefit from lease accounting technology. Beyond providing lease accounting automation, ASC 842 software like Visual Lease is equipped to seamlessly adapt to changes to the lease accounting standards or a lease portfolio.  

        It can also streamline your lease accounting process by automatically generating audit-ready journal entries, disclosures and reports that you need to achieve and sustain compliance.  

        Additionally, the right solution will provide you with the visibility you need to thoroughly understand your lease data and use that information to make better informed operational decisions.  

        Interested in learning more? See how lease accounting software like Visual Lease can help. 


        The post How to Apply the ASC 842 Discount Rate Update for
        Private Companies and Nonprofits
        first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Visual Lease Reports a Strong Close to 2021 Thu, 20 Jan 2022 14:27:29 +0000 Company achieves double-digit YoY annual recurring revenue and customer growth  for fourth consecutive year  Woodbridge, NJ – January 20, 2022 — Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software provider, today...

        The post Visual Lease Reports a Strong Close to 2021 first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

        Company achieves double-digit YoY annual recurring revenue and customer growth  
        for fourth consecutive year

        Woodbridge, NJ – January 20, 2022 Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software provider, today announced results from 2021, reporting an increase of nearly 30% in customer count and annual recurring revenue year-over-year, making it the fourth consecutive year that the company has experienced double-digit growth. Visual Lease now assists nearly 1,000 organizations with lease accounting compliance and the financial, legal and operational performance of their leased assets.  

        “Our continued success is grounded in our commitment to our customers,” said founder and CEO, Marc Betesh. “Our software is designed to help companies not only master lease accounting compliance, but also effectively manage their leased assets for maximum return on investment. Our platform supports cross-functional collaboration across all teams who handle lease data, a critical part of the lease accounting and management process that will drive business impact today and well into the future. As we move further into 2022, we’re building on a very strong foundation, and will continue to make strategic investments in our product, services, people and infrastructure.”    

        Some of the company’s other achievements in 2021 included: 

        Solution Advancements 

        Lease Accounting 

        • Expanded its GASB support, launching technical accounting features to streamline the handling of lessor termination calculations, schedule modifications and reports. 
        • Introduced GASB 87 Complete and ASC 842 Proven Path, which are end-to-end lease accounting solutions and services packages for public sector entities and private companies with fewer than 100 leases.  
        • Introduced a GASB RFP Template, a free, comprehensive RFP template to assist organizations in the evaluation of lease accounting technology providers. 
        • Enhanced its most frequently used reports (Ad Hoc, Roll-Forward, Disclosure and Lease Accounting reports), which resulted in greater visibility into calculations, supporting audit-readiness. 
        • Launched short-term calculations, empowering its users to easily create short-term calculations irrespective of lease terms. 
        • Improved the process around financial entries when importing calculations and transaction values. 
        • Expanded support of foreign currency disclosure and reporting, increasing visibility into calculations to assist with audits. 

        Lease Administration 

        • Released a new Lease Options Report, providing an easy-to-read summary of critical options information and empowering its users to act based on key details within their portfolio. 
        • Announced a new Schedule Upload feature, enabling its users to quickly generate abandonment schedules with itemized interest and amortization entries. 
        • Expanded the VL Integrations Hub with a broader set of APIs, export and integrations options that allow users to streamline their processes and improve productivity by automating repetitive tasks. 
        • Increased support with lease abandonment, a critical capability for many organizations dealing with the ongoing impacts of COVID-19 and the many resulting changes within their lease portfolio.  

        Infrastructure & Community 

        • Celebrated its 25th anniversary and as part of it donated $25,000 to three non-profit organizations addressing affordable housing needs: Habitat for Humanity International, The Affordable Housing Alliance and New Jersey Veterans Home at Menlo Park. 
        • Introduced its Customer Advisory Board (CAB), assembling a select group of senior financial management and real estate executives from its customer base to share insights and solicit feedback on its solutions and services. 
        • Doubled its Partner Alliance network, joining forces with a number of industry-leading organizations such as SolomonEdwards and CGFI, providing increasingly valuable service and offerings to mutual customers.  
        • Hired across all departments, increasing its employee base by 38% year over year. 
        • Launched its Corporate Strategy Department to gather information and harness market insights to determine a greater, forward-looking solution for its customers.  

        Brand & Thought Leadership 

        Industry Recognitions 

        To keep up with announcements from Visual Lease, visit the Visual Lease Newsroom. 

        About Visual Lease  

        Visual Lease is the #1 lease optimization software provider. We help organizations become compliant with FASB, IFRS and GASB lease accounting standards, while simultaneously improving the financial, legal and operational performance of their leases. Our easy-to-use SaaS platform is embedded with more than three decades of best practices from major corporations and leading industry professionals. Our award-winning solutions are used by nearly 1,000 organizations to manage 500,000+ real estate, equipment and other leased assets. Committed to ongoing innovation and unparalleled customer service, Visual Lease helps organizations transform their lease compliance requirements into financial opportunities. For more information, visit   

        Media Contacts 

        Erica Bonavitacola
        Visual Lease
        T+1 732 860 4838     

        Katie Vroom
        Gregory FCA
        T+1 212 398 9680  


        The post Visual Lease Reports a Strong Close to 2021 first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Visual Lease Unveils Q1 Educational Webinar Schedule Tue, 11 Jan 2022 14:39:58 +0000 Industry leader to host a series of virtual events, sharing valuable insights to help companies master lease accounting compliance  Woodbridge, NJ – January 11, 2022 —Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software...

        The post Visual Lease Unveils Q1 Educational Webinar Schedule first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

        Industry leader to host a series of virtual events, sharing valuable insights to help companies master lease accounting compliance 

        Woodbridge, NJ – January 11, 2022 Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software provider, announced its schedule for complimentary educational webinars for the first quarter of 2022. The organization will continue to leverage its three decades of lease management and accounting expertise to provide organizations with the information they require to achieve and maintain compliance with lease accounting standards ASC 842, GASB 87 and IFRS 16.  

         “These educational sessions not only provide attendees with lease accounting best practices, but also, with insight into the risks and opportunities associated with their leases.” said Marc Betesh, founder and CEO of Visual Lease. “With looming deadlines and changing requirements, there’s never been a better time for organizations to learn directly from industry experts who have helped inform the very lease accounting standards by which they’re impacted.” 

         Visual Lease’s Q1 webinar schedule covers the following topics: 

        • Achieving Confident Compliance
          • ASC 842 Monthly Planning Sessions (January 19th, February 15th and March 15th) – Receive expert tips and industry best practices to accelerate and maintain compliance with ASC 842.  
          • GASB 87 Monthly Planning Sessions (January 19th, February 17th, March 17th) – Learn how to prepare for and execute the transition to GASB 87 with supporting lease accounting technology.   
          • Best Practices for Properly Gathering Lease Data (March 22nd) – Gain an understanding of how to successfully navigate and gather your company’s lease data to ensure lease accounting compliance and audit readiness.  
        • Sustaining Compliance 
          • How to Prepare for Common Day 2 Lease Accounting Challenges (February 10th) – Hear directly from experienced technical accountants about different Day 2 lease accounting challenges, including remeasurements, modifications and terminations. 
        • Lease Optimization
          • Maximize the Value of your Commercial Real Estate in 2022 (January 20th) – Discover new commercial real estate trends from a recent study by The Visual Lease Data Institute. Learn how to leverage these insights to maximize the value of future leases.    

        For additional details, registration information and updates on opportunities to earn CPE credits please visit Visual Lease’s events page, which will be regularly updated.

        About Visual Lease  

        Visual Lease is the #1 lease optimization software provider. We help organizations become compliant with FASB, IFRS and GASB lease accounting standards, while simultaneously improving the financial, legal and operational performance of their leases. Our easy-to-use SaaS platform is embedded with more than three decades of best practices from major corporations and leading industry professionals. Our award-winning solutions are used by 900+ organizations to manage 500,000+ real estate, equipment and other leased assets. Committed to ongoing innovation and unparalleled customer service, Visual Lease helps organizations transform their lease compliance requirements into financial opportunities. For more information,   

        Media Contacts 

        Erica Bonavitacola 
        Visual Lease 
        T+1 732 860 4838     
        Katie Vroom 
        Gregory FCA 
        T+1 212 398 9680  

        The post Visual Lease Unveils Q1 Educational Webinar Schedule first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Buyer’s Guide to Lease Accounting Software for GASB Compliance Mon, 10 Jan 2022 20:35:34 +0000 Everything you need to know to make an informed decision when selecting lease accounting software for GASB compliance, so your organization can transition to the new requirements, stay compliant as...

        The post Buyer’s Guide to Lease Accounting Software for GASB Compliance first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

        Everything you need to know to make an informed decision when selecting lease accounting software for GASB compliance, so your organization can transition to the new requirements, stay compliant as your leases change and make the most of your investment. 

        The post Buyer’s Guide to Lease Accounting Software for GASB Compliance first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Visual Lease Appoints Guy Zerega as Chief Revenue Officer Thu, 06 Jan 2022 14:41:41 +0000 Company continues to prepare for its next phase of growth Woodbridge, NJ – January 6, 2022 — Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software provider, today announced that Guy Zerega,...

        The post Visual Lease Appoints Guy Zerega as Chief Revenue Officer first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

        Company continues to prepare for its next phase of growth

        Woodbridge, NJ – January 6, 2022 Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software provider, today announced that Guy Zerega, Senior Vice President of Sales, will advance to become the organization’s first Chief Revenue Officer. In his new role, Zerega will continue to oversee the company’s Sales, Account Management and Alliance Partner teams.  

        “When Guy first joined our company in June 2021, it was the perfect time to bring on an experienced sales leader,” said Visual Lease’s founder and CEO, Marc Betesh. “Organizations across all industries are becoming increasingly aware of the risks and opportunities associated with their lease portfolios. As a result, the demand for our software is growing, and Guy’s leadership will be instrumental in our ability to continue to meet that demand.”

        Before joining Visual Lease, Guy worked at Veriff where he managed their global sales organization and business expansion. During his tenure, he helped the company receive the largest Series B investment in the identity verification space to date. Prior to his time at Veriff, Guy served as Executive Vice President of Revenue at Stack Overflow where he grew their revenue organization from three to more than 130 people. 

        “Throughout my career, I’ve had the opportunity to help scale revenue organizations from the ground up,” said Zerega. “I was drawn to Visual Lease because of its unique position. Having been around for 25 years, it is a clear market leader with a very solid foundation. As more organizations prepare to transition to the new lease accounting standards, they will look to adopt the required technology. I’m looking forward to helping Visual Lease continue on its path as the software partner of choice for lease accounting, management and optimization.” 

        In 2021, Visual Lease further strengthened its leadership team with the appointment of Erinn Tarpey as Chief Marketing Officer and Alexandra Betesh as Senior Vice President of Corporate Strategy.

        Visit Visual Lease’s career site to learn more about career opportunities.

        About Visual Lease  

        Visual Lease is the #1 lease optimization software provider. We help organizations become compliant with FASB, IFRS and GASB lease accounting standards, while simultaneously improving the financial, legal and operational performance of their leases. Our easy-to-use SaaS platform is embedded with more than three decades of best practices from major corporations and leading industry professionals. Our award-winning solutions are used by 900+ organizations to manage 500,000+ real estate, equipment and other leased assets. Committed to ongoing innovation and unparalleled customer service, Visual Lease helps organizations transform their lease compliance requirements into financial opportunities. For more information,   

        Media Contacts 

        Erica Bonavitacola
        Visual Lease
        T+1 732 860 4838     

        Katie Vroom
        Gregory FCA
        T+1 212 398 9680  

        The post Visual Lease Appoints Guy Zerega as Chief Revenue Officer first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Is lease capitalization required for all operating leases under ASC 842? Thu, 30 Dec 2021 18:55:03 +0000 What is lease capitalization? Lease capitalization is the act of recording Right-of-Use Assets and related lease obligations on a company’s balance sheet, as required for the lease accounting standard ASC...

        The post Is lease capitalization required for all operating leases
        under ASC 842?
        first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

        What is lease capitalization?

        Lease capitalization is the act of recording Right-of-Use Assets and related lease obligations on a company’s balance sheet, as required for the lease accounting standard ASC 842.

        Placing these operating lease liabilities on the balance sheet can have a significant impact on a business’ financial position – potentially affecting credit rating and debt covenants under its corporate borrowings.

        What is the importance of lease capitalization under ASC 842?

        With the new lease accounting standard, there is an emphasis on accuracy, comprehensiveness and transparency as to what is accounted for in a company’s balance sheet. The new lease accounting standard emphasizes accuracy, comprehensiveness and transparency of a company’s balance sheet.

        It’s common for business’ stakeholders – such as a public company’s shareholders or a privately held company’s bank or private lender – to want to understand the financial health of the business they have invested in and/or provided financing.

        As a result of ASC 842, a company’s audited financial statements now have a more accurate representation of the company’s overall financial health.

        Which leases are under ASC 842?

        Prior to ASC 842, operating leases were not captured on the balance sheet. However, under ASC 842, both operating leases and finance leases (formerly known as capital leases) need to be included on the balance sheet (in our Complete Guide to Lease Accounting, we share how operating and finance leases are capitalized and accounted for).

        To identify whether a lease is classified as a finance lease or operating lease under ASC 842, check out our blog on Capital Lease Accounting for ASC 840 and ASC 842.

        There are some exceptions to capitalization under ASC 842, such as the ability to not capitalize short-term leases (leases of 12 months or less). To see a further breakdown and examples, take a look at our blog on Balance Sheet Changes for ASC 842.

        ASC 842 requires businesses to disclose much more detail about their lease portfolios. If your company has a high volume of leases (100 or more), and/or manages complex leases (like real estate), it is impossible to keep track of them without leveraging lease accounting software.

        Leases are incredibly dynamic – changing constantly as companies renegotiate their lease terms. And each of these lease modifications needs to be examined and potentially accounted for under the new lease accounting standards. Lease capitalization has been restructured and needs to be accurately accounted for on the balance sheet – one of the many elements associated with the new lease accounting standards. It’s important to not only understand the rules but make sure your company utilizes the right software to get and stay compliant.



        The post Is lease capitalization required for all operating leases
        under ASC 842?
        first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        On Q Financial Mon, 29 Nov 2021 14:41:14 +0000 One of the top independent lenders in the U.S. manages its ever-changing lease portfolio with Visual Lease, using data to make key decisions and helping to shave 80% of time...

        The post On Q Financial first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        One of the top independent lenders in the U.S. manages its ever-changing lease portfolio with Visual Lease, using data to make key decisions and helping to shave 80% of time off of monthly reporting.

        The post On Q Financial first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Visual Lease Included in Deloitte Technology Fast 500™ for Second Consecutive Year Thu, 18 Nov 2021 18:02:09 +0000 Company sustains consistent double-digit growth over four years Woodbridge, NJ – November 18, 2021 — Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software provider, today announced that it ranked No. 264...

        The post Visual Lease Included in Deloitte Technology Fast 500™ for Second Consecutive Year first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

        Company sustains consistent double-digit growth over four years

        Woodbridge, NJ – November 18, 2021 Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software provider, today announced that it ranked No. 264 on the Deloitte Technology Fast 500™, a list of the 500 fastest-growing technology, media, telecommunications, life sciences, fintech and energy tech companies in North America. Visual Lease’s revenue grew by 493% over a three-year period, from 2017 to 2020, and this is the company’s second consecutive year on the list.

        “This recognition is an honor and reflects just how pivotal of a time it is for our organization,” said Marc Betesh, founder and CEO of Visual Lease. “We realize that as companies face the pressures of the new lease accounting standards, as well as the ongoing impacts of the pandemic, it’s never been more important that they accurately track, manage and report on their leases. Our team remains dedicated to providing the software and services they require to successfully achieve and maintain lease accounting compliance. As a result, we have sustained our high growth, steadily increasing our revenue, our network of customers and partners and our employee base.”

        To be eligible for the Technology Fast 500 recognition, companies must own proprietary intellectual property or technology that is sold to customers in products that contribute to a majority of the company’s operating revenues. Companies must have base-year operating revenues of at least $50,000 US, and current-year operating revenues of at least $5 million US. Additionally, companies must be in business for a minimum of four years and be headquartered within North America.

        This recognition comes on the heels of a record-breaking third quarter for Visual Lease, during which the organization announced it now helps more than 800 organizations achieve lease accounting compliance and improve the financial, legal and operational performance of their leases.

        Earlier this year, Visual Lease was named a Best Place to Work in New Jersey by NJBIZ for the second year in a row. The business was also ranked in the top 20% of the 2021 Inc. 5000 list and among the Top 100 Software Companies of 2021 by The Software Report. The company was also honored with a Bronze Stevie® Award in the Fastest Growing Company of the Year category in The 19th Annual American Business Awards® and named a Top Workplace in New Jersey by

        To keep up with news from Visual Lease, visit its newsroom.

        For more information on Visual Lease’s open positions, visit its career site.

        About Visual Lease

        Visual Lease is the #1 lease optimization software provider. We help organizations become compliant with FASB, IFRS and GASB lease accounting standards, while simultaneously improving the financial, legal and operational performance of their leases. Our easy-to-use SaaS platform is embedded with more than three decades of best practices from major corporations and leading industry professionals. Our award-winning solutions are used by 800+ organizations to manage 500,000+ real estate, equipment and other leased assets. Committed to ongoing innovation and unparalleled customer service, Visual Lease helps organizations transform their lease compliance requirements into financial opportunities. For more information, visit

        Media Contacts

        Erica Bonavitacola
        Visual Lease
        T+1 732 860 4838

        Katie Vroom
        Gregory FCA
        T+1 212 398 9680

        The post Visual Lease Included in Deloitte Technology Fast 500™ for Second Consecutive Year first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Visual Lease Celebrates 25th Anniversary by Giving Back Wed, 17 Nov 2021 15:01:37 +0000 Company donates $25,000 to Habitat for Humanity International, The Affordable Housing Alliance and New Jersey Veterans Home at Menlo Park   Woodbridge, NJ – November 17, 2021 — Visual Lease,...

        The post Visual Lease Celebrates 25th Anniversary by Giving Back first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

        Company donates $25,000 to Habitat for Humanity International, The Affordable Housing Alliance and New Jersey Veterans Home at Menlo Park


        Woodbridge, NJ – November 17, 2021 Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software provider, today announced that it made $25,000 in charitable donations across three non-profit organizations that are addressing affordable housing needs: Habitat for Humanity International, The Affordable Housing Alliance and New Jersey Veterans Home at Menlo Park. The donation is in honor of Visual Lease’s 25th anniversary.

        “Over the past 25 years, we have dedicated ourselves to providing the technology, service and expertise companies need to properly manage their leases, achieve and sustain lease accounting compliance and maintain full visibility into their portfolios,” said Marc Betesh, founder and CEO of Visual Lease. “We’ve reached this milestone because of the hard work of our talented, committed and growing team, as well as the support of our customers, partners and community.”

        Visual Lease is committed to supporting non-profit organizations that are dedicated to enriching our communities and providing opportunities for affordable housing to those in need.

        “We proudly take this opportunity to reflect and celebrate our success,” noted Betesh. “And also, give back to three organizations that benefit a cause that is so important to us.”

        Visual Lease chose to donate to two organizations local to its Woodbridge, New Jersey headquarters, The Affordable Housing Alliance and New Jersey Veterans Home at Menlo Park, in addition to one national organization, Habitat for Humanity International, as the company currently employs team members across 14 states.

        “Care is one of our six company values,” said Pamela Cosmillo, Director of Human Resources at Visual Lease. “Our team prides itself on being empathetic to the needs and circumstances of others, and so, it was only fitting that we celebrated this exciting milestone with a donation to organizations that embody this value.”

        For more information on Visual Lease’s culture and values, visit its career site.

        To keep up with news from Visual Lease, visit its newsroom.

        About Visual Lease

        Visual Lease is the #1 lease optimization software provider. We help organizations become compliant with FASB, IFRS and GASB lease accounting standards, while simultaneously improving the financial, legal and operational performance of their leases. Our easy-to-use SaaS platform is embedded with more than three decades of best practices from major corporations and leading industry professionals. Our award-winning solutions are used by 800+ organizations to manage 500,000+ real estate, equipment and other leased assets. Committed to ongoing innovation and unparalleled customer service, Visual Lease helps organizations transform their lease compliance requirements into financial opportunities. For more information, visit

        Media Contacts

        Erica Bonavitacola
        Visual Lease
        T+1 732 860 4838

        Katie Vroom
        Gregory FCA
        T+1 212 398 9680


        The post Visual Lease Celebrates 25th Anniversary by Giving Back first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        New Report from The Visual Lease Data Institute Reveals that the Commercial Real Estate Industry is in Recovery Tue, 09 Nov 2021 13:30:52 +0000 Majority of surveyed tenants plan to expand their commercial real estate footprint in the New Year   Woodbridge, NJ (Nov. 9, 2021) Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software provider, today unveiled a survey of 400 senior accounting and finance...

        The post New Report from The Visual Lease Data Institute Reveals that the Commercial Real Estate Industry is in Recovery first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

        Majority of surveyed tenants plan to expand their commercial real estate footprint in the New Year  

        Woodbridge, NJ (Nov. 9, 2021Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software provider, today unveiled a survey of 400 senior accounting and finance professionals and commercial real estate executives, 200 of whom representing the perspective of tenants, and 200 of whom representing the perspective of landlords. The report entitled, “Commercial Real Estate in 2022: Outlook for an Industry in Recovery,” shares insights into how both sides are approaching leases in response to the ongoing effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.  

        “The commercial real estate industry has dramatically changed over the past nineteen months,” said Marc Betesh, founder and CEO of Visual Lease. “Businesses have grappled with new restrictions, considerations and challenges, which have directly impacted their real estate needs. Both landlords and tenants are uncertain of what shifts and trends are here to stay, which has made planning ahead more difficult than ever before. We created this report to help both parties better understand the industry and ensure that they are maximizing the value of future leases, setting themselves up for success in 2022 and beyond.” 

        Key 2022 trends and predictions from the report include:  

        • Ready to Commit to Longer Terms – Sixty-five percent of surveyed tenants are considering their physical space needs more than one year prior to signing a new lease agreement. Fifty-eight percent of tenants are prioritizing leases of at least five years in length, with nearly 20% interested in 10 or more years of occupancy. While plans are being made, the future remains uncertain as 93% of tenants note that their 2022 real estate strategy is temporary and will likely be revised post-COVID.  
        • Real Estate Footprints Poised to Expand – Sixty-five percent of landlords expect tenants will add space to their real estate portfolios in 2022. Similarly, 70% of tenants plan to expand their commercial real estate footprint in the year ahead.  
        • Back to Work: Urban Revival – Seventy-eight percent of landlords predict that the greatest demand for leased properties in 2022 will appear in cities. Tier 1 cities like Los Angeles and New York are anticipated to draw the biggest crowd, signaling a revival for major metropolitan areas that were previously hard-hit during the onset of the pandemic.  
        • Rents Bounce Back, But Not All Businesses Will – Seventy-five percent of landlords expect 2022 commercial rent prices to be about the same or higher than rent prices were prior to the pandemic, which is in line with what 61% of tenants expect, as well. A rent increase may create some challenges as 61% of tenants admit that their organization fell behind on rent during the pandemic, and 37% are still behind on rent.  
        • Future-proofing Leases to Accommodate Changing Demand – All surveyed (100%) landlords had tenants request modifications to their leases mid-term in response to the impacts of COVID-19. As a result, 99% of landlords have revised their agreements to better accommodate existing and future tenants, including changes to building rules and regulations (57%), operating expenses (54%), indemnification and insurance (45%), as well as sublet/assignment rights, rent abatement and force majeure clauses. 
        • Approaching New Terms With Caution – Based on what they learned from managing their businesses during COVID-19, tenants note that the following will be important considerations when negotiating future leases: flexible scaling plans for space (57%), flexible lease termination (49%), shorter lease duration (36%) and an ability to sublease (33%), among others.  
        • Poor Lease Management Led to Costly Mistakes – Nearly 80% of tenants have experienced negative impacts due to inadequate lease controls, the most frequently reported being the inability to respond to changing circumstances due to the pandemic (34%), missing an option to extend a deadline (28%), miscalculating lease costs (28%) and forgetting to update unfavorable or unwanted lease terms (28%).  

        For full study results, download Commercial Real Estate in 2022: Outlook for an Industry in Recovery. 

        About The Visual Lease Data Institute 

        The Visual Lease Data Institute is a collection of market-leading data, trends and insights on lease accounting, management and optimization created and curated by Visual Lease, provider of the #1 lease optimization software. The Institute was founded on 35 years’ experience managing lease data and financials and was created to arm organizations with the knowledge required to achieve and maintain lease accounting compliance and leverage their leases as strategic business assets. 

        About Visual Lease 

        Visual Lease is the #1 lease optimization software provider. We help organizations become compliant with FASB, IFRS and GASB lease accounting standards, while simultaneously improving the financial, legal and operational performance of their leases. Our easy-to-use SaaS platform is embedded with more than three decades of best practices from major corporations and leading industry professionals. Our award-winning solutions are used by 800+ organizations to manage 500,000+ real estate, equipment and other leased assets. Committed to ongoing innovation and unparalleled customer service, Visual Lease helps organizations transform their lease compliance requirements into financial opportunities. For more information, visit  For more information, visit 

        Media Contacts 
        Erica Bonavitacola 
        Visual Lease 
        T+1 732 860 4838 
        Anna Patrick 
        Gregory FCA 
        T+1 212 398 9680 

        The post New Report from The Visual Lease Data Institute Reveals that the Commercial Real Estate Industry is in Recovery first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Article: Private cos. still playing catchup on lease accounting Thu, 28 Oct 2021 15:28:53 +0000 The majority of private companies have yet to implement the new lease accounting standard entirely, even though the effective date is fast approaching. Three-quarters (75%) of privately held companies surveyed this spring...

        The post Article: Private cos. still playing catchup on lease accounting first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        The majority of private companies have yet to implement the new lease accounting standard entirely, even though the effective date is fast approaching.

        Three-quarters (75%) of privately held companies surveyed this spring by Visual Lease, a lease accounting software company, were not yet fully compliant with the standard, which is set to take effect on Dec. 15 after multiple delays.

        The post Article: Private cos. still playing catchup on lease accounting first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Article: 10 Red Flags To Watch For When Signing A Commercial Property Lease Thu, 28 Oct 2021 14:56:54 +0000 Leasing a commercial property is a huge step for a business. The right space in the right location can attract ideal customers and take an entrepreneur’s business to the next...

        The post Article: 10 Red Flags To Watch For When Signing A Commercial Property Lease first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Leasing a commercial property is a huge step for a business. The right space in the right location can attract ideal customers and take an entrepreneur’s business to the next level. The key to unlocking this business potential lies in a property’s lease.

        The post Article: 10 Red Flags To Watch For When Signing A Commercial Property Lease first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Visual Lease Appoints Erinn Tarpey as Chief Marketing Officer Tue, 26 Oct 2021 15:22:55 +0000 Company continues to strengthen its senior leadership team Woodbridge, NJ – October 26, 2021 — Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software provider, today announced that Erinn Tarpey, current Senior...

        The post Visual Lease Appoints Erinn Tarpey as Chief Marketing Officer first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

        Company continues to strengthen its senior leadership team

        Woodbridge, NJ – October 26, 2021 Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software provider, today announced that Erinn Tarpey, current Senior Vice President of Marketing, will advance to become the organization’s first Chief Marketing Officer. In her new role, Tarpey will continue to oversee Visual Lease’s brand direction, company positioning and go-to-market strategies for its solutions and services.

        “Erinn joined Visual Lease in early 2020, a critical time for our organization,” said Visual Lease’s founder and CEO, Marc Betesh. “Since then, she has grown our marketing department, advanced our systems and operational performance and enhanced our brand presence and corporate communications. Due to her diligence, focus, tenacity – and the results she has achieved for our business – it gives me great pleasure to recognize her contributions with this promotion. In her new role, Erinn will continue to fuel our continued growth and success as a leader in our industry.”

        Before joining Visual Lease, Tarpey served as a member of the senior leadership team at iCIMS, where the business grew its annual recurring revenue by 25-30% year over year during her near eight years with the company. Prior to joining iCIMS, Tarpey acquired more than 20 years of B2B and B2C marketing experience gained on both the client and agency sides, gaining expertise in managing the development of proprietary research, supporting mergers and acquisitions and marketing through the partner channel.

        “It’s been thrilling to help define and drive Visual Lease’s vision,” said Tarpey. “We are in a unique position, having achieved so much in the past few years, and poised for even more growth in the months to come. In addition to offering superior software and service, we have the strategic foresight to ensure our customers are best positioned for the years ahead. I am looking forward to building on the foundation that our seasoned leadership team has created to reach new heights as the leading lease optimization software provider.”

        Visual Lease is continuing to hire across all departments. Click here to learn about career opportunities.

        About Visual Lease

        Visual Lease is the #1 lease optimization software provider. We help organizations become compliant with FASB, IFRS and GASB lease accounting standards, while simultaneously improving the financial, legal and operational performance of their leases. Our easy-to-use SaaS platform is embedded with more than three decades of best practices from major corporations and leading industry professionals. Our award-winning solutions are used by 800+ organizations to manage 500,000+ real estate, equipment and other leased assets. Committed to ongoing innovation and unparalleled customer service, Visual Lease helps organizations transform their lease compliance requirements into financial opportunities. For more information, visit

        Media Contacts

        Erica Bonavitacola
        Visual Lease
        T+1 732 860 4838

        Katie Vroom
        Gregory FCA
        T+1 212 398 9680


        The post Visual Lease Appoints Erinn Tarpey as Chief Marketing Officer first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        From Behind the Curtain: Q&A with Rosemary Courtney, Technical Accounting Director Mon, 18 Oct 2021 18:26:05 +0000

        Our new Q&A blog series, From Behind the Curtain, provides a glimpse into the lives of the people behind our software. This series features a sit-down with different members of our team who will share unique insights and perspectives about their roles at Visual Lease.  

        This week, we sit down with Rosemary Courtney, Technical Accounting Director at Visual Lease, to learn how her role impacts product development, assists with overall accuracy and provides expert insight to our customers. 

        Joe Fitzgerald

        SVP of Lease Market Strategy
        Visual Lease

        Rosemary Courtney

        Technical Accounting Director
        Visual Lease

        Question #1: Joe Fitzgerald, SVP of Lease Market Strategy

        What does the technical accounting function do at Visual Lease? 

        Answer #1: Rosemary Courtney, Technical Accounting Director 

        The technical accounting function is responsible for many things at Visual Lease, including: 

        • Supporting cross-functional efforts regarding technical accounting and accounting operations  
        • Providing experience and insight into key traits, behaviors, goals, responsibilities and needs of accountants to influence product development and roadmap 
        • Enhancing the speed and quality in which Visual Lease can develop and deploy product, as well as test new designs and features 

        Question #2: Joe Fitzgerald, SVP of Lease Market Strategy

        What are some recent cross-functional initiatives you have been involved in? 

        Answer #2: Rosemary Courtney, Technical Accounting Director

        I am often involved in various initiatives across the business to provide a best-in-class product and service experience to our customers and potential customers. Some recent examples of initiatives include: 

        • Supporting Sales with technical accounting expertise  
        • Providing quality control to marketing messaging  
        • Assisting with internal employee technical accounting training 

        We also meet with regulators and research emerging accounting standards and developing markets to ensure Visual Lease remains highly informed. 

        Question #3: Joe Fitzgerald, SVP of Lease Market Strategy

        Can you shed some light on your 2022 goals? 

        Answer #3: Rosemary Courtney, Technical Accounting Director

        Our goals in 2022 revolve around continuing to expand the breadth and depth of our already strong technical accounting expertise   and in the end, providing the best possible experiences for every one of our internal and external customers. We plan to expand the technical training throughout the team and across Visual Lease. In addition, we would like to assist with cross-functional development of the customer needs and new markets and channels. 

        If you have any questions, we’re here to help. 
        Consult a lease accounting expert today.

        Want to hear more from Visual Lease? Check out our recent interview with Taralynn VanBrunt, Manager of Education and Enablement at Visual Lease to learn more about client training, education and enablement efforts. To read the interview, click here. 

        From Behind the Curtain gives an inside look into the responsibilities of various Visual Lease teams and how they work together to ensure the solution is regularly improving and clients are successfully complying with the latest lease accounting standards.

        The post From Behind the Curtain: Q&A with Rosemary Courtney, Technical Accounting Director first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Visual Lease Announces Alliance with Arazzo Solutions Wed, 13 Oct 2021 13:30:13 +0000 Partnership will empower organizations to accelerate their ability to comply with new lease accounting standards and maximize the value of their commercial real estate assets  Woodbridge, NJ – October 13, 2021 — Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software provider, today announced a partnership...

        The post Visual Lease Announces Alliance with Arazzo Solutions first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        arazzo solutions alliance

        Partnership will empower organizations to accelerate their ability to comply with new lease accounting standards and maximize the value of their commercial real estate assets 

        Woodbridge, NJ – October 13, 2021 — Visual Leasethe #1 lease optimization software providertoday announced a partnership with Arazzo Solutionsa specialized professional services firm in the commercial/corporate real estate (CRE) industry. This partnership combines both organizations’ deep expertise in lease administration and lease accounting to provide mutual customers with the ability to achieve and sustain lease accounting compliance while simultaneously unlocking the full value of their lease portfolio.  

        We are thrilled to welcome Arazzo Solutions to the Visual Lease community,” said Marc Betesh, founder and CEO of Visual Lease. “Their level of commitment to their customers and their understanding of the importance of lease accounting mirrors our own values and mission. Together, we’ll equip organizations with the technology, insight and guidance they need to maintain lease accounting compliance and maximize the return on existing and future corporate real estate investments.” 

        With this partnership, Arazzo Solutions will offer its clients lease administration and lease accounting services directly powered by Visual Lease’s software. Arazzo Solutions will better help its clients maintain compliance with important lease accounting deadlines and requirements, and provide them with the crucial lease information needed to make stronger operational decisions. 

        “We recognize that this is a critical time for organizations to reevaluate their real estate investments,” said Deb Vallo, Principal at Arazzo Solutions. “What many don’t realize is that they can’t make informed decisions about their lease portfolio without full visibility into all of their leases. We’re working with Visual Lease to help companies properly manage, track and visualize their leases so that they can successfully leverage their portfolios as strategic assets.” 

        To learn more about Visual Lease’s Alliance Partner program, visit here 

        About Visual Lease  

        Visual Lease is the #1 lease optimization software provider. We help organizations become compliant with FASB, IFRS and GASB lease accounting standards, while simultaneously improving the financial, legal and operational performance of their leases. Our easy-to-use SaaS platform is embedded with more than three decades of best practices from major corporations and leading industry professionals. Our award-winning solutions are used by 800+ organizations to manage 500,000+ real estate, equipment and other leased assets. Committed to ongoing innovation and unparalleled customer service, Visual Lease helps organizations transform their lease compliance requirements into financial opportunities. For more information, visit   

        About Arazzo Solutions 

        Arazzo Solutions is a boutique professional services firm focused on the Commercial and Corporate Real Estate (CRE) industry. Our team has a unique combination of expertise in lease administration, lease accounting, project management, and CRE systems analysis and support. We have a strong commitment to putting our clients first and a passion for helping our clients develop industry-standard best practices and improving links between CRE strategies and their organizational culture, creating a strategic fit that brightly highlights the importance of the CRE team within their organization. We also bring an in-depth understanding of CRE business processes and comprehensive knowledge of CRE accounting, including the latest FASB, IASB, and GASB accounting guidelines (FASB ASC 842, IASB IFRS 16, and GASB 87). Visit us at 

        Media Contacts 
        Erica Bonavitacola
        Visual Lease
        T+1 732 860 4838     

        Katie Vroom
        Gregory FCA
        T+1 212 398 9680  

        The post Visual Lease Announces Alliance with Arazzo Solutions first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Visual Lease Announces Record-Breaking Third Quarter Mon, 11 Oct 2021 14:06:01 +0000 Company now helps more than 800 organizations manage upwards of 500,000 leases Woodbridge, NJ – October 11, 2021 — Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software provider, today announced results...

        The post Visual Lease Announces Record-Breaking Third Quarter first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

        Company now helps more than 800 organizations manage upwards of 500,000 leases

        Woodbridge, NJ – October 11, 2021 Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software provider, today announced results from the third quarter of 2021, including sustained double-digit annual recurring revenue and customer growth. The company continues to make strategic investments in its product, services, people and infrastructure and is now helping more than 800 organizations achieve lease accounting compliance and improve the financial, legal and operational performance of their leases.

        “There’s a huge shift in the way that organizations are looking at their leases,” said founder and CEO of Visual Lease, Marc Betesh. “They are trying to manage evolving work patterns while simultaneously staying compliant with the new lease accounting rules. As companies revisit their leases to address these demands, they’re realizing how much a dedicated solution like Visual Lease can help. By standardizing and centralizing their lease data, organizations are improving lease performance, reducing costs and streamlining their audit processes.”

        In Q3 2021, Visual Lease:


        • Streamlined its reporting performance, making it easier for users to quickly generate a Journal Entry Summary Report.
        • Improved the process around financial entries when importing calculations and transaction values.
        • Introduced GASB 87 Complete and ASC 842 Proven Path, which are end-to-end lease accounting solutions and services packages for public sector entities and private companies with fewer than 100 leases.
        • Launched The Visual Lease Data Institute, publishing unique data, trends and insights on lease accounting, management and optimization to help inform its product and community of customers and partners.


        • Grew its employee base by more than 25% year-over-year, hiring across a range of departments and levels within the organization.
        • Named a Best Place to Work in New Jersey by NJBIZ.

        Industry Recognitions

        To keep up with announcements from Visual Lease, visit the Visual Lease Newsroom.

        About Visual Lease

        Visual Lease is the #1 lease optimization software provider. We help organizations become compliant with FASB, IFRS and GASB lease accounting standards, while simultaneously improving the financial, legal and operational performance of their leases. Our easy-to-use SaaS platform is embedded with more than three decades of best practices from major corporations and leading industry professionals. Our award-winning solutions are used by 800+ organizations to manage 500,000+ real estate, equipment and other leased assets. Committed to ongoing innovation and unparalleled customer service, Visual Lease helps organizations transform their lease compliance requirements into financial opportunities. For more information, visit

        Media Contacts
        Erica Bonavitacola
        Visual Lease
        T+1 732 860 4838

        Katie Vroom
        Gregory FCA
        T+1 212 398 9680


        The post Visual Lease Announces Record-Breaking Third Quarter first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Visual Lease Announces Q4 Webinar Schedule Mon, 27 Sep 2021 13:17:10 +0000 Solution provider to host a series of virtual events, gathering industry experts to share unique insights and opportunities around lease accounting  Woodbridge, NJ – Sept. 27, 2021 — Visual Lease,...

        The post Visual Lease Announces Q4 Webinar Schedule first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

        Solution provider to host a series of virtual events, gathering industry experts to share unique insights and opportunities around lease accounting

         Woodbridge, NJ – Sept. 27, 2021Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software provider, has announced its lineup of complimentary educational webinars for the final quarter of 2021. The organization has planned several online events to provide senior accounting and finance professionals with insight into how to achieve and maintain lease accounting compliance, unlock cost-saving opportunities within their lease portfolios and more.

        Marc Betesh, founder and CEO of Visual Lease, said, “Due to our deep domain expertise in lease management, The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) sought feedback from experts at Visual Lease when it was devising the new lease accounting standards. We were there for the genesis of ASC 842. Our team understands how complex lease accounting can be.”

        Betesh continued, “Between the knowledge of our in-house experts and the insights we glean from our robust community of customers and partners, we continue to embed industry best practices into our platform. Our upcoming webinars are an opportunity for us to share our expertise with you, helping you to not only achieve and maintain lease accounting compliance, but also, to capitalize on the many business benefits to be had along the way.”

        Visual Lease’s current Q4 webinar schedule features sessions on the following topics:

        • How to Prepare for Common Day 2 Lease Accounting Challenges – During this 3-part webinar series, industry experts will provide insight into how to solve the most pervasive and problematic Day 2 lease accounting challenges. Each session will cover common challenges associated with each focus area, as well as tangible examples and actionable takeaways for attendees. The presenters will cover how to leverage best practices and dedicated technology to address each concentration:
        • How to Unlock Financial Opportunities with Lease Optimization (Oct. 21) – In this session, members of the Visual Lease team will dive into different ways to use your lease accounting compliance project to unlock hard- and soft-dollar savings and improve operational performance of your leases. Register here.
        • An Inside Look at the Visual Lease Product Roadmap (Nov. 16) – In this webinar, members of the Visual Lease senior leadership team will provide a sneak-peek into new product capabilities that are on the horizon to help Visual Lease users manage and maximize every asset in their lease portfolio. Register here
        • Get Ahead of Day 2 Lease Accounting with Visual Lease (Dec. 14) – In this session, industry leaders will discuss the main roadblocks associated with lease accounting compliance and how to address these challenges with centralized lease data. Register here.

        To keep up with all of Visual Lease’s upcoming virtual events, visit here.

        About Visual Lease
        Visual Lease is the #1 lease optimization software provider. We help organizations become compliant with FASB, IFRS and GASB lease accounting standards, while simultaneously improving the financial, legal and operational performance of their leases. Our easy-to-use SaaS platform is embedded with more than three decades of best practices from major corporations and leading industry professionals. Our award-winning solutions are used by 800+ organizations to manage 500,000+ real estate, equipment and other leased assets. Committed to ongoing innovation and unparalleled customer service, Visual Lease helps organizations transform their lease compliance requirements into financial opportunities. For more information, visit

        Media Contacts
        Erica Bonavitacola
        Visual Lease
        T+1 732 860 4838

        Katie Vroom
        Gregory FCA
        T+1 212 398 9680

        The post Visual Lease Announces Q4 Webinar Schedule first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Buyer’s guide to lease accounting software Thu, 23 Sep 2021 14:28:10 +0000 The decisions you make when purchasing lease accounting software have huge implications for your business.

        The post Buyer’s guide to lease accounting software first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

        The decisions you make when purchasing lease accounting software have huge implications for your business.

        The post Buyer’s guide to lease accounting software first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        From Behind the Curtain: Q&A with Taralynn VanBrunt, Manager of Training Services Fri, 17 Sep 2021 21:21:58 +0000

        Our new Q&A blog series, From Behind the Curtain, provides a glimpse into the lives of the people behind our software. This series features a sit-down with different members of our team who will share unique insights and perspectives about their roles at Visual Lease.  

        Last week, we interviewed David Johnson, Senior Director of Engineering at Visual Lease. He discussed his team’s desire to stay innovative and maintain a quality product. To read the interview, click here.


        Joe Fitzgerald

        SVP of Lease Market Strategy
        Visual Lease

        Taralynn VanBrunt

        Manager of Education
        and Enablement
        Visual Lease

        This week, we sit down with Taralynn VanBrunt, Manager of Education and Enablement at Visual Lease, to learn more about client training, education and enablement efforts.

        Question #1: Joe Fitzgerald, SVP of Lease Market Strategy

        Tell me a little about the Visual Lease Education & Enablement Team.

        Answer #1: Taralynn VanBrunt, Manager of Training Services

        Our team is responsible for creating client-facing release readiness content, such as Release Notes, Release Feature Spotlight Videos and Product Manual updates.

        We also curate content for Visual Lease University, which is our on-demand virtual training center, and VL Community, our customer support center where customers can submit Help Desk tickets, read Knowledge Base Articles and more.

        We work closely with departments across the business, including Client Services, Implementation and Product to determine and identify opportunities to create new training content and resources.

        Question #2: Joe Fitzgerald, SVP of Lease Market Strategy

        How has your team grown to support Visual Lease customers?

        Answer #2: Taralynn VanBrunt, Manager of Training Services

        Our group is made up of technical writers, instructional designers and training specialists. Over the past year, we have been busy adding more resources to the team to provide additional support for our educational objectives and our agile release plans.

        Question #3: Joe Fitzgerald, SVP of Lease Market Strategy

        Can you shed some light on your team’s goals?

        Answer #3: Taralynn VanBrunt, Manager of Training Services

        Our team is dedicated to providing our clients with a red-carpet training experience. We are creating useful content not just for new users, but for our existing clients that are getting ready to transition to the new accounting standards as well.
        Visual Lease has monthly product releases, of which our team provides release notes documenting enhancements to our capabilities and functionality.

        In addition, we are enhancing the VL Community for customers to benefit from improved search functionality, more how-to reference documents and an updated, user-friendly Product Manual.

        If you are interested in learning more, check out VL University.


        Learn More

        From Behind the Curtain gives an inside look into the responsibilities of various Visual Lease teams and how they work together to ensure the solution is regularly improving and clients are successfully complying with the latest lease accounting standards.


        The post From Behind the Curtain: Q&A with Taralynn VanBrunt, Manager of Training Services first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Article: How To Influence A FinTech Provider’s Product Roadmap Fri, 17 Sep 2021 13:18:22 +0000 Are you truly getting the most value out of your financial technology? We recently surveyed 500 senior and accounting finance professionals and found that 53% of respondents use three to...

        The post Article: How To Influence A FinTech Provider’s Product Roadmap first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Are you truly getting the most value out of your financial technology?
        We recently surveyed 500 senior and accounting finance professionals and found that 53% of respondents use three to five software solutions to support financial decision making, accounting and financial reporting, planning and analysis and audit prep.

        The post Article: How To Influence A FinTech Provider’s Product Roadmap first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        From Behind the Curtain: Q&A with David Johnson, Senior Director of Engineering at VL Tue, 14 Sep 2021 16:24:55 +0000

        No software platform is successful without a smart, integrated technology team. 

        At Visual Lease, our Technology  team houses our Engineering and Cloud Operations groups. These teams are committed to providing the best user experience for our clients, and improving the platform along the way. From building application features to troubleshooting internal and production defects, the Technology team ensures our solution runs smoothly and effectively for all customers. 

        Our new Q&A blog series, From Behind the Curtain, provides a glimpse into the lives of the people behind our software. This series features a sit-down with different members of our team who will share unique insights and perspectives about their roles at Visual Lease.  

        Last week, we spoke to Todd Worms, Manager of Customer Support at Visual Lease. He discussed his position and what clients can expect when working with his team. To read Todd’s interview, click here

        Joe Fitzgerald

        SVP of Lease Market Strategy
        Visual Lease

        David Johnson

        Senior Director of Engineering
        Visual Lease

        Question #1: Joe Fitzgerald, SVP of Lease Market Strategy

         Tell me a little about the Visual Lease Technology team. 

        Answer #1: David Johnson, Senior Director of Engineering

         Our Technology group is comprised of our Engineering team, which is organized into several smaller, cross-functional teams. These teams design, develop and test new features and products in two-week iterations called “Sprints.” In addition, they find and fix defects while striving to innovate our platform to best meet the future needs of our clients. Also, in the Technology group is our Cloud Operations team. This team is fully responsible for our hosted infrastructure, as well as our environment monitoring, performance, provisioning and deployment processes and tools. Additionally, CloudOps is always available to investigate and resolve any hosting issues. 

        Question #2: Joe Fitzgerald, SVP of Lease Market Strategy

         How does the team ensure quality while developing features in such short iterations? 

        Answer #2: David Johnson, Senior Director of Engineering

         In the last year, we have made a significant effort to drive quality into all our processes in a “Shift-Left” initiative. This initiative has resulted in code review of all changes, hundreds of automated tests running daily and manual regression and performance tests executed every two weeks. We also focused heavily in 2020 on resolving all known defects. The combination of frequent, automated tests and low numbers of defects has enabled us to shift from a quarterly release to a monthly release with robust quality.    

        Question #3: Joe Fitzgerald, SVP of Lease Market Strategy

         You mentioned innovation, can you share a little more about that? 

        Answer #3: David Johnson, Senior Director of Engineering

         In the last year, we have successfully migrated from a private cloud vendor to AWS – the leading and most secure public cloud provider! Our CloudOps is fully scaled and ramped up on all related technologies. They have put in place comprehensive monitoring and automation for operational consistency.   

        Moving to AWS has paved the way for several future innovative steps. In addition to growing our engineering team in size and capabilities, we have undertaken several important projects that have or will soon provide benefits to our customers. A few months ago, we introduced a new API along with our new Integrations Hub application. We are progressively rebuilding our application using new technologies and following scalable design patterns to dramatically improve performance and provide a modern user interface, as well as advanced BI capabilities in the future. Stay tuned for future updates in these areas! 

        If you are interested in the Technology group’s latest API, learn more about the Integrations Hub here.

        Learn More

        From Behind the Curtain gives an inside look into the responsibilities of various Visual Lease teams and how they work together to ensure the solution is regularly improving and clients are successfully complying with the latest lease accounting standards.

        The post From Behind the Curtain: Q&A with David Johnson, Senior Director of Engineering at VL first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        From Behind the Curtain: Q&A with Todd Worms, Manager of Customer Support at VL Mon, 13 Sep 2021 19:59:03 +0000

        Visual Lease is comprised of several in-house teams that are committed to making your lease accounting compliance journey simple and successful. Of all the groups involved in your project, our Customer Support team works tirelessly to ensure you’re happy and are maximizing your use of our software.

        Along with gauging each client’s level of interest, the team offers an unparalleled customer experience that tailors its services to meet each company’s unique organizational structure, ledger accounts, borrowing rates and more. 

        Our new Q&A blog series, From Behind the Curtain, provides a glimpse into the lives of the people behind our software. This series features a sit-down with different members of our team who will share unique insights and perspectives about their roles at Visual Lease.  


        Joe Fitzgerald

        SVP of Lease Market Strategy
        Visual Lease

        Todd Worms

        Manager of Customer Support
        Visual Lease

        This week, Joe Fitzgerald, SVP of Lease Market Strategy at Visual Lease, sits down with Todd Worms, Manager of Customer Support at Visual Lease, to discuss his position and what clients can expect from his team. 

        Question #1: Joe Fitzgerald, SVP of Lease Market Strategy

        Tell me a little about the Visual Lease Customer Support team. 

        Answer #1: Todd Worms, Manager of Customer Support

        Absolutely! Our group is on the frontlines with our clients each day fielding how-to questions and helping customers solve any problems they may encounter while using the platform. We’re in a unique position, not just because of our direct face time with our clients, but because we get to collaborate with so many other departments including Engineering, Product, Account Management, Customer Success and Implementations. 

        Question #2: Joe Fitzgerald, SVP of Lease Market Strategy

        What are some of the recent changes you have made to the team? 

        Answer #2: Todd Worms, Manager of Customer Support

        Obviously, client satisfaction is our top priority on the Support team, and this past year we really wanted to find a way to capture and measure that. Last October, we launched a Customer Satisfaction survey that is sent out every time a support case is closed. It’s a very simple survey in which clients can give us a thumbs up or thumbs down based on their experience. I’m happy to say that since we launched, over 90% of the responses we have received have been positive. 

        We also took a hard look at our processes and asked two key questions: 

        1. Can we improve the client experience? 
        2. Are there any process gaps where we can create efficiencies?    

        While that’s always a work in progress, we shifted the structure of the Support group to streamline communications to our partners in Engineering and Product, to not only reduce the number of duplicate requests they get, but also standardize how that information flows into their departments to maximize their efficiency.  

        In addition, we launched a Virtual Call Center to improve the way we serve clients that request or require phone support. 

        Question #3: Joe Fitzgerald, SVP of Lease Market Strategy

        It sounds like you’ve had a busy year. 

        Answer #3: Todd Worms, Manager of Customer Support

        That’s for sure, and there’s more coming!  We are always looking for ways to either improve the customer experience or find new ways to support them. For example, we are exploring chat functionality as well as improving our support community so that clients can better leverage our ever-growing library of knowledge articles. 

        If you are looking for more information on how our Customer Support team values our clients, check out The Visual Lease Difference.

        Learn More

        From Behind the Curtain gives an inside look into the responsibilities of various Visual Lease teams and how they work together to ensure the solution is regularly improving and clients are successfully complying with the latest lease accounting standards.


        The post From Behind the Curtain: Q&A with Todd Worms, Manager of Customer Support at VL first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Visual Lease Recognized as a Best Place to Work in New Jersey by NJBIZ Mon, 13 Sep 2021 15:53:12 +0000 Woodbridge, NJ – September 13, 2021 — Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software provider, has been named a Best Place to Work in New Jersey by NJBIZ. The organization was recognized for its unique company culture, strong leadership, high levels of...

        The post Visual Lease Recognized as a Best Place to Work in New Jersey by NJBIZ first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

        Woodbridge, NJ – September 13, 2021 — Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software provider, has been named a Best Place to Work in New Jersey by NJBIZ. The organization was recognized for its unique company culture, strong leadership, high levels of employee satisfaction and the many opportunities it offers to its team for growth and career development. This is the second consecutive year that Visual Lease has appeared on the list.   

        “We are honored to receive this recognition from NJBIZ,” said Visual Lease’s founder and CEO, Marc Betesh. “We’ve achieved quite a bit this year, including significant enhancements to our product, industry recognitions, investments in our service offerings and leadership team and more. But one of the most rewarding highlights is receiving positive feedback directly from our employees. There is no greater honor than knowing our team recognizes how valued they are, and that we regularly prioritize and take action based on their feedback.” 

        The NJBIZ Best Places to Work program collects and considers input from organizations’ employees, providing workers with an opportunity to anonymously share feedback about their experiences.  

        Earlier this year, Visual Lease was ranked in the top 20% of the 2021 Inc. 5000 list and among the Top 100 Software Companies of 2021 by The Software Report. The company was also honored with a Bronze Stevie® Award in the Fastest Growing Company of the Year category in The 19th Annual American Business Awards® and named a Top Workplace in New Jersey by

        To keep up with all open opportunities with the Visual Lease team, visit its career site 

        About Visual Lease  

        Visual Lease is the #1 lease optimization software provider. We help organizations become compliant with FASB, IFRS and GASB lease accounting standards, while simultaneously improving the financial, legal and operational performance of their leases. Our easy-to-use SaaS platform is embedded with more than three decades of best practices from major corporations and leading industry professionals. Our award-winning solutions are used by 800+ organizations to manage 500,000+ real estate, equipment and other leased assets. Committed to ongoing innovation and unparalleled customer service, Visual Lease helps organizations transform their lease compliance requirements into financial opportunities. For more information,   

        Media Contacts 
        Erica Bonavitacola 
        Visual Lease 
        T+1 732 860 4838     
        Katie Vroom 
        Gregory FCA 
        T+1 212 398 9680  

        The post Visual Lease Recognized as a Best Place to Work in New Jersey by NJBIZ first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Lease Accounting and Lease Administration Software: Why You Need Both Thu, 09 Sep 2021 20:06:05 +0000 Lease accounting compliance is not just a one-and-done disclosure. It is a new approach to accounting that includes an ongoing, cross-departmental effort – and a much higher level of scrutiny....

        The post Lease Accounting and Lease Administration Software: Why You Need Both first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

        Lease accounting compliance is not just a one-and-done disclosure. It is a new approach to accounting that includes an ongoing, cross-departmental effort – and a much higher level of scrutiny.

        Lease accounting is interdependent on lease administration. The lease accounting standards (ASC 842, IFRS 16, GASB 87) require collecting leases from across your organization and staying on top of them as they change throughout the year. It is a collaborative effort that requires dedicated people (often cross-departmentally in IT, procurement, legal, etc.) with strict attention to detail.

        To do so effectively, you need to implement strong lease controls and reliable technology. And though the lease accounting market offers a wide selection of software solutions to streamline compliance efforts, most lack essential lease administration capabilities. Many of the products on the market fail to address the importance of long-term lease administration throughout the financial process.

        It is not possible to maintain lease accounting compliance without accompanying technology that supports both lease accounting and lease administration. Here’s why.

        Software that includes both lease administration and lease accounting functionality is important to:

        #1 Ensure centralized lease data

        Having both lease administration and accounting together in one robust solution provides reliable, consistent lease information to support continued compliance and confident financial reporting. This significantly reduces errors, increases efficiencies and helps establish cross-functional collaboration across your business.

        Consider this: When you get a new lease, it must be reviewed and abstracted into a system. You’ll need to implement controls that track both the legal and financial elements of that lease, which can control start dates, options, dollar amounts, etc. A platform that has both lease accounting and lease administration ensures that, from day one, your lease information is reliable and up to date.

        With lease administrators owning the role of maintaining a single source of truth, accountants can be confident that all data and calculations will be consistent and accurate. In addition, software that supports both functions boosts efficiency by cutting down on time-consuming, tedious tasks outside of the accounting scope, such as searching for pertinent documents, tracking monthly rent increases and handling lease amendments.

        #2 Track lease changes throughout the year

        Leases are dynamic – and maintaining lease accounting compliance is not a one-and-done disclosure. It is an entirely new approach to accounting and an ongoing process. This can be tricky because leases are complex legal documents that sometimes do not have a clear owner. There are leases (real estate, equipment, embedded leases in maintenance agreements, etc.) that are often handled by different departments within a business.

        Lease terms change as your business takes on new spaces, scales back or renegotiates. Implementing lease controls within lease accounting and administration software is the only way to ensure reliable data, repeatable processes, trustworthy guardrails and ongoing monitoring throughout the lease lifecycle. While some organizations selected lease accounting solutions lack this capability, they will run into major issues sustaining compliance as their leases change.

        #3 Maintain a comprehensive audit trail

        It is important to remember that compliance is not just about meeting accounting standard requirements, but also implementing proper policies and procedures to reduce risk.

        Using lease accounting and lease administration software that has comprehensive user rights, integrated approval workflows and audit trail capabilities provides additional peace of mind knowing that any changes – including ones made to critical dates, financial impacts of modifications and more – are fully auditable.

        Leases are often managed and modified by a variety of entities both inside and outside an organization. Due to the number of people involved in altering important calculations, the accuracy of the lease data can be difficult to control and may be prone to error without a solution built to handle multiple users. Taking this precaution in the beginning of your compliance journey will save you a lot of time long-term.

        Lease accounting and lease administration go hand-in-hand

        Lease accounting solutions that do not integrate lease administration into the software are unreliable, incomplete and more complex. Having both within one location is essential to ensure a well-rounded compliance strategy that covers everything you need for complete and accurate data management.

        The post Lease Accounting and Lease Administration Software: Why You Need Both first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Lease accounting Guide & New Standards Thu, 09 Sep 2021 17:31:14 +0000

        Table of Contents

        An all-encompassing guide to lease accounting standards (including FASB ASC 842, IFRS 16, GASB 87), changing accounting guidelines, implementation and lease accounting software.

        Introduction to Our Lease accounting Guide

        Making a successful transition to the latest lease accounting requirements, including ASC 842 and IFRS 16, is a threefold process of:

        • Understanding the changes to the standards and what those changes mean to a business and its accounting practices
        • Identifying and gathering all of the necessary data
        • Implementing a lease accounting solution that will aid in achieving and maintaining compliance

        This guide is designed to provide information and resources you need to thoroughly understand the new lease accounting requirements, to not only meet all compliance deadlines but also improve your leasing policies and procedures for the long term.

        Lease accounting FAQs

        What is lease accounting?

        Lease accounting is the process of recording and reporting on all of the leased property, equipment, and other non-owned assets that a business or other organization holds. Generally, these contracts are categorized as either operating leases or finance leases.

        Under the requirements of the latest lease accounting standards — ASC 842, IFRS 16, and GASB 87, as well as local versions of each — all leases and similar contracts (not just capital leases) must now be accounted for as assets and liabilities on the balance sheet. Therefore, lease accounting requires the ability to gather accurate lease data and update the information as the terms change (when lease terms are renewed, canceled, and so on).

        The use of a software solution for tracking, updating, and managing leases helps to ensure the accuracy of the data that is needed for disclosure reports, both for initial adoption and for long-term reporting.

        Why is lease accounting important?

        Lease accounting is critical for a clear view of a company’s financial health. It helps assess risks, reveals lease impacts on the balance sheet, and benefits investors and leadership.

        New lease accounting standards

        ASC 842

        Find all of the major changes to Lease Accounting with the new Topic 842 on our ASC 842 Summary page. You will be able to find summaries, effective dates & much more regarding the impact ASC 842 will have on your balance sheets.

        IFRS 16

        IFRS 16 effective date

        Effective date for companies Fiscal years beginning on or after January 1, 2019

        IFRS 16 summary

        The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) published the new IFRS 16 lease accounting standard, which replaces IAS 17. For the global community, IASB is responsible for developing and promoting the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) for accounting.

        IFRS 16 changes the way companies account for leases in their financial disclosures, including balance sheets and income statements. Under IFRS 16, all leases are considered finance leases.

        Here’s what Ernst & Young (EY) says about the changes: “Whether you report under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) or U.S. GAAP, you are likely to be facing significant changes in reporting requirements as you assess the impact of new standards for revenue recognition, financial instruments, and lease accounting. And these changes are not just impacting organizations reporting under IFRS and US GAAP — many national accounting standard setters are also aligning local standards to IFRS.” Read more here: IFRS Compliance Software & New IFRS Lease Accounting Changes

        IFRS Compliance Software

        IFRS 16: additional reading

        GASB 87

        GASB 87 effective date

        Deadline for companies Fiscal years beginning after June 15, 2021

        GASB 87 summary

        In 2017, the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) published the lease accounting standard GASB 87. The organization is the source of the accounting principles (GAAP) used by state and local governments in the United States.

        GASB 87 was created to increase visibility into lease obligations and remove ambiguity around lease obligations in financial disclosures, particularly balance sheets and income statements.

        GASB 87 Compliance Software

        GASB 87: additional reading

        Summary of other national standards

        While many countries are adopting the IFRS 16 standard, some nations are making minor adjustments to the global standard. For example, in 2016, the Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB) published the lease accounting standard  AASB 16, which replaces AASB 117 in Australia.

        AASB 16 removes the ability for operating leases to be reported in the footnotes of financial  statements. Based on IFRS 16 with a few variations, AASB 16 requires all operating leases to now be  accounted for as finance leases. With small adjustments to the data inputs, the Visual Lease platform provides Australian firms with compliance under AASB 16.

        Why use lease accounting software

        What is lease accounting software?

        Lease accounting software helps you manage and optimize leases. Lease software helps to streamline your organization’s lease portfolio management and seamlessly generate accurate financial calculations. With changing compliance standards it is essential to have a simple way to stay compliant and control all lease aspects.

        How does lease accounting software impact financial statements?

        The new ASC 842 and IFRS 16 lease accounting standards require significantly more assets and liabilities to appear on the balance sheet. In fact, the standards specify more than 40 different types of data that must be tracked to do the required calculations.

        Lease accounting software provides tools to input and report on all the financial aspects of leases to meet the new compliance requirements. The technology performs critical accounting calculations and automates the process of adding information to the balance sheet, including ROU assets, interest expenses, liabilities, practical expedients, and other elements required under FASB and IASB guidance.

        What common risks does lease accounting software solve?

        Without a lease accounting solution to help with lease tracking, reporting, and management, your business may  be exposed to a number of risks, including:

        • Inconsistencies in the way assets are accounted for
        • Human error in calculations or in migrating data from one source to another
        • Widely dispersed lease records rather than a central data repository
        • Lack of visibility into lease terms, changes, and important dates
        • Missing details such as embedded leases that are part of a larger contract
        • Lack of a structured change management process
        • Mistakes in complex calculations for common area maintenance (CAM) and other costs
        • No record of what changes have been made to leases, when, and by whom
        • Increased odds of failing an audit

        This is because lease documents and the standards contain many intricacies.  

        The new lease accounting standards are complex of necessity, to capture the challenging and dynamic nature of the underlying agreements. Therefore, reporting on assets and liabilities is extremely difficult without software.

        Leases also may contain both lease and non-lease components, which in turn affects how leases are calculated.

        The best lease accounting software simplifies all those risks and more. It puts a secure system in place for capturing all the necessary data, tracking changes, and reporting lease costs in accordance with your accounting policies and procedures as well as with ASC, IFRS, or GASB requirements.

        Get more details in our blog: Lease accounting auditing risks multiply without software.

        Lease accounting standards impact on legal teams

        For most corporate attorneys, FASB ASC 842 compliance and accounting changes in general are an accounting exercise that doesn’t impact their responsibilities. What most attorneys don’t know is that there are significant ASC 842 legal implications that put companies, as well as their officers and boards, at risk.

        Visual Lease is a lease accounting solution that was developed by attorneys & accountants, so our software platform is designed to avoid the potentially disastrous legal consequences of lease accounting mistakes. At virtually all the companies we talk to every day, the FASB ASC 842 compliance effort is driven by accounting and SEC compliance teams with very little input from the legal department. Learn more about the legal implications of FASB ASC 842 compliance efforts.

        The different types of leases and lease components

        What are finance (capital) leases and how are they treated under ASC 842?

        A finance lease is one that essentially represents a purchase agreement or uses substantially all of the life or value of the underlying asset, and qualifies according to at least one of the lease classification test questions (above).

        Although the name has changed, the way finance leases are capitalized on the balance sheet under ASC 842 is essentially the same method used for capital leases under the previous (840) standard.

        When you transition existing leases to the new standard, you need to reclassify capital lease assets and capital lease liability (840) as ROU assets and lease liabilities (842). Any prepaid rents, lease incentives, and initial direct costs should be rolled up into the ROU asset.


        What is an operating lease and how is it capitalized?

        An operating lease is defined as a lease in which the lessee gets control over the use of the underlying asset without ownership. Previously, operating leases were unrecorded liabilities, so the balance sheet only included prepaid or deferred rent.

        Now, all operating leases (except for short-term leases) must be capitalized as ROU assets and lease liabilities on the balance sheet, in the same way you record finance (previously called capital) leases.

        The operating lease liability is accounted for using an amortized cost basis. Amortization of the ROU asset is calculated as the difference between straight-line rent and interest expense for the period. These two expenses added together give you the total lease expense to book on your P&L.

        How do you measure a finance lease vs. an operating lease?

        When measuring a finance lease, the ROU is amortized on a straight-line basis, and the lease liability is amortized using the effective interest. The lease liability is increased by the interest incurred in the period, and the carrying amount is reduced by the lease payment.

        When measuring an operating lease, a single lease cost is calculated so that the remaining cost of the lease is allocated over the remaining lease term on a straight-line basis. This single cost includes the interest charge and ROU amortization; the straight-line lease expense is calculated by dividing the undiscounted payments by the lease term.

        What is a short-term lease and how is it treated under ASC 842?

        According to ASC 842, a short-term lease is one that has a term of 12 months or less at commencement, and that does not have a renewal or purchase option that the lessee is reasonably certain to exercise.

        While you don’t have to include short-term leases on the balance sheet under ASC 842, you can recognize short-term lease payments on a straight-line basis over the lease term. However, this option must be elected at the asset class level. In other words, you can’t pick and choose which leases to define as short term; you need to define the entire asset class as a practical expedient.

        What is an embedded lease?

        An embedded lease is a component within a contract for other goods or services, which includes the use and control of a particular related asset. An embedded lease can exist within a contract even though the contract never uses the word “lease,” sometimes making it easy to overlook lease elements.

        For example, embedded leases are often found in IT service contracts where a vendor provides service-related equipment (such as onsite servers). Embedded leases may also be found in supply contracts, dedicated manufacturing capacity contracts, and advertising agreements.

        Why do embedded leases have a bigger impact under ASC 842?

        Previously, because operating leases were not on the balance sheet, embedded leases little impact on the income statement since the expense was usually being straight-lined. But now that all leases must be capitalized on the balance sheet, you need to:

        • Examine all contracts to find any embedded leases within them
        • Separate the lease components (for use of assets) from non-lease components (payments for the service) within the contract

        Identifying embedded leases and their components is a complex task that takes time, judgment, experience, and consistency. It is another area where you might want to enlist the help and guidance of an accounting advisor.

        What are lease components?

        When a contract contains one or more leases, ASC 842 requires that the contract be separated into the various components. According to ASC 842, a contract can contain the following:

        • Lease components — the right to use an underlying asset, such as the rent for the right to use office space
        • Non-lease components — an activity that transfers a good or service to the lessee, such as CAM charges on office space
        • Non-components — costs that are incurred regardless of whether a lease exists, such as property taxes on the lease

        Note that under ASC 842, non-lease component costs/revenues are accounted for under different standards rather than according to lease accounting guidance.

        Got questions about CAM? Check out these FAQs.

        What is a direct finance lease?

        In a direct financing lease, the lessor acquires an asset and leases it to a customer/lessee to generate revenue from the resulting interest payments. Under this arrangement, the lessor recognizes the gross investment in the lease and the amount of related unearned income.

        Under a direct financing lease, the lessor cannot be a manufacturer or dealer. This type of arrangement is usually offered by financing institutions, such as equipment leasing companies.

        What are initial direct costs?

        These are costs that would not have been incurred without the execution of the lease. In other words, they are costs that are directly attributed to negotiating and arranging the lease. For example, payments made to an existing tenant to terminate a lease and real estate commission payments are deemed initial direct costs.

        What are prepaid lease payments?

        These are lease payments made by the lessee to the lessor before or at the commencement of a lease.

        What are lease incentives?

        These are (1) payments made by the lessor to or on behalf of the lessee, or (2) any losses incurred by the lessor from assuming a lessee’s pre-existing lease with a third party.

        Reporting with new lease accounting standards

        Under ASC 842, disclosure reports must provide more qualitative and quantitative details, including:

        • Weighted average discount rate
        • Weighted average remaining lease term
        • Cash paid for amounts included in lease liabilities
        • A more descriptive maturity analysis, which must be also be tied back to the balance sheet

        Lease accounting software provides reporting capabilities to support compliance and data management.

        What are the different types of standard reports (disclosures) under ASC 842/IFRS 16?

        Lease accounting disclosure

        A Lease Accounting Disclosure report provides the required values for quantitative reporting as prescribed by the latest lease accounting standards. It includes sections for lease expense, other information including ROU assets obtained in exchange for lease liabilities, and maturity analysis.

        Lease accounting standard

        A Lease Accounting Standard report provides a detailed view of the calculation inputs and resulting lease schedules for the lease accounting calculations included for a specific date range.

        Journal entry summary

        A Journal Entry Summary report that detailed journal entries for the calculations included for a specific date range. It typically includes totals for debits and credits by calculation and period.

        Change log

        A Change Log report provides a detailed audit log of records and selected fields that have been added, edited, or deleted within a specific date range. Data points include the user who made each change, the date/time of each change, and the field name, as well as the old and new values. This type of report allows the user to track/audit changes that impact lease accounting calculations, such as useful life or fair market value.

        Understanding financial aspects of a lease

        What is a right-of-use (ROU) asset?

        This new feature of the lease guidance represents the unused value of the leased asset remaining over the lease term. It is measured by taking the lease liability, adding in the initial direct costs and any prepaid lease payments, and then subtracting any lease incentives.

        What is lease liability?

        The lease liability is the current value of all outstanding lease payments that are not yet paid. It is discounted by using the incremental borrowing rate (IBR) or the implicit rate in the lease and calculated using an NPV (net present value) of all known payments that are unpaid.

        What are discount rates?

        A lease accounting discount rate is the implicit lease discount rate or the incremental borrowing rate (IBR) used to measure your operating and finance lease liabilities under ASC 842.

        What is an incremental borrowing rate (IBR)?

        According to FASB, IBR is “the rate of interest that a lessee would have to pay to borrow on a collateralized basis over a similar term an amount equal to the lease payments in a similar economic environment.”

        What is an interest expense?

        In the accrual method of accounting, this is the amount of interest incurred on debt during a particular period of time and appearing as a separate line on a company’s income statement for the period cited. The interest expense is also used, along with depreciation, when a lease is capitalized and posted as an asset on the balance sheet.

        What are disclosures?

        The purpose of lease disclosures is to provide clarity around financial statements, giving users insight into the “amount, timing, and uncertainty of cash flows arising from leases.” Under ASC 842, lessees must disclose quantitative and qualitative information about their leases, including the judgments made in measuring leases and the amounts recognized in their financial statements.

        What are practical expedients?

        Practical expedients are options created by FASB to simplify certain practices under the latest ASC 842 lease accounting standards. Read more in our blog ASC 842 practical expedients and transition requirements.

        What is the importance of lease transitions?

        The transition from the previous lease accounting standards to ASC 842 compliance requires making decisions about a variety of practical expedients that affect how leases are defined and accounted for moving forward. Without these transition relief options, companies must reassess all existing contracts to (1) determine which ones contain leases and (2) classify (or reclassify) those leases.

        What is the impact of different currencies on lease accounting?

        For companies that do business outside of the United State, some leases might contain figures in a currency other than U.S. dollars — bringing exchange rates into ROU asset remeasurements and other lease accounting processes.

        Download a white paper from Visual Lease accounting partner KPMG for SEC guidance on exchange rates and lease accounting.

        What are lease remeasurements?

        When there is a material change to a lease — something that causes a change in either the payments or the value of the lease asset itself — it triggers the need for lease remeasurements. For example, remeasurements may be needed due to abandonments, asset impairments, and other causes.

        Any remeasurements will affect how you do your lease accounting entries moving forward. Read more in our blog 6 frequently asked questions about lease accounting remeasurements.

        What is an amortization expense?

        An amortization expense is the write-off of an intangible asset over its expected period of use, representing consumption of the asset and resulting in a decline of the residual asset balance over time.

        Amortization is generally calculated on a straight-line basis. The write-off amount appears in the income statement, usually in the depreciation and amortization line item.

        What are lease terminations?

        A lease termination occurs when you are not using a leased asset and the lessor agrees to let you out of the lease agreement. Termination triggers the need for a remeasurement including any one-time termination fee you might pay, along with writing down the asset and the liability.

        Implementing new lease accounting standards

        What are the secrets to a successful lease accounting platform implementation?

        • Start your lease inventory ASAP.
        • Pinpoint what lease data you need to track.
        • Create a compliance team that represents all the stakeholder departments.
        • Educate yourself and your team.
        • Set a realistic timeline.
        • Keep the lines of communication open.
        • Start NOW!

        For more details, read our blog how to prepare for lease accounting implementation: 7 essential tasks.

        What’s next? Get the readiness checklist.

        Obviously, there is a lot to consider when evaluating lease accounting software and getting ready for FASB, IASB, and other compliance requirements.

        Are YOU ready to make the transition? Request a demo now.

        About Visual Lease

        Visual Lease is the #1 lease optimization software for managing, analyzing, streamlining and reporting on lease portfolios. Developed by industry-leading lease professionals and CPAs, it combines GAAP, IFRS and GASB-compliant lease accounting controls with easy, flexible and automated lease management processes.  More than 1,000 of the world’s largest publicly traded and privately-owned corporations rely on Visual Lease to control their lease portfolios, integrate with their existing business systems and maintain regulatory compliance. Committed to ongoing innovation and unparalleled customer service, Visual Lease helps organizations transform their lease compliance requirements into financial opportunities. For more information, visit

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        Lease accounting disclosures: 6 tips for successful ASC 842 reporting Thu, 09 Sep 2021 16:22:11 +0000 Under the FASB ASC 842 standard for lease accounting, organizations face significant changes including both new disclosures and specific requirements for how to report those disclosures. For instance, in the...

        The post Lease accounting disclosures: 6 tips for successful ASC 842 reporting first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

        Under the FASB ASC 842 standard for lease accounting, organizations face significant changes including both new disclosures and specific requirements for how to report those disclosures.

        For instance, in the first year of ASC 842 adoption, public companies must provide the annual disclosures required by the new accounting standard in each quarterly report. That is, they must include the disclosures in their first, second and third quarter Form 10-Q filings. (See also tip #6 below.)

        Thinking ahead and planning for disclosure requirements is crucial for initial ASC 842 adoption as well as ongoing compliance. It helps to ensure that lease accounting and reporting are thorough and accurate.

        In this blog, we offer 6 tips on what to disclose in ASC 842 reporting. These tips can help you meet the new requirements and satisfy auditors, whether your organization is:

        • Preparing for compliance and for issuing your first financial statements under ASC 842
        • Post-ASC 842 adoption and looking for ways to improve the reporting process moving forward

        Tip #1: Disclose how you determined your lease discount rates.

        Are lease discount rates relevant to your financial reporting? If so, the ASC 842 standard requires you to disclose how you determined those rates, including any related assumptions and judgments.

        For most lessees, the discount rate is their incremental borrowing rate (IBR). However, providing a generic disclosure that just repeats the ASC 842 definition of IBR will not satisfy this disclosure requirement.

        Instead, you should provide specific information on how you determined the IBRs reflected in the measurement of your leases, including: 

        •     What inputs you used
        •     What adjustments you made to those inputs in estimating your discount rates
        •     Whether you took a portfolio approach, determining an IBR for a group of leases

        Tip #2: Determine the ROU asset carrying amount in your operating leases.

        Unless the value of a right-of-use (ROU) asset in an operating lease is impaired, you need to determine the carrying amount of the ROU asset from the date the lease started through the end of the lease term.

        You can do this using one of two methods:

        Method 1: Derive the carrying amount of the ROU asset from the carrying amount of the lease liability at the end of each reporting period as follows.

        Method 2: Calculate ROU asset amortization as the difference between the straight-line lease cost for the period (including amortization of initial direct costs) and the periodic accretion of the lease liability using the effective interest method as follows.

        Tip #3: Disclose if you chose to not separate lease and non-lease components.

        An ASC 842 practical expedient allows companies to save time by calculating the value of fixed lease payments without having to perform an allocation to the lease and non-lease components.

        However, if you choose to take advantage of this practical expedient and not separate lease components from non-lease components, you must also:

        • Disclose that you elected to apply this practical expedient
        • Disclose the class(es) of underlying assets for which you elected it — for example, perhaps you applied it to all your real estate leases but not your equipment leases

        Read more about this and other practical expedients in our blog ASC 842 Practical Expedients and Transition Requirements.

        Tip #4: Disclose variable lease costs and short-term lease costs separately.

        The lease accounting standard under ASC 842 requires that you disclose your variable lease costs and short-term lease costs separately rather than as a single amount.

        Where do variable short-term lease costs belong?

        Since it is not uncommon to have short-term leases that include variable payments, you might wonder: Should you disclose these costs along with other short-term lease costs? Or should you include them with variable lease costs?

        As a rule, you should disclose variable short-term lease costs with other short-term lease costs. However, since ASC 842 is not clear in this regard, disclosing variable short-term lease costs with variable lease costs would also be acceptable.

        Either way, be sure to disclose where you choose to include variable short-term lease amounts in your quantitative lease cost disclosures.

        What qualifies as a variable lease cost?

        It is important to disclose all amounts that meet the definition of variable lease costs. That is,  disclose not only costs related to the performance or use of the underlying asset (such as percentage rent or per-usage fees), but also any other variable payments not included in the measurement of the lease liability. For example:

        • Incremental rent above the amount included in the lease liability and paid during the year due to a change in the Consumer Price Index (CPI)
        • The portion of property taxes or insurance payments attributable to the lease component — or the entirety of those payments if you elected not to separate lease and non-lease components
        • The portion of common area maintenance (CAM) charges or other service payments attributable to the lease component — or the entirety of the payments if you did not separate lease and non-lease components

        Tip #5: Disclose the nature of your variable lease payments.

        The ASC 842 lease accounting standard also requires companies to disclose information about the nature of their leases. This greater level of detail allows auditors, stakeholders and other interested parties to better understand a company’s leasing strategy and how its future lease payment obligations may differ from the lease liabilities on the balance sheet.

        If your variable lease costs are relevant, and especially if they are a significant portion of your company’s total lease costs, you should provide detailed disclosures about those payment arrangements, including information such as:

        • Why you have a significant number of variable payments
        • The basis, terms and conditions you used to determine the variable lease payments
        • Expectations of, and the reasons for, variability in amounts owed from period to period

        Tip #6: Carry forward ASC 840 comparative disclosures as required.

        If your company has elected the effective date transition method for transitioning to ASC 842, you do not need to revise the financial statements for comparative periods presented before your ASC 842 adoption date, nor provide ASC 842 disclosures for periods before that date.

        However, this transition method does include some important new requirements for carrying over comparative disclosures from ASC 840.

        Namely, in your post-adoption financial statements, you must carry forward all the disclosures that were required under ASC 840 for comparative periods before the effective date. This includes the final disclosures of future operating and capital lease commitments prepared as of the last balance sheet to which ASC 840 applied.

        You must present the disclosures that you carry forward in each set of interim and annual financial statements  — for example, in your quarterly and annual reports — issued for the year of adoption.

        For accurate, consistent and thorough reporting…

        Keeping these disclosures and other ASC 842 lease accounting requirements in mind as you gather and abstract your lease data will help to ensure the accuracy, consistency and thoroughness of your financial reporting.

        Additionally, the use of a lease accounting solution such as Visual Lease will further help by providing a single centralized source for storing, tracking and managing lease data, with configurable tools for lease calculations and reporting, as well as integration to the balance sheet.

        To learn more about the lease disclosure requirements, read our blog 3 Things to Consider When Generating Lease Accounting Disclosure Reports.

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        FASB Accounting Overview for Corporate Real Estate Thu, 09 Sep 2021 12:00:33 +0000 The upcoming FASB accounting changes are not only a challenge for corporate accounting teams, but also for the commercial real estate group. To get you up to speed, here’s an...

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        FASB accounting

        The upcoming FASB accounting changes are not only a challenge for corporate accounting teams, but also for the commercial real estate group. To get you up to speed, here’s an executive summary of the new lease accounting standards (both U.S. and international) with a focus on the business risks involved.

        FASB accounting: a primer for CRE executives

        When do the IFRS and FASB accounting changes take effect?

        Both the new lease standard from the U.S. Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) released their respective new leasing standards in the first quarter of 2016.

        The US standard, ASU 2016-02, is effective for public business entities for annual periods beginning after December 15, 2018. The International standard (IFRS 16) takes effect in January 2019.

        What’s changing and why?

        The essence of the two standards requires that leases are to be put on the balance sheet as “Right of Use” (ROU) assets, and corresponding liabilities. That’s a big change for commercial real estate accounting. And it’s not only accounting for real estate that’s changing: the new FASB accounting rules also impact equipment and asset leases.

        The purpose of the IFRS and FASB accounting change is to be provide greater transparency in a company’s leverage since leasing is in essence a form of financing.

        How are the IFRS and FASB accounting changes different?

        Perhaps the greatest difference between the US standard and the International standard is the question of finance leases versus operating leases.

        The FASB decided to maintain two methodologies, one for operating leases, and one accounting for financing or capital leases. The IASB opted to classify all leases as financing leases. The FASB argued that there was a need to differentiate between the two types of leases to maintain a level of simplicity since most leases wouldn’t meet the criteria for a capital lease.

        Under the new FASB accounting rules, the four criteria for a capital lease are:

        • The lease automatically transfers ownership of the property to the lessee by the end of the lease.
        • The lease contains a bargain purchase option.
        • The lease term equals 75% or more of the estimated economic life of the property.
        • The present value of the minimum lease payments at the beginning of the lease term equals or exceeds 90% of the fair market value of the property.

        Conversely, the IASB opted to classify all leases as financing leases, again arguing for simplicity.

        Learn more: IFRS & FASB Changes: a Lease Accounting Quick Reference Guide

        IFRS and FASB accounting changes: Understanding the risks

        With the release of new leasing standards by both the FASB (Financial Accounting Standards Board) and the IASB (International Accounting Standards Board) CRE executives face one of the most daunting challenges in recent memory that will impose considerable legal and operational risks on public companies.

        Missing the IFRS / FASB accounting compliance deadline

        Perhaps the biggest risk with the new leasing standards will be missing the effective dates. If you aren’t well along with the implementation process, you’re already late. The new standards require that public companies put all leases of more than one year on the balance sheet as “value in use” assets and corresponding liabilities. It’s been estimated that the new standards will result in over $1.2 Trillion in incremental assets and liabilities on worldwide balance sheets.

        The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) new lease standard will take effect for fiscal years, and interim periods within those fiscal years, beginning December 15, 2018 primarily for public business entities. The effective date for the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) will be January 1, 2019. Most commentators estimate that it will take at least a year or more to complete the transition to the new leasing standards.

        For companies with centralized real estate organizations and centralized lease data bases, implementation of the FASB accounting changes will be tedious but relatively straight forward. But many companies have their leases scattered through their divisions which could well extend the time to convert by several months, maybe years. Getting all lease data into one unified database will be the priority, and then updating your lease administration software to complete the necessary calculations will be the next step.

        Certain industries which primarily lease their operating assets will be challenged to meet the deadlines. This would include retailers with large portfolios of stores, airlines with vast fleets of leased aircraft, and shipping companies, with large fleets of leased water craft. With the explosion of cloud computing, IT assets have been growing exponentially, and most of these servers and main frames are leased.

        CRE managers will be well advised to coordinate closely with external auditors on the update and transition process. Failing to convert could result in a violation of the Sarbanes Oxley (SOX) regulations which could result in sizable fines, and possible prosecutions, with all the bad publicity that would come with an SEC violation.

        Learn more: Lease Portfolio Management: Policies & Procedures to Reduce Risk

        Lacking the resources and expertise to implement the FASB accounting changes

        Chances are you will not have sufficient manpower or expertise to collect the data you need to convert to the new FASB accounting standards. An immediate priority will be to assess staffing levels and recruit the necessary manpower to complete all tasks of conversion.

        It may make sense to contract with consulting firms that have the necessary expertise and manpower to get the job done. While more expensive, this approach assures that conversion meets deadlines with full compliance.

        Impact of the FASB accounting changes on loan covenants

        Other risks that will come with the new standards will be possible violations of loan covenants. By substantially increasing the liability side of the balance sheet, could affect allowable debt levels in various corporate financing contracts. Coordinating with your company’s key lenders will be a priority action item.

        What other changes can you expect as a result of the new FASB accounting standards?

        In one of my early blog posts in 2015, I characterized the coming leasing standards as a “Tsunami” in that the changes would sweep across corporate portfolios like a monstrous wave, causing havoc with corporate accounting, leasing strategy, and balance sheet reporting. Like any major change to rules and standards long embedded in corporate accounting, the impact to corporate leasing practices will be forever changed.

        Learn more: Corporate Real Estate Strategies and the New Lease Accounting Standards

        How these changes will affect real estate markets, corporate real estate ownership, leasing demand, and other related factors is up for speculation. One thing’s for sure. CRE managers will be held accountable for the successful transition to the new standards. With only months left, time is of essence.


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        Balance Sheet Changes for ASC 842 [2021] Wed, 08 Sep 2021 17:11:06 +0000

        ASC 842 Lease Accounting Balance Sheet Examples

        The Federal Accounting and Standards Board (FASB) created the new lease accounting standard (ASC 842), which has raised questions about how balance sheets are affected. We’ve answered your top 10 questions about how ASC 842 will impact your balance sheet.

        What is the purpose of the FASB lease accounting changes?

        FASB ASC 842 increases disclosure and visibility into the leasing obligations of both public and private organizations.

        Prior to ASC 842, most leases were not included on the balance sheet. The new standard requires companies to report right-of-use (ROU) assets and liabilities for almost all leases. The changes make it easier for users of financial statements to see a company’s exposure to risk and the true financial position of the organization, and to make comparisons between organizations.

        Another important purpose of ASC 842 is to more closely align with the new international lease accounting standard (IFRS 16), especially around the definition of a lease.

        Are operating leases on the balance sheet?

        Under the ASC 840 standard, only accounting for capital leases were recorded on the balance sheet. Operating leases were off the balance sheet, and the impact was generally limited to deferred rent or prepaid rent. The only insight you had for future obligations was limited to the maturity analysis in the disclosure report.

        Under ASC 842, every lease (with the exception of short-term leases as defined below) must be represented on the balance with a liability and a ROU asset.

        Additionally, disclosure reports must include more qualitative and quantitative disclosures under 842, such as weighted average discount rate, weighted average remaining lease term, cash paid for amounts included in lease liabilities, and a more descriptive maturity analysis (which must be tied back to the balance sheet).

        How are ASC 842 short term leases and low value leases defined?

        Under ASC 842, a short-term lease is defined as a lease that has a term of 12 months or less at commencement, and the lease does not have a renewal option that the lessee is reasonably certain to exercise.

        Short-term leases do not need to be included on your balance sheet under ASC 842. However, you may recognize short-term lease payments on a straight-line basis over the lease term (similar to the way operating leases are recognized under ASC 840).

        This practical expedient for short-term leases must be elected at the asset class level. That means you can’t pick and choose leases to define as short term; you’ll need to define the entire asset class as part of your practical expedient.

        It’s also important to note that FASB has not defined a materiality threshold (where low value leases under a certain threshold may be excluded). IFRS (the international standard) has defined a low value lease threshold under which leases don’t have to be capitalized on the balance sheet, but FASB has not included this practical expedient to date. We recommend discussing the issue with your auditors to determine if they will allow you to use a materiality threshold.

        How are capital leases reported on the balance sheet under ASC 842?

        A finance lease (previously called a capital lease in ASC 840)  is a lease that’s effectively a purchase arrangement.

        ASC 840 capital leases and ASC 842 finance leases are substantially the same. Both are capitalized on the balance sheet, and the method for doing so is similar under both standards.

        ASC 842 Lease Accounting Example

        Here’s an example of a balance sheet for 840 and a balance sheet for 842. Both represent the same capital/finance lease data.

        As you can see, only the terminology has changed. Total assets and liabilities remained the same for the reporting period. If we were to look at the income statement, the amortization and interest expense are calculated the same way in ASC 842 as they were in ASC 840. So there would be no impact to the P&L in this example.

        When transitioning your existing leases to the new standard, you will need to reclassify Capital Lease Asset and Capital Lease Liability (840) to ROU Asset and Lease Liability (842). Any prepaid rents, lease incentives, and initial direct costs are rolled up into the ROU asset. (Refer to question 8 for more details about calculating the ROU asset).

        How are operating leases reported on the balance sheet under ASC 842

        In an operating lease, the lessee obtains control over the use of the underlying asset without ownership. (Refer to question 9 for information about how to classify a lease as either an operating lease or a finance lease for ASC 842 reporting.)

        Under ASC 840, operating leases were unrecorded liabilities. Balance sheet impact for operating leases was limited to prepaid or deferred rent.

        Accounting for operating leases represents the biggest change in ASC 842, and it will materially impact your balance sheet going forward.

        All operating leases (except for short-term leases) are now capitalized on the balance sheet for FASB 842 the same way we previously would record capital leases under ASC 840, and now finance leases under ASC 842. They are recorded on the balance sheet as a ROU asset and lease liability.

        Operating lease expense is still straight-lined over the lease term:

        • Operating lease liability is accounted for the same way as a finance lease, using an amortized cost basis.
        • Amortization of the ROU asset is calculated as the difference between straight line rent and interest expense for the period.

        These two expenses added together give you the total lease expense to book on your P&L.

        Operating Leases on the Balance Sheet Example

        Here’s an example of a balance sheet for 840 and a balance sheet for 842. Both represent the same operating lease data.

        In this example, we have included only a single operating lease. It’s a real estate lease with an initial lease term of January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2025. The rent starts out at $27,000 per month, and increases 2% each year until it gets to the final amount of $31,014.51. For the sake of simplicity, we do not have any prepaid rents, initial direct costs, or lease incentives on this lease.

        As you can see, under ASC 840, we have a very small deferred rent balance of $23,610 as of 12/31/18. Our Total Assets are only about $9.8 million and our Total Liabilities are only $5.5 million. Realistically, we have a future cash obligation on this lease of almost $2.5 million dollars, but the only way we would see that under 840 is if we dug into the disclosure report and looked at the maturity analysis. And remember, even the maturity analysis is not a fair representation of our actual liability, because of the time value of money.

        Looking at the same example under ASC 842 (using a 5% discount rate), you can see a very different impact on the balance sheet.

        To provide an apples-to-apples comparison with 840, we are capitalizing this lease on 1/1/18 and not transitioning. Our net present value of payments, which is the starting point for your lease liability, is almost $2.3 million.

        As of 12/31/18, you can see that we have a total right of use asset of $2,046,000, and a total lease liability of $2,069,000 (including both short term and long term lease liability). Our Total Assets for the year went from about $9.8 million to $11.8 million. Our Total Liabilities went from $5.5 million to about $7.6 million.

        For this example, there’s no change to the P&L. Our straight line rent expense under ASC 840 is $347,610 for 2018. Under ASC 842, the total lease expense is the same, but $239,000 is related to amortization, and $108,000 is related to interest expense. For 2018, we’ve made $324,000 in payments, but only reduced the liability balance by $216,000.

        Keep in mind that the impact on this balance sheet represents only a single 5-year real estate lease. When you extrapolate this out to an entire property portfolio, and also capitalize any equipment leases you may have, the balance sheet impact will be much, much larger.

        How has lease classification changed under ASC 842?

        Upon adoption of ASC 842, almost all leases will be capitalized on the balance sheet. However, you will still need to classify them as either finance leases (previously called capital leases) or as operating leases using the lease classification test so that you can apply the correct accounting treatment.

        Lease Classification Test

        The lease classification test questions determine whether the leased asset is essentially owned as well as controlled by the lessee. If so, the lease must be classified as a finance lease. If the lessor retains ownership, the lease must be classified as an operating lease. So if the lease is non-cancelable and you answer YES to one or more of the lease classification test questions, then the lease is classified as a finance lease.

        These four lease classification test questions remain the same as ASC 840:

        Transfer of title test: By the end of the lease term, will ownership of the asset transfer from the lessor to the lessee?

        Bargain purchase option test: Is there a purchase option in the lease that the lessee is reasonably certain to exercise?

        Lease term test: Does the lease term encompass the major part of the remaining economic life of the underlying asset?

        Present value test:  Is the present value of lease payments plus RVG (residual value guaranteed by the lessor) greater than or equal to substantially all of the fair market value of the asset?

        A fifth test question has been added in ASC 842:

        Alternative use test: Is the asset so specialized that it is only useful to the lessee? This new test question means that after the asset is returned to the lessor, will it have no value to anyone else without a major overhaul by the lessor?

        You may have noticed that the “bright lines” for lease classification tests have been removed in ASC 842. Previously they indicated what percentage constitutes a “major part” of economic life (75%) or “substantially all” of the fair market value (90%). These are now considered guidelines under the new standard and you can elect what percentage you choose to use.

        In the past, it was easy to manipulate this number and classify more leases as operating leases (which did not need to be capitalized). Under ASC 842, all operating leases are recorded on the balance sheet anyway, so there’s no reason to do this.

        How is lease liability calculated?

        Lease liability is calculated as the Present Value of minimum future lease payments. You will need to make assumptions about the probable amounts owed under residual value guarantee, and also whether you are reasonably certain to exercise renewal options, termination options, and purchase options, because exercising these options impacts your minimum future lease payments.

        The discount rate to use for the calculation is either the rate implicit in the lease (if known), or your organization’s incremental borrowing rate.

        It’s important to remember that the assumptions you make at the inception of the lease (about whether or not you will exercise options) can and often do change over time. When those changes happen during the term of a lease, you will need to remeasure both your lease liability and your ROU asset. Remeasurements may also be needed due to abandonments, asset impairments and other causes.

        How to calculate ROU?

        The ROU asset is calculated as the lease liability plus or minus certain adjustments, which include:

        + Initial Direct Costs

        + Prepaid Lease Payments

        – Lessor Incentives

        – Accrued Rent

        – ASC 420 Liability at Transition Date

        All of these assets and liabilities that adjust the ROU asset are now reclassed from the balance sheet and included as one number to show the total leased asset.

        What is an embedded lease?

        Accounting for embedded leases represents one of the trickier aspects of implementing the new ASC 842 standard. Simply put, embedded leases are components within contracts that entail the use of a particular asset, where the user has control over that asset. A lease may exist within a contract even though the contract may not contain the word “lease.”

        For example, embedded leases are commonly found in IT service contracts, where a vendor may provide specific equipment (such as on site servers). They are also frequently found in supply contracts, dedicated manufacturing capacity contracts, and advertising agreements (such as use of billboards).

        You may have done some embedded leases accounting in the past, and the process has not changed much in ASC 842. However, this is now a significant issue because embedded leases have a much bigger impact on your income statement under the new rules.

        Under ASC 840, operating leases were off balance sheet, so any embedded leases had an immaterial impact to the income statement since the expense was probably being straight lined anyway.

        ASC 842 requires ALL leases to be capitalized on the balance sheet, including all embedded leases. That means you will need to examine your contracts to find any embedded leases within them, and you will need to separate the lease components (for use of assets within a contract) from non-lease components (payments for the service) within these contracts.

        This is a complex and time-consuming task, so be sure to allocate the necessary time and resources to get it done. It also involves making judgments, so it’s imperative that people doing this work are experienced with leases and understand the standard. Also, you must document your policies and procedures to support your decisions and to provide justification for future audits.

        How to identify an embedded lease

        As you review the content of your existing contracts, ask these questions to decide (ideally with the guidance of your advisory partners) if they contain embedded leases:

        1. Does the agreement entail the use of one or more specific assets?

        If no assets are specified, then no lease can exist within the contract. However, if an asset is explicitly or implicitly identified within an agreement, then a lease may exist.

        • “Explicit” means the asset is identified on the contract, such as by a serial number or VIN number.
        • “Implicit” means use of a specific asset is implied even if not explicit, such as when the supplier can’t fulfill the contract with any other asset for legal or economic reasons.

        For example, power purchase agreements may include the use of a specified plant. Oil and gas drilling contracts may specify the use of equipment and pipelines.

        1. Is the asset physically distinct?

        For a lease to exist, a specified asset must be a physically distinct object. Something intangible, such as exploration rights, cannot be considered an asset. A biological entity also cannot be considered an asset under 842.

        1. Does the supplier have substantive substitute rights for the asset?

        If your agreement does specify the use of an asset, can the supplier easily substitute a different asset, and would the supplier benefit from doing so?

        • If the supplier can substitute the asset and benefit economically by exercising that right, a lease may not exist in the contract.

        Here’s an example: If a supplier uses trucks to ship materials and has the ability to substitute different trucks (with a smaller or larger capacity as needed), then there is no lease.

        • If the supplier can’t substitute the asset and would not benefit from doing so, then the use of that asset may be considered a lease.

        For example: A managed services contract might include office copiers. It’s not likely that the supplier can easily swap out one machine for another. And it’s also not likely that the supplier would benefit financially from doing that even if they could. In that case, the use of the office copier would constitute a lease.

        1. Does the customer obtain the economic benefit from using the asset?

        If you as the customer get substantially all of the economic benefit from the use of the asset, then your use of that asset may be considered a lease.

        Common practice is to interpret “substantially all” to mean greater than or equal to 90% of the economic benefits of the asset.

        • Can the customer direct use of the asset?
          If you have physical control and decision making authority over when and how the asset is used throughout the period of the lease, then a lease may be present.





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        Lease Standard Update – Unintended Consequences? Wed, 08 Sep 2021 12:15:34 +0000

        Leasing is perhaps one of the most pervasive forms of financing in the global economy, yet traditional accounting standards remain essentially silent on the off- balance sheet treatment of leasing. This has now changed with the release of new accounting standards which essentially require all leases of one year or more in term to be placed on the balance sheet assets (value in use) and corresponding liabilities.

        FASB published the new standard in February 2016, stating that it will be effective for public companies starting at the fiscal year 2019, but requires look back  figures for three years: 2017, 2018, and 2019. A recent IBM study estimated that this accounting change would add potentially $1.35 trillion to company balance sheets in the form of assets (right of use) and liabilities. Clearly this enormous increment to a company’s capital structure will have both expected and unexpected consequences. It’s uncertain how these changes will affect rental markets, leasing strategies, and corporate capital structures. In reviewing several hundred corporate responses to the exposure drafts in 2013, most respondents cited the incremental cost of implementation and complexity associated with the implementation of the standards. In its final form, the two standards differ in one major way and that is, the IASB standard treats all leases regardless of size as capital leases, whereas the FASB differentiates between capital leases (interest expense and depreciation) and operating leases (straight line amortization).

        Here are a few of the unintended consequences which may transpire over time.

        Leasing demand: There will be some measure of reduction in leasing demand, which will have the effect of creating property surpluses in the near term. Property owners will be compelled to lower market rental rates to stimulate demand. It’s possible that this disruption to property markets could in some cases lead to failures and even bankruptcies. Loan covenants on commercial property could be stressed by the fall off in the rental market. It’s possible that we’ll witness real estate company mergers and consolidations to pick up the slack in the rental markets. We may also see a disproportionate growth in corporate development and a parallel decline in sale/leaseback transactions, again an unintentional response to leasing bias.

        • Shorter term leases: Lessees will opt for shorter term leases as a means to mitigate the balance sheet effect of their lease commitments. Lessors will compete on asking rental rates and other terms that will reduce the net present value of the lessees’ rental stream. Another response will be the advent of various leasing options that will provide various methods to increase leasing flexibility without necessarily increasing the over-all asset value of the lease.
        • There will be a myriad of techniques to move some portion of rental to alternative non-balance sheet accounts, as a way to respond to tenant demand for lower rental commitments. For example, tenants may opt to pay for services that historically have been part of the base rent such as insurance, property tax, etc. This shift will also affect escalations, such as shifting away from such traditional formulas as porter’s wage escalations, or CPI formulas.
        • Another unintended consequence may be the emergence of various forms of barter. A law firm, for example, may barter its legal services for lower rental in its offices. A retailer may offer special discounts on its merchandise such as building supplies in exchange for lower rent. Architects may enter into a barter deal with its landlord to exchange design services for lower rent.
        • Because of the differences between the IASB and FASB standard relative to Type A versus Type B leases, US companies will place a higher premium on property ownership, particularly in the United Kingdom and Continental Europe. Since all leases internationally will be classified as capital leases (Type A) some companies will opt to own commercial properties (as investments) as opposed to forgo asset appreciation in a capital lease structure. This possibility may shift demand for commercial properties more toward corporate owners and away from institutional investors.
        • Brokerage Fees: Because of the demand for shorter term leases, it’s possible, maybe inevitable, that commercial brokerage fees will, in the aggregate be lower, over time. To what extent this possibility will impact real estate company profitability is an open question. Certainly the brokerage community will see a reduction in their fee income, and may well lead to an eventual reduction in brokers. Or we may see another form of brokerage compensation that is decoupled from total rental as a way to mitigate the effect of brokerage fee as a function of total rental.
        • Stock market effects: This accounting change will restructure company balance sheets, and have a net effect of reducing stock holder equity and thus share price. This will be particularly true of corporate entities which have leased large portfolios of properties such as retailers, tech companies with large portfolios of leased equipment, and airlines who typically lease their fleets. How this impact on corporate equity will translate into devaluation of stock value is uncertain, but a possibility. This effect will be heightened for the retail and airline industries which rely heavily on leasing to finance their assets.

        The coming change in lease accounting standards will create significant uncertainty in property markets as the standard is implemented. And uncertainty creates both opportunities and risks. In essence the accounting standards boards will have turned building tenants into property owners. How this change will impact property markets relative to demand, supply, pricing, and lending is fraught with uncertainty. One thing is for sure: there will be  increased demand for experienced corporate real estate professionals who can help their companies transition to the new world of balance sheet transparency.



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        Capital lease accounting for ASC 840 and ASC 842 Wed, 08 Sep 2021 11:48:10 +0000 Table of Contents What is Capital Lease Accounting? What is a Capital Lease? Main Differences Between a Capital Lease vs. Operating Lease What are the 4 Criteria for a Capital...

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        Table of Contents

        What is Capital Lease Accounting?

        Capital lease accounting refers to the set of financial reporting rules and procedures used to record and disclose the financial implications of a capital lease arrangement in a company’s financial statements.

        A capital lease is a contract allowing a renter to use an asset temporarily. This lease shares the same economic characteristics of asset ownership in accounting, as the lease requires book assets and liabilities to cover the lease should the lease contract meet specific criteria.

        A lessee must use the capital lease accounting method in their new lease accounting journal entries and subsequent records if the rent contract entered into satisfies any of the four criteria set by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB). Here are the basics of the capital lease accounting method.

        What is a Capital Lease?

        A capital lease or finance lease is a contract between the business acting as the lessee, and the lessor. The two parties agree that the lessor’s property will be rented out by the business in exchange for periodic rental payments. The business can never claim ownership of the asset and is required to return the said asset to the lessor after the rental period is over.

        Under the capital lease accounting, the lessor transfers the rights and risks of owning a rental asset to the business renting the property. Thus, the asset is treated like it has been bought and paid for by a loan. The asset will then be depreciated over the rental period.

        What are the Differences Between a Capital Lease vs. Operating Lease?

        An operating lease differs from a capital lease because each follows a different accounting treatment and structure. An operating lease is a contract allowing the renter to use an asset but it does not offer any ownership rights to the lessee.

        Operating lease accounting is a one-off recording in the balance sheets. This means that a rented asset and related liabilities of future payments are excluded from the company’s balance sheet so that the ratio of debt to equity is kept low. Traditionally, operating leases helped American companies keep billions of assets and liabilities from being included in their balance sheets.

        A lease must meet specific requirements of the generally accepted accounting practices or GAAP to be recorded as an operating lease and exempted from being classified as a capital lease. Firms must assess their contracts using the “bright line” test to determine whether their rental contracts should be booked as operating vs. capital leases.

        What are the 4 Criteria for a Capital Lease under ASC 842?

        According to ASC 842, there are four tests to determine whether a lease is an operating lease or capital lease. An assessment must be conducted upon signing of the rental contract. Below are the four tests:

        1. Will the ownership or title of the asset be transferred to the renter when the lease term ends?
        2. Is a bargain purchase option available?
        3. Is the lease life equal to or greater than 75 percent of the remaining asset’s economic life?
        4. Is the present value, or PV, of the lease payments equal to or greater than 90 percent of the asset’s fair market value?

        A lease is classified as an operating lease if none of the above conditions are met. Otherwise, it can be classified as a capital lease. In some cases, the Internal Revenue Service has reclassified an operating lease as a capital lease, which has resulted in an increase in a firm’s tax liability and taxable income.

        What is the Difference Between a Capital Lease vs. Finance Lease?

        A capital lease, according to the ASC 842, is now referred to as a finance lease. This is because a large number of rental contracts are now capitalized except for those with a lease term of 12 months or less. The nomenclature capital lease is no longer appropriate, which is why the correct term to use is the finance lease.

        Below is an excerpt from ASC 842, defining what a lease is:

        Under the lessee accounting model in previous GAAP, the critical determination was whether a lease was a capital lease or an operating lease because lease assets and lease liabilities were recognized only for capital leases. Under Topic 842, the critical determination is whether a contract is or contains a lease because lessees are required to recognize lease assets and lease liabilities for all leases— finance and operating—other than short-term leases (that is, if the entity elects the short-term lease recognition and measurement exemption).

        How is a Capital Lease Recorded on the Balance Sheet?

        Given the capital lease’s nature of being a financing arrangement, businesses must break down the periodic rental payments into interest expense according to the firm’s applicable depreciation expense and interest rate.

        Capital Lease Journal Entry Example

        For this capital lease accounting example, say the company makes $1000 in monthly rental payments with an estimated interest of $200. The following should then be entered in the balance sheets:

        $1000 credit to the cash account

        $200 debit to the interest account

        $800 debit to the capital lease liability account

        It is important for businesses to depreciate the leased asset to factor in the useful life and salvage value of the asset. In our example, let us assume that the asset still has a useful life of 10 years and zero salvage value using the straight-line basis depreciation treatment. The firm has to record an $833 debit entry to the depreciation expense account monthly and a credit recorded to the accumulated depreciation account. Once the leased asset has been disposed of, then the fixed asset must be credited while the accumulated depreciation account should be debited to reflect the remaining balances.

        How Does the Transition to ASC 842 Affect Businesses?

        There are changes in lease accounting with the transition from ASC 840 to ASC 842. For example, there is another criterion in determining whether the leased asset should be treated as a capital lease or operating lease. It then becomes imperative for businesses to select a lease accounting software with features reflecting these changes in the GAAP such as our software at Visual Lease.

        Let our experts help you today.

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        Article: Changing accounting standards driving financial process remediations Fri, 03 Sep 2021 13:29:17 +0000 Public companies have significantly changed their financial processes in the past year and are not done yet, according to data released last month by Deloitte.

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        Public companies have significantly changed their financial processes in the past year and are not done yet, according to data released last month by Deloitte.

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        Press release: Visual Lease Honored as Gold Stevie® Award Winner in the 2021 Stevie Awards for Great Employers Mon, 30 Aug 2021 16:06:59 +0000 Woodbridge, NJ – August 30, 2021 — Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software provider, has been named the winner of a Gold Stevie® Award in the Employer of the...

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        Woodbridge, NJ – August 30, 2021Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software provider, has been named the winner of a Gold Stevie® Award in the Employer of the Year category in the sixth annual Stevie Awards for Great Employers. This category recognizes the world’s best employers based on their efforts since the beginning of 2020.

        “Like many businesses, we’ve recently had to adjust our way of working.” said Visual Lease’s founder and CEO, Marc Betesh. “This recognition validates the choices we’ve made, such as fully embracing remote work and committing to a culture of open communication. I’m proud of our team for helping to maintain our sense of community, always responding to and supporting each other’s needs. A great employer listens to and prioritizes its people, and that’s something we’ll continue to do through every phase of our growth.”

        The Stevie Awards for Great Employers recognize the world’s best employers and the human resources professionals, teams, achievements and HR-related products and suppliers who help to create and drive great places to work.

        More than 950 nominations from organizations of all sizes in 29 nations were submitted this year for consideration in a wide range of HR-related categories. More than 70 professionals worldwide participated in the judging process to select this year’s Stevie Award winners.

        Earlier this year, Visual Lease was ranked in the top 20% of the 2021 Inc. 5000 list and among the Top 100 Software Companies of 2021 by The Software Report. The company was also honored with a Bronze Stevie® Award in the Fastest Growing Company of the Year category in The 19th Annual American Business Awards® and named a Top Workplace in New Jersey by

        In 2020, Visual Lease gained its first placement on the Inc. 5000 list of fastest-growing companies in America and was named among the top third of high-growth companies on the Deloitte 2020 Technology Fast 500™. Visual Lease was also recognized by NJBIZ as one of the Best Places to Work in New Jersey and was named No. 10 on NJBIZ’s list of New Jersey’s 50 Fastest Growing Companies in 2020.

        To keep up with all Visual Lease’s announcements and milestones, visit its newsroom.

        About Visual Lease

        Visual Lease is the #1 lease optimization software provider. We help organizations become compliant with FASB, IFRS and GASB lease accounting standards, while simultaneously improving the financial, legal and operational performance of their leases. Our easy-to-use SaaS platform is embedded with more than three decades of best practices from major corporations and leading industry professionals. Our award-winning solutions are used by 800+ organizations to manage 500,000+ real estate, equipment and other leased assets. Committed to ongoing innovation and unparalleled customer service, Visual Lease helps organizations transform their lease compliance requirements into financial opportunities. For more information, visit

        Media Contacts
        Erica Bonavitacola
        Visual Lease
        T+1 732 860 4838

        Katie Vroom
        Gregory FCA
        T+1 212 398 9680

        The post Press release: Visual Lease Honored as Gold Stevie® Award Winner in the 2021 Stevie Awards for Great Employers first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Article: GASB 87: Six Steps To Success Under The New Lease Accounting Standard Wed, 25 Aug 2021 15:22:53 +0000 Last year, the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) voted to defer the effective date of lease accounting standard GASB 87 to give public sector entities more time to adapt to...

        The post Article: GASB 87: Six Steps To Success Under The New Lease Accounting Standard first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Last year, the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) voted to defer the effective date of lease accounting standard GASB 87 to give public sector entities more time to adapt to the many impacts of Covid-19.

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        Article: Lease accounting changes keep on coming Fri, 20 Aug 2021 18:42:47 +0000 Private companies are facing a deadline on implementing the new lease accounting standard, but recent updates in the rules could make an impact on their financial statements and disclosures.

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        Private companies are facing a deadline on implementing the new lease accounting standard, but recent updates in the rules could make an impact on their financial statements and disclosures.

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        Press release: Visual Lease Ranks in the Top 20% on the 2021 Inc. 5000 List Tue, 17 Aug 2021 13:05:06 +0000 Organization recognized as one of the fastest-growing private companies in America for the second consecutive year Woodbridge, NJ – August 17, 2021 — Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software...

        The post Press release: Visual Lease Ranks in the Top 20% on the 2021 Inc. 5000 List first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

        Organization recognized as one of the fastest-growing private companies in America for the second consecutive year

        Woodbridge, NJ – August 17, 2021Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software provider, was named on the 2021 Inc. 5000 list of the fastest-growing private companies in America. Rankings were based on participating companies’ three-year growth rate, and this inclusion marks Visual Lease’s second consecutive year placing within the top 20% of the private companies recognized.

        “These past few years have required businesses to pivot and work differently,” said Visual Lease’s founder and CEO, Marc Betesh. “In navigating this challenging climate, many organizations have uncovered new ways to operate and support their customers. Our consistent and continued growth mirrors just how important lease accounting compliance has become for companies across all sectors, and how Visual Lease is rising to help them take control over their lease portfolios.”

        The list represents a unique window into the most successful companies within the American economy’s most dynamic segment—its independent businesses. Intuit, Zappos, Under Armour, Microsoft, Patagonia and many other well-known names gained their first national exposure as honorees on the Inc. 5000.

        In addition to this recognition, earlier this year Visual Lease was ranked among the Top 100 Software Companies of 2021 by The Software Report. The company was also honored with a Bronze Stevie® Award in the Fastest Growing Company of the Year category in The 19th Annual American Business Awards® and named a Top Workplace in New Jersey by

        In 2020, Visual Lease gained its first placement on the Inc. 5000 list of fastest-growing companies in America and was named among the top third of high-growth companies on the Deloitte 2020 Technology Fast 500™. Visual Lease was also recognized by NJBIZ as one of the Best Places to Work in New Jersey and was named No. 10 on NJBIZ’s list of New Jersey’s 50 Fastest Growing Companies in 2020.

        To keep up with all of Visual Lease’s announcements and milestones, visit its newsroom.

        About Visual Lease

        Visual Lease is the #1 lease optimization software provider. We help organizations become compliant with FASB, IFRS and GASB lease accounting standards, while simultaneously improving the financial, legal and operational performance of their leases. Our easy-to-use SaaS platform is embedded with more than three decades of best practices from major corporations and leading industry professionals. Our award-winning solutions are used by 800+ organizations to manage 500,000+ real estate, equipment and other leased assets. Committed to ongoing innovation and unparalleled customer service, Visual Lease helps organizations transform their lease compliance requirements into financial opportunities. For more information, visit

        Media Contacts
        Erica Bonavitacola
        Visual Lease
        T+1 732 860 4838

        Katie Vroom
        Gregory FCA
        T+1 212 398 9680

        The post Press release: Visual Lease Ranks in the Top 20% on the 2021 Inc. 5000 List first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Real Estate Company: Newmark Tue, 17 Aug 2021 06:14:32 +0000 Newmark delivers an array of strategic brokerage services to its broad client base, including owners, occupiers, investors and founders. See how they use Visual Lease to manage their lease portfolio here.

        The post Real Estate Company: Newmark first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Newmark delivers an array of strategic brokerage services to its broad client base, including owners, occupiers, investors and founders. See how they use Visual Lease to manage their lease portfolio here.

        The post Real Estate Company: Newmark first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Article: New Report From The Visual Lease Data Institute Reveals Urgent Action Needed for Private Companies to Comply With Lease Accounting Standard ASC 842 Thu, 12 Aug 2021 15:40:41 +0000 Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software provider, today unveiled the results of an in-depth study of 500 senior finance and accounting professionals analyzing where companies are in their efforts...

        The post Article: New Report From The Visual Lease Data Institute Reveals Urgent Action Needed for Private Companies to Comply With Lease Accounting Standard ASC 842 first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software provider, today unveiled the results of an in-depth study of 500 senior finance and accounting professionals analyzing where companies are in their efforts toward achieving compliance with ASC (News – Alert) 842.

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        Article: Study: Urgent Action Needed for Private Firms to Comply with Lease Accounting Standard Thu, 12 Aug 2021 15:38:53 +0000 Visual Lease unveiled the results of an in-depth study of 500 senior finance and accounting professionals analyzing where companies are in their efforts toward achieving compliance with ASC 842. The report...

        The post Article: Study: Urgent Action Needed for Private Firms to Comply with Lease Accounting Standard first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Visual Lease unveiled the results of an in-depth study of 500 senior finance and accounting professionals analyzing where companies are in their efforts toward achieving compliance with ASC 842. The report reveals that despite 100 percent of respondents acknowledging the many benefits that lease accounting can bring, 75 percent are not yet compliant.

        The post Article: Study: Urgent Action Needed for Private Firms to Comply with Lease Accounting Standard first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Press release: Visual Lease announces ASC 842 Proven Path Tue, 10 Aug 2021 15:55:26 +0000 Package provides robust tech capabilities and all-inclusive implementation and support required to achieve lease accounting compliance with ASC 842 Woodbridge, NJ – August 10, 2021 — Visual Lease, the #1 lease...

        The post Press release: Visual Lease announces ASC 842 Proven Path first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

        Package provides robust tech capabilities and all-inclusive implementation and support required to achieve lease accounting compliance with ASC 842

        Woodbridge, NJ – August 10, 2021 Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software provider, today introduced ASC 842 Proven Path, a full end-to-end lease accounting solution for private companies with fewer than 100 leases. Similar to the company’s GASB 87 Complete solution, ASC 842 Proven Path combines Visual Lease’s industry-leading software solution with all-inclusive implementation and ongoing support. It was expertly designed to enable the seamless and accurate adoption of the new lease accounting standard in 50 business days or less.

        “Achieving and maintaining compliance with lease accounting standard ASC 842 is incredibly nuanced,” said Joe Fitzgerald, SVP of Lease Market Strategy at Visual Lease. “There are over 70 data elements to capture and track, and any company with any appreciable number of leases needs to plan out the process carefully. As we saw with public companies back in 2019, it takes significant time to identify all of the leases, collect the documents and capture the data before you can run any lease accounting calculations. Trying to do this without software extends the time even further.”

        ASC 842 Proven Path package users will benefit from:

        • Complete lease accounting and management capabilities to automatically perform all needed lease accounting calculations as well as centralize and manage a company’s lease portfolio, stay on top of important dates and milestones and track all options and obligations.
        • Robust, flexible reporting options with access to a library of more than 100 templates, including one-click Roll-Forward reports which provide a view of an organization’s balances from the beginning through the end of a specific period.
        • Access for unlimited, cross-functional users, all of whom can fully interact with lease data in one centralized system, fueling their ability to reinforce internal processes and create efficiencies.
        • Unparalleled support from an experienced, dedicated team of implementation and account managers and ongoing customer support representatives to maximize the value and use of the platform.

        “We recently conducted a survey of 500 senior finance and accounting professionals and found that the adoption of new technologies was one of biggest anticipated challenges to maintaining compliance with lease accounting standards after 2021,” said founder and CEO, Marc Betesh. “Working with a solution provider that you can rely on is what will help you maintain confidence, ongoing compliance. With a 98% customer retention rate, we are a trusted partner to our customers, and we’re deeply committed to navigating this journey with them.”

        To learn more about Visual Lease’s ASC 842 Proven Path package, visit here.

        Media Contacts
        Erica Bonavitacola
        Visual Lease
        T+1 732 860 4838

        Katie Vroom
        Gregory FCA
        T+1 212 398 9680


        About Visual Lease
        Visual Lease is the #1 lease optimization software provider. We help organizations become compliant with FASB, IFRS and GASB lease accounting standards, while simultaneously improving the financial, legal and operational performance of their leases. Our easy-to-use SaaS platform is embedded with more than three decades of best practices from major corporations and leading industry professionals. Our award-winning solutions are used by 800+ organizations to manage 500,000+ real estate, equipment and other leased assets. Committed to ongoing innovation and unparalleled customer service, Visual Lease helps organizations transform their lease compliance requirements into financial opportunities. For more information, visit

        The post Press release: Visual Lease announces ASC 842 Proven Path first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Visual Lease is proud to be named High Performer and Momentum Leader by G2 Thu, 05 Aug 2021 13:09:33 +0000

        This summer, Visual Lease was named High Performer and Momentum Leader by G2, a business software and services review website. The High Performer award was based on Visual Lease’s high levels of customer satisfaction and ratings from active users. The Momentum Leader award was based on a composite score that combines a product’s growth indicators with customer satisfaction ratings.


        We are ecstatic to be named among the best of the best. Real reviews from real customers are what we use to enhance and improve our product, and they also help us gain insight into new problems we can solve along the way.

        Here’s what customers are saying about Visual Lease on G2:

        Excellent customer service

        “They provide excellent customer service and work to help you get the most out of the platform.”

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        “I like VL’s willingness to work with us. Whether it is a small change to the database or a request for additional services. VL’s customer service is GREAT!!”

        - Administrator in Medical Practice

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        “The functionality is user-friendly, and the customer service is quick and reliable.”

        - Administrator in Hospital & Health Care

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        New report from The Visual Lease Data Institute reveals urgent action needed for private companies to comply with lease accounting standard ASC 842 Thu, 29 Jul 2021 13:00:47 +0000  While 100% of surveyed companies agree on the business value of complying with the lease accounting standard, most are underconfident and unprepared for the looming deadline Woodbridge, NJ (July 29,...

        The post New report from The Visual Lease Data Institute reveals urgent action needed for private companies to comply with lease accounting standard ASC 842 first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

         While 100% of surveyed companies agree on the business value of complying with the lease accounting standard, most are underconfident and unprepared for the looming deadline

        Woodbridge, NJ (July 29, 2021) Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software provider, today unveiled the results of an in-depth study of 500 senior finance and accounting professionals analyzing where companies are in their efforts toward achieving compliance with ASC 842. The report reveals that despite 100% of respondents acknowledging the many benefits that lease accounting can bring, 75% are not yet compliant. This report marks the first release under The Visual Lease Data Institute, a collection of market-leading data, trends and insights on lease accounting, management and optimization created and curated by Visual Lease.

        The 2021 Lease Accounting Market Analysis: The Road to Readiness for ASC 842 explores the journey, opportunities and barriers that companies face in their efforts to comply with the new accounting standard published by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), which requires them to track and fully disclose all qualifying leased assets, including commercial real estate and equipment leases. The report was informed by a proprietary survey of 500 senior finance and accounting professionals at private organizations with more than 1,000 employees.  It excludes public sector organizations and governmental entities, which have to comply with a similar lease accounting standard.

        Key highlights of the report include:

        • Real Business Opportunity – All surveyed senior finance and accounting professionals recognize that complying with ASC 842 will offer their companies substantial benefits, including more transparent valuation of the organization (54%), cost savings (54%), easier preparation for audits (53%) and the ability to make strategic lease decisions (50%).
        • Need for Urgent Action – Despite the significant business opportunity that comes with lease accounting compliance, of the 75% of surveyed companies who are not yet fully compliant, nearly half (46%) are less than halfway through or have not yet begun the process. Moreover, a shocking one in five respondents admit that achieving full compliance has been a low business priority.
        • Pandemic Delays – Many private companies may now be playing catch-up from the impact of Covid-19, with more than two in five respondents (43%) noting that their organization’s process has been delayed due to the global pandemic.
        • Race Against the Clock – With the December 2021 deadline for private companies less than five months away, two in five respondents (40%) are only somewhat, not very, or not at all confident about their organization being ready to reach full compliance with ASC 842. One reason why? More than two in five (42%) surveyed admit that the ASC 842 compliance process has taken more time than expected, which puts those who have not started the process at serious risk. This is particularly concerning considering the average anticipated staff hours to gather all the necessary lease information to fully adopt ASC 842 is 1,334 hours, equivalent to more than 33 weeks of full-time labor for a highly skilled worker.
        • Companies Can’t Do It Alone – More than one in three (36%) of senior finance and accounting professionals surveyed note that they don’t have the right people, technology and tools in place. High among the things they consider to be essential in the process are implementing new (48%) or upgrading existing (51%) lease management and accounting software.
        • Not a One-and-Done Disclosure – Reaching ASC 842 compliance in time for the standard’s effective date is only part of the battle. Ninety-nine percent of respondents expect to face ongoing challenges maintaining compliance after the 2021 deadline. Among the most anticipated challenges include accurately tracking and managing future modifications to leases, adopting new technologies to optimize the process and continuing to train and educate staff.

        “We understand just how complex lease accounting is,” said Marc Betesh, founder and CEO of Visual Lease. “For 35 years, we’ve seen firsthand how tight lease portfolio management can amount to millions of dollars in savings and improve business performance. With the deadline for private companies to comply with ASC 842 rapidly approaching, we knew it was the right time to gather our insight, experience and expertise to provide you with the first report under The Visual Lease Data Institute. Our goal is simple – to arm you with the information you need to feel confident about your organization’s lease accounting compliance journey.”

        For full study results and helpful guidance towards ASC 842 compliance, download The 2021 Lease Accounting Market Analysis: The Road to Readiness for ASC 842.

        About Visual Lease

         Visual Lease is the #1 lease optimization software provider for managing, analyzing, streamlining and reporting on lease portfolios. Developed by industry-leading lease professionals and CPAs, it combines GAAP, IFRS and GASB-compliant lease accounting controls with easy, flexible and automated lease management processes. More than 700 of the world’s largest publicly traded, privately-owned and public sector organizations rely on Visual Lease to control their lease portfolios, integrate with their existing business systems and maintain regulatory compliance. Committed to ongoing innovation and unparalleled customer service, Visual Lease helps organizations transform their lease compliance requirements into financial opportunities. For more information, visit

        About The Visual Lease Data Institute

        The Visual Lease Data Institute is a collection of market-leading data, trends and insights on lease accounting, management and optimization created and curated by Visual Lease, provider of the #1 lease optimization software. The Institute was founded on 35 years’ experience managing lease data and financials and was created to arm organizations with the knowledge required to achieve and maintain lease accounting compliance and leverage their leases as strategic business assets.

        Media Contacts
        Erica Bonavitacola
        Visual Lease
        T+1 732 860 4838

        Katie Vroom
        Gregory FCA
        T+1 212 398 9680

        The post New report from The Visual Lease Data Institute reveals urgent action needed for private companies to comply with lease accounting standard ASC 842 first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Press release: Visual Lease announces strong second quarter results Tue, 20 Jul 2021 14:21:03 +0000 Company reports key strategic investments and double-digit annual recurring revenue growth year-over-year Woodbridge, NJ – July 20, 2021 — Visual Lease, provider of the #1 lease optimization software, today announced results from...

        The post Press release: Visual Lease announces strong second quarter results first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

        Company reports key strategic investments and double-digit annual recurring revenue growth year-over-year

        Woodbridge, NJ – July 20, 2021 Visual Lease, provider of the #1 lease optimization software, today announced results from the second quarter of 2021, including double-digit annual recurring revenue growth year-over-year, as well as industry recognition for its robust software capabilities and sustained high growth. The company also continued to make strategic investments across its product and service offerings to help organizations leverage their lease accounting process to unlock a range of business opportunities.

        “We recognize that lease accounting compliance is a long game, and there’s a lot to lose and gain in this process if you’re not on top of the changing requirements,” said Marc Betesh, founder and CEO of Visual Lease. “We’re continuing to make investments in our product and team to not only streamline our customers’ lease accounting compliance, but also help them achieve efficiencies and hard-dollar savings that can have a real long-term impact on their businesses. In fact, we recently conducted a survey of 500 senior finance and accounting professionals, and 100% of them recognized these additional benefits stimulated by the adoption of the new lease accounting standard. We know and understand what those benefits are and show our customers how to achieve them.”

        In Q2 2021, Visual Lease:


        • Enhanced its reporting performance, resulting in a doubling of the speed of generating disclosure, journal entry summaries and roll-forward reports.
        • Further expanded its GASB support, launching technical accounting features to streamline the handling for lessor termination calculations, schedule modifications and reports.
        • Launched short-term calculations, empowering users to easily create short-term calculations irrespective of the lease terms.
        • Introduced its Customer Advisory Board, assembling a select group of senior financial management and real estate executives from across its base of valued customers to share insights and solicit feedback on Visual Lease’s solutions and services.


        • Announced Guy Zerega as SVP of Sales, bringing in an experienced software sales leader to help the organization continue to grow and scale with the industry.
        • Welcomed Pamela Cosmillo as Director of Human Resources, placing an increased emphasis on its people and position as a leading workplace.
        • Grew its employee base by more than 35% year-over-year, hiring across a range of departments and levels within the organization.

         Industry Recognition

        To keep up with announcements from Visual Lease, visit the Visual Lease Newsroom.

        About Visual Lease

        Visual Lease is the provider of the #1 lease optimization software for managing, analyzing, streamlining and reporting on lease portfolios. Developed by industry-leading lease professionals and CPAs, it combines GAAP, IFRS and GASB-compliant lease accounting controls with easy, flexible and automated lease management processes. More than 700 of the world’s largest publicly traded, privately-owned and public sector organizations rely on Visual Lease to control their lease portfolios, integrate with their existing business systems and maintain regulatory compliance. Committed to ongoing innovation and unparalleled customer service, Visual Lease helps organizations transform their lease compliance requirements into financial opportunities. For more information, visit


        Media Contacts

        Erica Bonavitacola
        Visual Lease
        T+1 732 860 4838


        Geena Pickering
        Gregory FCA
        T+1 212 398 9680


        The post Press release: Visual Lease announces strong second quarter results first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Press release: Visual Lease ranked a top software company of 2021 Thu, 15 Jul 2021 13:24:40 +0000

        Woodbridge, NJ – July 15, 2021Visual Lease, provider of the #1 lease optimization software, has been ranked among the Top 100 Software Companies of 2021 by The Software Report. Visual Lease was the only lease accounting and administration software company to have been included on the list. This recognition comes on the heels of Visual Lease being named a High Performer and Momentum Leader in lease accounting by G2, the world’s leading business software review site.

        “We are honored and humbled by this inclusion,” said Visual Lease’s founder and CEO, Marc Betesh. “The software industry is vast and accounts for the some of the most impactful businesses worldwide. After an unprecedented year and a half, I’m proud of all that the team has accomplished, and the caliber of the products and services that we continue to provide to our community of customers. Congratulations to our employee base and fellow award recipients.”

        The Software Report evaluated The Top 100 Software Companies of 2021 based on certain criteria, including software product quality, management team caliber and company culture.

        Visual Lease was recently honored with a Bronze Stevie® Award in the Fastest Growing Company of the Year category in The 19th Annual American Business Awards® and named a Top Workplace in New Jersey by In 2020, Visual Lease gained recognition within the top 10 percent on the Inc. 5000 list of fastest-growing companies in America and the top third of high-growth companies on the Deloitte 2020 Technology Fast 500™. Visual Lease was also recognized by NJBIZ as one of the Best Places to Work in New Jersey and was named No. 10 on NJBIZ’s list of New Jersey’s 50 Fastest Growing Companies in 2020. Last year marked the third straight year that Visual Lease experienced double-digit growth.

        To keep up with all of Visual Lease’s announcements and milestones, visit its newsroom.

        About Visual Lease

        Visual Lease is the provider of the #1 lease optimization software for managing, analyzing, streamlining and reporting on lease portfolios. Developed by industry-leading lease professionals and CPAs, it combines GAAP, IFRS and GASB-compliant lease accounting controls with easy, flexible and automated lease management processes. More than 700 of the world’s largest publicly traded and privately-owned corporations rely on Visual Lease to control their lease portfolios, integrate with their existing business systems and maintain regulatory compliance. Committed to ongoing innovation and unparalleled customer service, Visual Lease helps organizations transform their lease compliance requirements into financial opportunities. For more information, visit 

        Media Contacts 

        Erica Bonavitacola
        Visual Lease
        T+1 732 860 4838

        Geena Pickering
        Gregory FCA
        T+1 212 398 9680

        The post Press release: Visual Lease ranked a top software company of 2021 first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Press release: Visual Lease introduces GASB 87 Complete Mon, 12 Jul 2021 17:30:24 +0000

        Provides a proven and fully supported path to achieve lease accounting compliance with GASB 87 in 50 business days or less

        Woodbridge, NJ – July 12, 2021 Visual Lease,  provider of the #1 lease optimization software, today announced GASB 87 Complete, a full end-to-end lease accounting solution for state and local governments and other public sector entities. GASB 87 Complete provides entities with Visual Lease’s industry-leading lease accounting and management software combined with all-inclusive, multi-tiered customer training and support. With GASB 87 Complete, entities can utilize a robust, fully implemented system in 50 business days or less, without any hidden fees.

        “For government and public entities, there is simply no time to waste regarding GASB 87,” said Joe Fitzgerald, SVP of Market Strategy at Visual Lease. “How they manage their lease data and their capacity to produce accurate journal entries will directly impact their ability to meet the standard. Our software and team of experts will get them on a proven path to achieve and maintain compliance – quickly.”

        GASB 87 Complete package users will benefit from:

        • Industry-leading lease administration capabilities to easily manage critical dates, monitor obligations and track data across their entire lease portfolio.
        • Full lease accounting functionality to automatically generate audit-ready journal entries, disclosures and reports.
        • Unlimited cross-functional users, all of whom can fully interact with lease data in one centralized system, fueling their ability to reinforce internal processes and create efficiencies.
        • Unparalleled support from experienced, dedicated implementation and account managers and ongoing customer support representatives to maximize the value and use of the platform.

        “Our solution is informed by more than 35 years of experience managing lease financials,” said founder and CEO, Marc Betesh. “We’ve facilitated hundreds of successful implementations. Our in-house team of experts deeply understand – and even helped structure – the new lease accounting standards. We know what it takes to achieve and maintain compliance, and we’re a trusted partner to countless organizations. Our GASB 87 Complete package is a unique solution that incorporates everything needed by public sector entities.”

        To learn more about Visual Lease’s GASB 87 Complete package, visit here.

        About Visual Lease

        Visual Lease is the provider of the #1 lease optimization software for managing, analyzing, streamlining and reporting on lease portfolios. Developed by industry-leading lease professionals and CPAs, it combines GAAP, IFRS and GASB-compliant lease accounting controls with easy, flexible and automated lease management processes. More than 700 of the world’s largest publicly traded and privately-owned corporations rely on Visual Lease to control their lease portfolios, integrate with their existing business systems and maintain regulatory compliance. Committed to ongoing innovation and unparalleled customer service, Visual Lease helps organizations transform their lease compliance requirements into financial opportunities. For more information, visit 

        Media Contacts 

        Erica Bonavitacola
        Visual Lease
        T+1 732 860 4838

        Geena Pickering
        Gregory FCA
        T+1 212 398 9680

        The post Press release: Visual Lease introduces GASB 87 Complete first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Article: How to properly evaluate your tech stack before investing in a new solution Mon, 05 Jul 2021 14:56:30 +0000 In a 2020 IDC survey, 42% of technology decision makers reported that their organizations planned to invest in technology to close the digital transformation gap. We expect that number has...

        The post Article: How to properly evaluate your tech stack before investing in a new solution first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        In a 2020 IDC survey, 42% of technology decision makers reported that their organizations planned to invest in technology to close the digital transformation gap. We expect that number has since risen. Companies invest in technology for several reasons: to streamline crucial processes, to stay relevant and to find and maintain a competitive edge. What it comes down to is that a company’s tech stack is a key component of its growth strategy.

        The post Article: How to properly evaluate your tech stack before investing in a new solution first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Press release: Visual Lease named High Performer and Momentum Leader by G2 Wed, 30 Jun 2021 14:35:34 +0000

        Woodbridge, NJ – June 29, 2021 Visual Lease, provider of #1 lease optimization software, has been identified by G2 as a “High Performer” in the Summer 2021 quarter for Lease Administration Software. G2 is the world’s leading business software review site and this High Performer rating was based on Visual Lease’s high levels of customer satisfaction and ratings from real users. G2 also identified Visual Lease as a “Momentum Leader” in its Lease Administration Software Momentum Grid Report, based on a composite score that combines a product’s growth indicators with customer satisfaction ratings.

        “We are honored to have been recognized as a high performer and momentum leader in our space,” said Marc Betesh, founder and CEO of Visual Lease. “We’ve seen firsthand the impact that having the right lease management solution can have on an organization’s lease accounting. We’re deeply committed to providing our customers with a solution that brings lease accounting and management together to help maintain compliance and also tighten and elevate the controls around leases.”

        G2 reviews included reports of:

        “It is the authentic voice of the customer that powers our reports at G2 – ranking B2B software founded on users’ experience in buying, implementing and using it,” said Tom Pringle, Vice President of Research at G2. “We are delighted to highlight the tangible achievements of software solutions ranked on our site as they showcase the voice of the user while delivering valuable, actionable insights to other potential buyers and users.”

        Learn more about what users have to say on Visual Lease’s G2 profile.

        About Visual Lease

        Visual Lease is the provider of the #1 lease optimization software for managing, analyzing, streamlining and reporting on lease portfolios. Developed by industry-leading lease professionals and CPAs, it combines GAAP, IFRS and GASB-compliant lease accounting controls with easy, flexible and automated lease management processes. More than 700 of the world’s largest publicly traded and privately-owned corporations rely on Visual Lease to control their lease portfolios, integrate with their existing business systems and maintain regulatory compliance. Committed to ongoing innovation and unparalleled customer service, Visual Lease helps organizations transform their lease compliance requirements into financial opportunities. For more information, visit 

        Media Contacts 

        Erica Bonavitacola
        Visual Lease
        T+1 732 860 4838

        Geena Pickering
        Gregory FCA
        T+1 212 398 9680

        The post Press release: Visual Lease named High Performer and Momentum Leader by G2 first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        The benefits and business impact of lease optimization Fri, 25 Jun 2021 18:28:24 +0000 There is power within your lease portfolio. Over the last year, public and private businesses have taken a closer look at their leases – and experienced the downstream benefits of...

        The post The benefits and business impact of lease optimization first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

        There is power within your lease portfolio. Over the last year, public and private businesses have taken a closer look at their leases – and experienced the downstream benefits of lease optimization. Businesses who must comply with the new lease accounting standards (e.g., FASB ASC 842) are now examining their leases with a higher level of scrutiny than ever before. Additionally, over the last year, companies looked to their leases to reduce the financial impact of COVID-19. In return, these businesses have experienced operational benefits associated with lease optimization.

        What is lease optimization?

        Optimizing your lease portfolio means:

        1. Having a controlled inventory of all lease documentation that is updated to account for all changes and modifications.
        2. The ability to capture, monitor and act on all critical lease dates, including end of-term options.
        3. Ensuring changes in lease terms are reflected in payment schedules and lease accounting disclosure reports.
        4. Conducting regular audits of your leases and the underlying assets by taking stock of your portfolio and identifying gaps and opportunities.

        Lease optimization allows your business to uncover savings, streamline lease accounting compliance and accommodate pivotal business needs with agility.

        Identify cost-saving opportunities

        Over the last year, businesses looking to cut excess business expenses were increasingly mindful of their leases, given leases are the second largest business expense besides payroll. Lease optimization helps organizations identify areas of their leases where they are overspending – and save money through visibility into that data.

        Real customer lease optimization examples

        Here are some examples of how Visual Lease has helped hundreds of customers save money through lease optimization. Before partnering with us:

        • A large manufacturing company lost $105k because they did not realize that their lessor was continuing to bill expenses for surrendered property.
        • One of the largest insurance companies in the US lost $185k because they didn’t realize their landlord needed to offset operating expense increases against tax decreases.
        • A national bank lost $500k because the tenant forgot to request reimbursement for tenant improvements from the landlord.
        • A large tech company lost $210k because the tenant was not aware that tax abatements were not being added back to the base tax amount.

        These are examples that with the right information, perspective and tools in hand, lease optimization can be leveraged to materially improve business processes and generate savings in a previously undermanaged area of an organization.

        Capture modifications and adjustments that impact lease accounting compliance

        Leases change – and adjustments need to be tracked and evaluated under the new lease accounting standards (ASC 842, IFRS 16, GASB 87).

        Determining whether a modification has taken place can be operationally challenging, particularly for companies with large lease portfolios or for organizations that do not have the systems and processes in place to properly handle and account for these events. This analysis is complicated and will most likely require a dedicated team and technology to ensure attention to detail.

        That said, this is THE perfect time for you to take the extra steps towards optimizing your lease portfolio.

        You need to feel confident throughout every stage of the lease accounting compliance journey:

        • Day 1 – Compliance (centralizing leases and producing accurate reports)
        • Day 2 – Sustainable Auditability (implementing processes and controls)
        • Day 3 – Optimization (revisiting and bridging gaps)

        Accommodate business needs with agility

        Another positive of lease optimization is that it enables your business to pivot and identify emerging lease needs as your organization grows – or vice versa. Having the ability to access your leases in one centralized location – and report on your portfolio in any way helps you to identify the most effective way to scale your lease portfolio to meet your needs.

        The post The benefits and business impact of lease optimization first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Article: Lease accounting success: Five questions to assess your current process Wed, 23 Jun 2021 15:57:02 +0000 Last year, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) provided private companies with an extra year to adopt lease accounting standard ASC 842. When this was announced, 63.8% of surveyed private company executives...

        The post Article: Lease accounting success: Five questions to assess your current process first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Last year, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) provided private companies with an extra year to adopt lease accounting standard ASC 842. When this was announced, 63.8% of surveyed private company executives reported that they planned to take advantage of the extension.

        The post Article: Lease accounting success: Five questions to assess your current process first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Press release: Visual Lease Announces Guy Zerega as SVP of Sales Tue, 22 Jun 2021 15:30:57 +0000

        Woodbridge, NJ – June 22, 2021Visual Lease, provider of the #1 lease optimization software, today announced that Guy Zerega has joined the organization as Senior Vice President of Sales, responsible for expanding and supporting their community of more than 700 customers. In his role, he will oversee the company’s sales, business development, alliances and account management functions.

        Before Visual Lease, Guy worked at Veriff as Senior Vice President of Revenue where he managed their global sales organization and business expansion. Most recently, he helped the company receive the largest Series B in the identity verification space to date. Prior to his time at Veriff, Guy served as Executive Vice President of Revenue at Stack Overflow where he grew their revenue organization from three to more than 130 people.

        “Guy’s entry into our business could not have come at a better time,” said Marc Betesh, founder and CEO of Visual Lease. “Achieving and maintaining lease accounting compliance has become increasingly complex. Guy understands how a solution provider should grow with its industry, always anticipating and meeting the evolving needs of its customers – and that’s what we are committed to.”

        In 2020, Visual Lease expanded its leadership team with the appointment of Erinn Tarpey as SVP, Marketing, and Joe Fitzgerald as SVP, Lease Market Strategy.

        “I’m energized by Visual Lease’s position in the market,” stated Zerega. “New lease accounting standards ASC 842, GASB 87 and IFRS 16 have awakened financial leaders across all industries. They need the right technology to meet their requirements today and in the future. I look forward to helping Visual Lease continue its trajectory as the partner of choice for lease accounting, management and optimization.”

        To learn more about Visual Lease’s leadership team, visit here.

        About Visual Lease

        Visual Lease is the provider of the #1 lease optimization software for managing, analyzing, streamlining and reporting on lease portfolios. Developed by industry-leading lease professionals and CPAs, it combines GAAP, IFRS and GASB-compliant lease accounting controls with easy, flexible and automated lease management processes. More than 700 of the world’s largest publicly traded and privately-owned corporations rely on Visual Lease to control their lease portfolios, integrate with their existing business systems and maintain regulatory compliance. Committed to ongoing innovation and unparalleled customer service, Visual Lease helps organizations transform their lease compliance requirements into financial opportunities. For more information, visit 

        Media Contacts 

        Erica Bonavitacola
        Visual Lease
        T+1 732 860 4838

        Geena Pickering
        Gregory FCA
        T+1 212 398 9680


        The post Press release: Visual Lease Announces Guy Zerega as SVP of Sales first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Press release: names Visual Lease a top workplace in New Jersey Mon, 21 Jun 2021 15:59:23 +0000

        Woodbridge, NJ – June 21, 2021Visual Lease, provider of the #1 lease optimization software, has been named a Top Workplace in 2021 by This recognition comes on the heels of the company’s third straight year of double-digit growth.

        This award is based on employee feedback gathered through a third-party survey, which measured 15 culture drivers that are critical to a company’s success. Organizations were evaluated based on criteria such as their ability to foster alignment, execute on their commitments and stay connected to employees.

        “This acknowledgement is particularly important to our organization because it stems from our own employees’ observations,” said Visual Lease’s founder and CEO, Marc Betesh. “We’ve been consistently growing at an accelerated rate and have a tremendous opportunity in front of us – we attribute this to our team. It’s rewarding to know that our commitment to maintaining our culture is recognized.”

        Visual Lease was recently honored with a Bronze Stevie® Award in the Fastest Growing Company of the Year category in The 19th Annual American Business Awards®. In 2020, Visual Lease gained recognition within the top 10 percent on the Inc. 5000 list of fastest-growing companies in America and the top third of high-growth companies on the Deloitte 2020 Technology Fast 500™. Visual Lease was also recognized by NJBIZ as one of the Best Places to Work in New Jersey and was named No. 10 on NJBIZ’s list of New Jersey’s 50 Fastest Growing Companies in 2020.

        To support its rapid growth, Visual Lease plans to fill many more positions across its organization through the end of 2021. To learn more about the company’s culture and open job opportunities, visit its career site.

        About Visual Lease

        Visual Lease is the provider of the #1 lease optimization software for managing, analyzing, streamlining and reporting on lease portfolios. Developed by industry-leading lease professionals and CPAs, it combines GAAP, IFRS and GASB-compliant lease accounting controls with easy, flexible and automated lease management processes. More than 700 of the world’s largest publicly traded and privately-owned corporations rely on Visual Lease to control their lease portfolios, integrate with their existing business systems and maintain regulatory compliance. Committed to ongoing innovation and unparalleled customer service, Visual Lease helps organizations transform their lease compliance requirements into financial opportunities. For more information, visit 

        Media Contacts 

        Erica Bonavitacola
        Visual Lease
        T+1 732 860 4838

        Geena Pickering
        Gregory FCA
        T+1 212 398 9680

        The post Press release: names Visual Lease a top workplace in New Jersey first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Article: 10 financial commercial lease clauses tenants need to understand Fri, 18 Jun 2021 14:28:41 +0000 Real estate leases can serve as key strategic assets for companies, presenting opportunities to improve the execution of a business strategy while also creating operational efficiencies. But leases also present...

        The post Article: 10 financial commercial lease clauses tenants need to understand first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Real estate leases can serve as key strategic assets for companies, presenting opportunities to improve the execution of a business strategy while also creating operational efficiencies. But leases also present risks.

        The post Article: 10 financial commercial lease clauses tenants need to understand first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Private market prepares to adopt new lease accounting rules: Lessons learned from public companies Thu, 17 Jun 2021 18:59:43 +0000 This article originally appeared here in Forbes. As a result of Covid-19 and the changing landscape related to leases, private companies have received more time to prepare for and adopt...

        The post Private market prepares to adopt new lease accounting rules: Lessons learned from public companies first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

        This article originally appeared here in Forbes.

        As a result of Covid-19 and the changing landscape related to leases, private companies have received more time to prepare for and adopt the new lease accounting standards in their financial reporting. Last year, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) further delayed the deadline for private companies to comply with the lease accounting standard ASC 842, which brings most of a company’s operating leases onto its balance sheet. This delay has given private companies nearly two additional years to comply with the new lease accounting standard. Because public companies have already gone through this process, there are many lessons that can be derived from their journey to help private companies as they move through their own adoption.

        Perhaps the biggest lesson learned from public companies, which we’ve seen through our clients’ experiences, is that adopting the new lease accounting standard takes time, can be quite complex and results in a resource-consuming process, particularly if there is a lack of cross-departmental collaboration. With the ASC 842 deadline for private companies looming, there are several things private organizations can do to set themselves up for success.

        Know What Lease Data To Gather And Where To Get It

        Public companies learned that gathering and validating data was the most challenging part of the lease accounting compliance journey. Companies with large, diverse lease portfolios found lease contracts — and thus the data within those documents — can be scattered across any number of separate sources. Not only is it tedious to gather contracts and relevant data, but it’s also easy to overlook required information if the individuals abstracting the data don’t have an informed sense of what is required for compliance. Failure to properly capture all the relevant data elements can ultimately diminish the value of a company’s financial reporting. Due to this important — and heavy — lift, and despite the deadline delay, getting an early start is key to a private company’s successful adoption.

        It’s worth noting that not all required data elements for effective lease accounting compliance will be found within an organization’s lease agreements. In some cases, only about half of the data will be found within contracts, while the remainder will be contained in other sources and require some level of judgment to establish.

        When private companies begin down the road to lease accounting compliance, they should first reflect on what the required data is and where it can be found within their organization. These answers can be overwhelming, but in this case, knowledge is power. This is because there can be as many as 70 distinct data elements, such as lease terms, payment schedules, end-of-term options and incentives, that need to be identified and captured to be compliant with the lease accounting standards. To properly collect, organize and analyze all the required data, private companies should get ahead of the process and start to prepare now.

        Use A Centralized Data Repository

        Another lesson learned from public companies is the importance of a central lease document and data repository. A 2016 survey by PwC found that 39% of companies manage their lease agreements and related accounting in a decentralized manner. While this approach can work for some, it’s time-consuming and can increase the chance of human error during the data collection process. Public companies that had an organized centralized lease portfolio learned that it saved them time on gathering and analyzing required information, which ultimately saved them money in the long run.

        When setting up a centralized lease portfolio, public companies were able to streamline and optimize global reporting processes and track lease data in real time, which has proven benefits for lease accounting compliance. By having all of the necessary lease data at their fingertips, these organizations experienced a faster, more efficient lease compliance process while also uncovering cost savings including overpayments, unreceived lease incentives and reduced full-time equivalent costs, among others. Not to mention, centralizing leases can be instrumental in supporting a company’s audit process.

        Put Dedicated Teams In Place

        Public companies have also seen the value of having the right people in place:

        • Cross-departmental collaboration: Working with other internal teams on data collection creates visibility across an organization, streamlining the process and positioning the accounting team as a stronger partner to their business.
        • IT assistance: When opting to leverage a centralized data repository or any other dedicated technology, it is critical to enlist one’s IT department from the outset of the project to ensure a smooth implementation, particularly as it relates to the eventual integration with other systems such as an ERP.
        • Dedicated players: Bringing in experienced lease accounting, project management and other expert professionals — whether they’re in-house or outside service providers — can minimize the impact on a company’s other resources.

        While every organization’s lease accounting compliance journey is different, many public companies discovered that some of the most daunting tasks with the new leasing standards were only tangentially related to accounting. Rather, the most significant challenges were in the preparation process. Once private companies get their leases in order and dedicate the time and resources required, they are positioned to better achieve compliance and drive a positive impact on their business’s financial reporting and compliance.

        The post Private market prepares to adopt new lease accounting rules: Lessons learned from public companies first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Article: GASB offers guidance on implementing leases, and more Mon, 14 Jun 2021 19:37:55 +0000 The Governmental Accounting Standards Board released updated implementation guidance for its leases standard, which is going into effect soon, along with other accounting standards for state and local governments.

        The post Article: GASB offers guidance on implementing leases, and more first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        The Governmental Accounting Standards Board released updated implementation guidance for its leases standard, which is going into effect soon, along with other accounting standards for state and local governments.

        The post Article: GASB offers guidance on implementing leases, and more first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Identifying trends and forging ahead: The pandemic’s impact on the commercial real estate industry Thu, 03 Jun 2021 17:21:48 +0000 This article originally appeared here in Forbes. In 2020, many companies were forced to make tough decisions regarding their leased commercial spaces. From office closures to consolidations and deferrals, many...

        The post Identifying trends and forging ahead: The pandemic’s impact on the commercial real estate industry first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

        This article originally appeared here in Forbes.

        In 2020, many companies were forced to make tough decisions regarding their leased commercial spaces. From office closures to consolidations and deferrals, many of these decisions will have long-term impacts beyond the pandemic. To survive and thrive in today’s new norm, these same companies now need to evaluate how these decisions will continue to affect the leasing landscape, and what that means for their future finances and operations.  

        Lease Market Considerations for 2021 

        Covid-19 had a devastating effect on the real estate market in 2020. As organizations continue to adapt to remote work environments, the trickle-down effects will likely play out over the next few years. Unlike the economic downturn in 2008, the commercial real estate market was in a strong position at the start of 2020 — in fact, it was predicted to grow. However, as tenants struggled to meet their rent obligations, and tenant-landlord tensions and lawsuits ensued, the market quickly took a downward spiral. 

        Despite this negative trend, several bright spots signal recovery within commercial real estate. We surveyed several hundred companies across retail, manufacturing, health care, financial services and more to gain critical insight into how the leasing market has changed since the start of the pandemic and to help organizations to make better-informed business decisions for the year ahead.  

        Revenue Impact of the Pandemic 

        By the end of 2020, nearly three in five respondents to our survey reported a 59% loss of revenue in their business since the start of the Covid-19 outbreak in March 2020. Of those that saw a negative impact on revenue, 80%, fortunately, expect that impact to be short-term. As a result, many organizations are more likely to seek and prioritize opportunities to save money — and leases provide a way for companies to do just that. 

        Over the past year, many organizations made changes to space and equipment leases. However, most still need to get creative and find other ways for monetary gain. PPP loans, insurance policies and lawsuits were some ways that businesses across all sectors chose to subsidize their company’s overhead in the short-term, but these options are now carrying over into 2021. 

        The Future of Office Space 

        To cut additional costs, many have turned to their commercial office leases to identify savings. With the pandemic, there has been a monumental shift in the traditional office space, but most companies are not resolved on what that looks like for their businesses in the future. This year, the industry will need to consider several changes to the office market as they make broader business plans: 

        • Remote work: The acceleration of remote work has shifted the office environment, resulting in widespread downsizing and a decreased demand in the market. Despite this change in behavior, there are now new opportunities for organizations looking to retain office space in major cities, such as opting for smaller regional offices or expanding office space to allow for social distancing.
        • Coworking: Coworking spaces and other short-term rental options may see a rise in popularity as companies continue to explore ways to stay out of the traditional long-term lease options but still provide a home base to employees.
        • Subleasing: In addition to coworking, the sublease market has become larger than it was during the dot-com bubble, providing another flexible lease situation for companies to consider.

        Important Lease Clauses In 2021 

        Lease clauses offer necessary legal protections for both tenants and landlords. However, the onset of the coronavirus pandemic presented unique challenges, which left attorneys scrambling to identify protections for their clients. Many explored force majeure clauses to save costs, only to find that these clauses do not typically extend to pandemics or other public health crises. 

        To date, the biggest impact that Covid-19 has had in the market is that it’s suspended progress on new transactions, and by the end of 2020, global CRE deal volume declined 36% YoY. Tenants have been reluctant to sign new leases and because of this, landlords do not have visibility into the future of their buildings. To add to the lack of certainty, where leases are expiring, others could potentially not be renewed until there is more clarity on their business needs, leading to reduction through attrition in the short-term. As such, new leases should include updated clauses to make new and existing tenants feel comfortable with signing their agreements. Our survey identified the most important lease clauses to consider in today’s environment as flexible termination (34%), specific pandemic force majeure clauses (32%) and shorter lease windows (16%). 

        To effectively navigate today’s commercial real estate landscape, it’s important to recognize that some changes brought on by the pandemic — such as remote work environments and reimagined workspaces — are likely here to stay. Companies will need full visibility into lease terms and options for negotiation and payment to better manage their businesses in this new climate. Flexibility ultimately creates a win-win scenario for tenants and landlords alike in 2021 and beyond. 

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        Article: Eight ways to find and implement tech to support your changing lease portfolio Tue, 25 May 2021 17:14:44 +0000 In response to the ongoing effects of Covid-19, businesses across all industries have had to adjust not only their strategies and goals but also their workflow and styles to remain...

        The post Article: Eight ways to find and implement tech to support your changing lease portfolio first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        In response to the ongoing effects of Covid-19, businesses across all industries have had to adjust not only their strategies and goals but also their workflow and styles to remain competitive in their respective markets. As a result, many organizations are exploring and implementing different technology offerings to create advantages for their company and ensure that they remain agile and efficient, even in the most uncertain environments.

        The post Article: Eight ways to find and implement tech to support your changing lease portfolio first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Identifying the right lease accounting solution for your business Wed, 19 May 2021 16:21:57 +0000 Lease accounting is a massive, cross-functional effort. It involves various stakeholders and systems that impact (and are impacted by) leases. It is not just an accounting problem – and goes...

        The post Identifying the right lease accounting solution for your business first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

        Lease accounting is a massive, cross-functional effort. It involves various stakeholders and systems that impact (and are impacted by) leases. It is not just an accounting problem – and goes further beyond producing a disclosure report.

        The dynamic nature of leases prompts constant adaptation, and organizations need an easy way to manage those changes. The bigger the portfolio, the more complicated it becomes, which is why it is important to determine how you will handle accurate lease information and financials.

        There needs to be a reliable way to manage leases throughout the year, given lease changes can result in hundreds, potentially thousands of calculations and permutations. While the market offers a wide selection of solutions, not every tool is one-size fits all. Each lease accounting solution offers its own experience – from implementation to daily usage and beyond.

        In this blog, we’ll break down the top differentiating areas and questions you should consider (beyond producing accurate calculations and reports) when evaluating lease accounting software.

        Configurability vs. customization

        Every business is unique with their own processes and leases that contain specific information. Your lease accounting solution should be flexible to match the way you run your business. Weighing the differences between a custom and configurable solution can save you significant time and money.

        • Does the solution require customization for unique business requirements? If so, what are the costs and what is the maintenance associated with customization?
        • Does the solution support configurable data fields, groupings and financial categories to match your industry and organization?
        • Can the solution generate ad-hoc reports on the fly?

        Customer experience

        At the end of the day, your lease accounting solution relies on the people using it. Make sure you are properly set up and running with thorough, dedicated customer support from implementation and beyond.

        • Does the vendor provide in-house, dedicated implementation support?
        • Does the vendor offer ongoing customer support at no additional cost? What are their estimated response time SLAs?
        • Does the vendor provide ongoing trainings and helpful tools dedicated to various users?
        • Is the vendor committed to continuous product enhancements based on customer needs?


        Your lease accounting software should be able to handle even the most complex lease administration and accounting scenarios, including data imports and exports to various third-party solutions for a true return on investment.

        • Does the software integrate with your existing technology infrastructure, such as your ERP and financial systems?
        • Does the software offer flexible options to schedule, monitor, manage and automate data imports and exports between third-party applications?

        Ease of use

        Lease accounting is complex and requires constant adaptation from a variety of stakeholders. You need an easy way to view, track and manage all updates for full auditability.

        • Is the user interface intuitive and easy to use?
        • Does the solution support the ability to view changes made by various users?


        There is a lot of money – and risk – in most lease portfolios. Make sure you feel confident in your solution’s ability to keep your information safe and generate accurate calculations.

        • Are there tools for administering individual and group users for system access, roles and permissions?
        • Is the solution and calculations backed by a SOC I Type II audit?

        Selecting the right lease accounting solution for your business is critical to your success. Evaluating various tools is a necessary part of the process to ensure you are equipped with what is needed to meet ASC 842, GASB 87 or IFRS 16 compliance.

        If you’re in search of an all-encompassing lease accounting management software that ensures you’re achieving and maintaining compliance, Visual Lease is the solution you’ve been looking for. Schedule a demo with our team to see if we’re a match.

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        Article: You’ve received your annual management letter from your auditors — now what? Tue, 11 May 2021 19:20:45 +0000 For companies that are reporting on a calendar year and have completed their audit, CFOs have recently received or will shortly receive a management letter from their auditors. The management...

        The post Article: You’ve received your annual management letter from your auditors — now what? first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

        For companies that are reporting on a calendar year and have completed their audit, CFOs have recently received or will shortly receive a management letter from their auditors. The management letter is an integral element of a company’s annual audit process as it highlights key financial findings and provides recommendations for improvements in internal control. It also raises awareness of new accounting pronouncements the company will need to adopt.

        The post Article: You’ve received your annual management letter from your auditors — now what? first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Press release: Visual Lease hosts lease accounting compliance workshops led by industry experts Mon, 10 May 2021 14:26:15 +0000

        In-house team regularly shares valuable insights to help companies gain confidence with their compliance to ASC 842 and GASB 87 

        Woodbridge, NJ – May 10, 2021 —Visual Leasethe #1 lease optimization software, now offers complimentary workshops to help organizations achieve and maintain compliance with the new lease accounting standards, ASC 842 and GASB 87. These virtual educational sessions take place monthly and explain  the best ways to handle lease accounting compliance projectincluding how to manage the applicable milestones and critical dates. The organization offers separate sessions for US GAAP (ASC 842) and GASB 87as the timing and requirements are somewhat different. 

        These workshops are led by Joe Fitzgerald CPA, SVP of Lease Market Strategy, and Alexandra Betesh, VP of Client Services at Visual Lease. Collectively, both experts have decades of experience helping companies manage their leases and achieve and maintain lease accounting compliance. 

        Attendees will learn: 

        • The ideal period to begin each phase of lease accounting preparation and how much time to allocate to each step 
        • How to incorporatlease management best practices into a lease accounting project to reduce the ongoing work needed to maintain compliance with ASC 842 and GASB 87  
        • How to effectively use Visual Lease’s exclusive Lease Accounting Milestone Planner (LAMP)™ to manage deadlines and access resources to support their project planning 

        Through our community of more than 700 customers, we’ve seen firsthand how important preparation is when it comes to lease accounting compliance,” said Joe Fitzgerald, SVP of Lease Market Strategy at Visual Lease. “Having a clear understanding of the applicable standards’ requirements directly impacts an organization’s ability to achieve and maintain compliance – and, this knowledge can also empower them to unlock value across their portfolio. With these planning sessions, we’re helping companies set themselves up for both initial and long-term compliance, and better leverage their leases as strategic assets in their business.” 

        Since the beginning of 2021, nearly 600 financial leaders and lease accounting professionals have attended Visual Lease’s thought leadership events.   

        Learn more and register for Visual Lease’s next monthly GASB 87 Planning Workshop (5/20) here.  

        About Visual Lease  

        Visual Lease is the #1 lease optimization software for managing, analyzing, streamlining and reporting on lease portfolios. Developed by industry-leading lease professionals and CPAs, it combines GAAP, IFRS and GASB-compliant lease accounting controls with easy, flexible and automated lease management processes. More than 700 of the world’s largest publicly traded and privately-owned corporations rely on Visual Lease to control their lease portfolios, integrate with their existing business systems and maintain regulatory compliance. Committed to ongoing innovation and unparalleled customer service, Visual Lease helps organizations transform their lease compliance requirements into financial opportunities. For more information, visit 

        Media Contacts 

        Erica Bonavitacola
        Visual Lease
        T+1 732 860 4838

        Geena Pickering
        T+1 212 398 9680


        The post Press release: Visual Lease hosts lease accounting compliance workshops led by industry experts first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Lease accounting pulse check: How two healthcare organizations successfully transitioned to ASC 842 Tue, 04 May 2021 19:05:06 +0000 Lease accounting (ASC 842, IFRS 16 or GASB 87) is not your average one-and-done disclosure. This whole new approach to accounting requires you to account for lease changes throughout the year with a higher level of scrutiny.   A...

        The post Lease accounting pulse check: How two healthcare organizations successfully transitioned to ASC 842 first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Lease accounting (ASC 842, IFRS 16 or GASB 87) is not your average one-and-done disclosure. This whole new approach to accounting requires you to account for lease changes throughout the year with a higher level of scrutiny 

        A daunting process for many healthcare organizationslease accounting is a large project that demands cross-functional effort. But with the right preparationit doesn’t have to be intimidating. 

        In this blog, we share an excerpt from a recent presentation featuring two major healthcare organizations, Penn State Health and Montefiore Health System, where they share how they transitioned to ASC 842 and maintained lease accounting compliance throughout the year. 

        Featured Speakers:

        Joe Fitzgerald, Visual Lease: 

        Leases are inherently cross functional. There are many stakeholders involved with leasing, each with their own processes, systems and silos – (such as brokers, procurement, legal operations, accounting, tax, IT, you name it). 

        You need to make sure you’re maintaining an accurate audit trail and implementing guardrails so the changes being made by everybody are by the book. 

        What are some of Penn State Health’s considerations regarding crossfunctional changes that affect accounting? 

        James Rogers, Penn State Health: 

        A lot of times, we found it’s believed that [lease accounting] is just a finance function. But finance relies heavily on supply chain, real estate and other departments when identifying leases. 

        To successfully work cross-functionally, we’ve set in place processes and policies, including ongoing communication between the real estate lease coordinators and finance – built around our Visual Lease solution. 

        You really have to take some time determining those policies and procedures because the process flow or the workflow will inevitably change with this new guidance, and you will as a finance department be leaning on this to help you stay compliant. 

        Joe Fitzgerald: 

        Two words come to mind, they both start with C – cooperation and collaborationHow about at Montefiore? 

        Fred Berardinone, Montefiore Health System: 

        Exactly, very similar to James. The importance of us leveraging automated lease accounting software was to have a centralized lease management system that we can build workflows according to our policies.  

        Similar to James, it’s all really finance’s domain, we would say liaison in this. But once again, this goes back to all the parties involved. 

        It’s really building the automation from the front end, from the data abstraction to Visual Lease or whatever software that whoever goes with, and into the general ledger and into accounts payable, and it’s all really getting blessed through least admin and finance.  

        So just as James mentioned, it’s really building that workflow, building those policies and procedures, and we still go back and test them, we’ll go back. We had internal audit actually take a look at our policies too, just verify that that’s how the system was working.  

        Joe Fitzgerald: 

        It sounds like what you both did at the start of the project in terms of working with the other folks has really paid off as you move forward in terms of cooperation and collaboration, that’s great. 


        To hear more about how Penn State Health and Montefiore Health System successfully use software to get and maintain audit-ready with lease accounting requirements, check out the full panel session here.

        The post Lease accounting pulse check: How two healthcare organizations successfully transitioned to ASC 842 first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Press release: Visual Lease recognized as Fastest Growing Company of the Year in 2021 American Business Awards Tue, 04 May 2021 13:52:41 +0000

        Woodbridge, NJ – May 4, 2021Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software, has been honored with a Bronze Stevie® Award in the Fastest Growing Company of the Year category in The 19th Annual American Business Awards®. The organization was recognized for its strong company culture and consistent, rapid growth.

        “We are honored to have received our first Stevie® Award,” said Visual Lease’s founder and CEO, Marc Betesh. “We recently shared the results from a successful first quarter of 2021 here at Visual Lease, and believe this recognition is a testament to all that we have and will continue to accomplish. Our growing team fuels our ability to continue to help more than 700 of the world’s largest publicly traded and privately-owned companies control their leases and master their lease accounting obligations. And, we’re just getting started.”

        In 2020, Visual Lease gained recognition within the top 10 percent on the Inc. 5000 list of fastest-growing companies in America and the top third of high-growth companies on the Deloitte 2020 Technology Fast 500™. Visual Lease was also recognized by NJBIZ as one of the Best Places to Work in New Jersey and was named No. 10 on NJBIZ’s list of New Jersey’s 50 Fastest Growing Companies in 2020. Last year marked the third straight year that Visual Lease experienced double-digit growth.

        The American Business Awards are the U.S.A.’s premier business awards program. All organizations operating in the U.S.A. are eligible to submit nominations – public and private, for-profit and non-profit, large and small.

        More than 250 professionals worldwide participated in the judging process to select this year’s Stevie Award winners.

        To learn more about Visual Lease’s culture and open job opportunities, visit its career site.

        About Visual Lease

        Visual Lease is the #1 lease optimization software for managing, analyzing, streamlining and reporting on lease portfolios. Developed by industry-leading lease professionals and CPAs, it combines GAAP, IFRS and GASB-compliant lease accounting controls with easy, flexible and automated lease management processes. More than 700 of the world’s largest publicly traded and privately-owned corporations rely on Visual Lease to control their lease portfolios, integrate with their existing business systems and maintain regulatory compliance. Committed to ongoing innovation and unparalleled customer service, Visual Lease helps organizations transform their lease compliance requirements into financial opportunities. For more information, visit

        About the Stevie Awards

        Stevie Awards are conferred in eight programs: the Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards, the German Stevie Awards, the Middle East & North Africa Stevie Awards, The American Business Awards®, The International Business Awards®, the Stevie Awards for Women in Business, the Stevie Awards for Great Employers, and the Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service. The Stevies also produce the annual Women|Future Conference.  Stevie Awards competitions receive more than 12,000 entries each year from organizations in more than 70 nations. Honoring organizations of all types and sizes and the people behind them, the Stevies recognize outstanding performances in the workplace worldwide. Learn more about the Stevie Awards at

        Media Contacts 

        Erica Bonavitacola
        Visual Lease
        T+1 732 860 4838

        Geena Pickering
        T+1 212 398 9680

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        Article: Pandemic impact: understanding, utilizing and capturing important lease clauses Wed, 28 Apr 2021 15:56:21 +0000 It’s been just over a year since the U.S. experienced a series of lockdowns in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. Lessees and lessors have had to quickly adjust their strategies to...

        The post Article: Pandemic impact: understanding, utilizing and capturing important lease clauses first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

        It’s been just over a year since the U.S. experienced a series of lockdowns in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. Lessees and lessors have had to quickly adjust their strategies to adapt to unforeseen circumstances such as office closures, restaurant shutdowns and low foot traffic at retail locations. Today, both parties are looking for added assurance when updating existing lease agreements or entering into new ones.

        The post Article: Pandemic impact: understanding, utilizing and capturing important lease clauses first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Press release: Visual Lease reports Q1 milestones in product, brand, thought leadership and industry recognitions Mon, 19 Apr 2021 16:03:06 +0000

        Company continues to make strategic investments to help organizations manage, account for and maximize every asset within their lease portfolio

        Woodbridge, NJ – April 19, 2021 Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software, today announced results from the first quarter of 2021, which included new product features, resources and branding, as well as recognition for its high level of performance and customer satisfaction. Following its third consecutive year of double-digit revenue growth, Visual Lease is poised for another successful year ahead.

        “Lease accounting standards ASC 842, IFRS 16 and GASB 87 have opened financial leaders’ eyes to the risks within their lease portfolios. We’ve anticipated this awakening, and we’ve been planning for it,” said Visual Lease’s founder and CEO, Marc Betesh. “In Q1, we continued to enhance our platform, create and distribute resources and expand our bench of industry experts to provide companies with what they need to not only minimize risk, but to also find opportunities across their lease portfolios.”

        In Q1 2021, Visual Lease:


        • Enhanced its most frequently used reports (Ad Hoc, Roll-Forward and Disclosure & Lease Accounting Standard Reports), which resulted in a 50% reduction in time for full-year report generation and greater overall performance.
        • Released a new Standards Options Report, providing an easy-to-read summary of critical options information, and empowering users to take action based on key details within their portfolio.
        • Announced a new Schedule Upload Feature, enabling users to quickly generate abandonment schedules with itemized interest and amortization entries.
        • Expanded GASB support, empowering clients to perform a sale-leaseback within the platform, accounting for the sale and subsequent leasing of a previously owned asset.


        • Unveiled its new branding, elevating its look and feel to mirror its ingenuity, passion and commitment to helping companies achieve confident lease accounting compliance with ease and unlock business opportunities within their lease portfolios.

        Thought Leadership

        • Launched its Lease Accounting  Solution Transition (LAST) PlannerTM, an interactive and easy-to-use tool that provides organizations with a custom plan to facilitate their move from one lease accounting platform to another.
        • Introduced its Lease Accounting Milestone Planner (LAMP)TM webinar series, providing companies with unique insight and resources to help them successfully plan out and schedule the steps needed to transition to ASC 842 and GASB 87.
        • Welcomed a new Senior Technical Accountant, Rosemary Courtney, CPA. Having served as a financial leader for public, private and not-for-profit companies, Rosemary brings deep expertise to the team, which she will use to help Visual Lease continue to innovate and expand its offerings.
        • Announced its Consult an Expert program, providing organizations with direct access to Visual Lease’s deep bench of accounting professionals and lease specialists.

        Industry Recognitions

        • Continued to grow its Partner Alliance network, joining forces with industry-leading organizations to deliver increased value to shared customers:
          • Expanded existing relationship with RSM US LLP to now include a managed services offering.
          • Welcomed CFGI, the nation’s largest non-audit accounting advisory firm, to its Partner Alliance network.
          • Solidified its partnership with Solomon Edwards Group (SEG), a national professional services firm focused on strategy execution.
        • Named High Performer and Momentum Leader for Spring 2021 by G2:

        “Visual Lease has been identified as a High Performer based on its high levels of customer satisfaction and quality of support ratings from real software users on G2, the world’s leading B2B software review platform. These reviews largely come from enterprise customers that Visual Lease serves,” said Dominick Duda, G2 Research Analyst. “Visual Lease’s high performance on the Spring 2021 Grid® Report for Lease Administration is a testament to both their product’s performance and the team behind their product. This position is powered by the authentic voice of the customer, captured in the verified user reviews of solutions in G2’s Lease Administration Software category.”

        To keep up with announcements from Visual Lease, visit the Visual Lease Newsroom.

        About Visual Lease

        Visual Lease is the #1 lease optimization software for managing, analyzing, streamlining and reporting on lease portfolios. Developed by industry-leading lease professionals and CPAs, it combines GAAP, IFRS and GASB-compliant lease accounting controls with easy, flexible and automated lease management processes. More than 700 of the world’s largest publicly traded and privately-owned corporations rely on Visual Lease to control their lease portfolios, integrate with their existing business systems and maintain regulatory compliance. Committed to ongoing innovation and unparalleled customer service, Visual Lease helps organizations transform their lease compliance requirements into financial opportunities. For more information, visit

        Media Contacts 

        Erica Bonavitacola
        Visual Lease
        T+1 732 860 4838

        Geena Pickering
        T+1 212 398 9680


        The post Press release: Visual Lease reports Q1 milestones in product, brand, thought leadership and industry recognitions first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Article: What’s going on with my real estate operating expenses? The experts weigh-in Fri, 02 Apr 2021 19:26:58 +0000 Landlords and tenants are struggling to reconcile 2020 building operating expenses and service charges in an atmosphere of highly irregular occupancy and operational adjustments.

        The post Article: What’s going on with my real estate operating expenses? The experts weigh-in first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

        Landlords and tenants are struggling to reconcile 2020 building operating expenses and service charges in an atmosphere of highly irregular occupancy and operational adjustments.

        The post Article: What’s going on with my real estate operating expenses? The experts weigh-in first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Article: Private market prepares to adopt new lease accounting rules: lessons learned from public companies Tue, 30 Mar 2021 19:09:57 +0000 With the ASC 842 deadline for private companies looming, there are several things private organizations can do to set themselves up for success.

        The post Article: Private market prepares to adopt new lease accounting rules: lessons learned from public companies first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

        With the ASC 842 deadline for private companies looming, there are several things private organizations can do to set themselves up for success.

        The post Article: Private market prepares to adopt new lease accounting rules: lessons learned from public companies first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Article: 14 ways tech integration can impact commercial real estate operations Thu, 25 Mar 2021 15:47:10 +0000 Real estate, as an industry, has been more accepting of technology’s benefits to the trade in recent years. A growing number of real estate companies and professionals have embraced tech...

        The post Article: 14 ways tech integration can impact commercial real estate operations first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

        Real estate, as an industry, has been more accepting of technology’s benefits to the trade in recent years. A growing number of real estate companies and professionals have embraced tech to a large degree, resulting in improved operations.

        The post Article: 14 ways tech integration can impact commercial real estate operations first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Incremental borrowing rate: what you need to know for lease accounting Mon, 22 Mar 2021 14:00:21 +0000 Among the many different calculations used in lease accounting, the incremental borrowing rate may be one of the most misunderstood. The incremental borrowing rate (IBR) is the interest rate a lessee would...

        The post Incremental borrowing rate: what you need to know for lease accounting first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

        Among the many different calculations used in lease accounting, the incremental borrowing rate may be one of the most misunderstood. The incremental borrowing rate (IBR) is the interest rate a lessee would have to pay to borrow funds to finance an asset similar to the lease’s ROU asset in value, over a similar term and in a similar economic environment. 

        And according to FASB ASC 842, lessees are now allowed to use the incremental borrowing rate to determine the discount rate used to measure their leases. 

        Let’s take a closer look at when and how to use the incremental borrowing rate in lease accounting. 

        When is the incremental borrowing rate used in lease accounting? 

        All the latest lease accounting standards, including ASC 842, require lessees to determine a reasonable discount rate for establishing the Net Present Value (NPV) of all their future lease payments. Lessees then use the NPV as the basis for determining the different components of lease schedules, including lease liabilities, ROU assets and amortization. 

        However, the accounting board also acknowledges the discount rate is not always easy to determine. In many leases, the rate is not clearly spelled out (explicit) or the information that could be used to determine the (implicit) discount rate may be missing or incomplete. 

        For instance, a lease might not specify an interest rate used to calculate the payments or the residual value at the end of the lease might be subject to change. 

        Therefore, ASC 842 guidelines allow lessees to use the incremental borrowing rate as an alternative method for determining the discount rate when they don’t have access to all the information (explicit or implicit) used to determine lease payments. 

        Why is IBR so important in lease accounting? 

        The incremental borrowing rate is used to discount future cash flows to reflect the impact of time on the remaining lease obligation. 

        For instance, on a lease with payments of $1,000 a month for five years, the organization’s lease accounting needs to recognize not only current payments but also what will be paid in the future, using the IBR to reflect the timing of individual cash flows. 

        Using the IBR as the discount rate has a tremendous impact on an organization’s balance sheet. That is because every piece of data in a lease schedule is generated off the NPV, which is determined by the discount rate — in this case, IBR — and the date and amount of each lease payment. 

        How is the incremental borrowing rate determined? 

        An organization’s incremental borrowing rate is generally a reflection of its creditworthiness based on two components: 

        • The risk-free rate, determined by the current rate on Treasury bills (T-bills) 
        • The individual organization’s specific credit rating

        The current risk-free rate for different term lengths can be found in trusted sources such as the Treasury Department website or publications such as Bloomberg or the Wall Street Journal.  

        Ideally, the IBR should also consider an organization’s current credit rating, including its debt structure and capital. This is especially true with real estate and other high-value leases. 

        For instance, a small startup company may pose more of a credit risk and therefore pay a higher IBR on real estate leases compared to a larger and more established company. 

        In addition, determining the incremental borrowing rate is often more difficult for a private organization than for a public company. 

        How is IBR different for public and private companies? 

        Public companies typically know what their IBR is, due to the ongoing financial tracking and reporting required from publicly traded companies. By necessity, these organizations usually know their average cost to capital, borrowing interest rates and other factors that affect their credit. 

        Private companies are less likely to know those factors and may not have up-to-date credit information readily available. Instead, they may have to pick a theoretical IBR based on a wide range of issues such as: 

        • The interest rate paid the last time they borrowed money 
        • How much above the risk-free rate they are likely to pay 
        • The type of asset — for example, the interest on financing a vehicle vs. financing a building 
        • Whether the asset will depreciate or appreciate 
        • The length of time over which payments will be made 
        • The organization’s borrowing activity and credit risk 
        • Market conditions and borrowing costs 

        Therefore, for simplicity, private companies often opt to use the risk-free rate as their IBR — for example, basing the IBR for a five-year lease on the rate at which five-year T-bills are currently trading.  

        What is the impact of using the risk-free rate as your IBR? 

        Looking up the risk-free rate and using it as an organization’s incremental borrowing rate is certainly easy. However, it will inflate the organization’s liabilities. 

        The risk-free rate is always the lowest borrowing rate, minus the inflation expectation. But when factored over time, the lower the interest rate is, the higher the NPV will be. That means the risk-free rate has a larger impact on the balance sheet. 

        Therefore, while it is less work to use the risk-free rate, it may not be as advantageous as determining your actual incremental borrowing rate. 

        When must the incremental borrowing rate be updated? 

        The good news is ASC 842 says once a lease schedule is established, you don’t need to recalculate the discount rate unless you need to remeasure future lease obligations due to changes such as: 

        For example, if you decide to exercise an option for a new five-year term on an existing lease, you will want to calculate the additional time and payments at a current rate rather than use the rate established at the start of the original lease. 

        However, it is important to stay up to date on inflation expectations and market rates, as well as the organization’s current credit standing. That way, if and when lease remeasurements are needed, the organization will be prepared to recalculate its IBR. 

        IBR is simpler with lease accounting technology. 

        To the extent you can determine the discount rates used to calculate lease payments, you should use those rates in your lease accounting. But when you cannot reasonably determine a discount rate, the incremental borrowing rate is a quick and easy alternative allowed by ASC 842. 

        Determining the incremental borrowing rate is a complex issue, and there is no simple formula. However, a lease technology solution like Visual Lease makes it easy to manage and track borrowing rates. 

        For instance, the platform’s Borrowing Rate table lets you establish a series of IBRs based on type of asset, organization credit rating, country, currency and the remaining lease term. 

        With all the necessary values in one place, you can easily track and modify the data points as needed. In addition, when you create a lease schedule, the Visual Lease platform will automatically select the appropriate rate based on the parameters you set up in the table. 

        To learn more, contact us at (888) 876-6500 or request a demo to see Visual Lease in action. 

        The post Incremental borrowing rate: what you need to know for lease accounting first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Article: 2020 operating expenses – an unconventional convention Fri, 19 Mar 2021 14:30:15 +0000 Commercial real estate overhead has never faced more scrutiny. While today’s highly agile workforce brings with it a newfound level of productivity, there are various impacts and considerations felt across...

        The post Article: 2020 operating expenses – an unconventional convention first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

        Commercial real estate overhead has never faced more scrutiny. While today’s highly agile workforce brings with it a newfound level of productivity, there are various impacts and considerations felt across a business.

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        Article: Proposed extension for IFRS 16: how COVID-19 is still impacting lease accounting standards Thu, 18 Mar 2021 14:49:34 +0000 These are the considerations that financial professionals should keep in mind to ensure they are prepared for changes that may emerge due to COVID-19.

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        These are the considerations that financial professionals should keep in mind to ensure they are prepared for changes that may emerge due to COVID-19.

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        Deferred rent accounting 101 for ASC 842 and ASC 840 Wed, 10 Mar 2021 14:05:54 +0000

        What is Deferred Rent Under ASC 842? 

        In lease accounting, deferred rent happens when the cash rental payment varies from its expense recognized on the financial statements and occurs when the tenant is provided free rent in one or more periods, or if there are escalating rent payments. Here is everything you need to know about deferred rent under ASC 840 and ASC 842 rules. 

        Is Deferred Rent an Asset or Liability? 

        Deferred rent is a balance sheet account traditionally used in legacy accounting standards as defined in ASC 840. Deferred rent arises when the amount expensed exceeds the amount paid. A balance will build up and then burn off when the cash paid exceeds the amount expensed.

        ASC 842 requires the total rent expense to be recognized on a straight-line basis during the lease period even if rent payments differ. The debiting or crediting of the deferred rent account monthly allows the lessee to record the rent expense using the straight-line basis and catch whatever difference is between the amount paid and the expense recognized in this account. The cumulative balance of the deferred rent when the lease is terminated has to be equal to zero. 

        Where is Deferred Rent on the Balance Sheet? 

        Deferred rent journal entries are liabilities on the balance sheet and occur when rent payments are lower than the straight-line rent expense. 

        What is the Accounting for Deferred Rent? 

        Accounting for the free rent period and subsequent periods are as follows: 

        Add the total cost of the rent payments for the entire lease period. Then divide this total amount of payments by the total number of periods in the lease, including any early access period. So although the first month was technically “free,” we still have a payment that appears on our balance sheets.

        ASC 842 Deferred Rent Example

        If the lease term is one year with the first-month rental being free and the rental rate for the coming months being $1,000, then the total rental cost will be $11,000 .

        Divide the total rental cost by the total number of periods in the lease contract including the free rental month. In our example, we will divide $11,000 by 12 months and get $917. 

        Each month of the lease, the average monthly rate should be charged as an expense, regardless of whether there was an actual payment made. In our example, the expense for the first month is $917 even if there is no actual payment since the tenant did not pay for the first month. This means that the $917 debited to expenses is offset by a credit to the deferred rent account. 

        For the remaining months of the lease, the same average amount should be charged as an expense. This is $917 in our example. Should there be an offsetting of the rental payment and if the payment and expense don’t match, then the difference should be applied to the deferred rent account. 

        In our example, the monthly payment for the remaining period after the free month has lapsed is still $1,000, an amount that’s higher by $83 than the amount charged as rent expense, which is $917. This difference should be used to reduce the amount of the deferred rent liability during the remaining months of the rental period until it becomes zero. 

        The same accounting approach should be used even if the rental amount changes throughout the lease period. For example, if the lease rate increases in the succeeding months, then the average rent expense should be charged in all months with a portion of it forming part of the deferred rent liability. 

        What is the Difference Between Prepaid Rent and Deferred Rent? 

        There’s a difference between deferred rent vs. prepaid rent. The former is a liability and occurs when the lessor provides free rent, usually at the start of the lease term, or there are escalating rent paymentsPrepaid rent is rent paid up front that is to be expensed in a future period. 

        How ASC 842 Transition Affects Deferred Rent Accounting 

        The concept of straight-line rent expense on operating leases was retained despite the transition to the ASC 842. But under the new mechanics, the deferred rent should be replaced by the Right of Use (ROU) asset and lease liability accounts. The ASC 842 guidelines are much more complicated than its predecessor, ASC 840. Thus, any lease accounting software must have ROU Asset functionality in place. It is best to go for trusted accounting software such as ours. 

        At Visual Lease, we make compliance to ASC 842 and other standards a breeze

        To learn more about how Visual Lease can help your business contact us now.

        Learn More
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        Article: Identifying trends and forging ahead: the pandemic’s impact on the commercial real estate industry Tue, 09 Mar 2021 16:22:43 +0000 To survive and thrive in today’s new norm, these same companies now need to evaluate how these decisions will continue to affect the leasing landscape, and what that means for...

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        To survive and thrive in today’s new norm, these same companies now need to evaluate how these decisions will continue to affect the leasing landscape, and what that means for their future finances and operations.

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        ASC 842 Long-term, Short-term & Month-to-month Leases Optimizations Fri, 12 Feb 2021 15:32:10 +0000 Table of Contents What is a lease term? Lease lengths defined under ASC 842 Long-term leases under ASC 842 Short-term leases under ASC 842 Month-to-month leases under ASC 842 ASC...

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        Table of Contents

        Organizations are increasingly seeking flexible lease options, with short-term leases becoming more popular. Lease accounting standards treat different lease lengths differently. This blog explains the ASC 842 requirements for accounting for long-term, short-term, and month-to-month leases.

        What is a lease term?

        A lease term refers to the specific duration for which a lease agreement is in effect. It is the period of time during which a tenant has the legal right to occupy and use the leased property, as outlined in the terms and conditions of the lease contract. Lease terms can vary widely depending on the type of property, the landlord’s preferences, and the negotiation between the parties involved. Lease terms are typically stated in months or years, and they establish the start date and the end date of the lease agreement. At the end of the lease term, the parties may choose to renew the lease, negotiate new terms, or vacate the property, as specified in the lease agreement.

        Lease lengths defined under ASC 842

        For organizations that must comply with ASC 842, long-term, short-term and month-to-month leases are defined as follows.

        Long-term leases under ASC 842

        Long-term leases are at least one year and one day in duration or longer. Note: Long-term leases are defined the same way across all three major accounting standards (ASC, IFRS and GASB).

        Short-term leases under ASC 842

        Short-term leases are a duration of one year or less. Note: Under ASC 842, the short-term lease classification is a practical expedient you can choose to apply to an entire asset class. (Read more about the practical expedient for short-term leases below.)

        Month-to-month leases under ASC 842

        Month-to-month leases are a legal status that varies across different leases and different states. For accounting purposes, the key criteria of these leases are there is no set expiration date and they can be canceled by either party.

        ASC 842 Long-term Lease Accounting

        Long-term leases have a greater impact on financials, given they remain on the balance sheet for an extended period of time. When making contract renewal decisions for long-term leases, you may find yourself examining their impact on your balance sheet.

        Generally, lease renewals involve exercising an option in a current contract or negotiating a new contract. When a contract includes a renewal option, you do not have to exercise it; instead, you can seek to renew the lease with new terms.

        For example, you might choose to not exercise an upcoming renewal option on an existing long-term lease with a new five-year term and higher rent than the current market rate. Instead, you could try to negotiate a lower price or a shorter lease term that will limit your commitment to the higher rent.

        Lately, more organizations have been negotiating their existing contracts to take advantage of lower market rates and/or shorten their lease term.

        Best practices for long-term lease renewals

        By starting the lease renewal process early — ideally 9 to 12 months prior to lease expiration — you have enough time to explore alternative leases, see what is happening in the market and know what the best rates are. This puts you in a good position to possibly negotiate a new lease.

        This is especially true for real estate leases, which are often long-term. Finding a new location and planning a move takes a lot of time and money. If you wait too long, or too close to the lease expiration, you could end up exercising an option you don’t want or changing to a month-to-month lease because there is too little time to move or to negotiate a new contract.

        To avoid this, lease management software like Visual Lease can alert you about upcoming renewal deadlines and other critical dates. This is incredibly useful when planning next steps and making timely decisions.

        ASC 842 Short-term Lease Accounting

        Under ASC 842, the “short-term” lease designation can be applied to an entire class of leases rather than on a lease-by-lease basis. By electing this practical expedient, short-term leases do not need to be reported on the balance sheet. This and other practical expedients simplify the lease classification process and help organizations more easily adhere to the new lease standard.

        That means when you are first classifying and entering your leases into a lease management system, you should decide up front whether all leases of a particular asset class will be designated as short-term leases. For example, you might decide to treat all real estate leases or all equipment leases (or a particular type of equipment, such as copiers) of one year or less as short-term leases.

        If you elect to apply the short-term designation, all leases that are one year or less in duration will be handled as short-term leases, with no exceptions. If you choose not to elect the practical expedient, then all leases will be considered long-term regardless of their duration.

        Lease management software such as Visual Lease makes it easy to set up fields for different asset classes (such as real estate and equipment) and select which (if any) should be treated as short-term leases. With all your lease information in the system, the Visual Lease platform can then automatically determine which leases meet the short-term lease criteria based on the designated asset classes and contract dates and properly report the expense.

        Short-term lease renewal challenges

        Just like long-term leases, short-term leases can be renewed by exercising an option or negotiating a new contract. However, exercising an option or extending the length of a short-term lease is tricky because it can affect the “short-term” classification.

        As an example: Suppose you have a one-year short-term lease with a renewal option, and you decide 3 months before the end of the current term that you’re going to exercise the option and extend the lease for one more year. With the remaining 3 months of the existing lease term plus the 12 months of the renewal term, you now have extended the contract to 15 months — exceeding the short-term lease criteria of one year (12 months) or less in duration.

        In this case, the contract would now be considered a long-term lease, and you would need to identify the lease asset and determine the liability for accounting purposes.

        But suppose instead you wait until the very end of a lease term before deciding to renew a short-term lease for another year. In this case, is adding a year to the existing term considered a lease extension, requiring the lease to be reclassified as long term?

        Although ASC 842 does not provide explicit guidance for this situation, the feedback from the major auditing firms indicates that the one-year renewal could be treated as a distinct short-term lease. So, theoretically, you could be in a space for multiple years but only commit to one year at a time at the very end of each year, resulting in successive short-term leases.

        ASC 842 Month-to-Month Lease Accounting

        Sometimes organizations allow existing leases to become month-to-month to delay decisions about long-term commitments. Ideally, an organization would have a minimum number of these leases and manage them strategically — making a conscious decision to go month-to-month for a limited time only.

        However, organizations may have month-to-month leases because renewals were not completed on time. Or sometimes the organization does not have a good strategy for replacing month-to-month leases and ends up continuing them “by default” rather than by choice.

        Regardless, to maintain accurate lease accounting financial data, you should have an easy way to manage month-to-month leases. With Visual Lease software, you can change the status of a month-to-month lease at any time. Lease management and accounting software lets you easily modify lease information, change the commencement date and add a forecasted expiration date and other data to create a new schedule and calculations for month-to-month tenancy.

        Visual Lease also makes it easy to track the dollars associated with a month-to-month lease, including any rent that applies during a holdover as well as straight-line rent expenses. The system can even identify month-to-month leases and show them as short-term lease expenses in disclosure reports.

        Use lease lengths to your advantage

        By understanding how the different lease terms are defined, you can more simply manage them in a strategic way.

        Using a lease management software platform like Visual Lease allows your organization to strategically manage lease terms by:

        ● Applying consistent treatment to leases according to classification, asset class and any practical expedients that are elected

        ● Providing tools for creating, tracking, reporting and analyzing lease terms and costs

        ● Alerting decision makers about critical lease dates and deadlines for exercising lease options and renewals

        Learn more about how to account for different lease terms from one of Visual Lease’s in-house experts. Check out our on-demand webinar Managing Short-Term, Long-Term and Month-to-Month Leases (and Everything in Between).

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        Article: Uncover an unlikely profit center: transforming lease compliance into savings opportunities Thu, 04 Feb 2021 15:00:21 +0000 This past year, organizations across the globe have faced unprecedented challenges as they navigate new business models and virtual work environments. For many, it’s been a race against the clock...

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        This past year, organizations across the globe have faced unprecedented challenges as they navigate new business models and virtual work environments. For many, it’s been a race against the clock to find and implement technology that will allow them to survive and thrive in this new era.

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        Article: WFH’s sheen wears off for some large companies Thu, 04 Feb 2021 14:56:18 +0000 Another day, another breathless survey repeating what we’ve been hearing for the last year: work-from-home is more than just a passing trend, and it just may be here to stay....

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        Another day, another breathless survey repeating what we’ve been hearing for the last year: work-from-home is more than just a passing trend, and it just may be here to stay. But NABE data show that a mere 11% of panelists expect all employees to return to a physical office.

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        How to handle lease concessions: deferrals, abatements and other modifications Thu, 28 Jan 2021 18:53:24 +0000   What are rent concessions? Rent concessions are discounts, incentives, or other benefits provided by landlords to tenants. Landlords sometimes offer rent concessions to entice tenants to sign a new...

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        What are rent concessions?

        Rent concessions are discounts, incentives, or other benefits provided by landlords to tenants. Landlords sometimes offer rent concessions to entice tenants to sign a new lease — or concessions may come up as part of lease negotiations. For instance, due to the impact COVID-19 had on businesses, many companies asked for concessions from their landlords in 2020 to ease costs related to real estate leases. 

        Under the lease accounting standards, any lease concession must be captured and accounted for on the balance sheet. While FASB and IFRS offer some flexibility in how to account for rent concessions, including abatements and deferrals, their unpredictable nature presents an ongoing challenge to lease accounting and compliance.  

        In this blog, we identify some common lease concessions and offer some helpful advice for handling them. 

        What are some common rent concessions?

        Common types of rent concessions include abatements, deferralsshort paysimpairments and early terminations. 

        What is rent abatement?

        An abatement is a temporary decrease in the rental rate. When this option is elected, a landlord and tenant often negotiate a short-term abatement so that the payment reduction applies for a defined period, such as three or six months. 

        Therefore, a rent abatement typically changes the total amount of rent the tenant will pay over the full lease term. 

        What is a lease deferral? 

        deferral is a temporary reduction in rent that requires repayment of the balance later. This does not change the total amount of the payments the tenant will make but defers the timing of the payments. 

        Landlords may be more willing to work with tenants on a rent deferral than an abatement. However, they may agree to an abatement in exchange for some trade-off of rights and obligations, such as extending the lease term.

        What are short payments? 

        short pay is a partial payment. A landlord might agree to accept a short pay until the tenant can repay the remaining amount of the lease payments.  

        A short or partial payment results in a liability. In addition, since a short pay is considered a late payment (even if it is paid on time), it may be subject to late fees unless both parties agree otherwise. 

        What is a lease impairment? 

        An impairment is when the current value of a leased asset (such as real estate, vehicles, or equipment) is lower than the balance due according to the lease. The result is the impairment of the ROU asset, which may require a different amortization calculation for operating leases. 

        From the lease holder’s point of view, assets may be impaired if the demand for those assets decreases or if rental rates drop significantly.

        What are early terminations? 

        An early termination is when a tenant decides to end a lease before its expiration date. But unless a lease includes an early termination clause, companies face serious repercussions when they terminate a commercial lease early. 

        For instance, if a company decides to terminate a lease early, it may still have to pay some or all the rent due through the end of the lease term. In addition, the landlord might sue for monetary damages. 

        Even if a lease does include an early termination clause, it generally imposes a termination fee and may include some restrictions or other reimbursements to the landlord. 

        (Learn more about the costs of early terminations and other lease obligations.)

        What are best practices for handling rent concessions?

        Treat similar leases the same way. 

        Both FASB and IASB allow you to choose to treat all lease concessions as either variable payments or a lease modification. This means you can treat similar leases the same way. (Read the FASB Q&A on lease concessions here.)  

        In other words, you do not have to comb through the terms of every contract to determine whether it meets the guidance for a lease modification or a variable payment treatment. This is a practical expedient that saves time and simplifies decision-making 

        There are two important things to keep in mind:  

        • You should disclose that you elected to treat similar leases the same way, as well as the treatment you chose to apply to lease concessions — variable payment vs. lease modification. (See more on disclosures below.) 
        • If a deferral, abatement or other concession requires you to exercise a renewal option that results in a significant change, you may have to account for the concession as a modification. 

        There is some flexibility in lease abatement accounting. 

        Both FASB and IASB allow you to treat rent abatements as either existing lease obligations or as negotiated modifications to the lease terms. However, if the lease concession materially increases the landlord’s rights or the tenant’s obligations, it must be treated as a modification.  

        • If an abatement is considered a variable lease payment, no remeasurement is required and the abatement flows through to any disclosure reporting.  
        • If an abatement is considered a negotiated modification, a remeasurement should be run when the abatement term is agreed on and continue through the rest of the lease term. 

        For example, a large manufacturing company that reports under IFRS 16 handled a three-month rent abatement by reducing its short-term and long-term liabilities for those months while still showing activity from a balancing perspective. From a P&L perspective, the company showed the benefit of no rent expense for those three months.

        Accounting for Rent abatement under ASC 840 and ASC 842

        ASC 840

        Under ASC 840, lease abatement is treated as a reduction in the cost of the lease over the lease term. The following are some examples of how lease abatement is accounted for under ASC 840:

        If a company receives a rent abatement for the first 6 months of a 10-year lease, the rent abatement is treated as a reduction in the cost of the lease. The cost of the lease is reduced by $300,000 (6 months * $50,000 per month). The rent expense is reduced by $50,000 per month over the remaining 9 years of the lease.

        ASC 842

        Under ASC 842, lease abatement is treated as a lease modification. Lease modifications are changes to the terms of a lease that are made after the lease has been entered into. Lease modifications can be either beneficial or onerous to the lessee.

        If a lease abatement is beneficial to the lessee, it is recognized as a reduction in the lease liability over the lease term. If a lease abatement is onerous to the lessee, it is recognized as a lease liability over the lease term.

        For example: 

        If a company receives a rent abatement for the first 6 months of a 10-year lease, the rent abatement is treated as a beneficial lease modification. The lease liability is reduced by $300,000 (6 months * $50,000 per month). The rent expense is reduced by $50,000 per month over the remaining 9 years of the lease.

        Financial statement impact of rent abatement and rent-free periods under ASC 840

        The financial statement impact of lease abatement under ASC 840 can vary depending on the specific terms of the lease and the amount of the lease abatement. However, in general, lease abatement can have the following financial statement impacts:

        • Reduced cost of goods sold: If the lease abatement is treated as a reduction in the cost of the lease, it will reduce the cost of goods sold on the income statement. This can improve the company’s gross profit margin and net income.
        • Reduced rent expense: If the lease abatement is treated as a reduction in rent expense, it will reduce the rent expense on the income statement. This can also improve the company’s gross profit margin and net income.
        • Increased right-of-use asset: If the lease abatement is treated as a lease modification, it will increase the right-of-use asset on the balance sheet. This can have a negative impact on the company’s debt-to-equity ratio and financial leverage.
        • Reduced lease liability: If the lease abatement is treated as a beneficial lease modification, it will reduce the lease liability on the balance sheet. This can have a positive impact on the company’s debt-to-equity ratio and financial leverage.

        Financial statement impact of lease abatement under ASC 842

        The financial statement impact of lease abatement under ASC 842 can vary depending on the specific terms of the lease and the amount of the lease abatement. However, in general, lease abatement can have the following financial statement impacts:

        • Reduced rent expense: If the lease abatement is treated as a reduction in rent expense, it will reduce the rent expense on the income statement. This can improve the company’s gross profit margin and net income.
        • Increased right-of-use asset: If the lease abatement is treated as a lease modification, it will increase the right-of-use asset on the balance sheet. This can have a negative impact on the company’s debt-to-equity ratio and financial leverage.
        • Reduced lease liability: If the lease abatement is treated as a beneficial lease modification, it will reduce the lease liability on the balance sheet. This can have a positive impact on the company’s debt-to-equity ratio and financial leverage.

        Think ahead when planning for deferred lease payments. 

        With a lease deferral, your organization needs to consider a number of variables and make decisions based on how it will impact your company’s P&L statement.  

        • If you choose to report a deferral as a variable expense, you will book the benefit of the lease concession today and the expense of the repayment at a future point in time.  
        • If you choose to treat the deferral as a lease modification, the immediate impact will be less, but the expense will be spread out and extend into future periods. 

        For some companies, it might make sense to push the expense of deferred rent off to next year rather than inflate payments for FY2020. For instance, suppose a company that received a 3-month rent deferral in 2020 wants to defer payment as far into 2021 as possible. If the company treated the deferral as a variable payment, it would have to recognize the rent expense in 2020 even if the payments are made in 2021. 

        Be sure to provide disclosures. 

        As with much of lease accounting under the new standards, there are a lot of decisions to make. Providing lease accounting disclosures will help auditors and understand your financial statements, including:  

        •  Any abatements, deferrals or other lease concessions received 
        • Whether all leases (or similar leases) are treated the same way 
        • Which practical expedients were chosen 

        By providing disclosures, you can clarify decisions you’ve made and demonstrate that you have treated lease concessions consistently. 

        Look ahead for ongoing compliance 

        During a Visual Lease webinar, a quick survey of the attendees showed roughly half received some sort of rent concession. These and any other companies that receive lease concessions must account for and disclose those concessions if they are going to maintain FASB and IFRS compliance.  

        As you plan for lease accounting, keep these key takeaways in mind: 

        • You can take advantage of a practical expedient that allows you to treat similar lease concessions the same way. 
        • Look ahead to plan whether you should book expenses now or later, and choose a lease concession treatment accordingly (variable payment vs. lease modification). 
        • Provide disclosures to clarify your accounting decisions and demonstrate that you’ve applied lease treatment options consistently. 

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        Article: 54% of office tenants received rent relief from landlords last year Thu, 28 Jan 2021 16:26:46 +0000 Commercial office leases were on the chopping block last year as companies grappled with the impacts of COVID. Of the companies surveyed in a new Visual Lease report, 50% received...

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        Commercial office leases were on the chopping block last year as companies grappled with the impacts of COVID. Of the companies surveyed in a new Visual Lease report, 50% received some kind of monetary relief, with the majority of assistance coming from Paycheck Protection Program loans, leveraged insurance policies and lawsuits.

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        Press release: Visual Lease introduces 2021 lease market impacts trends report Mon, 25 Jan 2021 17:18:13 +0000

        Research uncovers how the pandemic has impacted landlords and tenants, and trends to expect within the commercial real estate market 

        Woodbridge, NJ – January 25, 2020 —Visual Leasethe #1 lease optimization software, published its lease market trends report, which explores how the leasing industry has changeas a result of COVID-19. In 2020, the pandemic affected nearly every business, but had a particularly notable impact on the commercial real estate market. Rent disputes, lease abandonments, and, in some cases, court battles carried on throughout the yearimpacting landlords and tenants across the globe. Although the future remains uncertain, there are many signs of recovery for the commercial real estate space. 

        In the report titled 2021 Lease Lifecycle Management Trends Report: Identifying Insights into How the COVID-19 Pandemic Affected Landlords and Tenants, Visual Lease explores how its customers have fared since the pandemic began, and how they are managing their businesses in 2021. Survey respondents spanned across several industries, including retail, manufacturing, technology and healthcare, among others 

        Key survey findings include:

        • Roughly three in five (59%) companies reported a loss in revenue since the start of the COVID-19 outbreak in March 2020 
        • 80% of respondents expect the financial impact of COVID-19 on their business to be short-term – over half (54%) of respondents expect to recover in less than a year, while 26% say they have already recovered 
        • Of the companies surveyed, 50% received monetary relief to combat the challenges associated with COVID-19 
        • 38% of respondents reported that COVID-19 related terminations have impacted the number of lease agreements under management   
        • More than 1/3 (39%) of respondents had no plans to downsize office space while 18% already had done it – 37% were considering/planning for it 
        • 16% of those surveyed said they were open to co-working spaces vs. large facilities for office space 

        In 2020, we saw more shifts in the commercial real estate industry than ever before. Companies had to adjust their business strategies to accommodate employees, government mandates and the changing economy, which led to new challenges and an acceleration of trends that we were seeing pre-pandemic,” said Marc Betesh, CEO of Visual Lease. “In 2021, the impact of COVID-19 will still be a factor for many organizations. However, we are optimistic that this year, the industry will continue to find innovative ways to adapt to the new landscape.”  

        For more information about the report and to view the eBook, click here.

        To learn more about key findings from the report and how lease optimization can unlock financial opportunities, join Visual Lease for a webinar on Tuesday, February 23, at 12:30 p.m. ET. To register, click here 

        About Visual Lease

        Visual Lease is the #1 lease optimization software for managing, analyzing, streamlining and reporting on lease portfolios. Developed by industry-leading lease professionals and CPAs, it combines GAAP, IFRS and GASB-compliant lease accounting controls with easy, flexible and automated lease management processes. More than 700 of the world’s largest publicly traded and privately-owned corporations rely on Visual Lease to control their lease portfolios, integrate with their existing business systems and maintain regulatory compliance. Committed to ongoing innovation and unparalleled customer service, Visual Lease helps organizations transform their lease compliance requirements into financial opportunities. For more information, visit

        Media Contacts 

        Erica Bonavitacola
        Visual Lease
        T+1 732 860 4838

        Geena Pickering
        T+1 212 398 9680

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        Press release: Visual Lease reports strong end to 2020 Tue, 19 Jan 2021 16:32:21 +0000

        Company grows its customer base by 21% and revenue by 22% YoY, emerges as the market’s leading lease optimization software

        Woodbridge, NJ – January 19, 2020 Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software, today announced its 2020 business results, citing a 22 percent increase in revenue year-over-year, making it the third straight year that Visual Lease experienced double-digit growth. Along with an increase in revenue, Visual Lease reported a 21 percent increase in its customer base.

        “Today, companies are focusing on both the substantial risks and the opportunities in their lease portfolios,” said Visual Lease’s founder and CEO, Marc Betesh. “This shift is not only in response to mandatory lease accounting compliance deadlines, but also in reaction to the impacts of COVID-19. Our continued growth and innovation are a testament to our ability to help businesses achieve compliance, streamline key processes, generate financial savings and most importantly, optimize their lease portfolios to help meet their business goals.”

        Visual Lease’s 2020 milestones include:

        • Launched its Integrations Hub, empowering users to streamline workflows across systems and securely leverage lease data using auditable file transfers and flexible APIs.
        • Introduced Approvals, an internal preventative control feature, enabling users to asynchronously manage and monitor changes to critical lease information data.
        • Released the Roll Forward Report, a one-click report that provides users with a deeper level of supporting evidence for reconciliation efforts.
        • Established strategic partnerships across the accounting, real estate and technology sectors, growing its Partner Alliance Program by more than 100 percent since 2019.
        • Migrated its system to Amazon Web Services (AWS), providing users with unmatched network performance.
        • Unveiled VL University, supplying customers with a dedicated virtual training center to maximize their use of the platform.
        • Recognized within the top 10 percent on the 5000 list of fastest-growing companies in America and the top third of high-growth companies on the Deloitte 2020 Technology Fast 500™. Designated No. 10 on NJBIZ’s list of New Jersey’s 50 Fastest Growing Companies and recognized by NJBIZ as one of the Best Places to Work in New Jersey.
        • Named Most Recommended for Lease Accounting Software by Capterra and a High-Performer by G2.

        Visual Lease’s plans for 2021 include:

        • Introducing new product features to further enable customers to take control of their lease portfolios while successfully achieving compliance with GAAP, GASB and IFRS standards.
        • Considerably increasing its workforce, hiring top talent to deliver on its commitment to customers and partners.
        • Investing in its Integrations Hub, facilitating the ability for users to utilize third-party solutions and leverage lease data from across their business via one centralized location.
        • Expanding strategic partnerships with key organizations, growing its Partner Alliance Program.

        “This year, lease compliance is front and center for more than 125,000 companies in the U.S.,” said Joe Fitzgerald, SVP of Lease Marketing Strategy at Visual Lease. “With our expertise, software and service, we’re poised to help these organizations achieve so much more than compliance. Together, we can unlock opportunities to not only support their business needs today, but to create the foundation required for more strategic management of these leased assets in the future.”

        To check out new announcements from Visual Lease, visit its newsroom.

        About Visual Lease

        Visual Lease is the #1 lease optimization software for managing, analyzing, streamlining and reporting on lease portfolios. Developed by industry-leading lease professionals and CPAs, it combines GAAP, IFRS and GASB-compliant lease accounting controls with easy, flexible and automated lease management processes. More than 700 of the world’s largest publicly traded and privately-owned corporations rely on Visual Lease to control their lease portfolios, integrate with their existing business systems and maintain regulatory compliance. Committed to ongoing innovation and unparalleled customer service, Visual Lease helps organizations transform their lease compliance requirements into financial opportunities. For more information, visit

        Media Contacts 

        Erica Bonavitacola
        Visual Lease
        T+1 732 860 4838

        Geena Pickering
        T+1 212 398 9680



        The post Press release: Visual Lease reports strong end to 2020 first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Tenant improvement allowance accounting for landlords Fri, 01 Jan 2021 19:30:43 +0000

        Cell phone companies offer new phones to entice clients to renew their contracts. Retailers slash their prices to draw consumers to purchase. Car dealerships hand out freebies and discounts. In the world of consumption, who would refuse attractive incentives?

        Landlords also entice prospective tenants with alluring offers, especially when the real estate market is in a slump. One of the popular incentives is a commercial tenant improvement allowance (TI allowance or TIA for short). But what exactly is it and how is tenant improvement allowance accounting handled? Here are the basics:

        What is a tenant improvement allowance?

        A TI allowance is money provided by the landlord to a tenant to help fund any improvements to space. Fast tenant improvement allowances can also be used to pay for costs associated with moving to the rented property.

        What qualifies as a tenant improvement?

        Normally, a landlord allows the TI to be used on hard and soft costs of a renovation project.

        Hard costs pertain to improvements that can be left behind after the tenant leaves the property. Such improvements are beneficial to the landlord.

        On the other hand, soft costs barely provide any direct benefits to the landlord but, are required components of the renovation like construction management fees.

        Below are some examples of hard costs:

        • Electric
        • HVAC
        • Plumbing
        • Walls
        • Framing
        • Windows
        • Doors
        • Carpet

        What is typically not covered by a Tenant Improvement Allowance?

        Most landlords do not allow the TI allowance to be used for miscellaneous expenses incurred to cater to the specific needs of the client or improvements that do not provide any value to the landlord. Improvements that can be removed once the tenant leaves are not covered by the TI allowance either. However, in some cases, landlords would be willing to contribute a small share of the TI allowance for some expenses to secure a rental contract.

        Below are some examples of costs normally not covered by a TI allowance:

        • Data cabling
        • Furniture
        • Fixtures
        • Equipment
        • Electronic equipment
        • Moving expenses

        How were tenant improvement allowances accounted for under ASC 840?

        Under ASC 840, tenant improvement allowances (TIAs) were treated as lease incentives. Lease incentives are payments made by a lessor to a lessee to induce the lessee to enter into a lease. Under ASC 840, lease incentives were recognized as reductions to rent expenses by the lessee on a straight-line basis over the term of the lease.

        The lease incentive obligation liability was then amortized over the term of the lease, with a corresponding reduction to rent expense.

        It is important to note that TIAs should not be netted against leasehold improvements. Leasehold improvements are improvements made by a lessee to leased property, and they are accounted for as fixed assets. TIAs are simply payments made by a lessor to a lessee, and they are accounted for separately.

        How to account for tenant improvement allowances under ASC 842

        Under ASC 842, tenant improvement allowances (TIAs) are still classified as incentives, but they are no longer reported as a lease incentive obligation liability to be amortized over the life of the lease. Instead, they are reflected in the initial measurement of the right-of-use asset (ROU asset) and sometimes the lease liability at the inception of the lease, depending on when the allowance is received.

        When initially adopting ASC 842, any unamortized lease incentive obligation liabilities are eliminated and reclassified to the new ROU asset’s opening balance. After initial implementation of the new standard, TIAs will continue to be recognized in the ROU asset and potentially lease liabilities.

        ASC 842 describes lease incentives as “paid” or “payable” depending on the timing of their receipt. This article uses the same terminology and describes how to account for both types.

        How much is the typical tenant improvement allowance?

        Prospective tenants should provide a detailed and accurate cost projection of the planned renovation. Otherwise, they would be seeing a TI allowance of $10 to $20 for every square foot, amounts that would barely cover the costs of plumbing, electricity, or carpeting. The excess amount needed for the renovations not covered by the TI allowance would be paid for by the tenant.

        It is the landlord who will decide how much he or she is willing to spend on the TI allowance. The amount the landlord spends depends on the real estate market conditions, the value of the tenant and the value-added of the proposed commercial lease build out clause.

        Is a tenant improvement allowance a loan?

        The typical TI allowance is not a loan that has to be paid back by the tenant. However, there is an amortized TI allowance, which is a combination of a TI and a loan provided by the landlord.

        The tenant improvement allowance amortization is a provision in the contract that has to be negotiated between the tenant and the landlord.

        An amortized TI provides for additional funds needed to complete the renovations. It allows the tenant to borrow money with interest from the landlord. The loan is like a bank loan where tenants have to pay the amortization over the term of the lease.

        How is tenant improvement allowances accounting done?

        Tenant improvement allowance accounting depends on who initially funds the improvement and oversees the renovation work. Different scenarios impact the accounting for TI allowance:

        owns the improvements

        owns the improvements


        The journal entries depend on which of the above scenarios are chosen.

        Landlord owns the improvements

        When the landlord pays for the renovation and tenants supervise the work or when the landlord pays and oversees the improvement, then it is the landlord who owns the improvements.

        In this scenario, the landlord is required to record the improvements as a fixed asset and then depreciate the value of the improvements over a specified period.

        For example, if the improvement costs a total of $10,000, the landlord will use this figure and divide it throughout the lease. The figure from this division would be subtracted from the rental income annually.

        The length of time depends on the classification of the rental property: residential or non-residential. Generally, residential property is depreciated for 27.5 years and a non-residential property is depreciated over 39 years. However, costs that are not covered by the TI allowance such as fixtures, furniture, and equipment are depreciated over 7 years.

        The landlords will be depreciating the cost of the improvements over the lease period. If there is a new tenant who doesn’t require any improvements to the property, then the landlord can simply carry on with the depreciation schedule until the value of the improvements has been exhausted.

        If the property was damaged or destroyed, then the landlord has to write off the remaining undepreciated balance of the asset that will appear as a loss in the income statement.

        Tenant owns the improvements

        If the tenants provided the funds for the majority of improvements, then it is the tenant who owns the improvements. In this scenario, the tenant will record the TI allowance received as an incentive. The amount spent on improvement will be amortized over the period of the rental term.

        In cases when the amortization period is longer than the rental period, then the tenant is required to write off the remaining amount.

        Flow-through arrangement

        In this scenario, tenants have to declare the deductions from rent as income. For the landlord, the rent will be treated as a cash payment but the cost of the improvements will be depreciated.


        Tenant improvement allowances paid at or before commencement of the lease

        TIAs can be paid at or before the commencement of the lease.


        TIA paid at or before commencement of the lease
        Transition to ASC 842
        TIA received at lease commencement

        Accounting Treatment
        Reduces the ROU asset’s opening balance
        Any unamortized balance of a TIA is debited and reclassed to the ROU asset’s opening balance
        Debit to cash and adjust the initial ROU asset recognized

        Under ASC 842, TIAs are accounted for as a direct adjustment to the right-of-use (ROU) asset’s opening balance. The ROU asset is the asset that a lessee obtains by entering into a lease. It is calculated as the present value of the lease payments.

        When a TIA is paid at or before the commencement of the lease, it reduces the ROU asset’s opening balance. This is because the lessee is essentially receiving a payment from the landlord that reduces the amount of money that they will have to pay over the life of the lease.

        In the month/period of transition to ASC 842, any unamortized balance of a TIA is debited to remove the lease incentive liability from the balance sheet and reclassed to the ROU asset’s opening balance with a credit. This journal entry ensures that the ROU asset is accurately reflected on the balance sheet after the transition to ASC 842.

        After the transition, TIAs received at lease commencement are recognized as a debit to cash and adjust the initial ROU asset recognized. The remaining line items to record a new lease are a credit to the lease liability and a debit to the ROU asset, adjusted to equal the initial liability balance less the TIA received.

        Tenant improvement allowances payable after the commencement of the lease

        When TIAs are paid after the commencement of the lease, they are factored into both the lease liability and right-of-use (ROU) asset measurement. The lease liability is calculated as the present value of all future payments, including those received for the allowance. The ROU asset is the asset that a lessee obtains by entering into a lease. It is calculated as the present value of the lease payments.

        The payments for improvements will be reflected in the periods they are expected to be received during the lease term and netted with the rent payments for that period. This means that the lease liability will be lower due to factoring in the expected cash receipts, and subsequently, the ROU asset balance will also be lower.

        Tenant improvement allowances neither paid nor payable at the commencement of the lease

        ASC 842 does not provide specific guidance on how to account for tenant improvement allowances (TIAs) that are neither paid nor payable at the commencement of the lease. This can make it difficult for lessees to determine how to properly record these allowances in their financial statements.

        Here are two approaches to accounting for TIAs that are not paid or payable at the commencement of the lease:

        1. Maximum reimbursement approach: This approach assumes that the lessee is reasonably certain to incur the maximum amount of reimbursable costs under the lease. The maximum amount of the TIA is then treated as an incentive payable, which is recognized through a reduction of the lease liability and right-of-use (ROU) asset.
        2. Actual reimbursement approach: This approach waits until the reimbursable costs have actually been incurred before reducing the ROU asset and lease liability. The reduction of the ROU asset is then recognized prospectively over the remainder of the lease term.

        The best approach to accounting for TIAs that are not paid or payable at the commencement of the lease will depend on the specific facts and circumstances of the lease. However, the maximum reimbursement approach is generally considered to be the most conservative and straightforward approach.

        Tenant improvement allowance accounting made easier

        The TI allowance is a concession with outstanding benefits both for the landlords and tenants. It helps landlords in securing lease contracts while allowing tenants to improve the space.

        However, tenant improvement allowance accounting isn’t always easy, since who pays and oversees the improvements affects how the allowance should be accounted for. Fortunately, there is reliable lease accounting and lease administration software like Visual Lease that can help.

        For more information on how Visual Lease can help your business evaluate your leases, reach out to us today.

        Learn More

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        2021 Guide to IFRS Compliant Lease Accounting Software Fri, 01 Jan 2021 14:00:00 +0000 Changes in accounting standards have made lease accounting more difficult. Adopting IFRS 16 lease accounting, for example, has made compliance cumbersome as it involves adjusting to new policies, systems and...

        The post 2021 Guide to IFRS Compliant Lease Accounting Software first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Changes in accounting standards have made lease accounting more difficult. Adopting IFRS 16 lease accounting, for example, has made compliance cumbersome as it involves adjusting to new policies, systems and processes. But with IFRS lease accounting software, a firm’s compliance with new standards can be a breeze.

        While the January 1, 2019 deadline for IFRS 16 compliance has passed, research shows that many firms are still lagging in their transition to the new standard. This is probably because some are still practicing IFRS 16 illustrative examples using Excel sheets, while others are using accounting software that doesn’t deliver on its promises.

        If compliance with the new standard remains a problem, then it’s time to find a reliable software solution. Here’s a basic guide to the new standard and how a reliable IFRS 16 software solution can help your business.

        How are IFRS 16 leases calculated?

        Under IFRS 16, lessees must recognize their assets and liabilities coming from a lease. After all, the standard’s goal is to report information that offers a basis for companies to determine the timing, amount and uncertainty of cash flows arising from rentals, as well as a faithful representation of lease transactions.

        IFRS 16 mandates that lessees recognize the assets and liabilities for all short-term rentals, or those with a lease term of 12 months or below, except in cases where the asset value is low. Lessees must also recognize the right-of-use asset that represents the underlying rented asset, as well as the lease liability that represents the obligation to make rental payments.

        What is IFRS Compliant Accounting Software?

        Lease accounting software is an application designed specially to automate the report processing for the new standards — GASB 87, ASC 842, SFFAS 54 and IFRS 16. The software gathers information about a rental contract, such as payment frequencies, rent formulas and discount rates, then does the necessary calculations to generate the required journal entries for financial statements.

        IFRS 16 Software Key Features & Benefits

        There are plenty of software solutions promising quick and easy compliance with the IFRS 16 standard. However, since not all software is created equal, businesses should look for the following key features.

        Configured to meet All IFRS 16 disclosure requirements

        The new standard contains plenty of changes when it comes to disclosures. There are now more disclosures needed, including the total outflow of leases, right-of-use assets and interest expenses for lease liabilities.

        A reliable IFRS 16 software solution should have the proper configurations to generate all the disclosure reports the business needs.

        Data intelligence

        The accounting software should be designed to handle all the complexities of IFRS 16 to ensure accuracy and save the business a lot of time. Some of the data features that the software should have include borrowing rate charts, practical expedient elections and useful life charts.

        Full support for all internal controls

        Reflecting the bulk of the lease contracts into the balance sheets highlights the company’s lease accounting controls. It is essential, then, to opt for IFRS 16 software that can provide support to internal controls. 

        This means choosing a software solution offering features like data entry validation and role-based access.

        Cloud-Based SaaS system

        A centralized location and availability of data are some of the primary benefits of having a SaaS tool for lease accounting. 

        A SaaS system allows the accounting department staff to access lease documents anywhere as long the person has access to the internet. A centralized location and easily accessible information save companies time and space, eliminating the need for hordes of files in hard copies. 

        In addition, users in accounting and other departments can have custom access levels for lease contract data. This feature allows the company to provide access to those who need it without compromising data security. 

        Automated critical alerts

        Missed, late or over payment of leases can happen if companies stick to the manual way of doing things. Fortunately, these can all be avoided with a stable IFRS 16 software solution. Automated alerts that are sent via email every time an important date is coming up prevents missed or late lease payments.

        Does IFRS 16 apply to software licenses?

        There are also software leases in lease accounting, entertaining the right-to-use for the software once the lease contract starts. The software should be treated as an intangible asset in compliance with IAS 38. However, accounting for software leases is outside the scope of IFRS 16.

        IFRS 16 software can ease the transition

        Transitioning to new accounting standards, including IFRS 16, will always be complicated. Businesses would do well to invest in a reliable lease accounting software to manage the changes and help the accounting department adopt IFRS 16. 

        At Visual Lease, we ensure a smooth transition to the new standards with our reliable software.

        The post 2021 Guide to IFRS Compliant Lease Accounting Software first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Lease accounting: The key difference between the GAAP and IFRS new lease standards Thu, 31 Dec 2020 16:00:21 +0000

        difference between gaap and ifrs

        Beginning in 2006, there was a concerted effort by the two accounting standard bodies (FASB and IASB) to synchronize their respective standards on leasing to assure consistency and uniformity. The effort culminated last year with the release of the two new standards: IASB’s international standard (IFRS 16, Leases) and the U.S. GAAP standard (FASB’s Accounting Standard Update (ASU) No. 2016-02 Leases, Topic 842).

        The new IFRS 16 lease accounting standard went into effect in 2019, along with U.S. GAAP lease accounting for public companies. Private companies have until December 15, 2021 to adopt the new GAAP standard (ASC 842).

        While the two standards are closely aligned, particularly relating to putting lease assets and liabilities on the balance sheet, there are significant differences between IFRS and GAAP.

        In this article, we’ll explore the key difference between GAAP and IFRS when it comes to lease accounting under the new standards.

        How is a lease defined under IFRS lease accounting vs. GAAP

        Perhaps the most significant difference between the GAAP and IFRS lease standards is the definition of a lease. While the IFRS standard considers all leases as financial leases, the FASB/U.S. GAAP standard differentiates between an operating lease and a finance lease.

        Under the new FASB standard, both types of leases require a lessee to put a right-of-use asset and a lease liability on the balance sheet. However, in the case of a finance lease, interest on the lease liability is recognized separately from the amortization of the right-of-use asset in the income statement.

        For an operating lease, a single lease cost, generally allocated on a straight-line basis over the lease term, is presented in the income statement.

        Materiality of assets

        Another key difference between the GAAP and IFRS standards is the issue of materiality. The IFRS standard maintains an exemption for low value assets such as telephones and computers. A threshold of $5,000 was cited by the IASB as a parameter to use to assess materiality.

        The US GAAP standard doesn’t specify a cost level but allows that lease assets that are considered immaterial, need not be capitalized.

        Sublease accounting classifications

        Another key difference between the GAAP and IFRS standards relates to the classification of a sublease:

        • FASB’s ASU No. 2016-02 requires an initial lessee that subleases the underlying asset, therefore becoming a sub-lessor, to determine the classification of the sublease by referencing the leased asset in the original lease.
        • IFRS 16 requires that the sub-lessor determine the sublease classification by referencing the right-of-use asset that arose from the original lease.

        Variable lease payments

        Yet another key difference between the GAAP and IFRS standards centers on the question of variable lease payments.

        Lessees are required to measure these variable lease payments initially at the index or rate on the lease commencement date. The remeasurement of these payments, however, differs under the two bases of accounting:

        • Under US GAAP, a lessee remeasures the payments only when it is required to reassess the lease obligation for other purposes.
        • IFRS, however, requires an entity to remeasure these payments every time an adjustment to the lease payments takes effect.

        How to define a lease term under IFRS vs. GAAP lease accounting

        Both standards permit a lessee to apply a short-term lease exemption for a lease with a term of 12 months or less. However, there’s a difference between GAAP and IFRS when it comes to the definition of a lease term.

        In determining the lease term, a lessee excludes purchase options that it is reasonably certain to exercise under US GAAP. A lessee excludes all purchase options from this determination under IFRS.

        Sale leaseback transactions

        Another key difference between GAAP and IFRS is related to sale leaseback transactions.

        A sale and leaseback transaction is not a sale under US GAAP if it does not satisfy the sale requirements in Topic 606, Revenue from Contracts with Customers. If the transaction is a sale, the seller-lessee can recognize the entire gain on the transaction.

        Under IFRS, a sale and leaseback transaction is not a sale if it does not meet the requirements for determining when a performance obligation is satisfied in IFRS 15, Revenue from Contracts with Customers (similar to Topic 606 under US GAAP). If the transaction is a sale, the seller-lessee can only recognize a gain for the amount that relates to the buyer-lessor’s residual interest in the leased asset at the end of the leaseback.

        Learn more: Sale Leaseback and the New Lease Accounting Standards

        Difference between GAAP and IFRS lease standards: Good news and bad news

        In summary, the good news is that the IFRS and GAAP leasing standards are quite similar and address the primary objective of the new standards: to make the leverage effect of leasing more transparent.

        But the bad news is that there are differences between the GAAP and IFRS standards requiring careful analysis of the lease portfolio, particularly for US based companies with international operations and leases.

        Are you ready to implement the new lease accounting standards? Our Lease Accounting Software can help you implement these new lease accounting standards and keep you IFRS & GAAP compliant. Still not sure, find out what you need in lease accounting software.


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        Article: Proposed FASB changes and the road to lease accounting compliance Tue, 22 Dec 2020 17:09:34 +0000 How has COVID-19 impacted the road to compliance and the accounting industry? Visual Lease’s Joe Fitzgerald discusses why FASB has proposed new changes to its lease guidelines and what it...

        The post Article: Proposed FASB changes and the road to lease accounting compliance first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

        How has COVID-19 impacted the road to compliance and the accounting industry? Visual Lease’s Joe Fitzgerald discusses why FASB has proposed new changes to its lease guidelines and what it means companies on their compliance journey.

        The post Article: Proposed FASB changes and the road to lease accounting compliance first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        What You Need to Get Compliant With GASB 87 Sun, 20 Dec 2020 13:15:23 +0000

        As you probably know, all government entities must comply with GASB 87, the latest lease accounting standard issued by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board, with reporting for the period beginning June 15, 2021. 

        The new standard affects state, local and municipal governments, along with many organizations in areas of the public sector such as higher education, healthcare and utilities.

        The process for ensuring compliance with GASB 87 is a long and complex one, which means there is not a moment to waste between now and the deadline. To ensure success, organizations are advised to be compliant before their reporting deadline.

        Why a sense of urgency about GASB 87 compliance?

        As we discussed in our blog on 4 things you need to know about GASB 87, many organizations are still largely unprepared for everything they need to do to meet the compliance requirements.

        In fact, our research shows that not long ago, 74% of organizations interested in a GASB 87 lease accounting software solution were only in the initial phases of planning. These organizations have a daunting task ahead of them, with challenges including:

        • Understanding the full extent of their lease portfolios, often across many different departments and locations across the organization
        • Determining what kinds of leases they have and whether those leases must appear on the balance sheet
        • Identifying and collecting all the data points needed for lease calculations and footnotes disclosures — often, originating from different systems and in different formats
        • Implementing the new required accounting methodology, such as the new rules for calculating lease liabilities/assets and receivables/deferments

        Our research also found that more than half (59%) of organizations preparing for GASB 87 were focused on lease inventory — a critically important yet preliminary step in achieving compliance. 

        However, organizations must also consider the tremendous effort that is involved in preparation after they’ve identified all their leases. Any organizations that have not yet prioritized this crucial step must do so before it’s too late.

        When and how to move toward GASB 87 compliance

        As our accounting partner Baker Tilly advises, now is the time to start planning for implementation. Whether you are just getting started — or already doing a lease inventory —  you need to think about a software solution for managing the data, performing the necessary calculations and generating reports according to GASB 87 standards.

        That’s where lease accounting and management software can help you not only meet GASB 87 requirements, but also maintain compliance beyond the initial reporting period.

        Know what to look for in GASB 87 compliant software

        When evaluating lease accounting software, naturally you’ll want to look for a solution that specifically supports GASB 87, which requires all contracts that meet the definition of a lease to be recognized in financial statements and classified as a finance lease.

        In addition, to ease the transition to GASB 87 and streamline the lease accounting process, you’ll want to look for a solution with the following capabilities and benefits.

        Intuitive and easy to use

        • Streamline lease data collection with other business applications, such as ERPs and accounts receivable
        • Enable automated calculations and financial reports
        • Support configurable data fields and reports to match your compliance requirements and organizational needs
        • Centralize all your lease information within one system

        Robust, best-in-breed functionality

        • Incorporate years of lease financial management experience built within each feature and functionality
        • Prioritize future-readiness with ongoing investments in R&D
        • Focus on data security and privacy

        Lease portfolio accuracy 

        • Provide data visualization for visibility into lease details and costs, enabling more informed business decisions
        • Streamline lease detail management via system alerts for lease events and changes that could impact your ongoing financial reporting

        Put your multitasking skills to work on GASB 87

        With no time to spare, meeting the initial compliance deadline requires going to work immediately on gathering lease portfolio data — and at the same time, evaluating lease accounting software solutions so you can implement a solution as soon as possible.

        To learn more about the requirements of GASB 87 and how your organization can better prepare for compliance, download our free white paper Get Ready for GASB 87 Lease Accounting

        The post What You Need to Get Compliant With GASB 87 first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Press release: Visual Lease named among NJBIZ’s top ten fastest growing companies in New Jersey Thu, 17 Dec 2020 15:00:42 +0000

        Woodbridge, NJ – December 17, 2020 — Visual Lease, the leader in lease accounting and management software, today announced the company was named No. 10 on NJBIZ’s list of New Jersey’s 50 Fastest Growing Companies in 2020. This recognition highlights Visual Lease’s rapid growth and commitment to its strong culture.

        The awards program honors New Jersey’s most dynamic companies that contribute to the state’s economic growth and stability. Visual Lease’s revenue nearly quadrupled from 2017 to 2019, and to support its ongoing expansion, the organization has grown its headcount by 325 percent in over the last three years.

        “We are incredibly honored and humbled to be named among the fastest-growing companies in New Jersey,” stated Visual Lease Founder and CEO, Marc Betesh. “Visual Lease’s debut on this list can be attributed to our industry-leading lease optimization software and unparalleled customer experience. Our 98% customer retention rate is undoubtedly powered by a dedicated and growing team, and I look forward to what we will continue to accomplish together.”

        To qualify for this award, companies must have reported revenue of at least $500,000 each year from 2017 to 2019.

        Earlier this year, Visual Lease gained recognition within the top 10 percent on the Inc. 5000 list of fastest-growing companies in America and the top third of high-growth companies on the Deloitte 2020 Technology Fast 500™. Visual Lease was also recognized by NJBIZ as one of the Best Places to Work in New Jersey. Since 2016, Visual Lease has grown its employee base by more than 1,000 percent and has plans to increase headcount by an additional 50% in 2021.

        To learn more about Visual Lease’s culture and open job opportunities, visit its career site.  

        About Visual Lease

        Visual Lease provides lease accounting and lease administration software solutions to help companies manage, analyze and report on their leased asset portfolios, including real estate, equipment and more. The company’s SaaS platform combines GAAP, IFRS and GASB-compliant lease accounting controls with sophisticated and flexible lease portfolio administration. Over 700 of the largest publicly traded and privately-owned corporations, retailers, hospitals and institutions around the globe rely on Visual Lease’s cloud-based SaaS platform to meet operational and compliance requirements. For more information, please visit

        Media Contacts 

        Erica Bonavitacola
        Visual Lease
        T+1 732 860 4838

        Geena Pickering
        T+1 212 398 9680

        The post Press release: Visual Lease named among NJBIZ’s top ten fastest growing companies in New Jersey first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Why roll-forward reports are essential for lease accounting Tue, 15 Dec 2020 20:16:10 +0000   Table of Contents What is a roll-forward report? The importance of roll-forward reports Roll-Forward Reports: Meeting Lease Accounting Standards The advantages of roll-forward reports Creating Comprehensive Roll-Forward Reports Why...

        The post Why roll-forward reports are essential for lease accounting first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>


        Table of Contents

        The new lease accounting standards include a variety of disclosure reports to give financial auditors visibility into an organization’s leasing activities. Although the standards do not explicitly mention roll-forward reporting, they do require companies to explain changes to leases on the balance sheet disclosing not only amounts gained or lost, but also why those gains or losses occurred.

        What is a roll-forward report?

        Roll-forward reports are a valuable tool for meeting this lease accounting requirement. They provide a detailed explanation of lease financials including period over period changes to right-of-use (ROU) assets, as well as short-term and long-term liabilities.
        What makes roll-forward reports so valuable for lease accounting and compliance?

        The importance of roll-forward reports

        If lease activity remained the same over time ,it would besimple to show amortization of ROU assets and liabilities , with schedules specifying asset and liability reductions in each period.

        The challenge is that ,in reality, a company’s leases and liabilities are always changing due to events such as:

        • New leases or transitions
        • Modifications
        • Impairments
        • Terminations
        • Regular amortization

        Roll-Forward Reports: Meeting Lease Accounting Standards

        To comply with the latest lease accounting standards, accounting must accurately and thoroughly report all those changes, including lease additions or subtractions as well as the reasons why those changes occurred.


        • If a company needs to book a loss onan impaired asset ,the lease accounting is required to show the details including the corresponding reduction in the ROU asset.
        • If a company received rent abatements and decided to treat them as remeasurement events rather than variable rent expenses, the lease accounting must clearly reflect the resulting amounts and how and why the company calculated them.

        Roll-forward reports are an effective method for disclosing these and other changes that occur in the life of company’s leases.

        The advantages of roll-forward reports

        Theroll-forwardreport ingconcept issimilar toa statement of cash flows, which reconcile the differences between the cash position on the balance sheet and on the P&L statement.

        A roll-forward report does the same thing, but forleases—provid inga window into an organization’s lease portfolio, activities and business decisions, including why there are additions or subtractions in lease financials. For instance, a report may show a large change in liability but also reveal it is offset by additional lease assets.

        In addition, r oll-forward report sare a vehicle for separating finance lease s fromoperating leasesas required forASC 842compliance. The reports can also segregate and report lease information according to asset classes.

        Creating Comprehensive Roll-Forward Reports

        1. Data Accuracy

        Roll-forward reports outline the changes in your balance sheet period over period. Therefore, the first step to a roll-forward report is to ensure your lease information is accurate, up tod ate andc omplete .

        2. Multiple Data Sources and Locations

        Roll-forward reports ofteninclude leaseinformationcollectedfrom multiple sources ,such as the different departments responsible for real estate, office and IT equipment, vehicles and other assets. Data gathering may also involve individual locations in different cities, states, regions or countries.

        3. Tailoring Reports to Fit Your Needs

        The information with in roll-forward reports will vary depending on company structure, assets, and accounting and reporting needs. An example, you might create a report for the entire lease portfolio — or fora single asset, a particular department within the company, a sub-organization within a multi-national corporation or an asset class(such as real estate or equipment).

        4. Elements of an Informative Roll-Forward Report

        To be truly beneficial, the report must explain why changes happened in lease financials, as well as the amounts. Therefore, roll-forward reports for a ROU asset or a short- or long-term liability typically include the following:

        • Beginning balance
        • Additions—including new leases, transitions and modifications
        • Deductions—including modifications, impairments, terminations and amortizations
        • Recalculatede ndingb alance— including the mathematical formula
        • Ending balance comparison for the period
        • Total liability balance

        5. Transaction Classification

        The roll-forward report should classify each transaction by asset type and include payments, amortization and interest. Where companies have a classified balance sheet, they should report bothshort-term and long-term liabilities, including monthly reclassifications or, if payments are not monthly, interest accruals.

        Why use roll-forward reports?

        Roll-forward reports are an important tool for both lease accounting compliance and ongoing lease visibility. They enable financial statement users to easily view lease changes, the reasons behind themand their impact, all in one report.

        By implementing a technology platform that automates roll-forward reporting, organization scan streamline information gathering, calculations and reporting while ensuring that the process meets compliance requirements.

        Visual Lease’s industry-leading lease accounting platform supports roll-forward reporting for better validation and transparency . The platform ’s roll-forward report capabilities provide userswithaclearunderstanding of lease changes and how they impact the business . Users may easilyviewall the supporting data and leaseactivity right within the platform. Visual Lease canalsoautomatically separate financeandoperating leases for compliance with ASC 842 .

        To learn more, watch our on-demand webinar Roll-Forward Reports: When to Do it, How to Do it, and How to Automate It .

        The post Why roll-forward reports are essential for lease accounting first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Visual Lease launches the integrations hub, providing powerful, flexible & open access to lease data Thu, 10 Dec 2020 21:24:33 +0000 Lease portfolios often account for a massive portion of a company’s risk exposure and overhead. And yet, most businesses lack visibility into their leases to understand their obligations and options – and...

        The post Visual Lease launches the integrations hub, providing powerful, flexible & open access to lease data first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Lease portfolios often account for a massive portion of a company’s risk exposure and overhead. And yet, most businesses lack visibility into their leases to understand their obligations and options – and make agile decisions as their businesses grow.

        There are several reasons for this:

        Leases are complex, constantly evolving agreements with high-stakes terms often buried in the contracts. Managing leases can be difficult due to data silos and distributed responsibilities across operations, real estate and accounting teams. This means there’s a lot of room for crossed wires, missed deadlines and costly mistakes.

        Lease accounting compliance brought the pressing need for lease portfolio management to light. When FASB announced ASC 842, several solutions flooded the market to solve this problem. However, not all of them could.

        Technology that attempts to do it all (lease administration, business intelligence, accounts payable, etc.) generally does not. Often, efficiencies promised within all-in-one solutions are lost to mediocre functionality and execution. This is especially true in a software category as new as lease accounting.

        The stakes are too high to take chances. Companies require specialized lease administration and accounting tools, and they need those tools to seamlessly integrate into their processes and technology stacks at each stage of the lease lifecycle.

        How to Optimize the Lease Lifecycle

        From sourcing to contract negotiation to termination, there’s a lot that goes into the lifecycle of the lease – and each stage is dependent on the last.

        • Procurement decisions are better when you have informed analytics on asset utility.
        • Lease accounting reports are better when you have all your lease management information centralized and accessible.
        • It’s easier to manage your leases when you can easily reference important clauses and deadlines embedded in contracts.


        There are countless software and service providers dedicated to streamlining every stage of a lease. But they can only maintain accuracy if data flows between them securely, automatically and asynchronously.



        With the right solution for each facet of your business and a secure, flexible tech stack, companies can leverage their leased properties and equipment as strategic financial assets vs. overhead expenses.

        Integrations are the key to connect those solutions, drive efficiency and unlock insights and financial opportunity.

        Introducing the Integrations Hub, a powerful new way to automate workflows, unlock insights and achieve end-to-end compliance across your lease portfolio and your business.

        The Integrations Hub offers flexible, open platform access to any third-party application. Users can simply schedule, monitor, manage and automate data imports and exports to and from Visual Lease at any time. (Think of it as a lease lifecycle electrical socket, allowing you to supercharge your tech stack with a simple plug-in.)

        Given the complexity and often customized configurations in accounting technology, a one-size-fits-all API isn’t enough. We believe there is no such thing as a silver bullet integration – whether it’s built by us or anyone else.

        With the Integrations Hub you’ve got more options to leverage your lease data, including:

        • Low-maintenance Managed File Transfers for schedule automated data imports and exports
        • An accessible Developer Portal with a comprehensive REST API Library enabling customized, real-time data connectors. With just a few lines of code, a developer can access accurate data along with powerful and complex processes in a repeatable way.
        • Track every transfer in real-time with the integrations hub Dashboard to cat ensure data integrity and auditability.

        It’s all backed by the industry’s most informed and experienced professional services team.

        Imagine the possibilities:

        • Align every line in your general ledger by connecting journal entries from Visual Lease or tracking payment information in accounts payable.
        • Convert currencies across continents by plugging in currency rate tables to Visual Lease for always-accurate calculations, no matter the location.
        • Inform Business Intelligence by surfacing the right data at the right time in the system and format where it’s most helpful.

        The technology team at Newmark was instrumental in helping us build and test this new technology, and they’re already using the Integrations Hub to leverage lease data across their tech stack.

        Newmark is a Visual Lease customer and a leading commercial real estate firm that provides a fully integrated platform of services to prominent multinational corporations and institutional investors across the globe.

        The technology team at Newmark was instrumental in helping us build and test this new technology, and they’re already using the Integrations Hub to connect lease data to their Business Intelligence tool, NavigatorCRE.

        According to Carla Hinson, Newmark’s Executive Managing Director, Global Technology, this opens up possibilities.

        At our live launch event, Hinson sat down with Bobby Paulus, Visual Lease’s Director of Strategic Alliances, to talk through her experience getting Newmark’s integrations set up, the value they’re are already experiencing and what’s next on their roadmap. To listen to the full conversation, watch the event recording.

        If you’re ready to supercharge your tech stack– and integrate your lease data across systems, we’re excited to help you get you plugged in. Check out this page on our website for more information.

        The post Visual Lease launches the integrations hub, providing powerful, flexible & open access to lease data first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Press release: Visual Lease launches integrations hub, provides customers with powerful, flexible & open access to lease data Wed, 09 Dec 2020 15:08:21 +0000

        Innovative product enhancement makes it faster, easier and more scalable for companies to activate their system integrations 

        Woodbridge, NJ – December 9, 2020 — Visual Lease, the leader in lease accounting and management software, today announced the launch of its Integrations Hub, offering flexible, open platform access to third-party applications. The company unveiled its comprehensive product capabilities during a virtual launch event on December 8th. 

        The Visual Lease Integrations Hub enables users to automate the exchange of data across ERPs, Business Intelligence (BI) tools and other systems of record to streamline the delivery critical, time-sensitive business insights. The solution also empowers developers, providing open access to powerful, pre-built system connections and a dashboard to monitor integration performance in real time.  

        The Integrations Hub includes: 

        Integrations Dashboard 

        • Real-time visual data feeds that provide system administrators and developers with the ability to monitor potential issues and catch and correct them proactively, ensuring data integrity and end-user efficiency 

        Managed File Transfers  

        • System administrators can easily set up automated import and export processes with an Outlook-like scheduling tool 
        • Users can achieve end-to-end compliance by getting the complete import/export history with supporting file documentation, providing a complete audit trail 

        API Developer Portal 

        • Developers can quickly gain access to the tools and information they need to explore, test and consume APIs 
        • Includes a library of pre-built REST APIs that enable real-time connection of lease data with ERPs and other critical systems 

        “Visual Lease has developed innovative, next-generation integration capabilities that will redefine the way companies use lease information to make business decisions. Leases contain critical, complex information. With the right solution, companies can leverage information about their leased properties and equipment to unlock financial opportunities,” said Martin Murtland, VP of Product at Visual Lease“We recognize there is no one-size-fits-all use of lease information, so the Integrations Hub was designed to provide options for accountants, lease administrators and developers that are the best fit for their unique business needs.” 

        Visual Lease customer and leading real estate services company, Newmarkshared its experience using the Integrations Hub to connect lease data to its Business Intelligence tool, NavigatorCRE. Visual Lease’s powerful integration capabilities made it possible for us to easily overlay key lease information with other relevant portfolio data. Having dynamic lease data accurately displayed alongside Occupancy, Operations, and Capital Projects KPIs allows us to help our clients make data-driven portfolio decisions,” stated Carla Hinson, Executive Managing Director, Global Technology at Newmark, during the virtual launch event. 

        Most companies lack the necessary visibility into their leases to understand their obligations and options to make agile decisions as their businesses grow – or need to respond to unforeseen circumstances,” said Marc Betesh, Founder and CEO of Visual Lease. “Visual Lease is redefining the lease software industry – and removing data silos across operations, real estate and accounting teams.” 

        For more information on the Visual Lease Integrations Hub, you can view the recording of the 12/8 live launch event here. 

        About Visual Lease

        Visual Lease provides lease accounting and lease administration software solutions to help companies manage, analyze and report on their leased asset portfolios, including real estate, equipment and more. The company’s SaaS platform combines GAAP, IFRS and GASB-compliant lease accounting controls with sophisticated and flexible lease portfolio administration. Over 700 of the largest publicly traded and privately-owned corporations, retailers, hospitals and institutions around the globe rely on Visual Lease’s cloud-based SaaS platform to meet operational and compliance requirements. For more information, please visit

        Media Contacts
        Jennifer Garcia
        Visual Lease
        T+1 732 596 8110

        Geena Pickering
        T+1 212 398 9680

        The post Press release: Visual Lease launches integrations hub, provides customers with powerful, flexible & open access to lease data first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Article: COVID’s impact on FASB proposed changes Fri, 04 Dec 2020 16:01:36 +0000 As the accounting profession navigates the challenges brought on by COVID-19, FASB shifted the deadline to grant private companies more breathing room to achieve compliance with its major lease accounting...

        The post Article: COVID’s impact on FASB proposed changes first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

        As the accounting profession navigates the challenges brought on by COVID-19, FASB shifted the deadline to grant private companies more breathing room to achieve compliance with its major lease accounting standards, including ASC 842, and recently released proposed changes to its lease guidance – some of which are a direct result of the pandemic.

        The post Article: COVID’s impact on FASB proposed changes first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        How to solve for the top ASC 842 lease accounting challenges Mon, 23 Nov 2020 19:25:02 +0000 How to Abstract, Manage and Report on Lease Data  When FASB issued its update to the lease accounting standard, the main goal was to increase the transparency and comparability of financial reporting.  ...

        The post How to solve for the top ASC 842 lease accounting challenges first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

        How to Abstract, Manage and Report on Lease Data 

        When FASB issued its update to the lease accounting standard, the main goal was to increase the transparency and comparability of financial reporting.  

        Unfortunately, there are many complex decisions and actions required to successfully achieve compliance. You’ll want to make sure to provide yourself with enough time and resources to get it done right. 

        Fortunatelyyou’re not alone – and hundreds of public and private companies have already gone through this process. With proper insight into common potential obstaclesyou can more clearly navigate through the process and achieve success. 

        While there is certainly no shortage of difficult tasks to achieve compliancewe’ve narrowed down the top 4 common lease accounting challenges experienced by public companies – and how to solve them.  


        Challenge 1: Centralizing all leases in one place   

        A crucial first step in the transition to ASC 842 is to identify all leases held by an organization and enter the pertinent information in one location. 

        To do so, you will need to start by gathering each lease within your organization, including any leases that may be part of a contract, such as an embedded lease. This effort requires careful analysis and judgment – and typically involves extensive coordination across departments and business units to ensure all leases are included 

        Often a time-consuming and cumbersome exercise, it is crucial to provide your organization with ample time to complete this step. (For help with your project timeline, request a customized milestone planner to outline when to begin).  

        Once all the leases within your company have been identified, you’ll need to import important lease information into a centralized location to help you view all your leases in one place and access lease information at any time. 

        This step often contains a high volume of labor-intensive work. Extracting lease data (also known as abstracting) from complicated contracts is a complex task that will need to be done for every lease – and any time your company signs new leases and modifies existing lease contracts.  

        Depending on the size of your company and resources availableyou may need to assess whether it is better to perform this this task in-house or with external professional abstracting resources.


        Challenge 2: Identifying technology that does more than calculate  

        Your chosen lease accounting technology is just as critical to the lease accounting standard transition and will greatly impact your ongoing ASC 842 compliance 

        While some solutions may sound similar on paper, only a select few are able to provide you with the proper tools to ensure your company’s lease information is accurate at the get-go, and remains up-to-date over time with minimal effort. 

        If you are in the market for a systemdonsettle for any solution that promises to produce accounting calculations. Youll need to make sure it also makes it easy to facilitate ongoing, long-term compliance by properly tracking lease updates. 

        From the start, look for a tool that can deliver the following: 

        • System Integration Capabilities: Lease accounting data should be able to easily integratinto necessary third-party applications to further automate of journal entriesfinancial disclosures and accounts payable information. Previously, many companies did not pay attention to integrating their leases within their accounts payable system, but with the advent of the new standard, your business may benefit from re-examining its payment processes through a solution that facilitates integration between accounts payable and the lease information. 
        • Lease Management Features: Ensure up-to-date lease information with tool that makes it easy to track and manage leaseon an ongoing basis. With lease information that is searchable and available at a glance, your business can stay on top of payments, renewals and options, as well as compliance requirements. 
        • Modern Software Updates: Don’t get stuck using a system that doesn’t prioritize developing new features and capabilities. To keep up with the most current trends in lease accounting, you’ll want to make sure your chosen system is dedicated to helping you achieve your goals and saving you time by releasing new innovative features and functionality. 

        Save yourself the trouble and inefficiencies of a tool that underpromises its ability to deliver what you need – and more importantly, consider the long-term impact of lease accounting software to avoid having to start all over again after you’ve already done the hard work of preparing for the lease accounting deadline. 


        Challenge 3: Making critical decisions that impact business financials 

        In the early stages of transitioning to ASC 842there are a number of essentialalbeit challenging decisions that companies are responsible for, which impact overall lease accounting and reports. 

        • Applying the ASC 842 Guidance: When transitioning to the new standard, companies can elect one of two approaches to apply the guidance: 
          • Most commonly, you can retrospectively apply the guidance at the beginning of the period of adoption through a cumulative-effect adjustment, known as the modified retrospective approach. In this approach, you no longer are responsible for capturing leases you no longer hold. However, this option presents its own challenges, requiring all lease data to be current and up to date. 
          • Uncommonly, you can retrospectively apply the guidance to each prior reporting period presented in your financial statements along with the cumulative effect of the initial application, to the earliest period presented. In this approach, you are restating prior periods as the standard had applied to them, which presents an enormous challenge to recalculate and apply the current standard to leases you no longer hold. 
        • Determining Discount Rates: Companies need to exercise judgment when determining their discount ratesThe elected discount rate can have a substantial impact on your balance sheet. 
          • For lessees, if the discount rate is clearly stated within a lease – called an explicit rate – the lessee is required to use that. However, it is rare for a lease to include this – and nearly impossible to calculate without itTo do so, the lessor would need the lessors financial information to determine this discount rate. 
          • If that rate cannot be easily determined, companies can use the incremental borrowing rate (IBR). The IBR is the rate you would have to pay or borrow on a collateralized basis over a similar term. While this is a more common option to select, it also presents its own challenges. IBRs are often easier for big companies, but more difficult for private companies. However, it’s common for private companies to pick riskfree rate 
        • Payments and Allocations: When calculating lease liability, companies must decide whether to consider renewal periods and termination periods, which ultimately impact the length of liability (and financial obligation) in financial reports.  
          • You may also choose to allocate lease payments between lease components and non-lease components, depending on what practical expedients (see below) your company has elected.  
        • Policy Elections: When choosing policy elections, it’s important to consider the current policies and types of lease contracts.  
          • Selecting policy elections help to determine the broader impact, rather than just the immediate impact on your financials.  
        • Disclosure Requirements: While the new standard includes quantitative and qualitative disclosure requirements, companies are responsible for more than the minimum reports documented in the guidelines. 
          • Company management needs to consider the disclosure requirements within existing lease contracts and plan how to gather the relevant disclosure information. Organizations must be able to explain the changes made within their balance sheet periodoverperiod – and may do so through a roll-forward report. 
        • Practical Expedients: FASB allows certain practical expedients to facilitate transition accounting and general lease accounting.  
          • You should select the practical expedients carefully after considering your current accounting policies and the broader impact of these practical expedients.  
          • You may need to choose some of these elections as a package, as described in ASC 842 Practical Expedients and Transition Requirements 

        Challenge 4: Meeting ongoing auditingrisk management and tax accounting needs 

        Early coordination with auditing, risk management and tax functions of your company is another important element of planning that commonly presents challenges for companies while adopting ASC 842. 

        • Auditing – This standard is brand new – and theres flexibility in the guidelines, which leaves some areas open to interpretation. Meet with your auditors early in the adoption process to help substantiate your decisions – which will only save you time when it comes for the time of the audit. This helps ensure that any questions about system controls are addressed prior to transition to ASC 842, including: 
          • The overall control environment surrounding leases 
          • Automated versus manual controls 
          • System implementation requirements 
        • Risk Management  There are now higher stakes to having an accurate balance sheet with up-to-date lease information. Therefore, effective risk management includes a high level of interaction between lease accounting and administration to keep accurate lease financials and ensure payments are made on timeTo do this properly, a selected lease accounting system should include the ability to identify and maintain leases. 
        • Tax Accounting – While tax accounting is often separate and distinct from financial accounting, recognition of deferred taxes may be a component of lease accounting. So, confer with your tax expert to make sure the general ledger and the lease accounting system properly consider deferred taxes. 

        Although there are various decisions ahead that require careful consideration for the lease accounting deadline, there are many resources available to help. Hundreds of public and private companies have already navigated the various requirements – and achieved success, which you can learn from 

        By arming yourself with as much information as you can ahead of time, you too can be prepared to reach lease accounting compliance. Furthermore, a lease accounting system can provide you with an automated, easy transition to the new guidance – and result in significant savings for your business that you may have previously overlooked to help control, reduce or negotiate lease costs. 



        The post How to solve for the top ASC 842 lease accounting challenges first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Article: E-commerce poised to anchor future of industrial real estate Thu, 19 Nov 2020 18:15:19 +0000 In the current economic environment, businesses are searching for new ways to save cash. However, they often overlook one critical aspect of their business: real estate management. Real estate leasing...

        The post Article: E-commerce poised to anchor future of industrial real estate first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        In the current economic environment, businesses are searching for new ways to save cash. However, they often overlook one critical aspect of their business: real estate management. Real estate leasing costs often represent one of their top three expenses, usually coming in right behind payroll. And most view their leasing costs as locked in, with little ability to impact them.

        The post Article: E-commerce poised to anchor future of industrial real estate first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Press release: Visual Lease ranked in the top third of high-growth companies on deloitte 2020 technology fast 500™ Wed, 18 Nov 2020 14:29:12 +0000

        Expansive demand for robust lease accounting and management solutions drives 1,193% revenue growth over a three-year period

        Woodbridge, NJ – November 18, 2020 — Visual Lease, the leader in lease accounting and management software, today announced that the company ranked 167 on Deloitte’s Technology Fast 500™, a ranking of the 500 fastest-growing public and private technology, media, telecommunications, life sciences and energy tech companies in North America. Visual Lease revenue grew by 1,193% over a three-year period, from 2016 to 2019.

        Marc Betesh, CEO and Founder of Visual Lease, credits the company’s industry-leading technology, 98 percent customer retention rate and the market demand for lease accounting compliance for its impressive revenue growth.

        “Being named one of Deloitte’s fastest-growing companies is a testament to our dedication to providing an exceptional customer experience,” stated Betesh. “Visual Lease offers robust lease accounting capabilities that are unmatched within the industry. I’m proud of our team who has worked so hard to deliver solutions and services that address the need to manage and account for critical lease information.”

        Deloitte’s Technology Fast 500 list selects winners based on percentage fiscal year revenue growth from 2016 to 2019.

        In order to be eligible for Technology Fast 500 recognition, companies must own proprietary intellectual property or technology that is sold to customers in products that contribute to a majority of the company’s operating revenues. Companies must have base-year operating revenues of at least $50,000 USD, and current-year operating revenues of at least $5 million USD. Additionally, companies must be in business for a minimum of four years and be headquartered within North America.

        Earlier this year, Visual Lease’s explosive growth gained recognition within the top 10 percent on the Inc. 5000 list of fastest-growing companies in America. Since 2016, Visual Lease has grown its employee base by more than 1,000 percent and has plans to introduce new roles in 2021.

        About Visual Lease

        Visual Lease provides lease accounting and lease administration software solutions to help companies manage, analyze and report on their leased asset portfolios, including real estate, equipment and more. The company’s SaaS platform combines GAAP, IFRS and GASB-compliant lease accounting controls with sophisticated and flexible lease portfolio administration. Over 700 of the largest publicly traded and privately-owned corporations, retailers, hospitals and institutions around the globe rely on Visual Lease’s cloud-based SaaS platform to meet operational and compliance requirements. For more information, please visit

        About Deloitte

        Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, a UK private company limited by guarantee (“DTTL”), its network of member firms, and their related entities. DTTL and each of its member firms are legally separate and independent entities. DTTL (also referred to as “Deloitte Global”) does not provide services to clients. In the United States, Deloitte refers to one or more of the US member firms of DTTL, their related entities that operate using the “Deloitte” name in the United States and their respective affiliates. Certain services may not be available to attest clients under the rules and regulations of public accounting. Please see to learn more about our global network of member firms.

        Media Contacts
        Jennifer Garcia
        Visual Lease
        T+1 732 596 8110

        Geena Pickering
        T+1 212 398 9680

        The post Press release: Visual Lease ranked in the top third of high-growth companies on deloitte 2020 technology fast 500™ first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Article: Three common lease management errors that may cost more than you realize Fri, 13 Nov 2020 18:54:10 +0000 In the current economic environment, businesses are searching for new ways to save cash. However, they often overlook one critical aspect of their business: real estate management. Real estate leasing...

        The post Article: Three common lease management errors that may cost more than you realize first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        In the current economic environment, businesses are searching for new ways to save cash. However, they often overlook one critical aspect of their business: real estate management. Real estate leasing costs often represent one of their top three expenses, usually coming in right behind payroll. And most view their leasing costs as locked in, with little ability to impact them.

        The post Article: Three common lease management errors that may cost more than you realize first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Lease accounting milestones: Top 3 reasons to identify internal resources early Fri, 13 Nov 2020 14:58:08 +0000   Hundreds of private organizations have begun their journey towards lease accounting compliance. Although, many of them underestimate the amount of effort involved with preparation. In particular, assembling a team...

        The post Lease accounting milestones: Top 3 reasons to identify internal resources early first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>


        Hundreds of private organizations have begun their journey towards lease accounting compliance. Although, many of them underestimate the amount of effort involved with preparation. In particular, assembling a team of internal resources – and identifying their responsibilities – is one of the most important steps to a successful implementation.

        In this blog, we explore 3 critical ways your lease accounting and management team can help you achieve success – and why you should get started now.

        1) Lease inventory demands cross-departmental effort.

        Identifying all leases held by an organization is a complex and time-consuming task that the accounting team cannot do alone.

        To gather a full scope of all leases, accounting must engage with different areas of the business, including real estate and finance. You may also find it necessary to also include representatives from lease administration, C-level management, legal, procurement and IT.

        Real estate or facilities teams are an efficient way to identify a company’s property leases. If a business has multiple locations, this may involve tracking down records from many different sites.

        Additionally, departments such as procurement, IT and legal are essential to search through records for equipment leases and other contracts classified as leases under the new standards. For example, procurement might use a spreadsheet or other tool to track assets such as office machines, IT equipment or vehicle fleets.

        By involving the necessary personnel early in the lease identification process, companies can feel confident that their lease inventory is thorough and accurate.

        Learn more: How to Assemble Your Readiness Team


        2) Lease information affects a variety of business decisions.

        A company’s chosen lease accounting technology affects more than just the accounting team. Centralizing lease information into one system can transform efficiencies and financial savings beyond lease accounting compliance.

        Therefore, when evaluating a lease accounting system, you will want to have a clear understanding of who will need to access lease information. The chosen solution should make it easy for them to make updates, run reports and export any data they may need. Thus, it may be necessary to include those representatives during the evaluation of the solution.

        For instance, any employees responsible for ongoing tracking and management of leased assets — including making changes and adding any new leases — should be identified to verify the system is intuitive and easy to use, and therefore will help them keep lease data accurate and up to date.

        You may want to also include various departments, including IT, to evaluate how lease technology can support your organization beyond just accounting compliance, including accounts payable, accounts receivable and other data-driven decisions. IT is integral to this process, to ensure the solution can properly meet your requirements for integration with various third-party systems.

        Furthermore, involving executives, real estate/facilities staff, and others in the preparation process can make sure the chosen solution meets their needs beyond accounting and compliance requirements.


        3) Teamwork is essential to lease accounting compliance.

        It clearly takes more than the accounting team to transition to the new lease accounting standards and achieve compliance.

        By identifying the roles and responsibilities of internal stakeholders early in the process, the compliance team can create a plan of action that ensures accountability throughout lease accounting implementation.

        A team approach improves the efficiency, thoroughness and accuracy of data abstraction, which ultimately helps to ensure the company will meet compliance requirements on time and on budget.

        Together, the transition team can make informed decisions that will make long-term impacts on the company’s lease investments.

        Long-term benefits for lease accounting and for the business

        Once a company successfully transitions to the new lease accounting standards, the identified team can continue to use lease technology to share information and make decisions that impact both financial reporting and business performance — empowering the company to both maintain ongoing compliance and maximize the return on leased asset investments.

        To create a plan for assembling your stakeholder team and other steps of lease accounting  implementation and compliance, use the Lease Accounting Milestone Planner.


        The post Lease accounting milestones: Top 3 reasons to identify internal resources early first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Article: REjournals Q&A: Marc Betesh, Visual Lease Thu, 05 Nov 2020 21:35:58 +0000 As COVID-19 has wreaked havoc on the CRE industry, many tenants have been forced to make tough decisions when it comes to commercial real estate leases. Marc Betesh, founder and...

        The post Article: REjournals Q&A: Marc Betesh, Visual Lease first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        As COVID-19 has wreaked havoc on the CRE industry, many tenants have been forced to make tough decisions when it comes to commercial real estate leases. Marc Betesh, founder and CEO of Visual Lease, a lease optimization solution provider, shares insights on the future of office space.

        The post Article: REjournals Q&A: Marc Betesh, Visual Lease first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Article: FASB proposes three lease accounting changes Wed, 28 Oct 2020 14:07:27 +0000 The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) has issued a proposed Accounting Standards Update (ASU) intended to improve three areas of the leases guidance.

        The post Article: FASB proposes three lease accounting changes first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) has issued a proposed Accounting Standards Update (ASU) intended to improve three areas of the leases guidance.

        The post Article: FASB proposes three lease accounting changes first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Press release: Visual Lease enhances lease accounting reporting capabilities Fri, 09 Oct 2020 13:48:21 +0000

        Latest software release delivers lease portfolio management functionality to help customers more effectively address COVID-19 impacts

        Woodbridge, NJ – October 9, 2020 – Visual Lease, the leader in lease accounting and management software, today announced its latest product release, version 20.5. This release includes lease accounting and reporting enhancements to provide faster performance and increased visibility into critical lease figures and modifications.

        Designed to help customers more easily track and manage upcoming lease terms, the added functionality within the platform’s Roll Forward Report allows users to quickly identify important lease date information to inform termination and purchase decisions. “Providing our customers with the ability to more easily access these key datapoints gives a competitive advantage in the current economic climate,” said Marc Betesh, CEO of Visual Lease. “We identified a need in the market to create this critical functionality due to the ongoing impact of COVID-19 on businesses lease decisions.”

        The latest release also enables lessors reporting under GASB 87 to run modification calculations within lease records. While generally useful for overall lease portfolio maintenance, this need has been more prevalent in recent months due to an increase in lease adjustments and terminations due to the impact of the global pandemic.

        The 20.5 release also includes an investment in enhanced system performance. Customers will benefit from significant efficiency improvements, especially while running Payment Reports.

        “Payment reports have become especially important as the COVID-19 pandemic forced many organizations to adjust rent payment schedules,” said Joe Fitzgerald, SVP of Lease Market Strategy at Visual Lease. “It’s more important than ever for accounting and real estate teams to be in lock step, and these performance enhancements in 20.5 enable that communication – and validation – to happen even faster.”

        To learn more about Visual Lease’s lease management and accounting capabilities, please visit

        About Visual Lease

        Visual Lease provides lease accounting and lease administration software solutions to help companies manage, analyze and report on their leased asset portfolios, including real estate, equipment and more. The company’s SaaS platform combines GAAP, IFRS and GASB-compliant lease accounting controls with sophisticated and flexible lease portfolio administration. Over 700 of the largest publicly traded and privately-owned corporations, retailers, hospitals and institutions around the globe rely on Visual Lease’s cloud-based SaaS platform to meet operational and compliance requirements. For more information, please visit

        Media Contacts
        Jennifer Garcia
        Visual Lease
        T+1 732 596 8110

        Geena Pickering
        T+1 212 398 9680

        The post Press release: Visual Lease enhances lease accounting reporting capabilities first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Everything you need to plan for lease accounting compliance in one free tool Thu, 01 Oct 2020 16:20:07 +0000 Buying technology for cross-functional teams can be notoriously nightmarish, especially as you dive in and realize you need to expand your scope, shorten your timelines, or overhaul your processes along...

        The post Everything you need to plan for lease accounting compliance in one free tool first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

        Buying technology for cross-functional teams can be notoriously nightmarish, especially as you dive in and realize you need to expand your scope, shorten your timelines, or overhaul your processes along the way. 
        It can be overwhelming, especially in lease management.  

        Real estate lease documents are complicated, convoluted, and constantly changing, with big implications for the bottom line (not to mention looming FASB and GASB compliance deadlines) if the process isn’t managed correctly. And yet, for most businesses, the lease portfolio is both the second largest cost center behind payroll and the area of their finances they have the least visibility into and control over.  

        The right lease management software won’t just spit out compliance calculations – it will transform your business and the way your team works together, surface insights to help you stay on top of timelines and obligations and save you money by making sure you’re leveraging your leased assets as efficiently as possible. 

        It starts with complete and correct lease portfolio data, and a team aligned on processes, budgets, responsibilities, and goals. It’s easier said than done, but we’ve built a free tool to help companies on the path to compliance manage expectations, timelines, requirements, and teams.

        Introducing the Lease Accounting Milestone Planner

        We’ve helped more than 700 companies take control of their lease portfolios and achieve compliance with IFRS, FASB and GASB lease accounting standards, and we’ve seen first-hand how complicated (and time-consuming) that process can be for companies.   

        In everything we build, we aim to embed and automate industry best practices so our clients don’t miss any potential savings – and don’t have to think twice about it. Whether you choose Visual Lease or another solution, we thought it important to embed these learnings within a planner to help you understand what it takes to hit these deadlines – or even better, get ahead of the curve.  

        So, we tagged our lease management and accounting experts internally and teamed up with the lease accounting experts at RSM and Grant Thornton to create a convenient tool to help you plan for these important deadlines and map out your plan for success.  

        The Lease Accounting Milestone Planner is the industry’s most comprehensive tool to help companies plan for FASB and GASB lease accounting standard compliance. 

        Simply enter the compliance standard you need to comply with and the target date you’re aiming to finish by and we’ll lay out a timeline for you and your team complete with milestones you can easily add to your calendar and resources to help you nail every step in the process. 

        Get your Personalized Compliance Plan

        The post Everything you need to plan for lease accounting compliance in one free tool first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Press release: Visual Lease launches VL University, an on-demand virtual training center Thu, 01 Oct 2020 13:20:00 +0000

        Self-service, video-based instruction helps customers maximize the use of their lease lifecycle management solutions

        Woodbridge, NJ — October 1, 2020 — Visual Lease, the leader in lease accounting and management software, today announced the release of its self-service online training center, VL University (“VLU”), to provide easily accessible, on-demand video resources that demonstrate how to effectively use the Visual Lease platform.

        Each of the training videos available in VL University were designed by Visual Lease platform experts. The videos contain step-by-step guidance and tips for Visual Lease platform setup, system how-tos and best practices associated with lease accounting and lease lifecycle management. Each training course consists of a pre-recorded video, video transcription and accompanying course materials to provide an optimal learning experience.

        “Our training team is highly skilled in Visual Lease’s powerful system capabilities and industry best practices. We’re so proud to be sharing their knowledge through VL University so everyone can unlock the maximum benefits of Visual Lease,” said Alexandra Betesh, VP of Client Services at Visual Lease. “We are extremely passionate about helping our customers manage their complex leases and lease financials. This new customer resource center allows us to conveniently deliver the most current training courses to meet our customers’ needs at scale.”

        Users can access VLU at any time to view video courses that demonstrate how system users and administrators can most effectively manage their leases and financials within Visual Lease. VLU also enables users to provide feedback through comments, likes, dislikes and survey responses.

        “Managing lease financials and lease criteria is incredibly complex,” said Clark Convery, COO of Visual Lease. “VLU focuses on simplifying each necessary task within Visual Lease to help clients stay on top of the ever-changing criteria within their lease portfolios. Through best-practice use of our solutions, Visual Lease customers are transforming their compliance requirements into financial opportunities.”

        To learn more, please visit:

        About Visual Lease

        Visual Lease provides lease accounting and lease administration software solutions to help companies manage, analyze and report on their leased asset portfolios, including real estate, equipment and more. The company’s SaaS platform combines GAAP, IFRS and GASB-compliant lease accounting controls with sophisticated and flexible lease portfolio administration. Over 700 of the largest publicly traded and privately-owned corporations, retailers, hospitals and institutions around the globe rely on Visual Lease’s cloud-based SaaS platform to meet operational and compliance requirements. For more information, please visit

        Media Contacts
        Jennifer Garcia
        Visual Lease
        T+1 732 596 8110

        Geena Pickering
        T+1 212 398 9680

        The post Press release: Visual Lease launches VL University, an on-demand virtual training center first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Article: FASB delays move to ASC 842: How one global manufacturer made the most of the extra time Wed, 30 Sep 2020 14:09:55 +0000 Following the FASB’s recent decision to extend the deadline for its ASC 842 standard for a second time, privately held companies have an additional 12 months to prepare to comply...

        The post Article: FASB delays move to ASC 842: How one global manufacturer made the most of the extra time first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Following the FASB’s recent decision to extend the deadline for its ASC 842 standard for a second time, privately held companies have an additional 12 months to prepare to comply with sweeping new rules.

        The post Article: FASB delays move to ASC 842: How one global manufacturer made the most of the extra time first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Press release: Visual Lease launches lease accounting milestone planner™ (LAMP™) to help private companies prepare for compliance Fri, 25 Sep 2020 13:01:17 +0000

        Interactive tool creates custom project plans around FASB and GASB compliance target dates, and guides companies through every step of the process

        Woodbridge, NJ — September 25, 2020 — Visual Lease, the leader in lease accounting and management software, today announced its newly available Lease Accounting Milestone Planner™ (LAMP™) tool to help companies prepare for important tasks leading up to ASC 842 and GASB 87 compliance deadlines.

        The Lease Accounting Milestone Planner™ provides a clear, built-out schedule of required tasks ahead of compliance, along with curated, informative resources to assist in planning. Further, overall LAMP™ results can be exported in a downloadable format and dates can be added directly into calendar systems. A self-service version of the tool can be accessed by any company working towards lease accounting compliance or users can elect to leverage an expert consultant to assist with their company’s LAMP™ output.

        “It takes a lot of time and effort to prepare for lease accounting, and with the changing compliance deadlines, the Lease Accounting Milestone Planner™ helps companies confidently work towards their goal with a structured, identified timeline,” said Clark Convery, COO at Visual Lease. “We developed this tool to provide companies with guidance and clarity needed to stay on top of necessary tasks ahead of their lease accounting deadlines.”

        The design of the interactive tool was informed by Visual Lease partners RSM and Grant Thornton, as well as other industry experts, and embeds knowledge from helping more than 700 public and private companies successfully reach compliance. “Organizations are responsible for a lot of planning ahead of the lease accounting deadline,” said Daniel Beil, Technology Consulting Partner of RSM US LLP. “Knowing when to take action is critical to successfully reach their goals. The LAMP™ provides insightful information needed to prepare on time.”

        To learn more, please visit:

        For additional tools like this, please see our resources section of our website:

        About Visual Lease

        Visual Lease provides lease accounting and lease administration software solutions to help companies manage, analyze and report on their leased asset portfolios, including real estate, equipment and more. The company’s SaaS platform combines GAAP, IFRS and GASB-compliant lease accounting controls with sophisticated and flexible lease portfolio administration. Over 700 of the largest publicly traded and privately-owned corporations, retailers, hospitals and institutions around the globe rely on Visual Lease’s cloud-based SaaS platform to meet operational and compliance requirements. For more information, please visit

        Media Contacts
        Jennifer Garcia
        Visual Lease
        T+1 732 596 8110

        Geena Pickering
        T+1 212 398 9680

        The post Press release: Visual Lease launches lease accounting milestone planner™ (LAMP™) to help private companies prepare for compliance first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Press release: Visual Lease appoints Joe Fitzgerald SVP, Lease Market Strategy Tue, 22 Sep 2020 13:00:30 +0000

        Lease accounting and management consulting expert to inform product innovation and support GTM thought leadership

        Woodbridge, NJ – September 21, 2020 — Visual Lease, the leader in lease accounting and management software, today announced the appointment of Joe Fitzgerald as SVP, Lease Market Strategy. In his role, Fitzgerald will be responsible for informing product innovation, deepening strategic partnerships and supporting go-to-market thought leadership.

        Fitzgerald comes to Visual Lease from Ernst & Young, where he spent the past 5+ years as the firm’s Lease Technology Leader assisting enterprise clients navigate the challenges related to operations, technology and data management to comply with the latest lease accounting standards. Prior to EY, Fitzgerald spent more than 20 years serving in senior finance and operations roles for organizations in the healthcare, business services, real estate and leasing sectors.

        “Joe’s deep domain experience will help Visual Lease customers transform their compliance requirements into financial opportunities,” said Marc Betesh, Founder and CEO of Visual Lease. “We are confident that his wealth of industry knowledge will impact critical decisions as we continue to expand the solutions, services and value that we provide to our customers.”

        “Over the past several years, I have witnessed Visual Lease’s uncompromising ability to solve complex lease accounting and management challenges for both large global organizations and small private enterprises across a wide spectrum of industries,” stated Fitzgerald. “I know first-hand how difficult this work can be for public and private companies. Visual Lease has an incredibly poised, knowledgeable and dedicated team that I am honored to be a part of.”

        To learn more about Visual Lease, please visit 


        About Visual Lease

        Visual Lease provides lease accounting and lease administration software solutions to help companies manage, analyze and report on their leased asset portfolios, including real estate, equipment and more. The company’s SaaS platform combines GAAP, IFRS and GASB-compliant lease accounting controls with sophisticated and flexible lease portfolio administration. Over 700 of the largest publicly traded and privately-owned corporations, retailers, hospitals and institutions around the globe rely on Visual Lease’s cloud-based SaaS platform to meet operational and compliance requirements. For more information, please visit

        Media Contacts
        Jennifer Garcia
        Visual Lease
        T+1 732 596 8110

        Geena Pickering
        T+1 212 398 9680

        The post Press release: Visual Lease appoints Joe Fitzgerald SVP, Lease Market Strategy first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Article: The great rent strike of 2020: Shaping the future of commercial lease agreements Mon, 21 Sep 2020 11:40:34 +0000 Since the start of the Covid-19 outbreak, commercial tenants have fallen behind on rent payments as cities across the U.S. have been on full or partial lockdown for months on...

        The post Article: The great rent strike of 2020: Shaping the future of commercial lease agreements first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Since the start of the Covid-19 outbreak, commercial tenants have fallen behind on rent payments as cities across the U.S. have been on full or partial lockdown for months on end.

        The post Article: The great rent strike of 2020: Shaping the future of commercial lease agreements first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Press release: Visual Lease enhances platform speed and scalability by migrating to AWS Fri, 18 Sep 2020 13:00:50 +0000

        Lease lifecycle management solution provider upgrades hosting infrastructure to improve customer experience and support its strategic growth plans

        Woodbridge, NJ – September 17, 2020 — Visual Lease, the leader in lease management and accounting software, today announced the successful migration of its 700+ customers to industry-leading, cloud-based data center, Amazon Web Services (AWS).

        Further enhancing the platform’s infrastructure, AWS cloud hosting provides Visual Lease customers with unparalleled data and application speed, security and scalability. By leveraging AWS’ cloud-based data center, Visual Lease is poised to successfully support for its rapidly expanding install base of public and private companies.

        “Transitioning our data center to AWS provides us with a robust infrastructure that can effectively scale to meet our customers’ needs now and in the future,” said Clark Convery, COO at Visual Lease. “Visual Lease customers are managing thousands of complex lease agreements and financial management datapoints within our platform. Migrating to AWS enables us to provide them with the platform speed and system reliability we consistently strive to deliver.”

        More than 700 public and private Visual Lease customers worldwide were migrated to AWS’ cloud-based data center in less than 90 days. AWS’ extensive functionality offers greater flexibility for product advancements and improves the company’s ability to continue to scale. Earlier this year, Visual Lease was ranked among the top 500 fastest growing private companies in the U.S. within the Inc. 5000.

        To learn more about Visual Lease, please visit


        About Visual Lease

        Visual Lease provides lease accounting and lease administration software solutions to help companies manage, analyze and report on their leased asset portfolios, including real estate, equipment and more. The company’s SaaS platform combines GAAP, IFRS and GASB-compliant lease accounting controls with sophisticated and flexible lease portfolio administration. Over 700 of the largest publicly traded and privately-owned corporations, retailers, hospitals and institutions around the globe rely on Visual Lease’s cloud-based SaaS platform to meet operational and compliance requirements. For more information, please visit

        Media Contacts
        Jennifer Garcia
        Visual Lease
        T+1 732 596 8110

        Geena Pickering
        T+1 212 398 9680

        The post Press release: Visual Lease enhances platform speed and scalability by migrating to AWS first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        How to save money and improve ROI with lease accounting technology Fri, 18 Sep 2020 13:00:32 +0000 How to Save Money and Improve ROI with Lease Accounting Technology Leases are complex documents that can be challenging to interpret. Critically important details are often buried deep within a...

        The post How to save money and improve ROI with lease accounting technology first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        lease savings

        How to Save Money and Improve ROI with Lease Accounting Technology

        Leases are complex documents that can be challenging to interpret. Critically important details are often buried deep within a lease and can be (literally) hard to find. — Multiply that by hundreds of leases that companies often have, keeping up with all the different lease provisions is even more demanding.

        Yet, understanding lease obligations and options is a fundamental requirement of doing business and managing costs. A lack of insight into important lease details can put organizations at risk of unnecessary expenses — or of not meeting compliance requirements.

        With the new lease accounting standards, the penalty for not accurately reporting your lease obligations is now much higher and can include steep fines. These high stakes are what make a lease accounting and administration solution such a powerful tool — one that provides valuable insights that can help your business avoid unnecessary lease costs and maximize the return on your lease investments.

        Let’s take a closer look at how a lease accounting solution can help you identify cost savings and improve your ROI.

        1. Improved Visibility into Lease Obligations

        For public companies, lease obligations have implications for the balance sheet and compliance. For private companies, these obligations also have an impact on compliance, as well implications for bank covenants and for stakeholders who are concerned with assessing business risks.

        A lease accounting system should provide tools for not only automating vital accounting and disclosure reporting functions, but also ongoing tracking of all the leases in your portfolio.

        Technology should make leases more clearly defined and understandable — providing fixed fields of data that improve visibility into key aspects of leases such as:

        • Financials, including calculations and reports
        • Critical dates — and the consequences of missing those dates
        • Termination rights, like early termination, lease bailout (“sales kickout”), co-tenancy, exclusive use and sublet clauses

        This high level of transparency regarding lease obligations helps you mitigate risks and stay on top of important lease details that need your attention.

        For example, the system should alert you about an automatic renewal on a property lease you negotiated long ago — giving you the opportunity to determine whether the terms are still favorable or if they need to be renegotiated.

        Similarly, with visibility into equipment lease auto-renewals, you can compare the lease cost with the current market value of the asset to determine whether it makes more sense to purchase than to continue leasing the equipment. 

        Some systems can also alert you to events that you have to act on by a certain deadline, such as lease buyout opportunities.

        2. Additional Savings in Auditing Costs

        By improving lease transparency and automating the tracking and accounting process, lease accounting technology helps improve the accuracy and thoroughness of reporting. In turn, this reduces the amount of back and forth with auditors, which reduces costs overall. (For example, one customer saved tens of thousands of dollars in auditor fees by using Visual Lease’s lease accounting system.)

        Lease accounting software also should provide an audit trail, including a detailed log in which every lease change can be viewed. This helps to assure auditors that all lease information is up to date and accurate.

        3. Analyses That Help Lease Negotiations

        The reporting and analysis capabilities within lease accounting and administration systems should enable you to identify and capture information that is valuable to your business — information that can help you make decisions for the future.

        For example, in light of COVID-19, many businesses are now reevaluating boilerplate language within leases and abstracting clauses related to lease terms such as force majeure, business interruption insurance and termination options.

        A lease accounting and administration solution should enable you to search your leases for particular clauses that have been favorable to you — or, on the other hand, clauses that have not been beneficial — and use that knowledge when negotiating a new lease or a renewal.

        For instance, you might uncover that your monthly rent includes duplicate costs for services you were not aware of and are also paying for separately, such as cleaning, repairs or trash removal.

        Armed with this information, you may be able to renegotiate to have those costs removed from your lease agreement — or, you can cancel the services you have been paying for separately and take advantage of the services that the landlord provides.

        4. Automated Lease Accounting ROI

        For anything other than a small lease portfolio, manual accounting simply does not provide the tracking and analysis capabilities that a business needs to effectively manage leases on an ongoing basis. The alternative of outsourcing the task to an accounting firm can rack up thousands of billable hours in fees — a costly proposition for even a large company.

        Automating the lease accounting process brings a new level of efficiency into your business while helping you use your leased assets more effectively, for a greater return on those investments. The bigger your lease portfolio, the greater your opportunity for savings.

        How much can you save? Find out by using our simple ROI Calculator.

        Just plug in some numbers — including both real estate leases and equipment leases — for how many leases you have and your average annual spending per lease. 

        The ROI Calculator will not only show you the savings to be gained by automating your lease tracking and reporting functions, but also demonstrate the value that a lease accounting and administration solution delivers to your business.

        The post How to save money and improve ROI with lease accounting technology first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Press release: Visual Lease brings transparency to lease accounting with newest product release Wed, 16 Sep 2020 18:06:03 +0000

        Enhanced features improve the efficiency & accuracy of audit preparation

        Woodbridge, NJ – September 16, 2020 — Visual Lease, the leader in lease lifecycle management and accounting software, today announced its latest product release, version 20.4. The latest release features an enhanced accounting feed audit trail that provides better transparency with more granular datapoints, deeper calculations and more flexible reporting calculations.

        The new Accounting Feed Audit trail provides users with a complete view of historic accounting feed activity — and guards against accidental changes or intentional malfeasance. This functionality expands the platform’s existing ability to track changes, downloads, transfers, deletions and archives within the accounts payable, accounts receivable and general ledger feeds.

        “We want to ensure our customers have the ability to identify every update in their system that could contribute to their financials,” said Marc Betesh, Founder and CEO of Visual Lease. “Our product team is committed to delivering functionality that helps our customers more efficiently prepare for and complete their audits.”

        In addition to the new audit trail capabilities, Visual Lease 20.4 features enhancements to the platform’s already robust filtering and sorting options within lease accounting reports. Further, those required to comply with IFRS 16 can now input opening accrued rent receivable balances within a new set of lessor operating calculations.

        To learn more about Visual Lease’s lease accounting capabilities, please visit


        About Visual Lease

        Visual Lease provides lease accounting and lease administration software solutions to help companies manage, analyze and report on their leased asset portfolios, including real estate, equipment and more. The company’s SaaS platform combines GAAP, IFRS and GASB-compliant lease accounting controls with sophisticated and flexible lease portfolio administration. Over 700 of the largest publicly traded and privately-owned corporations, retailers, hospitals and institutions around the globe rely on Visual Lease’s cloud-based SaaS platform to meet operational and compliance requirements. For more information, please visit

        Media Contacts
        Jennifer Garcia
        Visual Lease
        T+1 732 596 8110

        Geena Pickering
        T+1 212 398 9680

        The post Press release: Visual Lease brings transparency to lease accounting with newest product release first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Lease accounting lessons from a public company Thu, 03 Sep 2020 20:16:05 +0000 Lease Accounting Compliance: Lessons from Public Companies Although private companies still have some time to adopt the new lease accounting standards, public companies have already had to meet their compliance...

        The post Lease accounting lessons from a public company first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

        Lease Accounting Compliance: Lessons from Public Companies

        Although private companies still have some time to adopt the new lease accounting standards, public companies have already had to meet their compliance deadlines. In doing so, these companies have learned valuable lessons that can be applied to:

        • Private companies that are in the planning stages of lease accounting compliance
        • Public companies that rushed to select a tool and now see they need a better, long-term solution for their lease accounting needs

        What are some of the things that helped public companies be successful in implementing the new lease accounting standards? What areas could have been improved?

        Below, we share some helpful advice based on the experience of public companies that have already adopted new lease accounting standards.

        Challenges in Achieving Lease Accounting Compliance

        What lease accounting capabilities do you need for long-term reporting and compliance?

        Some public companies found out the hard way that the accounting solution they chose was missing key capabilities that they need to ensure accurate, ongoing lease financials. 

        For example, while some companies used a lease calculator tool to meet their initial compliance needs, they now realize it will not help them maintain compliance and do their reporting for the long term. 

        That’s because every time a lease changes (which is often), the pertinent information needs to be updated in the lease accounting system so that subsequent reporting will be accurate. However, a lease calculator simply does not provide the tools for updating and maintaining lease data.

        Public companies that chose a software-based solution with the following capabilities are better positioned for long-term compliance and accuracy:

        • A single source of truth for lease data
        • Automated calculations and financial reporting, including disclosure reports
        • Tools for backup and verification of calculations and lease data

        What is the best way to manage a large and/or complex lease portfolio?

        Any public company with multiple locations or a large lease portfolio — including equipment and real estate — quickly learned that manually searching for and reporting on those leases would be a time-consuming and inefficient process.

        To save hundreds of hours in time finding and verifying lease information, select a solution that provides a central repository for recording and tracking lease data. Once your leases are entered in the system, you can easily generate the reports needed for compliance — plus use the solution for ongoing updates and to view lease details on demand.

        Advice for Successful Lease Accounting Audits

        How long does it take to implement lease accounting?

        Time and again, public companies learned that lease accounting implementation is a complex and time-consuming project, with high stakes and stakeholders across the business. 

        While a lease accounting software solution can be implemented in weeks, the work required before solution implementation can take many, many months. So, it is mission-critical to invest  time up front in both auditing your lease portfolio and evaluating the technology you will use for lease accounting.

        For help in planning your lease accounting compliance project, use our Lease Accounting Milestone Planner

        What are some best practices to satisfy auditors? 

        Leases can change fast and it can be hard to stay on top of them. To provide auditors with accurate and thorough lease financials, it is recommended to have checks and balances in place. To do so, you can use a lease accounting system to provide a full audit trail of updates to your changing leases. This helps provide auditors with a clear and complete picture of your business’s finances.

        Strategies for Maintaining Compliance

        How do you maintain accurate lease financials beyond compliance?

        Look at the new lease accounting requirements as an opportunity to get the best solution for the long term — one that will continue to meet your business needs and satisfy auditors year after year.

        For example, a technology solution that provides both lease accounting and lease administration capabilities helps public companies:

        • Achieve compliance and meet ongoing lease accounting requirements
        • Ensure that lease data is always accurate and up to date
        • Save time by making lease information searchable and available at a glance
        • Control costs by staying on top of all payments and transactions
        • Meet important dates for renewals, renegotiations and options

        How can you account for a growing or changing lease portfolio?

        With the time and cost required to implement lease accounting, it makes sense to choose a solution that does more than just help you achieve compliance. Successful public companies opted for technology that will scale to accommodate any changes that might occur in their lease portfolio and provide ongoing lease management capabilities.

        A cloud-based software solution can not only automate and streamline lease accounting and reporting, but also provide tools for making changes to financials, adding documents and clauses, searching for lease clauses and editing existing leases.

        The Simple But Important Lessons Learned

        As the experience of public companies are shown, there are some fundamental lessons that can help you to achieve lease accounting success:

        • Get started now — start planning for your lease inventory and your lease accounting technology ASAP
        • Do your research — get input from across the business, and perhaps consult an accounting firm, to identify leases and reporting requirements
        • Think ahead to your lease management needs beyond compliance — to get maximum ROI from your lease accounting technology
        • Set yourself up for success — choose a comprehensive lease accounting and lease management technology solution, such as Visual Lease

        Want to hear directly from a public company about their experience preparing for and managing ongoing lease accounting compliance? View our on-demand panel discussion.

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        Article: Office lease transparency is more important than ever Mon, 31 Aug 2020 16:05:19 +0000 Office Lease Transparency Is More Important Than Ever: A Q+A With Marc Betesh, CEO and Founder of Visual Lease about where he thinks the office lease market is heading.

        The post Article: Office lease transparency is more important than ever first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Office Lease Transparency Is More Important Than Ever: A Q+A With Marc Betesh, CEO and Founder of Visual Lease about where he thinks the office lease market is heading.

        The post Article: Office lease transparency is more important than ever first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Article: to lease or not to lease Mon, 31 Aug 2020 13:29:09 +0000 Visual Lease recently surveyed tenants to see how they have been impacted, any payments they withheld or concessions they have been offered, and how the pandemic is impacting their future...

        The post Article: to lease or not to lease first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Visual Lease recently surveyed tenants to see how they have been impacted, any payments they withheld or concessions they have been offered, and how the pandemic is impacting their future leasing plans.

        The post Article: to lease or not to lease first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Article: Rent relief for retailers is expiring. Now what? Thu, 27 Aug 2020 18:18:57 +0000 Fall and winter will bring more lawsuits and evictions, industry sources say. CEO of Visual Lease, Marc Betesh, comments.

        The post Article: Rent relief for retailers is expiring. Now what? first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Fall and winter will bring more lawsuits and evictions, industry sources say. CEO of Visual Lease, Marc Betesh, comments.

        The post Article: Rent relief for retailers is expiring. Now what? first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Article: Visual Lease Appoints Amy Land as Director of Human Resources Mon, 24 Aug 2020 15:28:19 +0000 Visual Lease, a lease accounting and management solutions provider, has appointed Amy Land as Director of Human Resources.

        The post Article: Visual Lease Appoints Amy Land as Director of Human Resources first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Visual Lease, a lease accounting and management solutions provider, has appointed Amy Land as Director of Human Resources.

        The post Article: Visual Lease Appoints Amy Land as Director of Human Resources first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Article: Are office landlords turning a corner or rolling over? Tue, 18 Aug 2020 15:13:53 +0000 Marc Betesh interviewed with Akiko Morris at The Real Deal around TikTok’s lease and the growing work from home trend.

        The post Article: Are office landlords turning a corner or rolling over? first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Marc Betesh interviewed with Akiko Morris at The Real Deal around TikTok’s lease and the growing work from home trend.

        The post Article: Are office landlords turning a corner or rolling over? first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Article: What contractors don’t know about equipment leases could cost them a fortune Sat, 15 Aug 2020 15:18:16 +0000 What Contractors Don’t Know About Equipment Leases Could Cost Them a Fortune. Marc Betesh, Visual Lease CEO and Founder gives his insights and tips on what you should know about...

        The post Article: What contractors don’t know about equipment leases could cost them a fortune first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        What Contractors Don’t Know About Equipment Leases Could Cost Them a Fortune. Marc Betesh, Visual Lease CEO and Founder gives his insights and tips on what you should know about equipment leasing.

        The post Article: What contractors don’t know about equipment leases could cost them a fortune first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Press Release: Inc. 5000 ranks Visual Lease in top 10% of the fastest-growing private companies in the U.S. Thu, 13 Aug 2020 14:00:43 +0000

        Woodbridge, NJ – August 13, 2020 – Inc. magazine yesterday announced that Visual Lease ranked #389 on its annual Inc. 5000 list, the most prestigious ranking of the nation’s fastest-growing private companies. Visual Lease, the leader in lease accounting and management software, ranked within the top ten percent with an impressive three-year growth rate of 1,193%.

        The Inc. 5000 list represents a unique look at the highest-growth companies within the U.S. economy’s most dynamic segment—its independent small businesses. Intuit, Zappos, Under Armour, Microsoft, Patagonia and many other well-known names gained their first national exposure as honorees on the Inc. 5000.

        “It’s a true honor and incredible achievement to make our debut on the Inc. 5000 list of the fastest-growing private companies in America,” said Visual Lease CEO and Founder, Marc Betesh. “I am extremely proud of our team’s hard work and dedication to earn a spot in the top ten percent on the list. This is a testament to our staff’s commitment to provide an unparalleled customer experience and the industry-leading lease management and accounting platform.”

        Complete results of the Inc. 5000, including company profiles and an interactive database that can be sorted by industry, region, and other criteria, can be found at Visual Lease will be included in the top 500 companies featured in the September issue of Inc., available on newsstands August 18th.

        “The companies on this year’s Inc. 5000 come from nearly every realm of business,” said Inc. editor-in-chief Scott Omelianuk. “From health and software to media and hospitality, the 2020 list proves that no matter the sector, incredible growth is based on the foundations of tenacity and opportunism.”

        About Visual Lease

        Visual Lease provides lease accounting and lease administration software solutions to help companies manage, analyze and report on their leased asset portfolios, including real estate, equipment and more. The company’s SaaS platform combines GAAP, IFRS and GASB-compliant lease accounting controls with sophisticated and flexible lease portfolio administration. Over 700 of the largest publicly traded and privately-owned corporations, retailers, hospitals and institutions around the globe rely on Visual Lease’s cloud-based SaaS platform to meet operational and compliance requirements. For more information, please visit

        Media Contacts
        Jennifer Garcia
        Visual Lease
        T+1 732 596 8110

        Geena Pickering
        T+1 212 398 9680

        More about Inc. and the Inc. 5000


        The 2020 Inc. 5000 is ranked according to percentage revenue growth when comparing 2016 and 2019. To qualify, companies must have been founded and generating revenue by March 31, 2016. They had to be U.S.-based, privately held, for profit, and independent—not subsidiaries or divisions of other companies—as of December 31, 2019. (Since then, a number of companies on the list have gone public or been acquired.) The minimum revenue required for 2016 is $100,000; the minimum for 2019 is $2 million. As always, Inc. reserves the right to decline applicants for subjective reasons. Companies on the Inc. 500 are featured in Inc.’s September issue. They represent the top tier of the Inc. 5000, which can be found at

        About Inc. Media

        The world’s most trusted business-media brand, Inc. offers entrepreneurs the knowledge, tools, connections, and community to build great companies. Its award-winning multiplatform content reaches more than 50 million people each month across a variety of channels including websites, newsletters, social media, podcasts, and print. Its prestigious Inc. 5000 list, produced every year since 1982, analyzes company data to recognize the fastest-growing privately held businesses in the United States. The global recognition that comes with inclusion in the 5000 gives the founders of the best businesses an opportunity to engage with an exclusive community of their peers, and the credibility that helps them drive sales and recruit talent. The associated Inc. 5000 Conference is part of a highly acclaimed portfolio of bespoke events produced by Inc. For more information, visit

        For more information on the Inc. 5000 Conference, visit

        The post Press Release: Inc. 5000 ranks Visual Lease in top 10% of the fastest-growing private companies in the U.S. first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Article: 132 N.J. companies land on Inc. 5000 fastest-growing companies list Wed, 12 Aug 2020 16:21:57 +0000 NJ-based company, Visual Lease, made the list of one of Inc. 5000’s fastest-growing companies.

        The post Article: 132 N.J. companies land on Inc. 5000 fastest-growing companies list first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        NJ-based company, Visual Lease, made the list of one of Inc. 5000’s fastest-growing companies.

        The post Article: 132 N.J. companies land on Inc. 5000 fastest-growing companies list first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Press Release: Visual Lease Brings Detailed Reporting to the Forefront Tue, 11 Aug 2020 19:39:35 +0000

        Woodbridge, NJ — August 11, 2020 — Visual Lease, the leader in lease accounting and management software, today announced its newest product release, version 20.3. This release features new lease accounting end balance roll-forward reporting capabilities for better transparency and validation, as well as enhanced functionality to accommodate more complex lease portfolios and accounting scenarios.

        With this increased visibility into roll-forward report calculations, Visual Lease users can better understand the changes that impact their business and have greater confidence in their reports and data within their system of record (ERP). When generating ending balance sheet roll-forward reports, Visual Lease’s latest product release allows users to view a summary of all supporting activity within the platform.

        “It was important to us that our customers had the tools to verify the details within their roll-forward reports,” said Clark Convery, COO of Visual Lease. “These financials are incredibly important for lease accounting disclosure reports, so we wanted to ensure companies were able to provide sufficient backup and perform a detailed reconciliation within the platform.”

        In addition to these new roll-forward reporting capabilities, Visual Lease 20.3 introduces the ability for users to directly import accrued rent receivable values. Further, government and other entities required to comply with GASB 87 can now capture short term lease type calculations within the platform.

        To learn more about Visual Lease’s lease accounting capabilities, please visit

        About Visual Lease

        Visual Lease provides lease accounting and lease administration software solutions to help companies manage, analyze and report on their leased asset portfolios, including real estate, equipment and more. The company’s SaaS platform combines GAAP, IFRS and GASB-compliant lease accounting controls with sophisticated and flexible lease portfolio administration. Over 700 of the largest publicly traded and privately-owned corporations, retailers, hospitals and institutions around the globe rely on Visual Lease’s cloud-based SaaS platform to meet operational and compliance requirements. For more information, please visit

        Media Contacts
        Jennifer Garcia
        Visual Lease
        T+1 732 596 8110

        Geena Pickering
        T+1 212 398 9680

        The post Press Release: Visual Lease Brings Detailed Reporting to the Forefront first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        ASC 842 Deadline extension: How to plan for success Mon, 10 Aug 2020 13:31:09 +0000 Many private companies breathed a sigh of relief when the deadline for transitioning to FASB’s newest lease accounting standard was once again extended — this time, until 2022. But make...

        The post ASC 842 Deadline extension: How to plan for success first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

        Many private companies breathed a sigh of relief when the deadline for transitioning to FASB’s newest lease accounting standard was once again extended — this time, until 2022. But make no mistake, it would be a serious miscalculation to put aside the task of preparing for ASC 842 compliance.

        The smart approach is to not see the latest lease accounting deadline extension as a reprieve, but instead look at it as an opportunity to get the ASC 842 adoption process on track and where it should be.

        Why make the lease accounting deadline a top priority?

        A lot of time and effort goes into preparing for lease accounting compliance. Just the labor-intensive and complex task of gathering all your leases and identifying critical lease information before implementation can take a year or even 18 months for some companies.

        Just ask Apex Tool Group (ATG), a company that implemented Visual Lease to streamline its ASC 842 compliance process

        “We began compiling data about a year prior to our targeted implementation with Visual Lease,” said Nick DeNichilo, Director of Financial Reporting and Technical Accounting at ATG. “We knew it would be a daunting task to gather all our lease information, considering our vast entities located throughout the world and robust number of leases — including multiple complex leaseback real estate agreements.”

        That’s why, despite the lease accounting deadline extension, it is still critically important to prioritize preparing for the transition — and to get started by completing the tasks below as quickly, efficiently, and thoroughly as possible.

        Inventory your leases ASAP.

        Depending on your company, you might have hundreds or even thousands of leases in different departments and different locations. While real estate leases are generally the more costly contract that a business holds, most companies have a higher number of leases for equipment such as:

        • Office tools including computers, printers, copiers, phones, servers, and routers
        • Vehicles ranging from automobiles, vans, and trucks to equipment used for farming, construction, or product transport
        • Advertising resources such billboards, signage, and corporate sponsorships
        • Telecommunications, IT, or energy infrastructure

        In addition, you might have to account for some embedded leases — components within a contract that provide for the use of particular assets.

        Lease Inventory Tip: Be sure to check with the different departments in your organization —such as real estate, facilities, operations, procurement and IT — to ensure that you have a comprehensive list of all the leases throughout your company.

        To learn more, read our 5 Tips for Smooth Lease Data Collection.

        Compile and validate your lease accounting data.

        Gathering the specific lease information required for the compliance deadline is another time-consuming task. That’s why is it important to designate responsibilities and steps up front, including:

        • Who will review each lease and pull out the information you need to track?
        • What will your review process be?
        • How will you ensure that it is all accurate and up to date?

        Once your lease information is compiled and entered into a lease accounting system, you need to validate the data and make sure the reports that the system generates will:

        • Accurately reflect all your lease assets
        • Meet ASC 842 compliance requirements

        Lease Data Validation Tip: The right lease accounting software partner will work with you to validate your data and help to ensure that the system is capturing all the information you need.

        Track any lease changes and updates.

        Leases are not a stagnant thing. Especially when you have a large lease portfolio, you may have to deal with lease changes quite often. And as we have all seen, an unexpected event such as the COVID-19 pandemic can create disruptions that also have an impact on leases and therefore, lease accounting

        Implementing a system for ongoing lease accounting and management will allow you to track your leases and automatically update the data to reflect changes such as:

        • New leases
        • Terminations or amendments
        • Variable rent payments
        • Clauses that trigger lease modification
        • Deadlines for renewal, purchase or buy-out options

        Lease Tracking Tip: A lease accounting and management solution such as Visual Lease allows you to set reminders to alert you of lease events and deadlines, so that important changes don’t take you by surprise.

        Run lease accounting reports long before the compliance deadline.

        To have a successful audit, you need to be confident that your lease accounting, tracking, and reporting system is up and running well BEFORE the ASC 842 compliance deadline.

        So, as soon as your lease accounting system has been implemented, be sure to run your outputs and make sure your process works ahead of when it’s required. Running reports ahead of the deadline will help you determine if:

        • You are running the right reports
        • You are capturing all the right information 
        • You have configured all the fields that are important to accounting and to the business

        Test Report Tip: Allowing time to run reports ahead of the lease accounting deadline helps you wring out potential last-minute problems that could cost you your audit.

        Get ahead of the ASC 842 lease accounting deadline!

        Now is not the time to take your foot off the gas as you undertake the lengthy and complex process of adopting the ASC 842 lease accounting standard. Instead, you can take advantage of this much-needed “extra” time to gather the data needed for lease accounting and implement a technology solution that will help to ensure that your organization is ready for compliance.

        A combination lease accounting and administration software will help you manage your leases and also give you an important head start — enabling you to automate your lease accounting and reporting process to meet (or beat) the compliance deadline. When you select a software provider who prioritizes implementation, it can be complete in an average of 90 days.

        The post ASC 842 Deadline extension: How to plan for success first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Survey Results: How COVID-19 has impacted corporate real estate leases and decisions Mon, 27 Jul 2020 21:22:56 +0000 We recently surveyed hundreds of companies, including 700 Visual Lease customers (see Fig. 2), about the impact COVID-19 has had on their corporate real estate leases. As seen in the...

        The post Survey Results: How COVID-19 has impacted corporate real estate leases and decisions first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        We recently surveyed hundreds of companies, including 700 Visual Lease customers (see Fig. 2), about the impact COVID-19 has had on their corporate real estate leases. As seen in the infographic images below, we found a wide range of companies that shifted the occupancy within physical office locations, which resulted in exploring rent relief options, payment deferment options, and varied other financial and operational decisions.

        Fig. 1: COVID-19 had a substantial impact on commercial real estate leases, causing a majority of surveyed companies to make critical decisions regarding lease payments and office locations.



        Fig. 2: Visual Lease customers, experienced significantly variable differences in office closures due to COVID-19, although most companies continued to pay rent without any additional relief.

        The post Survey Results: How COVID-19 has impacted corporate real estate leases and decisions first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Protected: Guide to Common Lease Accounting Terms and Phrases Mon, 27 Jul 2020 16:37:22 +0000 There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

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        The post Protected: Guide to Common Lease Accounting Terms and Phrases first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Article: Assessing Commercial Lease Obligations During COVID-19 Mon, 20 Jul 2020 18:00:14 +0000 A large number of companies have failed to make rent payments on their unoccupied commercial properties as ongoing COVID-19 shelter-in-place orders have shuttered operations.

        The post Article: Assessing Commercial Lease Obligations During COVID-19 first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        A large number of companies have failed to make rent payments on their unoccupied commercial properties as ongoing COVID-19 shelter-in-place orders have shuttered operations.

        The post Article: Assessing Commercial Lease Obligations During COVID-19 first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Press Release: Apex Tool Group Successfully Adopts ASC 842 Compliance Following Implementation of Visual Lease Accounting Software Thu, 09 Jul 2020 13:07:59 +0000

        Large, privately held manufacturing company identifies and consolidates global lease portfolio, completing implementation in less than 90 days

        Woodbridge, NJ — July 9, 2020 — Visual Lease, the leading provider of lease accounting and management software, today announced that Apex Tool Group, LLC (ATG), successfully implemented Visual Lease’s software to streamline its ASC 842 lease accounting compliance efforts. With leased assets located across the globe, ATG needed a robust lease accounting solution to simplify the consolidation of its worldwide leases and serve as a key repository to help with the management of its lease portfolio.

        ATG is a leading world-wide manufacturer of professional hand and power tools, serving the industrial, vehicle service and assembly, aerospace, electronics, construction and DIY markets. ATG manages a diverse portfolio of real estate, vehicle, and equipment leases and needed a robust solution to capture relevant lease information and to ensure proper lease accounting and reporting. Given the nature of this portfolio and of the complexity and nuances of ASC 842, Apex realized that manual calculations would not be feasible, and a software solution would be required.

        “Like many other companies preparing for lease accounting compliance, gathering a complete and accurate inventory of our leases proved to be the most time-consuming and challenging part of the implementation process,” said Nick DeNichilo, Director of Financial Reporting and Technical Accounting at ATG. “We began compiling data about a year prior to our targeted implementation with Visual Lease. We knew it would be a daunting task to gather all our lease information, considering our vast entities located throughout the world, and robust number of leases – including multiple complex leaseback real estate agreements. Visual Lease’s expertise, intuitive user interface, reporting dashboard and configurable import templates were critical to ensuring we had captured all of the needed information.”

        With Visual Lease as its lease accounting software provider of choice, ATG successfully adopted ASC 842 as of January 1, 2020. As a result, its team is now able to:

        • Perform monthly and quarterly lease accounting calculations with greater simplicity and ease. This includes producing reports such as FASB journal entry summary and year-to-date balance sheet/income statements entirely within the system with no additional outside manipulation.
        • Quickly deliver support and backup to external auditors using the software’s Financial tab, which provides a breakdown of all necessary lease information.
        • View lease-level details and distribute various lease information to individualized areas across ATG’s global business from one centralized repository.

        “The journey to lease compliance can be a daunting one for many organizations, especially for companies that manage a large lease portfolio with information dispersed across various locations and systems,” said Marc Betesh, founder and CEO of Visual Lease. “Even though the deadline for ASC 842 compliance has been extended for some companies, there is no time to waste, as accounting for leases is very complex. As we saw with ATG, starting the process early will not only ensure you are compliant by your deadline, but has the added benefit of providing greater visibility across the organization. This will ultimately enable better decision-making and help identify opportunities to improve the bottom line.”

        To learn more about Visual Lease visit

        About Visual Lease

        Visual Lease provides lease accounting and lease administration software solutions to help companies manage, analyze and report on their leased asset portfolios, including real estate, equipment and more. The company’s SaaS platform combines GAAP, IFRS and GASB-compliant lease accounting controls with sophisticated and flexible lease portfolio administration. Over 700 of the largest publicly-traded and privately-owned corporations, retailers, hospitals and institutions around the globe rely on Visual Lease’s cloud-based SaaS platform to meet operational and compliance requirements. For more information, please visit

        Media Contacts
        Jennifer Garcia
        Visual Lease
        T+1 732 596 8110

        Geena Pickering
        T+1 212 398 9680

        The post Press Release: Apex Tool Group Successfully Adopts ASC 842 Compliance Following Implementation of Visual Lease Accounting Software first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Press release: Visual Lease announces new webinar series: Lease lifecycle management – control, cost savings & compliance Mon, 29 Jun 2020 13:02:23 +0000

        Series features partners, customers & lease industry experts 

        Woodbridge, NJ – June 29, 2020 Visual Lease, the leader in lease accounting and management software, today announced the launch of a new webinar series: Lease Lifecycle Management: Control, Cost Savings and Compliance. Attendees will come away from each session with actionable insights and best practices that will help them gain control over their lease data, meet compliance deadlines, and improve overall lease lifecycle management to drive better financial decisions and save money on lease-related expenses.

        The complimentary online series will feature educational content and executive panel discussions for real estate and financial executives. The series includes five sessions designed to share insights on lease accounting and lease management from industry experts including Grant Thornton, Newmark Knight Frank, RSM, Baker Tilly, as well as Visual Lease customers and leadership.

        “In today’s dynamic business climate, gaining better visibility and control over your lease portfolio can help your company unlock significant cost saving opportunities and make more informed business decisions,” said Founder and CEO of Visual Lease, Marc Betesh. “We’re excited to provide this forum to share the expertise and experiences of our accounting and real estate partners and our customers. It will help companies understand the impacts of COVID-19 and modifications to lease accounting guidelines (ASC 842, IFRS 16 and GASB 87) on their resources, portfolios and bottom line.”

        The upcoming sessions include:

        Dates are subject to change.

        To learn more about the content that will be covered in each discussion and to register for Visual Lease’s upcoming sessions visit

        About Visual Lease

        Visual Lease provides lease accounting and lease administration software solutions to help companies manage, analyze and report on their leased asset portfolios, including real estate, equipment and more. The company’s SaaS platform combines GAAP, IFRS and GASB-compliant lease accounting controls with sophisticated and flexible lease portfolio administration. Over 700 of the largest publicly-traded and privately-owned corporations, retailers, hospitals and institutions around the globe rely on Visual Lease’s cloud-based SaaS platform to meet operational and compliance requirements. For more information, please visit

        Media Contacts
        Jennifer Garcia
        Visual Lease
        T+1 732 596 8110

        Geena Pandolfi
        T+1 212 398 9680

        The post Press release: Visual Lease announces new webinar series: Lease lifecycle management – control, cost savings & compliance first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Article: Landlords spared from controversial calif. bill allowing lease terminations Fri, 26 Jun 2020 18:02:38 +0000 The legislation “significantly impacts the validity of existing contracts,” quoted Marc Betesh. “It would completely undermine the real estate industry and the economy. If you can’t rely on the validity...

        The post Article: Landlords spared from controversial calif. bill allowing lease terminations first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        The legislation “significantly impacts the validity of existing contracts,” quoted Marc Betesh. “It would completely undermine the real estate industry and the economy. If you can’t rely on the validity of an existing contract, then you’ve pulled the thread out of the entire capitalist economy.”

        The post Article: Landlords spared from controversial calif. bill allowing lease terminations first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Press release: Visual Lease introduces enhanced lease accounting reporting capabilities for global & national businesses Thu, 25 Jun 2020 12:37:30 +0000

        20.2 release delivers industry-leading GASB 87 & FASB 842 compliance functionality

        Woodbridge, NJ – June 25, 2020 Visual Lease, the leader in lease accounting and management software, today announced its latest product release, 20.2, providing expanded lease accounting and reporting capabilities for global and national companies required to comply with GASB 87 and FASB 842.

        The new product release focuses on expanding Visual Lease’s lease accounting, reporting and currency conversion functionality.

        “Visual Lease remains committed to continually developing new features that simplify the lease accounting process,” said Clark Convery, COO of Visual Lease. “Our latest product release provides our clients with more reporting options and builds upon our decades of experience in the lease management and accounting industry. This release reflects our continued passion about developing solutions that offer industry-leading functionality while being easy to use.”

        Lease Accounting Functionality

        For governmental entities that need to comply with GASB 87, calculations can now be added to Disclosure, Journal Entry Summary and Lease Accounting reports directly through the platform. Additionally, users may quickly run modification calculations when creating lessee calculations in the system.

        Further, companies who must comply with FASB 842 are now able to view open accrued rent receivables for lessor calculations.

        Reporting Functionality

        Useful for global businesses, the platform’s current Roll-Forward Report has been enhanced to support currency conversion and functional currency logic. Available as a standard report in the Visual Lease platform, users can access their data any time and apply the currency requirements directly within the platform.

        To learn more about Visual Lease’s lease accounting capabilities, please visit


        About Visual Lease

        Visual Lease provides lease accounting and lease administration software solutions to help companies manage, analyze and report on their leased asset portfolios, including real estate, equipment and more. The company’s SaaS platform combines GAAP, IFRS and GASB-compliant lease accounting controls with sophisticated and flexible lease portfolio administration. Over 700 of the largest publicly-traded and privately-owned corporations, retailers, hospitals and institutions around the globe rely on Visual Lease’s cloud-based SaaS platform to meet operational and compliance requirements. For more information, please visit

        Media Contacts
        Jennifer Garcia
        Visual Lease
        T+1 732 596 8110

        Geena Pandolfi
        T+1 212 398 9680

        The post Press release: Visual Lease introduces enhanced lease accounting reporting capabilities for global & national businesses first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Lease accounting during and after COVID-19: What you need to know Wed, 03 Jun 2020 13:02:51 +0000 With all the business closures and cutbacks due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a lot of companies are worried about not only managing their lease expenses now, but also accounting for...

        The post Lease accounting during and after COVID-19: What you need to know first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

        With all the business closures and cutbacks due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a lot of companies are worried about not only managing their lease expenses now, but also accounting for changes to payments and other lease obligations later. 

        As the COVID-19 emergency continues, more companies are faced with making critical decisions on lease issues, which in turn have an impact on lease accounting.  

        How will lease concessions and other changes that occur in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis affect your lease accounting? 

        How to Handle Lease Changes Related to COVID-19 

        While there are not any additional lease accounting processes or rules to learn for handling concessions due to circumstances surrounding COVID-19you may elect the method of selecting practical expedients, instead of performing a leasebylease analysis of the legal language. This change currently applies to both FASB guidelines (whether 842 or 840) and IASB, but only for lessee schedules. Other lease accounting issues will continue to be guided by the specific terms of your lease contracts and your lease accounting standards (i.e. ASC 842, IFRS 16, GASB 87). 

        While you should always consult with your accounting advisory partner regarding your specific situation, the following guidelines can help as you consider the different concessions that may apply to your lease accounting during and after COVID-19: 

        • Rent Abatement  

        The COVID-19 pandemic is causing companies to ask how to account for rent abatements. The FASB and IASB have provided the ability to elect to treat rent abatements as either existing lease obligations, or as negotiated amendments to the terms. However, there are limitations on this ability to choose. For example, modifications which materially increase the lessor’s rights or the lessee’s obligations must be treated as modifications.  

        If a company elects to not take the expedient of not determining if the lessor is obligated to provide a rent concession, or if the lease is not eligible for such election, the treatment will be dictated by the terms of the lease: 

        • If the landlord is obligated, the concession is considered a variable lease payment. No remeasurement is required, and the abatement will flow through to any disclosure reporting. 
        • If the landlord is not obligated, the concession is considered a negotiated modification. A remeasurement should be run when the abatement term is agreed on and continue through the lease term. 
        • In the event there is not an agreement to abate rent, this is considered a short payment. The payment is recorded in Visual Lease as if made, but as in the normal course of events, the cash transaction books to Accounts Payable. Therefore, while the Ending Liability is reduced on schedule, it is replaced by an Accounts Payable liability until the payment is made. 

        COVID-19 presents such an unforeseen and disruptive impact upon operations, therefore, many companies are electing to keep related costs and abatements distinct from normal operating expenses. As a result, we suggest creating distinct financial categories in this situation. 

        • Accounting for Changing Discount Rates 

        Lower interest rates in response to COVID-19 may affect the Incremental Borrowing Rate (IBR) that lessees typically use as their “discount rate” for lease accounting. The IBR may also be affected if borrowing costs change — for example, because of a declining credit rating. 

        A lower interest rate increases the calculated amount of a lessee’s right-of-use (ROU) assets and lease liabilities. This in turn affects balance sheets when lessees enter new leases, remeasure existing leases, or transition to new lease accounting guidance. 

        • Partial Termination  

        With more people working from home, some businesses may invoke a lease clause or negotiate a lease modification to reduce their square footage and the related costs.  

        Referring to your lease accounting guidance can help you identify what options you may have for recording a partial termination or other modification that reduces the scope of a lease. For example, under ASC 842, you have the choice of reducing the ROU asset proportionate to either the reduction in the lease liability or the reduction in the leased space. 

        • Impairment  

        In an economic downturn, leased assets such as property, plants and equipment may be valued below their current balance. The result is the impairment of ROU assets, which may require a different amortization calculation for operating leases. 

        From the lease holder’s/lessor’s point of view, some assets held for lease may be impaired if demand for those assets decreases or if rental rates drop significantly. 

        For either party, a lease accounting software solution with automated impairment processing helps to simplify the complex process of recording these types of lease impairments. 

        Handle It All with Good Communication, and Intuitive Software 

        In any still-evolving situation like the COVID-19 pandemic, it is always a good idea to consult with your legal counsel and accounting advisory partner as needed to make sure you understand all your rights, obligations and expenses regarding your leases. 

        Maintaining good communication among all parties in a lease is extremely important to help you from avoiding potential high-risk misunderstandings and mitigate conflict. For example, a landlord may misinterpret a tenant’s need to shutter the doors for the short term as abandonment. Or, a tenant could have difficulty getting a concession for unused office space if the business closure is not documented and the landlord is not notified according to the lease terms. 

        Additionally, taking advantage of tracking your leases clauses and financials within a reliable lease accounting and administration software, such as Visual Leaseis incredibly helpful to save your organization significant time and money during and after COVID-19. For more information to see how Visual Lease can help your business evaluate your leases as it relates to COVID-19, visit here or reach out to us today to learn more about our COVID-19 lease impact service. 

        The post Lease accounting during and after COVID-19: What you need to know first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Article: Woodbridge new COVID-19 cases remain low, bell curve is flattening Mon, 01 Jun 2020 12:06:59 +0000 Visual Lease supports the local town of Woodbridge, NJ with donations to support essential workers during COVID-19.

        The post Article: Woodbridge new COVID-19 cases remain low, bell curve is flattening first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Visual Lease supports the local town of Woodbridge, NJ with donations to support essential workers during COVID-19.

        The post Article: Woodbridge new COVID-19 cases remain low, bell curve is flattening first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Press Release: Visual Lease named 2020 top accounting solution provider by CFO Tech Outlook Wed, 27 May 2020 13:00:39 +0000

        Woodbridge, NJ – May 27, 2020 – Visual Lease, the leader in lease accounting and management software, today announced it is the recipient of the Top Accounting Solution Companies 2020 award, presented by CFO Tech Outlook.

        Today’s CFOs are experiencing an array of new challenges and responsibilities from managing a globally diversified business to mitigating new technology risks to navigating new and shifting accounting compliance requirements. According to a recent report from EY, 56% of CFOs surveyed cannot focus on strategic priorities because of time spent on compliance, controls and managing costs. To help CFOs address these concerns, CFO Tech Outlook compiled a list of the top 10 accounting solution providers that are guiding organizations by providing proven technology and services that effectively meets their needs.

        Visual Lease provides lease accounting and lease administration solutions to help companies manage, analyze and report on their leased assets, including real estate, equipment and vehicles. The company’s SaaS platform enables visibility, control and compliance across an organization’s lease portfolio. Serving thousands of users across more than 700 publicly-traded and privately-owned organizations around the globe, Visual Lease has been dedicated to providing visibility into leases for more than 20 years.

        “This acknowledgement by CFO Outlook is a testament to our decades-long commitment to providing innovative, easy-to-use and well-proven solutions that help organizations improve transparency and maintain control over complex lease transactions,” said Marc Betesh, founder, chairman and CEO of Visual Lease. “Amid COVID-19, keeping tabs on lease data has become more important than ever. Now is the time to get control over the magnitude of your leases, and fast. We have the solution and a team representing three decades of lease management experience, backed by an unparalleled commitment to our customers and their success.”

        To learn more about other awards and recognitions received by Visual Lease, visit


        About Visual Lease

        Visual Lease provides lease accounting and lease administration software solutions to help companies manage, analyze and report on their leased asset portfolios, including real estate, equipment and more. The company’s SaaS platform combines GAAP, IFRS and GASB-compliant lease accounting controls with sophisticated and flexible lease portfolio administration. Over 700 of the largest publicly-traded and privately-owned corporations, retailers, hospitals and institutions around the globe rely on Visual Lease’s cloud-based SaaS platform to meet operational and compliance requirements. For more information, please visit

        Media Contacts
        Jennifer Garcia
        Visual Lease
        T+1 732 596 8110

        Geena Pandolfi
        T+1 212 398 9680

        The post Press Release: Visual Lease named 2020 top accounting solution provider by CFO Tech Outlook first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Article: Retail rent breaks from pandemic add to accounting turmoil Thu, 21 May 2020 13:12:06 +0000 Restaurants and retailers are seeking rent concessions this spring to ease cash flow as stay-at-home orders slammed their businesses.

        The post Article: Retail rent breaks from pandemic add to accounting turmoil first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Restaurants and retailers are seeking rent concessions this spring to ease cash flow as stay-at-home orders slammed their businesses.

        The post Article: Retail rent breaks from pandemic add to accounting turmoil first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Article: Private companies shouldn’t press pause amidst COVID-19 driven FASB delays Wed, 20 May 2020 15:59:09 +0000 While the deadline for FASB lease accounting compliance will likely be pushed back, now is certainly not the time for your clients to press pause on getting a handle on...

        The post Article: Private companies shouldn’t press pause amidst COVID-19 driven FASB delays first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        While the deadline for FASB lease accounting compliance will likely be pushed back, now is certainly not the time for your clients to press pause on getting a handle on their lease information.

        The post Article: Private companies shouldn’t press pause amidst COVID-19 driven FASB delays first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Press release: Majority of companies continue to pay rent on unoccupied properties amid pandemic, according to Visual Lease survey on commercial real estate trends Wed, 20 May 2020 14:42:11 +0000

        Woodbridge, NJ — May 20, 2020 — (BUSINESS WIRE) –Visual Lease, the leader in lease accounting and management software, today released findings from a recent customer survey that probed the impacts Covid-19 is having on the commercial real estate market. With the global pandemic pushing the overall real estate sector into previously unchartered territory, Visual Lease sought feedback from its corporate tenant customers on how they were responding to the dynamic market conditions. The analysis represents inputs from more than 100 companies across a broad range of industries including banking and financial services, construction, business services, aerospace and electronics.

        Key survey findings include:

        • Almost 30% of respondents reported that 75-100% of their leased real estate properties were unoccupied at the time of the survey as a result of Covid-19.
        • More than 60% reported that they paid rent on all unoccupied properties starting in April while 17% paid rent on some, but not all, properties and only 3% paid no rent on unoccupied facilities.
        • Only 17% of the customers surveyed reported that they were proactively approached by the landlords of unoccupied properties to discuss rent relief options.

        “In the wake of the Covid-19 outbreak when businesses of all sizes are pivoting to save cash, the ability to keep tabs on critical datapoints in your leases has become more important than ever,” said Marc Betesh, Founder, Chairman and CEO of Visual Lease. “As the financial impact of shelter-in-place mandates and forced office closures continues in the months ahead, landlords and tenants will need to maintain an open dialogue regarding expectations for rent payments and potential penalties for failure to pay. Quick and easy access to accurate lease information will be critical to helping these companies make real-time business decisions and navigate these new market challenges.”

        To shed further light on how the market is being tested, Visual Lease recently launched a monthly Covid-19 impact panel discussion, bringing together its customers, accounting and professional services partners and industry thought leaders to share timely information related to managing leased properties and equipment from a tenant/lessee perspective in this rapidly changing landscape. With more than 20 years of domain expertise in lease management and accounting, Visual Lease is well-positioned to inform and help the businesses it serves prepare for what’s next.

        Visual Lease provides lease accounting and lease administration solutions that help companies manage, analyze and report on their leased assets, including real estate, equipment and vehicles. The company’s SaaS platform is designed to provide visibility, control and compliance to ASC 842, IFRS 16 and GASB 87 accounting standards, to manage the full lease lifecycle.

        To view a recorded version of Visual Lease’s recent online panel discussion: “Two Months Into Covid-19″, visit:

        View the complete dataset at the link here.


        About Visual Lease

        Visual Lease provides lease accounting and lease administration software solutions to help companies manage, analyze and report on their leased asset portfolios, including real estate, equipment and more. The company’s SaaS platform combines GAAP, IFRS and GASB-compliant lease accounting controls with sophisticated and flexible lease portfolio administration. Over 700 of the largest publicly-traded and privately-owned corporations, retailers, hospitals and institutions around the globe rely on Visual Lease’s cloud-based SaaS platform to meet operational and compliance requirements. For more information, please visit

        Media Contacts
        Jennifer Garcia
        Visual Lease
        T+1 732 596 8110

        Geena Pandolfi
        T+1 212 398 9680

        The post Press release: Majority of companies continue to pay rent on unoccupied properties amid pandemic, according to Visual Lease survey on commercial real estate trends first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Article: Rent is due, and many can’t afford it Tue, 05 May 2020 13:23:18 +0000 Almost half of New York renters said they will struggle to make today’s rent payment.

        The post Article: Rent is due, and many can’t afford it first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Almost half of New York renters said they will struggle to make today’s rent payment.

        The post Article: Rent is due, and many can’t afford it first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Video: How is #COVID19 impacting commercial lease agreements? Wed, 29 Apr 2020 13:58:43 +0000 How is #COVID19 impacting commercial lease agreements? Visual Lease CEO Marc Betesh joins Jill Malandrino on Nasdaq #TradeTalks to discuss how businesses are being impacted by the coronavirus the move...

        The post Video: How is #COVID19 impacting commercial lease agreements? first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        How is #COVID19 impacting commercial lease agreements? Visual Lease CEO Marc Betesh joins Jill Malandrino on Nasdaq #TradeTalks to discuss how businesses are being impacted by the coronavirus the move toward remote working.

        The post Video: How is #COVID19 impacting commercial lease agreements? first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Visual Lease supports proposed FASB lease accounting delays due to COVID-19 Tue, 28 Apr 2020 13:36:44 +0000 In an act of relief for companies during the coronavirus pandemic, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) recently voted to propose a one-year deferral of major accounting standards, including ASC...

        The post Visual Lease supports proposed FASB lease accounting delays due to COVID-19 first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

        In an act of relief for companies during the coronavirus pandemic, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) recently voted to propose a one-year deferral of major accounting standards, including ASC 842 (Leases). This proposal would allow private companies an additional year, on top of the initial delay that went into effect October 2019, to adopt the lease accounting standard in their financial statements. Public not-for-profit companies who have not yet issued financial statements would also be granted an extension.

        In light of the coronavirus outbreak and its impact on the global financial market, we support FASB’s decision to defer compliance for this additional year.  Organizations are reeling from the impact of COVID-19, and this deferral would relieve pressure regarding ASC 842 compliance and give them time to focus on the operational and financial challenges posed by the crisis.

        COVID-19 Has Exposed Inadequate Lease Controls

        Delaying the compliance deadline will also give organizations needed time to pull together the information needed to meet ASC 842 as well as provide them with much-needed control over their lease obligations. COVID-19 has brought to light significant inadequacies of existing controls surrounding lease agreements. In an effort to find liquidity and reduce expenses, companies have been examining their leases to understand their options. What they are finding is that they cannot get clear-cut answers about their rights and obligations. How their leases address defaults, terminations, options, rent abatements and other issues can make a huge difference in how companies pivot in this environment.

        Extra Time Is Needed to Gather Information

        If the ASC 842 deadline is pushed out, companies should take advantage of the extra time to collect, organize and summarize their lease information as well as schedule out their rental obligations.  Figuring out lease rights and obligations across a real estate or equipment portfolio is incredibly time-consuming, and is best done when resources are available. Public companies had a difficult time gathering needed lease information as their ASC 842 deadline approached at the end of 2018, and had to rely on expensive consulting firms to get it done. In fact, the difficulty public companies experienced was the primary reason FASB decided to push the deadline last October. Private companies, who have fewer resources and smaller budgets, should take heed and avoid that trouble.

        Tighter Lease Controls Provide Liquidity and a Strong ROI

        Furthermore, organizing leases now will give them earlier control and reduce costs along the way. Especially for companies utilizing lease management software solutions like Visual Lease, adopting tighter lease controls has an exceptional ROI. Through tight management of leases, customers are able to avoid costly penalties, act in time to exercise options, prevent rent overpayments, aggregate and refinance leases and optimize their portfolios. As we have seen over the years, given the expensive nature of real estate and equipment leases, any one of these benefits can save thousands to millions of dollars.

        Compliance with ASC 842 is no small undertaking, and continued action and momentum towards compliance is best practice. Our recommendation is to not look at a deadline deferral as another reason to push the work further down the road. Instead, companies should work diligently, taking advantage of the additional time to gather their lease information, better manage their portfolio and reduce costs.

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        Article: Increased lease modifications calls for tech Thu, 16 Apr 2020 13:19:42 +0000 With ever changing needs to lease agreements as the pandemic unfolds, real estate stakeholders are calling for technology that provides quick access to documents for modification.

        The post Article: Increased lease modifications calls for tech first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        With ever changing needs to lease agreements as the pandemic unfolds, real estate stakeholders are calling for technology that provides quick access to documents for modification.

        The post Article: Increased lease modifications calls for tech first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Article: Some thoughts on how Covid-19 may affect commercial real estate Wed, 15 Apr 2020 14:50:20 +0000 The entire commercial real estate sector will be affected, and the uncertainty hits tenants and landlords alike. Can I afford to keep paying rent?

        The post Article: Some thoughts on how Covid-19 may affect commercial real estate first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        The entire commercial real estate sector will be affected, and the uncertainty hits tenants and landlords alike. Can I afford to keep paying rent?

        The post Article: Some thoughts on how Covid-19 may affect commercial real estate first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Press release: Visual Lease honored as one of the best places to work in New Jersey Tue, 14 Apr 2020 14:00:03 +0000

        Woodbridge, NJ — April 13, 2020 — Visual Lease, the leader in lease accounting and management software, today announced it has been named a 2020 “Best Place to Work in New Jersey” by NJBiz. The annual award recognizes and honors top employers in the state based on company culture, employee satisfaction, opportunity for growth and strength of leadership. Visual Lease joins 120 employers across the state named to the list and is among the 48 mid-sized employers (50-249 employees) to be recognized. The company will be recognized at the awards ceremony held on Thursday, September 17, 2020 at iPlay America’s Event Center in Freehold, NJ.

        This year marks Visual Lease’s first time being recognized on the prestigious list, which is compiled based on employee feedback and participation in the Best Places to Work survey. Visual Lease has experienced significant growth and expansion in the past two years – growing revenue by 172 percent in 2018 and an additional 85 percent in 2019 – and as a result, its workforce tripled in size. The company expects to continue its growth trajectory in the year ahead and will continue offering engaging programs and unique benefits to further build its team of experts to meet growing customer demand.

        “Visual Lease is honored to be listed among the ‘Best Places to Work in New Jersey’,” said Marc Betesh, founder and CEO. “We take tremendous pride in fostering a work environment that puts our people first, offers ample opportunity to advance and ensures we are doing meaningful work for our clients. Being voted a best place to work based on employee feedback is incredibly rewarding and humbling and we are pleased to be in great company alongside many other well-respected companies in our community. I want to personally thank our employees for delivering an unmatched customer experience to our clients and driving a spirit of teamwork and collaboration that permeates our culture. I look forward to finding new ways to improve every day as we continue to grow our team.”

        In today’s environment, as companies are grappling with business disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, Visual Lease’s strong culture has been a major contributing factor in helping the company achieve a seamless transition to a 100 percent remote workforce. “In order for companies to pivot during this crisis, they need quick and easy access to details about their leases from their homes or other remote locations. They also need to keep sight of their reporting deadlines and remain in compliance,” said Clark Convery, Chief Operating Officer, Visual Lease. “It is crucial that our team remains up and running to help them meet these milestones without missing a beat. Our entire team has a sense of ownership in our corporate mission and remains committed to contributing to our shared goals, regardless of where they are located. We are incredibly proud of how our team has adapted to the current situation to ensure our clients continue to receive the best service we have to offer.”

        Visual Lease is dedicated to developing programs and benefits that empower employees across the workplace. From company-wide team building and wellness events to free daily healthy snacks and beverages, employee appreciation days, generous PTO and more, Visual Lease consistently explores new ways to increase employee satisfaction and engagement.

        To learn more about working at Visual Lease visit


        About Visual Lease

        Visual Lease provides lease accounting and lease administration software solutions to help companies manage, analyze and report on their leased asset portfolios, including real estate, equipment and more. The company’s SaaS platform combines GAAP, IFRS and GASB-compliant lease accounting controls with sophisticated and flexible lease portfolio administration. Over 700 of the largest publicly-traded and privately-owned corporations, retailers, hospitals and institutions around the globe rely on Visual Lease’s cloud-based SaaS platform to meet operational and compliance requirements. For more information, please visit

        Media Contacts
        Jennifer Garcia
        Visual Lease
        T+1 732 596 8110

        Geena Pandolfi
        T+1 212 398 9680

        The post Press release: Visual Lease honored as one of the best places to work in New Jersey first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Article: Visual Lease: Driving lease accounting through a nimble and comprehensive solution Tue, 14 Apr 2020 13:22:30 +0000 It’s crucial to properly manage lease documentation to avoid serious financial risks, such as overpayment or missed renewal dates. Furthermore, proper lease management has become more critical than ever due...

        The post Article: Visual Lease: Driving lease accounting through a nimble and comprehensive solution first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        It’s crucial to properly manage lease documentation to avoid serious financial risks, such as overpayment or missed renewal dates. Furthermore, proper lease management has become more critical than ever due to the new lease accounting standards.

        The post Article: Visual Lease: Driving lease accounting through a nimble and comprehensive solution first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Press release: Visual Lease welcomes Erinn Tarpey as SVP, Marketing Mon, 30 Mar 2020 22:11:21 +0000

        Leading lease accounting and management solution provider expands executive team to support the next phase of its strategic growth

        Woodbridge, NJ – March 30, 2020 – Visual Lease, a leading provider of lease accounting and management solutions, today announced the appointment of Erinn Tarpey as SVP, Marketing. In her role, Tarpey will oversee Visual Lease’s go-to-market strategy, operational activities and is responsible for extending global brand awareness of the company’s solutions and services.

        Prior to joining Visual Lease, Tarpey spent almost eight years building the marketing organization at iCIMS, a recruitment solution provider, from 13 resources to more than 100, on pace with the company’s annual recurring revenue growth which maintained 25-30 percent year-over-year gains during her tenure. Tarpey comes to Visual Lease with experience managing the development of proprietary research, supporting mergers and acquisitions and marketing through the partner channel.

        With more than 20 years of B2B and B2C marketing experience gained on both the client and agency sides, Tarpey will play a key role in driving Visual Lease’s expansion plans. “Erinn brings a broad range of experience from other high-growth, industry-leading SaaS solution providers and her involvement is sure to help accelerate Visual Lease’s path to becoming the most respected and widely-used provider of lease management and accounting solutions in the market,” said Marc Betesh, founder, chairman and CEO, Visual Lease.

        “I’m very pleased to join the Visual Lease team for this next leg of the company’s strategic growth,” stated Tarpey. “In addition to the strong executive leadership at the organization, I was compelled by Visual Lease’s focus on continuous innovation and delivering a customer experience that is unmatched in the lease accounting industry,” Tarpey continued. “My goal is to share the Visual Lease vision with a larger audience of businesses, so many of which require our timely support to achieve compliance to the latest ASC 842, IFRS 16, and GASB 87 accounting standards,” Tarpey concluded.

        Visual Lease has plans to increase its employee base by almost 40 percent in 2020. Earlier this month, the company was recognized by NJBIZ on its list of the 2020 Best Places to Work in NJ.

        Click here to learn more about career opportunities at Visual Lease.


        About Visual Lease

        Visual Lease provides lease accounting and lease administration software solutions to help companies manage, analyze and report on their leased asset portfolios, including real estate, equipment and more. The company’s SaaS platform combines GAAP, IFRS and GASB-compliant lease accounting controls with sophisticated and flexible lease portfolio administration. Over 700 of the largest publicly-traded and privately-owned corporations, retailers, hospitals and institutions around the globe rely on Visual Lease’s cloud-based SaaS platform to meet operational and compliance requirements. For more information, please visit

        Media Contacts
        Jennifer Garcia
        Visual Lease
        T+1 732 596 8110

        Geena Pandolfi
        T+1 212 398 9680

        The post Press release: Visual Lease welcomes Erinn Tarpey as SVP, Marketing first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Visual Lease business continuity plan and temporary policies in response to COVID-19 Wed, 11 Mar 2020 21:17:32 +0000 Visual Lease is committed to the health and safety of our employees and the community, as well as to providing your organization with the highest levels of uninterrupted service and...

        The post Visual Lease business continuity plan and temporary policies in response to COVID-19 first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

        Visual Lease is committed to the health and safety of our employees and the community, as well as to providing your organization with the highest levels of uninterrupted service and support throughout the Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis.

        The following are Visual Lease’s business continuity plans relating to the crisis with respect to employees, clients, vendors and visitors. These may be changed or updated at any time as we learn more.

        Visual Lease’s Temporary Policies in Light of COVID-19

        1. All employees must work from home.  Visual Lease’s physical office is closed until further notice.
        2. All non-essential work travel prohibited.  This includes to/from client sites, conferences and trade shows.
        3. No office visitors or in-person meetings. In-person meetings with clients, partners, remote employees and candidates are to be substituted with phone calls or video-based conferencing.

        Visual Lease closely monitors the updates from the CDC, other government agencies and news outlets for updates related to COVID-19. Additional temporary policies may be implemented during this outbreak.

        The post Visual Lease business continuity plan and temporary policies in response to COVID-19 first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Visual Lease recognized as one of the best places to work in New Jersey Tue, 03 Mar 2020 20:13:51 +0000 Visual Lease, the leader in lease accounting and management software, today announced it has been selected as a 2020 “Best Place to Work in New Jersey”. The annual NJBiz “Best...

        The post Visual Lease recognized as one of the best places to work in New Jersey first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

        Visual Lease, the leader in lease accounting and management software, today announced it has been selected as a 2020 “Best Place to Work in New Jersey”.

        The annual NJBiz “Best Places to Work in New Jersey” award recognizes and honors top employers in the state based on company culture, employee satisfaction, opportunity for growth and strength of leadership. The “Best Places to Work in New Jersey” awards ceremony will be held on Tuesday, April 21, 2020 at iPlay America’s Event Center in Freehold, NJ.

        This year marks Visual Lease’s first time being recognized on the prestigious list for mid-sized companies. Over the past 2 years, Visual Lease has experienced significant growth and expansion, growing 168% in 2018 and an additional 63% in 2019.

        Some of the many reasons Visual Lease stands out from other mid-sized companies in New Jersey is its dedication to employee satisfaction and company perks. Visual Lease offers its employees a positive work environment, company-wide team building and wellness events, free daily healthy snacks and beverages, employee appreciation days and more.

        Interested in working at Visual Lease? Visit to learn more.

        The post Visual Lease recognized as one of the best places to work in New Jersey first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Lease vs buy analysis under ASC 842, IFRS 16 and GASB 87 Fri, 28 Feb 2020 10:54:42 +0000 Leasing vs buying is not an easy decision to make regardless of the asset involved. While there are lease vs buy analysis Excel sheets, choosing one over the other is...

        The post Lease vs buy analysis under ASC 842, IFRS 16 and GASB 87 first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Leasing vs buying is not an easy decision to make regardless of the asset involved. While there are lease vs buy analysis Excel sheets, choosing one over the other is still no walk in the park. After all, several factors must be considered such as how the purchase will affect the company’s financial health over time, the asset’s fair market value, and the current capital of the business, to name a few.

        Are Leases a Waste of Money?

        Many companies choose to buy property or equipment for a variety of reasons. For one, purchasing is usually considered a valuable long-term investment especially since rental payments often increase each year. Businesses that intend to lease for a long-time and will have a high fixed overhead are better off purchasing the asset. This is especially true for real estate properties and for stable enterprises that intend to stay in the same place for years.

        When Should Leasing be Preferred Over Purchase?

        There are many cases where leasing is a better option than purchasing. Leasing, after all, lets the business have the advantages of ownership without shouldering the asset-related risks. For example, in leasing vs buying a car, a company can use the vehicle but maintenance costs will be shouldered by the lessor. 

        Leasing property or equipment also helps improve a company’s liquidity. This is because buying an asset means tying up resources that enterprises might need in the future.

        When Should a Leasing Be Preferred Over Purchase?

        Businesses who are working on their lease vs buy analysis must ask the following questions:

        1. How much is the asset worth and how long does the business need it?

        Regardless of the industry, the company is in, the business will need specific equipment to get their work done. Some equipment like laptops or computers and mobile gadgets will need updating regularly. Having a lease lets the business stay up-to-date. Plus, equipment such as golf carts, forklifts, and other tools can be quite pricey. Renting them instead means being able to use them without paying for their high price.

        1. What fits the company’s budget?

        Leasing property or equipment is often cheaper than purchasing it. However, businesses must be fully aware of the terms of the lease. This means that companies must ensure that their lease ends at the same time they will be moving into a different space or when they are already finished using the equipment. Companies must also keep in mind that some equipment may be sold off when they’re no longer needed.

        1. Will the property or equipment need customization?

        It’s not enough to look at the lease price vs purchase price since some assets may need to be customized to fit the business’s requirements. For example, with a real estate property, the need to renovate the space the company will be moving into can be part of the contract. Sometimes, the lessor may offer a tenant improvement allowance (TIA) to make the lease contract more attractive. 

        1. What about depreciation?

        Real estate and equipment depreciate over time. Leasing means not having to worry about the depreciation in the equipment or property’s value. However, companies will enjoy tax breaks either in the near or long-term future if they buy the equipment. Under Section 179, enterprises can deduct 100 percent of the qualified item if it uses the asset or equipment within the first year from purchase. The Bonus Depreciation lets companies recover their expenses over time.

        1. How’s the business income statement looking?

        Businesses that lease instead of buy won’t have to worry about their tied up money or capital especially if they are relatively new. Before shelling out money for equipment or property, it is essential to determine whether the business can shoulder the cost of the loan or lease. Enterprises should remember that rental payments usually increase over time and that there are related costs in owning the real estate or equipment such as maintenance, taxes, and insurance, to name a few.

        What are the Effects of the New Lease Accounting Standards ASC 842, IFRS 16 and GASB 87?

        Accounting standards such as IFRS or US GAAP, require all leases to be reflected on the balance sheet. This means that the company’s ability to avoid the lease classification is no longer a consideration when choosing between buying or leasing. Thus, the decision on whether to lease or purchases should be based on the asset and cost as well as the cost change over time.

        There are no easy answers in the buy vs lease debate. For some businesses, it’s better to purchase a property but for others, it makes more business sense to either enter a lease or renegotiate one. Thus, enterprises should take the time to conduct their lease vs buy analysis before signing a lease or sales contract.

        The post Lease vs buy analysis under ASC 842, IFRS 16 and GASB 87 first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        3 things to consider when generating lease accounting disclosure reports Tue, 25 Feb 2020 19:36:17 +0000 With all the new lease accounting rules you have to contend with — whether you follow ASC 842, IFRS 16, or GASB 87 — the prospect of generating lease accounting...

        The post 3 things to consider when generating lease accounting disclosure reports first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

        With all the new lease accounting rules you have to contend with — whether you follow ASC 842, IFRS 16, or GASB 87 — the prospect of generating lease accounting disclosure reports can be intimidating. In this blog, we look at three simple but vital things to keep in mind as you gather lease data and think about how you will comply with the latest lease disclosure reporting requirements.

        1. Lease accounting disclosure reports now require more detailed data.

        The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), and Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) created ASC 842, IFRS 16, and GASB 87 respectively with the same goal: to provide insight into an organization’s leasing activities and greater visibility into its assets and liabilities.

        Where leases previously were mostly on the income statement or just a footnote, today’s lease accounting standards require those assets and liabilities to be brought onto the balance sheet — creating a far more thorough picture of an organization’s finances. Under ASC 842, IFRS 16, and GASB 87, an organization’s lease accounting disclosure reports must now provide:

        • More detailed qualitative and quantitative information about leases, such as cash outflows and values of right-of-use assets
        • Significant judgments made in measuring leases
        • The amounts recognized in the financial statements 

        These new standards require you to gather a large amount of data to generate quantitative lease accounting disclosure reports related to real estate, equipment, vehicles, land, and any other leases your organization might hold.

        Among other things, you will need the various inputs that are created by your amortization schedules and right-of-use (ROU) or leased asset and liability balances. You will also need access to the data points in those schedules, as well as the ability to pull out relevant values on liability and cash flows.

        Lease accounting disclosure reports may also require qualitative information such as the terms and conditions of leases, assumptions used in applying the lease standards, and certain elements outside of the lease liability.

        Trying to input all the pertinent lease information and track it using a spreadsheet or other manual method is no match for the kind of reporting requirements these new standards require. Thankfully, that is where lease accounting technology plays a vital role in disclosure reporting.

        2. Accurate lease accounting disclosure reporting depends on software.

        Lease accounting software streamlines the disclosure reporting process by providing a secure and efficient system for organizing lease data, to make sure that key information is properly compiled and disclosed. 

        The right lease accounting software solution helps you capture all the necessary data, track changes, and report lease costs in accordance with both your accounting policies and procedures and the latest accounting standards.

        In addition, a lease accounting solution further streamlines this very complex process by providing automated calculations and workflows that improve lease accounting disclosure reporting in several crucial ways:

        • Ensuring the accuracy of disclosure reports by providing a single-source, centralized system for inputting, storing, tracking, and managing all lease data
        • Properly accounting for nuances within leases through configurable reporting and calculations, ensuring that assets are consistently accounted for
        • Eliminating human error and reliance on formulas to further ensure accuracy by having all your data points and calculations already in the system
        • Integrating to the balance sheet, allowing each type of lease and related information, including ROU assets, interest expenses, and liabilities, to be brought into the balance sheet
        • Providing visibility into important qualitative lease details such as terms, changes and dates

        Beyond achieving compliance with lease accounting disclosure reporting requirements, you can also opt for an all-in-one lease management system that combines lease accounting and administration. Such a system provides full lease accounting capabilities along with administration functions for day-to-day, ongoing lease management.

        To learn more about what to look for in a lease accounting solution, read A Complete Guide to Lease Accounting.

        3. Disclosure reporting requirements depend on which standards you must follow.

        While ASC 842, IFRS 16, and GASB 87 differ in the types of organizations they apply to, there are some similarities in their disclosure requirements. For example, GASB 87 was created for use by state and local governments in the United States, while ASC 842 is for public and private organizations in the United States and IFRS is for international organizations.

        However, across all three standards — ASC 842 disclosure reporting, IFRS 16 disclosure reporting, and GASB 87 disclosure reporting — the key requirements include the following:

        • Information about the nature of an organization’s leases (including subleases)
        • Leases that have not yet commenced
        • Significant assumptions and judgments
        • Amounts recognized in the financial statements
        • Maturity analysis of liabilities
        • Lease transactions with related parties

        While ASC 842 makes U.S. financial reporting more consistent with the international requirements, and ASC 842 and IFRS 16 disclosure reports are very similar in format and content, there are also some important differences to keep in mind.

        For example, where ASC 842 classifies leases as either operating or finance, all leases must be accounted for as finance lease under IFRS 16. In addition, ASC 842 and IFRS differ in how a short-term lease — one with a term of 12 months or less — is defined when transitioning an existing lease to the new standards.

        Under ASC 842, the lease’s term is determined by the original commencement date. So, for example, a 10-year lease that has only 6 months left on it at the time of transition would still be considered a long-term lease.

        However, under IFRS, an existing lease’s term is based on how much time remains when the transition occurs. Therefore, a 10-year lease with only 6 months remaining at the time of transition could be categorized as a short-term lease for purposes of disclosure reporting. Additionally, IFRS 16 provides guidance for so-called low value leases, allowing them to be grouped and treated similarly on the disclosure report.

        Unlike GASB 87, where practical expedients are not optional, both ASC 842 and IFRS 16 require disclosure reporting to include which practical expedients an organization has elected to apply to its lease accounting, including:

        • Practical expedients related to short-term leases
        • Those related to separating lease components
        • Election of transition-related practical expedients
        • Election not to restate comparative periods upon adoption

        With more comprehensive and complex requirements for lease accounting disclosure reporting, ASC 842, IFRS 16, and GASB 87 certainly present new challenges to accounting teams. However, with the implementation of lease accounting software and more efficient accounting practices, these new disclosure standards promise to deliver clearer, more accurate, and more useful financial statements.

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        Press Release: Visual Lease announces GASB 87 lease accounting module Wed, 19 Feb 2020 13:17:29 +0000

        New GASB 87 lease accounting module provides government entities and public sector organizations with simplified lease accounting compliance

        Woodbridge, NJ, February 19, 2020 Visual Lease, the leader in lease accounting and management software, announced today its full support for lease accounting standard, GASB 87. Similar to Standards ASC 842 and IFRS 16, GASB 87 requires organizations to record leases on their balance sheet. Government entities such as state and local municipalities, and public sector organizations including some higher education and healthcare entities, must all comply with GASB 87.

        Visual Lease software currently enables more than 700 organizations to achieve compliance with ASC 842 and IFRS 16. With the addition of GASB 87 support, government and public sector organizations will now have the ability to leverage Visual Lease to easily and quickly comply with the unique lease accounting standards applicable to them.

        “We are proud to have the opportunity to provide the public sector with our best-in-class, comprehensive lease accounting solution,” said Clark Convery, COO at Visual Lease. “A core focus for our business is to continually develop additional features and functionality to offer our clients the most reliable, successful way to achieve lease accounting compliance. It was an obvious decision for Visual Lease to extend our lease accounting functionality to support GASB 87.”

        Using Visual Lease’s GASB 87 functionality, organizations will have the ability to easily manage key data points across every leased asset, automatically run disclosure reports and journal entry calculations, integrate with third-party ERP applications and more. In addition, the software also supports GASB 13.

        To learn more about Visual Lease’s support for GASB 87, please visit:

        About Visual Lease (

        Visual Lease provides lease accounting and lease administration software solutions to help companies manage, analyze and report on their leased asset portfolios, including real estate, equipment and more. The company’s SaaS platform combines GAAP, IFRS and GASB-compliant lease accounting controls with sophisticated and flexible lease portfolio administration. Over 700 of the largest publicly-traded and privately-owned corporations, retailers, hospitals and institutions around the globe rely on Visual Lease’s cloud-based SaaS platform to meet operational and compliance requirements. For more information, please visit

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        GASB 87 compliance: 4 things you need to know Tue, 11 Feb 2020 19:32:11 +0000 As of the beginning of this year, GASB 87 lease changes have gone into effect. These new lease accounting rules have a substantial impact on government entities and public institutions...

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        As of the beginning of this year, GASB 87 lease changes have gone into effect. These new lease accounting rules have a substantial impact on government entities and public institutions in higher education, healthcare, and more. 

        Many organizations, however, are woefully underprepared for GASB 87 compliance. Accounting departments need to understand the extent of their lease portfolio, the data they need for lease calculations, the new accounting methodology required, and how to stay on top of any future lease account changes.

        If your organization is impacted by GASB 87 lease accounting changes, here are four crucial things to consider while you work towards compliance.

        1. Understand your lease portfolio

        For many organizations, getting an accurate picture of the leases they’ve accumulated over the years is a massive burden. Often times, companies have leases across all departments — from IT equipment to office spaces and company vehicles — that are tracked and managed amongst a disparate set of systems. That means you’ll need collaboration across the entire organization to track down all possible sources of leases. Having a centralized view into all of your organization’s leases, however, is crucial for GASB 87 compliance. 

        When you’re organizing your lease data and documentation, you need to understand, not only what types of leases you have, but whether they’re required to appear on the balance sheet as well. That’s because GASB 87 differs from ASC 842 and IFRS 16 when it comes to short-term leases. For example, under GASB 87, if there is any option to extend a lease past 12 months, regardless of the likelihood to exercise, it is not able to be considered a short term lease. Luckily, GASB 87 lease accounting software can streamline the process of organizing your lease portfolio and understanding how this information needs to be reported on your financial statements.

        2. Know what lease data points to collect for GASB 87 compliance

        Along with changes to how leases appear within financial statements, GASB 87 lease accounting rules specify new requirements for lease calculations. In order to prepare these calculations, you’ll likely need to collect many different data points across various areas of your organization. Tracking down and extracting these additional data points requires careful planning and communication between many departments within the organization.

        In the longer term, capturing this data in a centralized software solution is crucial for minimizing the complexity of lease reporting and ongoing management. That’s why choosing a GASB 87 lease software solution that’s configurable for tracking data points specific to your needs and highly interoperable with other business applications can dramatically streamline lease data collection for your organization. The right lease management software should integrate with leading business systems that various departments within your organization are already using to share and aggregate relevant leasing data. When it comes time to prepare your financial statements, you’ll know exactly where to find the information you need to accurately report your leases under the new requirements.

        3. Understand the changes to the balance sheet

        The primary goal of the new GASB 87 lease accounting rules is to make leases more transparent within financial statements by including the majority of them on the balance sheet. 

        For lessees, that means recognizing a lease liability for the present value of the total expense commitment and an intangible asset equal to this lease liability as well as any payments made at the commencement of the lease. As payments are made towards the lease, the liability is reduced and interest expenses are recognized on the income statement. The amortization of the asset and interest expenses are front-loaded, meaning more is recognized in the beginning of the lease term. There are also additional disclosure reporting requirements, which includes lease descriptions, payment schedules, and the amount of total leased assets.

        Lessors must recognize a lease receivable equal to the present value of the lease payments expected to be received over the lease term, and a deferred inflow of resources equal to the lease receivable and any additional payments at or before the commencement of the lease. This deferred inflow is recognized as revenue over the life of the lease. As the lessee makes payments, the lease receivable is reduced, and interest income is recognized. Lessors must also include descriptions of leases, lease revenue recognized in the reporting period, and revenue from variable payment components in the disclosures as well.

        The GASB 87 lease accounting changes may sound complicated, but a lease management solution can automatically generate these journal entries and additional disclosure reports to simplify the preparation of financial statements. That means organizations that are impacted by GASB 87 can quickly meet the new ongoing accounting and financial reporting requirements.

        4. Stay on top of lease changes 

        When it comes to meeting the GASB 87 lease changes, it’s not just a one-time event. You’ll need to continually manage leases — and their relevant data points — as leases get added, renewed, or cancelled. In addition, payment amounts change with variable rent leases, and other events can impact lease calculations in the future. Managing these changes to your lease portfolio on a day-to-day basis is time-consuming without the proper systems and processes in place.

        Most organizations, therefore, need a way for the people who manage leases to modify this lease data from a centralized and intuitive lease management solution. The reality, however, is that many accounting and leasing systems can’t provide these capabilities out of the box. And those solutions that do meet today’s GASB 87 compliance needs aren’t innovating for the future. 

        If your organization will be impacted by the GASB 87 lease accounting changes, consider a solution like Visual Lease to make compliance straightforward for the long term. Visual Lease has the capabilities necessary for achieving lease compliance, streamlining monthly reporting, and maintaining your lease portfolio. That’s because it’s an intuitive lease management platform that provides seamless integrations with a variety of third-party business applications.

        But don’t take our word for it. If you want to see for yourself how Visual Lease can streamline your lease management and compliance requirements, schedule a free demo now.

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        Lease accounting for service contracts under new lease accounting standards Thu, 06 Feb 2020 11:08:49 +0000 There have been several major changes in the way businesses address service contracts in recent years given the new standards and updates on the existing standards.  For one, the new...

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        There have been several major changes in the way businesses address service contracts in recent years given the new standards and updates on the existing standards. 

        For one, the new lease accounting standards have made accounting for leases more complicated while the Accounting Standard Update or ASU 2018-15 has provided clarity and simplified cloud computing contracts accounting. Just what exactly are the changes in accounting for long-term service contracts? Here’s a rundown.

        Is a Service Contract an Asset?

        Before we get into a deep dive into service contract accounting journal entries, we must first discuss whether a service contract is an asset. Certain contracts like sales contracts, employment, affiliation, and advertising can be treated as intangible assets since they provide value to a business. For example, contracts like long-term leases with below-market rates offer a big overhead saving. Or subscription contracts for a cable company or other long-term service contracts that provide revenues for a firm are examples of intangible assets.


        What Happens When Leases Are Embedded in Service Contracts?

        IFRS 16 and ASC 842 mandates businesses to be more transparent when it comes to their lease obligations. Compliance with these two standards means evaluating service contracts to identify which have embedded leases. Unfortunately for companies, the determination of embedded leases is a tedious and time-consuming task. A survey by KPMG showed that identifying embedded leases was ranked as the fourth most difficult aspect of implementing the new standards.


        There are no shortcuts available to firms when it comes to determining embedded leases. Plus, one has to have a good grasp of what constitutes a lease given that contracts do not usually contain words like “rent” or “lease.”

        Below is an example of how to evaluate a contract.

        Company Y has a warehouse contract with AB Warehouse. AB warehouse provides the warehouse facility, monitors, and equipment for Company Y. The contract states that Company Y will have full usage of the facility, equipment, and monitors. The contract details each item that can be used by Company Y.

        Company Y has 100 percent control over the warehouse facility, equipment, and monitors and will gain substantial benefits from the warehouse. The equipment portion of this contract between Company Y and AB warehouse meets all the criteria of an embedded lease of the standards given the following:


        • The assets are identified
        • Company Y has full control of the identified assets
        • Company Y gains almost all of the economic benefits from the identified assets

        Generally, logistics, security, and warehousing contracts have embedded leases.

        How to Account for Software Leases and Cloud Computing Contracts?

        The FASB in 2018 released new guidelines on how firms must do the accounting for the upfront costs and implementation related to cloud computing contracts. The standard update, Customer’s Accounting for Fees Paid in a Cloud Computing Arrangement in ASU 2015-05 clarifies how businesses must treat software as service contracts.

        The new guidance says that the phrase “hosting arrangement” is now applicable or covers any arrangement that allows customers to use or have access to the software but without real possession. This means businesses have to account for implementation costs on cloud computing arrangements just like one accounts for the related internally-hosted software arrangements.

        The new guidance and new standards on accounting for service contracts can be too much for companies. The new standards may have clarified the processes but these simplification and clarification are offset by the tedious work in complying with new accounting guidance. After all, there’s too much legwork in determining whether contracts have embedded leases or not and businesses may need to implement new processes to identify which ones have embedded leases. Fortunately, there are reliable service providers like Visual Lease that can make the transition to new standards easier.

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        Asset retirement obligation under ASC 842, IFRS 16 and GASB 87 Thu, 30 Jan 2020 11:05:02 +0000 If you have signed an operating lease for space, built leasehold improvements, and determined that you are legally required to take out the leasehold improvement when the lease expires, then...

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        If you have signed an operating lease for space, built leasehold improvements, and determined that you are legally required to take out the leasehold improvement when the lease expires, then you have already encountered an asset retirement obligation or ARO for short.

        What is Fixed Asset Retirement?

        Asset retirement occurs when either capitalized goods or property is removed from service either because of disposal, sale, or any kind of removal. When the asset has been retired, then it no longer has the utility for which it was originally either constructed, acquired, or developed.

        What is an Asset Retirement Obligation?

        An ARO pertains to the legal obligation related to retiring a long-lived, tangible asset where the firm is responsible for either cleaning up the hazardous materials or removing equipment or structure at a later date. Companies must account for AROs in their financial statement to reflect a holistic and more accurate picture of the enterprise’s overall value.

        Some examples of ARO are when a shop constructs on the rented space according to a specific design or layout to suit the business’ needs or when the business updates and paints the rented space for their branding. If the lease contract requires the lessee to take out the improvements or repaint the space to its original color, then the lessee has an ARO and is required to return the rented asset to its original condition the lessee found it. Likewise, a firm that leases a lot and installs water tanks on the property and is required to remove such a tank after the lease ends also has an asset retirement obligation.


        Is Asset Retirement an Obligations Debt?

        Asset retirement obligation is a liability, considered a common legal requirement to return an asset to its old condition according to asset retirement obligation accounting IFRS IAS 37 and the Accounting Standards Codification Statement No. 41- or FASB ASC 41.

        What is the Accounting Entry for Asset Retirement?

        During ARO accounting, business must recognize the fair value of the ARO upon incurring the liability if it can obtain a realistic estimate of the ARO’s fair value. But if the fair value is initially unobtainable, then the ARO must be recognized at a later date when the fair market value is already available.

        Our Lease Accounting software can ensure you that you are properly accounting for your ARO. Don’t believe it, request a demo to see for yourself. We provide our users with a time-saving, compliant ARO accounting solution.

        How Do You Calculate Asset Retirement Obligation?

        A firm that acquires a fixed asset with an ARO already attached should recognize the ARO’s liability as of the fixed acquisition date. There’s a benefit to recognizing the liability immediately as possible since it provides the readers of the firm’s financial statements a more realistic grasp of the company’s actual state of obligations given that ARO liabilities can be quite big.

        Generally, there’s only one way to identify the fair value of the ARO, which is by using an expected present value technique by using several possible outcomes. Those computing for the expected present value of the future cash flows must include the following into the calculation:

        Probability distribution– When there are only two outcomes possible when determining the ARO’s expected present value, one must assign a 50 percent probability to each one until the additional information altering the initial probability distribution becomes available. If not, one must spread the probability across all the possible scenarios.

        Discount rate– A risk-free, credit-adjusted rate must be used for discounting cash flows to their current value. Hence, the business’ credit standing will affect the discount rate to be used.

        The following steps must be followed when calculating the expected present value of an ARO:


        1. Estimate the amount and timing of the cash flows related to the retirement activities
        2. Determine the risk-free, credit adjusted rate
        3. Record the period-to-period increase, if any, in the carrying amount of the ARO’s liability as an accretion expense. This can be done by multiplying the starting liability by the risk-free, credit-adjusted rate from when the liability was initially measured
        4. The upward liability revisions must be recognized as a new liability layer, then discount the reduction using the rate used for the first recognition of the related liability layer


        When the ARO liability has been initially recognized, then the related asset retirement cost must be capitalized. It can be done by adding the related asset retirement cost and carrying amount of the related fixed asset.


        If ARO liability changes over time

        In many cases, the ARO liability will change over time. Thus, should the liability increase, then one must consider the incremental increase for every period so it becomes an additional layer of liability on top of any previous liability layers. The following points must be considered when recognizing these additional layers:

        1. Each layer must initially be recognized at its fair value
        2. Allocation of the ARO liability must be systematically be allocated to expense during the useful life of the asset
        3. The changes in the liability due to the passage of time must be measured using the risk-free, credit-adjusted rate when each layer was initially recognized. One must also record the cost of the liability’s increase. This should be classified as accretion expense when charged as an expense.
        4. When the ARO yet has to be realized and the time period has already shortened, then the amount, timing, and probabilities related to cash flows will improve. There might be changes in the ARO liability according to these changes in the estimate.


        AROs are just a sample of the complex nature of the new lease accounting standards. Fortunately, there’s Visual Lease accounting software designed by seasoned accountants that can help any comply with various accounting standards. Our software can improve a company’s lease accounting to ensure compliance.

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        What is the definition of a practical expedient under ASC 842 and IFRS 16? Thu, 23 Jan 2020 14:40:38 +0000 The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) are not blind to the tedious task facing firms once the new standards take effect. Hence, the creation...

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        The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) are not blind to the tedious task facing firms once the new standards take effect. Hence, the creation of practical expedients.

        What is a Practical Expedient?

        Practical expedients are considerations, or shortcuts companies can elect to lessen their burden in the adoption of ASC 842 and IFRS 16. They were designed to provide relief for companies during the transition to the new standards.

        The ASC 842 Transition Examples

        There are various practical expedients published by the boards shortly after the release of the new lease accounting standard.

        The ASC 842 Practical Expedient Package

        One of the practical expedients provided to ease the ASC 842 lessor accounting is the package deal where companies have the option of using all three lease portfolio practical expedients together or none at all. Electing this practical expedient package lease means applying them all consistently across all leases. Plus, according to the ASC 842 disclosure requirements, businesses must disclose that they have used all three expedients.

        The three all-or-nothing practical expedients are the following:

        • Businesses don’t have to reassess the lease classification for both expired or existing leases
        • Businesses don’t have to reevaluate if the expired or existing contracts have leases
        • Businesses don’t have to reassess already recorded initial direct costs of any of the existing leases


        These three practical expedients can reduce significantly the time spend on re-evaluating leases, thus also reducing the costs of preparing the financial statements to comply with the ASC 842 transition requirements.  Companies that choose not to use this package will have to deal with the following:

        • Reassessing initial direct costs also means dealing with an equity adjustment
        • Re-evaluating of all leases to determine whether each lease should be classified as a finance or operating lease following the new standards
        • Re-evaluating all existing expired leases

        Companies, however, might not want to use the package since they might benefit from reassessments of their leases. For example, if most of a business’s operating leases would qualify as finance leases following the ASC 842 standard, then reclassification would impact the EBITDA. Thus, businesses may decide not to use the practical expedient package.

        Learn about expedients now, choose your options early!

        The ASC 842 practical expedients you elect to use will have a huge impact on:

        • What lease data you need to collect
        • How you need to break the data down
        • How you will configure your lease accounting system

        While a practical expedient might save you time, your decision must also consider its potential impact on your financial reporting. So, although FASB has extended the compliance deadline — giving private companies until 2021 to report their leased assets on balance sheets — it’s important to understand the implications and make your decisions about ASC 842 practical expedients as soon as possible.

        If you are unsure what to do, speak with your accounting advisory partner, who can help to guide you through the ASC 842 transition requirements and your practical expedient decisions.

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        How to get everything you want in a lease software solution Fri, 20 Dec 2019 22:50:36 +0000 How often do you have this experience when evaluating enterprise software? The vendor gives a demonstration of an amazing solution, walking you through complex tools that do exactly what you...

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        How often do you have this experience when evaluating enterprise software? The vendor gives a demonstration of an amazing solution, walking you through complex tools that do exactly what you need. You say, “This is perfect! Can you give me a price?”

        First, they give you pricing for the bare bones model. Then, you find out that what they showed you involves a lot of add-ons to the platform. None of it is standard and every extra thing – from fields that you need, to reports – is going to cost you. 

        That’s a common frustration to come across when evaluating software vendors. Systems that lack configurability are expensive, time-consuming to implement, and cumbersome to update when you need a small change.

        Wouldn’t you rather get everything you need right out of the box? When it comes to lease accounting and management software, you can, if you know what to look for. In this article, we’ve laid out desired configurable enterprise lease accounting software you need.

        What you see should be what you get

        Software customers shouldn’t have to jump through hoops to get a system to work how they need. A good lease accounting system should make your life easier – and be configurable to meet your needs. 

        When looking at different lease software providers, they all claim to be customizable. However, when you dig deeper, you’ll find out their system contains only surface-level customizations at best.

        At Visual Lease, our solution is designed to be flexible and scalable for all customers. Every customer coming to us from any industry can have a system that meets their unique needs without paying extra to get it.

        If you want a truly flexible system that works how you need it to, and will serve your business for many years to come, here are the specific features to look for:

        1. Look for a truly configurable database

        Every organization has different lease information that they need to track. Manufacturing companies with leased warehouses will need to track the number and height of bay doors. Retail franchise groups need to track the brand associated with each retail location. They may also have leased vehicles that need to be associated with a location and a manager. Hospital groups may want to track the originating parent company for each facility.

        These are just a few examples, but I’m sure your organization has similar necessities that are not part of the typical lease data tracked by “canned” lease software. When you think through everything you’re currently tracking (or would like to track all in one place), you’re going to need more than just a few uniquely tailored fields specifically to your business.  

        What you need is a software product that has been designed from the database level to be completely configurable. With that capability, there’s no need to give up what you are looking to track and try to force your business into a one-size-fits-all model.

        With Visual Lease, you not only get a flexible system, but you get one that is entirely configurable for no additional cost. Our implementation team helps you through the initial setup, but also teaches you how to tweak the system yourself when the inevitable changes happen in your business, so you can always have the data you need at your fingertips.

        2. The importance of ad-hoc reporting

        With any lease software, you’ll get what looks like an impressive collection of standard reports. But as you begin to use them, you’ll realize you need to make changes. You’ll want the reports to reflect your own terminology, your organizational structure, and your leasing policies and practices – not to mention the look and feel of your brand.

        The last thing you want is to have to go back to the vendor (or a consultant) and spend a lot of money on report customizations. Oftentimes, software companies will provide you custom reports – for a cost. Why would you want to pay for exporting your own data in a way that makes sense to your business? 

        Instead, look for lease software with an ad-hoc reporting tool that makes it quick and easy to create your own data visualizations and reports. 

        With Visual Lease, you can query ANY lease information that you’re tracking in the system and group, subgroup, and filter the data any way you choose. Even better, you can do it with a tool you already know: Excel. You can save reports, add to a dashboard, or export and format with templates to create a branded look. 

        3. Flexible user access & security 

        For comprehensive lease software that manages the entire lifecycle of your leases (including administration and accounting), you’ll likely need to provide different levels of access and control for people with different responsibilities.Some examples of user roles and access include:

        • Multiple levels of administrative access, rather than a single administrator
        • A separation of roles and associated access rights within the various parts of the lease system
        • The ability to create groups based on roles with pre-assigned permissions
        • The ability to control certain rights at an individual level

        You’ll also want to control login credentials and create passwords that match your corporate password policy. You might want the extra security of using multi-factor authentication, or you might want to tie into your organization’s existing Single Sign On (SSO) to authenticate users.

        4. Adaptable implementation services

        When you work with a vendor to implement software, how does the process begin? In most cases, you’ll hear about cloned steps they take with every customer.

        When you’re getting a more customizable product, the process will start with a conversation about your goals and how you want to use the system.

        For example, the implementation team should ask about the systems you’re using now. Obviously that conversation will include your AP/GL, but should go beyond that to discuss other systems that you need to integrate with, or tools that you’re replacing. What’s working well that you would like to replicate in your new comprehensive lease management system? 

        The team should work with you to create what we like to call your “blue sky vision” of your ideal solution.

        Accounting strings are a great example of an essential customization that your implementation team should set up for you. Every large organization has a unique coding system for invoices that allow the financial team to identify who owns that invoice, who is responsible for paying it, and where it belongs in the budget. That code should follow every lease-related expense and journal entry. 

        Your implementation team can work with you to concatenate information from various lease data fields (often including custom fields) to create custom accounting strings that match your coding system. 

        5. An all-inclusive price

        Let’s be realistic: even the easiest to use lease software requires implementation services to help you get your data into the system. You’ll need training for administrators. And you’ll need ongoing support when questions come up.

        Many (if not most) solution providers nickel and dime you for every service they provide on top of the product itself.

        Here at Visual Lease, we feel that “software as a service” means you should get the services you need included with the software. That means implementation services, training, and help desk support are all included in the price you pay for our product.

        People are always surprised when they ask about extra charges and we say, no, this is all included as part of the system.

        Want to see for yourself? You can be confident that what you see will be what you get, all at a reasonable and predictable price. Schedule a demo now!

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        ASC 842 FAQ: How to account for real estate CAM charges and leasehold improvements Thu, 14 Nov 2019 12:00:46 +0000 In attempt to become compliant with the new lease accounting standards, particularly ASC 842 and IFRS 16, there are many intricate details that accountants often have questions about. Today we’ll...

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        Accounting for leasehold improvements

        In attempt to become compliant with the new lease accounting standards, particularly ASC 842 and IFRS 16, there are many intricate details that accountants often have questions about. Today we’ll address frequently asked questions regarding accounting for real estate CAM charges, and accounting for leasehold improvements.

        Real Estate CAM (common area maintenance) Accounting FAQs

        1. What are CAM expenses?

        Common area maintenance (CAM) fees are common charges in commercial real estate leases. Charged in addition to rent, average CAM fees cover the lessor’s operational expenses including maintenance, janitorial, repairs, snow removal, landscaping, etc.

        Tenants are charged their pro-rata share of these charges on an annual basis. Specifically, the tenant’s share would be the percentage of the tenant rentable space to the total rentable space of the property.

        Real estate CAM charges vary according to the type of real estate property. For example, retail property such as shopping centers will have different charges particularly relating to open areas, versus office space that will have minimal open areas.

        2. How do the new lease accounting standards affect CAM accounting?

        Under the new lease accounting standards, ASC 842 and IFRS 16, real estate CAM charges are treated differently. As a result, lessees must be crystal clear about what’s included in CAM, given it’s not always so cut and dry.

        Real estate CAM charges are not included in the asset value of the lease. Instead, they are expensed in the year they’re incurred. It’s important to scrutinize CAM charges to be sure that capital costs are not included in the expenses. This is a frequent error and thus tenants must be vigilant that capital costs are not included in the CAM charges.

        Another key factor in CAM charges is the issue of establishing a cap and floor to the charges. CAM charges can fluctuate and thus it’s important to establish limits on the degree by which the charges can extend.

        3. How should I handle CAM reconciliation?

        CAM reconciliation is the process of reconciling estimated charges with actuals. Typically, an audit of the CAM charges is made at the end of the fiscal year and the differences between estimated versus actual costs are calculated. Either the landlord or tenant are made “whole” through the reconciliation process.

        Accounting for Leasehold Improvements FAQs

        1. What are leasehold improvements?

        Leasehold improvements (LHI) are defined as capital improvements made to a tenant’s space such as dry wall, electrical, carpeting, lighting, etc. Most office leases offer what is called a “work letter”, which defines what the building owner will provide to the tenant in terms of basic improvements. These improvements can be offered as a credit in the rent or provided separately.

        Leasehold improvements are typically provided over and above the building allowance. The tenant will typically amortize the improvements over the term of the lease, and in most cases the improvements revert to the building owner upon lease termination.

        2. How are leasehold improvements impacted by the new lease accounting standards?

        Leasehold improvements are an asset, but are not included in the calculation of the tenant’s total lease asset per the new FASB lease standard.

        How do CAM and leasehold improvements impact my leasing strategy?

        CAM and LHI are two areas of lease management that require careful and diligent attention. Both areas are subject to negotiation, and your organization should strive to leverage these factors to their advantage during initial lease negotiations.

        Fortunately, the new lease standards will not affect CAM or LHI investments adversely, but careful attention to these factors could pay dividends over the term of the lease.

        Learn more: Lease Portfolio Management: Policies and Procedures to Reduce Risk

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        Press release: Visual Lease and RSM to provide enterprise lease accounting solution and services Tue, 12 Nov 2019 13:17:43 +0000

        Audit, tax and consulting services firm partners with Visual Lease to provide clients with a solution to efficiently comply with new accounting standards

        Woodbridge, NJ (November 12, 2019) Visual Lease, a leading lease accounting and management solution, today announced an arrangement with RSM US LLP (RSM) – the leading provider of audit, tax and consulting services focused on the middle market. The arrangement will make Visual Lease’s industry-leading software readily available to current and future RSM clients as they work to comply with new ASC 842, IFRS 16 and GASB 87 accounting standards.

        These new lease accounting standards change the way companies are required to report on the financial obligations of their leasing transactions for assets such as real estate, vehicles and equipment. RSM feels the enterprise-level lease accounting software offered by Visual Lease provides an easy way to manage lease portfolios of all sizes, and automates complex calculations and financial reports.

        “Our arrangement with Visual Lease will provide our clients with a full end-to-end solution around the adoption of the new lease accounting standards,” said Daniel Beil, Technology & Management Consulting Partner, with RSM US LLP. “Compliance with ASC 842, IFRS 16 and GASB 87 depends on having a reliable way to manage lease information. Given Visual Lease’s 20 years of lease administration experience and their robust lease accounting solution, we believe their platform offers that for our clients.”

        RSM will be able to provide highly efficient, robust lease management software directly to its extensive list of clients. RSM’s depth and experience in advisory services makes them a trusted advisor to resell Visual Lease’s lease management technology solution.

        “We are thrilled to announce our relationship with one of the leading audit, tax and consulting firms in the world, RSM,” said Marc Betesh, CEO of Visual Lease. “This arrangement will be integral to helping so many companies achieve lease accounting standard compliance. With their trusted advisement and our reliable software solution, we can offer a powerful, top-tier experience for many companies.”

        About Visual Lease (

        Visual Lease provides lease accounting and lease administration solutions to help companies manage, analyze and report on their leased asset portfolios, including real estate, equipment and more. The company’s SaaS platform combines GAAP & IFRS-compliant lease accounting controls with sophisticated and flexible lease portfolio administration. Over 600 of the largest publicly-traded and privately-owned corporations, retailers, hospitals and institutions around the globe rely on Visual Lease’s cloud-based SaaS platform to meet operational and compliance requirements. Visual Lease has grown its team from 30 to over 130 in the past year and continues to hire across the company to meet customer demand. For more information, please visit

        About RSM US LLP (

        RSM’s purpose is to deliver the power of being understood to our clients, colleagues and communities through world-class audit, tax and consulting services focused on middle market businesses. The clients we serve are the engine of global commerce and economic growth, and we are focused on developing leading professionals and services to meet their evolving needs in today’s ever-changing business environment.

        RSM US LLP is the U.S. member of RSM International, a global network of independent audit, tax and consulting firms with more than 41,000 people in 116 countries. For more information, visit, like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and/or connect with us on LinkedIn.

        The post Press release: Visual Lease and RSM to provide enterprise lease accounting solution and services first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        The best lease accounting software by comparing price & value Tue, 05 Nov 2019 12:00:22 +0000 Looking to select the best software for the new lease accounting standards? Due to the tight compliance timelines and complex lease information, this decision can be a difficult one to conquer....

        The post The best lease accounting software by comparing price & value first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        best lease accounting software

        Looking to select the best software for the new lease accounting standards? Due to the tight compliance timelines and complex lease information, this decision can be a difficult one to conquer.

        To choose the right software for your business, you’ll have to evaluate the features, functionality, and capabilities offered by different lease accounting software providers. In addition, it’s equally important to take a look at the overall value you will receive for the cost.

        When you select the right (or wrong) software solution, it has a significant impact on your business. There are specific ROI benefits that you will receive. This article will cover what you should look for when evaluating the value and price of a lease accounting software solution.

        Not all software for the new lease accounting standards are created equally – and costs can vary pretty significantly. However, the best lease accounting software does not mean it is always the most expensive.

        Two main things you want your lease accounting software to support are:

        • To streamline your organization’s lease portfolio management, and
        • To seamlessly generate accurate financial calculations.

        Just about every lease accounting tool can perform calculations on your lease data and send journal entries to your GL. But how do you determine the value of that system?

        What is the value of lease accounting software?

        The immediate, necessary value of enterprise lease accounting software is having the ability to perform calculations on your lease data and send journal entries to your GL, which can get you to compliance.

        However, the entire lease accounting compliance effort (not just the software) can cost your company so much more than the cost of software. When you choose the best lease accounting software, you’ll get so much more for your money than a tool that can perform calculations to become compliant with the new lease accounting standards.

        Three ways you can benefit from a valuable lease accounting software are:

        • Improving efficiency and productivity
        • Mitigate costly errors and eliminate risks
        • Overall cost savings and better financial decisions

        Learn more: How Lease Accounting Software Can Pay For FASB & IFRS Compliance

        1.     How does lease accounting software improve efficiency and productivity?

        The best lease accounting software uses smart, intuitive system design to eliminate manual processes, therefore making it easy to accomplish tasks quickly.

        Improving employee productivity is a KPI for just about every organization, regardless of size or industry. If your lease accounting tool is cumbersome and complicated to use, it will slow people down and hinder their work.

        To test the time-saving value of a lease accounting software, consider the following:

        • Does the system allow you to enter data once and use it throughout the system (rather than entering the same thing in multiple places)?
        • Does the system support mass updates to different groups of assets, such as based on entity, country, brand, or asset class?
        • Does the system support configurable alerts based on asset profile, or based on user groups?
        • Does the system accept updates to master data in the administrative settings (such as GL codes), rather than having to pay for a vendor CR each time?

        These 4 areas are just some of the key areas that impact how quickly and easily you can accomplish what you need to within your lease accounting software.

        2.     How does lease accounting software mitigate costly errors and risks?

        The costly risks that lease accounting software should help reduce are two-fold. First, inaccurate financial reports can cause you to fail an audit, which in itself is a huge risk. Second, there’s a very high financial risk associated with a poorly managed leased portfolio.

        If you’re not getting integrated lease management capabilities along with your lease accounting tool, you’re missing an important opportunity to reduce costs – from an audit perspective, as well as in general for your leases. When you’re shopping for lease accounting software, it’s essential to include a lease administration software comparison as well.

        A couple of examples of how you can improve your lease portfolio management are:

        • Lease options. For real estate leases, renewal options are critical. If you miss the chance to renew at favorable terms, you could be on the hook for millions… for a period of several years. When important lease dates approach, the best enterprise lease accounting software will alert those who need to take action.
        • Validating payments. When accounting is not integrated with lease administration, leases expire and the payments keep going out. Or, variable payments are miscalculated. Or, lease options change and the payments don’t. All of these mistakes add up to more money than you might imagine. The best lease accounting software validates all payments according to the current lease terms in the system, and sends that information to AP to prevent overpayments.

        The best lease accounting software is a comprehensive lease management platform that helps you take control of your leased portfolio and ALL associated costs.

        3.     Does lease accounting software help you make better leasing decisions?

        With virtually all leases being brought onto the balance sheet, organizations (and their audit partners) are taking a much closer look at leasing decisions. Can the lease accounting tool you’re considering help you make the most cost-effective choices?

        For that, you need a central repository of ALL your lease data.

        That’s why the most valuable enterprise lease accounting software aggregates data for real estate, equipment, vehicles, land, and anything else your organization leases. It also should collect information used in the day-to-day administration of your leases, not just the payment amounts and dates.

        For data to inform your decision-making, you’ll also need powerful and flexible reporting and business intelligence tools. Look for the ability to roll up, drill down into the details, and produce ad-hoc reports that slice and dice your data exactly how you need it.

        Lease accounting tip: The ability to see side-by-side calculations for a lease according to the different standards (FASB ASC 840 vs ASC 842, for example) can be a valuable tool for decision making. Only the best lease accounting software offers this feature along with the ability to do hypothetical calculations.

        Once you understand the value you can expect to get from the best lease accounting software, the next question is, when can you expect to get that value? Some systems take much longer to implement and produce ROI than others.

        If you’ve implemented an IWMS, you know what we mean. It can take years to get the full leasing platform in place and operational. You can bolt on a lease accounting tool that just does the calculations more quickly, but then you’ll be missing out on the lease management value mentioned earlier.

        The best lease accounting software provides a complete, end-to-end solution with fast implementation: 30 days or less for software implementation and data migration.

        7 Things to Consider White Paper

        What’s the true cost of lease accounting software?

        Now that you understand how to compare value, it’s much easier to do a cost/benefit analysis of lease accounting solutions. However, there’s one more important point to consider: how are you calculating cost?

        Remember that cost includes more than the price of the software. Don’t forget to factor in additional costs such as:

        • Technology implementation: Does the vendor outsource software implementation and systems integration? How much extra will you have to pay for that if you need to hire consultants?
        • Lease abstraction: Getting lease data out of old systems and paper documents can be the most costly and time-consuming part of the FASB and IFRS compliance process. The best lease accounting software providers offer this service. If your software vendor doesn’t and you’re forced to use consultants, you may pay extra to migrate abstracted data into your new system.
        • Customizations: Have you ever bought software that worked just as you wanted right out of the box? Every organization needs customizations to adapt software to their terminology, processes and structure. Will you have to pay consultants to do that, too? Or it is easy to customize the software yourself?

        Now you’ve got a much more complete picture for comparing lease accounting tools. When you look at the true cost of software along with the value you can expect to get in return, choosing the best lease accounting software becomes a whole lot easier!

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        ROI of lease accounting software: Frequently overlooked sources Fri, 25 Oct 2019 12:25:52 +0000 When companies think about purchasing lease accounting and lease administration software, many make the mistake of considering these tools as a cost of doing business. The mistake is understandable, because...

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        When companies think about purchasing lease accounting and lease administration software, many make the mistake of considering these tools as a cost of doing business. The mistake is understandable, because the decision to invest in these tools is often driven by the need to get compliant with the new lease accounting standards. Organizations are focused on this goal without understanding what else they stand to gain, and the potential for a significant return on investment. 

        If you’re not actively looking for that ROI, you might miss the chance to recoup your investment, plus a lot more. By taking full advantage of the full capabilities of lease management software, you can save much more money than you spend. 

        Here’s how.

        PROBLEM: Paying more than you owe for leases

        If you’re not tracking all the details of your carefully-negotiated leases, you’re almost certainly paying for things you shouldn’t. By properly managing leases and auditing lease payments, companies have uncovered millions of dollars in hidden waste and overpayments, such as:

        • Making extra payments. Many property leases will include a free month’s rent at some point during the lease. Even though it’s clearly stated in the contract, chances are the landlord will bill you anyway. If you’re not checking payments against contract terms, you are paying more than you owe. 
        • Continuing to pay for expired leases. Even worse, we see companies continuing to make automatic payments on leases that expired or were canceled. That happens when you’re not checking the lease end date before making the payment.
        • Paying for things that are the lessor’s responsibility. Maintenance and repairs are often needed on leased assets. For real estate, you’ll need HVAC, plumbing, and electrical work. For vehicles, you’ll need oil changes, tires, and repair work. Computer equipment and copiers need maintenance and software updates. If you automatically pay for these services without checking the contracts, you might be paying for things that the lessor is responsible for.
        • Paying an inflated share of CAM expenses.  In a leased building, shared operational charges (also known as common area maintenance or CAM expenses) get divided among the tenants of the building. For example, you pay a CAM charge covering utilities, landscaping, and cleaning based on the percentage of usable space you occupy in the building. But what happens when that percentage changes? You might think to reevaluate your CAM expense if you give up some space, but what if the landlord added a new wing or otherwise added more usable space to the building? That reduces your percentage of space and should change your CAM charges. 
        • Paying for things you didn’t get. In the process of negotiating lease terms, especially for property leases, it’s common for a landlord or agent to throw in the initial cleaning, new carpet or a paint job. However, these “freebies” often don’t end up being free, because you get charged after the fact. If you’re not tracking what you are obligated to pay, no one questions the bill and you pay for something you shouldn’t.   
        • Paying inflated rent increases. Real estate leases often include yearly rent increases. These escalations might be based on a percentage, a percentage of sales, or complicated formulas based on market factors. If you’re not checking rent increases to make sure the amount agrees with the lease contract and is calculated correctly, you could be paying too much for many leases in your portfolio. Even worse, the wasted expense gets compounded every year with new rent increases.

        The point is, if you are not tracking all the terms of your lease contracts and regularly validating payments against those terms, you’re definitely paying more than you owe.

        SOLUTION: CAM audits catch lease payment mistakes

        If you’re guilty of overlooking many of these lease payment mistakes, you’re not alone. Before ASC 842 came along, few organizations were tracking the details of lease contracts and the accuracy of payments. However, now that leased assets are on the balance sheet, and making a much bigger impact on financial reporting, that’s changing quickly. Those mistakes are coming to light and getting noticed by financial leadership as well as auditors. 

        Don’t wait for your CFO to question your leasing expenses and uncover payment errors. Your lease accounting and lease administration software can help you uncover lease payment errors by flagging payments that don’t match your contracts with CAM audits. Armed with that information, you can correct the situation with your lessors and recover overpayments. Plus, moving forward you can proactively validate every payment so you never pay too much again.

        PROBLEM: Missing lease renewal deadlines

        Many lease contracts include renewal options that allow you to renew at a favorable rate as long as you notify the lessor by a specified date. If you miss that date and fail to notify the lessor of your intention to renew, you lose the chance to get that locked-in rate. At that point, you’re forced to pay market rate to renew the lease. If you have made that mistake before, you know that one instance can cost you millions.

        SOLUTION: Critical date alerts prevent costly errors

        Your lease software can track all the deadlines and notification dates for exercising options (not just renewals, but options to cancel or purchase). You can set up customizable alerts to let key staff members know when deadlines are approaching so they can take action in time. 

        This brings up an important point: you need to track ALL the details of your lease contracts to get these cost-cutting benefits. If you’re only tracking the minimum data needed for accounting calculations, you’re missing out on the true value of lease management software. 

        PROBLEM: Poor lease vs. buy decisions

        Speaking of purchase options, basing a lease vs. buy decision on incomplete and inaccurate payment data can lead to poor choices. You could decide to purchase assets that would cost less to lease, and vice versa. 

        SOLUTION: Lease data analytics deliver reliable intelligence

        When you’re deciding if it makes sense to exercise a purchase clause within a lease, you need accurate data about the costs associated with the lease. When ALL your lease data is centralized within a lease accounting and administration platform, you can create reports that show every payment and every cost associated with that lease. Armed with that reliable data, you can compare the cost of continuing to lease with the cost of exercising the purchase option.

        PROBLEM: Scattered lease data

        When lease data lives in multiple, unconnected systems throughout your organization, there’s no easy way for everyone to access complete, up-to-date information about your leases. Without that complete picture of all your lease-related expenses, it’s easy to make poor financial decisions.

        SOLUTION: An integrated, single source of truth

        With leases now having a much bigger impact on your company’s financial picture, your financial leaders need visibility into lease data. The various teams that work with leases, such as Real Estate, IT, and Legal, also need access to all the details associated with leases. A complete lease platform provides a single source of truth that integrates with your other enterprise systems, including your ERP, facilities and asset management systems, contract management tools, and analytics platforms.

        Your lease platforms provides more value when it can help to drive better decisions related to leases across your organization.

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        Article: FASB approves proposed effective date delays at October 16 meeting Fri, 18 Oct 2019 17:29:00 +0000 The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) approved its August 2019 proposal to grant private companies, not-for-profit organizations, and certain small public companies various effective date delays on its credit losses...

        The post Article: FASB approves proposed effective date delays at October 16 meeting first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) approved its August 2019 proposal to grant private companies, not-for-profit organizations, and certain small public companies various effective date delays on its credit losses (CECL), leases, and hedging standards.

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        Article: As simple as it sounds, just identifying your leases is the highest hurdle to new FASB standards Fri, 02 Aug 2019 19:15:29 +0000 CFOs of private companies don’t have much time to comply with new lease accounting standards even if FASB extends the start date a year, as it has proposed.

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        CFOs of private companies don’t have much time to comply with new lease accounting standards even if FASB extends the start date a year, as it has proposed.

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        Everything you need for compliance (and more) Thu, 01 Aug 2019 18:00:36 +0000 As the standard for lease accounting software, Visual Lease provides the tools you need to achieve compliance. We make it easy to track, report, and manage your lease finances within...

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        As the standard for lease accounting software, Visual Lease provides the tools you need to achieve compliance. We make it easy to track, report, and manage your lease finances within our system – and we’re extremely passionate about delivering an incredible user experience.

        It’s our mission to simplify how companies manage their leases and associated finances, but there’s so much more to gain as a Visual Lease customer – from saving time, to simplifying difficult tasks and jobs, eliminating stress and headaches, and providing answers when they’re needed.

        Our newest campaign, Compliance Plus, represents the many extra benefits of using Visual Lease, and demonstrates our promise to give you confidence, efficiency, and flexibility, which are just as important when doing your job.


        Wouldn’t you want to feel more confident knowing you have all of your leases properly accounted for, organized, and identified within one location?

        The strength of consolidating all real estate, equipment, vehicle and other leased assets makes all the financial reporting and compliance requirements much more reliable.


        Our lease accounting capabilities consistently classifies leases, runs calculations, and computes right of use (ROU) asset values, along with liability schedules, so you can more easily achieve accurate results, saving you time and frustration of performing tasks manually.


        Every field within the platform is configurable, allowing your platform to reflect your unique needs. We recognize the need to capture various data points in different ways, and have made it simple for you to do so, while avoiding costly customizations.

        These benefits of our software go beyond compliance, and are all time-savers and cost-savers for your business. With Visual Lease, you will not need to worry about maintaining confident, efficient, and flexible. We take the complexities out of lease accounting, so you can get back to focus on what you need to do to do your job.

        The post Everything you need for compliance (and more) first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Press Release: Visual Lease receives growth investment from spectrum equity Tue, 16 Jul 2019 10:00:13 +0000 Woodbridge, NJ, July 16, 2019 – Visual Lease, a cloud-based lease management and accounting software provider, received a growth investment from Spectrum Equity, a leading growth equity firm investing in...

        The post Press Release: Visual Lease receives growth investment from spectrum equity first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Woodbridge, NJ, July 16, 2019 – Visual Lease, a cloud-based lease management and accounting software provider, received a growth investment from Spectrum Equity, a leading growth equity firm investing in the information economy. The investment will fuel Visual Lease’s rapid expansion of sales, marketing, product development and engineering to meet the growth in customer demand and to support its market leadership position. A recent change in U.S. and international accounting standards regarding the treatment of lease obligations on corporate balance sheets (ASC 842 and IFRS 16) is catalyzing rapid adoption of Visual Lease’s SaaS platform.

        Visual Lease provides a comprehensive and sophisticated real estate and equipment lease management and accounting software platform for public and private companies, government entities and other organizations with 50 to 20,000+ leases. In addition to helping its customers generate financial disclosure reports and maintain regulatory compliance with the new lease accounting standards, Visual Lease helps organizations centralize the management of lease documents, streamline lease-related workflows and provide greater control over one of their largest corporate expenditures.

        Over 600 customers, including banks, communications companies, construction companies, healthcare providers, manufacturers, universities, and others, use Visual Lease’s SaaS platform to manage their real estate and equipment leases related to facilities, computers, fleets, cell towers, land and other assets. Visual Lease gives its customers confidence that their assets are properly controlled and that their disclosure reports are supported by accurate and reliable data. Many of the largest and most respected accounting firms, including Baker Tilly, Ernst & Young, Grant Thornton and RSM, trust Visual Lease to help their clients comply with ASC 842 and IFRS 16.

        “Visual Lease embeds decades of deep lease management and financial accounting expertise in its software platform to support the financial, regulatory, legal, facilities and operational functions of its customers worldwide,” said Marc Betesh, Founder and CEO of Visual Lease. “The Visual Lease team is excited to partner with Spectrum Equity for the next phase of growth, and we value Spectrum’s deep industry expertise in compliance technology and scaling B2B SaaS businesses.”

        Notable new customers include Bacardi, Borg Warner, Disney, Drexel University, Hearst, Sony and the World Bank.

        “The Visual Lease team built a comprehensive and intuitive solution to address an important accounting compliance challenge for a diverse set of companies and lease portfolios,” said Vic Parker, Managing Director of Spectrum Equity. “Historically, leases were managed manually or in Excel, driving up costs, producing errors and making compliance with the new accounting standards very challenging. We are pleased to support Visual Lease’s rapid growth and accelerated product development and to reinforce the company’s customer-centric approach that has allowed it to onboard hundreds of customers successfully and in a timely manner.”

        In conjunction with the investment, Vic Parker will join the board of directors alongside the company’s existing investor, Growth Street Partners. Financial terms of the transaction were not disclosed.

        About Visual Lease

        Visual Lease provides lease accounting and lease administration solutions to help companies manage, analyze, and report on their leased asset portfolios, including real estate, equipment and more. The company’s SaaS platform combines GAAP & IFRS-compliant lease accounting controls with sophisticated and flexible lease portfolio administration. Over 600 of the largest publicly-traded and privately-owned corporations, retailers, hospitals, and institutions around the globe rely on Visual Lease’s cloud-based SaaS platform to meet operational and compliance requirements. Visual Lease has grown its team from 30 to over 130 in the past year and continues to hire across the company to meet customer demand. For more information, please visit

        About Spectrum Equity

        Spectrum Equity is a leading growth equity firm providing capital and strategic support to innovative companies in the information economy. For 25 years, the firm has partnered with proven entrepreneurs and management teams to build long-term value in market-leading software, information services and Internet companies. Representative investments include Ancestry, Bats Global Markets, Definitive Healthcare, GoodRx, Grubhub, Lucid Software,, SurveyMonkey, Verafin and World-Check. For more information, including a complete list of portfolio investments, please visit

        About Growth Street Partners

        Growth Street Partners provides early growth capital to vertically-focused, rapidly growing SaaS and technology-enabled services companies located in underserved U.S. markets. The firm partners with founders who have personally lived through the problems their businesses solve. Existing investments include Pear Deck, ChildCareCRM, Visual Lease and Hotel Effectiveness. For more information, please visit

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        Article: Visual Lease: Dragging leases into the digital light of day Tue, 02 Jul 2019 23:18:43 +0000
        The post Article: Visual Lease: Dragging leases into the digital light of day first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Press release: EY announces Marc Betesh of Visual Lease entrepreneur of the year® 2019 New Jersey Award Finalist Mon, 06 May 2019 21:35:12 +0000 Marc joins ranks of unstoppable entrepreneurs in New Jersey region Woodbridge, NJ, May 6, 2019 – EY today announced that Marc Betesh, Founder and CEO of Visual Lease, is a...

        The post Press release: EY announces Marc Betesh of Visual Lease entrepreneur of the year® 2019 New Jersey Award Finalist first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Marc joins ranks of unstoppable entrepreneurs in New Jersey region

        Woodbridge, NJ, May 6, 2019 – EY today announced that Marc Betesh, Founder and CEO of Visual Lease, is a finalist for the Entrepreneur Of The Year® 2019 New Jersey Award. Widely considered one of the most prestigious business awards programs in the U.S., the program recognizes entrepreneurs and leaders of high-growth companies who are excelling in areas such as innovation, financial performance and personal commitment to their businesses and communities, while also transforming our world. Marc was selected as a finalist by a panel of independent judges. Award winners will be announced at a special gala event on June 20, 2019 at the Hyatt Regency New Brunswick.

        “Thank you to EY for nominating me for the 2019 Entrepreneur Of The Year Award” said Marc Betesh, founder and CEO of Visual Lease. “This is a huge honor for not only me but our competent, adaptable and passionate team at Visual Lease. We look ahead to the future of our platform and to the growth of our incredible team of professionals who continue to impress and inspire me every day.”

        Visual Lease is a software company that simplifies the management of companies’ commercial lease portfolios by providing a robust and intuitive SaaS platform for managing real estate, equipment and other leased assets. Visual Lease streamlines the process of gathering, interpreting and reporting on lease data, making lease administration and accounting more efficient, consistent and precise. The Visual Lease platform is customizable and integrates with existing ERP solutions, financial systems and third-party applications, for maximum flexibility and ease of use. To learn more, visit or call (888) 876-6500

        Now in its 33rd year, the Entrepreneur of The Year program has expanded to recognize business leaders in more than 145 cities and more than 60 countries throughout the world.

        Regional award winners are eligible for consideration for the Entrepreneur Of The Year National competition. Award winners in several national categories, as well as the Entrepreneur Of The Year National Overall Award winner, will be announced at the Entrepreneur Of The Year National Awards gala in Palm Springs, California, on November 16, 2019. The awards are the culminating event of the Strategic Growth Forum®, the nation’s most prestigious gathering of high-growth, market-leading companies.


        Founded and produced by Ernst & Young LLP, the Entrepreneur Of The Year Awards are nationally sponsored by SAP America and the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation.  In New Jersey, sponsors also include DLA Piper and PNC.

        About Entrepreneur Of The Year®

        Entrepreneur Of The Year®, founded by EY, is the world’s most prestigious business awards program for entrepreneurs. The program makes a difference through the way it encourages entrepreneurial activity among those with potential and recognizes the contribution of people who inspire others with their vision, leadership and achievement. As the first and only truly global awards program of its kind, Entrepreneur Of The Year celebrates those who are building and leading successful, growing and dynamic businesses, recognizing them through regional, national and global awards programs in more than 145 cities and more than 60 countries.

        About EY’s Growth Markets Network

        EY’s worldwide Growth Markets Network is dedicated to serving the changing needs of high-growth companies. For more than 30 years, we’ve helped many of the world’s most dynamic and ambitious companies grow into market leaders. Whether working with international mid-cap companies or early stage, venture-backed businesses, our professionals draw upon their extensive experience, insight and global resources to help your business succeed. For more information, please visit us at or follow news on Twitter @EY_Growth.

        About EY

        EY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. The insights and quality services we deliver help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world over. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all of our stakeholders. In so doing, we play a critical role in building a better working world for our people, for our clients and for our communities.

        EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients. Information about how EY collects and uses personal data and a description of the rights individuals have under data protection legislation is available via For more information about our organization, please visit

        This news release has been issued by Ernst & Young LLP, a member of the global EY organization that provides services to clients in the US.

        For more information, please visit

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        Press Release: Be kind: New Jersey software company employees hold massive food drive Mon, 11 Mar 2019 18:33:36 +0000

        Visual Lease featured in the #BeKind segment of ABC 7 (NY) Eyewitness News for their participation in a ‘Have a Heart’ food drive.

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        Press release: Baker Tilly Partners with Visual Lease to Enhance ASC 842 Lease Accounting Services Thu, 07 Mar 2019 22:39:06 +0000

        Leading web-based software solution helps Baker Tilly clients with multiple real estate, vehicle and equipment leases efficiently comply with new accounting standard

        Woodbridge, NJ (March 7, 2019) – Leading advisory, tax and assurance firm Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP (Baker Tilly) announces partnership with leading lease accounting and management software provider, Visual Lease. The enterprise level lease accounting software benefits clients with lease portfolios of all sizes by providing:

        • Flexible, cloud-based lease accounting software
        • Compatibility with all lease types
        • Highly efficient automated lease accounting
        • Ability to import lease data
        • Classification of leases with an automated lease test
        • Automated lease calculations, journal entries and disclosures
        • Easily configurable Excel-based reporting

        Effective at the end of 2018, the new ASC 842 standard on accounting for leases changes the financial reporting obligations of companies that enter into leasing transactions for assets such as real estate, vehicles and equipment.

        “This scalable solution offers exceptional value by creating efficiencies for clients who want a user friendly solution for high volume lease portfolios,” Jere Shawver, CPA, Baker Tilly’s managing partner of assurance and risk, said. “They need to comply with the new ASC 842 standard, but without this solution they would have to manually account for their leases, driving up their internal costs and reducing available resources to complete high value projects. The Baker Tilly / Visual Lease partnership makes a highly efficient platform available to clients of all sizes.”

        Through partnership with Visual Lease, Baker Tilly will provide the results of Visual Lease’s flexible configuration, efficient data migration, and ASC 842 accounting compliance to clients. The software also offers specialized lease accounting functionality including percentage rent, lessor/sublease, sale leaseback, and more, ensuring that clients with complex lease arrangements are able to comply with the regulations easily.

        “We are excited to work with Baker Tilly to provide their clients with a fully scalable solution for managing their lease portfolios,” said Marc Betesh, CEO of Visual Lease. “By implementing the Baker Tilly / Visual Lease solution, companies can quickly comply with the new lease accounting standard through a proven solution that combines a leading lease administration software solution with excellent implementation and consulting support from a top firm in the industry. In the end, Baker Tilly’s clients will have improved financial and operational control over their leases.”

        To learn more about Baker Tilly’s lease impact assessment and implementation services, visit

        About Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP (

        Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP (Baker Tilly) is a leading advisory, tax and assurance firm whose specialized professionals guide clients through an ever-changing business world, helping them win now and anticipate tomorrow. Headquartered in Chicago, Baker Tilly, and its affiliated entities, have operations in North America, South America, Europe, Asia and Australia. Baker Tilly is an independent member of Baker Tilly International, a worldwide network of independent accounting and business advisory firms in 147 territories, with 33,600 professionals. The combined worldwide revenue of independent member firms is $3.4 billion. Visit or join the conversation on LinkedInFacebook and Twitter.

        About Visual Lease (

        Visual Lease provides lease accounting and lease administration solutions to help companies manage, analyze, and report on their leased asset portfolios, including real estate, equipment, and more. The company’s SaaS platform combines GAAP & IFRS-compliant lease accounting controls with sophisticated and flexible lease portfolio administration. Over 500 of the largest publicly-traded and privately-owned corporations, retailers, hospitals, and institutions around the globe rely on Visual Lease’s cloud-based SaaS platform to meet operational and compliance requirements. For more information, please visit

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        Press release: Woodbridge mayor thanks visualease Tue, 05 Mar 2019 19:02:57 +0000 Woodbridge Mayor John McCormac thanks Visual Lease CEO Marc Betesh for generous contribution to “Have-A-Heart” food drive. Have-A-Heart supplies Woodbridge food pantries with food donated from local business, schools and...

        The post Press release: Woodbridge mayor thanks visualease first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

        Woodbridge Mayor John McCormac thanks Visual Lease CEO Marc Betesh for generous contribution to “Have-A-Heart” food drive. Have-A-Heart supplies Woodbridge food pantries with food donated from local business, schools and residents. Visual Lease donated more than 214lbs of food along with a cash donation.

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        ASC 842 and IFRS 16: 5 Lessons Learned for a Smoother Transition Sun, 25 Nov 2018 15:03:00 +0000

        New lease accounting standards are sweeping the industry, bringing about significant change and challenges for entities of all sizes and industries. For most companies, the changes take effect beginning in 2019, but some entities, like private companies, have an extra year. The long-term impact of the new standards has yet to be seen, but the implementation issues facing many entities have become increasingly evident.

        The modifications may be significant but are far from new. The Financial Accounting Standards Board and the International Accounting Standards Board issued in 2016 the ASC 842 and IFRS 16, respectively. The standards bring many leases onto the balance sheet, increasing the visibility of a company’s assets and liabilities.

        In fact, listed companies using IFRS Standards or US GAAP are estimated to have around $3.3 trillion of lease commitments, of which more than 85 percent do not appear on their balance sheets. Why? Historically, leases have been categorized as either “finance leases” (reported on the balance sheet) or “operating leases” (disclosed only in the notes to the financial statements)1.

        “When the new FASB and IASB leases standards take effect, they’ll provide investors across the globe with more transparent, comparable information about lease obligations held by companies and other organizations,” stated FASB Chair Russell G. Golden in announcing the new standards2.

        With the first wave of businesses transitioning to the new lease accounting standards beginning January 1, 2019, many entities have been busy developing plans for ASC 842 and IFRS 16. Other entities, like private companies, have an extra year to adopt ASC 842. IFRS 16 will be effective for annual periods beginning on or after Jan. 1, 2019. For those businesses that have yet to implement the new standards, understanding the lessons learned will prove essential.

        This white paper will explore some of the key differences between ASC 842 and IFRS 16 and will provide actionable insights and lessons learned to help businesses navigate the complexities and ensure a successful adoption.

        Notable Differences

        While ASC 842 and IFRS 16 converge in many ways, they do diverge in several critical areas. Here’s a sampling of some key points of differentiation.

        Low value leases: One notable difference is that IFRS 16, which replaces accounting requirements (IAS 17 Leases) introduced more than 30 years ago, does not require a company to capitalize leases of “low-value assets” (assets less than or equal to $5,000). ASC 842 does not include this exemption. Among assets commonly leased, office furniture,personal computers and mobile phones are typically expected to qualify as “low-value assets,” according to the IASB. This is in addition to an exemption on short-term leases (less than 12 months), which is also offered under ASC 842.

        Lease classification: Unlike ASC 842, which has a dual model approach, IFRS 16 requires a single model approach. It removes the classification of leases as either operating leases or finance leases, treating all leases as finance leases. As noted by KPMG, this will mean that dual reporters must separately track leases that have a different classification between US GAAP and IFRS because the accounting will be different3.

        Transition approach: When adopting IFRS 16, companies can choose between taking a retrospective approach or a modified retrospective approach. Meanwhile, FASB issued

        in July 2018 an amendment that created an additional (and optional) transition method in an effort to reduce costs and ease implementation for financial statement preparers. Specifically, the ASU provides: 1) An option to apply the transition provisions of the new standard at its adoption date instead of at the earliest comparative period presented in its financial statements; and 2) A practical expedient that permits lessors to not separate non-lease components from the associated lease component if certain conditions are met4.

        Lessons Learned

        Preparing for the implementation of any new accounting standard can be a  significant undertaking but, with the proper planning, companies can alleviate some of the headaches. To help ensure a smooth transition, consider these lessons learned:

        Act early: When undertaking a large project, such as collecting, extracting and entering leases, it’s important to have a clear understanding of the desired output. This requires an early evaluation and selection of a system, which will give you a clearer idea of which data points you can track, how your journal entries will look, and what GL/AP integrations you need to consider. Before you do anything, look at your leases. Read five, 10 or 20 of them and, if necessary, have someone who is familiar with the leases explain them to you. Eventually, when you have questions about systems or ASC 842 technical considerations, you will understand them in the context of your portfolio.

        Educate: Staff education and training is essential. Ensure that your associates have reviewed the new standards and understand the implications. It is also important to stay abreast of any potential changes in interpretation that may arise going forward. While many leases are straightforward (tenant-based real estate leases, fixed expense equipment leases, etc.), it’s important to know your business model and recognize if there are any unique lease types (embedded, variable rent, index-based, multiple-asset agreements, etc.).

        Leverage technology: Technology should not be thought of as strictly a compliance solution. Purchasing technology presents a significant opportunity to find enterprise value in your solution. What if you could centralize your real estate leases and track non-financial components? What if you could use reporting and analytics to uncover risk, or synergy, across your portfolio? What if you could leverage a solution to centralize all contracts, not just leases? Leveraging a robust end-to-end lease accounting and management software solution, that also helps ensure ASC 842 and IFRS 16 compliance, is essential.

        Have a Plan: Break the implementation down into phases and create a cross-functional team to spearhead the project. Ensure the plan clearly outlines the roles, responsibilities and timelines. Have a plan for including people outside of accounting (i.e. real estate people who would actually have the lease and people who are in charge of office equipment leases such as copiers and furniture). Also, consider working backward and think about Day 2 first. Why? It’s easy to have a plan for Day 1, but what about next year? What about when you expand, make an acquisition, or hire new associates? Extend your focus beyond Day 1 compliance to sustainable Day 2 compliance. What will be the new process internally? (i.e., entering, approving a lease, recording journal entries, passing an audit, etc.) What other value can you uncover from this exercise? What are some sample leases? (Have a real estate, asset manager or legal expert explain them to you, if necessary). Then, start collecting.

        Communicate: Clarity and communication is essential. Communicate the impact of the new standards to all stakeholders, including those outside of the corporate accounting department. This includes such groups as real estate and IT. They too will be impacted and need to understand the changes.


        Don’t delay. Begin your implementation and decision-making process today. Preparing for the new accounting standards may seem daunting but you’re not alone. Turn to experts like lease accounting and management software professionals Visual Lease, who can help you navigate the complexities and set you on reliable path to ASC 842 and IFRS 16 lease accounting compliance.

        About Visual Lease

        Visual Lease is a leading provider of lease accounting and lease administration software. Our software will help get your organization compliant with ASC 842 and IFRS 16 requirements. The Visual Lease platform also provides and easy-to-use Day 2 solution with its lease management capabilities and infrastructure. The system enables organizations to quickly and easily manage their lease portfolios, define and track specific lease clauses, proactively manage critical dates (such as renewal options), and visualize your asset portfolio! Request a demo of Visual Lease today

        1 “IASB Shines Light on Leases by Bringing Them onto the Balance Sheet.” IASB, 13 Jan. 2016,
        2 “FASB Issues New Guidance on Lease Accounting.” FASB, 25 Feb. 2016,
        3 “Leases: Top Differences between IFRS 16 and ASC 842.” KPMG LLP,
        4 “FASB Issues Targeted Improvements to Leases Standard.” FASB, 30 July 2018, NewsPage

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        How to Implement Lease Accounting Technology Tue, 13 Nov 2018 15:51:24 +0000

        Steps to Ensure a Smooth Transition to ASC 842 / IFRS 16

        With the countdown to FASB/IASB lease accounting changes well underway, many organizations are scrambling to implement technology to help them through the process. Adopting a new enterprise software tool can pose significant challenges, and given the timeline, there’s very little margin for error. You need things to go smoothly or risk not being ready to meet the compliance deadline.

        Step 1.Choose lease accounting technology that fits your business processes and infrastructure

        There are several lease accounting tools on the market, with more popping up all the time. Quick demos may give you the impression that they are all quite similar, but that can be misleading. One of the most critical factors is how well the system can adjust to the way you work and how it will fit into your technical infrastructure.

        Your technology should conform to the way you work

        Your lease accounting technology should adapt to the way you do things, rather than the other way around. It should be able to track different kinds of assets and group them the way you group them for operational purposes (e.g, by business unit, region, asset class, property or equipment type, rent type, master contract type, among others). You should be able to run reports in whatever order you want so that you can validate your work.

        When focusing on the new lease accounting rules, you should ensure that your system can accommodate things like different interest rates for varying asset types and lengths of terms. It should have processes for smoothly transitioning from existing straight-line rent calculations to the new ASC 842/IFRS 16 methods. And whether you have a consultant helping you or not, the system should be flexible and easy enough to allow you to do this yourself, without having to involve the vendor or hire consultants every time you need something.


        It should seamlessly integrate with your existing systems

        Every company has a unique technology infrastructure and there are many places that consume lease data, such as communication platforms, business intelligence tools, and ERP and AP systems. To minimize the complexity and implementation time, you’ll want your lease accounting system to plug into these systems without gaps. And when a vendor says it can integrate with your SAP or Oracle system, investigate the depth of the integration. Determine if the system provides flexible APIs, has XML data export/import capabilities, and whether it can create journal entries. Determine if it can integrate with multiple general ledgers. These features are needed for many integrations.

        It should facilitate data migration and updating

        Collecting and validating the data you’ll need for lease accounting calculations is a challenging part of FASB/IASB readiness; getting it into your lease accounting database shouldn’t be. Check to see that the system vendor can migrate the data for you for a reasonable cost and within a reasonable time.

        Also, as you live with your data, you undoubtedly will need to bulk update it from time to time. Check to see that the system has embedded import tools that are easy enough for you to use so that you don’t have to call on the vendor each time. Also check the scope of these import tools. Many only allow you to import limited data.

        It should have built-in audit functions

        The system you select should have features that ensure you end up with valid data in the system and accurate journal entries on your balance sheet. Look for data auditing features and alerts that let you know you may have data integrity issues. For example, if imported data fails to sync or assign, the system should let you know what happened and why so you can take corrective action.

        Also, you’ll find that it’s extremely helpful to have flexible drill-down reporting capabilities that allow you to verify that the data in your FASB reports make sense from a business perspective. You should be able to run reports on the fly to investigate anomalies in your data.

        Having the support or endorsement of one of the major accounting firms (and especially by your own advisory partners) will go a long way toward giving you the confidence that the system will perform accurately

        2. Manage your stakeholders

        Put together a cross-functional team to plan and execute your FASB/IASB readiness project. While your Controller and accounting managers have responsibility for adopting the new lease accounting standards and are likely to be leading the effort, it’s essential that other stakeholders are represented and involved early in the planning stage.

        Real Estate. Your company’s most complex leases will be property leases. That’s why your Head of Real Estate and lease administrators will be invaluable allies in the process of locating, collecting, understanding and extracting the data you need for compliance with the new standards. Ideally, when complete, your lease accounting system will become the single source of truth for all your lease information, even going so far as to use the system for payment processing. Relying on your lease administration system to pay landlords and other vendors is a great way to ensure the accuracy of your data.

        Managers of equipment and fleet leases. The new lease accounting standards require leased equipment to be included on the balance sheet. Chances are, your company doesn’t have a single group managing all those leases. So you’ll need to seek out and involve the various groups that do so they can help with data collection. For example, IT may be in charge of leasing computers, Procurement may manage office copiers, and Facilities may handle your vehicles.

        Information Technology. Your IT team must validate that the technology you choose can integrate with existing systems as needed. IT will also need to be intimately involved in developing and implementing your data migration process.

        Procurement. In many organizations, technology selection is coordinated by a procurement representative. Their expertise is valuable in thoroughly vet vendors to ensure they meet organizational standards.

        As you assemble your team, make sure roles are clearly defined and you designate an overall project leader as well as a point person for each key task.

        3. Lock Down Your Policies

        You will need to make policy decisions that impact how data will be collected and used for calculations. Since your organization’s leases will vary in their structure and terms, you’ll need to develop rules to determine how different elements will be treated in your accounting calculations. You’ll know quickly whether you need to comply with IFRS, GAAP or both. Those decisions will guide you in forming both the Qualitative and Quantitative Disclosures in your financial statements.

        Embedded leases are an important example. There are many types of service contracts that include usage of equipment that may be considered a lease. You’ll need to decide on what does and does not constitute a lease within these agreements. Similarly, you may decide to adopt FASB’s “practical expedient” of capitalizing rather than separating out service components from your leases.

        As a first step, have a conversation with your accounting advisory partners who can fully explain your obligations under the new standards and advise you about these policy decisions. Doing this before you begin collecting data avoids having to reanalyze your data later on.

        4. Start Locating Your Data

        As you begin to understand everything you’ll need to collect, the next step is to determine where that data currently lives.

        Property lease data may be the easiest to locate, since your real estate group is already tracking at least some of the that data in spreadsheets or some form of lease administration tool. However, you’ll probably find that the data being tracked is not complete, and you’ll need to go back to the physical copies to get more details. Those documents are likely to be found in drawers and file cabinets throughout your organization. This is where you’ll need the help of your real estate team to track it all down.

        Other types of asset leases may be more difficult. Chances are, you won’t find it in any central location. You’ll need to extract it from various systems as well as hard copies.

        Once you find the data you need, you must get it all into a common format that can be easily migrated. That involves abstracting the details from lease documents and centralizing all the data you collect so it’s ready for migration into your lease accounting system.

        5. Decide what you are going to abstract and how

        As you develop your implementation timeline and choose lease accounting technology, you must have a realistic plan for extracting the data from your lease documents. For many, this is the most time-consuming part of the FASB/ IASB readiness process.

        Lease data categories

        There are several buckets of data that are contained in your leases. Consider these questions in your analysis:

        • General information – usually includes lease type, business unit to which it belongs, region, location, dates, parties. Do you know how else you would want to group records?
        • Parties – this would normally includes lessor, lessee, payor and payee. Should you include additional contacts such as brokers, operational contacts, accounting contacts?
        • Documents – should you upload all legal and billing documents or just legal ones?
        • Financial – you will need to track lease payments, of course. But you also have to manage your assumptions for capital lease testing, option period testing, FMV values, useful lives, etc. Keep all of this in mind when defining the scope of your abstracts.
        • Legal clauses – your operational team (real estate, equipment) will want to track many more fields to support their work. These include things like facilities and maintenance obligations, legal rights, property attributes, option details, etc. Decide what you need and why, and then figure out how to get the answers.

        Abstract once or abstract twice?

        It takes 2 to 5 hours to read and summarize (abstract) the financial and real estate terms of a typical real estate lease and about 30-60 minutes for a simple equipment lease. Depending on your time pressure, you might want to just abstract the items that impact the lease accounting calculations and save the rest for later. This will cut the real estate lease time by about 40%, and the equipment lease time by about 15%.

        However, you’ll get the full benefits of your lease technology sooner when you establish a single source of truth that contains all your validated lease information. Also, going back to fill in the missing information will take longer than had it been done at one time. Check with your stakeholders to see if this is an acceptable plan.

        You may need as many as 200 data points to properly abstract a complex lease. Our lease experts have identified less than 20 minimum data points that many organizations will need to get FASB-compliant. In our 30-minute Visual Lease demo, we share exactly what they are, how you can get them, and how Visual Lease uses them for rapid compliance with the new FASB and IASB rules. Book a demo now to see for yourself.

        Artificial intelligence and lease abstracting

        Some vendors will tell you that it’s fine to use artificial intelligence (AI) and other automated lease abstraction tools to speed up the abstracting process. Most true machine-learning/AI tools are not yet mature and yet will be very expensive for even a large company to implement.

        Conversely, most of the tools on the market use simple OCR to extract easy-to-identify terms. Vendors tout 90 percent accuracy for automated tools, which may sound good until you realize that 10 percent of your data will be wrong. Finding the 10 percent could take up more time that the entire process saved.

        You may want to consider a hybrid approach, using automated tools to extract monthly rent payments and other simple terms and leaving the more difficult abstracting cases to humans who understand the standards and work according to the recommendations of your accounting advisement partners. This streamlined process results in better data integrity while shrinking your timeline to compliance.

        6. Validate your data

        After you gathering data from many different repositories, especially for large organizations with multiple subsidiaries, you’ll need a process for validating that the data is correct. For example, you might find the same information in multiple places, and need to figure out which to use as the source of record. You may need to consolidate and convert information in different languages and currencies. And you will certainly have holes where the information you’re looking for was never tracked. For example, for real estate leases you may need to find out the likelihood of lease options being exercised. Also, you’ll likely need to fill in financial data that was not needed previously, such as Fair Market Value.

        To validate and complete your database, you’ll need to turn to the SMEs in your organization who obtain and/or manage the leases. Make sure your build this process into your implementation timeline.

        Conclusion: the right technology + smart preparation shorten your timeline to compliance

        While we will not mislead you into thinking it will be simple to get ready for compliance with the new lease accounting standards, for most companies it is possible to accomplish the task in under 6 months. Once you’ve documented and substantiated your lease data, technology implementation should be fast and straightforward; in fact we’ve proven that can be done in 30-60 days. Let us show you how.

        About Visual Lease

        Visual Lease is a leading provider of lease accounting and lease administration software. Our software will help get your organization compliant with ASC 842 and IFRS 16 requirements. The Visual Lease platform also provides and easy-to-use Day 2 solution with its lease management capabilities and infrastructure. The system enables organizations to quickly and easily manage their lease portfolios, define and track specific lease clauses, proactively manage critical dates (such as renewal options), and visualize your asset portfolio! Request a demo of Visual Lease today

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        Press Release: Clark Convery, Former Enterprise General Manager and VP of Services at iCIMS, Joins Visual Lease as Chief Operating Officer Wed, 31 Oct 2018 19:45:03 +0000 Visual Lease, a New Jersey-based lease management and accounting SaaS company, today announced Clark Convery joined its team as Chief Operating Officer. Prior to Visual Lease, Convery was General Manager of the Enterprise...

        The post Press Release: Clark Convery, Former Enterprise General Manager and VP of Services at iCIMS, Joins Visual Lease as Chief Operating Officer first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Visual Lease, a New Jersey-based lease management and accounting SaaS company, today announced Clark Convery joined its team as Chief Operating Officer. Prior to Visual Lease, Convery was General Manager of the Enterprise Segment and VP of Services at iCIMS, a talent acquisition SaaS company.

        “We are thrilled to welcome Clark to the Visual Lease team. Visual Lease will benefit immensely from his experience navigating the rapid growth of a SaaS category leader,” said Marc Betesh, CEO and Founder of Visual Lease.

        Convery has over 15 years of strategic and operational SaaS experience across sales, pre-sales engineering, implementation, customer success, consulting, and project management. He spent the last eight years at iCIMS as an integral member of the executive leadership team that navigated the company’s dramatic growth.

        “I am thrilled to join Visual Lease as it cements its market leadership position in lease management and accounting SaaS. The combination of a best-in-class product and an outstanding customer-centric culture positions Visual Lease as the market-leading solution in this rapidly growing industry,” said Convery.



        Visual Lease provides lease accounting and lease administration solutions to help companies manage, analyze, and report on their leased asset portfolios, including real estate, equipment, and more. The company’s SaaS platform combines GAAP & IFRS-compliant lease accounting controls with sophisticated and flexible lease portfolio administration. Over 500 of the largest publicly-traded and privately-owned corporations, retailers, hospitals, and institutions around the globe rely on Visual Lease’s cloud-based SaaS platform to meet operational and compliance requirements. For more information, please visit

        The post Press Release: Clark Convery, Former Enterprise General Manager and VP of Services at iCIMS, Joins Visual Lease as Chief Operating Officer first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
        Lease Accounting Implementation Services: The Fast & Efficient Track to Compliance Wed, 01 Aug 2018 18:52:31 +0000 For public companies who must comply with FASB ASC 842 and/or IFRS 16 within a few short months, how to get ready FAST is the critical question. The fact is,...

        The post Lease Accounting Implementation Services: The Fast & Efficient Track to Compliance first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

        For public companies who must comply with FASB ASC 842 and/or IFRS 16 within a few short months, how to get ready FAST is the critical question. The fact is, if you are not well into your implementation process already, you are running a big risk of not being ready in time. Private companies have until January 1, 2020, but should be in the planning stages by now.

        A shortage of internal resources is another challenge. Typically, companies do not have personnel to dedicate to FASB compliance, or the experience and technical accounting understanding to support this type of project.

        For many, taking advantage of lease accounting implementation services from an expert consulting firm may be the ideal solution to both problems.

        In this article, we will address how you can benefit from third-party lease accounting implementation services, the range of services available, and the value you can expect to gain from working with experts who have already helped numerous companies through this process.

        Learn more:

        Changes in Lease Accounting: Don’t Risk Missing the Deadline

        Why work with an outsourced lease accounting implementation services provider?

        Understanding the timeline to FASB and IFRS compliance

        Every organization is going through the FASB ASC 842 lease accounting process for the first time. That is why it is so difficult to predict how long it will take to achieve compliance.

        Experts providing lease accounting implementation services, on the other hand, have been through this process many times with clients in a wide range of industries and with a variety of lease portfolios. As a result, they understand the complexities and the workload extremely well, and can more accurately predict the time and effort it will take for each client to be prepared to comply with the new standard.

        “The lease implementation effort is underestimated by many companies,” said Steven Sayewitz, a Manager at Riveron, focusing on lease accounting system selection and implementation, “especially when taking into account the data collection effort, policy decisions, and future workflow requirements. Because of our methodical process and experience, asking the appropriate scoping questions on the front end and performing a rigorous portfolio sampling helps to collect accurate accounting data and project a realistic timeline to compliance.”

        Avoiding false starts

        Part of the reason companies underestimate the timeline is because they do not know what they do not know. There is a learning curve involved in this process and a great many decisions to be made. Companies jumping into the process without the guidance of an expert often make mistakes that waste time and money. With lease accounting implementation services, you gain the advantage of experience and avoid those mistakes.

        “Often companies need to pivot from work already performed after months of effort,” said Sayewitz. “By getting into the details and discussing policy decisions and approach, areas of consideration come to light which may not have been initially considered.”

        “Companies can limit re-work by engaging with experts early on to help them through the initial questions and planning.”

        Learn more:

        IFRS & FASB Changes: a Lease Accounting Quick Reference Guide

        Sharing the load

        A great deal of time-consuming work is needed to get prepared for the lease accounting changes. Collecting lease data and preparing the data for your lease accounting system is probably the biggest task. However, there are additional tasks that may prove surprisingly difficult for those who are not experts, such as choosing the right lease accounting software, and developing new processes and procedures for gathering, updating and reporting on lease data post-compliance.

        Consultants providing lease accounting implementation services can take some or all of those tasks off your plate, freeing up your staff to focus on other tasks and initiatives.

        Preparing for day 2 (Post-implementation)

        The right lease accounting implementation services partner can facilitate development of policies and procedures that not only get you ready to “flip the switch” to ASC 842, but also help you maintain compliance for years to come.

        What implementation steps can you outsource?

        Lease accounting implementation services can include any or all of the following steps:

        Initial assessment: reviewing your complete lease portfolio and identifying everything that qualifies as a lease.

        Controls and policies development: developing processes and approvals to ensure valid data, and advising on policy decisions that minimize time while mitigating risk, such as decisions about when to take practical expedients.

        Project management: overseeing your lease accounting implementation process and keeping all involved parties on track for meeting the compliance deadline.

        Software selection: knowing the strengths and limitations of software providers and identifying the ideal solution for your specific needs.

        Gathering data: collecting lease information from decentralized sources throughout your organization.

        Lease abstraction: extracting the relevant clauses from your contracts.

        Data preparation and transfer: aggregating and normalizing lease data from many sources, centralizing and moving into your lease accounting database.

        Testing and validation: robust accounting testing and checks and balances to make sure your reporting results accurately represent your lease portfolio.

        Process development for Day 2: developing a plan for maintaining compliance, including policies and processes for ongoing collection and updating of lease records.

        Cost and value of lease accounting implementation services

        Given the looming deadline, escalating the timeline is enough of a reason to consider lease accounting implementation services. But, companies also want to understand the value they are getting for the expense.

        Sayewitz emphasized that when you choose an experienced advisor, lease accounting implementation services can easily pay for themselves by giving time back to your internal staff.

        “If internal resources are tasked with figuring out what the guidance requires, systems to adopt, and creating new processes for day 2, inevitably some productivity loss around day-to-day responsibilities will occur,” said Sayewitz.

        And, there is additional ROI that comes from using lease accounting implementation services that most organizations overlook. It creates the basis for accurate financial reporting, and helps develop streamlined processes, enabling those responsible for accounting of leases to focus more on the financial impact and opportunities for lease spend cost savings.

        In next week’s blog post, we will continue this discussion with details about using lease data to drive cost-saving decisions, as well as other lease accounting tips from implementation experts. Do not miss it!

        Want to learn more?  Schedule a demo today to get started.

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        How Agile is Your Corporate Real Estate Portfolio? Tue, 19 Jun 2018 08:00:06 +0000 An agile leased real estate portfolio supports an agile workforce Business agility is a paramount goal for today’s business enterprises. Given the rapid pace of change, and the shortening of...

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        commercial real estate technologyAn agile leased real estate portfolio supports an agile workforce

        Business agility is a paramount goal for today’s business enterprises. Given the rapid pace of change, and the shortening of one of my favorite metrics- “the meantime between surprises,” management always wants to be able to move on a dime in response to competitive threats, and suddenly emerging opportunities.

        Business agility is possible with the new generation of cloud-based software, databases and prolific networks. But the static nature of real estate assets and leases challenges the notion of agility.

        Back in year 2000, I collaborated with friends at MIT on a project we called, “The Agile Workplace.” We covered a lot of ground, including various forms of telecommuting, flexible office layouts, and collaborative applications. Our premise was that workplace agility was gained primarily by freeing the workforce from the traditional boundaries of work hours and assigned office locations. A liberated workforce was an agile workforce.

        Most of the concepts we advanced then have been adopted over the last twenty years. But how do you make your real estate portfolio more agile?

        I believe there are five key factors.

        5 key steps to a more agile real estate portfolio

        1. Ensure that you have a robust and facile real estate portfolio management software. The system will identify opportunities to transform certain leases into more flexible contracts through renegotiating options and terminations. Use the system to identify locations that are prime sublease opportunities; and rank these locations as priorities for disposition via a sublease.

        2. Opt for short term leases going forward. This will give you more flexibility in your real estate portfolio by not tying you down with long term contracts. It will also reduce the impact of the new FASB lease standard. (Longer leases translate into higher net present value for assets and liabilities.)

        3. Target highly marketable buildings in desirable markets, to facilitate sublease opportunities. Always consider exit strategies when entering a new lease; since this among other things will increase the agility of your occupancy by making your lease more marketable.

        Learn more: Real Estate Market Reports for Enterprise Lease Portfolio Management

        4. Strive for uniform office standards and layouts to minimize reconstruction time and complexity. Move toward unassigned workstations, to facilitate a more agile workplace arrangement.

        5. Target co-working locations for a portion of the office population. Co-working has proven more flexible (and agile) since the offices are shared on a “just-in-time” basis. In the same vein, expand telecommuting which reduces demand on office space, as well as making a portion of your employees more agile.

        Learn more: The Benefits of Co-Working Office Spaces and Flexible Workplaces

        Adopt an agility mindset for managing your real estate portfolio

        Business agility is a high priority for today’s global organization. We don’t think of the corporate real estate portfolio as a particularly flexible asset class. But by adopting an “agility mindset” in the leasing process, and addressing the factors cited above, it’s possible to move your leased portfolio toward a more flexible and “agile” future state.


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        Commercial Real Estate Technology Brings Efficiency & Productivity Thu, 31 May 2018 08:00:26 +0000 Information technology is revolutionizing CRE Technology is transforming everything today and this is true for commercial real estate technology as well. When I look back to the early 1970s when...

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        commercial real estate technology

        Information technology is revolutionizing CRE

        Technology is transforming everything today and this is true for commercial real estate technology as well.

        When I look back to the early 1970s when I started as a CRE manager, we were very limited in information technology. I remember slaving over primitive spreadsheets to analyze a lease. Email was just beginning, and relational databases were in their early stages of development. Various processes like gaining approvals, finalizing a lease, or completing a build-out project, would take weeks. Today, it seems we’ve entered a new world. The IT tools of today super- charge CRE’s productivity, efficiency, and understanding of markets, transactions, and data.

        So, what are the major commercial real estate technology drivers enhancing the profession?

        Commercial real estate technology that’s making a big impact

        Virtual reality (VR)

        In no particular order, I would begin with virtual reality. Usually the stuff of science fiction, VR is particularly suited for use in commercial real estate technology:

        • It facilitates virtual tours of prospective buildings and interiors.
        • It allows project managers to visit and inspect construction projects virtually, minimizing the time and cost of travel.
        • It allows CRE managers to review different layouts and furniture schemes.
        • It enables virtual collaboration between CRE managers, service providers, and other stakeholders in the leasing lifecycle.

        Internet of Things (IOT)

        Another technology that is having a major impact on the CRE process is IOT.

        Essentially a network of objects such as the myriad of building components and systems, IOT provides insight to a building’s performance, possible failure rates, energy usage and costs, and how thousands of disparate components work together. IOT creates enormous data sets that can be analyzed in real time to detect maintenance and other building issues before they lead to system failures.

        We’ve all seen the IBM advertisement where the elevator maintenance man shows up because “Watson” (IBM’s super computer) detected a maintenance issue days before it led to a breakdown. Now with broadband, high speed networks, IOT drastically reduces the time and expense of building operations.

        Artificial intelligence (AI)

        The use of Artificial Intelligence as a corporate real estate technology is evolving rapidly and will have a profound impact on operations.

        Consider the drafting of a lease document. AI will complete the many stages in developing a lease document, by populating the various categories of the lease from data searches, ensuring accurate calculations, and producing rent payment schedules based on the terms in the lease.

        Wireless and more

        There is a myriad of other technologies that are changing the CRE world. I’ve written about many these in earlier blog posts such as blockchain, beacon technologies, and collaborative applications.

        I continue to be amazed at the power contained in the latest smart phones, and how these devices have changed the way we live, work, and play. The advent of wireless technology has revolutionized how and where we work. Work is no longer a place we go to, but what we do. And the transformation of the workplace such as co-working, has created a whole new generation of entrepreneurs and professionals unconstrained by the traditional 9 to 5 work day.

        Commercial real estate technology will continue to evolve rapidly and will change every aspect of the facilities and real estate domain. It’s anyone’s guess what the next big thing will be. One can only speculate how robotics, big data, and such advances as neural networks, will change how we manage leases and properties in the future. But one thing’s for sure: it will be different!

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        Lease Modification Accounting Under the New Standards Thu, 17 May 2018 08:00:31 +0000 Lease modification accounting is a subject that isn’t getting as much attention as it should… yet. That’s going to change the closer we get closer to the deadline for IFRS...

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        lease modification accounting

        Lease modification accounting is a subject that isn’t getting as much attention as it should… yet. That’s going to change the closer we get closer to the deadline for IFRS and FASB compliance. The smartest accounting leaders are planning for it now.

        Why worry about lease modification accounting now?

        As the deadline quickly approaches for adopting the new lease accounting standards, your accounting teams are scrambling to collect all your lease data and get ready for initial compliance. Simply amassing all that information, and calculating your obligations and right-of-use assets as they currently stand, is a huge burden on the organization. It’s easy to make the mistake of overlooking preparations for Day 2, or what you’ll need to do to maintain your compliance after the effective date of the new standards.

        Lease modification accounting is the biggest Day 2 challenge, especially for large organizations with hundreds or even thousands of leases. Accounting for lease obligations and assets is no longer a set-it-and-forget-it exercise. Every time a lease changes, and even when your assumptions about leases change, you’ll need to revise your lease liability accounting as well as entries for right-of-use asset.

        Why worry about lease modification accounting now? Understanding it now will impact the processes and procedures you’ll need to put into place before you adopt the IFRS and FASB changes. And, if you’re smart, it will impact your choice of lease accounting technology.

        Lease modification accounting is much more complex under the new standards

        If you think figuring out how to get all your leases onto the balance sheet is complicated, just wait until you have to keep track of all the changes. And keep your journal entries and disclosures up-to-date and accurate.

        In the past, leases that were included on the balance sheet needed to be updated only when the terms of the lease were actually changed. Under the new lease accounting standards, FASB ASC 842 and IFRS 16, you’ll also need to do lease modification accounting when assumptions change… those you used to calculate your initial classification and measurement of lease obligations.

        What does that mean? You make certain assumptions when you classify a lease as an operating lease or a finance lease.
        When calculating your lease obligations and right-of-use-assets, you also make assumptions about whether or not you’re “reasonably certain” to exercise options. Both of these impact your lease accounting calculations, and when those assumptions change, your balance sheet will also need to change.

        What does lease modification accounting entail? When you have lease modifications caused by lease term revisions and changes to assumptions, you’ll sometimes need to re-assess your lease classification. You’ll also need to remeasure your lease, or re-calculate your lease obligations and right-of-use assets based on the change. Also, it’s likely you’ll need to document the reasons for the accounting changes in disclosure reports.

        Let’s look at some examples of when you’ll need to do lease modification accounting.

        When do you need to re-assess lease classification and re-measure a lease?

        According to the new lease accounting standards, there are two types of “triggering events” that could cause you to have to re-classify and/or remeasure your lease:

        • Contract-based events, such as an upcoming deadline for exercising an option to purchase the asset or renew the lease.
        • Other events under your control as the lessee. This is where those “reasonable certainty” decisions come into play. In many cases they will be decisions that you expected to go one way, but you revise the decision based on market conditions, business conditions, or something else.

        Here are just a few common examples of events that cause lease changes and the need for lease modification accounting:

        • Exercising an option to purchase a leased asset.
        • Exercising an option to renew a lease.
        • Terminating a lease early.
        • Adding additional space or reducing space associated with a property lease (this might be done as a lease modification or as a new lease).
        • Re-negotiating lease terms with the lessor to change payment amounts, due dates or other terms.
        • Changing assumptions, such as whether you expect to exercise an option to renew a lease or exercise an option to purchase the underlying asset.

        How to prepare now for lease modification accounting changes

        Especially for organizations with a large number of leases, keeping up with all these changes will be a big challenge. There are two components to this challenge:

        • Keeping accounting in the loop about all lease modifications and revised assumptions about leases.
        • Executing the lease modification accounting calculations.

        Here’s what you can do now to make sure your lease accounting stays accurate and in compliance after you implement the new standards.

        1. Put policies and procedures into place for capturing lease changes and potential lease changes.

        Chances are, your organization has many different teams involved in making lease decisions and maintaining leases. Your corporate real estate team is managing your valuable property leases: deciding whether to renew leases, take on new space, or make improvements to existing space that you expect to keep for a while. Also, you have procurement and IT teams managing equipment leases that are essential for your business: computer equipment, vehicles, construction equipment, or other specialty equipment.

        Chances are, none of those teams are in the habit of communicating information to accounting about lease changes. That’s going to have to change very soon. Now is the time to put processes and procedures into place to ensure your accounting teams get all the data they need to stay on top of lease modification accounting.

        TIP: Those processes are going to be much easier to implement and manage if ALL your lease data is in one place.

        Learn more:
        Equipment & Property Lease Accounting: Can One System Do Both?
        Lease Portfolio Management: Policies & Procedures to Reduce Risk

        2. Choose lease accounting software that makes it easy to do lease modifications.

        There are a lot of different ways that leases can change, and the lease modification accounting treatments can be very different depending on the situation.

        Your accounting teams are going to be snowed under if they need to manually calculate the changes every time a lease changes (or your assumptions change).

        You’ll save a lot of time and frustration with the right lease accounting technology. While many products make it possible for you to make lease changes, the best make it easy by offering a lease modification accounting wizard that asks you questions and automatically adjusts your accounting, creating the required journal entries and disclosure reports.

        Want to see how that works? Get a personalized demo of Visual Lease.

        New Call-to-action

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        Corporate Real Estate Benchmarking: Are You Spending Too Much on Your Headquarters? Thu, 03 May 2018 08:00:16 +0000 Back in the 1980’s I was a manager in the corporate real estate department of Xerox Corporation. One of my assignments was to participate in a quality improvement program called...

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        corporate real estate benchmarking

        Back in the 1980’s I was a manager in the corporate real estate department of Xerox Corporation. One of my assignments was to participate in a quality improvement program called “Leadership Through Quality.” Our mission was to use the tools and techniques of quality management to improve Xerox processes, services, and products. A key tool in this effort was corporate real estate benchmarking.

        The value of corporate real estate benchmarking

        Benchmarking can be defined as comparing one’s business processes and performance metrics to the best practices and metrics from other companies. The processes and methodologies of benchmarking can be a valuable tool in the management of corporate real estate.

        Corporate real estate benchmarking methodology

        One of my colleagues at Xerox was Robert Camp, who wrote one of the early books on benchmarking. Camp developed a 12-stage methodology that has endured the passage of time.

        This methodology applies to a comprehensive benchmarking effort. A more abbreviated process can be used. Camp’s process was as follows:

        1. Select subject
        2. Define the process
        3. Identify potential partners
        4. Identify data sources
        5. Collect data and select partners
        6. Determine the gap
        7. Establish process differences
        8. Target future performance
        9. Communicate
        10. Adjust goal
        11. Implement
        12. Review and re-calibrate

        Usually benchmarking is used to identify a specific problem in the company’s real estate portfolio such as space utilization, unit costs, leased rates, comparison of real estate values to prevailing market values, or cycle times such as average project cycles.

        To take advantage of benchmarking, it’s essential that you have a robust lease management system that can provide the space and cost data to be used in the benchmarking process.

        Learn more: The Corporate Real Estate Strategic Plan

        Benchmarking for corporate headquarters

        I recall an assignment when I was a consultant at Pricewaterhouse Coopers that asked the question: “How does the client corporate headquarters facility compare to other major headquarters in the area from the standpoint of cost and utilization?”

        We benchmarked nine headquarters facilities in the client market area and discovered that the client headquarters was flagrantly too expensive, too inefficient, and too grandiose. Based on the benchmarking results, the client’s Board of Directors commissioned a relocation project to a less expensive and more efficient structure.

        Optimizing facilities and costs

        Another use of corporate real estate benchmarking can be used to measure the metrics of internal facilities and costs. Here management is concerned with those facilities that represent unusual variances either in utilization or costs, as a way to target remedial action.

        As Director of Corporate Real Estate at Dun and Bradstreet, I used corporate real estate benchmarking to evaluate the leased facilities in the European portfolio, primarily to determine candidates for consolidation. I specifically recall a location in Milan, Italy where the space per person and unit costs were way out of the norm. The facility was located in an ancient Milanese villa, and the space per person exceeded 1000 square feet per person. When I presented these benchmarks to the country manager, I received major push back, saying that the facility’s design and décor were needed for image and marketing purposes. Since the unit was a top performer, I didn’t win the argument with senior management.

        Commercial real estate performance metrics to target

        Corporate real estate benchmarking should be a fundamental tool in the CRE manager’s tool kit. I would urge CRE managers to include a series of benchmarks in the annual real estate plan.

        Such benchmarks as average space per person, average facilities cost per person, and average cost per square foot as compared to market rates can provide management with a keen insight to the portfolio’s performance relative to best in class metrics.

        From my experience, corporate real estate benchmarking can be a way to establish annual performance goals. Using benchmarks can set the stage for strategic actions to meet these goals such as facilities relocations, consolidations, and/or lease renewals/ renegotiations.

        Are you struggling to get ready for FASB? Learn more about real estate lease accounting:
        FASB Accounting Overview for Corporate Real Estate
        Corporate Real Estate Strategies and the New Lease Accounting Standards

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        Press Release: Visual Lease Helps Raise Over $130,000 for Hurricane Relief Tue, 01 May 2018 17:24:42 +0000 Last month, Visual Lease joined Bloomberg to sponsor a black tie gala that raised over $130,000 for All Hands and Hearts — Smart Response, a non-profit organization that provides disaster...

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        Last month, Visual Lease joined Bloomberg to sponsor a black tie gala that raised over $130,000 for All Hands and Hearts — Smart Response, a non-profit organization that provides disaster relief around the world.

        Funds raised by the gala event, held at the Angel Orensanz Foundation in New York City, will go to support disaster-stricken communities in St. Thomas and other islands impacted by hurricanes Irma and Maria.

        Alexandra Betesh, Visual Lease’s Vice President of Client Services, served as co-chair of the event, along with Elizabeth Betesh, Kyle Dropp, and a committee of over 30 young professionals.

        “At Visual Lease, we want our company to help create positive change beyond business,” said Isaac Heller, “so we’re proud to support this hurricane relief effort.”

        Over 400 guests attended the gala, which included a silent auction that raised over $25,000.

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        The Benefits of Co-Working Office Spaces and Flexible Workplaces Tue, 10 Apr 2018 08:00:49 +0000 The growth of co-working office spaces and flexible workplaces is explosive worldwide. In a recent article in CoreNet’s March 2018 issue of “Leader” magazine, the author reports that co-working has...

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        co-working office spaces

        The growth of co-working office spaces and flexible workplaces is explosive worldwide.

        In a recent article in CoreNet’s March 2018 issue of “Leader” magazine, the author reports that co-working has grown by 200% in three years and 100% in the last two years. The article goes on to report that co-working has evolved from just five centers in 2005 to more than 13,500 globally this year.

        Why flexible & co-working office spaces are growing

        Behind this explosive growth are the key drivers of co-working offices and flexible workplaces.

        Reduced cost and immediate access
        Perhaps the most compelling driver is the elimination of up front capital costs for office renovation, as well as protracted fit-out time.

        Co-working office spaces can be accessed almost immediately. And thus offer maximum flexibility. The Corenet article reports that co-working and flexible offices essentially offer a new model of office leasing: Workplace as a Service or (WAAS).

        The shared office operator assumes all the responsibilities for office leasing, fit-out, and furnishing; so the users are able to avoid these tasks and costs. Certainly a side benefit of this fact is a reduction of workload for the Corporate Real Estate staff, further reducing costs.

        Contract flexibility
        Another key driver is the flexibility afforded by co-working office spaces. Users can opt for both short and long range contracts allowing for a wide range of occupancy arrangements.

        Better support for mobility & collaboration
        Another driver of the co-working arrangement is the alignment this style of workplace has with preferred workstyles. Today’s workforce is more collaborative and mobile than earlier generations of workers.

        The old model of one employee, one seat, has shifted to a multiplicity of work settings including collaborative spaces, individual work stations, group settings, and social areas. The employee or independent entrepreneur can choose a variety of space options allowing for heads-down or group work.

        More satisfied workers
        Perhaps the most compelling benefit of co-working is an individual sense of fulfillment.

        In a recent Harvard Review article the author delved into the question of what accounts for a significant sense of “thriving” with individuals who participate in a co-working environment. The article cites the “Co-Working Manifesto”, signed by over 1700 co-working participants in 2012. Here are the key principles of the Manifesto:

        • collaboration over competition
        • community over agendas
        • participation over observation
        • doing over saying
        • friendship over formality
        • boldness over assurance
        • learning over expertise
        • people over personalities
        • “value ecosystem” over “value chain”

        In essence the Harvard Review article concluded that co-working resulted in more satisfied users primarily because of a sense of meaning and purpose in their work experience.

        Could co-working office spaces work for you?

        Initially co-working attracted the individual worker. But today co-working attracts a full range of tenant sizes including large corporate tenants like IBM and Amazon, as well as medium to small user groups.

        The market for co-working office spaces is now segmenting into different versions. There are women only co-working office spaces such as “The Wing” in New York City and Washington, DC. And men-only co-working office spaces in Brooklyn, New York and Sydney, Australia. WeWork has branched out with WeLive, co-living spaces, and We Grow, an educational offering from WeWork.

        Beyond co-working office spaces: co-living spaces

        One interesting trend associated with co-working is the emergence of co-living spaces. In London, the world’s largest co-living community opened its doors to 550 residents. While residents have their own units with bedroom, bathroom and kitchenette, the project offers all-inclusive rent with access to a restaurant, co-working spaces, Wifi, gym, cinema, spa, larger kitchens and dining rooms.

        Co-working here to stay

        The CoreNet article reports that large landlords in New York and London now view flexible space, such as co-working office spaces, as a key part of their portfolios, more than 67% of landlords surveyed reported this adoption.

        Co-working is becoming a major trend in workplace arrangements. It combines significant economic benefits with increased individual user satisfaction. The fact that WeWork, a major player in the co-working market was recently valued at $5 Billion gives a sense that the co-working phenomenon is no longer a passing fad, but a major shift in the office market worldwide.

        More topics about corporate office space trends:

        Are US Companies Using Too Much Real Estate?
        Real Estate Market Analysis: A Primer for CRE Executives

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        Real Estate Technology: A Guide for Choosing Collaborative Workplace Tools Thu, 05 Apr 2018 08:00:45 +0000 Over sixteen years ago while a Gartner analyst, I launched a series of research reports on the subject of virtual teaming. Because of mobile technology and the growth of telework,...

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        real estate technology

        Over sixteen years ago while a Gartner analyst, I launched a series of research reports on the subject of virtual teaming. Because of mobile technology and the growth of telework, it became clear that virtual teaming would become the norm in business operations. Today virtual teaming is widely adopted, and organizations need collaborative real estate technology to help business processes become more efficient and productive.

        Why real estate technology must be collaborative

        Corporate real estate involves a number of disciplines that must be coordinated, including internal staff and external service providers. Collaborative applications can be adapted to ensure seamless process flow through a real estate project life cycle; from project planning, site selection, leasing, interior construction, equipment and furnishing procurement, staff move, and punch list functions.

        In addition, the application can be used in the lease administrative process to update rent payment schedules, lease addendums, and notifications.

        So, what is the best practice in the procurement of collaborative real estate technology?

        5 Steps to select the best real estate technology tools

        1. Document your key CRE processes.

        This should involve identifying key participants, their roles and responsibilities, and how they interact through the real estate project cycle.

        The resulting process map should then form the basis of what type of collaborative application is best suited to support all phases of the project life cycle.

        2. Specify goals for real estate technology.

        Before developing a request for proposal (RFP) you need to specify key goals for real estate technology tools. Specifically, do you need to:

        • Increase the rate of the real estate life cycle?
        • Standardize work flows?
        • Improve visibility and collaboration between teams?
        • Create, edit, and work on shared documents with team members?
        • Integrate with other tools?

        Once you’ve established specific goals, you now have the basis for evaluating whether alternative applications can meet these goals.

        3. Evaluate real estate technology delivery.

        The next issue is software delivery. Do you want the application to be hosted on premise or in the cloud? This question will depend on the overall practice of your organization’s approach to software delivery:

        • Do you have the technical capability to host on premises?
        • Is cost an issue?
        • To what degree does the application integrate with other applications, and depend on a centralized database?
        • Is security an issue?

        4. Gain buy-in for adopting real estate technology.

        Another critical issue is whether the application will receive employee buy-in. Does your organization have a collaborative culture? Or are the employees more independent and less likely to readily adopt a collaborative tool?

        The most effective way to address the adoption issue is to form an employee evaluation committee, consisting of representatives from the key CRE functional groups.

        Have the committee evaluate various alternative software solutions, both through vendor demonstrations and trial utilizations. The committee will be charged with the objective of evaluating and then recommending their preference. Employee input will be a critical factor in the selection process.

        5. Compare price and value.

        The final consideration in the Software selection process is the question of pricing. You need to have a clear understanding how the pricing model relates to software features and value. Is the pricing flexible relative to adding new users, new features, and versions? What is the maintenance component in the pricing?

        Learn more:
        Get the Best Lease Accounting Software By Comparing Price and Value

        What can you gain by choosing collaborative real estate technology?

        The collaboration application can be the central platform for CRE operations. If properly acquired and configured, it can vastly improve team productivity, coordination, and goal achievement. And most importantly, the application will enhance the efficiency of CRE processes, by improving communication and data sharing between team members and external service providers.

        Learn more:
        Lease Portfolio Management: Policies and Procedures to Reduce Risk
        Blockchain Technology: The Impact on Corporate Real Estate

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        Real Estate Market Reports & Enterprise Lease Portfolio Management Thu, 08 Mar 2018 08:00:11 +0000 In my last couple of blog posts, I covered the basic elements of real estate market analysis and the real estate market cycle. In case you missed them: Real Estate...

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        real estate market reports

        In my last couple of blog posts, I covered the basic elements of real estate market analysis and the real estate market cycle.

        In case you missed them:
        Real Estate Market Analysis: A Primer for CRE Executives

        Understanding Real Estate Market Cycle for CRE Market Analysis

        In this post, I’ll reveal how you can use office real estate market reports to gain insight into specific market trends. Office real estate market reports are an essential tool in the effective management of the enterprise leasing portfolio.

        To illustrate the use of commercial real estate market reports, let’s consider a major market in the Bay Area, California, Silicon Valley. This market is the center for technology innovation, and is the home of some of the major technology firms like Google, Apple, HP, and Facebook. Silicon Valley has experienced significant growth in space and many large tenants are reaching their ten-year renewal point from market lows in 2008.

        Here are the key questions you need to address in assessing the market:

        • What has been the growth in employment and how will this drive demand?
        • What is the trend in vacancy and how will this affect net absorption?
        • What’s been the trend in net rental rates?
        • What is the over-all market outlook.

        Let’s take a look at the answers you can find in the real estate market reports from Cushman & Wakefield, Jones Lang LaSalle, and Savills Studley.

        Real estate market analysis report examples

        Below are excerpts from three real estate market reports for the 4th quarter of 2017. Notice how the reports vary in emphasis but still give a composite picture of the Silicon Valley market.

        Cushman and Wakefield:

        • The current average asking rent of $4.57* psf (full service) is up from $4.51 psf one year ago. They expect average rents to flatten across the Valley as the concentration of deals will be in lower rent markets.
        • Net absorption in Q4 was 222,000 sf, an increase from the negative -78,000 sf recorded in Q3.
        • They anticipate that activity will improve in 2018. Tenant demand remains strong at 9.9msf of active market/ R&D requirements.

        Jones Lang LaSalle:

        • 2017 marked the 7th consecutive year of positive occupancy gains for Silicon Valley.
        • With the Valley entering its 8th consecutive year in the current cycle, tenants that signed 10- year deals between 2009 and 2010 are nearing their renewal exercise date.
        • Those that signed leases when rents were at cyclical lows may consider less expensive submarkets in an effort to keep their occupancy cost contained.

        Savills Studley:

        • Deal volume spiked to 1.5 msf, the strongest total since the fourth quarter of 2016. A flurry of leases over 100,000 sf fueled the quarterly spike.
        • The regions’ overall availability rate decreased by 110 basis points to 14.9%, dropping 40 basis points from year end 2016.
        • The class A rate fell by 240 basis points to 18.6%, its lowest mark since sub-leasing late 2016, and has dropped 10 basis points from year end 2016.
        • Regional overall asking rent ($3.99 dipped by 3.5% during the fourth quarter, but has increased by 7% year-on-year.
        • Class A rent has spiked by 6.3% from year-end 2016 to $4.20.

        (*Note: rental rates are quoted on rate per SF on a monthly basis in West Coast markets, not on annual basis which is typical in other US markets.)

        Major deal activity in real estate market reports

        • Savills Studley focused on the impact of co-working. WeWork made a big move in the Valley during the 4th quarter subleasing 450,000 sf at 301 and 401 San Antonio Avenue in Mountain View. The facility will house WeWork’s Enterprise division which is targeting leases with major corporations. Amazon for example, leases nearly 15,000 sf at WeWork’s Valley Tower center in Downtown San Jose.
        • Cushman & Wakefield also focused on WeWork. The largest deal of the quarter was a sublease by WeWork from Linkedin (456,000 sf) in Mountain View.
        • WeWork is rumored to have a tenant in tow for approximately 228,000 sf of that space.

        Tips for using office real estate market reports

        • Work with your broker or tenant representative in analyzing and interpreting market reports in advance of leasing projects.
        • Update market outlooks for major leasing locations on a semi-annual basis.
        • Use the real estate market reports to identify risks such as limited availability, abnormal rental rate increases, or changes in local codes that would impact long term occupancy.

        CRE Managers: Stay on top of market trends

        CRE managers should remain cognizant of market trends in locations where leasing actions are anticipated over the next two years. Real estate market reports are an essential tool in keeping the CRE team up to date on market trends. Focus on net absorption, employment trends, changes in occupancy, and rental rate trends. Be aware of changes in your key market cities; and be prepared to respond with actions that limit leasing risk and exploit market opportunities.

        To learn more about lease portfolio management, read these related articles:

        Lease Portfolio Management: Policies & Procedures to Reduce Risk
        Corporate Real Estate Strategies and the New Lease Accounting Standards

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        Understanding Real Estate Market Cycle for CRE Market Analysis Tue, 27 Feb 2018 08:00:07 +0000 In my last blog post, I covered the basic elements of real estate market analysis. In case you missed it: Real Estate Market Analysis: A Primer for CRE Executives In...

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        real estate market cycleIn my last blog post, I covered the basic elements of real estate market analysis.

        In case you missed it: Real Estate Market Analysis: A Primer for CRE Executives

        In this post, I’ll delve into the question of the real estate market cycle. Understanding the cycle is a fundamental element of understanding the broader real estate market. However, before discussing the real estate market cycle, we should look more closely at what we mean by the real estate market.

        There are many elements that make up the real estate market. This blog is focused on commercial markets as opposed to residential markets. Specifically, our market definition includes office, industrial, retail, and hospitality markets. Also the markets are further differentiated into urban and suburban markets, building class (A,B,C) and locale (city and regional markets).

        The 4 phases of the real estate market cycle

        Real estate markets follow a predictable 4 phase cycle. A Harvard blog post labeled the four real estate market cycle phases as:
        Phase 1: Recovery; Phase 2: Expansion; Phase 3: Hyper Supply; Phase 4: Recession.

        Real Estate Market Cycle Phase 1 (Recovery)

        Here the markets are on an upward trend; essentially coming out of the last down turn. In many urban and suburban markets, buildings are suffering from high vacancies, declining rentals, and some cases of bankruptcies and foreclosures. Unemployment is relatively high, and demand has diminished.

        Real Estate Market Cycle Phase 2 (Expansion)

        The markets are showing signs of recovery. Tenant demand is rising, along with rental rates. Real estate developers are beginning to buy and build new properties. Space absorption is increasing, and the general commercial markets are steadily improving. These trends vary by city and sub-markets, but in general this is a period of recovery.

        Real Estate Market Cycle Phase 3 (Hyper Supply)

        This is the period in the cycle when markets boom, and become overheated. Most recently, this phase occurred in 2005 with many markets becoming over built, and supply exceeding demand. The result is declining rents and growing vacancies.

        Real Estate Market Cycle Phase 4 (Recession)

        This is the bottoming of the market. (Remember the recession of 2008?) Foreclosures abound, bankruptcies depress the property markets, tenancy contracts, and many properties stand vacant for months. But the markets finally bottom out, and the general economic scene shows signs of recovery. The cycle repeats itself, with tenant demand increasing, rents rising, and occupancy improving with improved employment trends.

        Where are we now in the real estate market cycle?

        Most pundits believe we are in a long-term period of economic expansion and growth.

        Brandon Turner of BiggerPockets.Com wrote the following:
        “Many people subscribe to the ‘18-year real estate cycle’ theory, first outlined by economist Homer Hoyt in the 1930s and later re-popularized by economist Fred E. Foldvary, who accurately predicted the 2008 collapse of the real estate market in his report, The Depression of 2008. The 18-year real estate cycle looks at the previous 100 years in American housing prices and, except for a long winter caused by World War II, has found that the market has generally operated on an average of an 18-year cycle from peak to peak, seeing a peak in 1989 and again in 2007.”

        Learn more: The Real Estate Development Game

        Understanding the real estate market cycle is a key aspect of market analysis.

        In the next blog post, I’ll focus on a specific real estate market and examine the critical factors that underscore the market’s dynamics.

        Don’t miss it: subscribe now!

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        Real Estate Market Analysis: A Primer for CRE Executives Thu, 15 Feb 2018 08:00:55 +0000 What CRE can learn from a real estate market analysis report Virtually all real estate service firms offer some type of real estate market analysis. These reports are typically offered...

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        real estate market analysisWhat CRE can learn from a real estate market analysis report

        Virtually all real estate service firms offer some type of real estate market analysis. These reports are typically offered at no cost and some are quite good. Some larger firms such as CBRE, Jones Lang La Salle (JLL), and Cushman and Wakefield, offer global reports with focus on all the major market cities. Typically reports covering market analysis of real estate are issued quarterly with annual forecasts and summaries.

        The reports are based primarily on brokerage activity, and most are quite detailed and accurate.

        What real estate market analysis reports cover

        Generally the reports cover the following categories:

        • Gross and net rental rates (in $ per square foot) by property type, including office, industrial, retail, apartments, land valuation.
        • Key statistics include absorption rates, vacancies, implicit interest rates, and major transactions including major leases, subleases and sales.
        • Markets are organized by major metropolitan areas (both suburban, and central business district). Markets are further divided by property quality: A,B C. Many of the reports cover international markets including Canada, UK, Continental Europe, Asia, Australia, and Middle East.
        • Most reports provide forecasts of rental rate trends, interest rate trends, and outlook on availabilities, and shortages.
        • Key statistics include vacancy rates, absorption (rate at which space is absorbed), space growth or reduction, interest rates, and major transactions.
        • The reports usually provide a commentary on market conditions, and key factors influencing market dynamics such as employment trends, new construction, regulatory changes, and changes in key factors such as zoning changes, etc.

        The value of a focused real estate market analysis report

        CRE managers can order special market reports that focus on specific markets and sub-markets. Ordinarily, real estate service firms will provide market analysis as part of a brokerage assignment. Sometimes it’s wise to have more than one report to validate projections and trends.

        Real estate market analysis: the latest trends

        In reviewing the latest reports, I was struck by some key findings:

        • The Tech industry is the key driver in office markets nationwide, particularly in West Coast markets.
        • The trend of growth in urban markets is beginning to subside with a resurgence in suburban markets.
        • Growth in shared offices continues to trend upward, with growth in most urban and suburban markets.
        • In general, the real estate markets worldwide are in good shape with no contraction anticipated over the next three years. Some analysts raise concerns with a downturn possible after three years, but there is no consensus on this possibility.

        CRE managers need to stay abreast of real estate market trends and adjust leasing and portfolio strategy as appropriate.

        I recommend taking a five year view of the markets, and update your company’s real estate strategy based on a five year rolling forecast. This means becoming knowledgeable about the insights provided by real estate market analysis reports, and following the trends on a quarterly basis.

        Learn more:
        Lease Portfolio Management: Policies and Procedures to Reduce Risk
        CoreNet Global Summit: 4 Mandates for Corporate Real Estate

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        Adopting New Lease Accounting Standards: Is Your Structure a Handicap? Tue, 30 Jan 2018 08:00:38 +0000 Organizational Challenges & the New Lease Accounting Standards There are many organizational models that are used to manage corporate real estate. Companies adopt primarily two models: centralized and decentralized. In...

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        new lease accounting standardsOrganizational Challenges & the New Lease Accounting Standards

        There are many organizational models that are used to manage corporate real estate. Companies adopt primarily two models: centralized and decentralized. In this article, we’ll explore the differences and how they impact your organization’s ability to transition to the new lease accounting standards: FASB ASC 842 and IFRS 16.

        Two common CRE organizational models

        In the decentralized model, typically the business units handle all the primary functions of the corporate real estate function to include leasing, design, construction, facilities management, lease administration, etc. The decentralized model is popular with large diverse organizations that prefer to control all the key disciplines of the real estate function at the unit level.

        The centralized model serves as the real estate support staff for all the business units. This model is popular with homogeneous companies with a singular service or product offering. Major accounting firms and banks are typically organized with a centralized corporate real estate function serving all the lines of business.

        Major challenges of implementing the new lease accounting standards

        Now consider the major tasks needed to implement the new lease accounting standards with respect to these two organizational models. The first step is assembling and organizing the lease portfolio data. Invariably this task will be a challenge when leases are scattered throughout the business units. Just getting the leases assembled and organized will be an administrative nightmare. And there will be the issue of consistency across unit portfolios.

        Learn more: Data Collection Tips for ASC 842 Transition & IFRS 16 Compliance

        Which organizational model is better equipped to manage the transition to the new lease accounting standards?

        The centralized corporate real estate organization has the advantage of uniformity and consistency in the real estate file, making the task of conversion to the new lease accounting standards significantly easier. The centralized group has the advantage of familiarity with the portfolio and can retrieve files and data readily. The centralized group also has the benefit of having worked with corporate finance, legal, and accounting; and thus these relationships will work to make the conversion process more efficient.

        The centralized group also has more direct access to senior management, and can resolve issues of lease strategy, balance sheet effects, and other issues that surface during the transition process.

        From my experience the greatest impediment to a company wide change is effective communication. The centralized group is typically more unified and enjoys smoother communication processes than a decentralized group that must cope with different personalities, unit culture, and differences in approach.

        Most decentralized real estate organizations will most likely form a multi-unit task force with representatives from each of the unit real estate groups chartered to gather and organize the lease files from each of the units.

        Creating a task force to execute the new lease accounting standards

        Despite the organization models and their respective challenges, it’s likely that a multi-discipline team will be formed to manage and execute the transition process. Most likely the task force will create a separate lease database and create in essence a “parallel universe” that will have all the specific calculations and values prescribed by the new lease accounting standards.

        The advantage of this approach will be minimizing disruption to ongoing operations. This approach will require a high level of cooperation and collaboration from the real estate staff(s). From my experience it’s a best practice to appoint a senior manager to lead such a task force, and have the leader report to a fairly high level in the corporate structure.

        The task force should include a representative from corporate accounting, corporate finance, and also include external specialists such as representatives from the accounting firm supporting the organization’s annual audit.

        Learn more: FASB Lease Accounting Changes: How to Assemble Your Readiness Team

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        7 Things to Consider Before Choosing A Lease Accounting System Sat, 13 Jan 2018 15:37:21 +0000

        Avoiding Costly Mistakes in the Race for FASB/IASB Compliance.

        Don't Select A System Without Considering These Factors…

        1. The Benefits of a Single System

        In the race to get compliant, accounting leaders may assume the easiest way to get the calculations they need is to purchase a simple standalone lease accounting tool and feed it with data from other systems or repositories (such as spreadsheets, or a lease management point solution).

        That approach rarely proves as fast or easy as you expect. For one thing, your lease data probably resides in numerous systems: real estate may have their own point solution, procurement may have spreadsheets with IT equipment data, and many leased assets are still in a PDF on somebody’s computer! Aggregating all that information is complex and requires some manual intervention to ensure data integrity. Without all of the data residing in one place and serving as your “single source of truth,” you’ll face a time-consuming data validation process to ensure information is consistent and not duplicative. And don’t forget, you’ll need to repeat this process on Day 2 to ensure data is synced and your reporting is valid and accurate.

        Selecting a single platform that performs both administrative and accounting functions can allow you to skip secondary data validation and ongoing integration costs. Also, while your immediate goal might be FASB/IASB compliance, don’t make the mistake of overlooking the long term benefits that a single system can provide:

        • It can help you manage your policies with respect to options and contingent/variable rent obligations
        • It can provide the strategic business intelligence needed to shape short and long term real estate decisions to support business needs while reducing occupancy expenses
        • It can directly identify and correct costly payment mistakes.

        The financial benefits of these lease management capabilities can easily dwarf the cost of your FASB/IASB compliance efforts, providing an easy ROI.

        2. Price and Value

        While we’re on the subject of costs, it’s important to understand that there are one-time expenses associated with implementing a lease accounting system for compliance with the new standards. These may include project management, lease abstraction, data collection and the implementation cost for the lease accounting system. Be sure to consider these costs when comparing prices for solutions. Some will cost a great deal more to implement than others. Software license prices can also vary widely. Never rush into a contract (especially a long term one) without digging deep enough into the functionality to understand the value you’re going to get for the price. Ask yourself:

        3. How You’ll Get Data into the Lease Accounting Tool

        The simplicity (or complexity) of getting your data into your chosen lease accounting tool is probably the biggest factor impacting how fast your company can become compliant. Before choosing a system, ask these questions to understand the process, resources and time required for this all-important task.

        Will you need to pay an external consultant to manage the process, or is the vendor willing and able to help you manage it?

        Does the vendor have enough lease expertise to help you manage data collection and abstraction? If consultants are needed, it’s important to understand total costs and project duration.

        Is data migration automated, manual or a hybrid?

        It’s essential to have bulk-upload capabilities to speed population of both quantitative and qualitative data. However, relying entirely on automated data entry, especially for complex real estate lease information, will result in data integrity problems. The system you choose should easily accommodate both manual and automated data entry, and the process must include quality checks throughout.

        Does the vendor provide data migration tools and implementation instructions?

        You should expect collecting and validating all your lease data to be challenging, but migrating it into the new system should be straightforward. Migration tools and clear implementation instructions show the vendor’s level of expertise with the process.

        What kind of implementation support you can expect from your accounting partners?

        Will they act as an advisory arm to help you with data collection and cleansing as well as policy decisions? Many accounting and consulting firms are providing clients with a repository database where you can aggregate data and validate before importing in your lease accounting system.

        4. Integration With Your Existing Systems

        Every vendor says their product integrates with other systems. However, to be sure you’ll get the results you expect, it’s up to you to investigate the depth and details of the integration. You may want the data from your lease accounting system to feed multiple tools and enterprise systems.

        Many organizations (especially multinational organizations and those with multiple subsidiaries) will need the following integration capabilities:

        • Ability to create journal entries, including multiple GLs
        • Ability to integrate with common ERP and AP systems, such as SAP & Oracle
        • Flexible APIs and XML capabilities for unique integrations
        • Integration with modern communication platforms, from Outlook to Slack, for alerting users about critical events and actions
        • Ability to feed business intelligence systems that provide high-level dashboards for the C-suite
        • Ability to bolt onto an IWMS or lease administration system to add seamless lease accounting functionality to a legacy database

        5. Drill-Down Reporting Capabilities

        At the end of the day, you need your lease accounting system to provide essential reports with reliable data and accurate calculations. Certainly you’re anxious to see standard FASB disclosure reports, financial variance and future expense reports. Systems that can’t provide those basics won’t make your short list. However, it’s in your best interest to look deeper.

        To get the most benefit from your lease accounting system, you’ll want the ability to easily “slice and dice” financial data in unlimited ways. We’re talking about customizing reports according to your terminology, reporting schedule and business practices. There are many situations where you’ll want the ability to easily create ad-hoc and drilldown reports, or make adjustments to predefined reports, such as

        • Fiscal year or quarterly reports
        • Drilling down into expense obligations by region, organization, cost center, asset type and other variables
        • Performing currency conversion and analyses
        • Evaluating KPIs and metrics for fixed assets

        Being forced to lean on the vendor or a consultant every time you need an adjustment or new report will not only slow you down, but also add considerably to the cost of using the system.

        6. Your Obligations Under the New Standards

        At a high level, implementing ASC 842 and IFRS 16 seems simple enough: gather all your lease information and feed it to your balance sheet. However, there are complexities you must understand at the outset so you know exactly what data you need to gather and policy decisions you need to make. For example, in some cases you’ll need to decide exactly what constitutes a lease. You’ll need to extract embedded lease information within service contracts.

        If you have not already done so, now is that time for a discussion with your audit advisors to learn exactly what you will need to do to be compliant with the new standards. Fully understanding what’s required will guide you in making smart decisions and plans upfront, and help you avoid time-consuming and expensive surprises later on. With those decisions and plans in place, you’ll better understand what features you need in a lease accounting system.

        7. Your Plan for Day 2

        While your financial leadership may be laser-focused on getting a lease accounting system live and “flipping the switch” to report in the new format, don’t make the mistake of failing to consider Day 2: your ongoing usage of the system. These are some key factors that will impact how well your lease accounting system works for you, Post-implementation.

        User Experience. At this stage of the game when you’re primarily concerned with getting data into and out of a lease accounting system, you may not take a close look at how easy (or difficult) it is to work within it. After you go live, this becomes a much bigger issue.

        • Leases change regularly and need to be updated. How many screens will you have to wade through to find the field to modify?
        • Is information entered once and used throughout, or entered in multiple places, resulting in data integrity problems?
        • How easy is it to produce quarterly and annual reports?
        • Will you need to hire experts or invest a lot of time and money in training every time you add new users?

        Flexibility. There’s no such thing as a cookie-cutter company. It’s virtually certain that you’ll want to make changes to any lease accounting system so that it operates according to the way you do business. At a minimum, you’ll want the system to accommodate your fiscal calendar and reporting schedule. You may work with multiple currencies. You may need to adjust interest rates depending on asset type, useful life or location, or have the ability to override global rules (related to discount rates or capital/operating lease tests, for example). How easy is it to make those changes? If those things are difficult or impossible, imagine what you’ll go through to make major changes to accommodate an acquisition or a reorganization. Easy configurability is not a nice-to-have, it’s a necessity

        Audit Support. During an audit, the last thing you want is to be scrambling to answer questions about how numbers were calculated and the details of policy decisions. Your lease accounting system should provide easy access to supporting data behind FASB quantitative and qualitative disclosures via drill-down capabilities.

        About Visual Lease

        Visual Lease is a leading provider of lease accounting and lease administration software. Our software will help get your organization compliant with ASC 842 and IFRS 16 requirements. The Visual Lease platform also provides and easy-to-use Day 2 solution with its lease management capabilities and infrastructure. The system enables organizations to quickly and easily manage their lease portfolios, define and track specific lease clauses, proactively manage critical dates (such as renewal options), and visualize your asset portfolio! Request a demo of Visual Lease today

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        Beacon Technology: Applications for Corporate Real Estate Tue, 26 Dec 2017 08:00:28 +0000 What is beacon technology? There’s been increasing interest in what is known as beacon technology. Usually associated with retail marketing, beacon technology first emerged in 2013. Today the technology is...

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        beacon technologyWhat is beacon technology?

        There’s been increasing interest in what is known as beacon technology. Usually associated with retail marketing, beacon technology first emerged in 2013. Today the technology is driving a huge growth in retail sales with a 10-fold increase in retail sales from $4 billion in 2015, to $44 billion in 2016.

        Apple invented the standard for beacon technology in 2013. Essentially the technology depends on users downloading the app on their smart phone which allows them to receive messages from Beacon enabled locations. In essence, the technology employs Bluetooth low energy (BLE) wireless technology that sends a signal that can be received on a user iPhone that is near the beacon transmitter. The user must opt in to the specific Beacon application. The beacon sends out a signal every second or more to a short distance which can range from a few feet to several hundred yards.

        While Apple invented the technology, it does not provide the hardware. There are several leading vendors of the beacon transmitters including Kontakt, Bluesense, Gelo, Estimote, and Google’s version, Eddystone.

        CRE applications for beacon technology

        So why should CRE managers have an interest in beacon technology? Essentially beacon technology is an extension of the smart building format that focuses on building automation and the Internet of Things (IOT). With beacon technology, managers can keep track of space utilization by tracking workstation use, vacancies, etc. Beacon technology can also track such things as energy use, by tracking temperature fluctuations, floor space use, employee traffic patterns, etc. CRE managers can use the technology to push messages to visitors such as meeting location, daily event schedules, and other information helpful to visitors.

        In the event of emergencies, beacon technology can alert employees of incident status, exit routes, and alert rescue personnel of employee locations, and status.

        Beyond office and retail use, beacon technology is being widely employed in the sports industry. Major League Baseball has deployed beacon technology in 20 of the 30 major league parks in 2015. Baseball fans can get information on concession deals, seat upgrades, and game schedules. And museums have discovered the benefits of beacon technology by delivering exhibit information, floor plans, and information on specific exhibits that replaces the audio headsets. Museums gather information on attendee interest with specific exhibits that help with future planning.

        Concerns about beacon technology

        Beacon technology raises the issue of personal privacy. Critics note that the technology can be abused by tracking individual’s buying behavior and location within stores and offices. Another issue is the question of uniform standards. There is no one universal standard for cell phone manufacturers, although this is expected to be remedied in the near future. The fact that users can opt out of a beacon technology solves the privacy issue, but is not a long-term solution.

        Beacon technology: another trend to watch

        Beacon technology is yet another example of how technology is transforming the personal experience from the workplace, to retail, sports, education, hospitality, entertainment, and an almost limitless variety of activities at the intersection of people and places. I’ve stressed the need for CRE managers and professionals to stay abreast of technology trends since it is surely technology that will define the CRE mission of the near future.

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        Blockchain Technology: The Impact on Corporate Real Estate Tue, 12 Dec 2017 08:00:39 +0000 There’s been a growing buzz throughout the tech world about blockchain technology and its associated topic of Bitcoin, the blockchain enabled digital currency. The specific characteristics of blockchain make it...

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        blockchain technologyThere’s been a growing buzz throughout the tech world about blockchain technology and its associated topic of Bitcoin, the blockchain enabled digital currency. The specific characteristics of blockchain make it particularly useful for real estate transactions. In fact, there is a global real estate association dedicated to promulgating the advantages of blockchain technology. The International Blockchain Real Estate Association (IBREA) has over 400 members and is dedicated to advancing the advantages of the blockchain platform in the real estate industry for cost savings, operational efficiencies, fraud reductions, and conveniences.

        In a recent article, the president of IBREA, Ragner Liftrasir, drew a vivid characterization of the blockchain platform. Lifthrasir wrote:

        “The Internet made it possible for individuals to transfer information quickly, cheaply and paperlessly without obtrusive intermediaries. Similarly blockchain technology offers the same advantages for transferring VALUE. You use the internet to transfer words and pictures. You use blockchain platforms to transfer money and assets.” Ragnar Lifthrasir Realcom, March 29, 2016

        What is blockchain technology?

        Blockchains basically consist of a distributed ledger and a cryptocurrency. It’s essentially software and as such can be updated, stored, transferred, and all the things we come to associate with software.

        When we hear the term “blockchain” we think of Bitcoin, but there are myriad versions of blockchain including Ethereum, and other versions.

        What’s the expected impact of blockchain technology on corporate real estate?

        Lifthrasir identifies four key areas in real estate where blockchain will have a major impact. These include:

        a.) disintermediation
        b.) fraud prevention
        c.) digital currency
        d.) smart contracts


        Most of the middlemen in a real estate transaction can be eliminated by the use of the blockchain. For example: “Blockchain will enable every property, everywhere, to have a corresponding digital address that contains occupancy, finance, legal, building performance, and physical attributes that conveys perpetually and maintains all historical transactions. Additionally, the data will be immediately available online and correlatable across all properties. The speed to transact will be shortened from days/weeks/months to minutes or seconds.” – Jason Ray, Nov 2, 2015 Linkedin.

        Fraud protection

        In terms of fraud protection, blockchain technology, specifically Bitcoin, will have a major impact:

        “By offering a 100 percent incorruptible resource, whereby the sender and recipient of funds was logged, and where “digital ownership certificates” for properties are saved, the blockchain would effectively make forged ownership documents and false listings a thing of the past. The unique “digital ownership certificates” would be almost impossible to replicate, and would be directly linked to one property in the system, making selling or advertising properties you don’t own almost impossible.” – Don Operas, February 6, 2016. Techcrunch.Com

        Digital currency (Bitcoin)

        Again quoting Ragner Lifthrasir:

        “Bitcoin is a digital currency. Ethereum has its ‘Ether’ token. Unlike the Dollar or Euro, blockchain currencies aren’t paper that are later represented by software, but are 100% software from birth. The power of software is its programmability. The power of cryptocurrency is you can program it to escrow and distribute itself. With fiat (Non-crypto) money, you need humans and banks. When someone rents an apartment, the landlord takes a security deposit in case the tenant damages the property. By law, he’s supposed to keep the funds in a separate escrow account and not spend it. Once the lease ends, the tenant has to rely on the good faith of the landlord to return the deposit. But if you’ve ever attended small claims court you know how frequently this human/trust-based system fails.

        Bitcoin has a function called multi-signature. In bitcoin, you use your private key to approve the sending of the digital currency to another person. With ‘multisig,’ you can create a transaction with three private keys, where at least two are required for spend. By using bitcoin, real estate escrows can be done more securely, quickly, and cheaply.”

        Smart contracts

        The final area where blockchain technology will have a major impact for real estate is the notion of the “smart contract.” Again quoting from the Liftrasir article:

        “Examining a simple real estate transaction can demonstrate how smart contracts could drastically alter the way business is conducted. Presently, Party A and Party B would enter into a contract that requires Party A to pay $200,000.00 to Party B in exchange for Party B agreeing to convey title to Party B’s condominium unit to Party A upon receipt of payment. If Party A pays the money, but Party B later refuses to convey title, Party A is required to hire an attorney to seek specific performance of that contract, or to obtain damages. The determination of the outcome will be made by a third party: a judge, jury, or arbitrator.

        Using a smart contract, however, avoids the potential for one party to perform while the other refuses or fails to perform. Using a smart contract, Party A and Party B can agree to the same transaction, but structure it differently. In this scenario, Party A will agree to pay $200,000.00 worth of virtual currency to Party B, and Party B will agree to transmit the title to the condominium in a specialized type of coin on the blockchain. When Party A transfers the virtual currency to Party B, this action serves as the triggering event for Party B, which then automatically sends the specialized coin which signifies the title to the condominium at issue to Party A. The transfer is then complete, and Party A’s ownership of the condominium is verifiable through a publicly available record on the blockchain.

        Structuring this transaction as a smart contract ensures that the transfer occurs as soon as funds are received, and results in a publicly available, verifiable record of the transfer. Because the contract automatically performs based upon the predetermined rules agreed to by the parties to the contract, there is little risk of fraud, and virtually no need for external measures to enforce performance of the agreement. Thus, no specific performance action would ever be necessary to compel the transfer after payment is made because the coin, which represents title to the condominium, is automatically transferred, and the transfer is automatically published, to third parties on the blockchain.” – Drew Hinkes, July 29, 2014,

        Recommendation for real estate: start planning now for blockchain technology

        In conclusion, there’s no question that blockchain technology will revolutionize the real estate industry. Real Estate moves slowly with lots of middlemen and convoluted processes. Blockchain technology can address most of the issues with cost savings, efficiencies, fraud reduction, and speed. I encourage CRE professionals and managers to delve into the subject and identify how the blockchain platform can be used in your business.

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        Sale Leaseback and the New Lease Accounting Standards Mon, 20 Nov 2017 08:00:04 +0000

        sale leaseback


        This article was co-authored by Razmig Bolkorjian, CPA, Practice Leader at CNM LLP. “Raz” leads the financial service institution practice at CNM and is responsible for leading technical accounting engagement teams, including analysis and implementation of current new accounting standards, such as ASC 326, ASC 480, ASC 815, ASC 840 and ASC 842.

        What is a sale leaseback transaction?

        A sale leaseback transaction, in essence, is when an owner sells an asset and then leases it back through a long-term lease, therefore generating cash flow and retaining use of the asset.

        Sale leaseback transactions have been a popular technique for monetizing long-term appreciated assets, like real estate.

        How does ASC 842 and IFRS 16 impact sale leaseback?

        The new lease accounting standards (ASC 842 and IFRS 16) modify the accounting considerations regarding whether the sale leaseback transaction is a bona-fide sale or a financing, and in certain cases, will affect the pattern of recognizing the gain or loss on a qualified sale leaseback.

        These new accounting rules introduce a shift in the consideration of which transactions qualify as sale leaseback transactions from a transfer of risk and rewards of ownership assessment, to an assessment of control over the underlying assets.

        Here is an explanation of the impact of the two standards on sale leaseback from EisnerAmper, Blog 0816:

        “In order to recognize the sale transaction, the transaction must qualify as a sale under the revenue recognition standards. Under the new revenue standards, the 5 core principles are as follows:

        • Identify the contract with the customer.
        • Identify the separate performance obligations in the contract.
        • Determine the transaction price.
        • Allocate the transaction price to separate performance obligations.
        • Recognize revenue when performance obligations are satisfied.

        A bona-fide contract would possess all of the following criteria:

        • The parties to the contract have approved and are committed to perform their respective obligations.
        • The entity can identify each party’s rights regarding the goods or services to be transferred.
        • The entity can identify the payment terms for the goods or services to be transferred.
        • The contract has commercial substance (risk, timing, or amount of future cash flows are expected to change as a result).
        • It is probable that the entity will collect the consideration to which it will be entitled in exchange for the goods or services that will be transferred to the customer. An entity shall consider only the customer’s ability and intention to pay that amount of consideration when it is due.

        The key provision of the revenue recognition standard for sales treatment is that there must be commercial substance. The sale must result in a complete change of control from the seller to the buyer and there must not be substantive repurchase options tied to the agreement. The buyer must have paid the transaction price or have the ability and intention of paying the transaction price.

        Also worth noting is that the new accounting standards specifically exclude from sale leaseback accounting those transactions where the lessee obtains legal title of an asset, but does not obtain control of the underlying asset before the asset is transferred to the lessor.

        The transfer of control to the buyer/lessor must also be clear in the lease agreement to not include provisions that revert control back to the seller/lessee. Indicators that a customer has obtained control of as asset include:

        • The seller/lessee has a present right to payment
        • The buyer/lessor has legal title
        • The buyer/lessor has physical possession
        • The buyer/lessor has the significant risks and rewards of
        • The buyer/lessor has accepted the asset

        It is not required to meet all of the above indicators in order for control to be deemed transferred, and companies should apply judgment to assess all the facts, together and from the perspective of the buyer/lessor, to make the determination.

        Under the new leasing standards for lessees, leases are classified as either financing or operating. Only an operating leaseback would qualify the sale for immediate profit recognition in a sale leaseback transaction. Finance leases would not qualify as a sale lease back transaction because a finance lease effectively represents a repurchase of the asset sold.

        A qualified sale leaseback would be accounted for as two transactions:
        a) one transaction to account for the sale of the assets and immediate profit/loss recognition (if the subsequent leaseback is deemed an operating lease), and
        b) the second transaction to account for the lease.

        This is a significant change from prior accounting rules, which in most cases required profit on qualifying sale leaseback transactions to be recognized ratable over the lease term (provided the subsequent leaseback was classified as an operating lease).

        Below are the criteria for determining if a lease is a financing lease. If the lease does not have any of the stated criteria, it is considered an operating lease.

        • The lease transfers ownership of the underlying asset to the lessee by the end of the lease.
        • The lease grants the lessee an option to purchase the underlying asset and the lessee is reasonably certain to exercise.
        • The lease term is for the major part of the remaining economic life of the underlying asset.
        • The present value of the sum of the lease payments and residual value guaranteed by the lessee equals or exceeds the fair value of the underlying asset.
        • The underlying asset is of such a specialized nature that it is expected to have no alternative use at the end of the lease term without significant modifications.

        In essence, the lease must not be for such a long length of time and of such significant payment terms that it is in substance a sale of the property back to the lessee. The first 4 criteria are similar to the current standards, albeit without the bright-line objective tests. A new criterion has been added in the new standards where the underlying asset must have alternative uses with only reasonable alterations required to release to another lessee. That would preclude certain industrial equipment or certain improved real estate from sale recognition.

        The standard also states that the buyer/lessor would need to classify the lease as an operating lease for their purposes as well for the sale leaseback to be recognized. A lessor would apply the same five criteria as a lessee to determine lease classification, plus the below two criteria (if either criteria is not met, the lessor treats the lease as an operating lease):

        • The present value of the sum of the lease payments and any residual value guaranteed by the lessee that is not already reflected in the lease payments and any third-party guarantees by third parties equals or exceeds the fair value of the underlying asset.
        • It is probable that the lessor will collect the lease payments plus any amount necessary to satisfy the residual value guarantee.

        Under the new standards, both the sale transaction and the lease transaction will need to be recorded at fair value. Since both transactions are typically consummated as a package, the parties could (at least in theory) negotiate off-market terms on the sale and make up for it with off-market terms on the lease. The guidance requires adjustment of these terms to fair value so that the accounting reflects the commercial substance of the transaction; otherwise the seller/lessee ends up with deferred income or prepaid rent and not the intended result.

        Once fully adopted, the new revenue and leasing standards could, if structured correctly, provide opportunistic seller/lessees to “more or less” have their cake and eat it too. Care needs to be taken to ensure that the “more or less” part of the strategy works. A sale leaseback transaction that does not qualify for sales recognition would be considered a financing arrangement. No profit would be recognized, and the seller would retain the asset on its books as property, plant and equipment (as opposed to a right of use lease asset had the transaction qualified for sale leaseback accounting), even though it no longer legally owns the asset. The cash proceeds would be considered a financing obligation(as opposed to a lease liability had the transaction qualified for sale lease-back accounting).”

        We’ll cover other associated topics relating to sale leaseback and the new leasing standards in future blog posts such as build-to-suit topics and more.

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        Press Release: Grant Thornton enters preferred vendor agreement with Visual Lease Thu, 19 Oct 2017 08:00:26 +0000 Deal bolsters cloud-based lease management and ASC 842 services CHICAGO — Grant Thornton LLP, the U.S. member firm of Grant Thornton International Ltd, has entered into a preferred vendor agreement...

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        Deal bolsters cloud-based lease management and ASC 842 services

        CHICAGO — Grant Thornton LLP, the U.S. member firm of Grant Thornton International Ltd, has entered into a preferred vendor agreement with Visual Lease, a cloud-based technology that helps companies manage their lease portfolio in real time.

        Grant Thornton’s lease transformation services clients now have access to the Visual Lease platform. This enables organizations to import lease information directly from Grant Thornton’s cloud-based lease information repository, known as LeaseX, into Visual Lease’s cloud-based lease management and accounting software. Grant Thornton’s LeaseX offering is an ASC 842 readiness assessment tool that integrates with market-wide lease software.

        This connection creates a best-in-class methodology in which LeaseX collects and validates relevant information specific to each individual lease, and then integrates it into Visual Lease. Visual Lease then automates the required calculations of the leased assets for the business’s financial statements. The solution can handle real estate, equipment and other types of assets, and creates the required Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) calculations, as well as related footnotes and disclosures.

        “The Financial Accounting Standards Board issued new leasing standards in 2016 that require lessees to account for most leases on their balance sheets; as a result, many organizations have searched for a better way to manage their lease-accounting practices,” said Joseph Brown, Grant Thornton’s national managing partner for Strategic Federal Tax Services and co-leader of ASC 842 advisory services. “This agreement provides our clients with yet another option to comply with the new leasing standards. And it demonstrates our commitment to providing clients with a variety of solutions to move their business forward.”

        Brown said that Grant Thornton was attracted to Visual Lease’s easy-to-navigate and flexible platform. He also cites Visual Lease’s enthusiasm about working with Grant Thornton’s clients.

        Visual Lease has more than 20 years of experience building powerful, easy-to-use technology with flexibility that enables both asset and lease level accounting. Their more than 300 corporate clients use the platform to manage complex portfolios across a variety of sectors, including retail, energy, healthcare, education, financial services, corporate tenants and more.

        “This agreement provides Grant Thornton’s clients with access to a fully scalable solution for managing their asset portfolio,” said Marc Betesh, CEO of Visual Lease. “By implementing Visual Lease, companies of all sizes and stripes can better track and manage their leases by integrating with accounting IT systems – ultimately creating an environment to enable compliance within the new standards.”

        Read more about all of Grant Thornton’s lease accounting offerings.

        About Grant Thornton LLP
        Founded in Chicago in 1924, Grant Thornton LLP (Grant Thornton) is the U.S. member firm of Grant Thornton International Ltd, one of the world’s leading organizations of independent audit, tax and advisory firms. Grant Thornton, which has revenues in excess of $1.7 billion and operates 60 offices, works with a broad range of dynamic publicly and privately held companies, government agencies, financial institutions, and civic and religious organizations.

        “Grant Thornton” refers to Grant Thornton LLP, the U.S. member firm of Grant Thornton International Ltd (GTIL). GTIL and the member firms are not a worldwide partnership. Services are delivered by the member firms. GTIL and its member firms are not agents of, and do not obligate, one another and are not liable for one another’s acts or omissions. Please see for further details.

        Adam Bond
        T +1 312 602 8332

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        The Future of Corporate Real Estate Revisited Fri, 15 Sep 2017 19:52:12 +0000 Early in 2015, I reported on a dinner meeting of the Corporate Real Estate Leadership Counsel in San Francisco. I was a member of this group when I managed corporate...

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        Early in 2015, I reported on a dinner meeting of the Corporate Real Estate Leadership Counsel in San Francisco. I was a member of this group when I managed corporate real estate at Dun & Bradstreet and was invited to attend as a guest. The primary topic of discussion centered on the future of corporate real estate. Essentially would the profession recede because of a lack of relevance? The group was concerned with the growth of outsourcing and felt that because of cost pressures, more and more companies would abandon their internal real estate staffs and turn over leasing and facility management to global real estate service and management firms. Also with the growth of alternative workplace models such as co-working and telecommuting, the need for traditional office facilities would diminish over time, thus reducing the need for professional real estate management on staff

        There is definite evidence that the traditional role of corporate real estate is changing in part because of the growth in information technology, particularly mobile technology which changes the locus of work. I had felt for some time that the IT function would expand its charter and take on more of the facility and real estate management role. And now with the advent of new leasing standards, there is convergence in contract management with a whole range of assets, not just real estate assets. One scenario might involve a new management role that would be chartered to manage all contracts in the corporation including both real estate leasing and IT asset leasing.

        Just as the role of the CRE executive is changing, the role of service firms will also change. The traditional real estate services firm may expand to include IT asset management and the broader function of workplace management. This hybrid services firm will be propelled by the growth of “cloud computing” which redistributes data processing, storage and network connectivity to centralized data centers, typically operated by third party service firms such as Amazon and IBM.

        Despite these trends, I continue to believe that the CRE management function will continue to evolve and expand, not recede as some have feared. The reality is that real estate assets represent a huge cost and investment for most companies, and for many companies real estate is a strategic asset. This is certainly true for the retail industry, and thus management will look to their corporate real estate manager to insure close control of costs, values, and functionality.

        I’m reminded of the importance of real estate and facilities management this week with the announcement of the new Apple iPhone X which took place at the new Apple “space ship” headquarters in Cupertino. This new headquarters is a $1 billion investment and represents an enormous commitment by Apple for workplace effectiveness and corporate culture of innovation and collaboration.

        I could argue that the new FASB and IASB standards demand focused professional management of a company’s lease portfolio. While the tasks of lease reconfiguration could be outsourced, I would argue that it will be essential to have detailed knowledge of the portfolio and its operational importance to strategy and lines of business.

        In short, I believe that the future of corporate real estate is secure because of the costs and strategic value of the portfolio. Certainly the management of corporate real estate will evolve and change over time with new technologies and new business models. But its mission to be the steward of corporate assets will continue to prevail over time.

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        How Are Companies Progressing in Adopting the New Leasing Standards? Mon, 11 Sep 2017 19:43:35 +0000 The new FASB and IASB leasing standards go in effect in 2019. And one of the provisions requires a retrospective accounting of lease costs back to 2017. Recently PwC and...

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        The new FASB and IASB leasing standards go in effect in 2019. And one of the provisions requires a retrospective accounting of lease costs back to 2017. Recently PwC and CBRE Group issued their latest report on companies progress on implementing the new standards. The results are troubling. Of the 600 companies surveyed, 23% haven’t started the conversion process, while 52% are in the assessment phase only. Of the 23 Percent, most (73%) are private companies with fewer than 1000 leases and a 2020 compliance deadline.

        There is some speculation that because of the new revenue recognition standard that is coming on line with the new leasing standards, that the new leasing standard may be delayed, although this is unlikely.

        Nearly half of the companies that have begun implementation report that they underestimated the level of effort and resources required. Most of those surveyed say the biggest challenges relate to data collection and systems upgrades.

        Most companies (66 percent) plan to make some type of system change, with 43% reporting that they will acquire a whole new lease management system. About 25% of the companies worry they will run out of time for system installation and data refresh.

        In terms of costs, 43% of companies expect transition costs of less than $250,000, but about half of these companies don’t expect to change their current system.
        Most of the survey respondents (72%) expect to depend on existing staff, while 23% are using consultants. The vast majority of respondents (85%) will use at least four dedicated staff to implement the transition.

        So what did the survey have to say about expected benefits of the new standards? The respondents reported the following:

        • Only one third expect to improve lease reporting
        • 29% didn’t expect any improvements
        • 10% weren’t sure.

        This is a discouraging finding given the enormous effort in time and resources. I suspect that benefits will become more obvious over time.
        Other findings:

        • 66% of the responding companies have formed a dedicated working group to manage the transition process.
        • Few companies have changed their lease/buy evaluation process. Only 4% have revised their criteria for real estate investment, and only 9% for other assets.
        • 13% of the respondent companies expect to renegotiate existing debt covenants.
        • Fewer than 18% have set up new lease accounting processes and controls.

        Conclusion: As expected, the transition to the new leasing standards will require greater effort and resources than initially thought. The fact that system upgrades and data conversion has emerged as the greatest challenge is not surprising. I continue to believe that the unintended consequences of this change have yet to come into focus. Adding 150 trillion dollars in new debt and assets to corporate balance sheets is a mega-change that will certainly affect investor behavior. Time will tell!

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        The Most Common Questions on the New Leasing Standards Thu, 24 Aug 2017 15:57:37 +0000 We continue to get questions from our clients regarding the new leasing standards. Here are several of the more common questions with extended answers: Question #1 What are the new...

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        We continue to get questions from our clients regarding the new leasing standards. Here are several of the more common questions with extended answers:

        Question #1 What are the new lease accounting standards, and why were they created?

        Answer: The new lease accounting standard was released by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) in March of 2016; while the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) released several months earlier. Both organizations maintain accounting standards that govern financial reporting, and which form the basis of generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP accounting in the U.S.) Essentially the standard requires lessees to record the net present value all leases (of more than 1 year) as both assets (Right of Use-ROU ) and corresponding liabilities on the balance sheet. The standard will have no impact on the P&L statement. The standards apply to all leases of more than one year including real estate leases, equipment such as aircraft, computer hardware, and rolling stock. The standards were created to improve financial reporting transparency. Leasing has been one of the most popular
        forms of off-balance sheet financing, and past abuses led to financial debacles such as the demise of Enron and Arthur Anderson in 2001, and more recently the financial crisis in 2008, most of which was caused by off- balance sheet financings gone wrong.

        Question #2 How should our organization prepare for the new standards?

        Answer: Without question, your organization should begin immediately to undertake the necessary steps to be ready for the new standard when it becomes effective in 2019. The standard specifies that all leases should be included with a two year retrospective which means leases put into effect in 2017. Here are the major steps to get ready:

        •  Form a project team with representatives from accounting, leasing specialists, and Information Technology
        •  Complete an inventory of all leases (including equipment leases) with lease terms of one year or more.
        •  Acquire or update your lease management system that will complete the necessary calculations in compliance with the new standards.
        •  Review the new system, inventory, and new asset and liability values with your auditors to insure compliance.

        Question #3: What are the major impacts of these new standards?
        Answer: There will be consequences to these new standards, some of which are unknown at this time. Perhaps the greatest impact will be in the area of leasing strategy. Since the standards effectively capitalize all leases of one year or more, there will be a significant increase in both liabilities and assets (value in use) on company balance sheets. While the standards will have no impact on the profit and loss (P&L) values, it will most certainly affect key ratios such as return on assets (ROA) and liability to equity ratios. Thus, leasing strategy will need to be re-assessed relative to lease term (the longer the lease, the greater the balance sheet impact) and specific analysis of the lease versus buy alternatives. Since all leases (of one year or more) will be put on the balance sheet, this raises the question of whether ownership of certain properties is a more viable option to leasing. Another key issue is how will these new standards change market dynamics, such as asking rental rates, lease terms, and tenant improvement allowances. There is speculation that the standards may reduce leasing demand which may affect supply and demand levels.

        Conclusion: The new FASB and IASB leasing standards vastly improve financial reporting transparency, but raise significant challenges relative to leasing strategy, ownership, and leasing information systems. We have written extensively on the new standards, and invite readers to check out Bell’s Blog on the Visual Lease Web page.

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        Organizational Structures In CRE Fri, 16 Jun 2017 17:49:26 +0000 How do you organize your CRE department? The structure of the CRE organization should directly correspond to key processes such as leasing, construction, design and facilities management. Organizational structure varies by the size of the real estate portfolio, the type of industry, the level of outsourcing and the geographic dispersion of the real estate portfolio.

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        In the last Blog post, I addressed the subject of process management in the context of CRE management. Process management is directly tied to organizational structures. In fact, the structure and staffing of the CRE organization should directly correspond to key processes such as leasing, construction, design, facilities management, etc. Organizational structure varies by the size of the real estate portfolio, the type of industry (retail, financial services, manufacturing, etc.) the level of outsourcing, and the geographic dispersion of the real estate portfolio.

        The latest trends in CRE organizational structures provide insights to the topic.  In a report by the research firm CEB (now part of Gartner), five key trends in CRE organizational structure were identified:

        1.    Most Corporate Real Estate (CRE) functions with a portfolio size greater than 10 million square feet are centralized. CRE functions with portfolios less than 10 million square feet are split between centralized and hybrid (i.e., managed centrally and executed locally). Very few CRE functions are primarily decentralized.

        2.    Few organizations manage activities wholistically at the local level; the most common locally managed activities are facilities and office services.

        3.    Most CRE functions have a threshold project size, above which projects must be managed centrally. For portfolios greater than 10 million square feet, the median threshold is $50,000–$60,000. For portfolios less than 10 million square feet, the median threshold is $100,000.

        4.    CRE functions with portfolios greater than 10 million square feet have had more structural changes in the past five years, with over 90% having at least two changes. CRE functions with portfolios less than 10 million square feet have had fewer changes, with 63% having two or less changes in the past five years.

        5.    Leaders of CRE frequently change organizations. Median tenures for portfolios greater than 10 million square feet is three years, while for portfolios less than 10 million square feet, the median is 1.5 years.

        Most CRE organizations maintain the following organizational disciplines:

        • Real estate negotiation
        • Construction management
        • Design management
        • Facilities management
        • Lease administration
        • Strategic planning
        • Financial analysis

        In many cases, the functional managers oversee and supervise the work of outsourced contractors such as tenant representatives, interior design consultants, construction contractors, etc. And, as mentioned earlier, most of these activities are either insourced or outsourced (or both) and are governed by explicit processes and supported by software.

        Some CRE organizations also have responsibilities for environmental management and physical security. Others have the added responsibility for employee wellness, since most corporate wellness programs focus on health clubs or internal physical fitness facilities. Both of these areas closely align with CRE’s contracting or facilities management responsibilities.

        Professional development and training are key functions that are essential to organizational performance. I would recommend ensuring that staff members include professional development goals in their annual objectives, with a balance between technical and management skills. I would stress communication skills while striving to give staff members opportunities to prepare and deliver presentations. In this regard, I would encourage staff members to present at professional forums such as CoreNet and IFMA. I would also encourage staff members to enroll in professional development courses at these forums.

        Organizational structure and development are key responsibilities of the CRE manager. CRE executives must review their organizational structure periodically and ensure that the organization continues to align with business strategy and customer requirements. Questions to ask include: Do I have the right skill mix? Do we have the necessary reporting relationships and span of control? Have we built good team behaviors? Is there a high level of trust in the organization?  Are the staff members adequately provisioned and supported? These are some of the main questions that the CRE managers need to ask periodically to ensure a high performing organization.

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        Process Management: A Central Component of CRE Success Wed, 31 May 2017 21:46:08 +0000 Perhaps one of the most critical aspects of corporate real estate management is the subject of process management and the software that supports it. Process management is a major subject in the topic of quality management. It has been a topic that has dominated management subjects for decades. Most software applications have specific functionality that addresses process management; particularly around work flow.

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        Perhaps one of the most critical aspects of corporate real estate management is the subject of process management and the software that supports it. Process management is a major subject in the topic of quality management. It has been a topic that has dominated management subjects for decades. Most software applications have specific functionality that addresses process management; particularly around work flow.

        There are many definitions of process management. Wikipedia’s is fairly representative of most definitions:

        “Process management is the application of knowledgeskillstoolstechniques and systems to define, visualize, measure, control, report and improve processes with the goal to meet customer requirements profitably.”

        In the field of corporate real estate, process management is central to the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization. Real estate management involves a multitude of processes and disciplines that are inter-related, inter-dependent, and in many cases time sensitive. Just the process of creating a lease involves a number of steps, a number of approvals, and finally a number of data points. Here’s a simplified process flow for the creation of a lease which is typically a subset of the broader set of processes in completing a new office project

        ·      Create a statement of requirements (square footage, headcount, target area,. etc)

        ·      Seek sign-off on requirements definition from tenant organization

        ·      Scan lease data base to determine if there is available capacity to meet requirements in the targeted market area

        ·      If nothing available in inventory, launch site search with broker/tenant rep

        ·      Narrow prospective locations to three possibilities

        ·      Complete test layouts of three candidate locations

        ·      Complete market analysis of targeted market (typically completed by broker/tenant rep)

        ·      Initiate lease negotiations with prospective landlords, owner reps.

        ·      Complete financial analysis of three prospective lease deals

        ·      In parallel complete lease authorization (financial approval) of three deals. I prefer seeking a generic approval that gives the CRE team some latitude in negotiations.

        ·      Finalize lease negotiations and complete lease documentation

        ·      Conduct legal review of lease. (adjust as necessary)

        ·      Once lease is finalized, complete interior designs, and order furniture and equipment.

        ·      Initiate and complete leasehold improvements (LHI)

        ·      Abstract lease and enter lease data base.

        ·      If a relocation, complete move plans with tenant organization

        ·      Complete the move

        ·      Conduct post project review, finalize “punch list.”

        This is a simplified list of the key steps in a leasing project and each step involves different players, different responsibilities, and various dependencies. Also, the process is sequential, each step must be completed before moving to the next step. Another key element of the process flow is the exchange of data. Leasing projects create significant data that typically must be shared across the CRE organization, with other departments, external service providers and various management representatives.

        Process management impacts organizational design. Ideally the organizational responsibilities and structure should align with key processes to ensure efficiencies. In the next blog post, I’ll focus on the organizational topic and explore how work flows (process) influences organizational structure

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        Searching for the “Vireos” Mon, 17 Apr 2017 21:39:18 +0000 In the latest issue of the LEADER, the official publication of CoreNet, two of my former colleagues, Mike Joroff and Frank Becker, co-authored an article entitled, “Exploit Change and Uncertainty to Drive Corporate Value.” Becker and Joroff collaborated with me on several projects, including Office 88 (Becker-1983) and the Agile Workplace (Joroff- 2003) The authors make the case that many of the assumptions about the office, technology, and work need to be updated and revised to reflect the new trends visible in the global workplace.

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        In the latest issue of the LEADER, the official publication of CoreNet, two of my former colleagues, Mike Joroff and Frank Becker, co-authored an article entitled, “Exploit Change and Uncertainty to Drive Corporate Value.” Becker and Joroff collaborated with me on several projects, including Office 88 (Becker-1983) and the Agile Workplace (Joroff- 2003) The authors make the case that many of the assumptions about the office, technology, and work need to be updated and revised to reflect the new trends visible in the global workplace.

        One of the most interesting concepts in the article is the notion of “vireos.” Joroff and Becker define vireos as the opposite of “black swans” which are metaphors that describe hard-to-predict events that come as jarring surprises and have a major impact on the course of the economy or social events (think 9-11). Vireos are objects, actions, and ideas in our current environment that we do not see, but if we did see them they might give us a much better grasp of a possible future. A vireo gets its inspiration from the North American white-eyed vireo, a bird with a melodic song that is very hard to find, unless one actively looks for it hidden in its surroundings. One example of a vireo is the concept of “anytime, anywhere” work style. This was evident at least 25 years ago, if observers noticed how college students used the internet to work virtually anywhere.

        I can think of a number of “vireos” that may impact the workplace of the near future. For example, with the advent of sophisticated robotics, we may see many job functions in corporate real estate be supplanted by robots. I read about the possibility of robo-bosses, robots that oversee and supervise a group of employees like call center administrators. Just as we have autonomous cars, we may witness autonomous buildings, which conduct self-maintenance and repair using sophisticated software and robotic maintenance crews. Robots may replace janitorial staff and other low level worker activities in building operations.

        Another vireo is the use of 3-D video in the marketing of commercial property. Virtual tours of available office space is becoming a standard brokerage marketing tool. 3-D video tours will evolve as a continuation of this phenomenon. Adapting gaming technology in lease negotiations is another vireo. A CRE leasing manager could develop a lease in real time with a broker and a landlord using such applications. Such an innovation could reduce the leasing process by 80%-90%.

        What about facility management? The vireos here are the latent possibilities of the Internet of Things (IoT). With every system and subsystem of the building’s infrastructure having an Internet connection, building management can play a monitoring role only, as the building self-regulates and adjusts within prescribed parameters. And owners will be able to manage and monitor portfolios remotely across vast geographies.

        So what are the vireos in your market and environment? Being alert to emerging trends is a critical skill for the CRE manager, who must constantly “look around the corner” to see what’s coming before it arrives and it’s too late to react.

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        IBM Reverses its Telecommuting Policy- Now What? Mon, 03 Apr 2017 15:00:12 +0000 In February, IBM announced that it is reversing its 10 year old policy that allowed telecommuting. All marketing employees must now report to six IBM offices or be terminated. The offices include New York, San Francisco, Austin, Cambridge, Atlanta, and Raleigh. Other employee groups will be affected over the next six months. Employees have 30 days to make their decision. The policy will also be implemented throughout Europe.

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        In February, IBM announced that it is reversing its 10 year old policy that allowed telecommuting. All marketing employees must now report to six IBM offices or be terminated. The offices include New York, San Francisco, Austin, Cambridge, Atlanta, and Raleigh. Other employee groups will be affected over the next six months. Employees have 30 days to make their decision. The policy will also be implemented throughout Europe.

        According to a recent news article, “IBM has pitched all this change to employees as a way to improve the working environment and office culture. In a video message to her troops, chief marketing officer Michelle Peluso said “there is something about a team being more powerful, more impactful, more creative, and frankly hopefully having more fun, when they are shoulder to shoulder.” (The Register, February 9)

        The IBM decision is reminiscent of policy reversals on telecommuting at HP and Yahoo with reportedly negative results. Word has it that this policy decision is not popular with IBM employees. It is estimated that 40% of IBM employees have adopted flexible work styles. IBM has not advised how these six locations will absorb the thousands of employees that will require office space. Many observers suspect that IBM’s real intent is to reduce headcount, particularly older and higher paid employees who have settled into locations that will be highly disruptive to families with school age children, not to mention expensive relocation and resettlement costs. Many of the cities listed above have very high home prices, particularly New York, San Francisco and Cambridge. So the financial impact to employees will be substantial.

        IBM’s key competitors, like Apple and Google have a strict policy against telecommuting. Apple’s new flying saucer headquarters in Cupertino is a huge investment in collocation. So it’s not surprising that IBM has decided to bring everyone back to the office despite its huge cost and impact on employee morale.

        Frankly, I’m mystified by IBM’s decision. It seems so counter to modern workplace culture that emphasizes agility, empowerment and choice. Recent surveys of Millennials reflect the need for workplace flexibility and with the explosion in mobile technology, people now can communicate from anywhere/anytime including video conferencing.

        I recall IBM’s leadership in flexible work styles some 20 years ago and was struck by the huge savings in office costs and reported improvements in productivity. When we studied the flexible workplace at Gartner back in the early 2000s and reported our findings in the Agile Workplace Report, we received significant positive feedback from the project sponsors as well as the broader workplace constituents. It seems that flexible working was a growing trend. But now it seems that for high tech companies like IBM and Apple, it’s believed that collocation of employees is a prerequisite to innovation.

        Permit me to doubt! Time will tell.

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        CRE and Business Networking Fri, 10 Mar 2017 19:22:22 +0000 In 1972, when I first took on a real estate management job at Xerox in Chicago, one of my most important tools was my Rolodex. For the younger reader of this blog, I should explain that the Rolodex was a simple filing of business cards or small index cards, arranged in alphabetical order, and containing names, phone numbers, and mailing addresses of service firms, colleagues, and other contacts. I would use the Rolodex at least 2-3 times a day to look up service people who I might need in an assignment or project, or check in with contacts who might help as a reference.

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        In 1972, when I first took on a real estate management job at Xerox in Chicago, one of my most important tools was my Rolodex. For the younger reader of this blog, I should explain that the Rolodex was a simple filing of business cards or small index cards, arranged in alphabetical order, and containing names, phone numbers, and mailing addresses of service firms, colleagues, and other contacts. I would use the Rolodex at least 2-3 times a day to look up service people who I might need in an assignment or project, or check in with contacts who might help as a reference.

        Today we have several automated tools that replace the old Rolodex. Beyond your contact list, you have a myriad of contact resources on the Internet. Networks of contacts provide an invaluable resource for information and support. A well-developed personal business network can provide fast input on various aspects of your responsibilities. For example, you may need a trustworthy opinion on a broker you’re considering to hire for a leasing project. You may need a second opinion on a software application. You may need a local insight on a distant market that is the target of a new leasing project. All these issues and needs can be readily accessed through your personal network.

        So what are the key elements of the CRE business network? My suggestion is to organize your network into categories. I suggest these five categories: 1.) Your organization network. This would include key members in your department and company. 2.) Professional network. This would include associations like Corenet, IFMA, and individuals in the CRE profession. 3.) Industry network. This would include brokers, architects, engineers, in various aspects of the real estate, construction, and building industry. 4.) Social network. This includes friends, family members, school mates and associates that you have a social versus professional relationship with. 5.) Avocation network. This includes friends or contacts in those activities that are a part of your informal life such as health clubs, hobby groups, sports teams, etc.

        There are guiding principles that underscore effective networking. The first principle is one of trust. It’s paramount that you maintain a high level of integrity in your behavior within the various networks in which you’re active. Along with trust and integrity is the issue of reliability and consistency. To prosper in your networks, it’s wise to maintain occasional contact and to “touch base” on a regular basis. For some contacts an annual call is sufficient. For others, a monthly call may be necessary. Networking is a form of marketing, and like marketing, a good networker is a good communicator.

        I strongly urge aspiring CRE professionals to maintain active membership in one of the leading CRE associations like Corenet Global. These entities provide outstanding opportunities for networking and attendance at regional or global meetings is a great place to make contacts and to learn. I made a point of giving presentations on occasion at Corenet meetings. And by doing so you engage the attendees and enhance your personal brand.

        Professional networking is a critical skill and practice for the CRE professional. A good network of various components described above will serve you well as both a professional and a manager. Developing good networking skills and nurturing your various networks over the span of your career will certainly enhance your success and enrich your career with long standing contacts and friendships.

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        Selecting a Design Service Thu, 23 Feb 2017 16:45:48 +0000          In an earlier blog post I addressed the subject of outsourcing corporate real estate services. One of the key services that is central to the real estate process is the need for design services, typically interior design services. Maintaining a design team internally is expensive and unnecessary. For some organizations having a design professional as a member of the CRE staff is advisable for the purposes of supervising the  design contract firm and evaluating designs in various stages of development.

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        In an earlier blog post I addressed the subject of outsourcing corporate real estate services. One of the key services that is central to the real estate process is the need for design services, typically interior design services. Maintaining a design team internally is expensive and unnecessary. For some organizations having a design professional as a member of the CRE staff is advisable for the purposes of supervising the  design contract firm and evaluating designs in various stages of development.

        So what are the key steps in selecting a design firm? The first priority is to review current office design standards to insure adequacy relative to space efficiency, corporate culture, technology support, and cost. Are the standards supportive of office flexibility and work agility? Are the standards consistent with HR policies? Do the standards support safety and security concerns? Are they reasonably flexible to be applied in different markets and locales? Many CRE managers will engage a design firm to manage the standard update as a preliminary step in selecting a design services firm.

        The scope of the design firm contract will vary by organization, but typically will include the following deliverables:

        ·      Test layouts in support of lease negotiations: Most commercial lease negotiations will require test layouts to insure that various space requirements will fit the floor plan of the subject leasehold.

        ·      Once the site is selected, the design firm will complete preliminary layouts including workstations, conference and training rooms, and specialty areas (such as mail rooms, server rooms, reception areas, and perhaps space for physical fitness, lunch rooms, etc.)

        ·      In many cases the design consultant will work closely with the broker or tenant rep during lease negotiations to insure adequacy relative to work letter, tenant improvement allowances, or other landlord offerings.

        ·      After preliminary designs are approved, the design consultant will complete final designs including color schemes, furniture layout, acoustical designs, lighting schemes, and communication cabling schematics. A key element in the design deliverable will be security provisions such as card key access, closed circuit TV monitoring, fire and perimeter protection, etc.

        ·      For many companies, the CRE team will require input from the design consultant on alternative workplace features such as drop-in offices, collaborative spaces, and other features in support of a mobile workforce.

        ·      For national companies, it will be important to select a design organization with sufficient capacity to support geographically distributed projects to minimize long distance travel. Most of the larger design organizations have geographically distributed offices in the major capital cities. For international firms it’s advisable to contract with design firms that are local to the designated project city. This will insure that the project design will conform with local codes, standards, and covenants. Many European countries have strict environmental and human resource laws that must be addressed in office designs. The local design consultant should address these factors as part of the design service.

        ·      One final consideration: The design firm should insure that final designs are delivered to the client in digital format so that layouts can be imported to the lease database. This will facilitate future planning and link design renderings with lease data.

        Conclusion: Selecting a design firm is a key step in the facility management and leasing process. The CRE manager should invariably follow best practices in the sourcing process to include the development and issuance of an RFP (request for proposal), consulting with other CRE managers and real estate advisors on candidate firms, and then finally applying a disciplined interview and selection process. Over time the selected design firm will learn the priorities and culture of the client CRE organization and apply this knowledge to make the design process more efficient and collaborative.


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        A Focus on Corporate Real Estate Outsourcing Thu, 12 Jan 2017 15:00:17 +0000 In several of my blog postings over the last two years I made reference to the subject of outsourcing CRE functions. But my references were brief. So over the next several blog entries, I plan to delve deeply into the subject. My plan is to first discuss the general pros and cons of outsourcing while providing the rationale for outsourcing various CRE functions. I will then focus on three service areas: lease transaction services, design services, and property management services. I’ll also touch on other activities such as facility management and physical security.

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        In several of my blog postings over the last two years I made reference to the subject of outsourcing CRE functions. But my references were brief. So over the next several blog entries, I plan to delve deeply into the subject. My plan is to first discuss the general pros and cons of outsourcing while providing the rationale for outsourcing various CRE functions. I will then focus on three service areas: lease transaction services, design services, and property management services. I’ll also touch on other activities such as facility management and physical security.

        Outsourcing has grown in popularity over the years to reduce costs, provide flexibility in meeting variable demand, and provide critical expertise in leasing, market analysis, and various technical knowledge and skill (such as design and engineering disciplines). Outsourcing CRE services is now a major industry on a global scale. Large companies such as Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL), Cushman and Wakefield, and CBRE are equipped with all the necessary disciplines to execute the entire CRE lifecycle from site search, lease negotiation, tenant fit out, and on-going property management. Global in scale, these firms operate worldwide and can bring local knowledge and expertise to bear in most major global markets.

        CRE outsourcing is popular with both large multi-divisional corporations as well as smaller start-up enterprises. Perhaps the greatest reason for outsourcing transaction services is to have detailed market knowledge in the designated target area for the leasing project. The outsourcing firms work daily in the markets and maintain a detailed data base of recent transactions.

        A key issue that the CRE manager needs to address is the scope of the outsourcing services (i.e. limit the scope to market analysis and site selection only, or provide a full service including lease negotiation and contract finalization). One of the concerns with outsourcing is the perceived loss of control. CRE managers worry about whether the outsourcer can be trusted to execute the project in a completely objective and professional manner. And there’s always a concern about fees and whether the real estate broker, who is typically commissioned by the landlord based on the ultimate transaction value, is truly operating in the CRE manager’s interest.

        The key to a successful outsourcing relationship is the question of trust. Trust can be achieved by insuring that the entire transaction process is totally transparent. This would include such things as detailed trip reports, market surveys, meeting minutes, and an audit trail of how the lease negotiation transpired, and how the transaction unfolded, including competitive bids.

        A successful outsourcing relationship requires time. It will take multiple transactions for the outsourcing firm to learn the client culture and processes. Similarly, it will take time for the CRE manager and staff to gain confidence in the outsourcing firm. From my experience, an important tool to build trust is to establish a detailed set of performance criteria to use in measuring the performance of the outsourcing contractor. These criteria would include at a minimum, adherence to schedule, adherence to agreed budget, and efficiency and quality metrics. The CRE team should solicit feedback from end users on such questions as communications, service quality, and meeting expectations.

        Senior management strives to maintain core functions in the enterprise and to focus human resources on customer and profit objectives. CRE for most companies is a non-core function and thus is a likely target for outsourcing. But outsourcing CRE services requires deft management and attention. In the next several blog entries I will explore CRE outsourcing in greater detail and focus on the role of information technology in the outsourcing process.

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        Are US Companies Using Too Much Real Estate? Tue, 06 Dec 2016 19:53:31 +0000 Realcomm, the technology focused real estate web site, recently published an article entitled “The Data is Coming In: Corporate America is Using Less Than 50% of Its Real Estate.” This is no surprise; I remember from my own experience that our offices were nearly 30%-50% vacant at any one time.

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        Realcomm, the technology focused real estate web site, recently published an article entitled “The Data is Coming In: Corporate America is Using Less Than 50% of Its Real Estate.” This is no surprise; I remember from my own experience that our offices were nearly 30%-50% vacant at any one time. This was over 15 years ago. With today’s technology, the need for dedicated, assigned office spaces, on a one office to employee ratio is simply unnecessary and wasteful. With the advent of mobile technology, enabling anywhere, anytime work activities, much of the rationale for dedicated work stations or worse, private offices, quickly disappears.

        Another impact of technology is the elimination of space for file storage. With the advent of cloud computing and enormous electronic file storage capacity, at least 20%-30% of traditional office space for file storage is eliminated.

        Finally, the private office is becoming obsolete; except for work that requires strict confidentiality such as human resource activities, or legal activities, a need for privacy is reduced. Current management practices also prefer to avoid the private office as a symbol of power and authority. There are many examples where company CEOs utilize a cubicle instead of a large private office. John Chambers, CEO of Cisco, has used a cubicle office for years. This practice communicates teamwork, collaboration, and a non-hierarchical culture.

        Offices require enormous cost: space rental, utilities, maintenance, tenant improvement amortization, security, depreciation, taxes, insurance all add up whether the space is occupied or not. When we did the Agile Workplace project at Gartner over twelve years ago, we calculated that half the occupancy costof the corporate campus was essentially a dead weight loss, since a high percentage of employees were working remotely. We made a strong case for shared office strategies including office hoteling, and desk sharing. These techniques are becoming mainstream in most US enterprises, along with such techniques as co-working and teleworking.

        There are a myriad of applications which support office hoteling: that give the employee the capability of reserving a workstation, private office, or conference room. In some cases this functionality is available in the workplace management system.

        These trends suggest that corporate real estate managers take a hard look at their current and projected office space utilization. Key questions to ask include:

        ·      Do our office standards reflect the reality of a highly mobile work force?

        ·      Have we piloted various alternative workplace strategies such as desk sharing, telecommuting, or co-working?

        ·      What is the actual utilization of our current office space? And if over supplied, what can we do to consolidate or reduce the office footprint?

        ·      What’s the financial impact of this over supply in office space?

        Information technology is transforming every aspect of our society. Certainly retail has been transformed by the internet and mobile technology, not to mention entertainment, education, and medical services, and the vast changes brought about by social media. It’s not surprising that technology is fundamentally transforming commercial real estate in profound ways; and the most obvious example is how technology has reduced the demand for office space. This reality is yet another reason to insure you have a modern, up to date lease management systems to track and control your lease commitments.




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        If Only We Had These Technologies Thirty Years Ago Thu, 03 Nov 2016 20:09:52 +0000 One of my colleagues recently posed the question “Is there an example of a decision you made that you would do differently now based upon technologies available today?”

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        One of my colleagues recently posed the question “Is there an example of a decision you made that you would do differently now based upon technologies available today?” I began my career in corporate real estate in 1971 with Xerox. I was the Regional real estate manager for the Midwest region and my job was to handle all real estate requirements for the Midwest Region- an area that encompassed most of the Midwest states.  Most of the projects involved the relocation or renewal of branch sales offices, which averaged about 25 K square feet. These projects required close coordination with branch management, regional staff, and corporate real estate and office of general counsel. In reflecting on the state of the art in information technology at the time, I recall how primitive were the available tools to get the job done. I recall having to cut and paste lease documents before faxing to Corporate. I didn’t have any spread sheet tools, so I had to do all the financial analysis on paper spread sheets. One lease deal would require hours of calculations that would be repeated every time a new deal scenario was produced. Needless to say the leasing process took weeks and I have to believe there were deals that could have been vastly improved if I had the kind of advanced network technology and spreadsheet tools available today. There was also the lag in communication. It would take more than a month to turn around a lease between branch management, the prospective landlord, general counsel, and another several months to secure management approval.

        While I don’t recall a specific decision I would have done differently, I do recall one serious error in missing a critical lease option that would have cost the company plenty. If I had a software tool such as Visual Lease that flags and alerts leasing specialists of critical dates and options, I wouldn’t have missed the option. As it turned out, branch management didn’t want to renew so the error became mute.

        Another key project I recall that would have greatly benefited from today’s’ lease management system, was a consolidation and relocation of D&B’s corporate headquarters from Manhattan to Connecticut. In essence, we had a number of leasing actions, terminations, and office consolidations that resulted in the move of several division offices into the Corporate HQ lease at 299 Park Avenue. But first we had to move the corporate staff from New York to a temporary leasehold in Westport, Connecticut, while we renovated an owned office building in Wilton, Connecticut for the ultimate move of the HQ. This project required detailed analysis of existing leases, and exhaustive financial analysis of various permutations of leasing alternatives. At the time we didn’t have the benefit of a lease database to evaluate which leases could be targeted for the consolidation. We got through the process successfully but not without tremendous effort.

        Corporate real estate has evolved into a sophisticated managerial process. With the advent of network technology, advanced process management tools, and smart phone tools, along with powerful cloud based lease management systems, CRE can now deliver impressive financial results, coupled with premium workplace services. These benefits are only possible through the use of advanced information technologies.

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        Corporate Real Estate (CRE) Versus Facility Management (FM) Thu, 27 Oct 2016 20:31:02 +0000 From time to time clients raise the question of the difference between corporate real estate and facilities management. In essence, they’re asking why we have two different professional designations since they both seem to have the same responsibilities. But the two professions have distinct differences and responsibilities. Here we explore these differences and attempt to bring clarity to the issue.


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        From time to time clients raise the question of the difference between corporate real estate and facilities management. In essence, they’re asking why we have two different professional designations since they both seem to have the same responsibilities. But the two professions have distinct differences and responsibilities. Here we explore these differences and attempt to bring clarity to the issue.

        Facilities management is primarily an operational role. Facilities managers have the responsibility of managing the day to day operations of enterprise facilities including maintenance, repairs, utilities, energy management,  landscaping, furniture acquisition, and in some cases physical security. Facilities managers are typically members of professional organizations such as IFMA (International Facilities Management Association), which offers training and certification associated with facilities management disciplines.

        Corporate Real Estate (CRE) is distinct from FM in that it is primarily a transactional responsibility with focus on leasing of facilities for the enterprise including office, warehouse, data centers, manufacturing, and research facilities. CRE professionals manage the life cycle of property, beginning with site location, building design, acquisition, disposition, and in most cases leasing versus owning company properties. Over time, CRE has become more strategic in its role as steward of the enterprise portfolio; developing long range plans to insure efficiency and cost effectiveness in the portfolio. In the last decade CRE has assumed the role of workplace manager and developed workplace strategies such as desk sharing, office hoteling, and various mobility strategies such as co-working and telecommuting.

        CRE professionals tend to join associations which focus on real estate management versus facilities management. The most prominent CRE association is Corenet, an international association with tens of thousands of members worldwide. Corenet was formed from the merger of the International Development Research Council (IDRC) and the National Association of Corporate Real Estate (NACORE). Similar to IFMA, Corenet offers professional training and certification in subjects unique to CRE management.

        In many cases, the CRE executive has the responsibility for facilities management and will have a separate FM staff as part of the CRE organization. In addition to leasing the CRE organization will have office design capabilities, engineering, environmental expertise, and IT management capability usually staffed from the IT organization.

        For both CRE and Facilities Management responsibilities, it’s crucial that all staff members have a good knowledge and understanding of the new FASB lease standards. While these standards will be more relevant to the CRE managers, who are directly involved in property leasing, it’s important to recognize that the standard applies to all leasing including equipment leasing. FM managers lease various equipment such as vehicles, maintenance equipment, landscape equipment, etc so FM must be cognizant of the FASB standard as well.

        Corporate Real Estate and Facilities Management are distinct managerial disciplines, but closely aligned. It’s important that the two disciplines collaborate since     FM should be involved in the property leasing operation to provide input on maintenance and repair issues with prospective properties, input on the energy efficiency of the prospective properties, and other building operational factors. It’s wise to have some degree of cross training between CRE and FM; to enhance the level of collaboration based on common knowledge and understanding of the critical success factors for both disciplines.


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        Charging Back Occupancy Costs: Why It’s a Good Idea Tue, 04 Oct 2016 19:32:06 +0000 There’s always a dispute within the organization aboutthe issue of chargebacks, particularly facility occupancy costs. Department heads typically question the need for charging back occupancy costs, since they don ‘t feel they have any direct control over these overhead costs. But occupancy costs are directly linked to staffing, so it’s logical to burden a department with its share of occupancy costs relative to staffing levels. The argument for chargebacks centers on the need for reinforcing cost containment, as well as maintaining a level of fairness in the organization.

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        There’s always a dispute within the organization aboutthe issue of chargebacks, particularly facility occupancy costs. Department heads typically question the need for charging back occupancy costs, since they don ‘t feel they have any direct control over these overhead costs. But occupancy costs are directly linked to staffing, so it’s logical to burden a department with its share of occupancy costs relative to staffing levels. The argument for chargebacks centers on the need for reinforcing cost containment, as well as maintaining a level of fairness in the organization.

        What are the typical costs included in the chargeback? Certainly rental is a primary cost along with utilities, maintenance, insurance, leasehold improvement amortization, and capital depreciation related to furniture and equipment. These costs should be accessible from the lease management system, and department P&L statement. Usually, staffing numbers are available from the department operating statement. In my experience, the finance department would develop a cost per person, and then charge a department P&L with the product of number of employees times the chargeback rate. In my opinion it’s unnecessary to differentiate space allocations based on different office sizes. A standard cost per person is sufficient for the purposes of chargebacks and avoids arguments over space per person differences.

        Some years ago our group worked with the Institute of Management Accounting in an effort to develop a broader chargeback metric that was called “workpoint accounting.” This metric included both occupancy costs and fully loaded IT costs such as network costs, prorata share of equipment costs, etc. The idea behind this broader metric would be to account for cost per person regardless ofwhether employees were assigned a workstation or whether they worked on a mobile basis. The effects of this chargeback were quite compelling and made a strong financial case for telecommuting primarily as a result of reduced occupancy cost per person. At the time, the Agile Workplace project at Gartner did several case studies using the Workpoint accounting metric. I recall that in the case of Gartner’s headquarters in Stamford, several scenarios assuming different levels of desk sharing and telecommuting reduced the cost per person dramatically from $19 K per employee down to $15 K per employee. (Total occupancy plus IT costs)

        Charging back occupancy costs has several benefits:

        ·      Provides incentives to conserve space.

        ·      Provides metrics to analyze desk sharing and telecommuting strategies

        ·      Provides benchmarks to analyze occupancy costs across the portfolio.

        ·      Provides a tool to plan new facilities based on headcount projections

        ·      Identifies disparities across different department occupancies; and exposes space inefficiencies.

        Conclusion: Occupancy cost chargeback, is an effective tool for allocating overhead costs to different staff groups. Some organizations strive to develop a P&L statement by department, and having a cost component for occupancy insures a complete picture of profitability. But chargebacks assume that the organization has a robust lease management systemto identify space, and associated leasing costs. It also assumes the organization has an effective human resource system that tracks staffing levels by location.


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        Sodexo Study: Understanding the Image of CRE as a Profession and Career Path Fri, 23 Sep 2016 00:22:00 +0000 In March of this year, Sodexo released a study of the corporate real estate profession, focusing on its image and value as a viable career path. Having practiced in the profession for over twenty-five  years, I experienced first  hand the challenges and rewards of corporate real estate as a junior manager, a senior executive and as a broker and consultant . For many years, corporate real estate didn’t enjoy the cache or prestige of other corporate functions such as marketing, finance, and even Information Technology. But this is changing with the advent of new leasing standards and workplace strategies.  So it was with this personal back ground I took a special interest in the Sodexo survey and report.

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        In March of this year, Sodexo released a study of the corporate real estate profession, focusing on its image and value as a viable career path. Having practiced in the profession for over twenty-five  years, I experienced first  hand the challenges and rewards of corporate real estate as a junior manager, a senior executive and as a broker and consultant . For many years, corporate real estate didn’t enjoy the cache or prestige of other corporate functions such as marketing, finance, and even Information Technology. But this is changing with the advent of new leasing standards and workplace strategies.  So it was with this personal back ground I took a special interest in the Sodexo survey and report.

        In a few words, the study did not reveal many surprises. Less than half of the respondents (43.8%) were end users, while the balance were service providers, brokers, and other players in the real estate industry. Nearly 70% of the respondents were male, and the vast majority were seniors (ages 50-59). One surprise was the response to the question: What are  the most important skills in a CRE career? The answer: not technical skills, but interpersonal skills (93%), leadership skills (75%), and analytical skills (74%).

        In terms of compensation, the respondents were generally satisfied with their compensation (54%) while 22% reported initially low salary, but rapid growth. The respondents were generally satisfied with the fast pace of CRE as a career, as well as its flexibility, work hours, and work life balance.

        In terms of leadership, the respondents were generally dissatisfied with leadership development with 45.2% agreeing that “the CRE profession is in need of strong leaders.” However the respondents agreed that “there is an opportunity within the CRE profession to become a leader,” (52.9%). The other interesting finding is that the respondents agreed that the profession offered long term tenure (57.3%) and was not considered to be a transitional or intermittent career move (60.3%)

        In most cases the respondents felt generally satisfied with their image in their organization and the broader market place. They felt appreciated within the department, by external clients, and within the corporate organization.

        In general the respondents were dissatisfied that their function had received any degree of promotion or publicity in company media, news releases, web pages, etc . In essence the CRE function was invisible, and kept low key. From my own experience, this lack of exposure in company media, was probably linked to a concern about negative press about real estate, its impact on the environment, its cost, etc. In summary the report put forward a series of recommendations to promote the CRE profession in the broader labor market including “better emphasis on accreditation and education,” better links to the community, ”focused media on what CRE means from a career standpoint.”

        The report concluded with a series of insights and implications. The more interesting findings included:

        ·      Soft skills remain more important than technical skills

        ·      Work-life balance is excellent but offset by the industry’s fast pace.

        ·      CRE is in need of leaders but provides opportunities to grow and advance

        ·      There is a need for greater innovation

        ·      There is a high level of knowledge and appreciation of the CRE profession among clients and the corporate organization

        ·      The CRE profession offers many opportunities for personal growth

        My bottom line on the report: no surprises but encouraging indicators that the CRE profession is maturing and becoming more self-aware as a long term career option.

        Click here for a copy of the report. 


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        The Future of Corporate Real Estate – An Alternate View Tue, 06 Sep 2016 18:38:02 +0000         In June of this year, Corenet Global published a report entitled, “The Future of Corporate Real Estate.” The report covered several major trends which would influence the corporate real estate function. Such trends as sustainability, advanced information technology, globalization, the “gig economy”, urban development, workplace changes, etc. would all have a major impact of the future of corporate real estate.

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                  In June of this year, Corenet Global published a report entitled, “The Future of Corporate Real Estate.” The report covered several major trends which would influence the corporate real estate function. Such trends as sustainability, advanced information technology, globalization, the “gig economy”, urban development, workplace changes, etc. would all have a major impact of the future of corporate real estate.

        These trends will certainly have an impact, but I suspect there are unforeseen changes which may emerge that will affect the corporate real estate profession at its core. Here are five developments that may have an impact:

        ·      CRE becomes the over-all contract manager of the enterprise. CRE deals extensively today with contracts, particularly lease contracts, construction, architectural services, etc. As lease and contract management software evolves, it is quite likely that CRE could become the central manager of all contracts including IT contracts. This will be a sea change for the profession and will have profound implications for organizational structure and responsibilities. It’s possible that CRE and IT could merge into a single asset management entity. There has been some evidence already; particularly with firms that are IT intensive, and see efficiencies in having a single point of control for all contracts.

        ·      The entire CRE function becomes a candidate for wholesale outsourcing. Companies want to eliminate non-core functions wherever possible, and real estate and facility management have been the target for major outsourcing over the last two decades. Large global service firms like JonesLangLaSalle, and Cushman & Wakefield have the resources, coverage and technology to manage all aspects of the CRE function, and it’s perhaps only a matter of time when enterprise management adopts a total outsourcing model.

        ·      Many of the CRE tasks will be automated, through the use of sophisticated systems, natural language recognition software, and various uses of robotics. Any task that is repetitive will be eligible for automation solutions. It’s conceivable that 70-80% of the leasing process will be accomplished by an automated process, so that the time and effort to conclude a commercial lease contract will be hours rather than today’s days and weeks. Consider how the mortgage process has been automated like “Rocket Mortgage” which offers “push button” mortgage services.

        ·      The smartphone becomes the central tool for virtually all CRE activities and data management. The CRE executive will be able to retrieve data on virtually all aspects of the enterprise portfolio. And data input will a simple matter in most cases of scanning, or voice input.

        ·      Security and Safety will surpass sustainability as a CRE priority. With the possibility of a major terrorist attack like 9-11, senior management will double the resilience of the enterprise, and much of the security upgrades will be the responsibility of CRE. This will be particularly the case in global markets such as mainland Europe and Asia.

        These developments are admittedly speculative, but possible. CRE represents a major cost center, asset class, and influence on workforce recruitment and productivity via workplace strategies. One thing’s for certain: change will happen in ways unimaginable today. Planning for the unexpected is becoming a core competence for the wise CRE executive.

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        Disaggregating the Corporate Headquarters Tue, 16 Aug 2016 20:17:18 +0000 In a recent article in the New York Times, the report described how corporate America is moving from suburban campuses back to urban markets, despite the higher cost of central business district office space. 

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                 In a recent article in the New York Times, the report described how corporate America is moving from suburban campuses back to urban markets, despite the higher cost of central business district office space. These moves are driven primarily by the need to attract younger (Millennial) workers who prefer the excitement and buzz of urban settings as well as the proximity to public transportation. General Electric exemplifies this trend. On August 22, the company is moving its executive staff from its sprawling campus in Fairfield, Connecticut to a multi building complex in Boston’s Fort Point area. The headquarters will house 800 employees, while other corporate functions will operate from current locations in Cincinnati, Norwalk, Ct. and Schenectady, NY. This disaggregated model is made possible by modern network technology which allows organizations to work seamlessly across both time and space.

                 Other companies adopting this strategy are McDonalds, moving from the suburbs to downtown, Chicago, Chemours (a spinoff from DuPont), who plans to remain in Wilmington’s urban core, andKraft Heinz which had 2,200 workers when housed in Northfield, IL, to 1,500 now after their move to downtown Chicago.

                 The higher cost in rental rates are typically offset by the reduction in over-all space, financial incentives offered by the local jurisdiction attracting the new high profile tenancy, and the benefits of recruiting high quality talent. Motorola reports that since moving to downtown Chicago from the suburbs they get four to five times the response when they post jobs downtown.

                 CRE executives are smart to consider a disaggregating strategy, not only for major headquarters offices but for other operations such as customer service centers, administrative operations, call centers, etc. I recall the move of a call center from a headquarters site in New Jersey to a standalone facility in Allentown, Pa. Not only did we save space, but we also tapped into a good labor market, and lower rental rates. All in all a much better financial result and recruitment effort.

                 It’s essential to utilize a robust lease admin system when planning a disaggregating strategy. The system will identify lease termination dates that will need to be aligned with a possible relocation; it will provide rental rates as a comparison to market rates in the targeted relocation market; and it will give quick access to those locations that make sense for a disaggregation strategy. It’s wise to engage a design consultant with the necessary programming skills to undertake an analysis of functions that can be split from the primary location without interrupting work flow or operations. Invariably management will be surprised by how many functions can operate remotely using network technology and collaboration applications. Once you complete this analysis you can then decide where to relocate the primary location and where to house the disaggregated operations and staff. In many cases these operations can be collocated with existing staff to leverage existing support staff and technical infrastructure.

                 I recall a few years ago, there were pundits who declared the death of the central business district, and the rise of “edge cities” and exurban campuses. Well, this prediction was clearly false. Companies have rediscovered the benefits of the urban core, and renewed a move back to down town. This trend will continue into the foreseeable future, and will bode well for urban redevelopment and renewal.


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        Some Thoughts Regarding Workplace Security Wed, 27 Jul 2016 19:44:49 +0000 Security and safety is now high in the minds of CRE managers, because of the eruption of violent terrorist attacks worldwide. It seems a day doesn’t go by when some violent outbreak takes the lives of multiple victims. In many companies the CRE executive is responsible for physical security and thus, must develop a plan for insuring the safety of people and assets in the workplace. Typically the IT department has responsibility for information security, but it’s wise for the CRE executive to coordinate with the CIO on security. So what are the key priorities that need to be addressed in a workplace security plan?

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        Security and safety is now high in the minds of CRE managers, because of the eruption of violent terrorist attacks worldwide. It seems a day doesn’t go by when some violent outbreak takes the lives of multiple victims. In many companies the CRE executive is responsible for physical security and thus, must develop a plan for insuring the safety of people and assets in the workplace. Typically the IT department has responsibility for information security, but it’s wise for the CRE executive to coordinate with the CIO on security. So what are the key priorities that need to be addressed in a workplace security plan?

        ·      Perimeter security- It’s helpful to think about physical security as a series of concentric circles. The outer most circle will define the outward most dimension of physical access. In most instances, this would be the front entrance to the office but some facilities are situated on a campus, and thus, access may extend to the parking lot or even a general front gate of the campus.  For most office locations the front entrance will be the primary point of access, and would require some measure of control, either a card reading device in combination with a receptionist during normal business hours. 

        ·      All employees are provided with an ID card that also serves as a key to enter via a card reading access point. Some companies require both a card reading and pass code to allow ingress.

        ·      The next layer of security is for controlled access to sensitive areas within the office area such as server rooms, records storage, mail rooms, or other areas that contain business confidential information. These areas will require card access, programmed for specific individuals.

        ·      The security system is usually both an access control and fire and smoke detection system.  The CRE executive will plan on periodic drills to test system integrity as well as prepare workplace staff for appropriate evacuation protocols.

        ·      Security standards and procedures. Most likely the human resources department will be responsible for developing and maintaining security standards, but the CRE executive will need to insure that physical security is addressed in the procedures. Such procedures will define levels of security, access provisions,  and disaster recoveryprotocols. In terms of disaster recovery, it’s wise to conduct periodic drills to prepare employees for “what if” scenarios. I recall the 9/11 attack in NYC and how one company evacuated its staff to a disaster recovery siteand was fully operational within hours after the attack.

        ·      Work-at-home security and safety. Many companies now provide for home working, and thus, must be mindful of security and safety provisions. Employees must be guidedto insure a safe and secure work area at home. This would include the ability to secure company confidential informationand company assets such as laptops, printers,etc. I recall that the HR department would require at leastone inspection of the employee’s home work area for both security and safety compliance. This was required by the company’s insurance provisions.

        Summary: Workplace safety and security is a top priority for the CRE executive. In most cases the building owner will provide the necessary perimeter and fire detection technologies. But the CRE executive must insure that interior office security and safety is covered along the lines outlined above.  Having a security plan and conducting periodic drills will insure that most security and safety risks are adequately addressed. 

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        Site Search-Key Considerations Tue, 12 Jul 2016 20:35:27 +0000 A key process for the CRE executive is overseeing the site selection process, particularly for major office, data center, or manufacturing sites. I’m going to focus on office site selection since this typically represents the most frequent type of leasing actions.

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             A key process for the CRE executive is overseeing the site selection process, particularly for major office, data center, or manufacturing sites. I’m going to focus on office site selection since this typically represents the most frequent type of leasing actions. In general, the CRE team will depend on their real estate advisors to conduct the site search, and report back with eligible site alternatives. The goal is to winnow the candidates down to at least two, then enter into negotiations with both to create competition and thus, obtain the best terms and rates.

                 So what are the key site selection criteria to be used by the real estate advisor?

        ·      Target market: The first step in the site selection process is to agree on the target market. Assuming a relocation of an existing office site, the preference will be to relocate within the same area to minimize disruption in staff commuting patterns and customer access. For strategic reasons, the site may represent a major change such as a move from the central business district to the suburbs. But this is the exception. The CRE executive will want to know the real estate market outlook, from the standpoint of trends, rental rates, availabilities, absorption, etc.

        ·      Proximity to transportation services: What transportation services are available to the site alternatives? What about parking?

        ·      Safety and security: What are the crime statistics in the targeted market? How do the alternative sites rate in terms of physical security? Are there any recent incidents to suggest a safety risk?

        ·      Space availability: What are the availabilities relative to usable and rentable space?  What are the loss factors, i.e. what is the ratio of usable to rentable space? How is the space configured?  And is the space contiguous or split between floors?

        ·      What is the energy efficiency of the alternative sites? Has the building structure been designed and constructed with the latest in energy standards such as the LEED standard? What is the current electrical cost per kilowatt hour? Is electrical a separate expense or included in the expense stop?

        ·      What are the key provisions in the standard building lease? Renewal options? Expansion options? Termination options? How does the asking rental rate compare to comparables in the local market? What are the terms relative to escalations? And how are escalations determined? Does the tenant have the right to audit annual expenses?

        ·      What does the building owner provide relative to leasehold improvement allowances? Is there any rent abatement? Are they any other tenant incentives? Is the tenant allowed to use its own capital for improvements?

        ·      Are there any restrictions or impediments that would reduce tenant flexibility or operation? For example limiting hours of operation? Using landlord contractors? Using landlord building services?

        Conclusion: A major responsibility of the CRE executive is to oversee and direct the site selection process. The process will vary depending on the type of structure. For example, a major retail location will require extensive analysis of customer demographics, buying patterns, competitive outlets, zoning, etc. A data center requires yet another set of criteria particularly issues relating to electrical power availability, rates, and growth potential. The security issues such as fire, earthquake, and flooding represent priority considerations in a data center selection. Manufacturing sites take on another set of unique characteristics such as labor availability, logistics, proximity to suppliers, etc.

                 Perhaps the single most critical element in the site selection process is competition. The CRE executive will want to insure that the final two site alternatives are put through a competitive process, both in terms of pricing and terms. And that all the key site selection criteria are addressed in the process.



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        Another Look at Possible Effects of the Brexit Vote on CRE Thu, 07 Jul 2016 17:56:59 +0000 It’s been over a week since the British vote to exit the European Union, and the situation is worsening for property owners in the UK. The greatest impact is happening in the financial markets. Real estate Investment trusts (REITs) are experiencing increased redemption causing some of the biggest funds to halt outflows as a means to protect values for existing investors.

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                It’s been over a week since the British vote to exit the European Union, and the situation is worsening for property owners in the UK. The greatest impact is happening in the financial markets. Real estate Investment trusts (REITs) are experiencing increased redemption causing some of the biggest funds to halt outflows as a means to protect values for existing investors. The three funds- run by Standard Life, Aviva Investors and M&G Investmentseach “pointed to heightened levels of stress in the market prompting investors to sell,” as reported today in the New York Times. Here are a series of likely impacts for US firms with property holdings and operations in the UK:

        ·      The uncertainty of the Brexit impact will increase EU regulatory scrutiny which will impact earnings negatively

        ·      Financing will be increasingly difficult putting downward pressure on loan to value coverage.

        ·      The limitations on immigration will put stress on labor availability, and most likely cause labor rates to increase.

        ·      Tenants will reassess current leases and attempt to renegotiate lease term and rates.

        ·      There will be increased uncertainty relative to the regulatory environment.

        ·      Reassessment of legal and tax obligations will certainly be required. Contractual obligations with UK entities may require renegotiation.

        ·      CRE managers can expect continued low cap rates in the US as the Federal Reserve holds the line on interest rates. However the volatility and risk in the UK finance markets may result in higher rates that will offset lower Federal rates.

        ·      The British pound will continue to weaken, impacting earnings and capital values which may lead to significant “mark-to-marketlosses,” according to a recent report from Deloitte.

        ·      Perhaps one of the greatest areas of uncertainty relates to the possibility of other member countries exiting the EU. US CRE managers will most likely have to re-evaluate their entire European portfolio along with their UK portfolio.

        ·      Political upheaval in European countries may lead to further exits from the EU as a result of elections in France, Germany, and the Netherlands, compounding the market and financial risks.

        Conclusion: The Brexit vote has created a firestorm of uncertainty with the greatest impact happening in the UK property markets. The ripple effect of distress in the banking industry, declining currency values, pressure on redemptions, downwardpressure on rental rates, all will wreak havoc on US CRE managers with leases and real estate investments in the UK. Amidst the chaos comes possible opportunity. CRE managers should be alert to opportunities to renegotiate lease terms and rates wherever possible and to consider strategic investments as the markets continue to deteriorate.


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        Possible Effects of the Brexit Vote on CRE Tue, 28 Jun 2016 18:12:32 +0000  Earlier this week, the world was stunned by the British vote to leave the European Union within 2 years.  The most likely impact on corporate real estate markets and operations will be immediate. While equity markets have recovered somewhat from the lows, it’s unlikely that the stock market will return to its historical highs of last week any time soon.

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                 Earlier this week, the world was stunned by the British vote to leave the European Union within 2 years.  The most likely impact on corporate real estate markets and operations will be immediate. While equity markets have recovered somewhat from the lows, it’s unlikely that the stock market will return to its historical highs of last week any time soon.

                 The first and most immediate effect will be substantial downturn in the UK property markets. In a Wall Street Journal article on Tuesday, the article reported a job loss in the UK of nearly 100,000 workers. Publically traded real estate companies saw sharp drops in share price. UK real estate investment trusts also saw declines in values. There’s wide spread speculation that investment in UK property will stall, although the Chinese have indicated a desire to increase UK investment opportunistically.

                 It’s likely that international property investment will increase in the US as an alternative to investment in the UK. This may result in increased demand and pricing in such US markets as New York, Chicago, San Francisco. Similarly analysts predict increased demand in other global markets such as Frankfurt, Paris, Dubai and Singapore.

                 In the short term at least investors will take a “wait and see” approach before making any significant investments. However, CRE managers may want to accelerate leasing deals to take advantage of possible lower rental rates, and more generous tenant allowances in UK markets. Analysts predict a melt down for UK based banks. This will certainly affect banking stocks and may result in substantial declines in lending rates. This is good news for CRE managers who may want to take advantage of lower rates in UK property deals. It’s uncertain how Brexit will affect European property markets, although analysts predict a decline in values with UK properties leading the list.

                 The Journal article saw major declines in several UK REITs. Shares of the two biggest U.K. real-estate investment trusts, Land Securities PLC and British Land PLC, tumbled 17% and 24%, respectively, since markets closed last Thursday, the day before referendum results were announced. 

        Conclusion: The Brexit vote creates enormous uncertainty and thus, CRE managers will most likely revisit leasing and investment plans in light of this sudden change in both the UK and European markets. Uncertainty increases risk and risk is a bad thing in the real estate industry. 

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        CRE Organizational Models Mon, 20 Jun 2016 23:32:48 +0000 In the last several Blog posts, I’ve explored the various steps in becoming a CRE executive.  Today I want to address the question of CRE organization. There is no one organizational model that is ideal. But there are various structures thatfit the needs of most business entities.

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        In the last several Blog posts, I’ve explored the various steps in becoming a CRE executive.  Today I want to address the question of CRE organization. There is no one organizational model that is ideal. But there are various structures thatfit the needs of most business entities. Below I explore three popular models:

        Functional: Here the organization is structured around the major disciplines needed to manage a CRE portfolio. These would include design, those actions needed to create the interior layouts for a particular office location. In many cases the design manager serves as a procurer of interior design and architectural services. Some companies maintain master agreements with design firms, while others recruit on an as needed basis. The next discipline would be leasing specialists. These individuals conduct site searches and then negotiate lease agreements with several building owners, and then finalizing a deal with the most competitive arrangement. The third discipline would be project management. This role oversees the build out of a project whether it’s an office, retail, or industrial site. The project manager also supervises the work of a contractor as well as orchestrates the move of the tenant organization.  The final discipline is facility management. These individuals take over from project managers, and manage all on -going tasks related to the occupancy of the leasehold including maintenance, security, safety, and overseeing the services of the building owner. Most CRE organizations also require a lease administration group who manages the lease portfolio, relating to lease and escalation payments, lease abstracting and the day to day administration of the lease management system.

        Outsourced: Here most or all of the key CRE disciplines outlined above are outsourced to one or more contractors typically on a geographic basis. Many of the major real estate service firms such as Jones Lang LaSalle, Cushman and Wakefield, or other full service firms can provide not only the transactional services such as leasing, but can offer the other services as an integrated capability. Outsourcing has grown in popularity as companies attempt to limit the size of internal non-core staffing. The role of the CRE organization is to focus on planning, budgeting, strategy, and to supervise the work of the outsourced services. Some CRE organizations are decentralized to the business units, and the CRE executive interacts with the unit CRE groups as well as corporate staff on matters of policy, capital approvals, and functional oversite.

        Hybrid CRE Organization:  This model combines the functional orientation with the outsourced model. The hybrid model is typically a small group of specialist managers who oversee the activities of the outsourced service firms. In some cases, the CRE group is aligned with the IT group, particular if there is an intense orientation toward IT infrastructure and services such as a “cloud computing” company that maintains a large portfolio of data centers. Another situation requiring specialized services is retail. Store location requires specialized capabilities that analyze market demographics and other variables important to a big box retailer.

        Conclusion: There is no one organizational model that will suit every company. Organizational structure is as much about company culture, as functional needs. With advances in information technology, there is a clear trend to minimize staffing, and rely on service contractors in conjunction with powerful management systems to eliminate the need for multiple layers of CRE organization.  The astute CRE executive will be a skillful outsourcer of CRE services and user of information technology. Keeping the CRE organization lean and technology enhanced is clearly a winning strategy in today’s global and competitive environment.


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        The Making of a Corporate Real Estate Executive – Part 3 Wed, 08 Jun 2016 17:03:27 +0000 In our continuing series about how to become a CRE executive, the conversation would be incomplete without a brief review of the IT basics relating to CRE management.

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        In our continuing series about how to become a CRE executive, the conversation would be incomplete without a brief review of the IT basics relating to CRE management. The CRE executive will need to become a close collaborator with counterparts in the IT organization. Knowing the IT vocabulary is the first step in building this partnership. There are two major categories of CRE related IT

        First, are the IT issues relating to buildings. This would include broad band cabling, WIFI capability, communications gear such as PBX and DSL services, and the array of servers, routers, file storage, and other IT equipment needed for modern office operations. In most cases the IT organization will have the primary responsibility for IT provisioning, however, the CRE organization must provide the appropriate physical infrastructure for the IT equipment and cabling.  Physical security is a priority, and in many cases the CRE organization is tasked with providing the necessary security infrastructure including sensors, card readers, and where necessary surveillance TV cameras. Many CRE organizations are responsible for guard services which are typically contract services.

        The other major category of CRE related topics is the whole range of software applications designed to manage the various CRE processes. It is wise for the aspiring CRE executive to become familiar with the key applications and to gain an understanding of their functionality and cost. I wrote a blog post a year ago (IWMS Priority Applications: What’s Important? What Can Wait?-July 2015) about prioritizing these applications. To summarize, I suggested that I would begin with a robust lease management system since the foundation of CRE operations begins with the lease portfolio. The next priority is space management functionality. Here the application gives the user the ability to create blocking and stacking designs from the building layouts, and keyed to personnel data.

        The third category of functionality is building maintenance management, which provides records of building maintenance tasks, both preventive and predictive. The final category of functionality is a robust project management module. Here the application arrays all the key tasks in various building and leasing projects, and ties project milestones to a preplanned schedule. These various modules can be procured separately and tied to a common data base via middleware. Or the CRE group may opt to acquire an integrated solution (IWMS) where the various modules are fully integrated into a single enterprise level software solution. Another major decision is whether to license the software and operate within your server environment or whether to “rent” the software via a cloud provider. Your IT organization can give you advice on the best approach, although cloud solutions are clearly becoming the preferred alternative.

        The final category of IT related topics which need to be fully understood by the aspiring CRE executive is the whole subject of data center facilities. With the advent of cloud computing, and the growth of virtualization, data center growth has exploded over the last ten years. The modern data center is a highly complex and sophisticated structure, requiring significant investment in electrical power, HVAC, cable management, and redundant back- up generators and UPS systems. It’s not uncommon to see data center construction costs exceeding $1000 per square foot for a highly redundant, and fault tolerant center. From my experience the IT organization will take the lead on a data center project, but the CRE organization will play a key role in site selection, leasing, and building design so it’s important to gain a basic understanding of data center design, infrastructure, and the priorities for site selection.

        As I mentioned in my last blog post on becoming a CRE executive, there are many roads to achieving a position as head of corporate real estate.  It’s critical that the subject of IT become a key knowledge base for the aspiring CRE executive.  IT is transforming the nature of work and the workplace. I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to assert that the successful CRE executive of today must be a reasonably knowledgeable information technologist to compete in the modern digital era.

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        The Making of a Corporate Real Estate Executive – Part 2 Wed, 01 Jun 2016 20:06:31 +0000 Entering a career in Corporate Real Estate can take many paths. During my career I met countless CRE executives with myriad backgrounds. Some moved from real estate services such as brokerage or consulting. Others came into the profession as architects or engineers. A popular avenue is facility management, since the disciplines of property and maintenance management are a natural stepping stone to real estate management.

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        Entering a career in Corporate Real Estate can take many paths. During my career I met countless CRE executives with myriad backgrounds. Some moved from real estate services such as brokerage or consulting. Others came into the profession as architects or engineers. A popular avenue is facility management, since the disciplines of property and maintenance management are a natural stepping stone to real estate management. I recall one executive who was a senior vice president responsible for corporate manufacturing. He was close to retirement and requested a role as the head of real estate services. He had no knowledge or experience in corporate real estate but as a seasoned senior executive he was imminently qualified to lead a major corporate function. What I recall is how much he enjoyed the specifics of corporate real estate, particularly the various deals that required his review and approval. I had written a thesis as part of my MBA which made a case for my company to enter the real estate development business. The senior executive read the thesis and invited me to corporate headquarters to launch a real estate development program. We formed a development subsidiary and subsequently entered into a number of joint venture developments, anchored by the company’s sales and marketing branches. Thus, the executive parlayed his senior management skills and experience into a major development strategy.

        Perhaps the most important knowledge base required for a career in corporate real estate management is the subject of corporate finance. It’s imperative that the executive has a good working knowledge of discounted cash flow, accounting, and balance sheet structure. This is particularly true now with the advent of new lease accounting standards which require that all leases of one year or more in term be placed on the balance sheet as both assets (value in use) and corresponding liabilities. There are various professional development courses offered by universities and professional organizations such as Corenet that cover the basics of real estate finance and accounting. Some of these courses are offered on line so there are several options for the aspiring CRE executive to gain a working knowledge of real estate finance.

        Another avenue for gaining knowledge of commercial real estate is to study for a real estate brokerage license in your local area. In fact, you may want to spend some time as a commercial broker to gain experience and learn first hand the rudiments of commercial leasing and deal structuring. One option is to seek a summer internship in corporate real estate. I worked with a number of summer interns over the years, and I recall how beneficial the experience was for both the interns and the CRE department. Many of these interns went on to successful careers in corporate or commercial real estate.

        Another critical knowledge domain for the aspiring CRE executive is the subject of market analysis. CRE executives must have a working knowledge of real estate market dynamics; the effects of supply and demand on pricing, absorption, and property value. Many of the large real estate brokerage firms provide quarterly market reports on line. It’s a useful exercise to study these reports to become familiar with the terminology and key variables in real estate market analysis.

        In summary, I’ve touched on a few of the knowledge areas that must be mastered along the road toward becoming an effective CRE executive. I’m frequently asked if taking a formal course in real estate finance and marketing is the right strategy for entering the CRE management arena. I would certainly endorse this approach; although such an option requires significant investment in time and expense. I prefer the option of learning on the job, supplemented with short courses offered by such associations as Corenet or IFMA.

        In my next blog post I’ll delve into the subject of real estate technology and what the aspiring CRE executive needs to know for starters.

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        The Making of a Corporate Real Estate Executive Wed, 18 May 2016 17:32:07 +0000 In this blog entry I would like to introduce the topic of CRE leadership and management. I hope to explore the topic over the next several weeks with the hope that these personal observations will be useful to those readers who aspire to make corporate real estate management a long term career. 

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        In this blog entry I would like to introduce the topic of CRE leadership and management. I hope to explore the topic over the next several weeks with the hope that these personal observations will be useful to those readers who aspire to make corporate real estate management a long term career. As background I spent nearly thirty years in various CRE jobs both at Xerox and later at Dun & Bradstreet. I also worked as a broker at Jones Lang LaSalle and as a consultant at PricewaterhouseCoopers. In the last ten years of my career, I shifted to the IT industry as a technology analyst at Gartner Inc., and focused on real estate software solutions, most notably Integrated Workplace Management Systems (IWMS).  Also at Gartner I led a major research study in conjunction with MIT on the changes in the workplace enabled by information technology. The study report, “The Agile Workplace,” identified trends that are now playing out and have become mainstream today.

        It’s with these thirty years of experience that I presume to have some insights in the success criteria for effective CRE leadership and management. Notice that I distinguish between leadership and management. It’s an important distinction and one that must combine to ensure success as a CRE executive over the long term.

        In terms of management skills, the CRE executive must develop impeccable planning and operational capabilities. The superior CRE executive must approach planning from both a strategic and tactical perspective. On one hand the planning should address long term objectives, and integrate portfolio plans with business strategy.  On the other hand, the plans must have a short term focus and address priorities important to the business units and corporate management. Obviously the plans must address financial goals, but also address employee productivity and satisfaction. The CRE executive is not only a portfolio manager, but the executive must also be a workplace manager and provide the environment to support workplace flexibility and employee collaboration.

        The CRE executive must have a strong grounding in financial management and have astute analytical and budgeting skills. In addition, the management skill set should include strong negotiating skills, as well as strong communication skills. In this regard, I encourage CRE managers, to submit papers to professional publications such as those for Corenet and IFMA. I would also encourage CRE managers to submit proposals for presentations at both national and regional meetings of these organizations. These communication efforts strengthen the manager’s personal brand and enhance visibility within the industry.

        On the leadership side, I would begin with the topic of innovation. The successful CRE executive develops the ability to seek out opportunities for positive change by creating a vision for future success. When MIT and I explored the topic of the agile workplace we discovered amazing examples of workplace innovation, both in terms of strategy and implementation. Along with innovation, the successful CRE executive is an effective team builder and collaborator not only within the CRE organization but within the over-all corporate organization. Listening skills are crucial to effective leadership, and those CRE executives who rise to the top are distinguished by their ability to gauge expectations and “sense” the underlying mood of the enterprise, what I call “reading the tea leaves.”

        This leads me to the final topic under CRE leadership, and that’s a highly developed set of political skills. The CRE executive must create and sustain a viable network of advocates within the corporation, and within the broader real estate industry.  Invariably the CRE executive will encounter “push back” even hostility among individuals or groups primarily around change initiatives. I recall the battles I fought in the early stages of workplace innovation, particularly by those middle managers who resented the loss of private offices, or the advent of telecommuting which was perceived as a loss of control.  With these political battles, it’s imperative that the CRE executive has built coalitions and relationships that can be brought to bear when needed.

        In the weeks ahead I’ll drill down into these topics, and hopefully provide a roadmap for those readers who are aspire for a career in corporate real estate management. In many respects I believe we‘ve entered a new phase of CRE management which will be highlighted by greater senior management emphasis on portfolio and workplace excellence.


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        Metrics to Manage Portfolio Performance Mon, 09 May 2016 18:01:57 +0000 Performance management in corporate real estate has matured rapidly over the last ten years due primarily to the evolution of sophisticated real estate management systems. With the advent of integrated workplace management systems(IWMS), and now cloud based point systems (like Visual Lease), CRE organizations have a wide range of options in the type and utility of portfolio management systems.

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        Performance management in corporate real estate has matured rapidly over the last ten years due primarily to the evolution of sophisticated real estate management systems. With the advent of integrated workplace management systems(IWMS), and now cloud based point systems (like Visual Lease), CRE organizations have a wide range of options in the type and utility of portfolio management systems. A key feature of these systems is the ability to customize performance management to fit the specific needs of the organization. For example, some organizations prefer to have the performance measures be “role based.” Here, the system provides different metrics that are specific to different roles in the CRE organization: leasing specialists, project managers, maintenance managers, etc.

        Here are my top performance  metrics that are generally applicable for most corporate real estate portfolios:

        ·      Cost per square foot. Perhaps the most general performance metric of a corporate real estate portfolio is the unit cost per square foot. This would reflect the annual total cost of the portfolio. Separate costs for leased facilities and owned properties are usually presented. For owned properties, I recommendestablishing market values to assess marketability. These assessments can usually be completed by your real estate advisors, on a periodic basis.

        ·      Square foot per employee:  This will reflect the efficiency of the office portfolio on an annual basis. For organizations that have adopted shared office techniques like office hoteling, the ratio should be lower than for traditional 1:1 (workstation per employee) utilization.

        ·      Leasing Churn: This metric reflects the percentage of leases renewed, retired, or extended on an annual basis. The higher the churn rate, the less efficient the portfolio. Ideally, CRE managers prefer to stabilize the portfolio with selective options, or longer lease terms. Lease term should now be considered in the context of the new FASB standard which puts the net present value of all leases of more than 1 year on the balance sheet as assets and corresponding liabilities. (beginning in early 2018) The longer the lease, the higher the values, so tradeoffs between stability and churn will have to be made.

        ·      Escalations as a percentage of total annual rental:  This metric will reveal whether a specific lease is abnormally costly as a result of excessive CAM or other charges. It will flag the lease for a potential audit to determine if there are over-charges from the landlord. One possibility is the landlord is erroneously including capital expenditures in the CAM calculation which would greatly inflate the cost.

        ·      Employee satisfaction with the work environment:  Consistent with the use of the “balanced score card,”  CRE managers should survey representatives from the employee base on their satisfaction with the work environment. Normally, surveys are conducted bi-annually, on representative facilities. The degree of satisfaction will provide insight on office standards, décor, and services. In my own experience, these surveys combined with cost and utilization metrics cited above, give useful perspectives on prioritizing leasing actions.

        ·      Sustainability:  Portfolio performance metrics would be incomplete without measuring the environmental quality of the portfolio. Here attention should be paid to the energy efficiency, carbon footprint, or other indicators that reflect the environmental quality of the portfolio. Many corporations today place significant emphasis on sustainability; so it’s wise to include some rating system in the portfolio performance dash board.

        Conclusion:  Performance metrics give the CRE manager and his team the necessary indicators on how the portfolio is performing on a cost, utilization, environmental ,and customer (employee) satisfaction basis. These metrics should be readily available from the Lease Management system amplified with survey and environmental data, and customized to meet the priorities of the organization. The old adage, “You can’t manage what you can’t measure,” certainly applies to real estate portfolio management.

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        Space Management and Allocations Wed, 27 Apr 2016 15:49:00 +0000 Space (square footage) is the universal unit in corporate real estate management. It defines the basis for rental, allocation of costs to different occupant groups, is the primary factor in developing space requirements for different utilizations such as offices, work stations, conference rooms, storage spaces, etc.  Most companies develop a set of space standards as a means to design office layouts, allocate space to various functions, and use to forecast space demand over time.

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        Space (square footage) is the universal unit in corporate real estate management. It defines the basis for rental, allocation of costs to different occupant groups, is the primary factor in developing space requirements for different utilizations such as offices, work stations, conference rooms, storage spaces, etc.  Most companies develop a set of space standards as a means to design office layouts, allocate space to various functions, and use to forecast space demand over time.

        In today’s mobile era, with the use of smart phones, WIFI, and mini-pads, work style has become universally mobile. Typically, most office spaces are unassigned, except those job functions which require on-going office accommodations and complex information technology such as call center employees, administrators, stock traders, etc. Managers usually require private offices in their role as supervisors, but this is rapidly changing as Millenials move into management positions and typically prefer the informality of open plan workstations. With the advent of office hoteling (i.e. unassigned workstations used on a reserved basis) the ratio of headcount to office space has increased significantly, with ratios of 2:1, and even 4:1 employees per workstation is now common.

        So what are the various techniques to plan and allocate office space? First, there’s the issue of space definition. BOMA (The Building Owners and Management Association) has developed space definitions which are broadly used in the commercial office industry. BOMA’s original space standard was published in 1996. An update was released in 2010 referred to as “Version B.” The original 1996 version is referred to as version “A.” In both cases the standard defines usable, rentable, and gross space. It also clearly defines common areas, which form the basis for CAM or common area maintenance charges. The new standard includes definitions for storage space such as basement spaces, and also outside spaces such as balconies, etc commonly used in tropical markets.

        Most CRE managers and commercial office landlords subscribe to the BOMA standards, which are used in the calculation of rentable space. Space measurement is universal in most US markets with the exception of Manhattan, where it seems as if the rentable space is anything the landlord says it is.

        The first step in developing a space plan is to reach agreement on a planning factor usually expressed as square footage per employee. If the organization has a high number of mobile employees, then a ratio of 4:1 or 5:1 (square foot per employee) is used. With an office of primarily stationery employees such as a call center, or trading floor, then the ratio would be 1:1. Other standards would include space for conference rooms, training rooms, storage, etc.  A design consultant usually is engaged to translate the space forecast into a space layout.

        In terms of chargebacks, most CRE managers allocate space and cost on the basis of employee utilization. Occupancy costs are fully loaded with rent and associated costs and then allocated on a pro rata share to the user organizations. In most cases, the standard ratios cited above are used in the calculation. For example, if the ratio is 2:1, and the company standard is 100 sq. ft per workstation, then the allocation is 50 sq. ft per employee times the number of employees times the fully load occupancy cost per square foot. Occupancy cost will vary by organization depending on whether the rental is net rent versus gross rent. With net rent other occupancy costs will need to be added such as utilities, taxes, insurance, maintenance, and capital amortization. With the new FASB standard, rental will now appear on the balance sheet as both assets and liabilities. For purposes of chargeback, it will be the straight line amortization of rental that goes into the calculation for operating leases, and a separate line item for interest expense relative to financing leases. Chargebacks can be set up in the lease management system, so that monthly allocations are automatically charged to other units within the organization or to separate sub-tenants.

        Space management is one of the critical responsibilities of the CRE executive, and having a robust lease management system that ties with the space management module is a key to a successful real estate andfacilities management program.



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        The Impact of Millenials on Real Estate Tue, 05 Apr 2016 22:42:45 +0000 Back in November of last year I cited a study by CBRE that seemed to debunk several myths about the Millennial generation and the office environment. The essence of the study was that while Millenials had certain preferences and attitudes about the workplace, in general there was little difference between the generations about their desire for workplace flexibility, preferences for urban settings, more collaboration, and more autonomy.  However, in a recent article about Millenials in the March 15 issue of Fortune magazine, the theme of the article is about how to attract and retain the Millennial generation. 

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        Back in November of last year I cited a study by CBRE that seemed to debunk several myths about the Millennial generation and the office environment. The essence of the study was that while Millenials had certain preferences and attitudes about the workplace, in general there was little difference between the generations about their desire for workplace flexibility, preferences for urban settings, more collaboration, and more autonomy.  However, in a recent article about Millenials in the March 15 issue of Fortune magazine, the theme of the article is about how to attract and retain the Millennial generation. This is a different question than the focus of the CBRE survey, and it raises questions about how Millenials will influence the locationand layout of office space as a way to attract the Millennial worker. As a reminder, Millenials are defined as those born between 1981 and 1996.

        I’ve written about co-working as a good model to define the Millenial preference for workplace location and design. Specifically Millenials   first and foremost  demand flexibility in the workplace. This would mean that Millenial workers would be offered maximum flexibility in where and when they work. In essence Millenials wantmaximum work/life balance. The Fortune article quotes an HR executive from PWC who said that their surveys reflected that95% of their Millenial workforce demanded workplace flexibility and that  a quarter of the Millenials surveyed said that their work/life balance was still difficult to maintain, despite policies that offered telecommuting, flexible work schedules, and other practices aimed at improving work/life balance.

        Millenials prefer urban locations for both living and working. Thus, corporate real estate executives should consider urban locations for future office sites to attract the young professional worker. Urban redevelopment in most major cities has been prompted in part by the MIllenial demand for funky urban settings. This is particularly true for such urban markets as Silicon Alley in New York and the South of Market development phenomenon in San Francisco.

        Another key to the Millenial demographic is the high value they place on environmental issues. Millenials are motivated by a sense of purpose, and one key value that they would look for in an employer is the commitment to sustainability. Maintaining high environmental standards in office design and operations will be a plus when recruiting Millenials.

        The Millenial generation has little patience for hierarchy and status. This attitude suggests that office design needs to reduce the traditional focus on hierarchy as a measure of office size or type. Enclosed offices are becoming obsolete, and even CEOs now opt for an open office to project an egalitarian and non-hierarchical image. In many cases, non assigned workstations have become the norm, where office workers use reservation apps to reserve a workstation or conference room. The Millenial generation is highly tech savvy and thus, offices must be equipped with the latest in network technology to include WiFi, broadband connectivity, and high speed printing capabilities.

        Perhaps the single most important variable in the Millenial workplace conversation is the notion of corporate culture. The Fortune issue cited above which focuses on the 100 best companies to work for, cites corporate culture as the most important variable in attracting the young professional. Workplace design goes a long way in establishing and sustaining a corporate culture.  Thus, how a workplace is laid out, its décor, its perks suchas health facilities and food courts, and its focus on collaborative spaces all taken together reflect a culture of teamwork, purpose, and wellness, all values that are important to Millenials.

        The corporate real estate manager has a critical role to play in attracting and retaining a quality workforce. And the primary target of these new recruits is the Millenial. Thus, designing a corporate real estate strategy that is Millenial friendly should be a top priority for corporate real estate.



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        International Portfolio Management vs. US Only Portfolios Thu, 31 Mar 2016 17:33:00 +0000 It was early summer of 1995, and I was aboard a French SST Concord traveling at roughly Mach3 from New York to Paris..

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        It was early summer of 1995, and I was aboard a French SST Concord traveling at roughly Mach3 from New York to Paris. The CFO of my company had received an alarming call from European headquarters. Apparently the General Manager of the French company had unilaterally contracted with his brother-in-law to build out a new French headquarters in a suburb of Paris. The GM had not put the project out on competitive bid, and it was feared that beyond the conflict of interest there was the specter of kick-backs and other fraudulent issues involved. My mission was to confront the French manager with this issue and attempt to shut down the project pending a competitive bid process. Needless to say the French manager refused and was subsequently fired by senior corporate management.

        This brief tale highlights some of the more exotic issues with international real estate management. As a general statement, Europeans are quite independent and insist on a degree of autonomy in running their businesses. In managing a far flung international portfolio, it’s wise to have local advisors overseeing projects and lease portfolios, to inject a level of local control in the process.

        So what are some of the best practices needed to manage an international portfolio versus a US only portfolio? From my experience, here are five that top my list:

        ·      Understand local cultures and practices and attempt to work within them wherever possible. Avoid imposing standardized policies and standards; it will only antagonize local management and slow down the process. Maintain a level of flexibility and use local advisors to handle lease negotiations and project management activities. Consider using advisors that have pan-continental services, with offices in the US to insure coordination. Such firms as Jones Lang LaSalle or Cushman and Wakefield are examples of international service firms with a global presence.

        ·      Be mindful of unique real estate practices. For example, in the UK there’s a practice called “upward only rent reviews.” This refers to the somewhat bizarre practice of only escalating the rent periodically. US practitioners are typically bewildered by these local industry practices.

        ·      Insure that the lease management system has language and currency translation capability. It’s critical that international portfolios can be normalized both in currency and space data. Most international portfolios are denominated in metric units such as square meters versus square footage.

        ·      Involve your local advisor in lease and other contract negotiations. Perhaps the greatest risk in negotiations is differences in language. I recall negotiating a lease in Japan when my counterpart kept saying “hai,hai,” to many of our deal points. I wrongfully interpreted this response as his agreement. But I later learned that “hai” means “I understand,” not “I agree.” Big difference!

        ·      Integrate the international portfolio into the over-all real estate database, to provide a company- wide view of the real estate portfolio. But have local lease administrators update and maintain the database to insure language, currency, and space accuracy from country to country. I would typically designate someone in the country’s finance group to take on this responsibility, and report on a dotted line back to lease admin in the corporate office.

        Conclusion: Managing an international real estate portfolio requires focus on local practices, cultures, and differences in language. But beyond these local differences, real estate management is essentially uniform in the underlying economics of the transaction whether in the US or internationally. Understanding how the concept of discounted cash flow affects the economics of the deal is true whether in New York, Amsterdam, or Tokyo.


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        Co-Working Revisited: What are the Drawbacks? Thu, 24 Mar 2016 10:35:04 +0000 In my last Blog posting I covered the subject of co-working; an office concept which entails using office space on a shared basis. Unlike executive suite operations such as Regus serviced offices; co-working is less formal, collaborative and aimed at the millennial generation. Co-working is growing rapidly in most major urban areas, particularly in central business districts. The outlook for growth is stunning, with nearly 2000 locations anticipated within five years. One of the most successful operators, Wework,  now has a market cap of over $5 billion, with no slowing in growth expected.

        But co-working is not without its drawbacks. 

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        In my last Blog posting I covered the subject of co-working; an office concept which entails using office space on a shared basis. Unlike executive suite operations such as Regus serviced offices; co-working is less formal, collaborative and aimed at the millennial generation. Co-working is growing rapidly in most major urban areas, particularly in central business districts. The outlook for growth is stunning, with nearly 2000 locations anticipated within five years. One of the most successful operators, Wework,  now has a market cap of over $5 billion, with no slowing in growth expected.

        But co-working is not without its drawbacks. Here are the major issues I encountered in researching the topic:

        ·      Interruptions: Perhaps the greatest complaint cited in co-working is the distractions from working in group settings. While private work spaces are available, the incremental cost can be prohibitive for the individual entrepreneur. Also for small work teams, the ability to have private meetings is limited.

        ·      Security: Co-working facilities have limited security which raises the specter of theft. And many co-working facilities have limited storage capacity for laptops, files, supplies, etc. In addition unless the individual can use private workspace or conference facilities, the issue of private conversations or phone meetings is typically compromised.

        ·      Legal issues: Co-working arrangements are more like health club memberships rather than traditional lease agreements. On one hand this provides a level of flexibility for the co-working user to cancel on short notice, but it also could result in inconvenient termination by the co-working operator.

        ·      Inconvenient individual office assignments: In most cases the co-working user does not have an assigned office location. This means that unless the user arrives early to secure the most desired location, they may end up next to the front entrance or some other undesirable location. Assigned locations typically require an incremental cost.

        ·      Undesirable co-working neighbors. Another complaint that comes up in the dark side of co-working is the problem of working with jerks. These are the users who are loud, profane, and just basically obnoxious.

        ·      Lack of team culture: Another complaint about co-working is the inability of work teams such as a corporate sales team, or research groups to develop a sense of identity and culture typically characteristic in traditional office environments. Additional cost would be required to secure dedicated space such as a separate team room, but this diminishes the practicality of operating in a co-working space.

        There are many advantages to co-working, and for many younger free-lancers the co-working alternative provides the services, infrastructure and collegiality, that is missing in a work-from- home set-up. For corporate users, co-working provides another location alternative for its mobile workforce. But potential users of co-working space should carefully evaluate their circumstances, priorities, and needs before committing to the co-working alternative.

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        Co-Working: Alternative to Telecommuting?? Sun, 06 Mar 2016 19:25:17 +0000 The primary driver of this growth is the rise of the contingent worker, which represents about one third of the US workforce according to government estimates. With the advent of mobile technology and cloud computing, millennials, those between the ages of 20-35, seek non-traditional work environments as well as a sense of community. Co-working meets these needs by offering informal and edgy workplaces, and a spectrum of services that might include WiFi, marketing training, social events, and even conferences aimed at the young, independent entrepreneurs.

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        One of the early research notes I wrote at Gartner in 1999 was on the executive suite operator, Regus. I was intrigued with this company in the context of mobile office alternatives. Regus provided high end fully serviced and provisioned office space for individuals or small groups on various pricing schemes. Regus was growing quickly butsuffered from the tech bust in the early 2000’s and went bankrupt in 2003. Regus has since recovered and is now one of the leading providers of executive suite offerings.

        I recently revisited the subject of co-working and discovereda huge industry that spans the globe with over two thousand locations, principally located in major metropolitan areas such as New York, Chicago, San Francisco, London, Hong Kong, etc. Co-working as distinct from executive suites like Regus, was invented in 2005 by an entrepreneur, Brad Neuberg, who started a cooperative called the “Hat Factory.” It was a small team of tech workers who formed the nucleus of the co-working site and now the concept has grown exponentially with over 2000 co-working locations worldwide.

        The primary driver of this growth is the rise of the contingent worker, which represents about one third of the US workforce according to government estimates. With the advent of mobile technology and cloud computing, millennials, those between the ages of 20-35, seek non-traditional work environments as well as a sense of community. Co-working meets these needs by offering informal and edgy workplaces, and a spectrum of services that might include WiFi, marketing training, social events, and even conferences aimed at the young, independent entrepreneurs.

        One of the fastest growing co-working companies is WeWork, founded in 2010, by Adam Neuman and Miguel McKelvey in New York City. WeWork is now the fastest growing lessee in the United Sates. It now has over 52 locations and is reported to be adding 3-5 locations per month.  With 45,000 members, WeWork recently received new financing of $355 million, and is valued at over $1 billion. It enjoys a 40% profit margin, with a 98% occupancy. Investors include JP Morgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, and Mort Zuckerman who is also a key board member. WeWorkprovides a broad spectrum of services and amenities, including free beer, as well as offering group health insurance.  Pricing starts at $45 per month for entry level membership up to $500 per month for a private individual office.

        WeWork is diversifying by planning entries into other markets. It’s reported that they have several follow on services in the works, including “WeLive” combining office space with micro-apartments, and “WeSleep” an Air-B&B like hotel concept.

        One possible market for co-working is the corporate real estate market which could use a co-working service as an extension of its office locations. Sun Microsystems pioneered this concept back in the 1990s with its “network of places” program. Sun opened telework centers in major metro areas as alternative office locations for its mobile workforce. The federal government has also established telework centers in and around major metro areas as a way to reduce commute time.

        There’s no question that co-working fills a real need for the young independent worker who desires non-traditional work environments and the social benefits of working with others. It’s rapid growth underscores the problems with telecommuting or work from home such as loneliness, lack of stimulation, and the absence of colleagues and mentors. 


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        Press Release: FASB Publishes New Lease Accounting Standard Fri, 26 Feb 2016 20:18:49 +0000

        Woodbridge, NJ – February 26, 2016 – In 2006, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) undertook a project to address the widespread criticism that the current accounting standards do not accurately capture the financial impact of leases (most from the lessee side are off-balance sheet). Ten years later, the project is complete, and yesterday the FASB announced the newly adopted Standard.

        Under the new Standard, a lessee will be required to recognize on its balance sheet assets and liabilities for leases with lease terms of more than 12 months. Consistent with current GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles), the recognition, measurement and presentation of expenses and cash flows arising from a lease by a lessee primarily will depend on its classification as a finance or operating lease. However, unlike current GAAP—which requires only capital leases to be recognized on the balance sheet—the new Standard will require all leases to be recognized on the balance sheet.

        The Standard also will require disclosures to help investors and other financial statement users better understand the amount, timing and uncertainty of cash flows arising from leases. These disclosures include qualitative and quantitative requirements, providing additional information about the amounts recorded in the financial statements.

        While it has been a long process, we believe that the Standard will help ensure entities are appropriately recording the impact of their real estate leases on their financial condition. According to Marc Betesh, Founder and CEO of Visual Lease and KBA Lease Services:

        Once fully implemented, the new Standard will provide a much more accurate and reliable picture of an entity’s financial health. I am pleased that the FASB eliminated many of the problematic areas it had initially proposed in the early days of the first Exposure Draft back in 2010. It will still take quite a bit to properly record lease transactions, but the Standard is much more practical, especially when it comes to real estate leases.

        Visual Lease already distinguishes the different types of leases and the new reporting requirements for each. It then calculates all of the new balance sheet entries for Right of Use (ROU) assets and liabilities for both the FASB and IASB Standards.

        Mike Bell, Senior Advisor at Visual Lease reflected:

        The key to a successful transition to the new lease Standard will be getting organized as soon as possible. This will include ensuring that your Lease Administration software is fully FASB/IASB compliant, your CFO has evaluated the Balance Sheet implications of the new Standard on your corporate financial ratios and that you have a plan to manage your reporting requirements, not only for real estate, but for all leases. The organization will need to consider the impact that lease terms have on the Balance Sheet and take action over the coming years to minimize the impact expected in 2019.

        Much of this Mike has discussed in detail in his Blog at and with his whitepaper entitled “The Lease Accounting Tsunami” at

        For more information about the changes and how Visual Lease can help you to be prepared, please visit us at

        About Visual Lease

        Visual Lease’s mission is to facilitate efficient administration and exact compliance of real estate obligations through world-class software and customer service. We are committed to being real estate experts by staying in front of industry and technology trends while continually refining our products and services. The values driving us are excellence, diversity, dedication and passion.

        Visual Lease was founded by the principals of KBA Lease Services in 1995. Since its inception, Visual Lease has served businesses with portfolios of leases ranging from 15 to over 6,000. Our tagline, “Lease Software by Lease Professionals” is a source of pride based on our industry-leading expertise in commercial real estate and lease administration. No other company offers Visual Lease’s breadth of experience.

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        Expanding the CRE Charter? Thu, 18 Feb 2016 15:35:00 +0000 For some large companies, the charter of CRE has expanded to include physical security, sustainability, and now even the charter may include company wellness programs. In an open online survey conducted by CoreNet Global, a strong majority of respondents – 80 percent -- said that corporate wellness initiatives represent a "significant trend," while only 20 percent said that they were a "passing fad."

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        In my last Blog entry I discussed the future of the corporate real estate profession. The central role of the corporate real estate executive has been to manage the company’s real estate portfolio including property acquisition, disposition, leasing, and the day to day operations of facility management. For some large companies, the charter of CRE has expanded to include physical security, sustainability, and now even the charter may include company wellness programs. In an open online survey conducted by CoreNet Global, a strong majority of respondents – 80 percent — said that corporate wellness initiatives represent a “significant trend,” while only 20 percent said that they were a “passing fad.”

        And, more than 62 percent reported that their companies had instituted wellness initiatives in the last six months; 38 percent said that they had not.

        And my recent dinner meeting with a group of CRE leaders reinforced this interest, where it was the main agenda item.

        With intense competition for talented employees, it ‘s likely that companies would institute programs that would support the health and well being of their employees. These programs typically would include smoking cessation training, substance abuse, physical fitness facilities, company sponsored events such as road races, and other activities that add to the employee’s physical fitness. Some wellness programs also provide counseling, yoga, and other activities that address the mental as well as physical health of the employee.

        Wellness programs result in healthier employees, reduced absenteeism, and higher productivity. There is substantial evidence that wellness results in improved employee recruitment and retention, and improved financial performance.

        From my experience, a company wellness program is best managed by the human resources organization. There is most likely a manager or executive responsible for the program who reports into the human resourcesdepartmentand may have counterparts in the operating divisions that oversee local wellness initiatives.

        But what is the role of the CRE organization in company wellness? Most likely, CRE management would serve in a support role, particularly in managing the facilities needed for employee wellness activities. These would include the provision of physical fitness facilities, the contracting with local health clubs, and possibly the contracting with consultants that would serve as on site coaches or counselors.

        There are certainly examples where the CRE organization has direct responsibility for company wellness, but this would be the exception. The CRE organization is better aligned with sustainability initiatives such as energy management, and environmentally oriented construction such as the LEED (leadership in energy and environmental design) standard.       

        Another area of focus that is closely aligned with the CRE mission is physical security. This would include the development of physical security standards for company facilities as well as the provision of security technologies such as card reading devices, closed circuit TV monitoring, and perimeter alarm systems.

        The CRE department is already challenged to meet disruptive changes in the real estate market, the most urgent example is the imminent change in FASB/IASB leasing standards. As the economy goes through a possible downturn in the months ahead, there will be a significant demand to rebalance the company portfolio through subleasing and dispositions. My advice to CRE managers is to maintain your current charter, and decline efforts to add to your responsibilities such as company wellness initiatives at least in the near term. While a popular trend, company wellness is best managed by those responsible for employee recruitment and retention.



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        The Uncertain Future of the Corporate Real Estate Profession Fri, 12 Feb 2016 17:42:35 +0000 Earlier last week I attended a dinner in San Francisco of a group of corporate real estate executives. During the evening I had a chance to speak with several of the attendees, and queried what were the major issues being discussed by the group at their 2 day meeting. A number of topics came up including the subject of Corporate Wellness, Sustainability, and Strategy.

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        Earlier last week I attended a dinner in San Francisco of a group of corporate real estate executives. During the evening I had a chance to speak with several of the attendees, and queried what were the major issues being discussed by the group at their 2 day meeting. A number of topics came up including the subject of Corporate Wellness, Sustainability, and Strategy. But the most urgent question on their discussion list was “what is the future of the corporate real estate profession.” This question led to a number of speculations but no real consensus.

        Perhaps the greatest concern was one of irrelevance. Would the growth of outsourcing, and shared services render the role of the internal real estate profession as superfluous or irrelevant? Real estate and facilities management is not a core activity in many companies, (so the argument goes) and there are senior executives who want to eliminate or outsource non-core functions. Another concern is the possibility that another corporate function such as Information Technology or Human Resources would absorb the real estate function and depend primarily on outside service firms for transactional support.  A third possibility is the emergence of specialty service firms who combine technology services with real estate and facilities management services. This scenario is popular with companies who outsource much of their IT activities and are partial to the outsourcing model to reduce operating cost.

        I think this concern is unrealistic if not disingenuous. Real estate represents the second highest cost for most companies. As new companies emerge, they will need real estate of some kind for product development, workplaces, and manufacturing. Service firms alone cannot fully understand the needs and unique cultures of most companies, and at a minimum, management will need executives with the domain knowledge and experience to direct and manage outside service firms. If anything, the corporate real estate profession will grow with globalization, as international firms expand into global markets.

        The relevance (and growth) of the corporate real estate function and profession will be highly correlated to the degree with which the function is closely tied to the business strategy of the enterprise. Thus, it is a matter of success whether the corporate real estate executive focuses on strategy and process versus transactions and operations although these functions are critical.There are many examples where the corporate real estate function developed strategies which delivered substantial cost reductions, asset  enhancements, or progressive and flexible workplace environments. These are the corporate real estate professionals who earn a place at the senior management table, and prosper. Those who focus only on transactions and day to day operations become candidates for outsourcing. The choice is clear, and many at the dinner the other night were professionals who exemplified these principles of strategic leadership.

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        Some Thoughts about the Corporate Real Estate Organization Mon, 25 Jan 2016 18:43:52 +0000 A major question I am asked on occasion is what is the best way to organize the corporatereal estate function.  There are several fundamental principles that should be considered to answer this question.

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        A major question I am asked on occasion is what is the best way to organize the corporate real estate function.  There are several fundamental principles that should be considered to answer this question.

        • First is what is the scope of the real estate function?
        • Does the scope include only transactions?
        • Or is the function broadly responsible for planning,  budgeting, and managing the acquisition, disposition and on-goingmanagement of the facilities portfolio? 

        The over-all mission of the business will greatly affect the real estate organization structure. For example, a retail business will require a distinct set of competences in store location, design and build-out. A high tech company will need different skills and functions that will emphasize collaboration, access to skilled labor, and proximity to universities and other knowledge based services and resources. A professional services firm will require yet another set of skills and competencies, so the focus of the business will highly determine how the real estate function is staffed and organized.

        Another key variable in the organization topic is the focus on sourcing. To what degree is outsourcing of various functions such as leasing, design, construction management, and facilities managementa preferred method of achieving the necessary skills to manage the company’s real estate portfolio? For many companies, outsourcing non-core functions to service firms is the preferred approach. In some cases companies will engage a single service firm to manage all aspects of the real estate function and limit the role of internal real estate organization to strategy and service oversight.

        A discussion of organization structure is incomplete without a consideration of business processes. I learned from my days as a consultant that many clients suffered dysfunctional organizations because how they were organized was inconsistent with their work flows and processes.  Once the client went through a rigorous review of processes, the problems with organizational structure became much clearer. The review would typically uncover redundancies, communication problems, and confused roles and responsibilities. I always encouraged the client to undertake a rigorous review of key processes before considering organizational changes.

        Another key consideration in the organization discussion is an honest and frank discussion of company culture. The real estate organization must embrace cultural norms of the corporation to insure a level of trust and compatibility with management, operating unit clients, and other staff groups like finance, human resources, and information technology. Perhaps one of the major sources of conflict is between the real estate organization and the IT group. Here the issue is one of control and responsibility. The real estate group insists on controlling facilities projects while the IT group insists on certain controls governing security, power and air conditioning, and cabling. This organizational conflict is heightened around data center projects, where competing roles and responsibilities are the source oforganizational rivalry. Some companies use matrix management structures to insure collaboration and cross functional communication. The matrix has increased in popularity with the advent of collaborative technologies and mobile communication. But the matrix structure can be complex, and management must insure clear processes and accountabilities to avoid organizational chaos.

        Finally, the organizational topic must lead to a focus on technology. How is the real estate organizationusing the tools such as lease management systems, design and project management applications, and process support tools in the planning and management of the company’s real estate portfolio? Here again processes lead to the appropriate selection of technology tools, whether in the planning, transacting, or on- going management of the portfolio. With the advent of cloud computing, it is now possible to selectbest-in-breed solutions and integrate in the cloud using various APIs. (application program interfaces) This trend will reduce the cost of real estate technologies as well as reduce the time to acquire and configure various solutions.

        The corporate real estate function continues to evolve as companies go through disruptive change such as globalization, outsourcing, and technology innovations.  It’s probably inevitable that how a company is organized today to manage its real estate portfolio will change tomorrow. Staying on top of these changes and adjusting accordingly will be a major challenge for the successful corporate real estate leader.


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        The IASB Releases New Lease Standard, the FASB to Follow Soon Wed, 20 Jan 2016 18:40:00 +0000 The long awaited new lease standard has arrived! The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) released its version of the new lease standard last week with implementation scheduled for early 2019.  The US accounting standards board (FASB) is expected to release its version shortly with implementation to follow soon after IASB’s.

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        The long awaited new lease standard has arrived! The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) released its version of the new lease standard last week with implementation scheduled for early 2019.  The US accounting standards board (FASB) is expected to release its version shortly with implementation to follow soon after IASB’s.

        To recap, the new standards strive for greater transparency in financial reporting by putting all leases on the balance sheet as assets and corresponding liabilities. The IASB version differs from the US standard in one key respect and that is all leases are to be treated as capital leases, while the US standard will differentiate between capital leases (Type A) and Operating Leases (Type B) The latter will amortize leases using the straight line method whereas Type A will split out interest expense versus principle expense like a mortgage.

        I have written extensively about the new standards and invite readers to review the following Blog postings on Visual Lease’s web site, under Bell’s Blog:

        • The Lease Accounting Tsunami; Are You Prepared to Weather the Storm?
        • Why Do We Need a New Lease Standard?
        • A Correction to the White Paper: “The Lease Accounting Tsunami; Are You Prepared to Weather the Storm?”
        • Update to the FASB Rulings on Lease Options
        • Lease Standard Update- Possible UnintendedConsequences

        Here is the press release from the IASB regarding the new standard:

        In a subsequent release the FASB offered guidance on implementing the new FASB lease standard last week:

        These new lease standards will have a profound effect on capital structures and financial reporting. It is estimated that the new standards will add $3.5 Trillion in assets and liabilities onto company balance sheets. Certain industries will be impacted disproportionately because of their heavy use of leasing. These would include retailers, airlines, shipping companies and companies with large portfolios of leased properties such as restaurant chains.  Heavy users of IT assets which are typically leased like cloud computer entities will also be significantly impacted.

        Both the IASB and FASB have encouraged companies to immediately begin the transition process to these new standards. In effect companies will most likely maintain two sets of books, one for their traditional lease portfolio and one reflecting the new standards. Perhaps the most urgent priority is to insure that their lease management system has upgrades to calculate the new asset and liability values as well as new performance measurements such as return on assets, and debt to equity ratios. Another urgent step is to coordinate with the company’s auditor to insure that the new lease standards are accurately reflected, once the lease portfolio is recalculated.

        I will continue to monitor the IASB and FASB progress on the standards update, and will report any developments as they occur in Bell’s blog. Readers are encouraged to review Visual Lease’s offering in their new lease standard module.

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        New Year’s Resolutions for the Corporate Real Estate Executive Wed, 13 Jan 2016 00:00:36 +0000 During my tenure as head of real estate I always began the new year with a few resolutions that would become goals for the year ahead. These were typically above and beyond department objectives for the year and represented personal goals for some kind of improvement. Here are a few that I recall..

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        During my tenure as head of real estate I always began the new year with a few resolutions that would become goals for the year ahead. These were typically above and beyond department objectives for the year and represented personal goals for some kind of improvement. Here are a few that I recall:

        • Strive for personal development either by taking a career development course such as those offered by IFMA or Corenet; or catching up on a few popular management books. I’ve always been interested in strategy so I would seek out papers or books by Michael Porter of Harvard who is recognized as the guru of corporate strategy.  His book “Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors” is a classic on strategy. I also read several books by Jim Collins, most notably:” Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap and Others Don’t”
        • Attend at least one industry conference for both learning and networking experience. I was a member of IDRC for over fifteen years and served as its president in 1996-1997 before it merged with NACORE. Attending IDRC and then Corenet conferences became a yearly habit. When I switched industries and became an analyst at Gartner, I was obliged to attend the Gartner events as a speaker. I absorbed a huge amount of knowledge and insight about information technology which added exponentially to my knowledge base.
        • Update my contact base. I’m a strong proponent of networking both for what you can learn from others but also for the help a network can provide. I would constantly touch base with contacts in the brokerage, design, and engineering fields on all matter of issues.  These contacts become surrogate members of your staff and can help to resolve issues or problems quickly and efficiently. I recall reaching out to contacts in various cities when our group was working a deal for a new lease or construction project. What was the market outlook? What are the issues with local codes or covenants? Who’s a superior contractor in the local market? Your contacts in these cities can be an invaluable source of intelligence.
        • Constantly encourage innovation. I always had a passion for the “next big thing” and strived to inspire my organization to propose ways to improve our processes or technologies. I recall several innovations over the course of my career. At Xerox I led an effort to develop a Lease Management system we called “Lease-Ad.” By today’s standards this was a pretty rudimentary system written in Microsoft’s database management application. At one point we tried to sell the system to outside users but we ended up letting one of our employees take the system out on his own. Another innovation I developed with colleagues was a consulting group we called “The Harbinger Group.” The mission of this group was to pioneer research in the emerging “office of the future” trend. Our greatest accomplishment was helping a scientist from Xerox’s Palo Alto Research Center bring his network technology in front of Xerox senior management. The technology was a fiber optic networking system that allowed huge amounts of data to be transmitted over fiber optic cable. Xerox management had no interest in the technology (“we’re not in the wire business”) so I helped the scientist hook up with a corporate marketing guy who presented the technology to one of Harbinger’s venture capitalist clients.  The upshot of this introduction was venture funding of over $1M,  a license deal with Xerox, and a new company called Synoptics, which later became Bay Networks and ultimately was acquired by Cisco Systems. The technology became a key component of Internet networking. In essence Xerox walked away from a multiple billion dollar opportunity.

        At Gartner I teamed up with MIT and worked for a year developing a research project we called “The Agile Workplace.” This was a multi-client sponsored study and resulted in a landmarkreport on the worker mobility phenomenon. Many of the findings in the report became the basis for all kinds of technologies and practices which now represent the “new normal” in worker mobility.

        So what are your managerial resolutions for 2016?

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        Five Challenges Facing Corporate Real Estate Executives in 2016 Tue, 05 Jan 2016 21:28:34 +0000 With the New Year it’s a good time to take stock of the corporate real estate domain and consider the challenges facing the managerial profession responsible for the corporation’s real estate assets and services in the year ahead. Here are five major challenges if dealt with effectively will determine in part the success of corporate real estate in 2016.

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        With the New Year it’s a good time to take stock of the corporate real estate domain and consider the challenges facing the managerial profession responsible for the corporation’s real estate assets and services in the year ahead. Here are five major challenges if dealt with effectively will determine in part the success of corporate real estate in 2016.

        New FASB/IASB Lease Standard: We’ve been focusing on this dramatic new lease standard over the last several months in Bell’s Blog. Perhaps the greatest factor for success will be the degree of readiness when the standard is ultimately put into effect, now estimated to be in 2019. We believe companies need to start now to prepare for the commencement of this new standard which essentially requires all leases of more than one year to be placed on the balance sheet as both assets (value in use) and liabilities. Much work is required to achieve readiness including software upgrades, process changes, staff training, and portfolio restructuring. (Please read “The Lease Accounting Tsunami; Are You Prepared to Weather the Storm?”)

        Sustainability:  The environmental imperative has been given added urgency with the United Nation’s commitment to challenging conservation targets. A corporation’s facilities assets represent the largest consumer of energy resources, particularly electrical consumption. “Going green” is no longer a corporate imperative but also represents an excellent source for cost savings. Adopting environmental standards such as the LEED standard (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) for construction will insure environmental efficiencies and assure a positive image for the corporate brand.

        Staff Recruitment:  Now that the US economy has reached full employment, the challenge of staff recruitment and retention will become more intense in 2016 as employees seek more challenging and lucrative employment opportunities. This challenge is a double edged sword with work-loads in 2016 increasing with pressures to rebalance portfolios (new lease standard) while demand and competition for talented employee candidates intensifies. Corporate Real Estate executives must work closely with Human Resources to update replacement plans, as well as enhance workplace environments with progressive policies and amenities. Employment focus should shift to training, and personal development, as a way to enhance employee skills.

        Information Technology Refresh:  Corporate Real Estate Executives must insure that their information technology resources are adequate to meet new challenges such as the new lease standard as well as efficiencies gained through broader use of mobile technologies and cloud computing techniques. It is probable that there will be requirements to upgrade data center capacities associated with growth in servers and storage devices. (All related to growth in private cloud computing.)  

        Strategic Alignment: With the continuing improvement in the US economy, corporate real estate executives need to insure that facilities and real estate resources continue to meet the needs of the business units with a top to bottom review of portfolio strategy. Key questions to address: what and where is growth in space needed over the next 6 to 12 months? Are facilities configured to maximize agility and staff flexibility? Are we receiving adequate services at competitive prices from our major service providers? What can we do to reduce occupancy costs through consolidations, space reductions, and alternative workplace strategies such as telecommuting and desk sharing?

        The New Year is a good time to review and refresh strategy and processes. 2016 will bring disruptive change to facilities and real estate management. Those corporate real estate executives who fail to address the challenges ahead (such as those listed above) will risk failure and possibly job security.

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        Five Myths About the Generation Gap and the Workplace Mon, 30 Nov 2015 20:44:46 +0000 In the last several blog posts, I’ve explored various aspects about the future and how these trends may affect the workplace. One key variable in the future workplace is demographic differences, or how generational differences will impact workplace design. I suspect we all assume various truisms about the major generations. 

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        In the last several blog posts, I’ve explored various aspects about the future and how these trends may affect the workplace. One key variable in the future workplace is demographic differences, or how generational differences will impact workplace design. I suspect we all assume various truisms about the major generations. For example, Baby Boomers (those born between 1946-1964) are viewed as traditionalists and thus, more conservative in their preferences and tastes. At the other end of the scale are the Millenials, born between 1981-1996.  Here we assume a workforce that demands flexibility, choice, high-tech, and urban environments.

        In researching this question I came across a study which seems to refute several myths about the generational workplace preferences. In 2014, CBRE Global Research and Consulting conducted a survey of more than 5,500 professionals. Of the respondents,  22% were from the millennial generation closely mirroring U.S adult population estimates.

        Myth #1:  Millennials differ greatly from earlier generations in their views of the workplace.

        Reality: “As it turns out, the survey found that there was not more than a 10% difference between how the millennials responded versus how others responded to the 250 questions posed.”

        Myth #2:  Millennials are more collaborative than their older peer groups.

        Reality:  The CBRE report little difference between generations on how they spent their time. In fact, the data suggested that “company culture is  likely a better predictor of how time is spent in the workplace, as opposed to generational differences.”

        Myth #3:  Millennials want more informal and socially based communications.

        Reality: the Millennials said “they would like more time connecting via email and more time in formal meetings.” This apparently illustrates “the desire to have increased visibility into organizational decision making and a more established seat at the table”

        Myth #4:  Millennials want to live and work in the urban core.

        Reality: “In fact, less than half of millennials live in the urban core. CBRE reports that a bigger factor is commute time. So long as the workplace is within 45 minutes of an employee’s home, both suburban and urban locations will meet employees’ needs irrespective of their generational identity.

        Myth #5:  Millennials demand a more diversified work environment.

        Reality: The report makes a case that all employees despite generational identity demand more flexibility and choice in the work environment including private spaces to think and concentrate.

        Bottom Line: “Don’t necessarily design the workplace around millennials. Design a well-balanced  office that can accommodate all generations of workers-one that provides a healthy mixture of collaborative, focus areas, and an environment that promotes employee socialization.”

        Reference: CBRE Global Research and Consulting, November 2014, “Designing the Office of the Future.”



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        A Closer Look at IOT (Internet of Things) Fri, 20 Nov 2015 23:36:34 +0000          In my last Blog entry I wrote that IOT would be a megatrend that would revolutionize building operations by imbedding machine addressable technology in every aspect of the built environment. IOT is not new. In fact the technology has been around since the late 1990s. Gartner estimates that there will be nearly 26 billion devices on the Internet of Things by 2020.

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         In my last Blog entry I wrote that IOT would be a megatrend that would revolutionize building operations by imbedding machine addressable technology in every aspect of the built environment. IOT is not new. In fact the technology has been around since the late 1990s. Gartner estimates that there will be nearly 26 billion devices on the Internet of Things by 2020.

        Virtually all aspects of society will be transformed by IOT particularly infrastructure, manufacturing, and energy management systems. Large scale deployments are currently underway globally.  “For example, Songdo, South Korea, the first of its kind fully equipped and wired smart city, is near completion. Nearly everything in this city is planned to be wired, connected and turned into a constant stream of data that would be monitored and analyzed by an array of computers with little, or no human intervention.”

        Because of the enormous number and complexity of devices connected to the internet, technology pundits believe that a new protocol – Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) will be implemented that will allow virtually all human-made objects to communicate over the internet. “The internet of objects would encode 50 to 100 trillion objects and be able to follow the movement of these objects. Human beings living in urban environments will each be surrounded by 1000 to 5000 trackable objects.”

        IOT is not without controversy. The potential for massive surveillance and other invasions of privacy worry critics. Here are a few quotations about these issues: (all quotations from Wikipedia)

        Justin Brookman, of the Center for Democracy and Technology, expressed concern regarding the impact of IOT on consumer privacy, saying that “There are some people in the commercial space who say, ‘Oh, big data — well, let’s collect everything, keep it around forever, we’ll pay for somebody to think about security later.’ The question is whether we want to have some sort of policy framework in place to limit that.”

        Tim O’Reilly, founder of Open Source, who popularized the term “open source”  believes that the way companies sell the IOT devices on consumers are misplaced, disputing the notion that IOT is about gaining efficiency from putting all kinds of devices online and postulating that “IOT is really about human augmentation. The applications are profoundly different when you have sensors and data driving the decision-making.”

        Editorials at WIRED have also expressed concern, one stating ‘what you’re about to lose is your privacy. Actually, it’s worse than that. You aren’t just going to lose your privacy; you’re going to have to watch the very concept of privacy be rewritten under your nose.”

        The American Civil Liberties Union(ACLU) expressed concern regarding the ability of IOT to erode people’s control over their own lives. The ACLU wrote that “There’s simply no way to forecast how these immense powers — disproportionately accumulating in the hands of corporations seeking financial advantage and governments craving ever more control — will be used. Chances are Big Data and the Internet of Things will make it harder for us to control our own lives, as we grow increasingly transparent to powerful corporations and government institutions that are becoming more opaque to us.”

        If you’ve watched the new CBS series “Cyber NCIS,” you get a sense of how IOT could wreak havoc on the populace. Episodes have envisioned how IOT has taken over the control of automobiles, airliners, and drones, with disastrous results. And one episode followed a terrorist plot that used IOT to detonate a bomb.

        The Internet of Things will transform building and real estate management but we should be vigilant to the dark side of this technology. In the wake of the recent Paris attacks, we shudder at the prospects of extremists using this stuff to attack our homeland.

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        Three Scenarios of the Future of Work and Workplace Implications Wed, 11 Nov 2015 22:04:08 +0000 Price Waterhouse Coopers recently published a report,  “The Future of Work, a Journey to 2022,” in which the consulting firm developed three scenarios of how the future of work may evolve over the next 7 years. Mike reviews them here.

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        PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PWC) recently published a report,  “The Future of Work, a Journey to 2022,” in which the consulting firm developed three scenarios of how the future of work may evolve over the next 7 years. The project employed  the scenario planning technique invented by Peter Schwartz, and described in his book, “The Art of the Long View” made famous by Shell Oil which anticipated the oil crisis in the 1970s.  The three scenarios in the PWC report emerge from two orthogonal vectors:  1) fragmentation/ integration and 2)  collectivism/ individualism. PWC labels the three scenarios as the “Orange world” where small is beautiful, the “Green world” where companies “care,” and the “Blue world” where corporate is king. In the Orange world, “ companies begin to break down into smaller collaborative networks and specialization dominates the world economy.” In the Green world, “social responsibility dominates the corporate agenda with concerns about demographic changes, climate and sustainability issues.” In the Blue world, “big company capitalism rules as organizations continue to grow bigger and individual preferences trump beliefs about social responsibility.”

        While the report focuses primarily on the human resource implications of the three scenarios, it has little to say about the workplace implications of these three futures. Here are my thoughts on that question:

        The Orange world workplace: This is the world of entrepreneurs and free lancers, who favor highly flexible and IT intensive work environments. Incubator, co-working workplaces will proliferate, particularly in urban, regentrified neighborhoods. (think Silicon Alley in New York, or South of Market in San Francisco) Informality will dominate where millennials are the primary users of the workplace facilities, although boomers, and gen-Xers will also grow as a percentage of the workforce as people live longer and put off retirement.

        The Green world will emphasize environmental and sustainable work environments. LEED (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design) certified design will predominate and most of the office growth in the green world will occur in suburban and rural markets, because of the lower cost of development. With its emphasis on sustainability, the Green world will prompt continuous innovation in office design, and advances in mechanical and electrical systems that will embrace technology at every level of design, installation and operation. The Green world will spur development of “the internet of things” where all aspects of building operations will be managed by automated control systems, spanning the entire spectrum including electrical, mechanical, security, and other aspects of the building environment.

        The Blue world reflects perhaps the most conservative and traditional office environment. With its emphasis on cost containment and control, the workplace is more formal and more hierarchical with a mix of closed and open workstations. This is the world of high rise offices, and suburban campuses, and even though there will be workplace flexibility, and proliferation of mobile technology, the workforce of the Blue World works primarily from more traditional office environments.

        There are megatrends that will cut across these three futures and influence the CRE management tasks and responsibilities in the years ahead:

        ·      Mobility: the workforce will become ever more mobile as communication technology advances with stunning speed. CRE managers will need to embrace workplace agility concepts both in office design, and operational support

        ·      Internet of Things (IOT): Virtually everything about the office environment will be machine addressable through the internet. This reality will revolutionize building operations and design. Most aspects of the workplace environment will be automated and regulated by digital technology, and this data flow will be captured and analyzed within building management systems of the near future.

        Big Data: The growth of massive data bases and analytical software, mostly based in the cloud, will revolutionize the management of real estate, leases, and the whole spectrum of fixed assets. Forecasting office demand will be like forecasting the weather, and CRE managers will have enormous insight into workplace drivers and costs through the advent of big data and analytics.

        Demographics: The changes in demographics will have a profound impact on workplace design and location criteria. The workforce is aging, retirement will be extended, and racial diversity will be the norm particularly in urban and international markets.

        Outsourcing: Outsourcing will grow more rapidly. Most corporate functions including real estate and workplace management will invariably be outsourced to service firms. Increasingly specialty service firms will take on the responsibility of non-core activities. This will be driven in part by technology enablers, but also as cost containment becomes a management imperative. 

        Some years ago I concluded a research note with a quote from William Jennings Bryant. I think its apropos as we contemplate the future:  “The future is not to be predicted but imagined and acted upon. Destiny is no matter of chance. It is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.”

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        Back to the Future: Past Predictions on CRE and the Workplace Thu, 05 Nov 2015 21:18:21 +0000 October, 2015 is the month and year when Marty McFly traveled from July 1985 to the future in the famous Delorean time machine. Thus, it’s a good time to review past predictions of the changing workplace, and to rate their accuracy. Predictions of the future almost always miss the mark. Here are a few of my favorite classic misses:*

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        October, 2015 is the month and year when Marty McFly traveled from July 1985 to the future in the famous Delorean time machine. Thus, it’s a good time to review past predictions of the changing workplace, and to rate their accuracy. Predictions of the future almost always miss the mark. Here are a few of my favorite classic misses:*

        • “I think there is a world market for maybe five computers.” — Thomas Watson, chairman of IBM, 1943
        • “This ‘telephone’ has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as a means of communication. The device is inherently of no value to us.” — Western Union internal memo, 1876.


        • “While theoretically and technically television may be feasible, commercially and financially it is an impossibility.” — Lee DeForest, inventor.


        • “The wireless music box has no imaginable commercial value. Who would pay for a message sent to nobody in particular?” — David Sarnoff’s associates in response to his urgings for investment in the radio in the 1920s.


        • “Radio has no future. Heavier-than-air flying machines are impossible. X-rays will prove to be a hoax.” — William Thomson, Lord Kelvin, British scientist, 1899.

        My entire career has been underscored by a succession of predictions, primarily about the workplace. While a real estate manager at Xerox, I directed a project entitled “Office 88,” which was a forecast of the “new workplace” from a perspective in 1983. The primary purpose of the project was to identify technologies and furnishings that would transform the office environment. This was at a time when office technology was primarily still in the electric typewriter and fax machine era. I think our greatest insight related to the possibility of the paperless office which was way off the mark. Then a few years later, I formed “The Harbinger Group,” which was essentially a research group formed to identify changes in the workplace that would present product opportunities for Xerox. Our greatest achievement was the publishing of a research report, ORBIT II, which was a collaboration with Cornell and a British architectural firm, DEGW. The acronym stood for Organizations, Buildings, and Information Technology, and was a sequel to an earlier ORBIT study. We focused on office design, and services, with the advent of networked computing. Perhaps our greatest contribution was identifying a network technology at Xerox’s Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) that created software that made it possible to send multi-media over fiber optic cable. Xerox opted to license the technology to two Xerox individuals who formed their own company: Synoptics. This fledgling enterprise became Bay Networks and was eventually acquired By Cisco. The Xerox guys made millions (not yours truly) and the birth of client server and multimedia telemetry was born. In essence Xerox invented one of the cornerstones of the Internet, but didn’t know it.

        My latest foray into predicting the future workplace was the collaboration with MIT, Gartner and 22 corporate sponsors in a year- long research project entitled, “The Agile Workplace.” (Gartner, 2001) In reviewing the predictions in this report, I would say if anything we were too conservative. Almost all the predictions emerged as reality but much quicker than we had predicted. For example, we completely underestimated the growth of mobile computing and the impact of the smart phone. We also miss-judged the integration of workplace services, i.e. the merger of CRE, HR and IT. Even this prediction was too aggressive:

        Through 2006, fewer than 25 percent of enterprises will fully integrate support services and processes between human resources, IS and real property management organizations, losing the potential for 15 percent to 35 percent improvement against financial and customer satisfaction benchmarks (0.7probability).

        In the next Blog post I will put forward a few new predictions about CRE and the evolving workplace. Change is accelerating at blinding speed, so making predictions that will stand the test of time is always a risky business.

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        A Correction to the White Paper: “The Lease Accounting Tsunami; Are You Prepared to Weather the Storm?” Thu, 29 Oct 2015 17:22:36 +0000 In a earlier white paper, The Lease Accounting Tsunami; Are You Prepared to Weather the Storm?, I wrote that users should evaluate the effects of the new FASB/IASB on a company’sdebt structure, debt to equity, and other factors that would be affected by the new standard, assuming lease liabilities would be considered as debt. In point of fact, the FASB explicitly decided that Type B lease liabilities should not be considered as “debt.” However, the IASB which treats all leases as Type A leases or capital leases, does consider these liabilities as “debt-like liabilities.” (Their exact words) As one of my accounting friends advised “The accounting for Type A leases requires IASB companies to record interest expense, and segregates payments on the lease liability into operations and financing outflows per the cashflow statement, which is consistent with debt.”

        Thus, US companies will experience less impact from the new standard, particularly as it relates to debt covenants, debt to equity metrics, and capital structures. But US companies with significant international lease portfolios subject to the IASB standard, will see their debt levels increase.

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        In a earlier white paper, The Lease Accounting Tsunami; Are You Prepared to Weather the Storm?, I wrote that users should evaluate the effects of the new FASB/IASB on a company’sdebt structure, debt to equity, and other factors that would be affected by the new standard, assuming lease liabilities would be considered as debt. In point of fact, the FASB explicitly decided that Type B lease liabilities should not be considered as “debt.” However, the IASB which treats all leases as Type A leases or capital leases, does consider these liabilities as “debt-like liabilities.” (Their exact words) As one of my accounting friends advised “The accounting for Type A leases requires IASB companies to record interest expense, and segregates payments on the lease liability into operations and financing outflows per the cashflow statement, which is consistent with debt.”

        Thus, US companies will experience less impact from the new standard, particularly as it relates to debt covenants, debt to equity metrics, and capital structures. But US companies with significant international lease portfolios subject to the IASB standard, will see their debt levels increase.

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        IT and Facilities Management : Rivals or Partners? Thu, 22 Oct 2015 22:17:41 +0000 Having split my career between facilities management and IT management,  I gained an appreciation of how these two professional disciplines have many similarities, but distinct differences which createpolitical difficulties in many organizations.

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        Having split my career between facilities management and IT management,  I gained an appreciation of how these two professional disciplines have many similarities, but distinct differences which createpolitical difficulties in many organizations. Both facilities management and IT management have large portfolios of assets, manage significant capital budgets, and complete projects with large financial commitments. Both functions have mission critical responsibilities; and require professional knowledge and expertise, that depends on both experience, management skill, and unique technical knowledge and skill.

        IT and Facilities management have traditionally operated in separate worlds with distinct business cultures, differing professional orientations, different vocabularies, and conflicting operating objectives. The CIO lives or dies on the issue of reliability and uptime and business functionality. The facilities manager focuses on cost reduction, stable and predictable capacities and tolerances, and maintainability. The IT organization uses acronyms and other technical terms like MIPs, bandwidth, uptime, and throughput that seem like Greek to the facilities team. Conversely, the facilities staff talks in terms of square feet and cost per square foot. With the advent of technology convergence, virtualization, cloud computing, and high density processing these two worlds now collide, particularly in the context of data center planning and design, and new office projects. With the advent of mobile technology and cloud based applications, information technology has transformed the nature of work and the workplace. Thus, it’s critical that the CIO and facilities and real estate executive work closely in both the planning and implementation of modern office facilities. In fact, many organizations have created cross functional teams to encourage collaboration between the IT and facilities organization. Once scorned as inefficient and politically conflicted, the matrix organizational structure, has grown in popularity as a way to bridge the gap between IT and facilities. Another organizational technique to bridge the gap is to use virtual teams composed of IT, facilities, project engineers, and other disciplines needed for a major office project. The virtual teams work primarily through web based applications that coordinate work flow and control project accountability.

        In addition some organizations actually have both facilities, real estate, and IT report to a single executive, to insure close coordination. By cross fertilizing the various functions, team members gain appreciation for the other’s priorities and challenges. When we worked on the “Agile Workplace” project, we discovered several major companies who experimented with various organizational models with some degree of success. The key to success with any model was a focus on leadership,  communication and creating joint accountabilities for project success.

        IT and facilities managementoversee large operating and capital budgets. By working together, they have a much greater chance for success than working in isolation.  Now that the data center is the critical entity for cloud computing, it is becoming urgent that facilities and IT workmore closely together, or risk dysfunctional projects with budget overruns, and broken schedules.

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        Clicks and Bricks Fri, 09 Oct 2015 15:04:02 +0000 Virtually the entire infrastructure of the enterprise combines traditional facilities assets: buildings, land, furnishings, and lease contracts and IT assets: servers, storage, networks, mainframes, and applications. In the last half century these distinct asset classes have become ever more intertwined, interdependent, and fused to create work platforms.

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        A comment on the next few blog entries:

        One of my interests as both a former real estate executive and then an analyst at Gartner has been the relationship of real estate management and IT management. I predicted over twenty-five years ago while at Xerox, that IT would transform the workplace and the nature of work. This was before the advent of the internet and mobile technology. We were still working with client server architectures, LANs, and desktop computing. At Xerox, I founded a subsidiary, the Harbinger Group which focused on the office of the future. We did a multi-client study called ORBIT-II in conjunction with Cornell University and a British Architect.  In that study we were convinced that emerging technologies would revolutionize the workplace. Later at Gartner I led a multi-client study we called, “The Agile Workplace,” in which we examined how IT was driving workplace flexibility, to include telecommuting, desk sharing, and co-working arrangements.

        These blog entries reflect on this IT-real estate convergence. I hope you find them of interest:

        Clicks and Bricks

        Virtually the entire infrastructure of the enterprise combines traditional facilities assets: buildings, land, furnishings, and lease contracts and IT assets: servers, storage, networks, mainframes, and applications. In the last half century these distinct asset classes have become ever more intertwined, interdependent, and fused to create work platforms. With the advent of distributed processing in the 1980s, and then net centric computing in the last 10-15 years, the boundaries between space (physical) and cyberspace (virtual) continue to blur. Consider the retail industry. Internet shopping has transformed the nature of retail, where retailers combine traditional store based offerings in combination with web based shopping. Blockbuster competes with Netflix by combining store based rentals with web based services. You can order a DVD on line, receive it in the mail, and return to a local Blockbuster store. This combination of “clicks and bricks” typifies many retail business models whether its electronics, automobiles, or fashion. Shop on the web or the store, or both. Clicks and bricks, the combination of physical infrastructure and web based applications and connectivity continues to transform virtually all industries including medicine (virtual diagnostics); education (virtual classrooms); financial services (virtual banking and trading) and government (self service via web based applications).

        This fusion of the physical with digital infrastructure mandates a fusion of management disciplines, processes, software tools, and performance metrics. But IT management and facilities management still remain primarily siloed in their own functional domains with different vocabularies, cultures, and time scales. Beyond the obvious differences, IT and facilities bring vastly different perspectives to their respective functional disciplines. IT focuses on availability, uptime, fault tolerance, and reliability. Facilities focuses on stability, efficiency, capital conservation, and risk minimization. Not that these factors aren’t important to the CIO; but uptime always wins above efficiency. One of the biggest differences between IT and facilities is the time scale dimension. IT assets typically involve a 2-3 year asset life; where facilities assets span decades. IT changes rapidly; hardware and software assets become obsolete quickly sometimes in less than a year; whereas buildings endure for years. IT operations work in real time; responding or reacting to instantaneous changes in the network; whereas facilities operations work in much longer time scales; a typical building project can span 24 to 36 months; whereas software applications can be acquired almost immediately via a web services offering.

        No where has the critical need for IT and facilities management collaboration been more urgent than in the modern data center. There is a virtual crisis in the modern data center. With the advent of high density equipment like blade servers; the power demand and corresponding heat gain in the data center has quadrupled in the last few years. Historically, data centers were designed to provide 40 to 50 watts per square foot; or the equivalent of 2-3 Kilowatts per rack. Today, power demands of 10KW – 15 KW per rack overwhelm traditional power supply and underfloor cooling. The energy costs of the data center have commensurately escalated to 4 to 5 times historical rates. It’s now common to see data centers incurring $50 to $60 per square foot in annual electrical costs. George Gilder, at a recent conference in Boston, reported that the combined energy consumption of the four major internet companies (Google, Yahoo, AOL, and MSN) equal the power consumption of the city of Las Vegas. Goggle is reportedly spending in excess of $1 Billion a year alone in electrical costs. The data center energy crisis has emerged as a federal imperative. The US Congress has passed legislation for the EPA to study data center energy consumption and return later this summer for legislative recommendations that may involve penalties or restrictions similar to recent legislative initiatives in building more energy efficient automobiles. The broader “green” trend globally will become more intense, necessitating a more collaborative and unified approach between IT and facilities management within the enterprise.


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        More Detail on the Real Estate Strategic Plan Tue, 22 Sep 2015 20:49:00 +0000

                    In this morning’s New York Times, it was reported that Goldman Sachs recently consolidated from three floors to two in its major Manhattan office tower. The Times reports that “the changes in real estate have helped Goldman reduce its cost by 17 percent since 2010.” This is yet another example of the value in corporate real estate strategic planning and why I wanted to spend a bit more time on the subject.

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        In this morning’s New York Times, it was reported that Goldman Sachs recently consolidated from three floors to two in its major Manhattan office tower. The Times reports that “the changes in real estate have helped Goldman reduce its cost by 17 percent since 2010.” This is yet another example of the value in corporate real estate strategic planning and why I wanted to spend a bit more time on the subject.

        In the last blog entry I outlined the key components of the corporate real estate strategic plan. In this blog, I examine in greater detail specific areas of focus in the strategic plan

        Plan components:

        ·      As a first step, the strategic plan (the Plan) should include key objectives, including financial summaries, environmental goals, and workplace flexibility goals.

        ·      The Plan should include a demand forecast of total square feet over five years as a function of headcount growth or other relevant growth factors.

        ·      The Plan should include an executive summary, graphically presenting the financial results of the Plan by year, over a five year time frame.

        ·      The Plan should include a summary of market benchmarks and then compare actual rental rates, and space ratios to benchmarks. This analysis should be   particularly done for major locations.

        ·      The Plan should include major projects by year, and highlight timing and budget (both expense and capital) for each major project.

        ·      The Plan should contain a separate section which highlights the major city consolidation plan, including targeted locations, project details, and financial results.

        ·      The Plan should tie with the two year annual operating budget by location, and then extend the financial summary for an additional three years; for a total five year financial forecast.

        ·      An addendum to the Plan should include a complete inventory of both leased and owned locations, with action items highlighted that would require lease renewals, extensions, terminations, and relocations within the first two years of the strategic plan. Ideally this data could be a feed from the Lease Management System.

        ·      The Plan should include a separate section that summarizes the asset and liability values as required by the new FASB and IASB lease standards.

        ·      The Plan becomes the primary communication vehicle to convey plan objectives to real estate partners including tenant representatives, design consultants, and other third party service providers that would be contracted to implement key projects in the Plan.

        ·      Similarly, the Plan should also be communicated to key stakeholders such as corporate finance, office of general counsel, IT, and human resources.

        ·      Ideally, the Plan needs to be kept current through quarterly reviews and updates.

        Some Final Thoughts: The Corporate real estate strategic plan is separate from the lease management system. Ideally the lease management system should feed data to the Plan, but the systems are two distinct tool sets with common data bases.

        This outline of the corporate real estate plan is only one version of what will vary by company based on the company’s core business, size, culture, and asset types. Retail companies will focus more on location criteria and consumer market demographics. Manufacturing companies will emphasize labor markets and supply chain considerations in its strategic plan. Government entities will have yet another set of priority considerations in its real estate strategic plan. But the basic elements as discussed above will more or less be common across business entities.

        Perhaps the most important responsibility of the head of corporate real estate is the development of a detailed and well conceived real estate strategic plan. Without it the corporate real estate function is failing to align its facilities and leases with corporate goals, and communicating these plans to its various constituents.(particularly senior management)

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        Press Release: Visual Lease and the Tsunami of Coming FASB/IASB Lease Accounting Changes Tue, 15 Sep 2015 21:52:00 +0000

        WOODBRIDGE, NJ, September 15, 2015 – The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and its international counterpart the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) are expected to release their final respective versions of the Lease Accounting Standards by the end of 2015, with implementation required by 2017-2018. The IASB is expected to release soon, and the US Board is expected to follow suit by the end of this year. The Standard requires lessees to record all real estate and equipment leases of more than one year on the balance sheet as liabilities, with corresponding assets called “Right of Use” (ROU) assets. The impact of this accounting standard change will have a profound impact on a company’s capital structure, leasing practices and operational processes. In fact, it has been estimated that the accounting change will add $1.35+ trillion of assets and liabilities to company balance sheets.

        The new standard will require significant work for US corporations and any entity reporting on a GAAP basis. All leases will have to be analyzed to determine their current ROU and liability values, and such calculations will have to go back three years to stay compliant with Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) regulations. Interestingly, in a recently published survey by IBM, 92% of companies surveyed indicated that they were not prepared to implement the Standard, either in terms of lease information systems, employee training or leasing practices and policies.

        “This is a fundamental shift in how we account for real estate assets. Although the exact details of the lease accounting standard changes are yet to be seen in their final form, most of the elements have now been defined, and companies already should be collecting the data needed to generate the required entries. With everything that needs to be done, companies that wait until the last minute will certainly regret not acting sooner,” says Michael Bell, Senior Advisor at Visual Lease. See Visual Lease’s whitepaper, “The Lease Accounting Tsunami; Are You Prepared to Weather the Storm?”

        According to Michael, some of questions you should be asking now to get prepared for the transition include:

        1. How does the new standard affect the current lease portfolio? Specifically, what is the total asset value (ROU) and liability value after recalculating the company’s lease portfolio?
        2. How will these new values affect the company’s key financial indicators such as ROA (return on assets), debt to equity ratio, and related taxes?
        3. How should future lease/buy decisions change in light of the new standard?
        4. What portion of the lease portfolio will be impacted by the international standards, which differ slightly from the US FASB standard?
        5. What data elements and system enhancements are needed to the company’s lease management system, lease accounting processes and personnel training to comply with the new standard?

        “In order to ensure that our clients have the most up-to-date analytical capabilities, Visual Lease’s FASB functionality will capture all of the needed data elements and perform all the required analyses. In fact, we built this two years ago when FASB issued its first Exposure Draft, but put further development on hold because FASB was not clear on its final direction,” says Derek Anderson, Managing Director of Visual Lease. “Now that FASB is close to issuing the Standard, we are completing our development work. But for us, not only must it work properly, it has to be as easy to use as the rest of the system. We know that simplicity and clarity are two of Visual Lease’s most important differentiators. The FASB changes can be no different. Visual Lease’s FASB functionality will be clean, easy and effective.”

        The new FASB lease accounting changes in Visual Lease will include:

        • Identification of the financial impact of the changes on the portfolio
        • Automated identification of Type A and Type B leases
        • Portfolio reporting under both FASB and IASB rules
        • Automation of the generation of ROU and liability entries for the general ledger

        Additionally, Visual Lease will work with its clients to help them identify the impact of the changes as well as strategies for mitigation and accommodation. Marc Betesh, Founder and CEO of Visual Lease, added “Our 30 years of lease accounting expertise will provide a critical advantage for our clients. We understand how the new Standard should optimally fold into existing processes, as not only were we direct FASB roundtable participants, but we’ve been working with lease accounting since well before any of the lease management systems were developed.”

        About Visual Lease

        Visual Lease’s mission is to facilitate efficient administration and exact compliance of real estate obligations through world-class software and customer service. We are committed to being real estate experts by staying in front of industry and technology trends while continually refining our products and services. The values driving us are excellence, diversity, dedication and passion.

        Visual Lease was founded by the principals of KBA Lease Services in 1995. Since its inception, Visual Lease has served businesses with portfolios of leases ranging from 15 to over 6,000. Our tagline, “Lease Software by Lease Professionals” is a source of pride based on our industry-leading expertise in commercial real estate and lease administration. No other company offers Visual Lease’s breadth of experience.

        For more information or to schedule a demo, please visit or call us at 888-876-6500.

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        The Corporate Real Estate Strategic Plan Tue, 15 Sep 2015 00:22:02 +0000

        In the last blog entry we reviewed how the strategic planning process evolved from forming the planning team, benchmarking performance indicators, and setting priority objectives. Outlined below is what the strategic plan looks like:

        The post The Corporate Real Estate Strategic Plan first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

        In the last blog entry we reviewed how the strategic planning process evolved from forming the planning team, benchmarking performance indicators, and setting priority objectives. Outlined below is what the strategic plan looks like:

        Over-all objectives:

        ·      Management has set forth the following strategic objectives for the corporate real estate function: 1.) Reduce over-all occupancy costs; 2.) strive for environmental sustainability in the company’s portfolio, 3.) and evolve a flexible work environment that fosters collaboration and employee mobility

        ·      From the benchmarking phase, the planning team determined that the corporation’s occupancy cost was at the high end of comparable companies in most leasing markets, at least 15% above competitive benchmarks. It further determined that space per person was high (300 sq ft per person) and set a goal to reduce this ratio by 50%. Finally the benchmarking study revealed that most office locations were neither energy efficient nor consistent with current environmental standards.

        ·      From a review and analysis of leased locations, the team determined that as high as 50% of the lease file was due for termination within 10 years, and 20% of the leased portfolio had leases expiring within 15 years. There was a major opportunity to reposition the leased facilities in more efficient, lower cost locations. From a FASB lease standard, it would appear that the lease repositioning would substantially reduce the total asset and liability levels once new leases were put in place.

        ·      Another key finding of the portfolio review determined that in at least 20 major metropolitan areas, the company had multiple locations that could be consolidated into two or three major locations, thus reducing space, cost, and improving operational efficiency by sharing support services and infrastructure. The strategic plan referred to this aspect of the plan as “the major city consolidation plan.”

        Plan Summary:

        ·      The plan outlined the key leasing actions to be completed over the next five years, striving to reduce space, and occupancy cost. Over-all annual occupancy costs and associated capital spend was summarized by year over the five year time frame.

        ·      The plan outlined a set of new office standards that included alternative office techniques like office hoteling and desk sharing. The new leased locations would adopt open plan work stations and a multitude of small and medium size conference rooms for team collaboration.

        ·      The plan set forth the major city plan and included detailed leasing actions for office consolidations.

        ·      The plan also set forth environmental standards that would improve energy efficiency, air quality, and office location sustainability.

        ·      The plan included a financial summary listing occupancy costs by location, by year, over a five year time frame. Associated capital costs, and project expenses were also included in the plan.

        ·      The strategic plan (once approved) became the basis for engaging tenant representatives in executing the leasing actions across the portfolio, by year.


        ·      The strategic real estate plan was successful in reducing occupancy costs through smaller location footprints, tighter lease rates, and consolidated locations

        ·      New office standards achieved operational flexibility by adopting alternative workplace standards and worker mobility techniques. (laptops, tablets, and cell phones)

        ·      By adopting new environmental standards, new locations achieved improved sustainability as offices were relocated into new standardized locations.

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        Forming the Strategic Planning Team Tue, 01 Sep 2015 15:46:19 +0000 How do you build your CRE team?

        The post Forming the Strategic Planning Team first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

         For purposes of the discussion on CRE strategic planning, let’s assume the following:

        ·      The portfolio of leased and owned property is both long established and diverse. The corporate properties are primarily leased facilities with lease terms averaging five years with several renewal and expansion options. Most of the major headquarters offices and manufacturing sites are owned properties. The portfolio is split between domestic and international locations.

        ·      The head of corporate real estate is new to the job and is not encumbered with past biases and cultural imperatives. The new director has extensive experience both as a CRE manager and real estate broker/consultant. The real estate team is fairly small consisting of leasing specialists, project managers, and a few specialists like designers and engineers.

        ·      The new CRE director has been recruited to update and transform the real estate function. Reporting to the corporate treasurer, the CRE director has been given a year to demonstrate progress with the corporate portfolio.

        ·      Corporate management has set three main goals for the CRE function. 1.) Improve the cost of occupancy 2.) Provide a contemporary and agile environment for the office workforce. 3.) Make the company portfolio more flexible and environmentally sustainable.

        The Planning Team:

        The CRE director forms a planning team with representatives from his staff as well as representatives from corporate finance, human resources, IT, and lawyers from the office of general council. He also tags representatives from corporate accounting to cover the requirements of the new FASB lease standard. (See earlier blog entries on this subject)

        The planning team sets forth the following priority actions:

        ·      Develop a master listing of all leased properties, with termination dates in descending order.

        ·      Identify performance indicators of the leased portfolio, to include: cost/sq ft., space per person, net present value of annual rental, expansion options, renewal options, building age and condition, space availability or shortages, location status (security, access to public transportation, convenience to employees, convenience to customers if relevant)

        ·      Run a parallel listing of leased locations using the new FASB/IASB leasing standard. Identify high impact leases, i.e. high asset value, candidate for purchase? Disposition?

        ·      Identify performance indicators of owned buildings and properties to include age, condition, energy costs, expandability, highest and best use, current market value, net book value, land value, easements.

        ·      Identify the technological status of all company properties i.e. telecommunication infrastructure, LANS, WiFi, printers, fax, HDTV, video conferencing, digital security.


        The next step in the strategic planning process is to benchmark the key performance indicators of the portfolio against market benchmarks and competitive benchmarks.

        Key questions:

        ·      How do company lease rates compare to local market rates, competitor’s rates?

        ·      What is the average space per person as compared to industry benchmarks? (IFMA, Corenet, etc.)

        ·      How do owned facility values (NBV) compare to current market values?

        ·      What are the most valuable, least valuable properties in the portfolio?

        ·      Identify high cost, or facilities with constrained occupancy in need of expansion or relocation

        ·      Identify energy efficient/ inefficient locations.

        ·      Identify locations with significant maintenance / repair issues

        ·      Identify feasibility of converting to alternative workplace strategy in select locations. (use of desk sharing, telecommuting, co-working sites like executive suites)

        ·      Is there a need to update company office standards?

        In the next Blog entry we’ll look at what a strategic real estate plan looks like and how it would be implemented.


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        Some Thoughts on Corporate Real Estate Strategy Wed, 26 Aug 2015 22:48:49 +0000 So what are the major components of the corporate real estate strategic plan?

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                    Much has been written about corporate real estate strategy. A Google search on the topic will yield hundreds of papers and presentations on the subject. Almost every real estate software vendor has posted articles on the subject and related the topic to their software and service offering. But from my experience very few corporate real estate organizations maintain a detailed real estate strategic plan, and worst very few fail to execute the plan that they’ve developed. Why is this the case?

                    I suspect that the real estate organizations are caught up in the day to day priorities and flash points and thus have little time to devote to strategy. It requires rare leadership on the part of the corporate real estate executive and senior management to set a high priority on strategic planning and execution. But for those corporate real estate organizations that adopt a strategic focus, the payoff in higher value, cost reduction, and enhanced efficiencies is profound.

                    So what are the major components of the corporate real estate strategic plan?

        ·      Financial: What are the profit goals and what role will the real estate portfolio play in contributing to these goals?

        ·      Customer support: How do the enterprise facilities support customer care? To what degree will the location and physical layout support the customer? (This is critical for retail facilities.)

        ·      Company Culture: To what degree will the facilities and interior design reinforce company culture? Is the space formal or informal? Will the facilities support collaboration and innovation? What is the level of privacy required?

        ·      Employee access: To what degree are the company facilities accessible to the employee base? Are the locations near public transportation? Is there adequate parking? Are the facilities safe, comfortable, and ADA compliant?

        ·      Security: To what degree do the facilities provide sufficient perimeter and internal security?

        ·      Information technology: To what degree are company locations adequately provisioned for advanced office technology infrastructure (WIFI, CATV, Broadband cabling, Laser Printing, Video Conferencing, Etc)

        ·      Flexibility: To what degree do the company leases provide options for expansion or termination? What is the capacity of the locations for space growth over the next five to ten years? What leases can be terminated without penalty?

        ·      Consolidations: What opportunities are there to consolidate locations for efficiency purposes? How much space and cost can be reduced through strategic consolidations? What investments are needed to implement these consolidations? What is the schedule for implementation?

        ·      Environmental Considerations: What is the status of the company buildings from an environmental standpoint? What upgrades are needed to make the buildings compliant with local and national standards regarding air quality and energy efficiency? Are there issues relating to hazardous conditions such as asbestos or chemical spills?

                    In the next several Blog entries I’ll drill down into the strategic planning process. And discuss how the CRE executive can form a planning team and devise a process to step through a systematic strategic planning process. Future Blog entries will also explore how the real estate system can support the planning and implementation process.


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        A Leasing Strategy to End All Leasing Strategies Mon, 17 Aug 2015 22:46:00 +0000 At the time I was the Corporate Real Estate Director of a major multinational corporation with a headquarters in New York City. It was the mid 1990s, and the real estate market in midtown Manhattan was a bit soft. Senior management wanted to move out of New York to an owned (and relatively vacant) office building in suburban Connecticut.

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                    At the time I was the Corporate Real Estate Director of a major multinational corporation with a headquarters in New York City. It was the mid 1990s, and the real estate market in midtown Manhattan was a bit soft. Senior management wanted to move out of New York to an owned (and relatively vacant) office building in suburban Connecticut. Most of the senior staff lived in Fairfield County, Connecticut and wanted to reduce their daily commute. I was faced with a serious dilemma: the lease on the 200,000 square foot headquarters office had at least ten more years and its rental rate was at least $10 over the current market rate. Thus, the possibility of a sublease was remote since accounting rules required that the difference between the sublease rate and the face rate of the lease would mean roughly $2 million per year for 10 years or $20 Million in rental that we would have to write off as a lump sum payment. Obviously management was loathe to take that kind of hit to their bottom line. What to do?

                    Our real estate team studied the leasing data for the corporation’s divisions in Manhattan, Long Island, and neighboring New Jersey. As it turned out, there were 3 different leases in mid town Manhattan that expired over a 2-3 year time frame. Would it be possible to move the headquarters staff to the owned facility in Fairfield County and then move the divisions into the Headquarters space? This would theoretically work, but we would have to subsidize the rental as an incentive for the business units to make the move. The other challenge is that we needed to renovate the Connecticut building for corporate headquarters staff, a project that would take at least two years. Thus, we had to lease a temporary facility in Connecticut, to make room for the midtown location to be re-configured for the operating divisions.

                    When I explained the strategy to the CEO, he rolled his eyes. “Bell,” he said, “This is not a ‘No Brainer’, this is a “Brainer!” But he told me to go back and develop detailed plans and financials for the over-all strategy. A month later, we presented the plan to the senior management team, and they gave us the “go ahead.”

                    We worked closely with the operating divisions and eventually got their reluctant agreement to make the move. Needless to say, they were getting a good deal: prime midtown Manhattan offices on Park Avenue, only blocks from Grand Central, and a rental rate substantially below what they were paying in their current locations.  The task ahead was daunting. We needed to renovate the Connecticut building, and the good news was that it would require 70,000 sq feet less, thus reducing the headquarters footprint from 200,000 sq. ft. of expensive occupancy to 130,000 square feet of low cost owned space. We would have to take a short term rental for two years, while we renovated the permanent building as well as reconfigure the Park Avenue headquarters for the operating division offices. Finally, we had to negotiate with the State of Connecticut incentives to move the headquarters from New York to Connecticut. The payroll was substantial and I had no trouble exacting a meaningful grant from the state.

                    All in all, we completed all the pieces of the strategy on time and on budget. The key to success was thinking outside the box. Rather than figure out ways to offset the huge accounting write-off, we allowed other leases to expire as scheduled and moved those operating unit tenants into the vacated corporate headquarters space. This strategy underscores the opportunities that reside in your lease portfolio. By aligning lease termination dates and other factors like market rental rates and space consolidations, there are opportunities to reduce space and costs while streamlining operations. Obviously having up to date and detailed lease data is crucial to any strategic planning exercise.

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        Why Do We Need a New Lease Standard? Tue, 11 Aug 2015 20:34:07 +0000 We are frequently asked why we need a new FASB lease standard.. here are our thoughts...

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        We are frequently asked why we need a new FASB lease standard. Critics of the new proposed standard complain that the benefits are offset by the costs to implement, maintain, and adjust company balance sheets to reflect the added debt. Let’s recall that the new FASB (and IASB) proposed standard requires placing all leases on the balance sheet as assets, and corresponding liabilities. There are slight differences between the International Standard, and the US FASB version primarily dealing with a distinction in capital leases (Type A) and operating leases (Type B) The International standard requires that all leases be classified as Type A, whereas the US version classifies all non-capital leases as operating leases (Type B) with straight line amortization of the rent.

                    Small businesses as communicated by one of their industry groups, takes strong exception to the burdens and costs of adopting the new standards. In 2012, two congressmen sent a letter on behalf of 58 other Congressional members urging FASB to reconsider the proposed standard, as being a heavy burden to small business, and a “job killer.” Congressmen Peter King and Brad Sherman reiterated their concerns in an article published in November, 2014 raising the specter of job loss of 190,000 individuals and an economic hit of $400 million per year indefinitely.

                    So do we need these new standards? Before we answer this question let’s review the consequences of less than transparent financial reporting over the last decade. Remember Enron? Enron’s use of fraudulent accounting gimmicks and off balance treatment of debt led to one of the largest bankruptcies in US history. By reporting inflated revenues,  “mark-to-market” valuation of assets, and the use of exotic use of SPEs (special purpose entities) to hide debt, Enron collapsed in 2001, along with their accounting firm, Arthur Anderson.  Their chief operating officer, Jeffrey Skilling, and Chief Financial Officer, Andrew Fastow, were convicted of securities fraud with long jail sentences. The CEO, Kenneth Lay, died during his trial.

                    But there’re  more recent examples. How about the financial crisis of 2007-2008? This disaster can be traced to less than transparent reporting of enormous debt as a consequence of using exotic financial tools as Credit Default Swaps, Collaterized Debt Obligations, and the failure of credit rating agencies to accurately analyze and report the effects of these tools on corporate debt and risk. The federal government had to bail out these banks with billions of tax payer money.

                    We believe that new proposed FASB and ISAB lease standards will mitigate investment risk by making leasing debt fully visible on the balance sheet. For many companies, particularly retail and other enterprises with vast portfolios of leased properties like fast food outlets, the debt load of their leased properties will be significant. And for entities in the airline industry with large leased fleets, there will be a similar increment to their balance sheets. And even for small companies, who need debt capacity to expand their business, the effects of incremental debt in their financials could negatively impact their ability to secure new debt financing, or even to re-finance current debt.

                    The new FASB and IASB lease standards will require diligent management in the transition phase. And yes, the process will incur incremental cost in software, staff resources, and consulting assistance. But the end result will certainly raise the consciousness of senior management about their real estate portfolio, and establish a more detailed understanding of how their real estate practices and portfolio affect the bottom line of their business.

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        IWMS Priority Applications: What’s Important? What Can Wait? Mon, 10 Aug 2015 18:10:05 +0000 What are some guiding principles for selecting and investing in software functionality in support of your facilities and real estate operations?

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                   In years past, someone asked the infamous bank robber, Willy Sutton, why he robbed banks.  Sutton responded, “Because that’s where the money is!” Sutton’s pragmatic answer could be the guiding principle behind software prioritization for facilities and real estate applications. In other words, what are some guiding principles for selecting and investing in software functionality in support of your facilities and real estate operations? To use Willy Sutton’s logic, CRE managers should follow the money in the prioritization process.

                 In corporate real estate, it all begins with the leasing process. Having a well thought out leasing and portfolio strategy, is the first step in developing a software application strategy. Everything in corporate real estate begins with the lease portfolio. Corporate leases define obligations, tenant rights, options, costs, and in terms of new accounting rules, assets and liabilities. We know that company lease obligations represent  the second  largest cost on the P&L statement behind labor, and thus, the systematic and attentive management of these costs is crucial to company profitability. Leasing is a complex and labor intensive activity. Typically a medium to large enterprise must  handle hundreds of distinct transactions per  month  generating thousands in leasing cost and related expenditures for utilities, insurance, amortization, taxes, and other related costs. Beyond the lease negotiation and contracting activities, the enterprise must administer a myriad of tasks, including rent payment, lease renewals and extensions, escalations, CAM charges, and cancellations. Thus, the first priority in selecting a software application, is to start with a lease management tool that becomes the central focus for developing a company wide leasing strategy.

                 Following the money trail, the second priority is acquiring a space management tool to support space planning, and to assist in space forecasting including  moves, adds, and changes, and the myriad activities and tasks, in managing the details of facilities demand and capacity. As we wrote in an earlier blog, the space management module can be readily integrated with the lease portfolio application so that a leasing record can be linked to space layouts, furniture plans, and human resource data. The space management tool can be enormously effective in planning consolidations, expansions, reductions and collocations of related staff offices .

                 The third priority in the IWMS prioritization process, is the selection of a maintenance management tool to handle the various maintenance tasks, such as predictive and preventive maintenance, repairs, and major refurbishments. There are a host of best in class software products to support the maintenance process, and like the space management tool, it is paramount to integrate these tools with the lease management applications and portfolio data base. Like virtually all the applications related to the CRE process, it is important to insure that the maintenance applications are adapted for mobile use, so that maintenance staff can access and input data from the field.

                 Underpinning all these applications will be a best in class project management capability, so that whatever corporate real estate function is being considered has a well conceived operating process supported by the project management application. These tools are typically role based, and have pre-determined approval and calendaring functionality, designed to streamline and control the various processes governing the leasing, construction, and maintenance processes.

                 Selecting and configuring software in support of the real estate and facilities management process can be a time consuming and expensive endeavor. For many larger enterprises with vast portfolios, it may be wise to go with a single integrated IWMS system, adding modules over time. This offers a single source, with “one throat to choke” if things go off the rails. But now with cloud computing and powerful middleware, it’s possible to select best-in-breed solutions on a prioritized basis, and integrate over time. No longer are user organizations confronted with the “big bang” possibility of going with a full suite of applications at the outset, costing millions and taking years to implement. So going on a prioritized basis is smart like Willy, because, “that’s where the money is!”

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        Rental Escalations, Hidden Land Mines? How Your Lease Management System Can Help Mon, 03 Aug 2015 18:07:00 +0000 Perhaps one of the most daunting and complex responsibilities of the corporate real estate executive is the management  of lease escalation costs. These costs which represent expense pass- thrus from the landlord to the tenant can represent nearly half or more of the cost of tenant occupancy.

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                    Perhaps one of the most daunting and complex responsibilities of the corporate real estate executive is the management  of lease escalation costs. These costs which represent expense pass- thrus from the landlord to the tenant can represent nearly half or more of the cost of tenant occupancy. The complexity of first negotiating favorable expense escalation clauses, and then managing these costs, can create enormous financial and legal penalties for the commercial tenant, unless managed effectively.

                    What are some of the more troublesome challenges in rental escalations, what I liken to leasing land mines? First, is discovering erroneous or fraudulent expense items that fall outside legitimate building owner expenses. These would include labeling capital expenses as maintenance expenses, costs unrelated to the tenant space such as personnel costs unrelated to the building, and fees and other service costs unrelated to the tenant space. Thus, it’s crucial that detailed expense definitions which form the basis of expense escalations are included in the lease, along with a clear statement of the base year. Too often landlords miscalculate escalations because of erroneous base years, or misused expense definitions.

              Another source of erroneous charges relates to miscalculating tenant space as the basis of CAM (common area maintenance) charges. Depending on the specific real estate market, definitions of usable, rentable, and gross space can vary widely and these variances can affect escalation charges by a wide margin.

                    How can a lease management system assist in the management of escalations? A product like Visual Lease provides a module which automatically flags escalation charges that deviate from the parameters in the lease. This feature greatly reduces the time and effort required in scrutinizing and analyzing escalation charges, and can assist in pinpointing charges that may require specific audit review. Depending on the number of leases, the complexity of escalation clauses, the necessary documentation that needs to be researched about a specific charge, the number and skill of lease administrative staff, all these factors define the magnitude and difficulty of managing escalation costs. A typical corporate lease portfolio of 500 leases will generate at least 30-40 escalation billings per month. While most of the billings will be generally accurate, they will require analysis to validate their correctness before payment. By having the lease management system automatically scan the billings against lease terms, including expense stops, agreed- to expense categories, rate increases, allocations, and other specific terms in the various leases, will vastly reduce the time required to analyze and validate the escalation charges.

                    As we discussed in an earlier blog posting, there is a real benefit in having a lease audit service combined with a lease management system. This combination provides the capability of bringing in the audit service on particularly troublesome escalation charges flagged by the system. This final line of defense ensures that for major problematic variances in an escalation charge from lease terms, will be challenged with detailed and exacting documentation. The savings to the tenant can be substantial and more than justify the audit fees.

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        Collaborating with Your Tenant Rep via the Lease Management System Tue, 21 Jul 2015 17:53:30 +0000 Many companies today use tenant representatives to handle various leasing actions such as leasehold relocations, renewals, expansions, and extensions.  Tenant representatives are commercial brokers who typically operate exclusively as tenant advocates, while collecting commissions from building owners. This may seem like a conflict of interest, but the industry has self-regulating practices to avoid most abusive behavior. 

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                 Many companies today use tenant representatives to handle various leasing actions such as leasehold relocations, renewals, expansions, and extensions.  Tenant representatives are commercial brokers who typically operate exclusively as tenant advocates, while collecting commissions from building owners. This may seem like a conflict of interest, but the industry has self-regulating practices to avoid most abusive behavior. Maintaining a tenant representative relationship builds a degree of trust and efficiency in the leasing process as the tenant rep develops an intimate knowledge of the user client’s culture, policies, and practices.

                 The question arises, in the context of the tenant rep and client relationship, of how the user client can use a lease management system as a collaboration tool. There are a number of specific leasing projects where the tenant rep and client can benefit from a broad use of the lease management system, such as Visual Lease:

        Critical lease dates: By having the tenant rep have access to the leasing system, the tenant rep can monitorcritical dates well in advance of taking action, and advise the user client of strategic options: whether to renew, expand, or relocate. Having these extra set of eyes on critical action dates, supplements the activities of lease administrators and leasing specialists.

        Market rates: The tenant rep can supplement leasing information of user leases with current market rates; providing insight to lease renewals at favorable rates, or whether it’s advantageous to relocate at new but lower rates.

        Market conditions: The tenant rep can supplement user lease data with market data such as absorption, supply and demand, competitive offerings, and changes in local tax or other market factors.

        Communication medium: Tenant reps can use the leasing system to update the user client on project status, such as renewals, or new leases. The system becomes an efficient medium for collaboration and communication, easily accessible remotely from the field, or in the office. Updates are real time, keeping both the user client and tenant rep current on leasing activity, project status, and rent payment status.

        Flagging problems: One area where the tenant rep can add significant value is spotting and reporting irregularities in escalation charges. By monitoring escalation payments, the tenant rep is able to flag errors or overages in certain CAM charges. It is here where the user client can benefit from the experience and knowledge of the tenant rep who typically has broad and deep experience with landlord practices.

        Strategic planning: The user client will benefit from involving the tenant rep in the strategic planning of the leasing portfolio, particularly in the context of facility consolidations, or strategic relocations. The leasing system becomes an essential tool in the planning process, by aligning actions with critical lease dates or options. Another important area for strategic planning is the question of lease versus buy, particularly in light of the pending FASB rule change on operating leases. It is usually advisable to gain the input from the tenant rep on lease/ buy questions, and to use the leasing system to flag these questions.

        The evolution of the tenant representation industry has matured considerably over the last ten years. It’s now a common practice for user organizations to enter into one or more exclusive partnerships with commercial realty firms, to execute leasing actions as well as to serve as strategic advisors to the corporate real estate organization. It’s both practical and advantageous to include the tenant rep advisor in the lease management system for the reasons cited above. By doing so the user client leverages the knowledge and experience of the tenant rep, as well as leverage the value of the leasing system itself.

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        The Benefits of Having a Lease Audit Service Combined with a Lease Management System Fri, 17 Jul 2015 21:49:37 +0000 There’s compelling logic to combine a lease audit service with a lease management system such as Visual Lease..

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        There’s compelling logic to combine a lease audit service with a lease management system such as Visual Lease. Commercial leases represent complex legal documents, and each market has its unique peculiarities requiring sophisticated legal and accounting expertise. Leases require constant monitoring, since landlord charges occur continuously, and the issue of erroneous charges including escalation rental increases and CAM (common area maintenance) charges require constant review and reconciliation.

        There are several key benefits by having a lease audit firm combined with a lease management system. First, the audit firm can insure that the lease management system contains the required data fields, organized in a way that facilitates efficient lease administration. Second, the lease system can identify problematic charges and flag these charges to the audit staff for review and reconciliation. Third, there will be periodic instances such as lease renewals, option servicing, estoppels, and other lease requirements where the lease administrators will need specialized expertise such as legal or accounting expertise. The lease audit staff can fill this void for these types of leasing actions.

        Perhaps one of the greatest benefits of having a lease audit staff associated with the lease management  systems relates to problematic escalation charges. The lease system will flag these unusual charges, but having a lease audit staff available to scrutinize the charges, and reconcile with the lease provisions can save time and money. For example, one of the common errors in escalation charges relates to maintenance expenses. Typically these charges should be limited to legitimate expense items; however, some landlords may include capital items in these charges; a blatant violation of most CAM charges. A skilled auditor will identify these discrepancies, resulting in significant savings, sometimes in the high six figures.

        With the anticipated changes to the FASB  and IASB lease accounting standards, there will be enormous pressure to insure compliance with these standards once enacted. Having the legal and accounting expertise on hand will greatly facilitate the transition to the new standard, and to insure that the leasing system is fully up to date in reflecting the necessary balance sheet  accounting for both Type A and Type B leases. The lease audit staff can oversee the transition to the new standard and certify that the lease management system is in full compliance.

        KBA is unique as a lease auditing firm in developing a state of the art lease management system. Typically a corporate client would need to contract separately with a lease auditing firm to conduct periodic lease audits. At KBA these services are fully aligned and available as part of the Visual Lease  lease management system. Synergies between these two entities both in terms of management and expertise, accrue directly to the client, ensuring efficient, time saving, and cost saving benefits.

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        IWMS 2.0 – Chief Characteristics Wed, 08 Jul 2015 21:46:00 +0000 Advances in technology and changes in user behavior are driving significant transformation in Integrated Workplace Management Systems (IWMS) software architecture and delivery..

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        Advances in technology and changes in user behavior are driving significant transformation in Integrated Workplace Management Systems (IWMS) software architecture and delivery.

         IWMS in the Cloud

         Cloud based delivery has the effect of disaggregating the functionality of IWMS solutions from multiple vendors. No longer must users choose one vendor to deliver all the functionality of an IWMS suite. Alternatively, users can choose best- in- breed solutions, and then integrate in the cloud with a common data base, performance metrics, and process engines. The user client can join multiple best –in- breed solutions, realizing higher performance, while reducing the cost of configuring and installing the applications.

        This approach avoids the “big bang” implementation of a major IWMS solution which can take years to implement and millions in cost. Cloud based delivery can significantly reduce costs, by eliminating the need for server and storage hardware, data center staffing and facilities and energy costs. An ancillary benefit of moving to the cloud for IWMS delivery is to avoid the accounting effects of leasing hardware for premises based delivery. In a few years all leases, including IT leases will be capitalized and put on the balance sheet. Cloud based delivery avoids this accounting impact.

        Growth in User Mobility

        IWMS 2.0 is influenced by a rapid growth in user mobility. Most corporate real estate staff, particularly construction, maintenance and real estate project staff will access IWMS functionality via wireless devices. Lease data, maintenance orders, construction schedules, and other portfolio data will be readily inputted and retrieved via mobile technology connected via the internet to cloud based applications.  This trend greatly enhances the productivity of in-field professionals, by minimizing office time and increasing time in the field. It also shortens response time by closing the gap between data input and output. For example, leasing specialists have ready access to lease terms, notices, and other time sensitive data, while on site at a company location.

        Sharing Data Between Systems

        Today, most modern cloud-based software systems (if not all) expose what is called an “API” that allow that system to seamlessly talk with other systems.  An API is, by definition, is something that defines the way in which two entities communicate.  These APIs are completely invisible to Web-based software users; their job is to run silently in the background, providing a way for applications to work with each other to get the user the information or functionality he needs.  The important part of the API in this context is not so much what it is at a technical level, but what it does at a practical level; simply stated they are the glue that allows all of the great software you leverage today share data.  This has become so commonplace in todays world that if you use almost any website today, I am sure you have unknowingly been using APIs.  APIs are the KEY to building seamless IWMS 2.0 solutions.  (More to come on APIs in future discussions.)


        IWMS 2.0 represents the natural evolution from large, complex (and expensive) enterprise solutions to small, aggregated solutions that take advantage of cloud based delivery. Many large companies will continue to acquire these large multi-functional applications, and even these are moving to the cloud, but smaller organizations with relatively small to medium sized portfolios will opt for aggregated “best-in-breed” solutions, to achieve lower cost, faster implementation, and more rapid return on investment. 

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        IWMS – A Historical Perspective Mon, 29 Jun 2015 21:39:00 +0000 As a Gartner analyst some years ago, I focused on the real estate/ facilities management software space. I had spent nearly thirty years in corporate real estate, and was perhaps the only analyst at Gartner who had a broad and varied background in corporate real estate. I wrote one of my first research notes, in April of 2003 on the corporate real estate and facilities management space when I identified the key components of what I later named IWMS.. a lot has changed since then.

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        As a Gartner analyst some years ago, I focused on the real estate/ facilities management software space. I had spent nearly thirty years in corporate real estate, and was perhaps the only analyst at Gartner who had a broad and varied background in corporate real estate. I wrote one of my first research notes, in April of 2003 on the corporate real estate and facilities management space when I identified the key components of what I later named IWMS (Integrated Workplace Management Systems). These elements included 1.) real estate management 2.) facilities management  (CAFM) 3.) Design and Space Management 4.) and Maintenance Management (CMMS) Subsequently, facilities environmental sustainability was added to the list of core functionality.

        In November of 2004, I published the first Gartner Magic Quadrant on what I defined at the time as Integrated Workplace Management Systems (IWMS) Initially I received “push back” from the corporate real estate community on the acronym. Many felt that the absence of “real estate” in the acronym diluted the prestige of their position and function.  Software vendors were particularly annoyed with the acronym, but several began to use it in their subsequent marketing. Within a year, the acronym became widely adopted.

        I chose these words carefully since I truly believed that the power of these applications lay in the four dimensions, first “Integrated.” Data and processes from the full life cycle of facilities management would benefit from being tied together. Second, I chose the word “workplace” over real estate or facilities, since the nature of how and where people worked was undergoing transformation from places to a multiplicity of settings from home offices, shared work settings, and virtual offices. I viewed IWMS applications as the primary platform for workplace services. Third, I chose “management systems” to emphasize the enterprise nature of the suite of applications. Like ERP, HCM, and other enterprise class of software, IWMS was truly in all its dimensions, an enterpise level of functionality and data management.

        Today, the IWMS market has matured greatly. The fact that major software vendors such as IBM, SAP, and Oracle have committed to IWMS with major acquisitions and product development testifies to its market maturity. Another dimension of its market growth is the global reach of its proliferation. The current Gartner magic quadrant (June, 2014) cited Manhattan and Planon as “Leaders” for their broad global presence, and multi-language, multi-currency functionality.

        In a future Blog we’ll explore the future of IWMS, what we call, “IWMS 2.0” With the advent of cloud computing, combined with the rapid growth of mobile computing has redefined the meaning and nature of integrated systems  No longer do we think that IWMS can only be achieved through a single massive (and expensive) premises based system. Best- in- breed solutions united in the cloud, is now at hand, drastically reducing total cost of ownership, install time and rapid achievement of ROI.

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        Press Release: Visual Lease Revolutionizes Real Estate CAM and OpEx Expense Management Thu, 12 Mar 2015 22:02:27 +0000

        Woodbridge, NJ – March 12, 2015 – Today, Visual Lease is announcing a fundamentally new approach for processing real estate Operating Expense, Tax and Common Area Maintenance (CAM) Invoices and Reconciliations. With its new Desktop Audit Manager module, corporations can automatically identify erroneous billings and avoid overcharges.

        Companies face a daunting challenge when it comes to managing real estate lease-related expenses. Because every lease is individually negotiated and has unique terms, when tenants receive bills for these expenses, it takes considerable time to determine if the charges are valid. Given that these charges can amount to up to half of a company’s real estate spend, they must be closely monitored. With Visual Lease’s new Desktop Audit Manager, when a building expense statement, reconciliation statement or landlord invoice is recorded, the system analyzes the charges and approves or rejects them based on the terms of that particular lease. This substantially reduces the effort required to validate them, and greatly reduces the incidence of errors and overpayments.

        “We are excited to extend our service offering through this new innovative module,” said Managing Director of Visual Lease. “We can now do more for our customers by helping them identify billing errors before they are paid. This module helps keep Visual Lease at the forefront of the lease administration software market.”

        Marc Betesh, President and CEO of Visual Lease and KBA Lease Services added, “The automatic discovery of overcharges identified by the Desktop Audit Manager system enables users to quickly reduce occupancy expenses and create positive returns. It is kind of like turning a crank and having the system generate money.”

        The Desktop Audit Manager will be delivered to customers as part of its Enterprise Edition service offering. Visual Lease is now scheduling demonstrations. For more information or to schedule a demo, go to or call us at 888-876-6500.

        About Visual Lease

        Visual Lease’s mission is to facilitate efficient administration and exact compliance of real estate obligations through world-class software and customer service. We are committed to being real estate experts by staying in front of industry and technology trends while continually refining our products and services. The values driving us are excellence, diversity, dedication and passion.

        Visual Lease was founded by the principals of KBA Lease Services in 1995. Since its inception, Visual Lease has served businesses with portfolios of leases ranging from 15 to over 6,000. Our tagline, “Lease Software by Lease Professionals” is a source of pride based on our industry-leading expertise in commercial real estate and lease administration. No other company offers Visual Lease’s breadth of experience.

        For more information please visit

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