GASB 87 | Visual Lease Lease Software By Lease Professionals Mon, 20 May 2024 14:16:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 4 Reasons to Stop Using Excel Spreadsheets for Lease Accounting Thu, 07 Dec 2023 16:00:58 +0000 Is Excel good for lease accounting? 1. Lease terms constantly change, and it’s hard to keep up 2. Lease accounting calculations are complex and time consuming 3. Excel spreadsheets are...

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Your business already uses Excel for many accounting calculations, including for ASC 840 lease accounting, so it’s understandable that you may want to consider continuing to use it as an option for lease accounting under ASC 842. And although it’s inexpensive to use and there’s comfort in using it, it may only get you so far in ensuring accurate lease accounting reports and calculations.

Is Excel good for lease accounting?

The reality is Excel will create challenges supporting large lease portfolios and the complex calculations that are required to comply with the new lease accounting standards. Ideally, the lease accounting solution you select should make it easy to view every lease – and address any changes made during the lease term, something that will be more difficult using Excel. Improperly tracking your leases and performing manual calculations using Excel puts you at risk of inaccurate data and reports.

In this blog, we will discuss why Excel is not a sustainable choice to accomplish lease accounting compliance, and why lease accounting software is critical to ensure accurate, confident compliance.

1. Lease terms constantly change, and it’s hard to keep up

As leases change (expire, terminate, etc.), it’s virtually impossible to keep track of each change using Excel. One of the main reasons this is so difficult to do manually is due to the large volume of leases held by organizations. Businesses often have hundreds, even thousands of leases, each with their own unique terms that regularly need to be tracked to ensure accurate lease accounting reports.

Unlike Excel, a fully integrated lease management and accounting technology solution is designed to centralize lease data in one location and, therefore, support ongoing lease maintenance. This enables you to view and maintain lease clauses and options under one single source of truth – without having to manually sift through data. Lease management software simplifies and streamlines the process of updating lease data, which ensures always accurate, reliable lease financials required for compliance.

For example, technology like Visual Lease provides automated critical date alerts so you can always know when leases require action. Excel lacks these built-in tools, which therefore puts you at risk of missing important options within your leases.

2. Lease accounting calculations are complex and time consuming

The calculations required to generate journal entries and disclosure reports for ASC 842 must be accurate to achieve and sustain compliance. Automated lease accounting technology is the only way to confidently create reliable, accurate reports.

Excel doesn’t have the capability to support the unique nuances required for lease accounting calculations. Utilizing Excel for lease accounting will likely take a lot of time and resources to produce calculations, and you may not be able to rely on those calculations, as there isn’t an efficient, sustainable way to validate accuracy. Even if only one element of your Excel formula is off base, it can negatively impact your calculated numbers – and you may not even realize the error before it’s too late. Additionally, Excel has a limit on the number of transactions that can be tracked and reported.

Lease accounting technology automates these otherwise complex reports and calculations, which saves you significant time that would be spent manually producing them in Excel, and also ensures the calculations are trustworthy. In fact, lease accounting software like Visual Lease provides proven calculations that are backed by a SOC I Type II audit.

3. Excel spreadsheets are prone to human error

Lease accounting is too important to risk manual errors. Just one mistake could lead to a failed audit, which is why lease accounting automation is so critical.

Using Excel to produce disclosure reports will typically raise red flags during your audit. Your lease data is already subject to a much higher degree of scrutiny by your auditors due to the new lease accounting standards, especially for initial adoption, so when it’s time for your audit, auditors appreciate a defined, reliable process that eliminates the room for human error within calculations.

An auditor knows if you utilize a lease accounting solution that is backed by a SOC I Type II report, your financial reporting and calculations should be reliable, and they won’t need to spend as much time testing the detailed transactions as they would with manual spreadsheets.

If you use Excel, auditors will most likely need to take a different approach to their auditing process, which can be time-consuming and costly. For instance, they may need to select a larger sample size of transactions to reliably test the details of your Excel calculations.

It begs the question, are you really saving money (and time) by using Excel instead of proven lease accounting technology? A failed audit can lead to increased fees and fines, along with damage to your business’ reputation. Why put yourself in a position where this can easily happen with Excel when you don’t have to?

4. Excel lacks historical data required for audits

Imagine inputting lease data into an Excel spreadsheet and the next day there are numerous changes to the data – you don’t know who made the changes and when. As leases change throughout the year, there needs to be an effective, reliable way for departments to capture any lease modifications to their portfolio, so that their lease data stays up to date. Doing this in Excel requires constant manual intervention and upkeep and can lead to a lot of questions raised by auditors and other stakeholders across your organization.

Providing transparent updates – with a complete audit trail of which update was made and when – will be incredibly important at the time of your financial audit. In Excel, there isn’t a reliable way to track who’s making changes and when the edits take place. This puts your business at risk of producing inaccurate, outdated information.

Lease accounting software provides full audit trail functionality that enables you and your auditors to see who, what, where and when every change to your lease data has been made. Having the history of every change to your leases is necessary to create a reliable lease accounting process.

Benefits of lease accounting software

Excel is one of the most accessible tools in an accountant’s arsenal. However, it wasn’t built to handle the thoroughness and accuracy required for lease accounting. To achieve and maintain lease accounting compliance, you’ll need to invest in a solution that was designed to set your business up for success.
Lease accounting isn’t just a one-and-done disclosure, it demands consistent upkeep of your entire lease portfolio. Lease accounting software is an integral part of conducting complex calculations with confidence, ensuring all your leases are up-to-date and achieving (and maintaining) lease accounting compliance.

Ensuring ASC 842 compliance

Lease accounting standards and constantly changing. This means spreadsheets need to be constantly reformatted to ensure you are remaining compliant with the latest regulation changes, requiring a robust software solution.

When it comes to ensuring your leases are compliant, don’t default to a spreadsheet. Make the move to a third-party verified, built-for-compliance lease accounting software solution.

Get Started!

Want to ditch the spreadsheets and learn how Visual Lease’s lease accounting software can help you sustain compliance? Click here to see our solution in action.

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What is GASB 87 & What Do I Need to Know Wed, 26 Oct 2022 15:43:08 +0000

GASB 87 effective date

Deadline for companies Fiscal years beginning after June15, 2021

GASB 87 Summary

Issued by the Governmental Accounting Standard’s Board, GASB 87 is the new lease accounting standard for US government entities. All entities that prepare financial statements in accordance with GASB standards must comply with GASB 87 for fiscal years beginning after June 15, 2021.

Who is subject to GASB 87?

State, local and municipal governments

Public benefit corporations and authorities

Public employee retirement systems

Public utilities, hospitals and other healthcare providers

Public colleges and

GASB 87 impacts lease accounting and reporting for both lessees and lessors as follows:

Lessees must recognize lease liabilities and intangible right of use (ROU) lease assets on their statements

Lessors must recognize lease receivables and deferred inflows of resources on their financial statements

Was GASB 87 postponed?

The Governmental Accounting Standards Board postponed the implementation date for GASB 87 back in May of 2020. The extension was implemented in order to give CPA firms and entities an opportunity to prepare to implement the new standard after disruptions during the COVID-19 pandemic.

What does GASB 87 do?

In 2017, the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) published the lease accounting standard GASB 87. The organization is the source of the accounting principles (GAAP) used by state and local governments in the United States.

GASB 87 was created to increase visibility into lease obligations and remove ambiguity around lease obligations in financial disclosures, particularly balance sheets and income statements.

What did GASB 87 replace?

GASB 87 replaces the current operating and capital lease categories with a single model for lease accounting based on a definition of leases as contracts that convey control of the right to use a non-financial asset. The new rules require lessees to recognize a lease liability and an intangible asset while lessors are required to recognize lease receivables and a deferred inflow of resources on their financial statements.

How Does GASB 87 Change the Balance Sheet?

GASB 87 requires organizations to now record most leases on the balance sheet.

For most organizations, this is a massive administrative lift. Leases are complex legal documents, sometimes hundreds of pages, which require trained professionals to negotiate and interpret; with countless obligations, clauses and critical dates to keep track of.

Leases are also dynamic. Terms change all the time as organizations take on new spaces, scale back or renegotiate, and you must account for every change under GASB 87.

To produce accurate lease accounting reports, the following information needs to be collected and tracked:

Lease terms

Discount rate

Rent payment amounts and dates

Lease option terms

Variable or percentage rent terms

Residual value guarantee terms

Definition of a Lease Under GASB 87

Under GASB 87, a lease is defined as a contract that conveys the right to use another entity’s nonfinancial asset for a period of time, including:

• The ability to obtain the present use of the asset as specified in the contract

• The right to control how the underlying asset is used

Common examples of leased assets recorded under GASB 87 are:

• Equipment for day-to-day operations (office equipment, medical equipment, telecommunications equipment, IT equipment)

• Vehicles (automobiles, vans, trucks)

• Real estate (property, buildings, offices, warehouses)

In addition, some leases are exempt under GASB 87, such as:

• Leases of certain types of intangible assets (e.g., patents, software licenses, the rights to explore for or exploit natural resources such as oil, gas, minerals and similar nonrenewable resources)

• Leases of biological assets, including timber, living plants and living animals

• Leases of inventory

• Service concession agreements

GASB 87 Compliance Software

Visual Lease’s GASB 87 lease accounting software is the perfect tool to keep all of your leases in one single location, while making sure you stay completely GASB 87 compliant.

GASB 87 Software Checklist

When planning and preparing for GASB 87 and evaluating lease accounting software, naturally you’ll want to look for a solution that specifically supports GASB 87, which requires all contracts that meet the definition of a lease to be recognized in financial statements and classified as a finance lease.

In addition, to ease the transition to GASB 87 and streamline the lease accounting process, you’ll want to look for a solution with the following capabilities and benefits.

Intuitive and easy to use

• Streamline lease data collection with other business applications, such as ERPs and accounts receivable

• Enable automated calculations and financial reports

• Support configurable data fields and reports to match your compliance requirements and organizational needs

• Centralize all your lease information within one system

Intuitive and easy to use

• Incorporate years of lease financial management experience built within each feature and functionality

• Prioritize future-readiness with ongoing investments in R&D

• Focus on data security and privacy

Intuitive and easy to use

• Provide data visualization for visibility into lease details and costs, enabling more informed business decisions

• Streamline lease detail management via system alerts for lease events and changes that could impact your ongoing financial reporting

Lease Accounting Calculations

Lease Accounting for Lessees

Under GASB 87, lessees must recognize a lease liability and a right to use asset for all qualified leases.

• The lease liability is generally calculated as the present value of payments the lessee expects to make during the lease term, including any contract renewal options the lessee is reasonably certain to exercise.

• The lease asset is calculated as the lease liability plus any prepayments or initial direct costs, minus any lease incentives at or before commencement of the lease.

As payments are made on the lease, the liability amount is reduced and interest expenses are recognized. The asset is amortized over the length of the lease term or over the life of the asset (whichever is shorter), unless the lease contains a purchase option that the lessee has determined is reasonably certain to be exercised, in which case, the lease asset should be amortized over the useful life of the underlying asset.

Lease Accounting for Lessors

Under GASB 87, lessors must recognize a lease receivable and a deferred inflow of resources on the financial statements. Just as with lessee schedules, the calculations can be complex.

• At the start of the contract, the lease receivable is generally calculated as the present value of lease payments the lessor expects to receive over the term of the lease, minus any provision for estimated uncollectible amounts.

• The deferred inflow is calculated as the lease receivable plus any payments made at or prior to the commencement of the lease.

As the lessor receives payments, the lease receivable amount is reduced and interest revenue is recognized. The deferred inflow continues to be recognized as revenue over the life of a lease.

Lease Accounting Remeasurements

Organizations remeasure the value of lease assets and liabilities when there is some significant event or material change in circumstances, including:

• Modification of a lease term, size or payment obligations — for example, the extension or expansion of a lease or the exercising of a lease option

• Lease contraction due to full or partial lease termination or abandonment — for example, when an abandoned space is sublet, causing the abandonment of the primary asset

• The full or partial impairment of a lease

Remeasurements type Description
Modification Any modification of lease term (i.e., change in payment term, extension of lease term, etc.)
Full Impairment Due to some event, the asset no longer has any value, but the organization still has obligation under the lease.
Partial Impairment Due to some event, the asset still has a value, but the value has been reduced by some amount or percentage.
Full Termination A lessee has ended the lease contract and no longer has the lease liability or asset on the books.
Partial Termination A lessee reduces the use of some portion of the asset (e.g., reduces total square footage of lease by terminating some portion), which reduces the amount of liability or asset on the books.
Full Abandonment A lessee decides to no longer use the entire asset as of some specific date; the lease contract is still in place and the asset remains as a liability on the financial statement.
Partial Abandonment A lessee decides to no longer use a portion of the asset as of some specific date; the asset remains as a liability on the financial statement.

Disclosure Reporting

For both lessees and lessors, GASB 87 now requires disclosure reports that provide aggregated totals and detailed supporting data such as:

• Qualitative and quantitative information about leases, including variable payments not included in measurement of liability

• Significant assumptions and judgments made when measuring leases

• The amounts recognized in financial statements

Lessee disclosure reports must provide:

• Fully detailed lease descriptions

• Amount of total leased assets — both gross and net figures

• Future lease payment schedules, including interest payments

Lessor disclosure reports must provide:

• General descriptions of all lease arrangements

• Inflows of resources, including lease and interest revenue recognized in the reporting period

• Revenue from variable payment components not included in the lease receivable

These new standards require organizations to gather and manage substantial amounts of data to generate disclosure reports related to real estate, equipment, vehicles, land and any other leases an organization holds.

What To Look For in Lease Accounting Software

Spreadsheets aren’t designed to handle the dynamics and complexity that impact the accounting calculations — lease transactions can result in hundreds of permutations and calculations. Most likely your current lease process has gaps that will need to be addressed when moving to adopt GASB 87. Many of these gaps can be addressed through the use of technology. Lease accounting software can help you meet GASB 87 requirements and maintain compliance beyond the initial reporting period.

Evaluating lease accounting technology

The right lease accounting software solution provides you with the proper tools to manage lease data and changes, perform the necessary calculations and generate reports according to GASB standards. In addition, choosing lease accounting and management software that has the capabilities described below will help to further streamline the accounting process and ensure ongoing GASB compliance.

Lessee and lessor accounting
Disclosure reporting capabilities
Automated calculations
Journal entries

Lease amortization schedule
Roll-forward reporting
Handling for regulated leases
Handling for short-term leases

Ongoing compliance via
modification, impairment,
termination capabilities

Compliance starts with a lease subledger

GASB 87 introduces a much higher level of scrutiny. Now, organizations have significantly more lease information to track, update, calculate and report on. Given the cross-functional, complex and evolving nature of lease language, any lease accounting solution should start with a strong lease management software to act as a single system of record for all lease data and lease financials.

Any sustainable solution should offer:

Configurable tools to handle any lease scenario across any asset type to maintain a reliable, up-to-date source for qualitative lease details such as terms, changes and dates

Integration capabilities to other cross-functional systems to maintain a single source of truth

A comprehensive audit trail to track and reconcile any changes

Defined user roles for anyone that touches leases and integrated guardrails to ensure any changes are in accordance with internal accounting procedures

A lease software solution helps to streamlines this very complex process by providing automated calculations and workflows to:

• Ensure that leases and the related assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses are accounted for consistently

• Eliminate human error and reliance on formulas and cumbersome spreadsheets • Ensure accuracy by having all data and calculations in one system

• Integrate leases and their pertinent data, such as liabilities, lease assets, interest expenses and revenue inflows, to the financial statements

• Automatically generate journal entries and lease amortization schedules using the system data

Lease reassessments and remeasurements

With the enhanced level of lease visibility that GASB 87 requires, an organization’s lease accounting must explain all lease changes on the financial statements. This includes additions or subtractions due to new leases, modifications, impairments and terminations, as well as regular amortization.

Accounting for lease remeasurement and reassessments is a common roadblock to sustainable compliance as accounting teams must rely on cross-functional stakeholders adhering to internal procedures as they manage lease modifications.

Using lease technology to organize, update and manage lease data allows you to integrate lease renewals and other modifications into your accounting process, ensuring they are captured accurately and reported in a timely manner.

Roll-forward reports are a valuable tool for meeting this requirement, providing a detailed disclosure of lease financials including period over period changes to lease assets and liabilities.

By choosing a technology platform that automates roll-forward reporting, your organization can streamline data gathering, calculations and reporting while ensuring that the process meets compliance and disclosure requirements.

Alerts, approvals, internal controls and audit trails

Given the cross-functional nature of lease management, defined user roles and alerts and comprehensive approvals hierarchies are critical to maintaining a single source of truth.

Look for systems that can streamline cross-functional workflows both internally and externally, with project management systems that can notify appropriate stakeholders when upcoming critical dates are near.

Auditability cannot be compromised. Approvals hierarchies are important to make sure that mistakes – or intentional malfeasance – are identified. Audit trails must be maintained to track every change.

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Article: Private company CFOs grapple with new lease accounting Wed, 12 Oct 2022 18:03:08 +0000 Lease inventories, hiring more staff and renegotiating lease terms are some of the moves private companies can take to make compliance easier.

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Lease inventories, hiring more staff and renegotiating lease terms are some of the moves private companies can take to make compliance easier.

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Article: Accounting Rules Related to Leasehold Improvements May Change for Both Public and Private Companies Mon, 26 Sep 2022 20:56:42 +0000 The FASB on Sept. 21, 2022, voted by 4 to 3 to issue a proposal that would change the accounting rules for leasehold improvements in inter-company leases done by both...

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The FASB on Sept. 21, 2022, voted by 4 to 3 to issue a proposal that would change the accounting rules for leasehold improvements in inter-company leases done by both public and private companies.

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Article: Visual Lease SVP discusses lease accounting readiness report Wed, 14 Sep 2022 14:26:11 +0000 FinLedger spoke with Joe Fitzgerald, senior vice president of lease market strategy at Visual Lease to discuss the report and understand the implications of the new lease accounting standards.

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FinLedger spoke with Joe Fitzgerald, senior vice president of lease market strategy at Visual Lease to discuss the report and understand the implications of the new lease accounting standards.

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ASC 842 Adoption: Avoiding the Pitfalls Thu, 08 Sep 2022 17:36:57 +0000

On-demand webinar summary

How do you avoid the risks of improper ASC 842 adoption? Inaccurate lease accounting financials can result in a failed audit, additional fees and fines, so you need to ensure you do it right the first time.

To do so, you’ll want to make sure you have a reliable and complete lease portfolio, lease data, system and processes. But this isn’t easy to accomplish, and many companies still struggle with ensuring their lease data is reliable.

In our recent webinar, ASC 842 Adoption: Avoiding the Pitfalls, lease accounting experts from Visual Lease and Grant Thornton shared:

  • Answers to common lease accounting FAQs
  • How to circumvent common roadblocks during lease accounting adoption
  • Ways to avoid putting your business at risk and feel confident in your financial reports

Joe Fitzgerald

SVP of Lease Market Strategy
Visual Lease

Lisa Kaestle

Director, Accounting Advisory Services
Grant Thornton

To learn more, read the summary below or view the on-demand webinar.

Answers to Accounting, Operational and Software FAQs

Did you know that today, nearly all private companies (98%) have started the transition to ASC 842, but one-third (33%) are still not fully prepared to transition to the new standard? This points to the massive pressure businesses are under as they attempt to retroactively learn and organize the details of their leases in advance of their initial reporting period under the new lease accounting standard.

In this presentation, Lisa Kaestle of Grant Thornton answered some common FAQs related to the new lease accounting standard, such as:

  • Do I really have to gather all lease information, or can I estimate? Is there a materiality threshold?
  • What is an embedded lease? How do I know if I have an embedded lease?
  • What departments in my company will be affected? Can finance manage this transition alone? Who should be part of the team for this initiative?

How to Mitigate Operational and Accounting Risks

The new lease accounting standards open your business up to a much higher degree of scrutiny. There are major risks, including but not limited to:

Operational Risks

  • Staff, workflow and system requirements and expenses
  • Lease review, approval and classification across the company
    • Database of record, lease administration and accounting
    • Lease data/process workflows/calculations/reporting
  • Lease data management across the company
  • Lease-buy decisions (short-term leases, fixed-versus-variable payments, lease incentives)

Accounting Risks

  • Monitoring leasing activities
  • Accounting close cycle timeline and processes
  • Internal controls (systems, validation, lease portfolio changes, discount rates, lease re-assessment, disclosures)
  • Lease accounting calculations
  • Qualitative vs quantitative disclosures
  • Financial ratios and metrics (creditor and banking decisions)
  • Tax-to-book reconciliations
  • External and internal audits and reviews

For more information about lease management, view the on-demand webinar: ASC 842 Adoption: Avoiding the Pitfalls.

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Article: PropTech Breakthrough winners announced Tue, 23 Aug 2022 18:02:04 +0000 PropTech Breakthrough, an independent market intelligence organization focused on real estate and property technology companies, yesterday announced its second annual PropTech Breakthrough Awards, highlighting some of the most influential and innovative...

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PropTech Breakthrough, an independent market intelligence organization focused on real estate and property technology companies, yesterday announced its second annual PropTech Breakthrough Awards, highlighting some of the most influential and innovative companies currently moving the built world forward.

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Article: The Top 25 Financial Technology Leaders of New Jersey for 2022 Tue, 16 Aug 2022 17:59:50 +0000 The Financial Technology Report is pleased to announce The Top 25 Financial Technology Leaders of New Jersey for 2022. While New Jersey may be considered part of the New York...

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The Financial Technology Report is pleased to announce The Top 25 Financial Technology Leaders of New Jersey for 2022. While New Jersey may be considered part of the New York City metro area, it is quickly making a name for itself in the financial technology industry. Fintech companies are not only being formed in the state at a rapid clip, but they are increasingly relocating there as well, to the point that hundreds of fintechs now call The Garden State home.

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Article: The Key to Proper Lease Management for Retailers Mon, 08 Aug 2022 13:09:27 +0000 Real estate is one of the largest operating expenses for retailers worldwide. Second only to labor costs, rent can account for more than 30 percent of expenses and, according to research from...

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Real estate is one of the largest operating expenses for retailers worldwide. Second only to labor costs, rent can account for more than 30 percent of expenses and, according to research from JLL and IBIS World, can absorb up to 13 percent of sales revenue. However, despite their significance, leases aren’t always properly managed.

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How to Ensure Complete and Accurate Lease Data for Lease Accounting Compliance Sat, 06 Aug 2022 00:38:28 +0000

On-demand webinar summary

Before the new lease accounting standards, many companies lacked visibility into their lease portfolio. This cost many businesses millions of dollars in overpaid rent, missed lease options and more.

But now, leases are in the forefront as companies prepare for and maintain compliance with the new standards. However, many businesses struggle to ensure their lease data is comprehensive and up-to-date.

In our recent webinar, How to Ensure Complete and Accurate Lease Data for Lease Accounting Compliance, experts shared best practice tips to ensure a thorough lease portfolio.

Joe Fitzgerald

SVP of Lease Market Strategy
Visual Lease

Rosemary Courtney

Technical Accounting Director
Visual Lease

High-level key takeaways from the webinar include:

  • Common challenges and solutions for gathering and auditing lease data
  • Key advantages of using dedicated lease accounting technology

To learn more, view the on-demand webinar or read the summary below.

Common challenges and solutions when gathering and auditing lease data


1. Ensuring a comprehensive lease portfolio is time-consuming 

Many businesses have hundreds, if not thousands, of leases. To achieve and sustain lease accounting compliance, you need to have complete visibility into all your leases.

However, gathering all your leases is time-consuming and laborious, and involves various departments.

The sooner you begin, the better, to give your team enough time to identify and locate every lease across your business. If needed, you may want to hire third-party advisors experienced in lease accounting preparation to assist in this effort.

2. Gathering lease data requires cross-departmental resources

Because leases are typically scattered throughout various departments, you should identify all key stakeholders responsible for identifying leases up-front, including real estate, procurement, legal, IT and more.

From there, this cross-functional team can work together to develop a reliable and sustainable process for data collection and maintenance to ensure your lease portfolio is complete and always up-to-date.

3. Lease information is often not located in one location

Prior to the new lease accounting standards, leases weren’t commonly tracked. And any leases that were tracked were likely inconsistent across the business.

Once you’ve gathered all your leases for lease accounting compliance, it’s best to enter them in one single source of truth.

A centralized lease portfolio enables you to track lease data in real time – and result in much faster, efficient lease accounting.

4. Leases change often and must be maintained

Maintaining compliance is a continuous effort, given leases’ dynamic nature. Staying compliant requires ongoing attention and a reliable process to identify and capture any financial changes to your lease portfolio.

Without the right lease management software or tools, this can be extremely difficult to do.

Robust technology, like Visual Lease, enables businesses to maintain one single source of truth for their lease portfolio and set internal controls for ongoing lease data maintenance, therefore supporting data integrity and accurate, up-to-date information.

For more information, view the on-demand webinar, How to Ensure Complete and Accurate Lease Data for Lease Accounting Compliance.

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Article: Companies unsure of leasing costs and accounting transition Fri, 29 Jul 2022 13:00:51 +0000 Even though leases typically comprise a major piece of a business’ budget, most companies don’t know how much their leases cost and many are unsure about how to account for...

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Even though leases typically comprise a major piece of a business’ budget, most companies don’t know how much their leases cost and many are unsure about how to account for them under the new rules.

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Article: Wall Street Journal’s CFO Journal Newsletter (7/26) Fri, 29 Jul 2022 13:00:43 +0000 The new lease accounting standards under ASC 842 are sticky, demanding, and—after multiple delays—most definitely here for all companies, whether public or private when the Financial Accounting Standards Board finally...

The post Article: Wall Street Journal’s CFO Journal Newsletter (7/26) first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
The new lease accounting standards under ASC 842 are sticky, demanding, and—after multiple delays—most definitely here for all companies, whether public or private when the Financial Accounting Standards Board finally said no more extensions, as Accounting Today reported in November 2021.

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Article: Many Still Aren’t Ready for the New Lease Accounting Rules Fri, 29 Jul 2022 13:00:09 +0000 The new lease accounting standards under ASC 842 are sticky, demanding, and—after multiple delays—most definitely here for all companies, whether public or private when the Financial Accounting Standards Board finally...

The post Article: Many Still Aren’t Ready for the New Lease Accounting Rules first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
The new lease accounting standards under ASC 842 are sticky, demanding, and—after multiple delays—most definitely here for all companies, whether public or private when the Financial Accounting Standards Board finally said no more extensions, as Accounting Today reported in November 2021.

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Lease Management: The Key to Successful Lease Accounting Wed, 06 Jul 2022 14:48:32 +0000 Written by: Robert Michlewicz, President at Visual Lease I was drawn to Visual Lease for several reasons, one of the biggest is how the company is leading the market in...

The post Lease Management: The Key to Successful Lease Accounting first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

Written by: Robert Michlewicz, President at Visual Lease

I was drawn to Visual Lease for several reasons, one of the biggest is how the company is leading the market in addressing big areas of exposure and risk for public, private companies and government entities.

What exactly do I mean by that?

I’m proud to say that in June, Visual Lease was the only software provider named a Leader in both Lease Accounting and Lease Administration categories by G2.

Keeping in mind that this recognition is solely based on customer feedback, it is a direct reflection of the decades of work and expertise behind our software and services.

Visual Lease has been around for 25+ years, and was first developed as a world-class lease management solution, serving the real estate departments of some of the largest U.S. corporations. Anticipating the introduction of the new lease accounting standards, the company expanded the platform in 2018 to include robust lease accounting capabilities. Today, we help 1,000+ organizations get compliant, stay audit-ready all year long, take advantage of cost-savings opportunities and make better-informed operational decisions.

A reason I was drawn to Visual Lease is the same reason it’s been recognized by G2 (and a few others like Capterra, Deloitte, Inc.). As a business, we know the risks associated with complying with the new lease accounting standards without first implementing a proper lease management strategy. Further, we’ve seen time and time again just how valuable it can be for an organization to have accurate and complete lease data. We’ve built our platform on these insights, and our efforts are backed by some of the most experienced and well-informed experts in the industry.

But please, don’t take my word for it…. check out what our customers had to say when asked what they like best about Visual Lease:

  • “Visual Lease streamlines our accounting for leases and completely replaces our existing Excel solution (for both GAAP and IFRS).” – Adam B.
  • “I like being able to view the details for all of our various leases in one place. It’s nice to have a one-stop shop that everyone (who needs the details) can access.” – User in Consumer Goods
  • “The simplicity of asset management is the best part of VL. It is very scalable lease accounting and management software. You can solve major lease accounting challenges with automated calculations and full integrations.” – Internal Consultant in Information Technology & Services
  • “Visual Lease gets the job done. The thing I like the most is that it does what we need it to do. It meets all of our needs from ASC 842 implementations, to rent payments, to tracking renewals, it does it all. Multiple departments use Visual Lease, and it does a good job at meeting our collective needs.” – Administrator in Healthcare
  • “I have used Visual Lease with two different companies now, and both times they have been positive experiences. I have managed a smaller lease portfolio of 30-50 leases. While I don’t utilize all of the tools that are available within Visual Lease, the tools themselves are well thought out. I recently completed our first year-end audit after implementing the ASC 842 lease standard, and the Standard Lease Reports were simple to pull and provide to our audit team. Visual Lease is well aware that there is a learning curve with using their software, so they have a comprehensive training website called ‘VL University’ that has on-demand training videos that will walk you through the features of the website. There is also a User Guide that I can review to learn how every feature works within the website. I have also had my service tickets replied to within 24 hours of submitting them. I think Visual Lease cares about its customers and is an excellent partner for managing leases.” – Assistant Controller in Manufacturing
  • “I like the alerts that help you know in advance when the lease terms are slated to change. Also, it is easy to add people to a distro list for alerts.” – User in Retail

This recognition is exciting, and a testament to not only where we’ve been, but also, where we’re headed. After just one month of working with our amazing team and customers, I am even more encouraged, energized and inspired to be a part of Visual Lease.

I’ll leave with two parting thoughts:

  1. First and foremost, thank you and congratulations to the entire team at VL for your relentless commitment to our customers.
  2. And to my network, if you’re interested in learning more about why lease management is so critical to your business, visit this page.


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The Impact of FASAB’s 2022 Proposed Lease Accounting Reporting Changes Wed, 06 Jul 2022 13:22:28 +0000 Have you ever wondered how the public can participate in the development of accounting standards? Do you have opinions you would like to share? Many accounting standards governing bodies, such...

The post The Impact of FASAB’s 2022 Proposed Lease Accounting Reporting Changes first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

Have you ever wondered how the public can participate in the development of accounting standards? Do you have opinions you would like to share? Many accounting standards governing bodies, such as the Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board (FASAB or the “Board”), provide some opportunities to do just that.

Why Exposure Drafts? 

Whenever an accounting governing body considers new standards, or changes to existing standards, they release exposure drafts for public comment. The FASAB’s exposure drafts, which affect hundreds of federal agencies and the associated public, are posted publicly for commentary. You can find these exposure drafts and the template to submit comments on their website. The FASAB usually offers between 45 and 90 days to submit comments. Visual Lease contributes opinions to many standards, including these recently proposed changes. 

The Board considers these comments when deciding whether to move forward with the proposed changes. If interested, you can access the FASAB’s list of active projects and drill into any associated drafts on the FASAB website.

Anyone can submit comments, and the FASAB appreciates all views but particularly looks for comments that include the reasoning behind an opinion (pdf). The Board also appreciates it when the reasoning/concerns include the expected benefits and/or perceived costs of implementing a proposal.

2022 FASAB proposed lease disclosure and reporting changes

As a lease administration and accounting platform, Visual Lease proactively tracks FASAB projects that impact lease reporting and meeting the standards. An exposure draft to provide clarification and amend SSFAS 54, Leases and SSFAS 60 Omnibus Amendments 2021, was published May 9, 2022 with a comment period that ends Jul 8, 2022. The background includes:

  • In November 2021, SFFAS 60 was published
  • SFFAS 60 did not address all concerns related to leases and the implementation of the SFFAS 54 and other standards
  • Clarification was needed relating to the discount rate for lease liabilities and receivables
  • Clarification was needed to add intragovernmental sale-leasebacks and disclosure requirements in specific paragraphs and footnotes
  • This proposal would amend SFFAS 54 paragraphs 42, 47, 48 and 59, and add new paragraphs 42 A-C and 59 A-C
  • The effective date for the proposed changes is for reporting periods beginning after September 30, 2023

Below is a summary of Visual Lease’s response to this FASAB exposure draft: 

Discounting lease liabilities and receivables 

For leases without a stated interest rate, originally paragraph 42 of SFFAS 54 and the issued amendment in SFFAS 60, par. 19, required lessees to use the discounted rate from the “lessee’s estimated incremental borrowing rate.” This proposal would require the lessee to use an interest rate “based on marketable Treasury securities with similar maturity to the end of the lease term.”

The added paragraphs 42B and 59B allow for rounding up or down when selecting a marketable Treasury rate term as follows:

“[…] round down to the nearest maturity term with a published rate, interpolate the rate for the period between two published rates, or round up to the nearest maturity term with a published rate. The methodology for selecting marketable Treasury rate terms and related rates, interpolating, and/or rounding up or down should be consistent from period to period.”

The added paragraphs 42C and 59C clarify what to do if the lease goes beyond the longest-published Treasury security term. In this case, the entity should select the longest-published Treasury security term rate.

Using rates based on marketable Treasury securities would help reduce complexity and inconsistencies versus using the estimated incremental borrowing rate. It may also reduce the cost of determining the incremental borrowing rate, which can be costly to ascertain per our experience with private clients adopting the ASC 842 standard. Although we believe using rates based on marketable Treasury securities would make it easier to meet compliance requirements, we also recognize that it may, in certain circumstances, overstate or understate asset values.

We also believe paragraphs 42A (lessee) and 59A (lessor) may need clarification. Under the proposed amendments, the reporting agency has two options to determine its rate. The rate can be either based on a recent Treasury rate or historical average rate if the Treasury security has a similar maturity as the lease term “on the date of initial liability recognition (or the date the liability is updated).” If it is meant that to approximate a rate if a date-specific rate is not available, we believe that in today’s internet environment, detailed historical information is easily available so there likely would not be a need for this.

Intragovernmental sale-leasebacks disclosure requirements

This proposal also amends SFFAS 54 footnote 11 to paragraph 89 and paragraph 92. The purpose of the amendment clarifies that intragovernmental sale leasebacks are included and must follow the lessee and lessor requirements. Added are references to SFFAS 7 paragraphs 314-315 (intragovernmental) in footnote 11 and the reference to SFFAS 54 paragraphs 37-38 to paragraph 92.

What are your thoughts on these changes?  

Although we think these suggested changes should add consistency and reduce the complexity of meeting compliance, while avoiding costly estimations of the incremental borrowing rate, we also believe it may overstate or understate the value of some assets. What is your opinion?

FASAB’s Questions & Visual Lease’s Responses

QFR* 1 

Do you agree or disagree with the proposed amendments to address discounting lease liabilities and receivables, as reflected in paragraphs 3-7 (amending par. 42, 47-48, and 59 of SFFAS 54), and the Board’s basis for such proposals? Please provide the rationale for your answer.

AFR* 1

Visual Lease, LLC supports the proposed amendments to address discounting lease liabilities and receivables. SFFAS 54’s requirement to use an explicit rate is unchanged; if no explicit rate is stated, an equivalent risk-free rate is expected to be utilized.  The terminology provided in the proposed amendments is “based on marketable Treasury securities with similar maturity to the end of the lease term,” in essence the definition of a risk-free rate.

Visual Lease, LLC has observed that in the current private sector implementation of ASC 842, Leases, the new lease accounting standard issued by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), the use of a risk-free rate rather than a higher incremental borrowing rate (IBR) may have resulted in higher liability values (and therefore asset values) on organizations’ financial position. Additionally, Visual Lease, LLC has observed that this effect could trigger debt service covenants and otherwise cause inconsistency in analytical comparability. However, Visual Lease, LLC believes that, while organizations may have to caveat their financing reporting requirements to lenders to highlight these factors in that QFR 1 may result in less accurate and consistent valuation of liabilities, the suggested methodology does reduce complexity and provides user prescriptiveness in ease of use and availability of input data, thereby facilitating compliance.

Additionally, Visual Lease, LLC observes two impacts regarding the valuation of the lease liabilities and assets in practice: the applicability and accuracy of a specific rate to the entity in question, and the timeliness of the application of that rate. Namely:

  • The discount rate applied could result in less accurate valuations if the entity has a higher cost of borrowing than the federal government rate.
  • Private-sector administration of ASC 842, Leases, has shown that reassessments of incremental borrowing costs can be costly to ascertain and therefore are not necessarily “kept current”.  In a stable interest rate environment that is not a significant matter, but in an evolving rate environment (such as 2022 is turning out to be), lack of updates can result in more frequent and severe errors that may not consider or sufficiently identify entity-specific risk.

Visual Lease, LLC notes that the original wording in SFFAS 54 authorizing entities to use rates based on their own borrowing authority is expressly deleted in this exposure draft, removing calculations from actual costs, and resulting in less accurate valuations. Given the transparency of the Treasury Securities market and rate, and its availability to those entities subject to the FASAB (Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board) standards, Visual Lease, LLC believes that the suggested changes enhance the process of calculation and result in an” always having up to date information available” situation when creating new or remeasurement calculations for lease accounting.  Therefore, Visual Lease, LLC supports the use of risk-free rates.

Additionally, and as a practical matter regarding application of the risk-free rate, the revised guidance allows rounding up or rounding down to the nearest maturity date, or to interpolate between two dates.  Extrapolating from the longest term (30 years) would not be permitted.  Paragraph 42A references “historical average rates” and appears broad in context and may require further clarification.  If it is meant that to approximate a rate if a date-specific rate is not available, we believe that in today’s internet environment, detailed historical information is easily available so there likely would not be need for this.


Do you agree or disagree with the proposed amendments to clarify the applicability of paragraphs 89-92 of SFFAS 54 to intragovernmental sale-leasebacks and the disclosure requirements applicable to them, as reflected in paragraphs 8-9, and the Board’s basis for such proposals? Please provide the rationale for your answer.


Initially, SFFAS 54 was silent regarding sale-leaseback transactions intragovernmental in nature.   Visual Lease, LLC agrees with the proposed amendments to clarify the applicability of paragraphs 89-92 of SFFAS 54 to intragovernmental sale-leasebacks and the disclosure requirements applicable to them, as reflected in paragraphs 8-9, and the Board’s basis for such proposals as it clarifies the requirements apply both to public sale-leasebacks and intragovernmental sale-leasebacks for disclosure purpose.  Visual Lease, LLC supports this provision because, while not prescribing accounting treatment, it does add clarity and transparency to the amount of intragovernmental sale-leaseback for each reporting entity through disclosure.

As a result of our analysis, Visual Lease, LLC is supportive of both clarifications provided in this exposure draft.

* QFR = Questions for Respondents

*AFR = Answer from Respondents

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The cross-functional power of centralized lease data Thu, 30 Jun 2022 19:14:48 +0000

On-demand webinar summary

Having accurate, reliable lease data is a necessary part of achieving lease accounting compliance. But beyond lease accounting, having visibility into lease data also supports businesses manage lease-related expenses and avoid potential overpayment.

In our recent webinar, The cross-functional power of centralized lease data, lease accounting experts (Joe Fitzgerald, SVP of Lease Market Strategy at Visual Lease, Zachary Forrest, Executive Director at Jackson Cross Partners, and Lou Battagliese, SIOR and Founding Partner at Jackson Cross Partners), covered how centralized lease data can unlock cross-functional business opportunities.

Joe Fitzgerald

SVP of Lease Market Strategy

Visual Lease

Zachary Forrest

Executive Director

Jackson Cross Partners

Lou Battagliese

SIOR and Founding Partner

Jackson Cross Partners

About Visual Lease

Visual Lease makes easy-to-use software to help organizations manage and account for their leases, and stay compliant with US-GAAP, IFRS and GASB lease accounting standards.

About Jackson Cross Partners

Jackson Cross Partners is a full-service corporate real estate company, providing services to support companies in every stage of their real estate maturity.

Here are some key takeaways from the webinar:

Today, businesses have more visibility into their leases

The new lease accounting standards require businesses to pay closer attention to their leases. To comply, they have developed cross-departmental processes to identify and keep track of each lease within their portfolio.

“It’s really important to be able to know what your rights and obligations are within your lease portfolio. Do you have an option to renew a contract or expand? Is there a termination option? If you’re forced to read leases while doing this analysis, you’re going to be behind the curve.” – Lou Battagliese, SIOR & Founding Partner, Jackson Cross Partners

Centralizing lease data in one location is an effective way to ensure each lease is represented – and provides businesses with a useful view of their leases. In turn, businesses can use this data to make better informed decisions, saving them time and money that may be otherwise left on the table.

How did we get here?

When businesses began preparing for the new lease accounting standards, they quickly realized how time-consuming it was to gather leases. It required accounting teams to work cross-functionally with departments such as legal, real estate, procurement and human resources. However, as the transition date loomed, accounting teams panicked and took over the project.

“It became a phase one project just to get the lease accounting in. Some companies also found alternative solutions and now these companies have multiple systems of truth [for their leases].” – Lou Battagliese, SIOR & Founding Partner, Jackson Cross Partners

Then, once the pandemic hit, businesses were forced to adapt to hybrid or work-from-home arrangements, which created even more challenges for how cross-departmental teams worked together to gather and organize lease data.

The ongoing effects of the pandemic also impacted office space utilization, industrial supply chain demands and retail storefront footprints. Now more than ever, businesses rely on having their lease data in a centralized location, so they can make better, more informed decisions about their leases.

How centralized lease data impacts businesses

Having centralized lease data enables your business to easily lean into lease terms and uncover opportunities to potentially reduce lease costs.

Lease data is incredibly powerful to use within:

    • Cross-functional workflows that encourage collaboration
    • Operational efficiencies with complete and accurate lease data
    • Timely, strategic decisions to efficiently react to economic changes
    • Cost-saving opportunities with Day 2 and beyond

To learn how to empower your business with centralized lease data, view our on-demand webinar: The cross-functional power of centralized lease data.

Visual Lease and Jackson Cross Partners provide a full end-to-end solution for ASC 842, IFRS 16, GASB 87 and GASB 96. Click here to download our one-pager for more information.

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What are the three main steps in effectively conducting your lease inventory? Tue, 28 Jun 2022 17:09:12 +0000 Do you know where all your leases are? If you don’t, chances are you haven’t conducted a lease inventory for your business. Conducting a lease inventory is a standard practice...

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Do you know where all your leases are? If you don’t, chances are you haven’t conducted a lease inventory for your business. Conducting a lease inventory is a standard practice in lease accounting and a very important step in achieving ASC 842 compliance. This process involves finding all your lease data from various departments, which is often a time-consuming cross-functional effort.  

What is considered a lease under ASC 842? FASB defines a lease as a contract or an element of a contract that conveys the right-of-use (ROU) of a physically distinct identified asset for a specified period of time in exchange for payment. This includes embedded leases which are typically leases that are part of larger contracts. These contracts need to be identified and accounted for on the balance sheet in order to achieve compliance.  

However, there is an exemption for short-term leases. These contracts have a lease term of 12 months or less and will not appear on the balance sheet. Additionally, they do not include options to purchase the asset from the lessor.  

When it comes time for your audit, auditors want thorough, reliable and accurate data to examine. Completeness is key here, meaning that you’ve properly captured and identified all lease arrangements to be included in your calculations (including embedded leases). This will always be one of the items auditors test, which is why it’s important to conduct a thorough lease inventory.  

In this blog, we will share three essential tips to ensure you conduct a thorough lease inventory to support accurate lease accounting. By taking these steps, you will set your business up for lease accounting success and feel confident that you have every lease represented in your lease portfolio.  

1. Engage stakeholders from cross-functional departments 

To begin the process of conducting a lease inventory, you’ll need to identify what departments have lease contracts. Under ASC 842, leases can range anywhere from property, plant, equipment and even IT assets. Typically, we’ll see Real Estate and Legal departments heavily involved in leases, but there are also departments like IT that have unique lease contracts.  

Below are 5 recommended departments you should engage with and the types of leases they most likely handle.    

  • Accounting/Finance
    • This department is a great starting point for conducting a lease inventory as they are the gatekeepers of the prior year’s lease information.
  • Real Estate
    • The real estate department naturally handles all real estate and property leases, which may include things like office buildings and commercial real estate.
  • Procurement
    • The procurement department handles all non-real estate leases which can range from vehicles, equipment, furniture and even fixtures.
  • Legal
    • The legal department reviews all lease arrangements and is a great source of detailed information for embedded leases.
  • IT
    • This department handles all IT procurement and procures IT assets. This can range anywhere from computers, networks and servers.

2. Organize your leases in one location 

Once you’ve gathered all your leases, it’s important to centralize them in one location. The most effective way to do this is by utilizing lease accounting technology. This will allow your cross-functional team to work under the same system and have a comprehensive audit trail for all lease changes. It will also help your team analyze lease data more thoroughly – which can help reduce the risk of overpaying for leases and ultimately help your business save money.  

3. Thoroughly check for accuracy and completeness 

As your business prepares for ASC 842 compliance, it’s important to examine (and re-examine) your lease contracts thoroughly for accuracy and completeness. Auditors will want to make sure that all transactions have been recorded properly on the balance sheet. It never hurts to double and triple check your work.  

In fact, make sure you’ve also cross-referenced all lease contracts with the Accounts Payable department. You could be paying bills for other leases from other departments, which can lead to misreporting.  

The outlined steps above should help your business create a smooth process in conducting a lease inventory. Remember, the more accurate your lease portfolio is, the better chance you’ll have in successfully achieving ASC 842 compliance. It will also help significantly decrease the risks of misreporting lease data, which can result in fines, increased audit fees and potential legal action. That’s why conducting a thorough lease inventory is not only important but can also be highly beneficial for your business. Successful lease accounting isn’t just compliance, it’s saving money and creating opportunities to improve business operations, and that all begins with your lease inventory.   

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GASB Statement No. 99: The Impact on GASB 87 and GASB 96 Compliance Tue, 07 Jun 2022 20:04:19 +0000

Suppose you’re an accountant who manages leases or a lease administrator working for a state, country or local government. You may even work for a public entity such as a public university, college, hospital, utility or airport. In either case, you are affected by this new Statement No. 99 and we’ve provided this summary to help you to quickly understand the impact on lease accounting under GASB 87 and accounting for SBITAs under GASB 96.

Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Statement No. 99, Omnibus 2022 was released in April 2022. It started as an Omnibus project which GASB creates when enough issues and technical inconsistencies are identified across the existing body of Statements.

Statement No. 99 responds to practice issues raised as the statements were adopted and to address accounting and financial reporting for financial guarantees. The following covers the practice issues impacting lease accounting (GASB 87) and accounting for SBITAs (GASB 96).

Practice Issues

  1. Determining the lease term, also applies to the term of an SBITA (Statement 96)
  2. Classification of short-term leases, also applies to short-term SBITA (Statement 96)
  3. Recognition and measurement of lease liabilities and receivables, also applies to recognition and measurement of a subscription liability (Statement 96)
  4. Identification of lease incentives

Effective Dates

The requirements related to leases and SBITAs are effective for fiscal years beginning after June 15, 2022.

1. Lease Term: Clarification of Lease Termination and Purchase Options

GASB Statement 87 Paragraph 12

The issue was raised to the Board that in certain situations, a purchase option could result in a lease liability that includes the present value of payments that would never be realized due to exercising the purchase option. The result would be an overstated present value. The Board believed the purchase option should be considered as an option to terminate and used when considering the lease term. GASB 99 clarifies the lease term should exclude the period, if any, after the option is estimated to be exercised.

The Board also addressed the prescriptive nature of the last sentence in paragraph 12 of Statement 87. They believed it could lead accountants to view a lease termination due to the violation of contract terms and conditions as a termination option. GASB 99 clarifies what constitutes a lease termination option as an unconditional right in the lease contract. GASB 99 also clarified that this should only be applied to contracts that transfer ownership (paragraph 19 of GASB 87).

2. Short Term Leases: Clarification of Cancellable Periods and Lease Extensions

GASB Statement 87 Paragraph 16

Cancellable periods in Statement 87 differed from Statement 96 and Implementation Guide 2019-3. Clarification provided by this Statement 99 aligns 87 and 96 with the same definition which includes that both parties to the lease have an option to terminate the lease without the need for permission, and/or both parties must agree to extend the lease term.

Another issue the Board responds to in this Statement is how to assess a short-term lease when an extension is created. The concern was that only considering the remaining term may influence entities to structure their leases to avoid recognition. The clarification is that the extension of a lease requires the lease to be reassessed and if the term (original lease term plus the modified term) is greater than 12 months, the lease needs to be reclassified. For a lease that is reclassified from a short-term lease, the measurement of the lease receivable or liability should be from the modification’s start date. This Statement also applies to paragraph 13 of Statement 96 for SBITAs.

3. Lessee and Lessor: Clarification of Variable Payments and Lease Remeasurements

Other Than Short-Term Leases and Contracts That Transfer Ownership
Lessee GASB Statement 87 Paragraphs 21, 22, 26 & 28
Lessor GASB Statement 87 Paragraphs 44, 45 & 50

Accountants raised concern over what variable payments should be included in the lease liability or receivable. To clarify, variable payments, per paragraphs 21, 22, 44 and 45 of GASB 87, that are calculated using an index or rate (such as the Consumer Price Index or a market interest rate) or that are fixed in substance should be included as part of the lease liability and receivable. All other variable payments, including those based on usage of the asset by the lessee, should not be included.

The Board also addressed a lease remeasurement issue. They noted that by including language that a lease is “not required” to be remeasured, the lease accountant believed this meant they had the option to remeasure. To clarify, GASB 99 states that a lease liability or receivable remeasurement should not be carried out solely due to a change in an index or the variable payment rate nor, for lessees, should the discount rate be reassessed solely due to a change in the incremental borrowing rate. This also applies to the remeasurement of a subscription liability in Statement 96.

4. Clarification of Lease Incentives

Paragraph 61 of GASB 87

The Board believes the original language in this paragraph needed to be adjusted given lease incentives paid to or on behalf of a lessee does not imply the lessor has legally assumed the preexisting lease obligation. To clarify GASB 99 adjusted the language to read:

“a lease incentive is equivalent to a rebate or discount and includes an assumption of, or an agreement to pay, a lessee’s preexisting lease obligations to a third party, other reimbursements of lessee costs, rent holidays, and reductions of interest or principal charges by the lessor.”

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Article: Marc Betesh of Visual Lease On The 5 Things You Need To Know To Create a Successful App, SaaS or Software Business Thu, 02 Jun 2022 14:21:36 +0000 As part of my series about the “5 Things You Need To Know To Create a Successful App or SaaS”, I had the pleasure of interviewing Marc Betesh. Marc Betesh...

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As part of my series about the “5 Things You Need To Know To Create a Successful App or SaaS”, I had the pleasure of interviewing Marc Betesh.

Marc Betesh is the founder and CEO of Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software provider, and KBA Lease Services, the nation’s leading lease audit firm. Betesh helped shape the current lease accounting standards in the industry and is a thought leader on ASC 842, GASB 87, and IFRS 16. Betesh is regarded as “top-rated faculty” at CoreNet Global Learning and has lectured on lease topics at New York University’s Real Estate Institute, American Bar Association, Association of the Bar of the City of New York, Practicing Law Institute, ICSC, Lorman Education Services and the Institute of Internal Auditors. He is also an active member of the New York and New Jersey Bars.

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Article: Pros on the Move – June 2022 Wed, 01 Jun 2022 14:24:51 +0000 Professionals on the Move is a round-up of recent staffing announcements and promotions in and around the tax and accounting space. Carrie Summerlin Named FICPA’s New Chief Growth & Innovation...

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Professionals on the Move is a round-up of recent staffing announcements and promotions in and around the tax and accounting space.

Carrie Summerlin Named FICPA’s New Chief Growth & Innovation Officer

The Florida Institute of Certified Public Accountants (FICPA) recently announced that Carrie Summerlin has been named the Institute’s new Chief Growth and Innovation Officer. She will officially join the FICPA on Monday, May 16.

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Buyer’s Guide to GASB 87 Lease Accounting Software Tue, 31 May 2022 22:46:02 +0000

How to make an informed decision on your lease accounting solution 

Investing in a dedicated lease accounting solution is the best way to achieve GASB 87 compliance. The lease accounting standard requires operating leases to be recorded on the balance sheet in the form of right of use (ROU) assets with corresponding lease liabilities. Doing this well – and with accuracy – means choosing technology that can automate required reports and calculations, and support ongoing management of your leases.  

However, it’s not always clear which solution is best for your organization. While tools like Excel have certainly been useful for accounting purposes in the past, it’s not the ideal choice for something as complex as achieving and maintaining lease accounting compliance.  

Just like your leases, lease accounting requirements may change and evolve over time. It’s critical to stay on top of these changes to stay compliant, and with the right lease accounting software, you’ll be able to do so effectively. 

In this blog, we will share a summary of the information that can be found within our Buyer’s Guide to Lease Accounting Software for GASB Compliance, so you can feel confident about your selected lease accounting solution.  

Who should be involved?

To get (and stay) compliant, it’s important to involve key personnel that represent various functional areas across your business. This often includes departments like accounting, procurement, contracting and more.  

Including cross-departmental stakeholders ensures you have visibility into every lease held by your organization, and enables you to easily track any lease changes over time.  

In the Buyer’s Guide, we share questions for you to consider when identifying which stakeholders should be involved, such as: 

  • How does your organization acquire leases? 
  • How does your accounting team receive notification when other teams add new leases, or make lease changes? 
  • How does your organization make strategic decisions about renewals and asset use? 

Risks that arise without lease accounting software

In a recent VLDI report, a staggering 99% of surveyed senior finance and accounting professionals acknowledged real fears in potentially misreporting their lease information. This points to a critical need for automation, as manual solutions (e.g. Excel) put you at higher risk of error.  

Under GASB 87, inaccurate lease accounting financials can result in increased audit fees and fines, damage to your organization’s reputation and potential legal action.  

In addition to providing automation, dedicated lease accounting technology should solve your existing (and future) pain points, such as:  

  • Pain Point
  • Solution

Pain Point


  • Organizations often have time constraints and lack of resources dedicated to lease accounting.
  • Save time by selecting lease accounting software with flexible, intuitive tools that enable you to easily control your leases and run financial reports. The software should also have accessible training for every user and various accounting partnerships, including managed services.
  • Organizations often lack control and visibility into their leases and lease data.
  • Lease accounting software should make it easy to account for and view every lease at-a-glance, including unique clauses and options. Further, it should include lease administration capabilities to track key clauses, obligations, options and critical dates that might be buried in a 200-500 page document.
  • Organizations may lack confidence producing accurate accounting calculations and reports.
    • Gain confidence by selecting a lease accounting software that provides:
    • Automated, reliable calculations

      Transparency into the math backing the calculations

      Comprehensive remeasurement calculations to keep you compliant through Day 2

      Third-party auditing to ensure data security and calculation accuracy

    • This ensures your data is safe -- and your disclosures are accurate.

    Lease accounting need-to-knows

    Preparing for lease accounting is time-consuming. It requires a lot of time and effort to identify, gather and organize lease data. In particular, embedded leases (lease components within a contract) are more difficult to locate and often require more time to pinpoint. And, regardless of how many leases you have, gathering leases is a tedious and lengthy process, which is why organizations should get started as early as possible. 

    Also, remember that lease accounting compliance isn’t a one and done disclosure; it’s ongoing. Therefore, your solution should support ongoing maintenance of your lease portfolio.  

    Don’t delay invest in the right solution

    Selecting the right lease accounting solution isn’t easy, but it’s critical to ensure you are set up for success with GASB 87.  

    With our Buyer’s Guide to Lease Accounting Software for GASB Compliance, you will be able to make an informed decision about which lease accounting technology is right for your organization.

    You will get insight into:

    The non-negotiable capabilities you need to get and maintain compliance with GASB 87

    How to identify and align internal stakeholders on a strategy and solution

    Potential roadblocks and what you need to know to get around them

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    Article: Q&A: New standards are reshaping lease accounting Tue, 17 May 2022 16:42:40 +0000 The introduction of lease accounting standards has forever altered how public, private and government entities manage, track and report on their leases. To understand more about the leasing sector and...

    The post Article: Q&A: New standards are reshaping lease accounting first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
    The introduction of lease accounting standards has forever altered how public, private and government entities manage, track and report on their leases. To understand more about the leasing sector and the impact that new standards are having, Digital Journal spoke with Joe Fitzgerald, SVP of Lease Market Strategy at Visual Lease

    The post Article: Q&A: New standards are reshaping lease accounting first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
    Article: How Lease Optimization Can Benefit Your Company Wed, 20 Apr 2022 18:52:41 +0000 In response to the ongoing impact of the global pandemic on revenues and business operations, companies are evolving how they prioritize and manage their commercial real estate leases. Many organizations...

    The post Article: How Lease Optimization Can Benefit Your Company first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
    In response to the ongoing impact of the global pandemic on revenues and business operations, companies are evolving how they prioritize and manage their commercial real estate leases. Many organizations are optimizing their lease portfolios, which means that in addition to closely monitoring and tracking their leases, they’re also analyzing to ensure that they get the most value from them.

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    Visual Lease Reports First Quarter 2022 Results Mon, 18 Apr 2022 15:41:12 +0000 Company achieves double-digit YoY annual recurring revenue, customer and employee growth Woodbridge, NJ – April 18, 2022 — Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software provider, today announced results from...

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    Company achieves double-digit YoY annual recurring revenue, customer and employee growth

    Woodbridge, NJ – April 18, 2022 Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software provider, today announced results from Q1 2022, reporting an increase of nearly 40% in both customer and employee count, year-over-year. The company also announced an increase of nearly 30% in annual recurring revenue year-over-year, continuing its path of sustained double-digit growth. Today, Visual Lease helps more than 1,000 public and private companies, as well as government entities, with lease accounting compliance and the financial, legal and operational performance of their leased assets.

    “With the introduction of the new lease accounting standards – IFRS 16, ASC 842 and GASB 87 – the stakes are much higher for organizations that do not have a sustainable way to effectively manage and track their leases,” said founder and CEO, Marc Betesh. “Because we’ve spent more than three decades helping companies manage their lease portfolios, we know exactly what is required to avoid the consequences of misrepresenting lease data during an audit. We provide the software, services and subject matter expertise that make achieving and maintaining lease accounting compliance one less thing that accountants and financial managers have to worry about. With Visual Lease, organizations will also benefit from a friction-free annual audit, in addition to greater visibility across their portfolios as their leases continue to evolve.”

    Here are a few of the milestones Visual Lease achieved in Q1 2022:

    • Expanded its Alliance Partner network across premium accounting firms and services companies, including F.H. Black & Company and Withum, to offer mutual clients best-in-class software and services.
    • Hired across all departments and expanded its commitment to ongoing innovation by scaling the Product & Engineering teams by 35% year-over-year.
    • Was named a Momentum Leader and a High Performer in the Lease Administration category in the G2 Spring Grid Report.
    • Continued investments to further enhance the Visual Lease user interface (UI), building on its reputation of having an intuitive and easy-to-use platform.
    • Held its Q1 Customer Advisory Board (CAB) meeting, gathering select financial management and real estate executives from its network of customers spanning the retail, hospitality, telecommunications, construction, financial services and manufacturing industries, to share insights and solicit input into the company’s solutions, services and strategic investments.
    • Established an AWS data center in Frankfurt, Germany, enabling EU-based clients to benefit from stronger performance, newer services and features, as well as automatic compliance with residency and regulatory laws regarding their data.

    To keep up with announcements from Visual Lease, visit the Visual Lease Newsroom.

    About Visual Lease

    Visual Lease is the #1 lease optimization software provider. We help organizations become compliant with FASB, IFRS and GASB lease accounting standards, while simultaneously improving the financial, legal and operational performance of their leases. Our easy-to-use SaaS platform is embedded with more than three decades of best practices from major corporations and leading industry professionals. Our award-winning solutions are used by 1,000+ organizations to manage 500,000+ real estate, equipment and other leased assets. Committed to ongoing innovation and unparalleled customer service, Visual Lease helps organizations transform their lease compliance requirements into financial opportunities. For more information, visit

    Media Contacts
    Erica Bonavitacola
    Visual Lease
    T+1 732 860 4838


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    Article: Government accountants procrastinating on GASB leases standard Wed, 06 Apr 2022 13:53:36 +0000 The standard in some ways parallels the ASC 842 leases standard for public and private companies and nonprofits from the Financial Accounting Standards Board and the IFRS 16 leases standard...

    The post Article: Government accountants procrastinating on GASB leases standard first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
    The standard in some ways parallels the ASC 842 leases standard for public and private companies and nonprofits from the Financial Accounting Standards Board and the IFRS 16 leases standard from the International Accounting Standards Board in that it would put leases on the balance sheet for the first time for many entities. For companies in the private sector, many of them also procrastinated on implementing the leasing standard, despite extensions from both FASB and the IASB during the pandemic. Now state and local governments will be facing similar issues as they try to account for this past fiscal year.

    The post Article: Government accountants procrastinating on GASB leases standard first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
    Article: Five Questions That Should Be On Every Financial Leader’s Mind Thu, 31 Mar 2022 20:57:51 +0000 The introduction of new lease accounting standards (ASC 842, IFRS 16 and GASB 87) has had a significant impact upon accounting and reporting for U.S. publicly traded and private companies,...

    The post Article: Five Questions That Should Be On Every Financial Leader’s Mind first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
    The introduction of new lease accounting standards (ASC 842, IFRS 16 and GASB 87) has had a significant impact upon accounting and reporting for U.S. publicly traded and private companies, as well as non-U.S. companies and government entities.

    Now, all of these organizations must adhere to a much more robust and complex reporting process than they had been accustomed to under the prior lease accounting standards. Despite this change, many continue to underestimate just how challenging the lease accounting process truly is.

    The post Article: Five Questions That Should Be On Every Financial Leader’s Mind first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
    Article: How To Maximize Your Lease Accounting Software Investment Thu, 31 Mar 2022 20:56:09 +0000 The past two years have shuffled business priorities and workflows, which has left many companies catching up on their transition to the new lease accounting standards (ASC 842, GASB 87,...

    The post Article: How To Maximize Your Lease Accounting Software Investment first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
    The past two years have shuffled business priorities and workflows, which has left many companies catching up on their transition to the new lease accounting standards (ASC 842, GASB 87, IFRS 16 and, soon, GASB 96).

    The post Article: How To Maximize Your Lease Accounting Software Investment first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
    New Report from The Visual Lease Data Institute Reveals that the Commercial Real Estate Industry is in Recovery Tue, 09 Nov 2021 13:30:52 +0000 Majority of surveyed tenants plan to expand their commercial real estate footprint in the New Year   Woodbridge, NJ (Nov. 9, 2021) Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software provider, today unveiled a survey of 400 senior accounting and finance...

    The post New Report from The Visual Lease Data Institute Reveals that the Commercial Real Estate Industry is in Recovery first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

    Majority of surveyed tenants plan to expand their commercial real estate footprint in the New Year  

    Woodbridge, NJ (Nov. 9, 2021Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software provider, today unveiled a survey of 400 senior accounting and finance professionals and commercial real estate executives, 200 of whom representing the perspective of tenants, and 200 of whom representing the perspective of landlords. The report entitled, “Commercial Real Estate in 2022: Outlook for an Industry in Recovery,” shares insights into how both sides are approaching leases in response to the ongoing effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.  

    “The commercial real estate industry has dramatically changed over the past nineteen months,” said Marc Betesh, founder and CEO of Visual Lease. “Businesses have grappled with new restrictions, considerations and challenges, which have directly impacted their real estate needs. Both landlords and tenants are uncertain of what shifts and trends are here to stay, which has made planning ahead more difficult than ever before. We created this report to help both parties better understand the industry and ensure that they are maximizing the value of future leases, setting themselves up for success in 2022 and beyond.” 

    Key 2022 trends and predictions from the report include:  

    • Ready to Commit to Longer Terms – Sixty-five percent of surveyed tenants are considering their physical space needs more than one year prior to signing a new lease agreement. Fifty-eight percent of tenants are prioritizing leases of at least five years in length, with nearly 20% interested in 10 or more years of occupancy. While plans are being made, the future remains uncertain as 93% of tenants note that their 2022 real estate strategy is temporary and will likely be revised post-COVID.  
    • Real Estate Footprints Poised to Expand – Sixty-five percent of landlords expect tenants will add space to their real estate portfolios in 2022. Similarly, 70% of tenants plan to expand their commercial real estate footprint in the year ahead.  
    • Back to Work: Urban Revival – Seventy-eight percent of landlords predict that the greatest demand for leased properties in 2022 will appear in cities. Tier 1 cities like Los Angeles and New York are anticipated to draw the biggest crowd, signaling a revival for major metropolitan areas that were previously hard-hit during the onset of the pandemic.  
    • Rents Bounce Back, But Not All Businesses Will – Seventy-five percent of landlords expect 2022 commercial rent prices to be about the same or higher than rent prices were prior to the pandemic, which is in line with what 61% of tenants expect, as well. A rent increase may create some challenges as 61% of tenants admit that their organization fell behind on rent during the pandemic, and 37% are still behind on rent.  
    • Future-proofing Leases to Accommodate Changing Demand – All surveyed (100%) landlords had tenants request modifications to their leases mid-term in response to the impacts of COVID-19. As a result, 99% of landlords have revised their agreements to better accommodate existing and future tenants, including changes to building rules and regulations (57%), operating expenses (54%), indemnification and insurance (45%), as well as sublet/assignment rights, rent abatement and force majeure clauses. 
    • Approaching New Terms With Caution – Based on what they learned from managing their businesses during COVID-19, tenants note that the following will be important considerations when negotiating future leases: flexible scaling plans for space (57%), flexible lease termination (49%), shorter lease duration (36%) and an ability to sublease (33%), among others.  
    • Poor Lease Management Led to Costly Mistakes – Nearly 80% of tenants have experienced negative impacts due to inadequate lease controls, the most frequently reported being the inability to respond to changing circumstances due to the pandemic (34%), missing an option to extend a deadline (28%), miscalculating lease costs (28%) and forgetting to update unfavorable or unwanted lease terms (28%).  

    For full study results, download Commercial Real Estate in 2022: Outlook for an Industry in Recovery. 

    About The Visual Lease Data Institute 

    The Visual Lease Data Institute is a collection of market-leading data, trends and insights on lease accounting, management and optimization created and curated by Visual Lease, provider of the #1 lease optimization software. The Institute was founded on 35 years’ experience managing lease data and financials and was created to arm organizations with the knowledge required to achieve and maintain lease accounting compliance and leverage their leases as strategic business assets. 

    About Visual Lease 

    Visual Lease is the #1 lease optimization software provider. We help organizations become compliant with FASB, IFRS and GASB lease accounting standards, while simultaneously improving the financial, legal and operational performance of their leases. Our easy-to-use SaaS platform is embedded with more than three decades of best practices from major corporations and leading industry professionals. Our award-winning solutions are used by 800+ organizations to manage 500,000+ real estate, equipment and other leased assets. Committed to ongoing innovation and unparalleled customer service, Visual Lease helps organizations transform their lease compliance requirements into financial opportunities. For more information, visit  For more information, visit 

    Media Contacts 
    Erica Bonavitacola 
    Visual Lease 
    T+1 732 860 4838 
    Anna Patrick 
    Gregory FCA 
    T+1 212 398 9680 

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    Lease Accounting and Lease Administration Software: Why You Need Both Thu, 09 Sep 2021 20:06:05 +0000 Lease accounting compliance is not just a one-and-done disclosure. It is a new approach to accounting that includes an ongoing, cross-departmental effort – and a much higher level of scrutiny....

    The post Lease Accounting and Lease Administration Software: Why You Need Both first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

    Lease accounting compliance is not just a one-and-done disclosure. It is a new approach to accounting that includes an ongoing, cross-departmental effort – and a much higher level of scrutiny.

    Lease accounting is interdependent on lease administration. The lease accounting standards (ASC 842, IFRS 16, GASB 87) require collecting leases from across your organization and staying on top of them as they change throughout the year. It is a collaborative effort that requires dedicated people (often cross-departmentally in IT, procurement, legal, etc.) with strict attention to detail.

    To do so effectively, you need to implement strong lease controls and reliable technology. And though the lease accounting market offers a wide selection of software solutions to streamline compliance efforts, most lack essential lease administration capabilities. Many of the products on the market fail to address the importance of long-term lease administration throughout the financial process.

    It is not possible to maintain lease accounting compliance without accompanying technology that supports both lease accounting and lease administration. Here’s why.

    Software that includes both lease administration and lease accounting functionality is important to:

    #1 Ensure centralized lease data

    Having both lease administration and accounting together in one robust solution provides reliable, consistent lease information to support continued compliance and confident financial reporting. This significantly reduces errors, increases efficiencies and helps establish cross-functional collaboration across your business.

    Consider this: When you get a new lease, it must be reviewed and abstracted into a system. You’ll need to implement controls that track both the legal and financial elements of that lease, which can control start dates, options, dollar amounts, etc. A platform that has both lease accounting and lease administration ensures that, from day one, your lease information is reliable and up to date.

    With lease administrators owning the role of maintaining a single source of truth, accountants can be confident that all data and calculations will be consistent and accurate. In addition, software that supports both functions boosts efficiency by cutting down on time-consuming, tedious tasks outside of the accounting scope, such as searching for pertinent documents, tracking monthly rent increases and handling lease amendments.

    #2 Track lease changes throughout the year

    Leases are dynamic – and maintaining lease accounting compliance is not a one-and-done disclosure. It is an entirely new approach to accounting and an ongoing process. This can be tricky because leases are complex legal documents that sometimes do not have a clear owner. There are leases (real estate, equipment, embedded leases in maintenance agreements, etc.) that are often handled by different departments within a business.

    Lease terms change as your business takes on new spaces, scales back or renegotiates. Implementing lease controls within lease accounting and administration software is the only way to ensure reliable data, repeatable processes, trustworthy guardrails and ongoing monitoring throughout the lease lifecycle. While some organizations selected lease accounting solutions lack this capability, they will run into major issues sustaining compliance as their leases change.

    #3 Maintain a comprehensive audit trail

    It is important to remember that compliance is not just about meeting accounting standard requirements, but also implementing proper policies and procedures to reduce risk.

    Using lease accounting and lease administration software that has comprehensive user rights, integrated approval workflows and audit trail capabilities provides additional peace of mind knowing that any changes – including ones made to critical dates, financial impacts of modifications and more – are fully auditable.

    Leases are often managed and modified by a variety of entities both inside and outside an organization. Due to the number of people involved in altering important calculations, the accuracy of the lease data can be difficult to control and may be prone to error without a solution built to handle multiple users. Taking this precaution in the beginning of your compliance journey will save you a lot of time long-term.

    Lease accounting and lease administration go hand-in-hand

    Lease accounting solutions that do not integrate lease administration into the software are unreliable, incomplete and more complex. Having both within one location is essential to ensure a well-rounded compliance strategy that covers everything you need for complete and accurate data management.

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    Lease accounting Guide & New Standards Thu, 09 Sep 2021 17:31:14 +0000

    Table of Contents

    An all-encompassing guide to lease accounting standards (including FASB ASC 842, IFRS 16, GASB 87), changing accounting guidelines, implementation and lease accounting software.

    Introduction to Our Lease accounting Guide

    Making a successful transition to the latest lease accounting requirements, including ASC 842 and IFRS 16, is a threefold process of:

    • Understanding the changes to the standards and what those changes mean to a business and its accounting practices
    • Identifying and gathering all of the necessary data
    • Implementing a lease accounting solution that will aid in achieving and maintaining compliance

    This guide is designed to provide information and resources you need to thoroughly understand the new lease accounting requirements, to not only meet all compliance deadlines but also improve your leasing policies and procedures for the long term.

    Lease accounting FAQs

    What is lease accounting?

    Lease accounting is the process of recording and reporting on all of the leased property, equipment, and other non-owned assets that a business or other organization holds. Generally, these contracts are categorized as either operating leases or finance leases.

    Under the requirements of the latest lease accounting standards — ASC 842, IFRS 16, and GASB 87, as well as local versions of each — all leases and similar contracts (not just capital leases) must now be accounted for as assets and liabilities on the balance sheet. Therefore, lease accounting requires the ability to gather accurate lease data and update the information as the terms change (when lease terms are renewed, canceled, and so on).

    The use of a software solution for tracking, updating, and managing leases helps to ensure the accuracy of the data that is needed for disclosure reports, both for initial adoption and for long-term reporting.

    Why is lease accounting important?

    Lease accounting is critical for a clear view of a company’s financial health. It helps assess risks, reveals lease impacts on the balance sheet, and benefits investors and leadership.

    New lease accounting standards

    ASC 842

    Find all of the major changes to Lease Accounting with the new Topic 842 on our ASC 842 Summary page. You will be able to find summaries, effective dates & much more regarding the impact ASC 842 will have on your balance sheets.

    IFRS 16

    IFRS 16 effective date

    Effective date for companies Fiscal years beginning on or after January 1, 2019

    IFRS 16 summary

    The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) published the new IFRS 16 lease accounting standard, which replaces IAS 17. For the global community, IASB is responsible for developing and promoting the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) for accounting.

    IFRS 16 changes the way companies account for leases in their financial disclosures, including balance sheets and income statements. Under IFRS 16, all leases are considered finance leases.

    Here’s what Ernst & Young (EY) says about the changes: “Whether you report under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) or U.S. GAAP, you are likely to be facing significant changes in reporting requirements as you assess the impact of new standards for revenue recognition, financial instruments, and lease accounting. And these changes are not just impacting organizations reporting under IFRS and US GAAP — many national accounting standard setters are also aligning local standards to IFRS.” Read more here: IFRS Compliance Software & New IFRS Lease Accounting Changes

    IFRS Compliance Software

    IFRS 16: additional reading

    GASB 87

    GASB 87 effective date

    Deadline for companies Fiscal years beginning after June 15, 2021

    GASB 87 summary

    In 2017, the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) published the lease accounting standard GASB 87. The organization is the source of the accounting principles (GAAP) used by state and local governments in the United States.

    GASB 87 was created to increase visibility into lease obligations and remove ambiguity around lease obligations in financial disclosures, particularly balance sheets and income statements.

    GASB 87 Compliance Software

    GASB 87: additional reading

    Summary of other national standards

    While many countries are adopting the IFRS 16 standard, some nations are making minor adjustments to the global standard. For example, in 2016, the Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB) published the lease accounting standard  AASB 16, which replaces AASB 117 in Australia.

    AASB 16 removes the ability for operating leases to be reported in the footnotes of financial  statements. Based on IFRS 16 with a few variations, AASB 16 requires all operating leases to now be  accounted for as finance leases. With small adjustments to the data inputs, the Visual Lease platform provides Australian firms with compliance under AASB 16.

    Why use lease accounting software

    What is lease accounting software?

    Lease accounting software helps you manage and optimize leases. Lease software helps to streamline your organization’s lease portfolio management and seamlessly generate accurate financial calculations. With changing compliance standards it is essential to have a simple way to stay compliant and control all lease aspects.

    How does lease accounting software impact financial statements?

    The new ASC 842 and IFRS 16 lease accounting standards require significantly more assets and liabilities to appear on the balance sheet. In fact, the standards specify more than 40 different types of data that must be tracked to do the required calculations.

    Lease accounting software provides tools to input and report on all the financial aspects of leases to meet the new compliance requirements. The technology performs critical accounting calculations and automates the process of adding information to the balance sheet, including ROU assets, interest expenses, liabilities, practical expedients, and other elements required under FASB and IASB guidance.

    What common risks does lease accounting software solve?

    Without a lease accounting solution to help with lease tracking, reporting, and management, your business may  be exposed to a number of risks, including:

    • Inconsistencies in the way assets are accounted for
    • Human error in calculations or in migrating data from one source to another
    • Widely dispersed lease records rather than a central data repository
    • Lack of visibility into lease terms, changes, and important dates
    • Missing details such as embedded leases that are part of a larger contract
    • Lack of a structured change management process
    • Mistakes in complex calculations for common area maintenance (CAM) and other costs
    • No record of what changes have been made to leases, when, and by whom
    • Increased odds of failing an audit

    This is because lease documents and the standards contain many intricacies.  

    The new lease accounting standards are complex of necessity, to capture the challenging and dynamic nature of the underlying agreements. Therefore, reporting on assets and liabilities is extremely difficult without software.

    Leases also may contain both lease and non-lease components, which in turn affects how leases are calculated.

    The best lease accounting software simplifies all those risks and more. It puts a secure system in place for capturing all the necessary data, tracking changes, and reporting lease costs in accordance with your accounting policies and procedures as well as with ASC, IFRS, or GASB requirements.

    Get more details in our blog: Lease accounting auditing risks multiply without software.

    Lease accounting standards impact on legal teams

    For most corporate attorneys, FASB ASC 842 compliance and accounting changes in general are an accounting exercise that doesn’t impact their responsibilities. What most attorneys don’t know is that there are significant ASC 842 legal implications that put companies, as well as their officers and boards, at risk.

    Visual Lease is a lease accounting solution that was developed by attorneys & accountants, so our software platform is designed to avoid the potentially disastrous legal consequences of lease accounting mistakes. At virtually all the companies we talk to every day, the FASB ASC 842 compliance effort is driven by accounting and SEC compliance teams with very little input from the legal department. Learn more about the legal implications of FASB ASC 842 compliance efforts.

    The different types of leases and lease components

    What are finance (capital) leases and how are they treated under ASC 842?

    A finance lease is one that essentially represents a purchase agreement or uses substantially all of the life or value of the underlying asset, and qualifies according to at least one of the lease classification test questions (above).

    Although the name has changed, the way finance leases are capitalized on the balance sheet under ASC 842 is essentially the same method used for capital leases under the previous (840) standard.

    When you transition existing leases to the new standard, you need to reclassify capital lease assets and capital lease liability (840) as ROU assets and lease liabilities (842). Any prepaid rents, lease incentives, and initial direct costs should be rolled up into the ROU asset.


    What is an operating lease and how is it capitalized?

    An operating lease is defined as a lease in which the lessee gets control over the use of the underlying asset without ownership. Previously, operating leases were unrecorded liabilities, so the balance sheet only included prepaid or deferred rent.

    Now, all operating leases (except for short-term leases) must be capitalized as ROU assets and lease liabilities on the balance sheet, in the same way you record finance (previously called capital) leases.

    The operating lease liability is accounted for using an amortized cost basis. Amortization of the ROU asset is calculated as the difference between straight-line rent and interest expense for the period. These two expenses added together give you the total lease expense to book on your P&L.

    How do you measure a finance lease vs. an operating lease?

    When measuring a finance lease, the ROU is amortized on a straight-line basis, and the lease liability is amortized using the effective interest. The lease liability is increased by the interest incurred in the period, and the carrying amount is reduced by the lease payment.

    When measuring an operating lease, a single lease cost is calculated so that the remaining cost of the lease is allocated over the remaining lease term on a straight-line basis. This single cost includes the interest charge and ROU amortization; the straight-line lease expense is calculated by dividing the undiscounted payments by the lease term.

    What is a short-term lease and how is it treated under ASC 842?

    According to ASC 842, a short-term lease is one that has a term of 12 months or less at commencement, and that does not have a renewal or purchase option that the lessee is reasonably certain to exercise.

    While you don’t have to include short-term leases on the balance sheet under ASC 842, you can recognize short-term lease payments on a straight-line basis over the lease term. However, this option must be elected at the asset class level. In other words, you can’t pick and choose which leases to define as short term; you need to define the entire asset class as a practical expedient.

    What is an embedded lease?

    An embedded lease is a component within a contract for other goods or services, which includes the use and control of a particular related asset. An embedded lease can exist within a contract even though the contract never uses the word “lease,” sometimes making it easy to overlook lease elements.

    For example, embedded leases are often found in IT service contracts where a vendor provides service-related equipment (such as onsite servers). Embedded leases may also be found in supply contracts, dedicated manufacturing capacity contracts, and advertising agreements.

    Why do embedded leases have a bigger impact under ASC 842?

    Previously, because operating leases were not on the balance sheet, embedded leases little impact on the income statement since the expense was usually being straight-lined. But now that all leases must be capitalized on the balance sheet, you need to:

    • Examine all contracts to find any embedded leases within them
    • Separate the lease components (for use of assets) from non-lease components (payments for the service) within the contract

    Identifying embedded leases and their components is a complex task that takes time, judgment, experience, and consistency. It is another area where you might want to enlist the help and guidance of an accounting advisor.

    What are lease components?

    When a contract contains one or more leases, ASC 842 requires that the contract be separated into the various components. According to ASC 842, a contract can contain the following:

    • Lease components — the right to use an underlying asset, such as the rent for the right to use office space
    • Non-lease components — an activity that transfers a good or service to the lessee, such as CAM charges on office space
    • Non-components — costs that are incurred regardless of whether a lease exists, such as property taxes on the lease

    Note that under ASC 842, non-lease component costs/revenues are accounted for under different standards rather than according to lease accounting guidance.

    Got questions about CAM? Check out these FAQs.

    What is a direct finance lease?

    In a direct financing lease, the lessor acquires an asset and leases it to a customer/lessee to generate revenue from the resulting interest payments. Under this arrangement, the lessor recognizes the gross investment in the lease and the amount of related unearned income.

    Under a direct financing lease, the lessor cannot be a manufacturer or dealer. This type of arrangement is usually offered by financing institutions, such as equipment leasing companies.

    What are initial direct costs?

    These are costs that would not have been incurred without the execution of the lease. In other words, they are costs that are directly attributed to negotiating and arranging the lease. For example, payments made to an existing tenant to terminate a lease and real estate commission payments are deemed initial direct costs.

    What are prepaid lease payments?

    These are lease payments made by the lessee to the lessor before or at the commencement of a lease.

    What are lease incentives?

    These are (1) payments made by the lessor to or on behalf of the lessee, or (2) any losses incurred by the lessor from assuming a lessee’s pre-existing lease with a third party.

    Reporting with new lease accounting standards

    Under ASC 842, disclosure reports must provide more qualitative and quantitative details, including:

    • Weighted average discount rate
    • Weighted average remaining lease term
    • Cash paid for amounts included in lease liabilities
    • A more descriptive maturity analysis, which must be also be tied back to the balance sheet

    Lease accounting software provides reporting capabilities to support compliance and data management.

    What are the different types of standard reports (disclosures) under ASC 842/IFRS 16?

    Lease accounting disclosure

    A Lease Accounting Disclosure report provides the required values for quantitative reporting as prescribed by the latest lease accounting standards. It includes sections for lease expense, other information including ROU assets obtained in exchange for lease liabilities, and maturity analysis.

    Lease accounting standard

    A Lease Accounting Standard report provides a detailed view of the calculation inputs and resulting lease schedules for the lease accounting calculations included for a specific date range.

    Journal entry summary

    A Journal Entry Summary report that detailed journal entries for the calculations included for a specific date range. It typically includes totals for debits and credits by calculation and period.

    Change log

    A Change Log report provides a detailed audit log of records and selected fields that have been added, edited, or deleted within a specific date range. Data points include the user who made each change, the date/time of each change, and the field name, as well as the old and new values. This type of report allows the user to track/audit changes that impact lease accounting calculations, such as useful life or fair market value.

    Understanding financial aspects of a lease

    What is a right-of-use (ROU) asset?

    This new feature of the lease guidance represents the unused value of the leased asset remaining over the lease term. It is measured by taking the lease liability, adding in the initial direct costs and any prepaid lease payments, and then subtracting any lease incentives.

    What is lease liability?

    The lease liability is the current value of all outstanding lease payments that are not yet paid. It is discounted by using the incremental borrowing rate (IBR) or the implicit rate in the lease and calculated using an NPV (net present value) of all known payments that are unpaid.

    What are discount rates?

    A lease accounting discount rate is the implicit lease discount rate or the incremental borrowing rate (IBR) used to measure your operating and finance lease liabilities under ASC 842.

    What is an incremental borrowing rate (IBR)?

    According to FASB, IBR is “the rate of interest that a lessee would have to pay to borrow on a collateralized basis over a similar term an amount equal to the lease payments in a similar economic environment.”

    What is an interest expense?

    In the accrual method of accounting, this is the amount of interest incurred on debt during a particular period of time and appearing as a separate line on a company’s income statement for the period cited. The interest expense is also used, along with depreciation, when a lease is capitalized and posted as an asset on the balance sheet.

    What are disclosures?

    The purpose of lease disclosures is to provide clarity around financial statements, giving users insight into the “amount, timing, and uncertainty of cash flows arising from leases.” Under ASC 842, lessees must disclose quantitative and qualitative information about their leases, including the judgments made in measuring leases and the amounts recognized in their financial statements.

    What are practical expedients?

    Practical expedients are options created by FASB to simplify certain practices under the latest ASC 842 lease accounting standards. Read more in our blog ASC 842 practical expedients and transition requirements.

    What is the importance of lease transitions?

    The transition from the previous lease accounting standards to ASC 842 compliance requires making decisions about a variety of practical expedients that affect how leases are defined and accounted for moving forward. Without these transition relief options, companies must reassess all existing contracts to (1) determine which ones contain leases and (2) classify (or reclassify) those leases.

    What is the impact of different currencies on lease accounting?

    For companies that do business outside of the United State, some leases might contain figures in a currency other than U.S. dollars — bringing exchange rates into ROU asset remeasurements and other lease accounting processes.

    Download a white paper from Visual Lease accounting partner KPMG for SEC guidance on exchange rates and lease accounting.

    What are lease remeasurements?

    When there is a material change to a lease — something that causes a change in either the payments or the value of the lease asset itself — it triggers the need for lease remeasurements. For example, remeasurements may be needed due to abandonments, asset impairments, and other causes.

    Any remeasurements will affect how you do your lease accounting entries moving forward. Read more in our blog 6 frequently asked questions about lease accounting remeasurements.

    What is an amortization expense?

    An amortization expense is the write-off of an intangible asset over its expected period of use, representing consumption of the asset and resulting in a decline of the residual asset balance over time.

    Amortization is generally calculated on a straight-line basis. The write-off amount appears in the income statement, usually in the depreciation and amortization line item.

    What are lease terminations?

    A lease termination occurs when you are not using a leased asset and the lessor agrees to let you out of the lease agreement. Termination triggers the need for a remeasurement including any one-time termination fee you might pay, along with writing down the asset and the liability.

    Implementing new lease accounting standards

    What are the secrets to a successful lease accounting platform implementation?

    • Start your lease inventory ASAP.
    • Pinpoint what lease data you need to track.
    • Create a compliance team that represents all the stakeholder departments.
    • Educate yourself and your team.
    • Set a realistic timeline.
    • Keep the lines of communication open.
    • Start NOW!

    For more details, read our blog how to prepare for lease accounting implementation: 7 essential tasks.

    What’s next? Get the readiness checklist.

    Obviously, there is a lot to consider when evaluating lease accounting software and getting ready for FASB, IASB, and other compliance requirements.

    Are YOU ready to make the transition? Request a demo now.

    About Visual Lease

    Visual Lease is the #1 lease optimization software for managing, analyzing, streamlining and reporting on lease portfolios. Developed by industry-leading lease professionals and CPAs, it combines GAAP, IFRS and GASB-compliant lease accounting controls with easy, flexible and automated lease management processes.  More than 1,000 of the world’s largest publicly traded and privately-owned corporations rely on Visual Lease to control their lease portfolios, integrate with their existing business systems and maintain regulatory compliance. Committed to ongoing innovation and unparalleled customer service, Visual Lease helps organizations transform their lease compliance requirements into financial opportunities. For more information, visit

    The post Lease accounting Guide & New Standards first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
    Article: GASB 87: Six Steps To Success Under The New Lease Accounting Standard Wed, 25 Aug 2021 15:22:53 +0000 Last year, the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) voted to defer the effective date of lease accounting standard GASB 87 to give public sector entities more time to adapt to...

    The post Article: GASB 87: Six Steps To Success Under The New Lease Accounting Standard first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
    Last year, the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) voted to defer the effective date of lease accounting standard GASB 87 to give public sector entities more time to adapt to the many impacts of Covid-19.

    The post Article: GASB 87: Six Steps To Success Under The New Lease Accounting Standard first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
    New report from The Visual Lease Data Institute reveals urgent action needed for private companies to comply with lease accounting standard ASC 842 Thu, 29 Jul 2021 13:00:47 +0000  While 100% of surveyed companies agree on the business value of complying with the lease accounting standard, most are underconfident and unprepared for the looming deadline Woodbridge, NJ (July 29,...

    The post New report from The Visual Lease Data Institute reveals urgent action needed for private companies to comply with lease accounting standard ASC 842 first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

     While 100% of surveyed companies agree on the business value of complying with the lease accounting standard, most are underconfident and unprepared for the looming deadline

    Woodbridge, NJ (July 29, 2021) Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software provider, today unveiled the results of an in-depth study of 500 senior finance and accounting professionals analyzing where companies are in their efforts toward achieving compliance with ASC 842. The report reveals that despite 100% of respondents acknowledging the many benefits that lease accounting can bring, 75% are not yet compliant. This report marks the first release under The Visual Lease Data Institute, a collection of market-leading data, trends and insights on lease accounting, management and optimization created and curated by Visual Lease.

    The 2021 Lease Accounting Market Analysis: The Road to Readiness for ASC 842 explores the journey, opportunities and barriers that companies face in their efforts to comply with the new accounting standard published by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), which requires them to track and fully disclose all qualifying leased assets, including commercial real estate and equipment leases. The report was informed by a proprietary survey of 500 senior finance and accounting professionals at private organizations with more than 1,000 employees.  It excludes public sector organizations and governmental entities, which have to comply with a similar lease accounting standard.

    Key highlights of the report include:

    • Real Business Opportunity – All surveyed senior finance and accounting professionals recognize that complying with ASC 842 will offer their companies substantial benefits, including more transparent valuation of the organization (54%), cost savings (54%), easier preparation for audits (53%) and the ability to make strategic lease decisions (50%).
    • Need for Urgent Action – Despite the significant business opportunity that comes with lease accounting compliance, of the 75% of surveyed companies who are not yet fully compliant, nearly half (46%) are less than halfway through or have not yet begun the process. Moreover, a shocking one in five respondents admit that achieving full compliance has been a low business priority.
    • Pandemic Delays – Many private companies may now be playing catch-up from the impact of Covid-19, with more than two in five respondents (43%) noting that their organization’s process has been delayed due to the global pandemic.
    • Race Against the Clock – With the December 2021 deadline for private companies less than five months away, two in five respondents (40%) are only somewhat, not very, or not at all confident about their organization being ready to reach full compliance with ASC 842. One reason why? More than two in five (42%) surveyed admit that the ASC 842 compliance process has taken more time than expected, which puts those who have not started the process at serious risk. This is particularly concerning considering the average anticipated staff hours to gather all the necessary lease information to fully adopt ASC 842 is 1,334 hours, equivalent to more than 33 weeks of full-time labor for a highly skilled worker.
    • Companies Can’t Do It Alone – More than one in three (36%) of senior finance and accounting professionals surveyed note that they don’t have the right people, technology and tools in place. High among the things they consider to be essential in the process are implementing new (48%) or upgrading existing (51%) lease management and accounting software.
    • Not a One-and-Done Disclosure – Reaching ASC 842 compliance in time for the standard’s effective date is only part of the battle. Ninety-nine percent of respondents expect to face ongoing challenges maintaining compliance after the 2021 deadline. Among the most anticipated challenges include accurately tracking and managing future modifications to leases, adopting new technologies to optimize the process and continuing to train and educate staff.

    “We understand just how complex lease accounting is,” said Marc Betesh, founder and CEO of Visual Lease. “For 35 years, we’ve seen firsthand how tight lease portfolio management can amount to millions of dollars in savings and improve business performance. With the deadline for private companies to comply with ASC 842 rapidly approaching, we knew it was the right time to gather our insight, experience and expertise to provide you with the first report under The Visual Lease Data Institute. Our goal is simple – to arm you with the information you need to feel confident about your organization’s lease accounting compliance journey.”

    For full study results and helpful guidance towards ASC 842 compliance, download The 2021 Lease Accounting Market Analysis: The Road to Readiness for ASC 842.

    About Visual Lease

     Visual Lease is the #1 lease optimization software provider for managing, analyzing, streamlining and reporting on lease portfolios. Developed by industry-leading lease professionals and CPAs, it combines GAAP, IFRS and GASB-compliant lease accounting controls with easy, flexible and automated lease management processes. More than 700 of the world’s largest publicly traded, privately-owned and public sector organizations rely on Visual Lease to control their lease portfolios, integrate with their existing business systems and maintain regulatory compliance. Committed to ongoing innovation and unparalleled customer service, Visual Lease helps organizations transform their lease compliance requirements into financial opportunities. For more information, visit

    About The Visual Lease Data Institute

    The Visual Lease Data Institute is a collection of market-leading data, trends and insights on lease accounting, management and optimization created and curated by Visual Lease, provider of the #1 lease optimization software. The Institute was founded on 35 years’ experience managing lease data and financials and was created to arm organizations with the knowledge required to achieve and maintain lease accounting compliance and leverage their leases as strategic business assets.

    Media Contacts
    Erica Bonavitacola
    Visual Lease
    T+1 732 860 4838

    Katie Vroom
    Gregory FCA
    T+1 212 398 9680

    The post New report from The Visual Lease Data Institute reveals urgent action needed for private companies to comply with lease accounting standard ASC 842 first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
    Press release: Visual Lease announces strong second quarter results Tue, 20 Jul 2021 14:21:03 +0000 Company reports key strategic investments and double-digit annual recurring revenue growth year-over-year Woodbridge, NJ – July 20, 2021 — Visual Lease, provider of the #1 lease optimization software, today announced results from...

    The post Press release: Visual Lease announces strong second quarter results first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

    Company reports key strategic investments and double-digit annual recurring revenue growth year-over-year

    Woodbridge, NJ – July 20, 2021 Visual Lease, provider of the #1 lease optimization software, today announced results from the second quarter of 2021, including double-digit annual recurring revenue growth year-over-year, as well as industry recognition for its robust software capabilities and sustained high growth. The company also continued to make strategic investments across its product and service offerings to help organizations leverage their lease accounting process to unlock a range of business opportunities.

    “We recognize that lease accounting compliance is a long game, and there’s a lot to lose and gain in this process if you’re not on top of the changing requirements,” said Marc Betesh, founder and CEO of Visual Lease. “We’re continuing to make investments in our product and team to not only streamline our customers’ lease accounting compliance, but also help them achieve efficiencies and hard-dollar savings that can have a real long-term impact on their businesses. In fact, we recently conducted a survey of 500 senior finance and accounting professionals, and 100% of them recognized these additional benefits stimulated by the adoption of the new lease accounting standard. We know and understand what those benefits are and show our customers how to achieve them.”

    In Q2 2021, Visual Lease:


    • Enhanced its reporting performance, resulting in a doubling of the speed of generating disclosure, journal entry summaries and roll-forward reports.
    • Further expanded its GASB support, launching technical accounting features to streamline the handling for lessor termination calculations, schedule modifications and reports.
    • Launched short-term calculations, empowering users to easily create short-term calculations irrespective of the lease terms.
    • Introduced its Customer Advisory Board, assembling a select group of senior financial management and real estate executives from across its base of valued customers to share insights and solicit feedback on Visual Lease’s solutions and services.


    • Announced Guy Zerega as SVP of Sales, bringing in an experienced software sales leader to help the organization continue to grow and scale with the industry.
    • Welcomed Pamela Cosmillo as Director of Human Resources, placing an increased emphasis on its people and position as a leading workplace.
    • Grew its employee base by more than 35% year-over-year, hiring across a range of departments and levels within the organization.

     Industry Recognition

    To keep up with announcements from Visual Lease, visit the Visual Lease Newsroom.

    About Visual Lease

    Visual Lease is the provider of the #1 lease optimization software for managing, analyzing, streamlining and reporting on lease portfolios. Developed by industry-leading lease professionals and CPAs, it combines GAAP, IFRS and GASB-compliant lease accounting controls with easy, flexible and automated lease management processes. More than 700 of the world’s largest publicly traded, privately-owned and public sector organizations rely on Visual Lease to control their lease portfolios, integrate with their existing business systems and maintain regulatory compliance. Committed to ongoing innovation and unparalleled customer service, Visual Lease helps organizations transform their lease compliance requirements into financial opportunities. For more information, visit


    Media Contacts

    Erica Bonavitacola
    Visual Lease
    T+1 732 860 4838


    Geena Pickering
    Gregory FCA
    T+1 212 398 9680


    The post Press release: Visual Lease announces strong second quarter results first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
    Press release: Visual Lease ranked a top software company of 2021 Thu, 15 Jul 2021 13:24:40 +0000

    Woodbridge, NJ – July 15, 2021Visual Lease, provider of the #1 lease optimization software, has been ranked among the Top 100 Software Companies of 2021 by The Software Report. Visual Lease was the only lease accounting and administration software company to have been included on the list. This recognition comes on the heels of Visual Lease being named a High Performer and Momentum Leader in lease accounting by G2, the world’s leading business software review site.

    “We are honored and humbled by this inclusion,” said Visual Lease’s founder and CEO, Marc Betesh. “The software industry is vast and accounts for the some of the most impactful businesses worldwide. After an unprecedented year and a half, I’m proud of all that the team has accomplished, and the caliber of the products and services that we continue to provide to our community of customers. Congratulations to our employee base and fellow award recipients.”

    The Software Report evaluated The Top 100 Software Companies of 2021 based on certain criteria, including software product quality, management team caliber and company culture.

    Visual Lease was recently honored with a Bronze Stevie® Award in the Fastest Growing Company of the Year category in The 19th Annual American Business Awards® and named a Top Workplace in New Jersey by In 2020, Visual Lease gained recognition within the top 10 percent on the Inc. 5000 list of fastest-growing companies in America and the top third of high-growth companies on the Deloitte 2020 Technology Fast 500™. Visual Lease was also recognized by NJBIZ as one of the Best Places to Work in New Jersey and was named No. 10 on NJBIZ’s list of New Jersey’s 50 Fastest Growing Companies in 2020. Last year marked the third straight year that Visual Lease experienced double-digit growth.

    To keep up with all of Visual Lease’s announcements and milestones, visit its newsroom.

    About Visual Lease

    Visual Lease is the provider of the #1 lease optimization software for managing, analyzing, streamlining and reporting on lease portfolios. Developed by industry-leading lease professionals and CPAs, it combines GAAP, IFRS and GASB-compliant lease accounting controls with easy, flexible and automated lease management processes. More than 700 of the world’s largest publicly traded and privately-owned corporations rely on Visual Lease to control their lease portfolios, integrate with their existing business systems and maintain regulatory compliance. Committed to ongoing innovation and unparalleled customer service, Visual Lease helps organizations transform their lease compliance requirements into financial opportunities. For more information, visit 

    Media Contacts 

    Erica Bonavitacola
    Visual Lease
    T+1 732 860 4838

    Geena Pickering
    Gregory FCA
    T+1 212 398 9680

    The post Press release: Visual Lease ranked a top software company of 2021 first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
    Press release: Visual Lease introduces GASB 87 Complete Mon, 12 Jul 2021 17:30:24 +0000

    Provides a proven and fully supported path to achieve lease accounting compliance with GASB 87 in 50 business days or less

    Woodbridge, NJ – July 12, 2021 Visual Lease,  provider of the #1 lease optimization software, today announced GASB 87 Complete, a full end-to-end lease accounting solution for state and local governments and other public sector entities. GASB 87 Complete provides entities with Visual Lease’s industry-leading lease accounting and management software combined with all-inclusive, multi-tiered customer training and support. With GASB 87 Complete, entities can utilize a robust, fully implemented system in 50 business days or less, without any hidden fees.

    “For government and public entities, there is simply no time to waste regarding GASB 87,” said Joe Fitzgerald, SVP of Market Strategy at Visual Lease. “How they manage their lease data and their capacity to produce accurate journal entries will directly impact their ability to meet the standard. Our software and team of experts will get them on a proven path to achieve and maintain compliance – quickly.”

    GASB 87 Complete package users will benefit from:

    • Industry-leading lease administration capabilities to easily manage critical dates, monitor obligations and track data across their entire lease portfolio.
    • Full lease accounting functionality to automatically generate audit-ready journal entries, disclosures and reports.
    • Unlimited cross-functional users, all of whom can fully interact with lease data in one centralized system, fueling their ability to reinforce internal processes and create efficiencies.
    • Unparalleled support from experienced, dedicated implementation and account managers and ongoing customer support representatives to maximize the value and use of the platform.

    “Our solution is informed by more than 35 years of experience managing lease financials,” said founder and CEO, Marc Betesh. “We’ve facilitated hundreds of successful implementations. Our in-house team of experts deeply understand – and even helped structure – the new lease accounting standards. We know what it takes to achieve and maintain compliance, and we’re a trusted partner to countless organizations. Our GASB 87 Complete package is a unique solution that incorporates everything needed by public sector entities.”

    To learn more about Visual Lease’s GASB 87 Complete package, visit here.

    About Visual Lease

    Visual Lease is the provider of the #1 lease optimization software for managing, analyzing, streamlining and reporting on lease portfolios. Developed by industry-leading lease professionals and CPAs, it combines GAAP, IFRS and GASB-compliant lease accounting controls with easy, flexible and automated lease management processes. More than 700 of the world’s largest publicly traded and privately-owned corporations rely on Visual Lease to control their lease portfolios, integrate with their existing business systems and maintain regulatory compliance. Committed to ongoing innovation and unparalleled customer service, Visual Lease helps organizations transform their lease compliance requirements into financial opportunities. For more information, visit 

    Media Contacts 

    Erica Bonavitacola
    Visual Lease
    T+1 732 860 4838

    Geena Pickering
    Gregory FCA
    T+1 212 398 9680

    The post Press release: Visual Lease introduces GASB 87 Complete first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
    Article: How to properly evaluate your tech stack before investing in a new solution Mon, 05 Jul 2021 14:56:30 +0000 In a 2020 IDC survey, 42% of technology decision makers reported that their organizations planned to invest in technology to close the digital transformation gap. We expect that number has...

    The post Article: How to properly evaluate your tech stack before investing in a new solution first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
    In a 2020 IDC survey, 42% of technology decision makers reported that their organizations planned to invest in technology to close the digital transformation gap. We expect that number has since risen. Companies invest in technology for several reasons: to streamline crucial processes, to stay relevant and to find and maintain a competitive edge. What it comes down to is that a company’s tech stack is a key component of its growth strategy.

    The post Article: How to properly evaluate your tech stack before investing in a new solution first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
    Press release: Visual Lease named High Performer and Momentum Leader by G2 Wed, 30 Jun 2021 14:35:34 +0000

    Woodbridge, NJ – June 29, 2021 Visual Lease, provider of #1 lease optimization software, has been identified by G2 as a “High Performer” in the Summer 2021 quarter for Lease Administration Software. G2 is the world’s leading business software review site and this High Performer rating was based on Visual Lease’s high levels of customer satisfaction and ratings from real users. G2 also identified Visual Lease as a “Momentum Leader” in its Lease Administration Software Momentum Grid Report, based on a composite score that combines a product’s growth indicators with customer satisfaction ratings.

    “We are honored to have been recognized as a high performer and momentum leader in our space,” said Marc Betesh, founder and CEO of Visual Lease. “We’ve seen firsthand the impact that having the right lease management solution can have on an organization’s lease accounting. We’re deeply committed to providing our customers with a solution that brings lease accounting and management together to help maintain compliance and also tighten and elevate the controls around leases.”

    G2 reviews included reports of:

    “It is the authentic voice of the customer that powers our reports at G2 – ranking B2B software founded on users’ experience in buying, implementing and using it,” said Tom Pringle, Vice President of Research at G2. “We are delighted to highlight the tangible achievements of software solutions ranked on our site as they showcase the voice of the user while delivering valuable, actionable insights to other potential buyers and users.”

    Learn more about what users have to say on Visual Lease’s G2 profile.

    About Visual Lease

    Visual Lease is the provider of the #1 lease optimization software for managing, analyzing, streamlining and reporting on lease portfolios. Developed by industry-leading lease professionals and CPAs, it combines GAAP, IFRS and GASB-compliant lease accounting controls with easy, flexible and automated lease management processes. More than 700 of the world’s largest publicly traded and privately-owned corporations rely on Visual Lease to control their lease portfolios, integrate with their existing business systems and maintain regulatory compliance. Committed to ongoing innovation and unparalleled customer service, Visual Lease helps organizations transform their lease compliance requirements into financial opportunities. For more information, visit 

    Media Contacts 

    Erica Bonavitacola
    Visual Lease
    T+1 732 860 4838

    Geena Pickering
    Gregory FCA
    T+1 212 398 9680

    The post Press release: Visual Lease named High Performer and Momentum Leader by G2 first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
    Article: Lease accounting success: Five questions to assess your current process Wed, 23 Jun 2021 15:57:02 +0000 Last year, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) provided private companies with an extra year to adopt lease accounting standard ASC 842. When this was announced, 63.8% of surveyed private company executives...

    The post Article: Lease accounting success: Five questions to assess your current process first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
    Last year, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) provided private companies with an extra year to adopt lease accounting standard ASC 842. When this was announced, 63.8% of surveyed private company executives reported that they planned to take advantage of the extension.

    The post Article: Lease accounting success: Five questions to assess your current process first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
    Press release: Visual Lease Announces Guy Zerega as SVP of Sales Tue, 22 Jun 2021 15:30:57 +0000

    Woodbridge, NJ – June 22, 2021Visual Lease, provider of the #1 lease optimization software, today announced that Guy Zerega has joined the organization as Senior Vice President of Sales, responsible for expanding and supporting their community of more than 700 customers. In his role, he will oversee the company’s sales, business development, alliances and account management functions.

    Before Visual Lease, Guy worked at Veriff as Senior Vice President of Revenue where he managed their global sales organization and business expansion. Most recently, he helped the company receive the largest Series B in the identity verification space to date. Prior to his time at Veriff, Guy served as Executive Vice President of Revenue at Stack Overflow where he grew their revenue organization from three to more than 130 people.

    “Guy’s entry into our business could not have come at a better time,” said Marc Betesh, founder and CEO of Visual Lease. “Achieving and maintaining lease accounting compliance has become increasingly complex. Guy understands how a solution provider should grow with its industry, always anticipating and meeting the evolving needs of its customers – and that’s what we are committed to.”

    In 2020, Visual Lease expanded its leadership team with the appointment of Erinn Tarpey as SVP, Marketing, and Joe Fitzgerald as SVP, Lease Market Strategy.

    “I’m energized by Visual Lease’s position in the market,” stated Zerega. “New lease accounting standards ASC 842, GASB 87 and IFRS 16 have awakened financial leaders across all industries. They need the right technology to meet their requirements today and in the future. I look forward to helping Visual Lease continue its trajectory as the partner of choice for lease accounting, management and optimization.”

    To learn more about Visual Lease’s leadership team, visit here.

    About Visual Lease

    Visual Lease is the provider of the #1 lease optimization software for managing, analyzing, streamlining and reporting on lease portfolios. Developed by industry-leading lease professionals and CPAs, it combines GAAP, IFRS and GASB-compliant lease accounting controls with easy, flexible and automated lease management processes. More than 700 of the world’s largest publicly traded and privately-owned corporations rely on Visual Lease to control their lease portfolios, integrate with their existing business systems and maintain regulatory compliance. Committed to ongoing innovation and unparalleled customer service, Visual Lease helps organizations transform their lease compliance requirements into financial opportunities. For more information, visit 

    Media Contacts 

    Erica Bonavitacola
    Visual Lease
    T+1 732 860 4838

    Geena Pickering
    Gregory FCA
    T+1 212 398 9680


    The post Press release: Visual Lease Announces Guy Zerega as SVP of Sales first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
    Press release: names Visual Lease a top workplace in New Jersey Mon, 21 Jun 2021 15:59:23 +0000

    Woodbridge, NJ – June 21, 2021Visual Lease, provider of the #1 lease optimization software, has been named a Top Workplace in 2021 by This recognition comes on the heels of the company’s third straight year of double-digit growth.

    This award is based on employee feedback gathered through a third-party survey, which measured 15 culture drivers that are critical to a company’s success. Organizations were evaluated based on criteria such as their ability to foster alignment, execute on their commitments and stay connected to employees.

    “This acknowledgement is particularly important to our organization because it stems from our own employees’ observations,” said Visual Lease’s founder and CEO, Marc Betesh. “We’ve been consistently growing at an accelerated rate and have a tremendous opportunity in front of us – we attribute this to our team. It’s rewarding to know that our commitment to maintaining our culture is recognized.”

    Visual Lease was recently honored with a Bronze Stevie® Award in the Fastest Growing Company of the Year category in The 19th Annual American Business Awards®. In 2020, Visual Lease gained recognition within the top 10 percent on the Inc. 5000 list of fastest-growing companies in America and the top third of high-growth companies on the Deloitte 2020 Technology Fast 500™. Visual Lease was also recognized by NJBIZ as one of the Best Places to Work in New Jersey and was named No. 10 on NJBIZ’s list of New Jersey’s 50 Fastest Growing Companies in 2020.

    To support its rapid growth, Visual Lease plans to fill many more positions across its organization through the end of 2021. To learn more about the company’s culture and open job opportunities, visit its career site.

    About Visual Lease

    Visual Lease is the provider of the #1 lease optimization software for managing, analyzing, streamlining and reporting on lease portfolios. Developed by industry-leading lease professionals and CPAs, it combines GAAP, IFRS and GASB-compliant lease accounting controls with easy, flexible and automated lease management processes. More than 700 of the world’s largest publicly traded and privately-owned corporations rely on Visual Lease to control their lease portfolios, integrate with their existing business systems and maintain regulatory compliance. Committed to ongoing innovation and unparalleled customer service, Visual Lease helps organizations transform their lease compliance requirements into financial opportunities. For more information, visit 

    Media Contacts 

    Erica Bonavitacola
    Visual Lease
    T+1 732 860 4838

    Geena Pickering
    Gregory FCA
    T+1 212 398 9680

    The post Press release: names Visual Lease a top workplace in New Jersey first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
    Article: GASB offers guidance on implementing leases, and more Mon, 14 Jun 2021 19:37:55 +0000 The Governmental Accounting Standards Board released updated implementation guidance for its leases standard, which is going into effect soon, along with other accounting standards for state and local governments.

    The post Article: GASB offers guidance on implementing leases, and more first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
    The Governmental Accounting Standards Board released updated implementation guidance for its leases standard, which is going into effect soon, along with other accounting standards for state and local governments.

    The post Article: GASB offers guidance on implementing leases, and more first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
    Identifying the right lease accounting solution for your business Wed, 19 May 2021 16:21:57 +0000 Lease accounting is a massive, cross-functional effort. It involves various stakeholders and systems that impact (and are impacted by) leases. It is not just an accounting problem – and goes...

    The post Identifying the right lease accounting solution for your business first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

    Lease accounting is a massive, cross-functional effort. It involves various stakeholders and systems that impact (and are impacted by) leases. It is not just an accounting problem – and goes further beyond producing a disclosure report.

    The dynamic nature of leases prompts constant adaptation, and organizations need an easy way to manage those changes. The bigger the portfolio, the more complicated it becomes, which is why it is important to determine how you will handle accurate lease information and financials.

    There needs to be a reliable way to manage leases throughout the year, given lease changes can result in hundreds, potentially thousands of calculations and permutations. While the market offers a wide selection of solutions, not every tool is one-size fits all. Each lease accounting solution offers its own experience – from implementation to daily usage and beyond.

    In this blog, we’ll break down the top differentiating areas and questions you should consider (beyond producing accurate calculations and reports) when evaluating lease accounting software.

    Configurability vs. customization

    Every business is unique with their own processes and leases that contain specific information. Your lease accounting solution should be flexible to match the way you run your business. Weighing the differences between a custom and configurable solution can save you significant time and money.

    • Does the solution require customization for unique business requirements? If so, what are the costs and what is the maintenance associated with customization?
    • Does the solution support configurable data fields, groupings and financial categories to match your industry and organization?
    • Can the solution generate ad-hoc reports on the fly?

    Customer experience

    At the end of the day, your lease accounting solution relies on the people using it. Make sure you are properly set up and running with thorough, dedicated customer support from implementation and beyond.

    • Does the vendor provide in-house, dedicated implementation support?
    • Does the vendor offer ongoing customer support at no additional cost? What are their estimated response time SLAs?
    • Does the vendor provide ongoing trainings and helpful tools dedicated to various users?
    • Is the vendor committed to continuous product enhancements based on customer needs?


    Your lease accounting software should be able to handle even the most complex lease administration and accounting scenarios, including data imports and exports to various third-party solutions for a true return on investment.

    • Does the software integrate with your existing technology infrastructure, such as your ERP and financial systems?
    • Does the software offer flexible options to schedule, monitor, manage and automate data imports and exports between third-party applications?

    Ease of use

    Lease accounting is complex and requires constant adaptation from a variety of stakeholders. You need an easy way to view, track and manage all updates for full auditability.

    • Is the user interface intuitive and easy to use?
    • Does the solution support the ability to view changes made by various users?


    There is a lot of money – and risk – in most lease portfolios. Make sure you feel confident in your solution’s ability to keep your information safe and generate accurate calculations.

    • Are there tools for administering individual and group users for system access, roles and permissions?
    • Is the solution and calculations backed by a SOC I Type II audit?

    Selecting the right lease accounting solution for your business is critical to your success. Evaluating various tools is a necessary part of the process to ensure you are equipped with what is needed to meet ASC 842, GASB 87 or IFRS 16 compliance.

    If you’re in search of an all-encompassing lease accounting management software that ensures you’re achieving and maintaining compliance, Visual Lease is the solution you’ve been looking for. Schedule a demo with our team to see if we’re a match.

    The post Identifying the right lease accounting solution for your business first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
    Press release: Visual Lease hosts lease accounting compliance workshops led by industry experts Mon, 10 May 2021 14:26:15 +0000

    In-house team regularly shares valuable insights to help companies gain confidence with their compliance to ASC 842 and GASB 87 

    Woodbridge, NJ – May 10, 2021 —Visual Leasethe #1 lease optimization software, now offers complimentary workshops to help organizations achieve and maintain compliance with the new lease accounting standards, ASC 842 and GASB 87. These virtual educational sessions take place monthly and explain  the best ways to handle lease accounting compliance projectincluding how to manage the applicable milestones and critical dates. The organization offers separate sessions for US GAAP (ASC 842) and GASB 87as the timing and requirements are somewhat different. 

    These workshops are led by Joe Fitzgerald CPA, SVP of Lease Market Strategy, and Alexandra Betesh, VP of Client Services at Visual Lease. Collectively, both experts have decades of experience helping companies manage their leases and achieve and maintain lease accounting compliance. 

    Attendees will learn: 

    • The ideal period to begin each phase of lease accounting preparation and how much time to allocate to each step 
    • How to incorporatlease management best practices into a lease accounting project to reduce the ongoing work needed to maintain compliance with ASC 842 and GASB 87  
    • How to effectively use Visual Lease’s exclusive Lease Accounting Milestone Planner (LAMP)™ to manage deadlines and access resources to support their project planning 

    Through our community of more than 700 customers, we’ve seen firsthand how important preparation is when it comes to lease accounting compliance,” said Joe Fitzgerald, SVP of Lease Market Strategy at Visual Lease. “Having a clear understanding of the applicable standards’ requirements directly impacts an organization’s ability to achieve and maintain compliance – and, this knowledge can also empower them to unlock value across their portfolio. With these planning sessions, we’re helping companies set themselves up for both initial and long-term compliance, and better leverage their leases as strategic assets in their business.” 

    Since the beginning of 2021, nearly 600 financial leaders and lease accounting professionals have attended Visual Lease’s thought leadership events.   

    Learn more and register for Visual Lease’s next monthly GASB 87 Planning Workshop (5/20) here.  

    About Visual Lease  

    Visual Lease is the #1 lease optimization software for managing, analyzing, streamlining and reporting on lease portfolios. Developed by industry-leading lease professionals and CPAs, it combines GAAP, IFRS and GASB-compliant lease accounting controls with easy, flexible and automated lease management processes. More than 700 of the world’s largest publicly traded and privately-owned corporations rely on Visual Lease to control their lease portfolios, integrate with their existing business systems and maintain regulatory compliance. Committed to ongoing innovation and unparalleled customer service, Visual Lease helps organizations transform their lease compliance requirements into financial opportunities. For more information, visit 

    Media Contacts 

    Erica Bonavitacola
    Visual Lease
    T+1 732 860 4838

    Geena Pickering
    T+1 212 398 9680


    The post Press release: Visual Lease hosts lease accounting compliance workshops led by industry experts first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
    Press release: Visual Lease recognized as Fastest Growing Company of the Year in 2021 American Business Awards Tue, 04 May 2021 13:52:41 +0000

    Woodbridge, NJ – May 4, 2021Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software, has been honored with a Bronze Stevie® Award in the Fastest Growing Company of the Year category in The 19th Annual American Business Awards®. The organization was recognized for its strong company culture and consistent, rapid growth.

    “We are honored to have received our first Stevie® Award,” said Visual Lease’s founder and CEO, Marc Betesh. “We recently shared the results from a successful first quarter of 2021 here at Visual Lease, and believe this recognition is a testament to all that we have and will continue to accomplish. Our growing team fuels our ability to continue to help more than 700 of the world’s largest publicly traded and privately-owned companies control their leases and master their lease accounting obligations. And, we’re just getting started.”

    In 2020, Visual Lease gained recognition within the top 10 percent on the Inc. 5000 list of fastest-growing companies in America and the top third of high-growth companies on the Deloitte 2020 Technology Fast 500™. Visual Lease was also recognized by NJBIZ as one of the Best Places to Work in New Jersey and was named No. 10 on NJBIZ’s list of New Jersey’s 50 Fastest Growing Companies in 2020. Last year marked the third straight year that Visual Lease experienced double-digit growth.

    The American Business Awards are the U.S.A.’s premier business awards program. All organizations operating in the U.S.A. are eligible to submit nominations – public and private, for-profit and non-profit, large and small.

    More than 250 professionals worldwide participated in the judging process to select this year’s Stevie Award winners.

    To learn more about Visual Lease’s culture and open job opportunities, visit its career site.

    About Visual Lease

    Visual Lease is the #1 lease optimization software for managing, analyzing, streamlining and reporting on lease portfolios. Developed by industry-leading lease professionals and CPAs, it combines GAAP, IFRS and GASB-compliant lease accounting controls with easy, flexible and automated lease management processes. More than 700 of the world’s largest publicly traded and privately-owned corporations rely on Visual Lease to control their lease portfolios, integrate with their existing business systems and maintain regulatory compliance. Committed to ongoing innovation and unparalleled customer service, Visual Lease helps organizations transform their lease compliance requirements into financial opportunities. For more information, visit

    About the Stevie Awards

    Stevie Awards are conferred in eight programs: the Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards, the German Stevie Awards, the Middle East & North Africa Stevie Awards, The American Business Awards®, The International Business Awards®, the Stevie Awards for Women in Business, the Stevie Awards for Great Employers, and the Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service. The Stevies also produce the annual Women|Future Conference.  Stevie Awards competitions receive more than 12,000 entries each year from organizations in more than 70 nations. Honoring organizations of all types and sizes and the people behind them, the Stevies recognize outstanding performances in the workplace worldwide. Learn more about the Stevie Awards at

    Media Contacts 

    Erica Bonavitacola
    Visual Lease
    T+1 732 860 4838

    Geena Pickering
    T+1 212 398 9680

    The post Press release: Visual Lease recognized as Fastest Growing Company of the Year in 2021 American Business Awards first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
    Press release: Visual Lease reports Q1 milestones in product, brand, thought leadership and industry recognitions Mon, 19 Apr 2021 16:03:06 +0000

    Company continues to make strategic investments to help organizations manage, account for and maximize every asset within their lease portfolio

    Woodbridge, NJ – April 19, 2021 Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software, today announced results from the first quarter of 2021, which included new product features, resources and branding, as well as recognition for its high level of performance and customer satisfaction. Following its third consecutive year of double-digit revenue growth, Visual Lease is poised for another successful year ahead.

    “Lease accounting standards ASC 842, IFRS 16 and GASB 87 have opened financial leaders’ eyes to the risks within their lease portfolios. We’ve anticipated this awakening, and we’ve been planning for it,” said Visual Lease’s founder and CEO, Marc Betesh. “In Q1, we continued to enhance our platform, create and distribute resources and expand our bench of industry experts to provide companies with what they need to not only minimize risk, but to also find opportunities across their lease portfolios.”

    In Q1 2021, Visual Lease:


    • Enhanced its most frequently used reports (Ad Hoc, Roll-Forward and Disclosure & Lease Accounting Standard Reports), which resulted in a 50% reduction in time for full-year report generation and greater overall performance.
    • Released a new Standards Options Report, providing an easy-to-read summary of critical options information, and empowering users to take action based on key details within their portfolio.
    • Announced a new Schedule Upload Feature, enabling users to quickly generate abandonment schedules with itemized interest and amortization entries.
    • Expanded GASB support, empowering clients to perform a sale-leaseback within the platform, accounting for the sale and subsequent leasing of a previously owned asset.


    • Unveiled its new branding, elevating its look and feel to mirror its ingenuity, passion and commitment to helping companies achieve confident lease accounting compliance with ease and unlock business opportunities within their lease portfolios.

    Thought Leadership

    • Launched its Lease Accounting  Solution Transition (LAST) PlannerTM, an interactive and easy-to-use tool that provides organizations with a custom plan to facilitate their move from one lease accounting platform to another.
    • Introduced its Lease Accounting Milestone Planner (LAMP)TM webinar series, providing companies with unique insight and resources to help them successfully plan out and schedule the steps needed to transition to ASC 842 and GASB 87.
    • Welcomed a new Senior Technical Accountant, Rosemary Courtney, CPA. Having served as a financial leader for public, private and not-for-profit companies, Rosemary brings deep expertise to the team, which she will use to help Visual Lease continue to innovate and expand its offerings.
    • Announced its Consult an Expert program, providing organizations with direct access to Visual Lease’s deep bench of accounting professionals and lease specialists.

    Industry Recognitions

    • Continued to grow its Partner Alliance network, joining forces with industry-leading organizations to deliver increased value to shared customers:
      • Expanded existing relationship with RSM US LLP to now include a managed services offering.
      • Welcomed CFGI, the nation’s largest non-audit accounting advisory firm, to its Partner Alliance network.
      • Solidified its partnership with Solomon Edwards Group (SEG), a national professional services firm focused on strategy execution.
    • Named High Performer and Momentum Leader for Spring 2021 by G2:

    “Visual Lease has been identified as a High Performer based on its high levels of customer satisfaction and quality of support ratings from real software users on G2, the world’s leading B2B software review platform. These reviews largely come from enterprise customers that Visual Lease serves,” said Dominick Duda, G2 Research Analyst. “Visual Lease’s high performance on the Spring 2021 Grid® Report for Lease Administration is a testament to both their product’s performance and the team behind their product. This position is powered by the authentic voice of the customer, captured in the verified user reviews of solutions in G2’s Lease Administration Software category.”

    To keep up with announcements from Visual Lease, visit the Visual Lease Newsroom.

    About Visual Lease

    Visual Lease is the #1 lease optimization software for managing, analyzing, streamlining and reporting on lease portfolios. Developed by industry-leading lease professionals and CPAs, it combines GAAP, IFRS and GASB-compliant lease accounting controls with easy, flexible and automated lease management processes. More than 700 of the world’s largest publicly traded and privately-owned corporations rely on Visual Lease to control their lease portfolios, integrate with their existing business systems and maintain regulatory compliance. Committed to ongoing innovation and unparalleled customer service, Visual Lease helps organizations transform their lease compliance requirements into financial opportunities. For more information, visit

    Media Contacts 

    Erica Bonavitacola
    Visual Lease
    T+1 732 860 4838

    Geena Pickering
    T+1 212 398 9680


    The post Press release: Visual Lease reports Q1 milestones in product, brand, thought leadership and industry recognitions first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
    Press release: Visual Lease introduces 2021 lease market impacts trends report Mon, 25 Jan 2021 17:18:13 +0000

    Research uncovers how the pandemic has impacted landlords and tenants, and trends to expect within the commercial real estate market 

    Woodbridge, NJ – January 25, 2020 —Visual Leasethe #1 lease optimization software, published its lease market trends report, which explores how the leasing industry has changeas a result of COVID-19. In 2020, the pandemic affected nearly every business, but had a particularly notable impact on the commercial real estate market. Rent disputes, lease abandonments, and, in some cases, court battles carried on throughout the yearimpacting landlords and tenants across the globe. Although the future remains uncertain, there are many signs of recovery for the commercial real estate space. 

    In the report titled 2021 Lease Lifecycle Management Trends Report: Identifying Insights into How the COVID-19 Pandemic Affected Landlords and Tenants, Visual Lease explores how its customers have fared since the pandemic began, and how they are managing their businesses in 2021. Survey respondents spanned across several industries, including retail, manufacturing, technology and healthcare, among others 

    Key survey findings include:

    • Roughly three in five (59%) companies reported a loss in revenue since the start of the COVID-19 outbreak in March 2020 
    • 80% of respondents expect the financial impact of COVID-19 on their business to be short-term – over half (54%) of respondents expect to recover in less than a year, while 26% say they have already recovered 
    • Of the companies surveyed, 50% received monetary relief to combat the challenges associated with COVID-19 
    • 38% of respondents reported that COVID-19 related terminations have impacted the number of lease agreements under management   
    • More than 1/3 (39%) of respondents had no plans to downsize office space while 18% already had done it – 37% were considering/planning for it 
    • 16% of those surveyed said they were open to co-working spaces vs. large facilities for office space 

    In 2020, we saw more shifts in the commercial real estate industry than ever before. Companies had to adjust their business strategies to accommodate employees, government mandates and the changing economy, which led to new challenges and an acceleration of trends that we were seeing pre-pandemic,” said Marc Betesh, CEO of Visual Lease. “In 2021, the impact of COVID-19 will still be a factor for many organizations. However, we are optimistic that this year, the industry will continue to find innovative ways to adapt to the new landscape.”  

    For more information about the report and to view the eBook, click here.

    To learn more about key findings from the report and how lease optimization can unlock financial opportunities, join Visual Lease for a webinar on Tuesday, February 23, at 12:30 p.m. ET. To register, click here 

    About Visual Lease

    Visual Lease is the #1 lease optimization software for managing, analyzing, streamlining and reporting on lease portfolios. Developed by industry-leading lease professionals and CPAs, it combines GAAP, IFRS and GASB-compliant lease accounting controls with easy, flexible and automated lease management processes. More than 700 of the world’s largest publicly traded and privately-owned corporations rely on Visual Lease to control their lease portfolios, integrate with their existing business systems and maintain regulatory compliance. Committed to ongoing innovation and unparalleled customer service, Visual Lease helps organizations transform their lease compliance requirements into financial opportunities. For more information, visit

    Media Contacts 

    Erica Bonavitacola
    Visual Lease
    T+1 732 860 4838

    Geena Pickering
    T+1 212 398 9680

    The post Press release: Visual Lease introduces 2021 lease market impacts trends report first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
    Press release: Visual Lease reports strong end to 2020 Tue, 19 Jan 2021 16:32:21 +0000

    Company grows its customer base by 21% and revenue by 22% YoY, emerges as the market’s leading lease optimization software

    Woodbridge, NJ – January 19, 2020 Visual Lease, the #1 lease optimization software, today announced its 2020 business results, citing a 22 percent increase in revenue year-over-year, making it the third straight year that Visual Lease experienced double-digit growth. Along with an increase in revenue, Visual Lease reported a 21 percent increase in its customer base.

    “Today, companies are focusing on both the substantial risks and the opportunities in their lease portfolios,” said Visual Lease’s founder and CEO, Marc Betesh. “This shift is not only in response to mandatory lease accounting compliance deadlines, but also in reaction to the impacts of COVID-19. Our continued growth and innovation are a testament to our ability to help businesses achieve compliance, streamline key processes, generate financial savings and most importantly, optimize their lease portfolios to help meet their business goals.”

    Visual Lease’s 2020 milestones include:

    • Launched its Integrations Hub, empowering users to streamline workflows across systems and securely leverage lease data using auditable file transfers and flexible APIs.
    • Introduced Approvals, an internal preventative control feature, enabling users to asynchronously manage and monitor changes to critical lease information data.
    • Released the Roll Forward Report, a one-click report that provides users with a deeper level of supporting evidence for reconciliation efforts.
    • Established strategic partnerships across the accounting, real estate and technology sectors, growing its Partner Alliance Program by more than 100 percent since 2019.
    • Migrated its system to Amazon Web Services (AWS), providing users with unmatched network performance.
    • Unveiled VL University, supplying customers with a dedicated virtual training center to maximize their use of the platform.
    • Recognized within the top 10 percent on the 5000 list of fastest-growing companies in America and the top third of high-growth companies on the Deloitte 2020 Technology Fast 500™. Designated No. 10 on NJBIZ’s list of New Jersey’s 50 Fastest Growing Companies and recognized by NJBIZ as one of the Best Places to Work in New Jersey.
    • Named Most Recommended for Lease Accounting Software by Capterra and a High-Performer by G2.

    Visual Lease’s plans for 2021 include:

    • Introducing new product features to further enable customers to take control of their lease portfolios while successfully achieving compliance with GAAP, GASB and IFRS standards.
    • Considerably increasing its workforce, hiring top talent to deliver on its commitment to customers and partners.
    • Investing in its Integrations Hub, facilitating the ability for users to utilize third-party solutions and leverage lease data from across their business via one centralized location.
    • Expanding strategic partnerships with key organizations, growing its Partner Alliance Program.

    “This year, lease compliance is front and center for more than 125,000 companies in the U.S.,” said Joe Fitzgerald, SVP of Lease Marketing Strategy at Visual Lease. “With our expertise, software and service, we’re poised to help these organizations achieve so much more than compliance. Together, we can unlock opportunities to not only support their business needs today, but to create the foundation required for more strategic management of these leased assets in the future.”

    To check out new announcements from Visual Lease, visit its newsroom.

    About Visual Lease

    Visual Lease is the #1 lease optimization software for managing, analyzing, streamlining and reporting on lease portfolios. Developed by industry-leading lease professionals and CPAs, it combines GAAP, IFRS and GASB-compliant lease accounting controls with easy, flexible and automated lease management processes. More than 700 of the world’s largest publicly traded and privately-owned corporations rely on Visual Lease to control their lease portfolios, integrate with their existing business systems and maintain regulatory compliance. Committed to ongoing innovation and unparalleled customer service, Visual Lease helps organizations transform their lease compliance requirements into financial opportunities. For more information, visit

    Media Contacts 

    Erica Bonavitacola
    Visual Lease
    T+1 732 860 4838

    Geena Pickering
    T+1 212 398 9680



    The post Press release: Visual Lease reports strong end to 2020 first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
    What You Need to Get Compliant With GASB 87 Sun, 20 Dec 2020 13:15:23 +0000

    As you probably know, all government entities must comply with GASB 87, the latest lease accounting standard issued by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board, with reporting for the period beginning June 15, 2021. 

    The new standard affects state, local and municipal governments, along with many organizations in areas of the public sector such as higher education, healthcare and utilities.

    The process for ensuring compliance with GASB 87 is a long and complex one, which means there is not a moment to waste between now and the deadline. To ensure success, organizations are advised to be compliant before their reporting deadline.

    Why a sense of urgency about GASB 87 compliance?

    As we discussed in our blog on 4 things you need to know about GASB 87, many organizations are still largely unprepared for everything they need to do to meet the compliance requirements.

    In fact, our research shows that not long ago, 74% of organizations interested in a GASB 87 lease accounting software solution were only in the initial phases of planning. These organizations have a daunting task ahead of them, with challenges including:

    • Understanding the full extent of their lease portfolios, often across many different departments and locations across the organization
    • Determining what kinds of leases they have and whether those leases must appear on the balance sheet
    • Identifying and collecting all the data points needed for lease calculations and footnotes disclosures — often, originating from different systems and in different formats
    • Implementing the new required accounting methodology, such as the new rules for calculating lease liabilities/assets and receivables/deferments

    Our research also found that more than half (59%) of organizations preparing for GASB 87 were focused on lease inventory — a critically important yet preliminary step in achieving compliance. 

    However, organizations must also consider the tremendous effort that is involved in preparation after they’ve identified all their leases. Any organizations that have not yet prioritized this crucial step must do so before it’s too late.

    When and how to move toward GASB 87 compliance

    As our accounting partner Baker Tilly advises, now is the time to start planning for implementation. Whether you are just getting started — or already doing a lease inventory —  you need to think about a software solution for managing the data, performing the necessary calculations and generating reports according to GASB 87 standards.

    That’s where lease accounting and management software can help you not only meet GASB 87 requirements, but also maintain compliance beyond the initial reporting period.

    Know what to look for in GASB 87 compliant software

    When evaluating lease accounting software, naturally you’ll want to look for a solution that specifically supports GASB 87, which requires all contracts that meet the definition of a lease to be recognized in financial statements and classified as a finance lease.

    In addition, to ease the transition to GASB 87 and streamline the lease accounting process, you’ll want to look for a solution with the following capabilities and benefits.

    Intuitive and easy to use

    • Streamline lease data collection with other business applications, such as ERPs and accounts receivable
    • Enable automated calculations and financial reports
    • Support configurable data fields and reports to match your compliance requirements and organizational needs
    • Centralize all your lease information within one system

    Robust, best-in-breed functionality

    • Incorporate years of lease financial management experience built within each feature and functionality
    • Prioritize future-readiness with ongoing investments in R&D
    • Focus on data security and privacy

    Lease portfolio accuracy 

    • Provide data visualization for visibility into lease details and costs, enabling more informed business decisions
    • Streamline lease detail management via system alerts for lease events and changes that could impact your ongoing financial reporting

    Put your multitasking skills to work on GASB 87

    With no time to spare, meeting the initial compliance deadline requires going to work immediately on gathering lease portfolio data — and at the same time, evaluating lease accounting software solutions so you can implement a solution as soon as possible.

    To learn more about the requirements of GASB 87 and how your organization can better prepare for compliance, download our free white paper Get Ready for GASB 87 Lease Accounting

    The post What You Need to Get Compliant With GASB 87 first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
    Press release: Visual Lease named among NJBIZ’s top ten fastest growing companies in New Jersey Thu, 17 Dec 2020 15:00:42 +0000

    Woodbridge, NJ – December 17, 2020 — Visual Lease, the leader in lease accounting and management software, today announced the company was named No. 10 on NJBIZ’s list of New Jersey’s 50 Fastest Growing Companies in 2020. This recognition highlights Visual Lease’s rapid growth and commitment to its strong culture.

    The awards program honors New Jersey’s most dynamic companies that contribute to the state’s economic growth and stability. Visual Lease’s revenue nearly quadrupled from 2017 to 2019, and to support its ongoing expansion, the organization has grown its headcount by 325 percent in over the last three years.

    “We are incredibly honored and humbled to be named among the fastest-growing companies in New Jersey,” stated Visual Lease Founder and CEO, Marc Betesh. “Visual Lease’s debut on this list can be attributed to our industry-leading lease optimization software and unparalleled customer experience. Our 98% customer retention rate is undoubtedly powered by a dedicated and growing team, and I look forward to what we will continue to accomplish together.”

    To qualify for this award, companies must have reported revenue of at least $500,000 each year from 2017 to 2019.

    Earlier this year, Visual Lease gained recognition within the top 10 percent on the Inc. 5000 list of fastest-growing companies in America and the top third of high-growth companies on the Deloitte 2020 Technology Fast 500™. Visual Lease was also recognized by NJBIZ as one of the Best Places to Work in New Jersey. Since 2016, Visual Lease has grown its employee base by more than 1,000 percent and has plans to increase headcount by an additional 50% in 2021.

    To learn more about Visual Lease’s culture and open job opportunities, visit its career site.  

    About Visual Lease

    Visual Lease provides lease accounting and lease administration software solutions to help companies manage, analyze and report on their leased asset portfolios, including real estate, equipment and more. The company’s SaaS platform combines GAAP, IFRS and GASB-compliant lease accounting controls with sophisticated and flexible lease portfolio administration. Over 700 of the largest publicly traded and privately-owned corporations, retailers, hospitals and institutions around the globe rely on Visual Lease’s cloud-based SaaS platform to meet operational and compliance requirements. For more information, please visit

    Media Contacts 

    Erica Bonavitacola
    Visual Lease
    T+1 732 860 4838

    Geena Pickering
    T+1 212 398 9680

    The post Press release: Visual Lease named among NJBIZ’s top ten fastest growing companies in New Jersey first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
    Lease accounting milestones: Top 3 reasons to identify internal resources early Fri, 13 Nov 2020 14:58:08 +0000   Hundreds of private organizations have begun their journey towards lease accounting compliance. Although, many of them underestimate the amount of effort involved with preparation. In particular, assembling a team...

    The post Lease accounting milestones: Top 3 reasons to identify internal resources early first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>


    Hundreds of private organizations have begun their journey towards lease accounting compliance. Although, many of them underestimate the amount of effort involved with preparation. In particular, assembling a team of internal resources – and identifying their responsibilities – is one of the most important steps to a successful implementation.

    In this blog, we explore 3 critical ways your lease accounting and management team can help you achieve success – and why you should get started now.

    1) Lease inventory demands cross-departmental effort.

    Identifying all leases held by an organization is a complex and time-consuming task that the accounting team cannot do alone.

    To gather a full scope of all leases, accounting must engage with different areas of the business, including real estate and finance. You may also find it necessary to also include representatives from lease administration, C-level management, legal, procurement and IT.

    Real estate or facilities teams are an efficient way to identify a company’s property leases. If a business has multiple locations, this may involve tracking down records from many different sites.

    Additionally, departments such as procurement, IT and legal are essential to search through records for equipment leases and other contracts classified as leases under the new standards. For example, procurement might use a spreadsheet or other tool to track assets such as office machines, IT equipment or vehicle fleets.

    By involving the necessary personnel early in the lease identification process, companies can feel confident that their lease inventory is thorough and accurate.

    Learn more: How to Assemble Your Readiness Team


    2) Lease information affects a variety of business decisions.

    A company’s chosen lease accounting technology affects more than just the accounting team. Centralizing lease information into one system can transform efficiencies and financial savings beyond lease accounting compliance.

    Therefore, when evaluating a lease accounting system, you will want to have a clear understanding of who will need to access lease information. The chosen solution should make it easy for them to make updates, run reports and export any data they may need. Thus, it may be necessary to include those representatives during the evaluation of the solution.

    For instance, any employees responsible for ongoing tracking and management of leased assets — including making changes and adding any new leases — should be identified to verify the system is intuitive and easy to use, and therefore will help them keep lease data accurate and up to date.

    You may want to also include various departments, including IT, to evaluate how lease technology can support your organization beyond just accounting compliance, including accounts payable, accounts receivable and other data-driven decisions. IT is integral to this process, to ensure the solution can properly meet your requirements for integration with various third-party systems.

    Furthermore, involving executives, real estate/facilities staff, and others in the preparation process can make sure the chosen solution meets their needs beyond accounting and compliance requirements.


    3) Teamwork is essential to lease accounting compliance.

    It clearly takes more than the accounting team to transition to the new lease accounting standards and achieve compliance.

    By identifying the roles and responsibilities of internal stakeholders early in the process, the compliance team can create a plan of action that ensures accountability throughout lease accounting implementation.

    A team approach improves the efficiency, thoroughness and accuracy of data abstraction, which ultimately helps to ensure the company will meet compliance requirements on time and on budget.

    Together, the transition team can make informed decisions that will make long-term impacts on the company’s lease investments.

    Long-term benefits for lease accounting and for the business

    Once a company successfully transitions to the new lease accounting standards, the identified team can continue to use lease technology to share information and make decisions that impact both financial reporting and business performance — empowering the company to both maintain ongoing compliance and maximize the return on leased asset investments.

    To create a plan for assembling your stakeholder team and other steps of lease accounting  implementation and compliance, use the Lease Accounting Milestone Planner.


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    Lease accounting lessons from a public company Thu, 03 Sep 2020 20:16:05 +0000 Lease Accounting Compliance: Lessons from Public Companies Although private companies still have some time to adopt the new lease accounting standards, public companies have already had to meet their compliance...

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    Lease Accounting Compliance: Lessons from Public Companies

    Although private companies still have some time to adopt the new lease accounting standards, public companies have already had to meet their compliance deadlines. In doing so, these companies have learned valuable lessons that can be applied to:

    • Private companies that are in the planning stages of lease accounting compliance
    • Public companies that rushed to select a tool and now see they need a better, long-term solution for their lease accounting needs

    What are some of the things that helped public companies be successful in implementing the new lease accounting standards? What areas could have been improved?

    Below, we share some helpful advice based on the experience of public companies that have already adopted new lease accounting standards.

    Challenges in Achieving Lease Accounting Compliance

    What lease accounting capabilities do you need for long-term reporting and compliance?

    Some public companies found out the hard way that the accounting solution they chose was missing key capabilities that they need to ensure accurate, ongoing lease financials. 

    For example, while some companies used a lease calculator tool to meet their initial compliance needs, they now realize it will not help them maintain compliance and do their reporting for the long term. 

    That’s because every time a lease changes (which is often), the pertinent information needs to be updated in the lease accounting system so that subsequent reporting will be accurate. However, a lease calculator simply does not provide the tools for updating and maintaining lease data.

    Public companies that chose a software-based solution with the following capabilities are better positioned for long-term compliance and accuracy:

    • A single source of truth for lease data
    • Automated calculations and financial reporting, including disclosure reports
    • Tools for backup and verification of calculations and lease data

    What is the best way to manage a large and/or complex lease portfolio?

    Any public company with multiple locations or a large lease portfolio — including equipment and real estate — quickly learned that manually searching for and reporting on those leases would be a time-consuming and inefficient process.

    To save hundreds of hours in time finding and verifying lease information, select a solution that provides a central repository for recording and tracking lease data. Once your leases are entered in the system, you can easily generate the reports needed for compliance — plus use the solution for ongoing updates and to view lease details on demand.

    Advice for Successful Lease Accounting Audits

    How long does it take to implement lease accounting?

    Time and again, public companies learned that lease accounting implementation is a complex and time-consuming project, with high stakes and stakeholders across the business. 

    While a lease accounting software solution can be implemented in weeks, the work required before solution implementation can take many, many months. So, it is mission-critical to invest  time up front in both auditing your lease portfolio and evaluating the technology you will use for lease accounting.

    For help in planning your lease accounting compliance project, use our Lease Accounting Milestone Planner

    What are some best practices to satisfy auditors? 

    Leases can change fast and it can be hard to stay on top of them. To provide auditors with accurate and thorough lease financials, it is recommended to have checks and balances in place. To do so, you can use a lease accounting system to provide a full audit trail of updates to your changing leases. This helps provide auditors with a clear and complete picture of your business’s finances.

    Strategies for Maintaining Compliance

    How do you maintain accurate lease financials beyond compliance?

    Look at the new lease accounting requirements as an opportunity to get the best solution for the long term — one that will continue to meet your business needs and satisfy auditors year after year.

    For example, a technology solution that provides both lease accounting and lease administration capabilities helps public companies:

    • Achieve compliance and meet ongoing lease accounting requirements
    • Ensure that lease data is always accurate and up to date
    • Save time by making lease information searchable and available at a glance
    • Control costs by staying on top of all payments and transactions
    • Meet important dates for renewals, renegotiations and options

    How can you account for a growing or changing lease portfolio?

    With the time and cost required to implement lease accounting, it makes sense to choose a solution that does more than just help you achieve compliance. Successful public companies opted for technology that will scale to accommodate any changes that might occur in their lease portfolio and provide ongoing lease management capabilities.

    A cloud-based software solution can not only automate and streamline lease accounting and reporting, but also provide tools for making changes to financials, adding documents and clauses, searching for lease clauses and editing existing leases.

    The Simple But Important Lessons Learned

    As the experience of public companies are shown, there are some fundamental lessons that can help you to achieve lease accounting success:

    • Get started now — start planning for your lease inventory and your lease accounting technology ASAP
    • Do your research — get input from across the business, and perhaps consult an accounting firm, to identify leases and reporting requirements
    • Think ahead to your lease management needs beyond compliance — to get maximum ROI from your lease accounting technology
    • Set yourself up for success — choose a comprehensive lease accounting and lease management technology solution, such as Visual Lease

    Want to hear directly from a public company about their experience preparing for and managing ongoing lease accounting compliance? View our on-demand panel discussion.

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    3 ways lease administration helps reduce risks related to COVID-19 Thu, 02 Jul 2020 13:52:46 +0000 Recently, we have talked a lot about ways that companies can understand their lease obligations and reduce costs  in light of COVID-19. What many businesses have discovered during this time...

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    Recently, we have talked a lot about ways that companies can understand their lease obligations and reduce costs  in light of COVID-19. What many businesses have discovered during this time is that a lack of insight into these responsibilities and costs has huge implications — not just for lease accounting, but also for day-to-day business decisions and ongoing cost management.

    As companies look ahead to recovery from the economic impacts of COVID-19, it is more important than ever to have a technology solution in place to help avoid financial issues and better manage the obligations associated with leases.

    That is where a robust lease administration solution can help businesses avoid risk and realize benefits beyond lease accounting in three crucial ways.

    1. Gain Greater Visibility into Leases with Lease Administration Software

    As many companies have recently learned, the ability to find leases and uncover the important details buried within them — including clauses, due dates, and options that have an effect on lease obligations and costs — can be a complex and time-consuming task. This is especially true for organizations with multiple locations and, potentially, hundreds of leases to manage.

    A lease management solution such as Visual Lease, which combines lease administration and lease accounting capabilities, makes it easy to manage lease data and determine your rights and responsibilities. The software provides the ability to search for specific lease parameters and gather the information you need to:

    • Track payments and analyze costs
    • Identify overpayments or opportunities to cut costs
    • Get a complete picture of leases as part of the company’s bigger financial picture
    • Make informed business decisions related to lease obligations and overall costs

    2. Keep Track of and Manage Changes Related to COVID-19

    With the closures, disruptions, and cut-backs to businesses related to the COVID-19 pandemic, many companies are coping with another new challenge — the need to keep track of any changes made to their leases during this time, such as:

    • Lease modifications
    • Lease terminations
    • Lease impairments
    • Variable payments
    • Operating expense pass-throughs

    Finding every affected lease and manually updating each one is cumbersome and time-consuming. Plus, it opens your business up to the risk of manual errors.

    Lease administration software makes it easy to change lease information when you need to — providing the tools to find the pertinent leases and quickly update them with changes to payments, terms, options, and other information you will need later for lease accounting.

    3. Stay Current on All Leases with Lease Administration Tools

    A lease administration system also helps you stay current on critical dates and upcoming events within your leases — including opportunities to make changes and save money.

    Lease administration software provides tools for tracking changes, alerting you to important  dates and events, and keeping your critical lease data up to date at all times. For instance, you can have the solution automatically alert you to deadlines for exercising lease options.

    Find More ROI in Your Leased Assets

    A combination lease accounting–lease administration software solution not only helps you organize, track, and report on lease data in accordance with the latest lease accounting standards. It also provides ready access to accurate, up-to-date information that can help you get the most value from your leased assets.

    So, while some lease accounting deadlines have been pushed back, it makes sense to implement and use a lease management solution now. It will empower you to not only handle lease issues related to COVID-19 lease, but also manage lease financials in a way that can help you maximize lease ROI, improve liquidity, and plan for the future

    Ready to get started ASAP? Request a demo of Visual Lease today!

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    Lease accounting software: 3 ways to use It to save during COVID-19 Thu, 18 Jun 2020 17:14:00 +0000 Across industries, sectors and organizations of different sizes, the COVID-19 outbreak has touched virtually every business in some way. Between stay-at-home orders, emergency closures, and supply chain disruptions, companies are...

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    Across industries, sectors and organizations of different sizes, the COVID-19 outbreak has touched virtually every business in some way. Between stay-at-home orders, emergency closures, and supply chain disruptions, companies are coping with a lot of operational and financial challenges posed by the crisis. 

    In the middle of all this uncertainty, the deadlines for compliance with the latest lease accounting standards have once again been extended. That means: 

    • Private companies have an additional year to adopt new lease accounting standards in their financial statements. 
    • Public not-for-profit companies that have not yet issued financial statements also get an extension. 
    • Government entities that comply with GASB 87 postponed the effective date and subsequent reporting deadlines for 18 months.  

    That’s good news for businesses that have yet to fully implement the new lease accounting standards or are still in the process of updating their accounting practices. But just because there has been a reprieve does not mean you should delay implementing a lease accounting software. Furthermore, implementing a tool to track your leases can be incredibly helpful.  

    Stay Ahead of Compliance with Lease Accounting Software 

    Like we’ve been saying, getting ready for compliance with the new lease accounting standards is a time-consuming and intensive process. That’s because the reliability of your financial reporting depends on doing a thorough lease inventory and accurately consolidating all your lease data. 

    Our advice is to continue moving forward as quickly and efficiently as possible on these compliance efforts. That includes implementing lease accounting software to help you organize and report on your lease data in support of the new standards. 

    Having access to accurate lease data is also crucial to business and accounting decisions related to the pandemic. 

    That means lease accounting software will not only help you meet the compliance deadline down the road. It will also enable you to search for and manage critical lease information right now — and even find ways to save money in circumstances related to COVID-19. 

    Leverage the System to Save Time and Money  

    Now more than ever, companies need to understand their lease obligations and rights so they can manage costs and find areas where they might have some flexibility. (Read more in our blog COVID-19 and Lease Accounting: Understanding Your Lease Obligations and Costs.) 

    A lease accounting and management solution such as Visual Lease can help your company save time and money by providing greater control over your leases. It provides the tools to search for and view important information needed to stay on top of your lease requirements in three crucial areas: 

    Better Manage Your Financial Responsibilities 

    Visual Lease tracks the relevant language of all your leases, to help you determine what rights and options you have regarding rent and other payments. For example: 

    • What are your monthly payments obligations across all your leases? 
    • Are you paying for assets that the business no longer uses or needs? 
    • Do the leases include a grace period before any late fees apply? 
    • Do any leases allow you to defer payment and if so, for how long? 
    • Is the company overpaying for services that it is not receiving during a business closure? 

    Having this and other lease information readily available can help you better manage costs and cash flow. It can also save valuable time when you are looking for lease clauses and other helpful information you need to effectively negotiate with landlords (or with tenants, if you are a landlord). 

    Understand Your Legal Responsibilities 

    Are there any lease clauses that protect your business from potential casualty, force majeure, or even bankruptcy? 

    Without a lease accounting and management solution, you would have to look for that type of information by manually reviewing all of your leases. But with a solution such as Visual Lease, you can easily search for pertinent clauses to help determine what the business’s legal rights and responsibilities are. 

    Keep Track of Lease Options and Notices 

    You can also use Visual Lease to find options that will help you improve liquidity and reduce expenses during a business closure or slowdown. For example, you can search leases to find out what options you may have for downsizing or relocating a space — or for rent abatements or lease renewals, impairments, or terminations. 

    You can even set up the lease management solution to automatically alert you to important events, such as: 

    • Options that must be exercised by a certain date 
    • Notifications that must be sent about upcoming lease options 

    The alerts will continue to be important as companies reassess how they do business, the resources they need, and the options they will exercise moving forward in what may be a very different, post-COVID environment. 

    Lease Accounting Software: Beyond Compliance 

    How leases address defaults, terminations, options, rent abatements, and other issues can have a big impact on the decisions that a business must make, under all sorts of circumstances. 

    Having lease accounting technology that puts these and other lease details at your fingertips will not only prepare you for lease accounting compliance — it will also empower the business to make more informed and timely decisions, both during the COVID-19 pandemic and in the days, weeks, and months to follow. 

    In addition, lease accounting software provides the tools a business will need to calculate and report on lease modifications, deferrals, and other changes post-COVID. 

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    Lease accounting during and after COVID-19: What you need to know Wed, 03 Jun 2020 13:02:51 +0000 With all the business closures and cutbacks due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a lot of companies are worried about not only managing their lease expenses now, but also accounting for...

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    With all the business closures and cutbacks due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a lot of companies are worried about not only managing their lease expenses now, but also accounting for changes to payments and other lease obligations later. 

    As the COVID-19 emergency continues, more companies are faced with making critical decisions on lease issues, which in turn have an impact on lease accounting.  

    How will lease concessions and other changes that occur in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis affect your lease accounting? 

    How to Handle Lease Changes Related to COVID-19 

    While there are not any additional lease accounting processes or rules to learn for handling concessions due to circumstances surrounding COVID-19you may elect the method of selecting practical expedients, instead of performing a leasebylease analysis of the legal language. This change currently applies to both FASB guidelines (whether 842 or 840) and IASB, but only for lessee schedules. Other lease accounting issues will continue to be guided by the specific terms of your lease contracts and your lease accounting standards (i.e. ASC 842, IFRS 16, GASB 87). 

    While you should always consult with your accounting advisory partner regarding your specific situation, the following guidelines can help as you consider the different concessions that may apply to your lease accounting during and after COVID-19: 

    • Rent Abatement  

    The COVID-19 pandemic is causing companies to ask how to account for rent abatements. The FASB and IASB have provided the ability to elect to treat rent abatements as either existing lease obligations, or as negotiated amendments to the terms. However, there are limitations on this ability to choose. For example, modifications which materially increase the lessor’s rights or the lessee’s obligations must be treated as modifications.  

    If a company elects to not take the expedient of not determining if the lessor is obligated to provide a rent concession, or if the lease is not eligible for such election, the treatment will be dictated by the terms of the lease: 

    • If the landlord is obligated, the concession is considered a variable lease payment. No remeasurement is required, and the abatement will flow through to any disclosure reporting. 
    • If the landlord is not obligated, the concession is considered a negotiated modification. A remeasurement should be run when the abatement term is agreed on and continue through the lease term. 
    • In the event there is not an agreement to abate rent, this is considered a short payment. The payment is recorded in Visual Lease as if made, but as in the normal course of events, the cash transaction books to Accounts Payable. Therefore, while the Ending Liability is reduced on schedule, it is replaced by an Accounts Payable liability until the payment is made. 

    COVID-19 presents such an unforeseen and disruptive impact upon operations, therefore, many companies are electing to keep related costs and abatements distinct from normal operating expenses. As a result, we suggest creating distinct financial categories in this situation. 

    • Accounting for Changing Discount Rates 

    Lower interest rates in response to COVID-19 may affect the Incremental Borrowing Rate (IBR) that lessees typically use as their “discount rate” for lease accounting. The IBR may also be affected if borrowing costs change — for example, because of a declining credit rating. 

    A lower interest rate increases the calculated amount of a lessee’s right-of-use (ROU) assets and lease liabilities. This in turn affects balance sheets when lessees enter new leases, remeasure existing leases, or transition to new lease accounting guidance. 

    • Partial Termination  

    With more people working from home, some businesses may invoke a lease clause or negotiate a lease modification to reduce their square footage and the related costs.  

    Referring to your lease accounting guidance can help you identify what options you may have for recording a partial termination or other modification that reduces the scope of a lease. For example, under ASC 842, you have the choice of reducing the ROU asset proportionate to either the reduction in the lease liability or the reduction in the leased space. 

    • Impairment  

    In an economic downturn, leased assets such as property, plants and equipment may be valued below their current balance. The result is the impairment of ROU assets, which may require a different amortization calculation for operating leases. 

    From the lease holder’s/lessor’s point of view, some assets held for lease may be impaired if demand for those assets decreases or if rental rates drop significantly. 

    For either party, a lease accounting software solution with automated impairment processing helps to simplify the complex process of recording these types of lease impairments. 

    Handle It All with Good Communication, and Intuitive Software 

    In any still-evolving situation like the COVID-19 pandemic, it is always a good idea to consult with your legal counsel and accounting advisory partner as needed to make sure you understand all your rights, obligations and expenses regarding your leases. 

    Maintaining good communication among all parties in a lease is extremely important to help you from avoiding potential high-risk misunderstandings and mitigate conflict. For example, a landlord may misinterpret a tenant’s need to shutter the doors for the short term as abandonment. Or, a tenant could have difficulty getting a concession for unused office space if the business closure is not documented and the landlord is not notified according to the lease terms. 

    Additionally, taking advantage of tracking your leases clauses and financials within a reliable lease accounting and administration software, such as Visual Leaseis incredibly helpful to save your organization significant time and money during and after COVID-19. For more information to see how Visual Lease can help your business evaluate your leases as it relates to COVID-19, visit here or reach out to us today to learn more about our COVID-19 lease impact service. 

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    Lease accounting Q&A: Lease provisions and COVID-19 Tue, 12 May 2020 16:15:27 +0000 Deciphering financial and contractual obligations of a lease can be a challenge. And that is especially true during an unprecedented event, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. All you really want...

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    Deciphering financial and contractual obligations of a lease can be a challenge. And that is especially true during an unprecedented event, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. All you really want to know is, what are you responsible for?

    Below, we answer questions about some of the common lease provisions that may pertain to COVID-19 and how they could affect your lease obligations — and ultimately, your lease accounting.

    Provisions That May Pertain to COVID-19 and Lease Accounting

    Since every lease has different language, obligations and consequences, we always recommend talking to your legal counsel to get help interpreting lease provisions and determining if and how they pertain to your business.

    Regardless, the common lease clauses below may include language that will have an impact on tenant/lessee or landlord/lessor responsibilities during unusual situations such as the COVID-19 crisis.

    What is a Force Majeure provision?

    Force Majeure is a clause excusing nonperformance by the landlord/lessor or tenant/lessee, with specific lease language that defines what events trigger an exclusion. This lease provision typically also defines whether or not specific types of performances are covered — for example, a landlord’s obligation to perform certain maintenance and repairs.

    The lease language might provide different definitions of “Force Majeure” events, but they may include acts of God, terrorism, natural disaster, governmental action, riots, or more generally, events out of the party’s reasonable control. The more specific the language is, the less likely you can rely on the clause to postpone or cancel obligations under the lease.

    What does Force Majeure excuse or not excuse?

    The Force Majeure clause may excuse things such as a landlord’s requirement to make repairs or a tenant’s requirement to maintain janitorial services within the premises. Note that the payment of rent is often not excused.

    What is an example of a Force Majeure clause under which rent payment is not excused under COVID-19? 

    “This Lease and the obligation of Tenant to pay the due rent hereunder and perform all of the other covenants and agreements hereunder on the part of Tenant to be performed shall in no way be affected, impaired or excused because Landlord is unable to fulfill any of its obligations under this Lease . . . if Landlord is prevented or delayed from so doing by reason of strikes or labor troubles or by accident, or by any cause whatsoever beyond Landlord’s control, including, but not limited to, laws, governmental preemption in connection with a national emergency or by reason of any Requirements of any Governmental Authority.”

    What is a casualty provision?

    Most leases have a provision regarding what happens when the building, premises, or property is damaged by a casualty such as a fire, flood, hurricane, earthquake, and similar events.

    What does a casualty provision mean in a pandemic like COVID-19?

    Casualty provisions rarely cover government shutdowns or pandemics. Usually the only events covered are those that would physically damage or destroy a building or asset in some way.

    What kind of obligations are included in leases regarding landlord vs. tenant responsibilities?

    Generally, leases may include obligations such as maintenance and repairs, how common areas are handled, building hours, base-building cleaning, and extra cleaning. Specific lease language will differentiate what responsibilities fall on the landlord/lessor versus on the tenant/lessee for tasks such as:

    • Maintaining the building
    • Maintaining the specific tenant space
    • Emergency repairs/maintenance
    • Common area maintenance (CAM) and use

    Are there specific lease obligations that may be more relevant during the COVID-19 pandemic?

    Due to the nature of the virus, any lease clause concerning maintenance and cleaning of the building and tenant’s premises is relevant. Additionally, clauses concerning any “above and beyond” maintenance and cleaning are relevant.

    For instance, specific lease language may include expenses that the landlord can choose to undertake but then pass on to the tenant — such as extra deep-cleaning that might be required during the pandemic (or at other times).

    Are there any third-party agreements that should be reviewed?

    Depending on the specific lease language requiring tenants to maintain and clean their own premises, any third-party agreements concerning the “Supplemental Cleaning of Tenant’s Premises” would be relevant. Other obligations with third-party contracts may include construction or renovations and other premises maintenance.

    Most supplemental cleaning contracts can be terminated with 30 days’ notice, which means a tenant can potentially renegotiate scope and pricing changes depending on how the current situation develops.

    What insurance provisions are included in leases?

    Most leases contain requirements for both the landlord/lessor and the tenant/lessee to obtain and maintain certain insurance policies. While not all are applicable during the COVID-19 pandemic, some may be, depending on the exact policy and what coverage it includes.

    Some policies — such as business interruption insurance — may help with rent, operational costs, lost profits, and similar issues. However, the policies must have been put in place prior to the current COVID-19 pandemic.

    What is a business interruption insurance policy?

    This is usually an add-on to a business’s property/casualty insurance policy to cover loss of business income in a disaster that is covered by the main property/casualty policy. However, since it is usually applicable to a natural disaster or fire, the policy would have to be reviewed and interpreted to determine if the current COVID-19 situation is covered.

    Do government orders, regulations, or laws concerning COVID-19 take precedence over lease provisions?

    Any government order, regulation, or law issued concerning the pandemic may take precedence over any lease provision. This could include anything from the payment of rent and the status of evictions to the physical use of buildings.

    For example, the governor of New Jersey issued a lockdown order for nonessential businesses, requiring them to close to the public. But whether this action cancels lease performance or obligations would depend on the specific Force Majeure language contained in the lease.

    As time goes on, there may be additional government actions that supersede any lease language to allow for delayed performance and even delayed evictions. New York, for instance, delayed all commercial lease evictions until at least June 20, 2020, and there are proposals to consider delaying rental payment obligations for 90 days.

    What is a Continuous Operations clause?

    A Continuous Operations clause is lease language that requires a retail tenant to be open and operational for a certain number of hours per day and/or days per week. This provision generally applies to retail tenants, although it does not necessarily appear in all retail tenant leases. The provision is rarely found in other commercial tenant leases.

    Are there exceptions to a Continuous Operations clause?

    Specific lease language may give exceptions, such as Force Majeure events, that allow for not continuously operating. But again, this depends on the specific language in the lease. In most cases, Continuous Operation provisions still require payment of rent.

    What are some other lease provisions that may be relevant during COVID-19?

    • Notice provisions provide guidance for ensuring that notices between tenant and landlord are legal and binding — for example, regarding lease renewal, lease termination, lease options, and general requirements for providing official notice of any action to the other party.
    • Gross-up provisions state that if a building is shut down for an extended period, landlords must credit back the costs of any unprovided services when issuing their year-end reconciliations. Tenants should keep an eye on this issue when reviewing their year-end statements.
    • Percentage or profit-sharing rent provisions specify a rent charge based on the gross income of the tenant rather than a fixed monthly or annual value.

    Get Help from the Experts

    Your legal advisor and accounting advisory partner can both help you understand how lease provisions may pertain to COVID-19 and result in lease concessions and other changes that will affect your lease accounting.

    In addition, a lease accounting and administration software solution such as Visual Lease can help during this process — providing abstracted clauses and tools for organizing your lease data.

    Visual Lease is providing the information above for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal or accounting advice.

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    COVID-19 and Lease accounting: Understanding your lease obligations and costs Tue, 05 May 2020 13:01:45 +0000 The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted every company in some way. With “social distancing” and all the emergency regulations that are in place, many offices and nonessential businesses are shut down...

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted every company in some way. With “social distancing” and all the emergency regulations that are in place, many offices and nonessential businesses are shut down entirely — or at the very least, their brick and mortar locations are closed while employees work from home.

    One of the business effects of COVID-19 that does not get a lot of attention is its impact on leases and the related financial obligations. Whatever leases a company holds — not just for office, warehouse, manufacturing, or retail spaces, but also for equipment, vehicles, and other assets — the pandemic-related shutdowns complicate lease obligations and the associated lease accounting and administration.

    What should you look for in your leases to understand your obligations and manage costs?

    1. Review Your Leases to Know What You Owe, and When

    Although many companies are not using their leased assets while business is “on hold”, they may still be required to pay rent through the end of their lease terms, as well as any other costs spelled out in their lease agreements.

    That is why now more than ever, it is critical to understand exactly what is in each of your leases and make sure you don’t miss payments and important events during closures or cutbacks due to COVID-19. Otherwise, you could be subject to late fees or nonpayment penalties — or worse, face eviction and still have to pay the rent.

    What to Look for in Leases

    The table below shows some examples of categories, events, and obligations to look for and review in your leases — given there may be changes to how and if your business is using leased assets.



    (often including notice procedures and deadlines)


    Physical Space








    • Delivery & Possession
    • Payment/Default
    • Build Out Time
    • Vacate Date
    • Lease Term Options
    • Audit Rights


    • Alteration/Remodel
    • Cleaning – Demised Premises & Common Areas
    • Common Area Access
    • Co-tenancy
    • Holdover
    • Restoration
    • Sublet


    • Free Rent/Other Concessions
    • Default
    • OpEx & Sundries
    • Tenant Improvement Allowance
    • Late Fees
    • Security Deposits
    • Turnover Rent
    • Force Majeure
    • Casualty
    • Notice & Cure Provisions
    • Break Clause
    • Landlord Right to Enter/Recapture
    • Surrender/Restoration
    • Right to Go Dark/Abandonment
    • Business Interruption Insurance
    • Limitation of Damages/Exclusions 
    • Material Adverse Effect (“MAE”) Provisions


    Every lease will have different language, obligations, and consequences for the lessee/tenant and for the lessor/lease holder — and few, if any, probably anticipated anything quite like COVID-19.

    2. Evaluate Your Lease Financials and Options Under COVID-19

    With the timetable to get “back to normal” still to be determined and so much that remains unsure, it is also important to conserve business spending wherever possible.

    For instance, now is a good time to print out a general ledger to date and review all of the recorded transactions to get an overview of your current expenses. You might even find some unnecessary or optional recurring charges you can cancel or put on hold.

    In addition, by understanding your leases and being clear about your rights and obligations, you may be able to find areas where your company can avoid overpaying or incurring additional fees during this time.

    Where You Might Save

    For example, part of your monthly rent may go toward front-desk/lobby security or other services you are no longer receiving because the building is closed. If so, you may be able to negotiate with the lease holder for a lower monthly payment.

    Or, your building may be reopening with some restrictions and now requires more intensive cleaning and sanitation in all public areas. Are you obligated to pay that additional cost under the term of your current lease? You’ll want to check before you agree to pay anything extra.

    Does your lease include any language around rent abatements or what happens if the space cannot be used due to circumstances beyond anyone’s control (Force Majeure)? Ideally, your leases are clear and thorough — though, of course, even the best lease cannot include every “what if” scenario.

    When an area of cost concern is not covered in a lease, having a good relationship with the lease holder will improve your chances of being able to negotiate a term that will satisfy both parties.

    Reflecting Changes in Your Lease Accounting

    If you cannot get out of a lease and must abandon an asset, you will need to write down its value over a short period of time while still retaining the liability and making the payments. If the landlord will let you out of the lease, you will need to account for any termination fee you pay, as well as write down the asset and the liability in your lease accounting.

    In these and other circumstances,you can account for changes in lease payments, such as the remeasurement requirements for abandoned or terminated leases.

    Next Up: How These Changes Will Affect Your Lease Accounting

    In this series of blogs, we will talk about the impact of COVID-19 on lease obligations and your lease accounting practices moving forward.

    In the meantime, if you have a lease accounting system already in place — or better yet, a lease management solution that combines lease accounting and administration functions in one system — you have tools that will make it easier to identify your current lease obligations and understand their financial implications.

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    Visual Lease supports proposed FASB lease accounting delays due to COVID-19 Tue, 28 Apr 2020 13:36:44 +0000 In an act of relief for companies during the coronavirus pandemic, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) recently voted to propose a one-year deferral of major accounting standards, including ASC...

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    In an act of relief for companies during the coronavirus pandemic, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) recently voted to propose a one-year deferral of major accounting standards, including ASC 842 (Leases). This proposal would allow private companies an additional year, on top of the initial delay that went into effect October 2019, to adopt the lease accounting standard in their financial statements. Public not-for-profit companies who have not yet issued financial statements would also be granted an extension.

    In light of the coronavirus outbreak and its impact on the global financial market, we support FASB’s decision to defer compliance for this additional year.  Organizations are reeling from the impact of COVID-19, and this deferral would relieve pressure regarding ASC 842 compliance and give them time to focus on the operational and financial challenges posed by the crisis.

    COVID-19 Has Exposed Inadequate Lease Controls

    Delaying the compliance deadline will also give organizations needed time to pull together the information needed to meet ASC 842 as well as provide them with much-needed control over their lease obligations. COVID-19 has brought to light significant inadequacies of existing controls surrounding lease agreements. In an effort to find liquidity and reduce expenses, companies have been examining their leases to understand their options. What they are finding is that they cannot get clear-cut answers about their rights and obligations. How their leases address defaults, terminations, options, rent abatements and other issues can make a huge difference in how companies pivot in this environment.

    Extra Time Is Needed to Gather Information

    If the ASC 842 deadline is pushed out, companies should take advantage of the extra time to collect, organize and summarize their lease information as well as schedule out their rental obligations.  Figuring out lease rights and obligations across a real estate or equipment portfolio is incredibly time-consuming, and is best done when resources are available. Public companies had a difficult time gathering needed lease information as their ASC 842 deadline approached at the end of 2018, and had to rely on expensive consulting firms to get it done. In fact, the difficulty public companies experienced was the primary reason FASB decided to push the deadline last October. Private companies, who have fewer resources and smaller budgets, should take heed and avoid that trouble.

    Tighter Lease Controls Provide Liquidity and a Strong ROI

    Furthermore, organizing leases now will give them earlier control and reduce costs along the way. Especially for companies utilizing lease management software solutions like Visual Lease, adopting tighter lease controls has an exceptional ROI. Through tight management of leases, customers are able to avoid costly penalties, act in time to exercise options, prevent rent overpayments, aggregate and refinance leases and optimize their portfolios. As we have seen over the years, given the expensive nature of real estate and equipment leases, any one of these benefits can save thousands to millions of dollars.

    Compliance with ASC 842 is no small undertaking, and continued action and momentum towards compliance is best practice. Our recommendation is to not look at a deadline deferral as another reason to push the work further down the road. Instead, companies should work diligently, taking advantage of the additional time to gather their lease information, better manage their portfolio and reduce costs.

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    Press release: Visual Lease honored as one of the best places to work in New Jersey Tue, 14 Apr 2020 14:00:03 +0000

    Woodbridge, NJ — April 13, 2020 — Visual Lease, the leader in lease accounting and management software, today announced it has been named a 2020 “Best Place to Work in New Jersey” by NJBiz. The annual award recognizes and honors top employers in the state based on company culture, employee satisfaction, opportunity for growth and strength of leadership. Visual Lease joins 120 employers across the state named to the list and is among the 48 mid-sized employers (50-249 employees) to be recognized. The company will be recognized at the awards ceremony held on Thursday, September 17, 2020 at iPlay America’s Event Center in Freehold, NJ.

    This year marks Visual Lease’s first time being recognized on the prestigious list, which is compiled based on employee feedback and participation in the Best Places to Work survey. Visual Lease has experienced significant growth and expansion in the past two years – growing revenue by 172 percent in 2018 and an additional 85 percent in 2019 – and as a result, its workforce tripled in size. The company expects to continue its growth trajectory in the year ahead and will continue offering engaging programs and unique benefits to further build its team of experts to meet growing customer demand.

    “Visual Lease is honored to be listed among the ‘Best Places to Work in New Jersey’,” said Marc Betesh, founder and CEO. “We take tremendous pride in fostering a work environment that puts our people first, offers ample opportunity to advance and ensures we are doing meaningful work for our clients. Being voted a best place to work based on employee feedback is incredibly rewarding and humbling and we are pleased to be in great company alongside many other well-respected companies in our community. I want to personally thank our employees for delivering an unmatched customer experience to our clients and driving a spirit of teamwork and collaboration that permeates our culture. I look forward to finding new ways to improve every day as we continue to grow our team.”

    In today’s environment, as companies are grappling with business disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, Visual Lease’s strong culture has been a major contributing factor in helping the company achieve a seamless transition to a 100 percent remote workforce. “In order for companies to pivot during this crisis, they need quick and easy access to details about their leases from their homes or other remote locations. They also need to keep sight of their reporting deadlines and remain in compliance,” said Clark Convery, Chief Operating Officer, Visual Lease. “It is crucial that our team remains up and running to help them meet these milestones without missing a beat. Our entire team has a sense of ownership in our corporate mission and remains committed to contributing to our shared goals, regardless of where they are located. We are incredibly proud of how our team has adapted to the current situation to ensure our clients continue to receive the best service we have to offer.”

    Visual Lease is dedicated to developing programs and benefits that empower employees across the workplace. From company-wide team building and wellness events to free daily healthy snacks and beverages, employee appreciation days, generous PTO and more, Visual Lease consistently explores new ways to increase employee satisfaction and engagement.

    To learn more about working at Visual Lease visit


    About Visual Lease

    Visual Lease provides lease accounting and lease administration software solutions to help companies manage, analyze and report on their leased asset portfolios, including real estate, equipment and more. The company’s SaaS platform combines GAAP, IFRS and GASB-compliant lease accounting controls with sophisticated and flexible lease portfolio administration. Over 700 of the largest publicly-traded and privately-owned corporations, retailers, hospitals and institutions around the globe rely on Visual Lease’s cloud-based SaaS platform to meet operational and compliance requirements. For more information, please visit

    Media Contacts
    Jennifer Garcia
    Visual Lease
    T+1 732 596 8110

    Geena Pandolfi
    T+1 212 398 9680

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    Press release: Visual Lease welcomes Erinn Tarpey as SVP, Marketing Mon, 30 Mar 2020 22:11:21 +0000

    Leading lease accounting and management solution provider expands executive team to support the next phase of its strategic growth

    Woodbridge, NJ – March 30, 2020 – Visual Lease, a leading provider of lease accounting and management solutions, today announced the appointment of Erinn Tarpey as SVP, Marketing. In her role, Tarpey will oversee Visual Lease’s go-to-market strategy, operational activities and is responsible for extending global brand awareness of the company’s solutions and services.

    Prior to joining Visual Lease, Tarpey spent almost eight years building the marketing organization at iCIMS, a recruitment solution provider, from 13 resources to more than 100, on pace with the company’s annual recurring revenue growth which maintained 25-30 percent year-over-year gains during her tenure. Tarpey comes to Visual Lease with experience managing the development of proprietary research, supporting mergers and acquisitions and marketing through the partner channel.

    With more than 20 years of B2B and B2C marketing experience gained on both the client and agency sides, Tarpey will play a key role in driving Visual Lease’s expansion plans. “Erinn brings a broad range of experience from other high-growth, industry-leading SaaS solution providers and her involvement is sure to help accelerate Visual Lease’s path to becoming the most respected and widely-used provider of lease management and accounting solutions in the market,” said Marc Betesh, founder, chairman and CEO, Visual Lease.

    “I’m very pleased to join the Visual Lease team for this next leg of the company’s strategic growth,” stated Tarpey. “In addition to the strong executive leadership at the organization, I was compelled by Visual Lease’s focus on continuous innovation and delivering a customer experience that is unmatched in the lease accounting industry,” Tarpey continued. “My goal is to share the Visual Lease vision with a larger audience of businesses, so many of which require our timely support to achieve compliance to the latest ASC 842, IFRS 16, and GASB 87 accounting standards,” Tarpey concluded.

    Visual Lease has plans to increase its employee base by almost 40 percent in 2020. Earlier this month, the company was recognized by NJBIZ on its list of the 2020 Best Places to Work in NJ.

    Click here to learn more about career opportunities at Visual Lease.


    About Visual Lease

    Visual Lease provides lease accounting and lease administration software solutions to help companies manage, analyze and report on their leased asset portfolios, including real estate, equipment and more. The company’s SaaS platform combines GAAP, IFRS and GASB-compliant lease accounting controls with sophisticated and flexible lease portfolio administration. Over 700 of the largest publicly-traded and privately-owned corporations, retailers, hospitals and institutions around the globe rely on Visual Lease’s cloud-based SaaS platform to meet operational and compliance requirements. For more information, please visit

    Media Contacts
    Jennifer Garcia
    Visual Lease
    T+1 732 596 8110

    Geena Pandolfi
    T+1 212 398 9680

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    3 things to consider when generating lease accounting disclosure reports Tue, 25 Feb 2020 19:36:17 +0000 With all the new lease accounting rules you have to contend with — whether you follow ASC 842, IFRS 16, or GASB 87 — the prospect of generating lease accounting...

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    With all the new lease accounting rules you have to contend with — whether you follow ASC 842, IFRS 16, or GASB 87 — the prospect of generating lease accounting disclosure reports can be intimidating. In this blog, we look at three simple but vital things to keep in mind as you gather lease data and think about how you will comply with the latest lease disclosure reporting requirements.

    1. Lease accounting disclosure reports now require more detailed data.

    The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), and Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) created ASC 842, IFRS 16, and GASB 87 respectively with the same goal: to provide insight into an organization’s leasing activities and greater visibility into its assets and liabilities.

    Where leases previously were mostly on the income statement or just a footnote, today’s lease accounting standards require those assets and liabilities to be brought onto the balance sheet — creating a far more thorough picture of an organization’s finances. Under ASC 842, IFRS 16, and GASB 87, an organization’s lease accounting disclosure reports must now provide:

    • More detailed qualitative and quantitative information about leases, such as cash outflows and values of right-of-use assets
    • Significant judgments made in measuring leases
    • The amounts recognized in the financial statements 

    These new standards require you to gather a large amount of data to generate quantitative lease accounting disclosure reports related to real estate, equipment, vehicles, land, and any other leases your organization might hold.

    Among other things, you will need the various inputs that are created by your amortization schedules and right-of-use (ROU) or leased asset and liability balances. You will also need access to the data points in those schedules, as well as the ability to pull out relevant values on liability and cash flows.

    Lease accounting disclosure reports may also require qualitative information such as the terms and conditions of leases, assumptions used in applying the lease standards, and certain elements outside of the lease liability.

    Trying to input all the pertinent lease information and track it using a spreadsheet or other manual method is no match for the kind of reporting requirements these new standards require. Thankfully, that is where lease accounting technology plays a vital role in disclosure reporting.

    2. Accurate lease accounting disclosure reporting depends on software.

    Lease accounting software streamlines the disclosure reporting process by providing a secure and efficient system for organizing lease data, to make sure that key information is properly compiled and disclosed. 

    The right lease accounting software solution helps you capture all the necessary data, track changes, and report lease costs in accordance with both your accounting policies and procedures and the latest accounting standards.

    In addition, a lease accounting solution further streamlines this very complex process by providing automated calculations and workflows that improve lease accounting disclosure reporting in several crucial ways:

    • Ensuring the accuracy of disclosure reports by providing a single-source, centralized system for inputting, storing, tracking, and managing all lease data
    • Properly accounting for nuances within leases through configurable reporting and calculations, ensuring that assets are consistently accounted for
    • Eliminating human error and reliance on formulas to further ensure accuracy by having all your data points and calculations already in the system
    • Integrating to the balance sheet, allowing each type of lease and related information, including ROU assets, interest expenses, and liabilities, to be brought into the balance sheet
    • Providing visibility into important qualitative lease details such as terms, changes and dates

    Beyond achieving compliance with lease accounting disclosure reporting requirements, you can also opt for an all-in-one lease management system that combines lease accounting and administration. Such a system provides full lease accounting capabilities along with administration functions for day-to-day, ongoing lease management.

    To learn more about what to look for in a lease accounting solution, read A Complete Guide to Lease Accounting.

    3. Disclosure reporting requirements depend on which standards you must follow.

    While ASC 842, IFRS 16, and GASB 87 differ in the types of organizations they apply to, there are some similarities in their disclosure requirements. For example, GASB 87 was created for use by state and local governments in the United States, while ASC 842 is for public and private organizations in the United States and IFRS is for international organizations.

    However, across all three standards — ASC 842 disclosure reporting, IFRS 16 disclosure reporting, and GASB 87 disclosure reporting — the key requirements include the following:

    • Information about the nature of an organization’s leases (including subleases)
    • Leases that have not yet commenced
    • Significant assumptions and judgments
    • Amounts recognized in the financial statements
    • Maturity analysis of liabilities
    • Lease transactions with related parties

    While ASC 842 makes U.S. financial reporting more consistent with the international requirements, and ASC 842 and IFRS 16 disclosure reports are very similar in format and content, there are also some important differences to keep in mind.

    For example, where ASC 842 classifies leases as either operating or finance, all leases must be accounted for as finance lease under IFRS 16. In addition, ASC 842 and IFRS differ in how a short-term lease — one with a term of 12 months or less — is defined when transitioning an existing lease to the new standards.

    Under ASC 842, the lease’s term is determined by the original commencement date. So, for example, a 10-year lease that has only 6 months left on it at the time of transition would still be considered a long-term lease.

    However, under IFRS, an existing lease’s term is based on how much time remains when the transition occurs. Therefore, a 10-year lease with only 6 months remaining at the time of transition could be categorized as a short-term lease for purposes of disclosure reporting. Additionally, IFRS 16 provides guidance for so-called low value leases, allowing them to be grouped and treated similarly on the disclosure report.

    Unlike GASB 87, where practical expedients are not optional, both ASC 842 and IFRS 16 require disclosure reporting to include which practical expedients an organization has elected to apply to its lease accounting, including:

    • Practical expedients related to short-term leases
    • Those related to separating lease components
    • Election of transition-related practical expedients
    • Election not to restate comparative periods upon adoption

    With more comprehensive and complex requirements for lease accounting disclosure reporting, ASC 842, IFRS 16, and GASB 87 certainly present new challenges to accounting teams. However, with the implementation of lease accounting software and more efficient accounting practices, these new disclosure standards promise to deliver clearer, more accurate, and more useful financial statements.

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    Press Release: Visual Lease announces GASB 87 lease accounting module Wed, 19 Feb 2020 13:17:29 +0000

    New GASB 87 lease accounting module provides government entities and public sector organizations with simplified lease accounting compliance

    Woodbridge, NJ, February 19, 2020 Visual Lease, the leader in lease accounting and management software, announced today its full support for lease accounting standard, GASB 87. Similar to Standards ASC 842 and IFRS 16, GASB 87 requires organizations to record leases on their balance sheet. Government entities such as state and local municipalities, and public sector organizations including some higher education and healthcare entities, must all comply with GASB 87.

    Visual Lease software currently enables more than 700 organizations to achieve compliance with ASC 842 and IFRS 16. With the addition of GASB 87 support, government and public sector organizations will now have the ability to leverage Visual Lease to easily and quickly comply with the unique lease accounting standards applicable to them.

    “We are proud to have the opportunity to provide the public sector with our best-in-class, comprehensive lease accounting solution,” said Clark Convery, COO at Visual Lease. “A core focus for our business is to continually develop additional features and functionality to offer our clients the most reliable, successful way to achieve lease accounting compliance. It was an obvious decision for Visual Lease to extend our lease accounting functionality to support GASB 87.”

    Using Visual Lease’s GASB 87 functionality, organizations will have the ability to easily manage key data points across every leased asset, automatically run disclosure reports and journal entry calculations, integrate with third-party ERP applications and more. In addition, the software also supports GASB 13.

    To learn more about Visual Lease’s support for GASB 87, please visit:

    About Visual Lease (

    Visual Lease provides lease accounting and lease administration software solutions to help companies manage, analyze and report on their leased asset portfolios, including real estate, equipment and more. The company’s SaaS platform combines GAAP, IFRS and GASB-compliant lease accounting controls with sophisticated and flexible lease portfolio administration. Over 700 of the largest publicly-traded and privately-owned corporations, retailers, hospitals and institutions around the globe rely on Visual Lease’s cloud-based SaaS platform to meet operational and compliance requirements. For more information, please visit

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    GASB 87 compliance: 4 things you need to know Tue, 11 Feb 2020 19:32:11 +0000 As of the beginning of this year, GASB 87 lease changes have gone into effect. These new lease accounting rules have a substantial impact on government entities and public institutions...

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    As of the beginning of this year, GASB 87 lease changes have gone into effect. These new lease accounting rules have a substantial impact on government entities and public institutions in higher education, healthcare, and more. 

    Many organizations, however, are woefully underprepared for GASB 87 compliance. Accounting departments need to understand the extent of their lease portfolio, the data they need for lease calculations, the new accounting methodology required, and how to stay on top of any future lease account changes.

    If your organization is impacted by GASB 87 lease accounting changes, here are four crucial things to consider while you work towards compliance.

    1. Understand your lease portfolio

    For many organizations, getting an accurate picture of the leases they’ve accumulated over the years is a massive burden. Often times, companies have leases across all departments — from IT equipment to office spaces and company vehicles — that are tracked and managed amongst a disparate set of systems. That means you’ll need collaboration across the entire organization to track down all possible sources of leases. Having a centralized view into all of your organization’s leases, however, is crucial for GASB 87 compliance. 

    When you’re organizing your lease data and documentation, you need to understand, not only what types of leases you have, but whether they’re required to appear on the balance sheet as well. That’s because GASB 87 differs from ASC 842 and IFRS 16 when it comes to short-term leases. For example, under GASB 87, if there is any option to extend a lease past 12 months, regardless of the likelihood to exercise, it is not able to be considered a short term lease. Luckily, GASB 87 lease accounting software can streamline the process of organizing your lease portfolio and understanding how this information needs to be reported on your financial statements.

    2. Know what lease data points to collect for GASB 87 compliance

    Along with changes to how leases appear within financial statements, GASB 87 lease accounting rules specify new requirements for lease calculations. In order to prepare these calculations, you’ll likely need to collect many different data points across various areas of your organization. Tracking down and extracting these additional data points requires careful planning and communication between many departments within the organization.

    In the longer term, capturing this data in a centralized software solution is crucial for minimizing the complexity of lease reporting and ongoing management. That’s why choosing a GASB 87 lease software solution that’s configurable for tracking data points specific to your needs and highly interoperable with other business applications can dramatically streamline lease data collection for your organization. The right lease management software should integrate with leading business systems that various departments within your organization are already using to share and aggregate relevant leasing data. When it comes time to prepare your financial statements, you’ll know exactly where to find the information you need to accurately report your leases under the new requirements.

    3. Understand the changes to the balance sheet

    The primary goal of the new GASB 87 lease accounting rules is to make leases more transparent within financial statements by including the majority of them on the balance sheet. 

    For lessees, that means recognizing a lease liability for the present value of the total expense commitment and an intangible asset equal to this lease liability as well as any payments made at the commencement of the lease. As payments are made towards the lease, the liability is reduced and interest expenses are recognized on the income statement. The amortization of the asset and interest expenses are front-loaded, meaning more is recognized in the beginning of the lease term. There are also additional disclosure reporting requirements, which includes lease descriptions, payment schedules, and the amount of total leased assets.

    Lessors must recognize a lease receivable equal to the present value of the lease payments expected to be received over the lease term, and a deferred inflow of resources equal to the lease receivable and any additional payments at or before the commencement of the lease. This deferred inflow is recognized as revenue over the life of the lease. As the lessee makes payments, the lease receivable is reduced, and interest income is recognized. Lessors must also include descriptions of leases, lease revenue recognized in the reporting period, and revenue from variable payment components in the disclosures as well.

    The GASB 87 lease accounting changes may sound complicated, but a lease management solution can automatically generate these journal entries and additional disclosure reports to simplify the preparation of financial statements. That means organizations that are impacted by GASB 87 can quickly meet the new ongoing accounting and financial reporting requirements.

    4. Stay on top of lease changes 

    When it comes to meeting the GASB 87 lease changes, it’s not just a one-time event. You’ll need to continually manage leases — and their relevant data points — as leases get added, renewed, or cancelled. In addition, payment amounts change with variable rent leases, and other events can impact lease calculations in the future. Managing these changes to your lease portfolio on a day-to-day basis is time-consuming without the proper systems and processes in place.

    Most organizations, therefore, need a way for the people who manage leases to modify this lease data from a centralized and intuitive lease management solution. The reality, however, is that many accounting and leasing systems can’t provide these capabilities out of the box. And those solutions that do meet today’s GASB 87 compliance needs aren’t innovating for the future. 

    If your organization will be impacted by the GASB 87 lease accounting changes, consider a solution like Visual Lease to make compliance straightforward for the long term. Visual Lease has the capabilities necessary for achieving lease compliance, streamlining monthly reporting, and maintaining your lease portfolio. That’s because it’s an intuitive lease management platform that provides seamless integrations with a variety of third-party business applications.

    But don’t take our word for it. If you want to see for yourself how Visual Lease can streamline your lease management and compliance requirements, schedule a free demo now.

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    How to get everything you want in a lease software solution Fri, 20 Dec 2019 22:50:36 +0000 How often do you have this experience when evaluating enterprise software? The vendor gives a demonstration of an amazing solution, walking you through complex tools that do exactly what you...

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    How often do you have this experience when evaluating enterprise software? The vendor gives a demonstration of an amazing solution, walking you through complex tools that do exactly what you need. You say, “This is perfect! Can you give me a price?”

    First, they give you pricing for the bare bones model. Then, you find out that what they showed you involves a lot of add-ons to the platform. None of it is standard and every extra thing – from fields that you need, to reports – is going to cost you. 

    That’s a common frustration to come across when evaluating software vendors. Systems that lack configurability are expensive, time-consuming to implement, and cumbersome to update when you need a small change.

    Wouldn’t you rather get everything you need right out of the box? When it comes to lease accounting and management software, you can, if you know what to look for. In this article, we’ve laid out desired configurable enterprise lease accounting software you need.

    What you see should be what you get

    Software customers shouldn’t have to jump through hoops to get a system to work how they need. A good lease accounting system should make your life easier – and be configurable to meet your needs. 

    When looking at different lease software providers, they all claim to be customizable. However, when you dig deeper, you’ll find out their system contains only surface-level customizations at best.

    At Visual Lease, our solution is designed to be flexible and scalable for all customers. Every customer coming to us from any industry can have a system that meets their unique needs without paying extra to get it.

    If you want a truly flexible system that works how you need it to, and will serve your business for many years to come, here are the specific features to look for:

    1. Look for a truly configurable database

    Every organization has different lease information that they need to track. Manufacturing companies with leased warehouses will need to track the number and height of bay doors. Retail franchise groups need to track the brand associated with each retail location. They may also have leased vehicles that need to be associated with a location and a manager. Hospital groups may want to track the originating parent company for each facility.

    These are just a few examples, but I’m sure your organization has similar necessities that are not part of the typical lease data tracked by “canned” lease software. When you think through everything you’re currently tracking (or would like to track all in one place), you’re going to need more than just a few uniquely tailored fields specifically to your business.  

    What you need is a software product that has been designed from the database level to be completely configurable. With that capability, there’s no need to give up what you are looking to track and try to force your business into a one-size-fits-all model.

    With Visual Lease, you not only get a flexible system, but you get one that is entirely configurable for no additional cost. Our implementation team helps you through the initial setup, but also teaches you how to tweak the system yourself when the inevitable changes happen in your business, so you can always have the data you need at your fingertips.

    2. The importance of ad-hoc reporting

    With any lease software, you’ll get what looks like an impressive collection of standard reports. But as you begin to use them, you’ll realize you need to make changes. You’ll want the reports to reflect your own terminology, your organizational structure, and your leasing policies and practices – not to mention the look and feel of your brand.

    The last thing you want is to have to go back to the vendor (or a consultant) and spend a lot of money on report customizations. Oftentimes, software companies will provide you custom reports – for a cost. Why would you want to pay for exporting your own data in a way that makes sense to your business? 

    Instead, look for lease software with an ad-hoc reporting tool that makes it quick and easy to create your own data visualizations and reports. 

    With Visual Lease, you can query ANY lease information that you’re tracking in the system and group, subgroup, and filter the data any way you choose. Even better, you can do it with a tool you already know: Excel. You can save reports, add to a dashboard, or export and format with templates to create a branded look. 

    3. Flexible user access & security 

    For comprehensive lease software that manages the entire lifecycle of your leases (including administration and accounting), you’ll likely need to provide different levels of access and control for people with different responsibilities.Some examples of user roles and access include:

    • Multiple levels of administrative access, rather than a single administrator
    • A separation of roles and associated access rights within the various parts of the lease system
    • The ability to create groups based on roles with pre-assigned permissions
    • The ability to control certain rights at an individual level

    You’ll also want to control login credentials and create passwords that match your corporate password policy. You might want the extra security of using multi-factor authentication, or you might want to tie into your organization’s existing Single Sign On (SSO) to authenticate users.

    4. Adaptable implementation services

    When you work with a vendor to implement software, how does the process begin? In most cases, you’ll hear about cloned steps they take with every customer.

    When you’re getting a more customizable product, the process will start with a conversation about your goals and how you want to use the system.

    For example, the implementation team should ask about the systems you’re using now. Obviously that conversation will include your AP/GL, but should go beyond that to discuss other systems that you need to integrate with, or tools that you’re replacing. What’s working well that you would like to replicate in your new comprehensive lease management system? 

    The team should work with you to create what we like to call your “blue sky vision” of your ideal solution.

    Accounting strings are a great example of an essential customization that your implementation team should set up for you. Every large organization has a unique coding system for invoices that allow the financial team to identify who owns that invoice, who is responsible for paying it, and where it belongs in the budget. That code should follow every lease-related expense and journal entry. 

    Your implementation team can work with you to concatenate information from various lease data fields (often including custom fields) to create custom accounting strings that match your coding system. 

    5. An all-inclusive price

    Let’s be realistic: even the easiest to use lease software requires implementation services to help you get your data into the system. You’ll need training for administrators. And you’ll need ongoing support when questions come up.

    Many (if not most) solution providers nickel and dime you for every service they provide on top of the product itself.

    Here at Visual Lease, we feel that “software as a service” means you should get the services you need included with the software. That means implementation services, training, and help desk support are all included in the price you pay for our product.

    People are always surprised when they ask about extra charges and we say, no, this is all included as part of the system.

    Want to see for yourself? You can be confident that what you see will be what you get, all at a reasonable and predictable price. Schedule a demo now!

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    Article: FASB approves proposed effective date delays at October 16 meeting Fri, 18 Oct 2019 17:29:00 +0000 The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) approved its August 2019 proposal to grant private companies, not-for-profit organizations, and certain small public companies various effective date delays on its credit losses...

    The post Article: FASB approves proposed effective date delays at October 16 meeting first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
    The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) approved its August 2019 proposal to grant private companies, not-for-profit organizations, and certain small public companies various effective date delays on its credit losses (CECL), leases, and hedging standards.

    The post Article: FASB approves proposed effective date delays at October 16 meeting first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
    Article: As simple as it sounds, just identifying your leases is the highest hurdle to new FASB standards Fri, 02 Aug 2019 19:15:29 +0000 CFOs of private companies don’t have much time to comply with new lease accounting standards even if FASB extends the start date a year, as it has proposed.

    The post Article: As simple as it sounds, just identifying your leases is the highest hurdle to new FASB standards first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
    CFOs of private companies don’t have much time to comply with new lease accounting standards even if FASB extends the start date a year, as it has proposed.

    The post Article: As simple as it sounds, just identifying your leases is the highest hurdle to new FASB standards first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
    Everything you need for compliance (and more) Thu, 01 Aug 2019 18:00:36 +0000 As the standard for lease accounting software, Visual Lease provides the tools you need to achieve compliance. We make it easy to track, report, and manage your lease finances within...

    The post Everything you need for compliance (and more) first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>

    As the standard for lease accounting software, Visual Lease provides the tools you need to achieve compliance. We make it easy to track, report, and manage your lease finances within our system – and we’re extremely passionate about delivering an incredible user experience.

    It’s our mission to simplify how companies manage their leases and associated finances, but there’s so much more to gain as a Visual Lease customer – from saving time, to simplifying difficult tasks and jobs, eliminating stress and headaches, and providing answers when they’re needed.

    Our newest campaign, Compliance Plus, represents the many extra benefits of using Visual Lease, and demonstrates our promise to give you confidence, efficiency, and flexibility, which are just as important when doing your job.


    Wouldn’t you want to feel more confident knowing you have all of your leases properly accounted for, organized, and identified within one location?

    The strength of consolidating all real estate, equipment, vehicle and other leased assets makes all the financial reporting and compliance requirements much more reliable.


    Our lease accounting capabilities consistently classifies leases, runs calculations, and computes right of use (ROU) asset values, along with liability schedules, so you can more easily achieve accurate results, saving you time and frustration of performing tasks manually.


    Every field within the platform is configurable, allowing your platform to reflect your unique needs. We recognize the need to capture various data points in different ways, and have made it simple for you to do so, while avoiding costly customizations.

    These benefits of our software go beyond compliance, and are all time-savers and cost-savers for your business. With Visual Lease, you will not need to worry about maintaining confident, efficient, and flexible. We take the complexities out of lease accounting, so you can get back to focus on what you need to do to do your job.

    The post Everything you need for compliance (and more) first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
    Article: Visual Lease: Dragging leases into the digital light of day Tue, 02 Jul 2019 23:18:43 +0000
    The post Article: Visual Lease: Dragging leases into the digital light of day first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
    How to Implement Lease Accounting Technology Tue, 13 Nov 2018 15:51:24 +0000

    Steps to Ensure a Smooth Transition to ASC 842 / IFRS 16

    With the countdown to FASB/IASB lease accounting changes well underway, many organizations are scrambling to implement technology to help them through the process. Adopting a new enterprise software tool can pose significant challenges, and given the timeline, there’s very little margin for error. You need things to go smoothly or risk not being ready to meet the compliance deadline.

    Step 1.Choose lease accounting technology that fits your business processes and infrastructure

    There are several lease accounting tools on the market, with more popping up all the time. Quick demos may give you the impression that they are all quite similar, but that can be misleading. One of the most critical factors is how well the system can adjust to the way you work and how it will fit into your technical infrastructure.

    Your technology should conform to the way you work

    Your lease accounting technology should adapt to the way you do things, rather than the other way around. It should be able to track different kinds of assets and group them the way you group them for operational purposes (e.g, by business unit, region, asset class, property or equipment type, rent type, master contract type, among others). You should be able to run reports in whatever order you want so that you can validate your work.

    When focusing on the new lease accounting rules, you should ensure that your system can accommodate things like different interest rates for varying asset types and lengths of terms. It should have processes for smoothly transitioning from existing straight-line rent calculations to the new ASC 842/IFRS 16 methods. And whether you have a consultant helping you or not, the system should be flexible and easy enough to allow you to do this yourself, without having to involve the vendor or hire consultants every time you need something.


    It should seamlessly integrate with your existing systems

    Every company has a unique technology infrastructure and there are many places that consume lease data, such as communication platforms, business intelligence tools, and ERP and AP systems. To minimize the complexity and implementation time, you’ll want your lease accounting system to plug into these systems without gaps. And when a vendor says it can integrate with your SAP or Oracle system, investigate the depth of the integration. Determine if the system provides flexible APIs, has XML data export/import capabilities, and whether it can create journal entries. Determine if it can integrate with multiple general ledgers. These features are needed for many integrations.

    It should facilitate data migration and updating

    Collecting and validating the data you’ll need for lease accounting calculations is a challenging part of FASB/IASB readiness; getting it into your lease accounting database shouldn’t be. Check to see that the system vendor can migrate the data for you for a reasonable cost and within a reasonable time.

    Also, as you live with your data, you undoubtedly will need to bulk update it from time to time. Check to see that the system has embedded import tools that are easy enough for you to use so that you don’t have to call on the vendor each time. Also check the scope of these import tools. Many only allow you to import limited data.

    It should have built-in audit functions

    The system you select should have features that ensure you end up with valid data in the system and accurate journal entries on your balance sheet. Look for data auditing features and alerts that let you know you may have data integrity issues. For example, if imported data fails to sync or assign, the system should let you know what happened and why so you can take corrective action.

    Also, you’ll find that it’s extremely helpful to have flexible drill-down reporting capabilities that allow you to verify that the data in your FASB reports make sense from a business perspective. You should be able to run reports on the fly to investigate anomalies in your data.

    Having the support or endorsement of one of the major accounting firms (and especially by your own advisory partners) will go a long way toward giving you the confidence that the system will perform accurately

    2. Manage your stakeholders

    Put together a cross-functional team to plan and execute your FASB/IASB readiness project. While your Controller and accounting managers have responsibility for adopting the new lease accounting standards and are likely to be leading the effort, it’s essential that other stakeholders are represented and involved early in the planning stage.

    Real Estate. Your company’s most complex leases will be property leases. That’s why your Head of Real Estate and lease administrators will be invaluable allies in the process of locating, collecting, understanding and extracting the data you need for compliance with the new standards. Ideally, when complete, your lease accounting system will become the single source of truth for all your lease information, even going so far as to use the system for payment processing. Relying on your lease administration system to pay landlords and other vendors is a great way to ensure the accuracy of your data.

    Managers of equipment and fleet leases. The new lease accounting standards require leased equipment to be included on the balance sheet. Chances are, your company doesn’t have a single group managing all those leases. So you’ll need to seek out and involve the various groups that do so they can help with data collection. For example, IT may be in charge of leasing computers, Procurement may manage office copiers, and Facilities may handle your vehicles.

    Information Technology. Your IT team must validate that the technology you choose can integrate with existing systems as needed. IT will also need to be intimately involved in developing and implementing your data migration process.

    Procurement. In many organizations, technology selection is coordinated by a procurement representative. Their expertise is valuable in thoroughly vet vendors to ensure they meet organizational standards.

    As you assemble your team, make sure roles are clearly defined and you designate an overall project leader as well as a point person for each key task.

    3. Lock Down Your Policies

    You will need to make policy decisions that impact how data will be collected and used for calculations. Since your organization’s leases will vary in their structure and terms, you’ll need to develop rules to determine how different elements will be treated in your accounting calculations. You’ll know quickly whether you need to comply with IFRS, GAAP or both. Those decisions will guide you in forming both the Qualitative and Quantitative Disclosures in your financial statements.

    Embedded leases are an important example. There are many types of service contracts that include usage of equipment that may be considered a lease. You’ll need to decide on what does and does not constitute a lease within these agreements. Similarly, you may decide to adopt FASB’s “practical expedient” of capitalizing rather than separating out service components from your leases.

    As a first step, have a conversation with your accounting advisory partners who can fully explain your obligations under the new standards and advise you about these policy decisions. Doing this before you begin collecting data avoids having to reanalyze your data later on.

    4. Start Locating Your Data

    As you begin to understand everything you’ll need to collect, the next step is to determine where that data currently lives.

    Property lease data may be the easiest to locate, since your real estate group is already tracking at least some of the that data in spreadsheets or some form of lease administration tool. However, you’ll probably find that the data being tracked is not complete, and you’ll need to go back to the physical copies to get more details. Those documents are likely to be found in drawers and file cabinets throughout your organization. This is where you’ll need the help of your real estate team to track it all down.

    Other types of asset leases may be more difficult. Chances are, you won’t find it in any central location. You’ll need to extract it from various systems as well as hard copies.

    Once you find the data you need, you must get it all into a common format that can be easily migrated. That involves abstracting the details from lease documents and centralizing all the data you collect so it’s ready for migration into your lease accounting system.

    5. Decide what you are going to abstract and how

    As you develop your implementation timeline and choose lease accounting technology, you must have a realistic plan for extracting the data from your lease documents. For many, this is the most time-consuming part of the FASB/ IASB readiness process.

    Lease data categories

    There are several buckets of data that are contained in your leases. Consider these questions in your analysis:

    • General information – usually includes lease type, business unit to which it belongs, region, location, dates, parties. Do you know how else you would want to group records?
    • Parties – this would normally includes lessor, lessee, payor and payee. Should you include additional contacts such as brokers, operational contacts, accounting contacts?
    • Documents – should you upload all legal and billing documents or just legal ones?
    • Financial – you will need to track lease payments, of course. But you also have to manage your assumptions for capital lease testing, option period testing, FMV values, useful lives, etc. Keep all of this in mind when defining the scope of your abstracts.
    • Legal clauses – your operational team (real estate, equipment) will want to track many more fields to support their work. These include things like facilities and maintenance obligations, legal rights, property attributes, option details, etc. Decide what you need and why, and then figure out how to get the answers.

    Abstract once or abstract twice?

    It takes 2 to 5 hours to read and summarize (abstract) the financial and real estate terms of a typical real estate lease and about 30-60 minutes for a simple equipment lease. Depending on your time pressure, you might want to just abstract the items that impact the lease accounting calculations and save the rest for later. This will cut the real estate lease time by about 40%, and the equipment lease time by about 15%.

    However, you’ll get the full benefits of your lease technology sooner when you establish a single source of truth that contains all your validated lease information. Also, going back to fill in the missing information will take longer than had it been done at one time. Check with your stakeholders to see if this is an acceptable plan.

    You may need as many as 200 data points to properly abstract a complex lease. Our lease experts have identified less than 20 minimum data points that many organizations will need to get FASB-compliant. In our 30-minute Visual Lease demo, we share exactly what they are, how you can get them, and how Visual Lease uses them for rapid compliance with the new FASB and IASB rules. Book a demo now to see for yourself.

    Artificial intelligence and lease abstracting

    Some vendors will tell you that it’s fine to use artificial intelligence (AI) and other automated lease abstraction tools to speed up the abstracting process. Most true machine-learning/AI tools are not yet mature and yet will be very expensive for even a large company to implement.

    Conversely, most of the tools on the market use simple OCR to extract easy-to-identify terms. Vendors tout 90 percent accuracy for automated tools, which may sound good until you realize that 10 percent of your data will be wrong. Finding the 10 percent could take up more time that the entire process saved.

    You may want to consider a hybrid approach, using automated tools to extract monthly rent payments and other simple terms and leaving the more difficult abstracting cases to humans who understand the standards and work according to the recommendations of your accounting advisement partners. This streamlined process results in better data integrity while shrinking your timeline to compliance.

    6. Validate your data

    After you gathering data from many different repositories, especially for large organizations with multiple subsidiaries, you’ll need a process for validating that the data is correct. For example, you might find the same information in multiple places, and need to figure out which to use as the source of record. You may need to consolidate and convert information in different languages and currencies. And you will certainly have holes where the information you’re looking for was never tracked. For example, for real estate leases you may need to find out the likelihood of lease options being exercised. Also, you’ll likely need to fill in financial data that was not needed previously, such as Fair Market Value.

    To validate and complete your database, you’ll need to turn to the SMEs in your organization who obtain and/or manage the leases. Make sure your build this process into your implementation timeline.

    Conclusion: the right technology + smart preparation shorten your timeline to compliance

    While we will not mislead you into thinking it will be simple to get ready for compliance with the new lease accounting standards, for most companies it is possible to accomplish the task in under 6 months. Once you’ve documented and substantiated your lease data, technology implementation should be fast and straightforward; in fact we’ve proven that can be done in 30-60 days. Let us show you how.

    About Visual Lease

    Visual Lease is a leading provider of lease accounting and lease administration software. Our software will help get your organization compliant with ASC 842 and IFRS 16 requirements. The Visual Lease platform also provides and easy-to-use Day 2 solution with its lease management capabilities and infrastructure. The system enables organizations to quickly and easily manage their lease portfolios, define and track specific lease clauses, proactively manage critical dates (such as renewal options), and visualize your asset portfolio! Request a demo of Visual Lease today

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    Press Release: Clark Convery, Former Enterprise General Manager and VP of Services at iCIMS, Joins Visual Lease as Chief Operating Officer Wed, 31 Oct 2018 19:45:03 +0000 Visual Lease, a New Jersey-based lease management and accounting SaaS company, today announced Clark Convery joined its team as Chief Operating Officer. Prior to Visual Lease, Convery was General Manager of the Enterprise...

    The post Press Release: Clark Convery, Former Enterprise General Manager and VP of Services at iCIMS, Joins Visual Lease as Chief Operating Officer first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
    Visual Lease, a New Jersey-based lease management and accounting SaaS company, today announced Clark Convery joined its team as Chief Operating Officer. Prior to Visual Lease, Convery was General Manager of the Enterprise Segment and VP of Services at iCIMS, a talent acquisition SaaS company.

    “We are thrilled to welcome Clark to the Visual Lease team. Visual Lease will benefit immensely from his experience navigating the rapid growth of a SaaS category leader,” said Marc Betesh, CEO and Founder of Visual Lease.

    Convery has over 15 years of strategic and operational SaaS experience across sales, pre-sales engineering, implementation, customer success, consulting, and project management. He spent the last eight years at iCIMS as an integral member of the executive leadership team that navigated the company’s dramatic growth.

    “I am thrilled to join Visual Lease as it cements its market leadership position in lease management and accounting SaaS. The combination of a best-in-class product and an outstanding customer-centric culture positions Visual Lease as the market-leading solution in this rapidly growing industry,” said Convery.



    Visual Lease provides lease accounting and lease administration solutions to help companies manage, analyze, and report on their leased asset portfolios, including real estate, equipment, and more. The company’s SaaS platform combines GAAP & IFRS-compliant lease accounting controls with sophisticated and flexible lease portfolio administration. Over 500 of the largest publicly-traded and privately-owned corporations, retailers, hospitals, and institutions around the globe rely on Visual Lease’s cloud-based SaaS platform to meet operational and compliance requirements. For more information, please visit

    The post Press Release: Clark Convery, Former Enterprise General Manager and VP of Services at iCIMS, Joins Visual Lease as Chief Operating Officer first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>
    7 Things to Consider Before Choosing A Lease Accounting System Sat, 13 Jan 2018 15:37:21 +0000

    Avoiding Costly Mistakes in the Race for FASB/IASB Compliance.

    Don't Select A System Without Considering These Factors…

    1. The Benefits of a Single System

    In the race to get compliant, accounting leaders may assume the easiest way to get the calculations they need is to purchase a simple standalone lease accounting tool and feed it with data from other systems or repositories (such as spreadsheets, or a lease management point solution).

    That approach rarely proves as fast or easy as you expect. For one thing, your lease data probably resides in numerous systems: real estate may have their own point solution, procurement may have spreadsheets with IT equipment data, and many leased assets are still in a PDF on somebody’s computer! Aggregating all that information is complex and requires some manual intervention to ensure data integrity. Without all of the data residing in one place and serving as your “single source of truth,” you’ll face a time-consuming data validation process to ensure information is consistent and not duplicative. And don’t forget, you’ll need to repeat this process on Day 2 to ensure data is synced and your reporting is valid and accurate.

    Selecting a single platform that performs both administrative and accounting functions can allow you to skip secondary data validation and ongoing integration costs. Also, while your immediate goal might be FASB/IASB compliance, don’t make the mistake of overlooking the long term benefits that a single system can provide:

    • It can help you manage your policies with respect to options and contingent/variable rent obligations
    • It can provide the strategic business intelligence needed to shape short and long term real estate decisions to support business needs while reducing occupancy expenses
    • It can directly identify and correct costly payment mistakes.

    The financial benefits of these lease management capabilities can easily dwarf the cost of your FASB/IASB compliance efforts, providing an easy ROI.

    2. Price and Value

    While we’re on the subject of costs, it’s important to understand that there are one-time expenses associated with implementing a lease accounting system for compliance with the new standards. These may include project management, lease abstraction, data collection and the implementation cost for the lease accounting system. Be sure to consider these costs when comparing prices for solutions. Some will cost a great deal more to implement than others. Software license prices can also vary widely. Never rush into a contract (especially a long term one) without digging deep enough into the functionality to understand the value you’re going to get for the price. Ask yourself:

    3. How You’ll Get Data into the Lease Accounting Tool

    The simplicity (or complexity) of getting your data into your chosen lease accounting tool is probably the biggest factor impacting how fast your company can become compliant. Before choosing a system, ask these questions to understand the process, resources and time required for this all-important task.

    Will you need to pay an external consultant to manage the process, or is the vendor willing and able to help you manage it?

    Does the vendor have enough lease expertise to help you manage data collection and abstraction? If consultants are needed, it’s important to understand total costs and project duration.

    Is data migration automated, manual or a hybrid?

    It’s essential to have bulk-upload capabilities to speed population of both quantitative and qualitative data. However, relying entirely on automated data entry, especially for complex real estate lease information, will result in data integrity problems. The system you choose should easily accommodate both manual and automated data entry, and the process must include quality checks throughout.

    Does the vendor provide data migration tools and implementation instructions?

    You should expect collecting and validating all your lease data to be challenging, but migrating it into the new system should be straightforward. Migration tools and clear implementation instructions show the vendor’s level of expertise with the process.

    What kind of implementation support you can expect from your accounting partners?

    Will they act as an advisory arm to help you with data collection and cleansing as well as policy decisions? Many accounting and consulting firms are providing clients with a repository database where you can aggregate data and validate before importing in your lease accounting system.

    4. Integration With Your Existing Systems

    Every vendor says their product integrates with other systems. However, to be sure you’ll get the results you expect, it’s up to you to investigate the depth and details of the integration. You may want the data from your lease accounting system to feed multiple tools and enterprise systems.

    Many organizations (especially multinational organizations and those with multiple subsidiaries) will need the following integration capabilities:

    • Ability to create journal entries, including multiple GLs
    • Ability to integrate with common ERP and AP systems, such as SAP & Oracle
    • Flexible APIs and XML capabilities for unique integrations
    • Integration with modern communication platforms, from Outlook to Slack, for alerting users about critical events and actions
    • Ability to feed business intelligence systems that provide high-level dashboards for the C-suite
    • Ability to bolt onto an IWMS or lease administration system to add seamless lease accounting functionality to a legacy database

    5. Drill-Down Reporting Capabilities

    At the end of the day, you need your lease accounting system to provide essential reports with reliable data and accurate calculations. Certainly you’re anxious to see standard FASB disclosure reports, financial variance and future expense reports. Systems that can’t provide those basics won’t make your short list. However, it’s in your best interest to look deeper.

    To get the most benefit from your lease accounting system, you’ll want the ability to easily “slice and dice” financial data in unlimited ways. We’re talking about customizing reports according to your terminology, reporting schedule and business practices. There are many situations where you’ll want the ability to easily create ad-hoc and drilldown reports, or make adjustments to predefined reports, such as

    • Fiscal year or quarterly reports
    • Drilling down into expense obligations by region, organization, cost center, asset type and other variables
    • Performing currency conversion and analyses
    • Evaluating KPIs and metrics for fixed assets

    Being forced to lean on the vendor or a consultant every time you need an adjustment or new report will not only slow you down, but also add considerably to the cost of using the system.

    6. Your Obligations Under the New Standards

    At a high level, implementing ASC 842 and IFRS 16 seems simple enough: gather all your lease information and feed it to your balance sheet. However, there are complexities you must understand at the outset so you know exactly what data you need to gather and policy decisions you need to make. For example, in some cases you’ll need to decide exactly what constitutes a lease. You’ll need to extract embedded lease information within service contracts.

    If you have not already done so, now is that time for a discussion with your audit advisors to learn exactly what you will need to do to be compliant with the new standards. Fully understanding what’s required will guide you in making smart decisions and plans upfront, and help you avoid time-consuming and expensive surprises later on. With those decisions and plans in place, you’ll better understand what features you need in a lease accounting system.

    7. Your Plan for Day 2

    While your financial leadership may be laser-focused on getting a lease accounting system live and “flipping the switch” to report in the new format, don’t make the mistake of failing to consider Day 2: your ongoing usage of the system. These are some key factors that will impact how well your lease accounting system works for you, Post-implementation.

    User Experience. At this stage of the game when you’re primarily concerned with getting data into and out of a lease accounting system, you may not take a close look at how easy (or difficult) it is to work within it. After you go live, this becomes a much bigger issue.

    • Leases change regularly and need to be updated. How many screens will you have to wade through to find the field to modify?
    • Is information entered once and used throughout, or entered in multiple places, resulting in data integrity problems?
    • How easy is it to produce quarterly and annual reports?
    • Will you need to hire experts or invest a lot of time and money in training every time you add new users?

    Flexibility. There’s no such thing as a cookie-cutter company. It’s virtually certain that you’ll want to make changes to any lease accounting system so that it operates according to the way you do business. At a minimum, you’ll want the system to accommodate your fiscal calendar and reporting schedule. You may work with multiple currencies. You may need to adjust interest rates depending on asset type, useful life or location, or have the ability to override global rules (related to discount rates or capital/operating lease tests, for example). How easy is it to make those changes? If those things are difficult or impossible, imagine what you’ll go through to make major changes to accommodate an acquisition or a reorganization. Easy configurability is not a nice-to-have, it’s a necessity

    Audit Support. During an audit, the last thing you want is to be scrambling to answer questions about how numbers were calculated and the details of policy decisions. Your lease accounting system should provide easy access to supporting data behind FASB quantitative and qualitative disclosures via drill-down capabilities.

    About Visual Lease

    Visual Lease is a leading provider of lease accounting and lease administration software. Our software will help get your organization compliant with ASC 842 and IFRS 16 requirements. The Visual Lease platform also provides and easy-to-use Day 2 solution with its lease management capabilities and infrastructure. The system enables organizations to quickly and easily manage their lease portfolios, define and track specific lease clauses, proactively manage critical dates (such as renewal options), and visualize your asset portfolio! Request a demo of Visual Lease today

    The post 7 Things to Consider Before Choosing A Lease Accounting System first appeared on Visual Lease.]]>